BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CAPITAL REGION BOCES ALBANY, SCHOHARIE, SCHENECTADY, SARATOGA COUNTIES 900 Watervliet-Shaker Road Albany, NY 12205 (518) 862-5300 Fax (518) 862-5378 JANUARY 2015 - REGENTS ANSWER SHEET SERVICES & NON-SECURE DOCUMENTS ORDER FORM Directions: The order form and data file MUST be received by NERIC no later than 4PM, December 5, 2014. Check the box to the left of each Regents exam you will administer. Then write the number of students listed on the CSV file and write the number of extra blank sheets requested. When ordering Extra Answer Sheets please estimate higher rather than lower, your district will be billed for # of sheets scanned, not # printed. To order non-secure testing documents (i.e. booklets, reference tables, information booklets), check the box next to each exam and write the number of documents needed. Complete the Contact Information; check a Scanning/Scoring Option, and sign the Authorization of Expenditure. Please contact us with any questions: Gail Newcomb 518-862-5355, Bill Adam 518-862-5310, or send an email to Student Demographic Data File: Please see the second page of this document for additional information, the exact .csv file specification and submission instructions. Billing: Your district will be billed for the precise number of tests and non-secure documents processed thru NERIC. The rate for the Regents scanning/scoring service is $2.10* per student per answer sheet processed. The rate for non-secure documents is .40¢ per document ordered. Your district will be billed in the 2014-15 academic year. If you need an assessment data file you must request it by sending an email to; do this after you confirm the accuracy of the scores on the regents reports. This order form must be signed by your superintendent, business official or whoever else is authorized to approve this expenditure. Check to order Test Name Number of students included on the CSV file Blank indistrict answer sheets requested Check to order Test Name Algebra 2/Trigonometry Phy Setting/Chemistry Algebra I (Common Core) Phy Setting/Earth Science Comprehensive English US History & Government ELA (Common Core) Geometry Global History & Geography Integrated Algebra Living Environment Number of students included on the CSV file Blank indistrict answer sheets requested DO NOT Physics - RESTRICTED ORDER SCANNING / SCORING OPTION – important note, all answer sheets must be scanned by Fri., 2/6/15, 4:00PM: Our district/school will: 1 – Scan answer sheets @ a Regional BOCES Scan Site by scanning site schedule deadline 2 - Manually score exams & mail or hand-deliver sheets to NERIC by deadline 3 – Scan answer sheets In-District by deadline. *You must be an on-site scanning district to choose this option. Printing Option (check ONLY one [1] option) – if nothing is checked sheets will be printed Alpha (Building/Student) Alpha (Building/Student) Teacher (Building/Teacher/Student) Course Section (Building/Course Section/Student) Non-Secure Documents (check to order and write the number requested on the line to the right of the exam name.) Comprehensive English #: Global History & Geography #: Chemistry #: Physical Setting/Earth Science #: US History & Government #: Physics #: ELA Common Core #: District Name: School/Building Name: Contact Person: Email: Contact Person Title: Phone (include area code): REPORTING OF SCORES to the State Data Warehouse:(Please see page 3 for explanation) NERIC will load scores to Level 1 To be completed by person authorizing the expenditure: Name: Title: Signature: Email: Please fax this completed form (first page only) to Gail Newcomb at 518-862-5378. See the second page of this document for the CSV file submission instructions. The order form and data file MUST be received by NERIC no later than 4PM, Friday, December 5, 2014. To avoid sending multiple data files, please wait until closer to the 12/5/14 deadline to submit your final data file. Answer sheets will be mailed to the district 2-weeks prior to test administration. Demographic File Specification: We strongly suggest CIOs and Testing Coordinators work closely in providing this data, as well as with Guidance Staff for names of students who will take exams but are not enrolled in a course or don’t have a teacher. NERIC will use this file to pre-print answer sheets for the Regents exams ordered by your district. Extra answer sheets will be provided for last minute walk-in students. If you’re using a NERIC-supported Student Information System, the Student Administrative Service staff can assist you with producing this file from your student system and can be reached at 518-862-5454. Field # Required • File needs a header record with field names (see example below). Fields 12 and 13 MUST be populated for Non-resident students ONLY. • All data is considered text and must be in quotes. • If you’d prefer, templates are available in MS Access and Excel. Please click here to obtain a .zip file with both templates 1 Y 8 DistrictCode 2 Y up to 6 LocationCode 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 10 3 9 up to 20 up to 20 2 up to 9 Version AdminMonth StudentID LastName Firstname GradeLevel CourseSection 10 Y 30 TeacherName Length Field Name 11 12 Y N 5 up to 30 StateCourseCode DistrictName 13 N up to 30 School Description Example DW District Code of the HOSTING DISTRICT (Non-resident students use HOSTING DISTRICT CODE) DW Location Code (Non-resident students, use location code of “JANREG”) DW 10 character school year end date 3 characters of month administered (Jan, Jun or Aug) DW 9-digit local Student ID Student’s Last Name Student’s First Name DW Grade Level of Student in 2-digit format Local Course Code + Local Section Code (combined with “-“) (If students are not enrolled in a course, designate as N/A or 0000) Teacher Name as it needs to appear on answer sheet – usually, “Last Name, First Name” (If students are not enrolled in a course, designate as N/A) IMPORTANT NOTE – if School Field is populated, type the same in this field DW 5 character state course code – See chart below District Name of the HOSTING DISTRICT Populate for Non-resident students ONLY, otherwise leave blank School Name of the HOME SCHOOL of the student Populate for Non-resident students ONLY, otherwise leave blank State Course Code Chart: State Course Course Code 02106 Trigonometry / Algebra 01003 English/Language Arts III 02072 Geometry 04052 World History and Geography 02052 Algebra I 03051 Biology 03101 Chemistry 03001 Earth Science 04101 U.S. History—Comprehensive 02052CC Algebra I (Common Core) 01003CC English/Language Arts III (Common Core) DNA Physics Associated Regents Exam Algebra 2/ Trigonometry Comprehensive English Geometry Global History & Geography Integrated Algebra Living Environment Physical Setting/Chemistry Physical Setting/ Earth Science U.S. History & Government Algebra I Common Core ELA Common Core *Physical Setting/Physics NY180202 80099999 0002 2015-06-30 Jan 000007978 Simpson Bartholomew 09 0300-01 Doe, Jane N/A NERIC HS 03051 NERIC CSD NERIC HS Required YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Note: *Physics is restricted and NERIC will not produce an answer sheet for this exam. Districts are to use the answer sheet provided with the Physics Test booklet. RESTRICTED Demographic File Submission via NERIC Connect: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Go to the Testing Webpage (NERIC SharePoint account required). Click on the link “District Folders on SharePoint” under the Resources menu. New window opens. Enter the nericfs credentials you would use to access your district’s testing data. Click on “District Folders” in left-side menu. Click on your district folder in main window. Click on “Regents” folder. Select “Upload,” in new window, browse to the location where you saved your .csv file, select it and click “OK” to upload. Or you can email the file to Sample Demographic File: Sample PUBLIC SCHOOL District File: "DistrictCode","LocationCode","Version","AdminMonth","StudentID","LastName","FirstName","GradeLevel","CourseSection","TeacherName","StateCourseCode", “DistrictName”,”SchoolName” "NY990101","0002","2015-06-30","Jan","439000001","Flinstone","Fred","10","0300-01","Caveman, Captain","02052",””,”” "NY990101","0002","2015-06-30"," Jan ","439000002","Rubble","Betty","09","0402m-09","Stone, Lima","02052",””,”” "NY990101","JANREG","2015-06-30"," Jan ","439000002","Smith","Barney","11","0000","NERIC HS","02052",”NERIC UFSD”,”NERIC HS” Sample CHARTER SCHOOL / NONPUBLIC SCHOOL / INSTITUTION / ARTICLE 81 SCHOOL File: "DistrictCode","LocationCode","Version","AdminMonth","StudentID","LastName","FirstName","GradeLevel","CourseSection","TeacherName","StateCourseCode", “DistrictName”,”SchoolName” "80099599","0002","2015-06-30"," Jan ","000000439","Jefferstone","Ambling","10","0300-01","Quartz, William","04052",””,”” "80099669","0001","2015-06-30"," Jan ","004003009","Luke","Moses","09","0402m-09","Paul, Jon","03051",””,”” "80099669","JANREG","2015-06-30"," Jan ","004002123","Jones","Periwinkle","11","N/ A"," NERIC HS ","03051",”NERIC CSD”,”NERIC HS” Scanning Options explanation - THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED ON THE ORDER FORM Option 1: Regional Scan Site – Machine-Score Exams - Districts/Schools choosing this option will bring answer sheets for which constructed response questions have been rated and the teacher portion of the sheets are bubbled, to a Regional Scan Site (local BOCES) between 1/28-1/31, per BOCES schedule; to be scanned and machine scored. Answer sheets can be scanned prior to, but no later than 4:00 PM, Friday, February 6, 2015. Option 2: Manually score exams – Districts/Schools choosing this option will score the constructed response questions and bubble the answer sheets, then manually score the entire exam, but mail/hand-deliver already scored answer sheets to NERIC. Answer sheets can be scanned prior to, but no later than 4:00 PM, Friday, February 6, 2015. Option 3: Scan answer sheets In-District* - You must be an on-site scanning district to choose this option. Answer sheets can be scanned prior to, but no later than 4:00 PM, Friday, February 6, 2015. (NOTE - if you need an assessment data file you must request it by sending an email to; please do this after you confirm the accuracy of the scores on the regents reports. Each subsequent report should include ALL records scanned at that point in time, not just the last scanned batch.) Reporting of Regents Scores to the Data Warehouse: NERIC WILL LOAD ALL SCORES1, ACCOMMODATIONS2, AND RESPONSES3 TO LEVEL 1 for January and June administrations as long as you meet all of our deadlines and make corrections as requested. IF your students have not been loaded to Level 0 or are missing either a NYSSIS ID or an enrollment record, your records will reject. If you do not make the needed corrections in time, you will be responsible for loading the scores AND accommodations for those students. Please correct all errors immediately upon notification to avoid this issue. IMPORTANT: Loading of Data Policy Regardless of your Scanning option, ALL Regents must be scanned or arrive at NERIC no later than 4:00 PM, Friday, February 6, 2015 (see above). NERIC will load ALL scanned scores directly to Level 1 for you. This load will happen per NYSED schedule, TBD. NERIC will send a notification out over the Testing Listserv as well as the Data Warehouse Listserv when this happens. If you are not on one of those lists and need this notification, please contact or Thanks. Since the data can no longer be changed for prior years in Level 0, loading to Level 0 is no longer necessary. Since the data is loaded directly to Level 1, you will be able to see it in your Level 1 reports and then the following week in your Level 2 Reports. If there are instances where the district/school chooses to report a score other than the student’s scanned score as the score of record, those changes should be submitted AFTER our final upload. Those changes should be submitted through Level 0 to Level 1 AFTER our upload. We would suggest that ONLY changed scores be submitted through Level 0 so that the other scanned scores are not overwritten. If you upload those changes to Level 1 prior to our final upload, your scores will be overwritten when we load the scanned scores. Please wait for our notification that they have been loaded to push up changes. As was past practice, NERIC will also load the Accommodations file2 and Response file2 for the Regents exams to the warehouse. If you have any questions on our data loading policy, please direct questions to or Thank you. Notes: 1 Scores (Assessment_Fact Template): The data elements reported to the data warehouses that indicate the assessment taken by the student, the language in which the assessment was taken, and the score/performance level achieved. Score Data will be loaded to the warehouse for each exam by the deadline set forth by the NYSED. 2 Test Accommodations (Assessment_Acc Template) The data elements reported to the data warehouse that indicate the accommodations bubbled at the time of the exam. Accommodation Data will be loaded to the warehouse by NERIC for each exam by the deadline set forth by the NYSED. 3 Response (Assessment_Resp Template) The data elements reported to the data warehouse that indicate the name and date of the assessment, the question number, the student’s response to a multiple-choice question, and the number of points earned for the multiple-choice, constructed response, or essay question. Response Data will be loaded to the warehouse for each exam by the deadline set forth by the NYSED.
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