em -;f. lSeries OSR I 56/1 Code No. trtrwff "lR セ@ m セMGYAj@ セ@ Cfl1 セM@ fffij I Candidates must write the Code on the .title page of the answer-book. セ@ • Wof-l15r ·.q セ@ 1mj I • セ@ • ·• セ@ • • • セ@ 3ffi セ@ セ@ セ@ -a fcfi セ@ 15 セ@ セ@ 'Tf'Q; q;)s セ@ セ@ Wof-l15r <i1 @セ @セ @セ -ij 10.15 セ@ I ᄋ@ CfiT セ@ セ セ@ セMSro、cヲャ@ セM@ 1:R w-J-l15r .q 30 w-J セ@ ·1 キMイ」ョセ@ R-1&'11 セG@ セcヲゥャ@ セ@ • • Wof-l15r -ij セ@ B fcfi セ@ セ@ セ@ • セ@ Tf<rr セ@ I セ@ 15 flr-R Cf>T セ@ (fCfi セ@ セ@ 10.30 セ@ I 10.15 セ@ セ@ 1 w.T-iBf 'CfiT セ@ セ@ Wo1-l15r セ@ Cfll $ I セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セMScヲャゥQZr@ @セ 3lCifu セ@ セ@ 15 printed pages. Please check that this questio n paper 」ッョエ。ゥセ@ Code numbe r given on the right hand side of the questio n paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candida te. Please check that this questio n paper contain s 30 questio ns. Please write down the Serial Numbe r of the questio n before attemp ting it. 15 minute s time has been allotted to read this questio n paper. The questio n paper will be distribu ted at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the student s will read the questio n paper only and will not write any answer on the answer- book during this period. セQB@ fcl$11"1 Hセ[Fip_ゥcィI@ CHEMISTRY (Theo ry) セSゥ」Q[ZWP Maxim um Marks : 70 Time allowed : 3 hours 56/1 .: セ@ . N@ 1 P.T.O. www.examrace.com . . Hl 41 r4 セZ@ (i) 'R'ft J1 R 3Tf.twf '! I (ii) J1RMセ@ 1 Y8 31ffr ey-3ff(tq Jf R t I >Ritrli Jf R eli fffl{ 1 Jicli セ@ I (iii) JTR- mwr 9 Y18 (fCI ; ey_3ffftq Jf R '! I >Ritrli Jf R eli fffl{ 2 Jic1i '! I (iv) jtrMセ@ 19 Y27 (fCI; iff ey-"3fftt cl Jf R t I セ@ Jf R eli fffl{ 3 Jicli '! I (vJ w.:r-mwr 28 -8 30 (fCI; c{tF1-3ffftq w.:r '! 1 >Ritrli w.:r eli fffl{ s Jicli '! 1 (vi) 3/lct?21i:f?dlj87< ffl7r セ@ CfiT セ@ q;( 1 セHGェ^hR\QB@ eli セ@ cfit 31j1{frr Zイエヲセ@ I (fCI; Ge ne ra l In str uc tio ns : (i) Al l questions are compuls ory. (ii) Questions nu mb er 1 to 8 are very short-answer questions an d carry 1 ma rk each. (ii i) Questions nu mb er 9 to 18 are short-answer questions an d carry 2 ma rk s each. (iv) Questions nu mb er 19 to 27 are also sh or t-a ns wer questions an d carry 3 ma rk s each. (v) Questions nu mb er 28 to 30 are long-answer questions an d carry 5 ma rk s each. (vi) Use Lo g Tables, if necessa ry. Use of calculators is no t allow セャサGエr\ィ@ セ@ セ@ mm セ@ (ch em iso rp tio n) 'tR di4Sfl"' Cf)T >rmcr W ha_t is th e eff ec t of tem pe ra tu re on ch em iso rp tio n? W ha t is th e ro le of zin c me tal in th e ex tra cti on of sil ve r ? / 3. / H3 P0 3 セ@ セ@ Hセイオ」エゥ、ャI@ W ha t is th e ba sic ity of H 5611 t? fcoo;fi セ@ 3P0 3 ? ed. ? 1 1 1 2 ... www.examrace.com 1 1\/ \ Cl Identify the chiral molecule in the follo*ing pair( eM /y / Cl f&· f.tl:;r 11 セ@ セMュ@ セMsL@ tQZウセM]」ーpイrエョ@ セ@ セL@ セ@ ? 1 PVC Which of the following is a natural polymer ? Buna-S, Proteins, PVC BUQセ@ / セサIq」Zョ@ セ@ セ@ ウャセHゥIヲNーj@ 11 qf{cHf"' セ@ B・ョIセ@ \ifRT \lfRfT セ_@ 1 The conversion of primary aromatic all_lines into diazonium salts is known as - - - - f'lll>l\1 i\> "R''-3l'!'R'I (hydrolysis) i\> "3i"lTi'; ii'IT セ@ / ? 1 What are the products of hydrolysis of sucrose ? ーMゥャ^\QセTヲ_ウDF@ / <lit W<r.n fuf@( 1 1 / Write the structure ofp-methylb enzaldehyde. Y セ@ セ@ 2·8 g cm-3 セ@ セ@ セ@ qftc:nk1a セ@ cnr セ@ fcf;;rR cfiT セ@ -mq セ@ セ@ eHicnR (f.c.c.) >fCfi"R 4 x 10-8 em セ@ I セ@ cnr mq CfiT セ@ セ@ "ffi1 セgh@ 1 lFIT セ@ 2 23 : NA = 6·022 x 10 セM Q I@ An element with density 2·8 g cm-3 forms a セ@ cell with edge 8 length 4 xlo- em. Calculate the molar mass of the element. 56/1 3 P.T.O. www.examrace.com 10. LiCl セ@ HョッMウエゥ」ィュ・イIセ@ (i) pャセrQヲ`c@ セ@ iTT セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ CfiT 31-HH"ItftCfi{vlf'!d14 セ@ ? CfiT \セエヲcゥサカャG、QT@ セ@ セ@ セ`Q\ZG@ セ@ ? セ@ SゥャriセHQ@ 2 セ@ (ii) fsh'R(1 セ@ (i) What type of non-st oichio metric point defect is respon sible for the pink colour of LiCl ? (ii) What type of stoichi ometri c defect is セ@ 1IDfCfi セ@ ウセ@ NaCl ? セHO@ OR セQ@ セcイケウエ。ャ@ セ@ セ@ -en: セHQTB@ n you disting uish betwee n the following pairs of terms : and octahe dral voids セ。ィ・、イャ@ (i) · 2 SQtエヲセZ@ ャセQH@ (i) セ@ SヲhセiTQ@ NaCl セ@ (ii) セ@ セ@ lattice and unit cell 'lffi'R <tt セQHcヲゥ@ ア[ャZ{セ@ セ@ ゥmA^ャGQサ、セ@ セ@ (Kohlr ausch ) セ@ f.'t'll! セ@ I djif>{OI State Kohlra usch 1rw of ゥィ、セ・ョエ@ migrat ion of ions. Why does the conduc tivity of a solutio n decrea se with dilutio n ? セ@ 12. セ@ \QセTr」エ^@ セG@ mq:; セ@ R R@l41 TJ<ff セ@ P セ@ --7 セG@ セ@ (t) セ@ I -sWf セ@ (R) セ@ 2 qft:C4d"l en) 2 i (R) エセ@ (i) セ@ (ii) qsfi セ@ cfiT W <tT セ@ HセI@ Hッイ、・Iセ@ I mrfT ? セ@ セQ@ I .. ・ 4 セMャ@ www.examrace.com L_ For a chemic al reactio n R time (t) plot is given as P, the variati on in the concen tration (R) vs. セ@ i (R) エセ@ Predic t the order of the reactio n. What is the slope of the curve? mg3U セN[SGQアエャ」ヲ@ セ@ qf{&f){Of セ・N@ --r.t"' セ@ セx・f セTQcヲ^\ッョ@ セ@ P4 KhRッセ@ イョッN\[Zャセ@ セ@ セQPDAH[@ I セ@ セ@ 2 セイゥョ」ーャ・@ セ@ 1::::7 Cf)T of the metho d of electro lytic refinin g of metals . Give セ@ 」ゥエセ@ 2 : T KPRfセ@ Compl ete the following equati ons: セ@ I I (i) P4 + H 20 (ii) XeF4 + 0 2F2 cfiT セサBVQP@ セ@ セx・f 2 : Draw the structu res of the following : XeF2 セfウ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ BrF3 (ii) セ@ R@ セ@ B セ@ セSu@ セ@ (i) (ii) セwゥャ。ュウッョ@ セZ@ 2 セMゥエャZh@ セrQTゥ\@ セアオ。エゥッョウ@ セ セTIcヲサo@ ⦅N r・ゥュイM セエsjoi@ (synth esis) involv ed in the following reactio ns : Tiema nn reactio n synthe sis 5 56/1 P.T.O. .. www.examrace.com l - 2 Write the mechanism of the following reaction : セ@ CH3 CH2 0H セᄃ^\Bャ@ HBr ,g Jffil q;f.r iii ful( (i) セ@ Chcll セャ@ (ii) -R3fufR セ@ CH3CH2Br + H 20 l(<fi<"l<l>l iii 'flll セZ@ 2 Write the name of monomers used for getting the following polymers: セ。ォ・ャゥエ@ セn・ッーイョ@ Qセ@ Mg (s) + Cu2+ HセI@ セ@ セ@ セイg WIT 1lCJT セ@ P@ TセゥZィヲ」エ、@ : E セ@ セ@ 0 Mg-2+ HセI@ + Cu (s) I m, = + 2·71 V, 1 F = 96500 C セ@ -l 3 セャ」オ。エ・@ セイg / k P@ for the reaction Mg (s) + Cu2+ (aq) セ@ '"'\. Mg2+ (aq) + Cu (s) \"\... _,. セBG@ ;ven: E'ceu = + 2·71 V, 1 F = 96500 C mo!-1 Y セ@ セ@ &.- -//arne the type of cell which was used in Apollo space programme providing electrical power. ( . ' 56/1 6 セ@ セ@ セ@ rセ@ '?( \ -,. f , . セイ・ー@ セ「@ .. www.examrace.com セ@ 3l1«<H 3l<W'!I セ^QZ@ it so2cJ2 ゥヲ\セ@ if< $A ヲNャアセオAB@ , 802Cl2 HセI@ セ@ 802 HセI@ )l$r セ@ -..i\R: ゥヲ\セ@ セOウMQ@ Hセ@ 11m セ@ セOアゥjZio@ 1 0 0·4 2 100 0·7 qf{q:;Ria セ@ rエセッゥ」ョ@ + Cl2 HセI@ 1 3 = 0·6021, : log 4 log 2 = 0·3010) The following data were obtained during the decomposition of 80 2 Cl2 。セエ@ volume : 80 2 Cl2 (g) セエ@ .. Experiment Time/s-1 Total pressure/atm 1 0 0·4 2 100 0·7 r"- . ._ g . 'I'll セi@ 1ili\ セ@ ? セ@ セ@ "li'I>R 'I'll セ@ ? @セ --セ y@ (J ' 't<)' '1 6' I ---- Calculate the rate constant. (Given: log 4 = 0·6021, log 2 =0·3010) セhi@ \MH@ _;:::..--o.- { (IP"). "'.,.' セ@ 80 2 (g) + Cl2 (g) セ@ uセ order thermal "li'!>R '1>1 11,'6 c.. . -, NLSセBGQAZ[イHoi@ 3 What are emulsions ? What are their different types ? Give one example of each type. セ@ 22. Rklkifula セ@ (i) 56/1 CJ;RUT セ@ CCH3)3 P = 0 : W-qro セ@ 3 セ@ セ@ CCH3)3 N = 0 -;fflf セ@ I P.T.O . .. www.examrace.com Give reasons for the following : セch S I。@ P = 0 exists but (CH 3) 3 N = 0 does not. (ii_V- Oxygen has less electron gain enthalpy with negative sign than セ@ セャーィオイN@ $1) 23. H 3 P0 2 is a stronger reducing agent than H 3P0 3 . (i) セ@ (ii) S S } Kセ@ {cッH・ョI >fcfiR セ@ fll0Jiq4c.C11 セ`イ、ゥ@ セ@ ? (en= セMQLRウイqZエャッI@ (iii) [NiClJ セ@ 2 - セ@ Sゥェセォャ」T@ セ@ セ@ セ@ [Ni(CO)J sャヲゥセォ」QT@ セ@ セ@ ? Cr = 24, Co = 27 Ni = 28) 5filnCf; : 3 Write the IUPAC name of the complex [Cr(NH 3) 4 Cl2]Cl. (i) r what type of isomerism is exhibited by the complex [Co(en):J 3+ ? / en= ethane-1,2-diamine) セ@ 24. Why is [NiCl4]2- paramagnetic but [Ni(C0) 4] is diamagnetic? (At. nos.: Cr = 24, Co= 27, Ni =28 ------- (a) HR -ij B セ@ セ@ (i) CH2 0H (ii) (b) f.:r8 セ@ o- o- セ@ セ@ セ」エャ|ヲ[@ セ@ セサGゥZヲBャ@ セ@ : PCl5 CH2 - CH = CH2 + HBr -q -B cnt.1-m セ@ セ」エGャ|ヲ[@ セ@ Mセ@ sN2 セ@ -q セ@ <fuRrr -B セZ@ 56/1 SQセ@ (i) CH3 Br (ii) (CH3 ) 3 C- Cl Sゥセ@ CH3 1 CH3 - Cl 3 8 www.examrace.com セ。キ@ the セオ」エイ・ウ@ of following reacti ons : セch / oセゥ」ィ@ ュ。セッイ@ ーセZッ、オ」 monohal_q エ ウ@ PCl5 R Ph@ Mセ@ CH2 -CH= CH2 +HBr CH 3Br or CH 3I - ゥMtイセQNZ]@ セ@ q:;roJT セ@ セjャT」エ^@ (i) ュ。セ@ セ@ • Y..' セ|N@ \_, 0"' / (c H3) 3 C- Cl or CH 3 - Cl .• : 3 (R3 N) cfil ᆬatセ@ ュセ@ セ@ Hrセnh R I@ セ@ セ@ セ@ 1 セr」ゥャB@ (ii) (iii) イ ヲ。セエGカM halog en compo und in each of the following pairs :will faster in SN2 reacti on : セ@ . f 25. in each of the セ@ セ@ - sヲIャセ@ fCH.14"i セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ (CH3) 3N cfil ¥AT セ@ I (CH3) 2NH セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ I Sサセ@ f.:ll:;r セSヲエ@ A, B 3fu: C cfil b\GciBゥャセ@ Sn+H Cl セZ@ NaN0 2+HC l A 273K NH3 ,---- c B Br2+ KOH 3 c Accou nt for the following : (i) Prima ry amine s (R-NH 2) have highe r l]_oiling_point t.han tertia ry amine s CRaN). ,.-- (ii) Anilin e does not under go Fried el - Crafts reacti on. (iii) (CH 3) 2 NH is more basic than (CH ) N in an aqueo us solution. 3 3 セM セMイオエ@ 56/1 9 P.T.O . .. www.examrace.com Give the str uct ure s of A, B and C in the following rea ctio ns : (i / セ@ Sn +H Cl C6 H 5 N0 2 セ@ H2 0/H + H 3CN Na N02 +H Cl 27 3K A NH3 セ@ A c B Br , + KO H B c セXア」ヲゥエZ@ y アエHセZャD@ 3 セ@ ^itセ@ (ii) ..;...- セ@ fclt<flCfl\01 De fin e the following ter ms as rel ate d to pro tein s : Pep tid e lin kag e セ@ rim ary str uct ure De nat ura tio n セ@ 27. セ@ セ@ ヲ」ゥセhQ@ fco セ@ セ@ l:f<, "if. セHQT@ セM@ 」ヲ^ャVゥセic@ セ@ セ、TQH@ セ@ 1:fffi セ@ 11Tcr -ij セ@ セ@ セBcヲャ\@ セ@ -ij 3lR セ@ CfiRUf ヲ」「セャMQ@ セcヲゥャ_Nᆪ@ セ@ セBwit@ -ij セ@ セ@ CflT セ@ Cf;T セgAゥヲ@ セ@ Gffif I NH RC セ@ セ@ 614a 1 セ@ cfiT セ@ CfiT セ@ セ@ dfCfll("' セ@ l:f< mCfiR セ@ セ@ 1 セ@ セ@ 3ltt \Trof セ@ セSゥヲエャ、HQ@ UWf fWn cfiT セ@ ll'fql -ij ュッ」エセ@ Cflfll:tH (NH RC ) セ@ セVQT、ャ@ W1t セ@ 3fR: セ@ >JmCJ Cfl1 m CflT セ@ I (i) (a) m. 18d41(1 3fR: (b) NHRC WU セ@ セ@ (ii) セ@ -ij セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ」エ_@ セ@ (iii) セi@ 56/1 セ@ セGi@ ®mTTmm "'"if. セ@ セ@ UfTr<n セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ "rci セ@ ァFセ、TQ@ セ@ セMB・エ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ .. I 」ヲエセャBゥZc@ -ij セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ q;r 3c!J6<0I 3 10 .. www.examrace.com On the occas ion of Worl d Heal th Day, Dr. Satp al orga nized a 'heal th camp ' for the poor farm ers livin g in a near by villag e. Afte r chec k-up , he was shoc ked to see that most of the farm ers suffe red from canc er due to regu lar M セ セ @ セ イ M ・クーッウオセ@ pesh c1de s and many were diabe tic. tィ・ケセ、@ free ュ・、ゥ」ョセウ@ to them . Dr. Satp al imm ediat ely repo rted the matt er to the セMイ@ Nati onal_ Hum an Righ ts Com miss ion (NHRC). On the sugg estio ns of NHR C, the gove rnme nt decid ed to prov ide medi cal care, fman cial assis tance , setti ng up of supe r-spe cialit y hosp itals for treat men t and f the dead ly disea se in the affec ted villa ges all over India . セ@ Writ e the value s show n by セdイNs。エーャ@ セᄋ@ セ。エ@ NHR C. type of analg esics are chief ly used for the relie f of pain s of term inal canc er ? セ・@ an exam ple of artifi cial swee tener that could have been recom mend ed to diabe tic patie nts. (i) セ@ (h) 'i 1(1(<11 セ@ 60 g i セoャアh@ fcl{14"l -ij セM Q "'18 0 g セM fc!M4"l -ij セ@ 56/1 I@ セ@ >Jftr ffic:< セ@ Q I I@ セ@ セ@ fcl{14"l -ij 15 g セ@ fcl{14"l セ@ q;f fcl{14"l セ@ J<?(Cbl'#l q;r セPTQB@ アヲサZ[セQ\@ 11 q(I(Ol(OI m セ@ Hセ@ セ@ -ij jセcヲャGCエ@ ((Olqq(I(Ol{)) セ@ セ@ I = セoャアB@ Hセ@ 1 セ@ ffic:< 2, 3 P.T.O . ... www.examrace.com tャZセ@ 3fu: (a) i):m2.l"1 CfiT m53JUT セ@ )("Cf)R CfiT mGゥZャセh@ セ@ ? CfiRUT -n: セ@ セ@ R@ldl セi@ (b) セ@ -q t ャセ」ョ[ゥ@ 10% HセPTGBAQ@ (M(VIll"'l q:;r (a) (b) Hセ@ セI@ t:R('q = 180 g llffi-1 ) セPTGBAQ@ I セ@ M(1ll"1 セ@ セ@ セ@ M(1ll"1 l{}(1(1dl 3fu: l{}(VI{dl CFIT mit ? = 1·2 g mL-1) Define the following terms : (i) Molarity (ii) Molal elevation constant (Kb) 2, 3 .· A solution containing 15 g urea (molar mass= 60 g mol- 1) per litre of solution in water has the same osmotic pressure (isotonic) as a solution of glucose (molar mass= 180 g mol-1) in water. Calculate the mass of glucose present in one lit 56/1 www.examrace.com (b) セ M セ@ CfiRUT セ@ (i) Zn (ii) セTPQ@ (iii) : cnT セTPQ@ mq -;@ l1HT セ@ I ュァセ@ S mョ KAmョ 1 R KセL@ cイ S K[」セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ E l1R セ@ セ@ I 0 \[) (j . / ) セ_Ntci@ (i) セ@ アヲエZj[ーセHBャッ@ .311\ qヲ」セ\ゥtT@ セ@ 311\ セ@ セ@ i' ')セq@ '\ セ@ \,\_( • "}- UBI4Rcti セ@ 2, 3 SャヲGゥFTQセエHッ@ セ@ セ@ -q セ@ I -J www.examrace.com セゥエィ@ referen ce to structu ral variabi lity and chemical reactivi ty, write the differences betwee n ャ。ョエィッゥセ、ウN@ . ' ----------- r--- セ@ N arne a membe r of the lanthan oid series which is well known to exhibit +4 oxidatio n state. セ@ Comple te the following equati; n : Mn04- + 8H+ + 5e- / セI@ Out ofMn3+ _/. f.n:;r セ@ セ@ Cr3+, 1 and which is more parama gnetic and why? (Atomic nos. : Mn = 25, Cr = 24) セ@ セ@ ch S choセ@ (i) HCN (ii) H 2 N- OH (iii) 03; NaOH セ@ セ@ . (b) セ@ セ@ セ@ (a) セ@ (c) セ Z@ セ@ セ@ セ@ uet4f.lcti M」rtセZ@ セ@ 3, 2 : CH3COOH セ@ (ii) etitiSilFcrure<n ;w:T CfiT SIV"'.n .. Cf>RUT セ@ セ@ -ij Cl- CH2 COOH セ@ セ@ ・エゥsャヲNセ@ mfuf セSQ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ <IBI4Rcti wftCfi{OI セ@ セ@ I , セZ@ ..;s セ@ (i) ゥャセMNァ@ Cii) 4>f.l':lltil CH3 CH2 セ@ セ@ (i) f.p::;r (b) M セ@ セ Mᄋ セ@ セ@ セ@ -ij CH3CHO セ@ セ@ セ (ii) Sアセ@ -ij セ@ セア[@ (i) セ@ - セ@ CO- CH2 3it4ls1g:;T4 キセ@ 5&1 セ@ - CH3 セ@ セ@ ? CH3CH2 - CH2 - CO- CH3 -ij セ@ 2, 2, 1 14 www.examrace.com l (a) Write the products formed when CH3 CHO reacts with the following reagents : (i) HCN (ii) H 2 N- OH (iii) CH CH0 in the presence of dilute NaOH 3 Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following (b) --- pairs of compounds : (i) Benzoic acid and Phenol (ii) Propanal and Propanone セ@ OR H。セッオョエ@ for the following : Cl- CH COOH is a stronger acid than CH 3COOH. / 2 セイ「ックケャゥ」@ acids do not give reactions of carbonyl group. セイゥエ・@ the chemical equations to illustrate the following name reactions: セrッウ・ョュオ、@ セc。ョゥコイッGウ@ reduction セ@ -- reaction l .,. i> ' www.examrace.com
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