2015 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo Hosted by NATIONAL BOARD January 19–22, 2015 Fort Worth Convention Center | Fort Worth, TX Welcome to Fort Worth! Welcome4 General Information 6 About the National Biodiesel Board 10 2015 Conference & Expo Sponsors 14 Green Fuel, Green Conference 17 2015 Special Guests 18 2015 Special Events 22 Conference Sessions 25 2015 Exhibitors 38 Fort Worth Convention Center Expo Hall Floor Plan 40 Schedule At-A-Glance 42 Making connections with NBBConnect, NBB’s mobile application for the conference Mobile site features include: ■ Ability to connect with attendees and exhibitors during and after the conference ■ Real-time conference updates ■ Expo Hall floor plan ■ Schedule of events Connect at BiodieselConference.org Visit the registration desk for assistance! Welcome to the 2015 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo! Joe Jobe CEO | National Biodiesel Board In my 17 years in the biodiesel world the most predictable dynamic of this growing industry has been unpredictability: A constant evolution of the market and its ever-transforming challenges. Managing through the ups and downs of business cycles and market changes is a part of every business. But we have had more than our fair share. For many it has been do or die at almost every turn. Since day one, this industry’s success, or size, or even very birth has been peppered with unknowns and all out battles for a seat at the transportation energy table. Today is no different. Our landscape remains uncertain, but as we come together this week we will forge ahead. We will hear directly from those at the top of our field where we are and where we might be going. Together we will see, meet and interact with those who are not only still standing but also thriving. 4 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 As you plan your time with us, I urge you to set aside Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:30 for our main general sessions. These are the heart of the conference that you simply cannot miss. We also know you’re here to do business. This conference is one of a kind, specifically designed to gather biodiesel decision makers from throughout the United States and the world in one place and for one purpose. You cannot walk down a hall without seeing groups huddled together over deals that are surely defining the year ahead. You can’t stand in the expo hall without seeing the CEOs, COOs, buyers, owners and investors of the most influential biodiesel businesses in our country. You can’t pass a sponsor board room without noticing the serious looks and intense negotiations. This is the old-school town hall where everybody who’s anybody doesn’t dare miss the latest, where you have to show up to see who’s there and make sure you’re seen. I welcome you to our town hall, and I wish you the best for a great week in Fort Worth and for the year ahead. Joe Jobe POCKE T GUIDE 5 GENERAL INFORMATION Americans with Disabilities Act If you have requirements that meet the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify an NBB staff member for assistance. Attire Attire for the conference is business casual. Children For safety reasons, children under 12 years of age are not permitted in the Fort Worth Convention Center at any time. Children also are not permitted in educational sessions as they may distract attendees. If child care assistance is needed, please contact the hotel concierge for a reference to local services. Conference Evaluation Your opinion matters! Please share your comments, complaints, and compliments by completing the online survey that you will receive a few days after the conference. Your feedback helps us refine and customize content for future conferences. Contact Information Fort Worth Convention Center 1201 Houston Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 392-6338 Expo Hall Learn about the latest products and services in the biodiesel industry at the Fort Worth Convention Center in exhibit hall A. Expo Hall Hours Tuesday, January 20 Wednesday, January 21 6 12:15 p.m.–7:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m.–5:00 p.m. 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 Ground Transportation The Omni Ft. Worth Hotel and Sheraton Ft. Worth Hotel are approximately 20 minutes from the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. Taxi fare will be approximately $55–60 one-way. Other Transportation Options are as follows: GO Yellow Checker Shuttle—offers guests the choice of vans or sedans; book online at http://www. yellowcheckershuttle.com/ or call (866) 903-1900 Super Shuttle—book at http://www.supershuttle.com/ Locations/DFWAirportShuttleDallas to/from DFW Airport Wynne Sedan & Limo Group— Book at http://www.golimo.com/ Molly the Trolly—free trolley service with routes through downtown; picks up in front of the hotel Information Desk Have questions? We have answers! Staff members are available to answer questions, provide directions, or arrange for anything else you may need at the registration area located on the first level of the Fort Worth Convention Center. Lost and Found Please report to the registration area located on the first level of the Fort Worth Convention Center. Photography, Taping, and Other Recordings Photography, audio taping, videotaping, and other means of recording the presentations or exhibits at the National Biodiesel Conference & Expo are not permitted without the written permission of both the presenter/exhibiting company and the NBB staff. Attendees who do not respect this requirement will be asked to leave. Registration The registration desk is located on the first level of the Fort Worth Convention Center. Monday, January 19 Tuesday, January 20 Wednesday, January 21 Thursday, January 22 12:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. POCKE T GUIDE 7 Registration is required for all participants to attend sessions or networking events and to enter the Fort Worth Convention Center. You should wear your official registration badge at all times for prompt admission to sessions. Report lost badges immediately to the registration desk. There is a $25 fee for a replacement. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR TICKETS TO TICKETED EVENTS. Support the Badge Those people wearing their official registration badge are supporters of the National Biodiesel Board and the National Biodiesel Conference & Expo. Without the financial support of all of those who have registered and paid to attend the conference, it would not be possible to offer this opportunity for the biodiesel industry to gather. Please encourage those individuals and companies who you may meet but are not registered to attend the conference to do so. Those who are supporting the conference are the individuals and companies with whom NBB recommends you do business. Please join us in patronizing and partnering with those individuals who have made the commitment to attend the National Biodiesel Conference & Expo. Smoking Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the Fort Worth Convention Center. There are designated smoking areas outside of the convention center. Speaker Presentations To reduce waste, the National Biodiesel Conference does not provide printed copies of speaker presentations. However, if you would like to self-print a copy before a session, simply visit the Presentation Services Center in Meeting Room 204B and follow the instructions provided. All presentations will be made available to attendees after the conference via the NBB Conference Website. 8 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 Proud sponsor and also a customer of biodiesel John Deere approved the use of B5 back in 2001, and was one of the first manufacturers to factory fill equipment with biodiesel. Today, all self-propelled equipment in North America rolls out with biodiesel in the tank, and our engines can run on concentrations up to B20. It’s another way we celebrate our partnership with the NBB, and thank you for supporting the American farmer. POCKE T GUIDE 9 About the National Biodiesel Board NATIONAL BOARD The National Biodiesel Board (NBB), founded in 1992, is the national trade association representing the biodiesel industry as the coordinating body for research and development in the U.S Since its founding, NBB has developed into a comprehensive feedstock-neutral industry association, which coordinates and interacts with a broad range of cooperators, including industry, government, and academia. NBB’s membership is comprised of state, national, and international feedstock and feedstock processor organizations, biodiesel suppliers, fuel marketers, distributors and technology providers. Mission Statement Representing America’s first Advanced Biofuel, the National Biodiesel Board will advance the interests of its members by creating sustainable biodiesel industry growth. NBB serves as the U.S. biodiesel industry’s central coordinating entity and will be the single voice for its diverse membership base. Industry success will be achieved through governmental affairs, communications and market development, and technical and quality assurance programs. We are dedicated to inclusiveness and integrity. Vision Biodiesel is recognized as our nation’s Advanced Biofuel, creating a more stable, diversified domestic energy supply. With advancements in feedstocks, biodiesel will comprise 10 percent of diesel fuel demand by 2022. For more information about the National Biodiesel Board, visit www.biodiesel.org or contact NBB. National Biodiesel Board 605 Clark Avenue P.O. Box 104898 Jefferson City, MO 65110-4898 Phone: (800) 841-5849 Fax: (573) 635-7913 Email: info@biodiesel.org 10 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 National Biodiesel Board Anti-Trust Policy NBB and its officers, directors, and employees fully support and intend to comply with all applicable federal and state antitrust laws and shall not engage in anticompetitive conduct or practice, nor allow NBB to be used by any member or other party for anti-competitive or unlawful purposes, including but not limited to the following kinds of prohibited conduct: Any discussions or effort to directly or indirectly fix, raise, lower, control, recommend, suggest, or maintain prices on products. Any contract, combination, conspiracy, discussions, or effort to divide or allocate markets or customers. Any discussions or effort to engage in any boycott or considered refusal to deal. Any discussions or joint effort to unlawfully injure the business or trade of anyone. Minutes will be kept of all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and Standing Committees. These minutes shall summarize accurately and concisely the action taken at the meeting. From Our House to Yours. One of America’s leading biodiesel refiners. www.herobx.com sales@herobx.com • (814) 528-9200 • 1540 East Lake Road • Erie, PA 16511 POCKE T GUIDE 11 Governing Board NBB Staff Steven J. Levy NBB Chair Sprague Operating Resources Joe Jobe Chief Executive Officer Ron Marr NBB Vice Chair Minnesota Soybean Processors Michael Cunningham NBB Treasurer American Soybean Association Greg Anderson NBB Secretary Nebraska Soybean Board Gary Haer NBB Past Chair Renewable Energy Group, Inc. Jennifer Case New Leaf Biofuel, LLC Todd Ellis Imperium Renewables Ben Evans Director of Federal Communications Scott Fenwick Technical Director Lindsay Fitzgerald Director of Federal Regulatory Affairs Desiree Hale Accounting Specialist Lola Helming Operations Coordinator Anne Klempke Accounting Specialist Kaleb Little Communications Manager Kent Engelbrecht Archer Daniels Midland Shelby Neal Director of State Governmental Affairs Ed Hegland Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council Donnell Rehagen Chief Operating Officer Timothy Keaveney HERO BX Bob Metz South Dakota Soybean Research & Promotion Council Robert Stobaugh Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board Ed Ulch Iowa Soybean Association Robert Morton Newport Biodiesel Ben Wootton World Energy Jessica Robinson Director of Communications Don Scott Director of Sustainability Kirsten Skala Public Affairs & Communications Associate Anne Steckel Vice President of Federal Affairs Bev Thessen Information Coordinator Scott Tremain IT Director Tom Verry Director of Outreach and Development Doug Whitehead Director of Operations & Membership April Yaeger Chief Financial Officer 12 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 Key Management Contractors Karen Edwards Public Relations & Communications Advisor Rebecca Richardson Market & Quality Assurance Advisor Jill Hamilton Grant Administrator Larry Schafer Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor Tom Hance Federal Legislative Advisor Jenna Higgins Rose Senior Communications Advisor Steve Howell Senior Technical Advisor Jennifer Weaver OEM Outreach Advisor J. Alan Weber Economic & Marketing Advisor Josh Zahn State Legislative Advisor Paul Nazzaro Petroleum Liaison Advisor THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE Refined Oil Flexible Feedstocks New enzymatic biodiesel technology gives you the freedom to choose a wide variety of feedstocks and reduce utility costs. Come see us at booth 503 today! Or visit www.enzymaticbiodiesel.novozymes.com POCKE T GUIDE 13 Event Sponsors Diamond & Back Page Ad Sponsor Diamond Sponsor Hotel Key Gold Sponsor Diamond & Conference Bag Sponsor Lanyard Name Badge Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor Conference Bag General Session Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Bronze Sponsor 14 Silver Sponsor Concurrent Session Bronze Sponsor 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 2015 CONFERENCE & EXPO SPONSORS NBB is grateful to the following companies for their generous support of the National Biodiesel 2015 Conference & Expo. Media Sponsors NBB would also like to thank the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the United Soybean Board for their support. POCKE T GUIDE 15 16 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 Green Fuel, Green Conference NBB believes that being environmentally friendly shouldn’t stop at the tailpipe. To that end, we have engaged the Fort Worth Convention Center in our mission to ensure our conference generates as little waste as possible. Our greening efforts will include: Waste Reclamation The Fort Worth Convention Center will provide waste receptacles throughout the event center area. Convention Center staff will properly sort and recycle all items behind the scenes, including but not limited to, glass bottles, plastic, aluminum, paper, and cardboard. We urge everyone to reuse shipping boxes and shipping peanuts. Digital Marketing Whenever possible, we will use technology to reach our target markets, rather than print and direct mail. Tree-Free Printing Whenever possible, we will use tree-free or recycled paper and soy inks. Sponsor & Vendor Outreach We will encourage our sponsors and vendors to join us in our mission and outline many ways each company can reduce its impact from the Event Center. Expo Hall New in 2015, we have passed on the carpet in the aisles. Although not quite as aesthetically pleasing, we have saved 78 gallons of gasoline, 86 gallons of cleaning solution, hundreds of hours of labor and over 13,000 square feet of carpet waste. Attendee Outreach We invite you to participate in this sustainability mission. You can help by limiting waste, considering public transportation, and more! POCKE T GUIDE 17 2015 SPECIAL GUESTS General Session 1 Trying to Outrun the Wind Valerie Patrick Dr. Valerie Patrick, founder and President of Fulcrum Connection, LLC, is a trained scientist and facilitator who helps technical organizations improve productivity through critical thinking and science-based collaboration. Dr. Patrick has 25 years of corporate experience leading technical and strategic initiatives of increasing scope to identify and pursue new sources of organizational value for both Bayer and Monsanto. Most recently, she served four years as Sustainability Coordinator/Strategist for Bayer North America, and three years in Bayer Material Science’s innovation organization where she led the Creative Center and Transportation Industry Innovations groups. Gene Gebolys Since 1996, Gene Gebolys has championed biodiesel’s development in the U.S. and throughout the world. He founded World Energy in 1998 and built a company that would help build an industry. World Energy has been at the forefront of biodiesel growth in Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, and all regions of the United States and has been among the most enduring and innovative forces in the space over two decades. Dan Oh For more than 25 years, Daniel Oh has led a diverse range of business and management organizations. Currently, he serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Renewable Energy Group, Inc. Prior to Renewable Energy Group (REG), Oh served as Vice President and as a member of senior management at ABG, Inc., an agribusiness consulting and services firm, responsible for management consulting and market research practices. 18 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 General Session 2 Perspective, Policy and Partners Byron Dorgan U.S. Senator Byron L. Dorgan served as a Congressman and Senator for North Dakota for 30 years before retiring from the U.S. Senate in 2011. He served in Senate leadership for 16 years, first as Assistant Democratic Floor Leader and then as chairman of the Democratic Policy Committee. He was chairman of Senate committees and subcommittees on the issues of energy, aviation, appropriations, water policy and Indian affairs. He is a recognized leader in the policy areas of energy, economy and tax, aviation, trade, Native American issues and more. Today, Sen. Dorgan is a visiting Professor at Georgetown University, a Senior Policy Advisor at Arent Fox, and a Senior Fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center. Steven Levy Steven Levy has worked in the energy and alternative fuels industry for over thirty years, much of the time leading Sprague’s clean fuel efforts, including biodiesel and Bioheat®. Levy led Sprague to become the first BQ-9000 Certified Terminal Marketer in the U.S. He is President of the Department of Energy-designated Empire Clean Cities, was selected by the Department of Energy to host Chinese Delegation, providing education on the establishment and implementation of clean fuels program and has served on several panels and commissions at the invitation of elected leaders. Anne Steckel Anne Steckel is the Vice President of Federal Affairs for the National Biodiesel Board. Steckel runs the Washington D.C. office, spearheading federal regulatory efforts. She previously served as chief of staff to U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson of California, a leading member of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. Matt Blunt Matt Blunt is President of the American Automotive Policy Council, a trade association representing the common public policy and trade interests of Chrysler Group, LLC, Ford Motor Company and General Motors Company. In 2004, Blunt was elected the 54th governor of Missouri. Prior to his election as governor, he served in the Missouri House of Representatives and as Missouri’s Secretary of State. POCKE T GUIDE 19 Kenny Hulshof Kenny Hulshof is a former Congressman from Missouri. As vice chair of the Polsinelli Public Policy Practice, he currently advocates on behalf of regional and national clients on matters related to tax, transportation, energy, agriculture, appropriations, and manufacturing. Prior to joining Polsinelli, he represented Missouri’s Ninth Congressional District for 12 years, from 1997 to 2009. He served on the prestigious Ways and Means Committee during his entire congressional tenure and was also a member of the Budget and Ethics committees. Closing Session Carbon, Biofuel and Another Kind of Green Kevin McGeeney Kevin McGeeney was a founder of the SCB Group in 2006 and is its CEO. With companies in Switzerland, the United States, UK and Singapore, SCB is the world’s largest renewable energy brokerage group and has won many accolades including “Environmental Deal of the Year” awarded by Environmental Risk Magazine and Biofuel “Broker of the Year” by Energy Risk. McGeeney is a well-known commentator on environmental markets issues and regularly speaks at international conferences all over the globe, on television such as CNBC and in print media such as the Wall Street Journal. Graham Noyes Graham Noyes is an attorney with the law firm of Keyes, Fox & Wiedman LLP, and is based in Sacramento. Noyes represents a wide range of biofuel, biogas, waste to energy, credit trading and petroleum distribution companies. His regulatory work focuses on the Renewable Fuel Standard, Low Carbon Fuel Standard, and Cap & Trade, and also includes rulemaking advocacy, compliance counseling and enforcement defense. He also counsels clients on policy strategy, and drafts and negotiates various contracts including joint ventures, feedstock and offtake agreements. 20 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 The fuel of the future is here today. Nebraska soybean farmers and their checkoff applaud NBB for its efforts to solidify and expand biodiesel and Bioheat’s® place in the market. This year, let’s take another step towards energy independence. Let’s create new jobs at home and clean up our emissions. Let’s make a difference by powering America. Let’s give our country and our economy the fuel it needs to head in the right direction. Biodiesel is the fuel of the future, and it’s here today. POCKE T GUIDE 21 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS Welcome Reception* Monday, January 19 7:00–9:00 p.m. | Omni Fort Worth, Fort Worth Ballroom This is a “CAN’T MISS” networking event! Enjoy great food and beverages with fellow biodiesel enthusiasts. Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel Poster Session Tuesday, January 20 5:00–7:00 p.m. | Expo Hall A You may think of them as “tomorrow’s” scientists, but Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel have some great ideas for today. Come check out the biodiesel-related research of some of the brightest science majors from a diverse mix of universities and colleges. Get to know them today, because tomorrow, they could be running your lab or discovering the next big biodiesel breakthrough! Biodiesel Vehicle Showcase Tuesday, January 20 5:30–6:30 p.m. | Expo Hall A The Biodiesel Vehicle Showcase is back by popular demand! Come see what surprises the automakers and fleets have in store for you this year as they showcase their latest biodiesel-capable vehicles, technologies and announcements. The Vehicle Showcase presentation will take place in the Expo Hall, with vehicles remaining on display during full Expo hours on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ride-and-Drive Wednesday, January 21 8:00–10:00 a.m., and 12:30–2:00 p.m. | Water Garden Events Plaza 2015 is shaping up to be another exciting year for new diesel vehicle introductions, and now is your chance to take a spin around Fort Worth in some of them! Come on out and kick the tires or get behind the wheel of these biodieselpowered beauties and discover your next vehicle purchase! 22 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 National Biodiesel Foundation Silent Auction The National Biodiesel Foundation (NBF) will host its seventh Annual Fundraiser and Silent Auction on January 20 and 21. Auction items will include travel packages, a 2016 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo package, and more. The auction is open during conference hours. A cash raffle will be held at Monday’s reception. Join the fun while supporting biodiesel! *Ticketed Event. Some events require additional fees. Admission will be granted to only ticketed attendees. Tickets may be purchased separately. All antioxidants are not equal. • Prolong the shelf life of your biodiesel • Revitalize oxidized fuel • FREE stability testing to help you get the most out of your biodiesel Visit Eastman booth 518 to learn how BioExtend™ can help your biodiesel and for a chance to win a free iPad® mini. © 2014 Eastman Chemical Company POCKE T GUIDE PP-622 11/14 23 ‘The world’s biggest biofuels brokerage firm’ Daily Telegraph ‘Deal of The Year’ Environmental Risk Magazine Awards ‘Leading experts in the renewable market’ Bloomberg ‘Top Rated Biofuel Broker’ The Wall Street Journal WE NEVER STOP GROWING SCB offers clients biodiesel and feedstock research distributed by email, published on our website starcb.com and available via Twitter and LinkedIn. SCB also makes available the largest collection of global biofuel price histories and forward curves on Bloomberg page ‘RENW’. In addition we also provide bespoke research and training tailored to companies’ needs. Please send an email to research@starcb.com for more details. Our offices: Chicago New York San Francisco Los Angeles London Lisbon Geneva Singapore SCB Global website starcb.com 24 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 CONFERENCE SESSIONS Join the conversation! Tweet with the hashtag for each session to join in the conversation with the speakers, moderators and other session participants. Monday, January 19 4:30–5:45 p.m. | Room 201 ■ Biodiesel 101 #NBB15101 Whether you’re new to biodiesel or just want a refresher on the evolving biodiesel industry, this session will give you the lowdown on all things biodiesel. You’ll learn the basics on technical attributes like chemical properties, fuel standards and automaker acceptance. We’ll also give you a policy overview, and show you why biodiesel is the most sustainable fuel on the planet! Speakers: Scott Fenwick, National Biodiesel Board; Don Scott, National Biodiesel Board Moderator: Doug Whitehead, National Biodiesel Board 7:00–9:00 p.m. | Omni Fort Worth, Fort Worth Ballroom Welcome Reception* Tuesday, January 20 7:00–8:30 a.m. | Ballroom A Breakfast 8:15–9:30 a.m. | Room 203 ■ Threats and Opportunities Abroad: Biodiesel trade issues #NBB15Trade Biodiesel imports to the U.S. are rising. The European Union is reconsidering the trade barriers it erected five years ago. And countries like Argentina are looking for new pathways that could lead to a flood of new biodiesel shipments to the U.S. Learn about the state of play in global biodiesel trade, the market forces and policies that are driving it, and the threats and opportunities of the future. Speakers: Mindi Farber-DeAnda, U.S. Energy Information Administration; Paul Oesterreich, Western Petroleum Company; Kevin McGeeney, SCB; Myles Getlan, Cassidy Levy Kent; Jack Levy, Cassidy Levy Kent; James Fry, LMC International Moderator: Larry Schafer, National Biodiesel Board Consultant * Ticketed Event POCKE T GUIDE 25 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Room 201 ■ ASTM Update: Changing times for biodiesel and petrodiesel #NBB15ASTM The premier standard-setting body in the U.S., ASTM, just experienced its busiest time with biodiesel in history. More than ten biodiesel ballots to change or modify biodiesel specifications and test methods came in 2014. At this same time, new high pressure common rail systems are causing a re-evaluation of the conventional petrodiesel specification, ASTM D975. Learn about the proposed changes and likely future for both biodiesel and petrodiesel at a session the techies won’t want to miss. Speakers: Steve Howell, MARC-IV Consulting; Roger Gault, Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association; Rod Lawrence, Magellan Midstream Partners Moderator: Gina Clapper, AOCS International 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Room 202 ■ Myth Busters: Harnessing solar energy and science for sustainable growth #NBB15Solar Biodiesel uses nature’s own design to store solar energy in a liquid form while recycling carbon. Learn how we use nature’s blueprint to revolutionize our transportation fuel. You’ll also learn the latest on lifecycle analysis and economic modeling, including biodiesel’s impact on the livestock industry. Despite many myths about biodiesel, good science proves that we can grow the biodiesel industry with positive impacts on our economy, our food supply and our environment. Speakers: Don O’Connor, S&T Squared Consultants, Inc.; Beth Calabotta; Don Scott, National Biodiesel Board Moderator: Jim Duffield, U.S. Department of Agriculture 9:40–10:20 a.m. | Room 203 ■ O Canada: A growing industry to our north #NBB15Canada Learn about the latest policy, regulatory and technical developments occurring with our northernmost biodiesel neighbors, and how they could impact the U.S. industry. Speakers: Andrea Kent, Canadian Renewable Fuels Association; Ian Thomson, Western Canada Biodiesel Association Moderator: Shelby Neal, National Biodiesel Board 10:00–10:30 a.m. | 2nd Floor Foyer Break 26 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 POCKE T GUIDE 27 10:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. | Ballroom B ★ General Session 1 Trying to Outrun the Wind #NBB15OutrunTheWind This past year was much like driving through a fierce wind and thunderstorm—one we kept expecting to subside, but instead hammered us for 14 months. The 2015 Biodiesel Conference & Expo Opening General Session will be a discussion about finally getting ahead of the storm and moving the industry forward into a brighter, more stable future. We will discuss how 2015 can become a crucial turning point if we stand united and redouble our efforts. We will highlight some of the dedicated leaders who come together to advance the biodiesel industry and reiterate what drives us on. Hear from NBB CEO Joe Jobe, take note as industry CEOs take the stage for an in-depth panel, and tune in as former Sustainability Coordinator/Strategist for Bayer North America Dr. Valerie Patrick uncovers how collaboration works to ignite the biodiesel industry. Speakers: Joe Jobe, National Biodiesel Board; Valerie Patrick, Fulcrum Connection; Gene Gebolys, World Energy; Dan Oh, REG 12:15–1:45 p.m. | Expo Hall A Lunch 12:15–3:30 p.m. | Expo Hall A Expo open unopposed 12:15–7:00 p.m. | Expo Hall A Expo open 3:30–4:30 p.m. | Room 201 ■ All Revved Up and Ready to Go: New diesel offerings #NBB15NewOptions More vehicles with diesel engine options are on the market than ever before. Come learn more about the exciting choices you have when buying a new vehicle, and why diesel is leading the way. Speakers: Ezra Finkin, Diesel Technology Forum; Jon Coleman, Ford Motor Company; Stuart Johnson, Volkswagen Moderator: Jennifer Weaver, ASG Renaissance 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 202 28 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 ■ On the Frontline: Biodiesel and energy security #NBB15EnergySecurity Energy security is about more than the economy. It is inextricably linked to national security and our safety as a nation. Hear from an impressive cast of veterans who know from the frontlines the costs of our nation’s singular reliance on petroleum. They’ll relate their personal interest in biodiesel, share stories of the military experiences that shaped their views and counter the myth that just more drilling is enough to solve our energy challenges. Speakers: David May, Iowa Department of Transportation; Lewis Bainbridge, United Soybean Board; Matthew Schultes, REG Moderators: Ben Wootton, World Energy 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 203 ■ Policy All-Stars: How leading states passed and perfected policy #NBB15StatePolicy In an uncertain federal climate, some groundbreaking state policies have provided stability to the biodiesel market. Several states have implemented comprehensive policies to create healthy business climates for biodiesel production. Join us to hear what they did, how they did it, and what results their actions brought to the table. You’ll also gain a broad perspective on current state legislation and regulations impacting biodiesel. Speakers: Shelby Neal, National Biodiesel Board; Rebecca Richardson, MARC-IV Consulting; Mike Youngerberg, Minnesota Soybean Growers Association Moderator: Shelby Neal, National Biodiesel Board 5:00–7:00 p.m. | Expo Hall A ■ Reception 5:00–7:00 p.m. | Expo Hall A ■ Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel Poster Session (concurrent with reception) You may think of them as “tomorrow’s” scientists, but Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel have some great ideas for today. Come check out the biodiesel-related research of some of the brightest science majors from a diverse mix of universities and colleges. Get to know them today, because tomorrow, they could be running your lab or discovering the next big biodiesel breakthrough! 5:30–6:30 p.m. | Expo Hall A Biodiesel Vehicle Showcase POCKE T GUIDE 29 Wednesday, January 21 7:00–8:30 a.m. | Ballroom A Breakfast 8:00–10:00 a.m. and 12:30–2:00 p.m. | Water Garden Events Plaza ■ Ride-and-Drive 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Room 201 ■ A Million Minds: Those shaping the industry and ideas moving us forward #NBB15NextGen Want to take a glimpse into the future? See what could be next through the work of student scientists, and learn who else may have ideas to revolutionize feedstocks, processing technologies and co-products. Select students from the Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel, an NBB program, will present their current research and projects, while Jim Lane of Biofuels Digest will take you on a journey to explore the collective achievements by some of the “1 Million Minds” that have shaped today’s industry. The session will be a celebration of excellence while offering a glimpse at what lies ahead. Speakers: Jim Lane, Biofuels Digest; various students Moderator: Mike Haas, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Ret.) 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Room 203 ■ Chain Reaction: How America’s petroleum supply chain manages biodiesel #NBB15SupplyChain Producers manufacture it, logistic partners transport it, terminals store it and blend it, and distributors sell it. Sounds simple enough, but the supply chain management of the oil industry is burdened with a variety of challenges that impact today’s efficient distribution of biodiesel. But more efficient and cost effective business practices in the petroleum industry can help reduce gridlock between upstream and downstream. Come learn firsthand how effective management makes the difference at the pump . . . and to your bottom line. Speakers: Paul Hinkle, TurnKey Resources; Bruce Heine, Magellan Midstream Partners; Mike Reed, Americas LBC Terminals Moderator: Paul Nazzaro, Advanced Fuel Solutions 10:00–10:30 a.m. | 2nd Floor Foyer Break 30 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 10:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. | Ballroom B ★ General Session 2 Perspective, Policy and Partners Fueling Collaboration #NBB15Collaboration The best teams and strongest families are forged from shared experience; biodiesel is no different. The second of three General Sessions will tackle adversity’s role in making the biodiesel industry what it is today while preparing us for what’s to come. We’ll take a deep dive into policy, bringing popular former members of Congress-turned-biodiesel consultants Byron Dorgan and Kenny Hulshof back to the stage. We’ll also welcome American Automotive Policy Council President and former Missouri Governor Matt Blunt for his perspective as a veteran, statehouse leader and biodiesel and alternative fuel supporter. This is information and insight you can’t gain second-hand! Speakers: Byron Dorgan, Arent Fox; Anne Steckel, National Biodiesel Board; Matt Blunt, American Automotive Policy Council; Kenny Hulshof, Polsinelli Moderator: Steven Levy, Sprague Operating Resources 12:15–1:45 p.m. | Expo Hall A Lunch 12:15–5:00 p.m. | Expo Hall A Expo open 1:45–2:45 p.m. | Room 203 ■ The Future of Renewable Fuels Policy in Washington #NBB15RFS When it comes to federal policies like the Renewable Fuel Standard, there’s no shortage of questions. Will a new Congress mess with the RFS? Are there votes to repeal it? Change it? Will Congress look at rewriting the tax code , which could include a more permanent tax credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel? What kind of annual growth is expected under the RFS after the botched rulemaking of 2014? Come hear from political insiders and national experts on the future of renewable fuels policy and the current political climate in Washington. Speakers: Tim Urban, Washington Council, Ernst & Young; Jim Massie, Alpine Group; Tom Hance, Gordley Associates; Rich Little, Deloitte Moderator: Anne Steckel, National Biodiesel Board 2:00–3:15 p.m. | Room 201 ■ Persistence Pays: Progress with infrastructure approvals for biodiesel blends #NBB15ASTMUpdates POCKE T GUIDE 31 After many years of testing and research, ASTM is balloting the allowance of a higher level of biodiesel in jet fuel that will help facilitate pipeline shipments of biodiesel blends in the U.S. on pipelines that also carry jet fuel. Other testing with dispensers and downstream hardware has helped secure approvals and clear the path for downstream distribution of biodiesel blends with Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Learn about all the testing and research on downstream infrastructure, and how the NBB Pipeliner Biodiesel Steering Committee’s seven years of hard work is finally paying off. Speakers: Kristi Moriarty, National Renewable Energy Lab; Rod Woodford, Explorer Pipeline; Scott Fenwick, National Biodiesel Board Moderator: Mark Tarrien, Green Earth Fuels of Houston 2:45–3:15 p.m. | Room 202 ■ Ask-the-Expert #NBB15AsktheExpert Hear the Obama Administration’s latest thinking on renewable fuels from a senior administration official and take the opportunity to ask your most pressing questions. 3:00–3:30 p.m. | 2nd Floor Foyer Break 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 201 ■ Fueling the Investment Interest that Fuels Your Business #NBB15Investment It takes money to make biodiesel, but finding the money? Is it just a great plan? Raw talent? A rich uncle? This session will feature key finance and legal experts on what it takes to make the perfect biodiesel investment pitch. It will cover real perspectives on what lenders and bankers look for and leave you better equipped to fuel the investment that fuels your business. Speakers: Jamey Cline, Christianson & Associates; Jill Hamilton, Sustainable Energy Strategies, Inc.; Mark Hanson, Stoel Rives Moderator: Ron Kotrba, Biodiesel Magazine 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 202 ■ Green is the New Black: Balloting higher biodiesel blends as the future of oilheat #NBB15Bioheat The heating oil industry has big plans for biodiesel, hoping to go from B5 to B20 and beyond. Besides keeping you warm at night, biodiesel can provide needed sustainability and emissions attributes to oilheat, 32 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 BIODIESEL WORKS OVER 1 BILLION GALLONS A YEAR • SUPPORTING 60,000 U.S. JOBS ADDING 74 CENTS PER BUSHEL TO THE VALUE OF SOYBEANS All across America, everyone from fleets and motorists to companies and municipalities counts on biodiesel to power their vehicles and heat their buildings. Its demand now exceeds 1 billion gallons a year, fueling 60,000 U.S. jobs and adding 74 cents per bushel to the value of soybeans. Biodiesel works…for America and America’s soybean farmers. Thanks to farmer support and the soy checkoff, its success continues to grow. For more information, visit IowaBiodiesel.org. Funded by your soybean checkoff POCKE T GUIDE 33 without sacrificing any aspects of performance. Learn the latest technical developments, including the latest on the new B6-B20 grade in the ASTM heating oil standard, D396, that is making “green the new black” in the heating oil market. Speakers: John Huber, National Oilheat Research Alliance; Tom Butcher, Brookhaven National Laboratory Moderator: Mike Erker, United Soybean Board 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 203 ■ The Changing Face of Future Diesel Emissions Control Technologies: Biodiesel opportunities and implications #NBB15OEM With the adoption of new high pressure common rail fuel systems—and particulate trap and NOx aftertreatment— New Technology Diesel Engines (NTDE) are 90+ percent cleaner than just a few short years ago. But diesel engine and after-treatment technology is just getting started. Learn more about the significant innovations in future diesel emissions control technologies that are fueling the opportunity for diesel as a leading low carbon engine platform and how these new technologies may be able to take advantage of biodiesel’s cleaner burning nature to make them even better! Speakers: Rasto Brezny, Manufacturers Emission Control Association; Andre Boehman, University of Michigan; Leslie Bromberg, Filter Sensing Technologies, Inc. Moderator: Todd Ellis, Imperium Renewables Thursday, January 22 7:00–8:00 a.m. | Ballroom A Breakfast 8:00–9:15 a.m. | Room 201 ■ Marketing Biodiesel Beyond Arbitrage Opportunities #NBB15Marketing For 20 years, the biodiesel industry has accepted every challenge thrown at it, and prevailed. It’s cleaner, sustainable and supported by reams of scientific and field data. Yet some view biodiesel as nothing more than a diesel blend stock. Having endured decades of policy uncertainty, will biodiesel remain the petroleum industry’s new and improved “light cycle oil,” or will it find its rightful place as a core fuel to power diesel engines and home heating oil systems? With today’s energy landscape driven by international unrest, increased domestic crude sources, cheap natural gas and improved fuel efficiency, where is biodiesel’s niche? 34 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 Quality Safety Flexibility Superior Results Fueling A Better Future 1220 S. Center Street, PO Box 399 Wall Lake, IA 51466 Phone: 712-664-2173, Fax:712-664-2183 www.westerniowaenergy.com POCKE T GUIDE 35 Industry leaders convene to share their insight on these questions. Group discussion encouraged. Speakers: Gregory Kaneb; Derek Regal, Tesoro; Brian Gerhart, Petroleum Products Corporation Moderator: Paul Nazzaro, Advanced Fuel Solutions 8:00–9:15 a.m. | Room 202 ■ A Penny for Your Thoughts: Changing how we think about advanced feedstocks #NBB15Feedstock Will winter annual crops, like pennycress or other brassicas, enjoy a renaissance in the Midwest? Will the future include planting crops by airplane? Can the lipid content of oilseeds be increased significantly? Industry goals are fueling investments in feedstock research leading to new potential breakthroughs. Join this interactive session and have the opportunity to ask industry experts questions about research programs helping to ensure a robust supply of sustainable feedstock in the future. Speakers: Vijay Chauhan, Arvegenix; Kelly Zering, North Carolina State University; John Kruse, WAEES Moderator: J. Alan Weber, MARC-IV Consulting 9:30–10:45 a.m. | Room 203 ★ Closing Session Carbon, Biofuel and Another Kind of Green #NBB15Green Money may not buy everything but it certainly has an undeniable and pervasive role in the energy market. Join us for this dynamic look at energy past and future. First hear from former biodiesel sales guy and present day biofuel lawyer Graham Noyes as he discusses his book The Carbon Rush: America’s Path to Fire and Gold. The book traces the long arc of discovery, innovation and combustion of carbon energy commodities from colonial times to the 21st century. Next, we’ll move to what’s ahead as international biofuel expert Kevin McGeeney looks at money, pricing power and profitability in the renewable energy sector, and what this means for the future of the biodiesel industry and your business. Plan to purchase your copy of The Carbon Rush and meet the author immediately following the session. Speakers: Kevin McGeeney, SCB Group; Graham Noyes, Keyes, Fox & Wiedman Moderator: Ron Marr, Minnesota Soybean Processors 36 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 NBB members, plan to attend: MEETINGS Regional Meetings March 3-4 SAN DIEGO, CA March 31-April 1 DES MOINES, IA April 28-29 HOUSTON, TX July 21-22 JEFFERSON CITY, MO September 15-16 NEWPORT, RI Membership Meetings June 29-July 1 WASHINGTON, DC November 2-4 WASHINGTON, DC TAMPA, Florida | Jan. 25-28, 2016 Conference & Expo NBB members, stay tuned for more details! NATIONAL BOARD 37 POCKE T GUIDE 2015 EXHIBITORS Argus417 BASF Corporation 805 Biodiesel Analytical Solutions 508 Biodiesel Magazine 426 BioFuels International 428 CHEMRA GmbH 507 Crown615 Dexsil Corporation 406 Eastman Chemical Company 518 Enzyme Innovation 511 ET Products, LLC 816 Eurofins510 Exponent824 Flottweg Separation Technology, Inc. 806 Frazier, Barnes & Assoc. 812 GEA Westfalia Separator 505 Genscape517 Greener Planet Systems 616 717 Hart Energy Horiba Instruments, Inc. 810 Hydro Dynamics, Inc. 803 Imerys412 Incalculavel LDA 817 Iowa Central Fuel Testing Laboratory 509 Jatrodiesel, Inc. 422 Lanxess Corporation 818 Leem Filtration, Inc. 821 Midcontinental Chemical Company, Inc. 415 MMI-Tank825 Moeller504 Nalco, an Ecolab Company 804 National Biodiesel Board 603 Novozymes A/S 503 Oil Dri Corporation of America 716 PAC416 PanAmerican Hydrogen 826 Par-Kan Company 516 38 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 Petrolab506 REG617 SafeRack, LLC 515 Separator Spares & Equipment, LLC 715 Solutions 4 Manufacturing 424 Standard Biofuels, LLC 404 Superior Process Technologies 823 TCE Gofour BV 408 TechnoChem International 822 Teikoku USA, Inc. 418 Trans Biodiesel, Ltd. 807 Tsinghua University 410 Viesel Fuel, LLC 808 WB Services, LLC 814 Wintek Corporation 718 POCKE T GUIDE 39 EXPO HALL FLOOR PLAN Meeting Room 101 428 425 426 423 424 421 422 417 418 517 518 415 416 515 516 312 412 511 512 310 410 509 510 308 407 408 507 508 306 405 406 505 506 304 403 404 503 504 DN UP First Floor 40 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 N710 45 825 826 823 824 821 822 617 618 717 718 817 818 615 616 715 716 814 816 NBB/ NBF ROLL-UP DOOR 828 Vehicle Showcase 812 810 909 807 808 907 805 806 905 803 804 903 UP Second Floor POCKE T GUIDE 41 SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE Monday, January 19 4:30–5:45 p.m. | Room 201 ■ Biodiesel 101 #NBB15101 7:00–9:00 p.m. Welcome Reception* | Omni Fort Worth, Fort Worth Ballroom Tuesday, January 20 7:00–8:30 a.m. Breakfast | Ballroom A 8:15–9:30 a.m. | Room 203 ■ Threats and Opportunities Abroad: Biodiesel trade issues #NBB15Trade 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Room 201 ■ ASTM Update: Changing times for biodiesel and petrodiesel #NBB15ASTM 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Room 202 ■ Myth Busters: Harnessing solar energy and science for sustainable growth #NBB15Solar 9:40–10:20 a.m. | Room 203 ■ O Canada: A growing industry to our north #NBB15Canada 10:00–10:30 a.m. Break | 2nd Floor Foyer 10:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. | Ballroom B ★ General Session 1 #NBB15OutrunTheWind 12:15–1:45 p.m. Lunch | Expo Hall A 12:15–3:30 p.m. Unopposed Expo time | Expo Hall A 12:15–7:00 p.m. Expo Hall open | Expo Hall A 3:30–4:30 p.m. | Room 201 ■ All Revved Up and Ready to Go: New diesel offerings #NBB15NewOptions 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 202 ■ On the Frontline: Biodiesel and energy security #NBB15EnergySecurity 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 203 ■ Policy All-Stars: How leading states passed and perfected policy #NBB15StatePolicy 5:00–7:00 p.m. ■ Evening reception in Expo Hall 5:00–7:00 p.m. | Expo Hall A ■ Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel Poster Session *Ticketed Event 42 2015 NATIONAL BIODIESEL CONFERENCE & EXPO #NBB15 5:30-6:30 p.m. Biodiesel Vehicle Showcase | Expo Hall A Wednesday, January 21 7:00–8:30 a.m. Breakfast | Ballroom A 8:00–10:00 a.m. and 12:30–2:00 p.m. | Water Garden Events Plaza ■ Ride-and-Drive 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Room 201 ■ A Million Minds: Those shaping the industry and ideas moving us forward #NBB15NextGen 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Room 203 ■ Chain Reaction: How America’s petroleum supply chain manages biodiesel #NBB15SupplyChain 10:00–10:30 a.m. Break | 2nd Floor Foyer 10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. | Ballroom B ★ General Session 2 #NBB15Collaboration 12:15–1:45 p.m. Lunch | Expo Hall A 12:15–5:00 p.m. Expo Hall open | Expo Hall A 1:45–2:45 p.m. | Room 203 ■ The Future of Renewable Fuels Policy in Washington #NBB15RFS 2:00–3:15 p.m. | Room 201 ■ Persistence Pays: Progress with infrastructure approvals for biodiesel blends #NBB15ASTMUpdates 2:45–3:15 p.m. | Room 202 ■ Ask-the-Expert #NBB15AsktheExpert 3:00–3:30 p.m. Break | 2nd Floor Foyer 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 201 ■ Fueling the Investment Interest that Fuels Your Business #NBB15Investment 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 202 ■ Green is the New Black: Balloting higher biodiesel blends as the future of oilheat #NBB15Bioheat 3:30–5:00 p.m. | Room 203 ■ The Changing Face of Future Diesel Emissions Control Technologies: Biodiesel opportunities and implications #NBB15OEM Thursday, January 22 7:00–8:00 a.m. Breakfast | Ballroom A 8:00–9:15 a.m. | Room 201 ■ Marketing Biodiesel Beyond Arbitrage Opportunities #NBB15Marketing 8:00–9:15 a.m. | Room 202 ■ A Penny for Your Thoughts: Changing how we think about advanced feedstocks #NBB15Feedstock 9:30–10:45 a.m. | Room 203 ★ Closing Session #NBB15Green POCKE T GUIDE 43 (888) REG-8686 Renewable Energy Group™ and REG™ are trademarks of Renewable Energy Group, Inc. © 2014 Renewable Energy Group, Inc. 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