Molecular Plant Research Article Spatiotemporal Distribution of Phenolamides and the Genetics of Natural Variation of Hydroxycinnamoyl Spermidine in Rice Xuekui Dong1, Yanqiang Gao1, Wei Chen1, Wensheng Wang1, Liang Gong1, Xianqing Liu2 and Jie Luo1,* 1 National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan), Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China 2 College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China *Correspondence: Jie Luo ( ABSTRACT Phenolamides constitute a diverse class of secondary metabolites that are found ubiquitously in plants and have been implicated to play an important role in a wide range of biological processes, such as plant development and defense. However, spatiotemporal accumulation patterns of phenolamides in rice, one of the most important crops, are not available, and no gene responsible for phenolamide biosynthesis has been identified in this species. In this study, we report the comprehensive metabolic profiling and natural variation analysis of phenolamides in a collection of rice germplasm using a liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry-based targeted metabolomics method. Spatiotemporal controlled accumulations were observed for most phenolamides, together with their differential accumulations between the two major subspecies of rice. Further metabolic genome-wide association study (mGWAS) in rice leaf and in vivo metabolic analysis of the transgenic plants identified Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 as two spermidine hydroxycinnamoyl transferases that might underlie the natural variation of levels of spermidine conjugates in rice. Our work demonstrates that gene-to-metabolite analysis by mGWAS provides a useful tool for functional gene identification and omics-based crop genetic improvement. Key words: Oryza sativa, phenolamides, metabolic profiling, natural variation, spermidine acyltransferase Dong X., Gao Y., Chen W., Wang W., Gong L., Liu X., and Luo J. (2015). Spatiotemporal Distribution of Phenolamides and the Genetics of Natural Variation of Hydroxycinnamoyl Spermidine in Rice. Mol. Plant. 8, 111–121. INTRODUCTION Phenolamides, frequently referred to as hydroxycinnamic acid amides or phenylamides, constitute a diverse class of secondary metabolites that are found ubiquitously in plants but not in animals (Martin-Tanguy et al., 1978; Martin-Tanguy, 1985; Bassard et al., 2010). A large proportion of phenolamides occur as mono-, di-, or triphenolic acid (coumaric, caffeic, or ferulic acid)-substituted polyamines, such as putrescine, spermidine, and spermine. These phenolic acids can also be conjugated with arylmonoamines such as tyramine, octopamine, or anthranilate, and the phenolaimdes differ in the chain length of amine and the type and degree of phenolic acid substitution (Grienenberger et al., 2009; Bassard et al., 2010). The diversity, abundance, and distribution of phenolamides have been investigated in a number of plant species (Bienz et al., 2005; Handrick et al., 2010; Moheb et al., 2011). Basic and neutral phenolamides such as diferuloyl putrescine and diferuloyl spermidine have been detected in large amounts upon seed development and maturation in both dicots (Luo et al., 2009; Handrick et al., 2010) and monocots (MartinTanguy, 1985; Bonneau et al., 1994). More recently, disinapoyl spermidine and its glucosyl derivative were found to be the major phenolamides in Arabidopsis seeds (Luo et al., 2009). In addition, abundant phenolamides were found to accumulate in the roots of tobacco, rice, and some tropical plants (Zamble et al., 2006). Phenolamides, together with polyamines, have long been implicated to play important roles in a wide range of biological processes including plant development and defense (Edreva et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2009; Park et al., 2009a). A high concentration of phenolamides is often associated with floral induction and development, whereas male sterility was Published by the Molecular Plant Shanghai Editorial Office in association with Cell Press, an imprint of Elsevier Inc., on behalf of CSPB and IPPE, SIBS, CAS. Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. 111 Molecular Plant reported to be accompanied with reduced content in polyamines and their conjugates, in particular the insoluble phenolamides (Guo et al., 2003). Some phenolamides were shown to act as phytoanticipins or phytoalexins in pathogen resistance (Buanafina, 2009; Park et al., 2009b). Recent work by Kaur et al. (2010) also revealed a positive role for phenolamides in insect deterrence by demonstrating that transgenic plants lacking caffeoyl putrescine and dicaffeoyl spermidine showed decreased insect resistance in comparison with the wild-type plants. Moreover, involvement of phenolamides in plant defense against abiotic stresses, such as mineral deficiency, dehydration, salt stress, and more recently, UV irradiation has also been proposed (Demkura et al., 2010; Onkokesung et al., 2012). Although acyltransferases involved in the condensation of polyamines and hydroxycinnamic acids for phenolamide formation were detected more than two decades ago, genes encoding those enzymes have been cloned only recently (Grienenberger et al., 2009; Muroi et al., 2009; Onkokesung et al., 2012), and all of them encode members of the acyl-coenzyme A (CoA)-dependent BAHD acyltransferases, which was named according to the first letter of each of the first four biochemically characterized enzymes of this family BEAT (benzylalcohol O-acetyltransferase), AHCT (anthocyanin O-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase), HCBT (anthranilate N-hydroxycinnamoyl/benzoyltransferase), and DAT (deacetylvindoline 4-O-acetyltransferase) (Grienenberger et al., 2009; Luo et al., 2009; Onkokesung et al., 2012; Wen et al., 2014). We have previously identified two spermidine acyltransferases in Arabidopsis (Luo et al., 2009) and more recently, a putrescine acyltransferase in maize by genome-wide association study (GWAS) (Wen et al., 2014). Notably, none of their encoding genes has been identified by conventional sequence homology, partially because many BAHD enzymes with similar substrate specificities have evolved independently through a process of convergent evolution (Luo et al., 2007; Pichersky and Lewinsohn, 2011), which results in the lack of sequence similarity among them. As one of the most important staple crops, which supports more than half of the world’s population, rice (Oryza sativa) has been regarded as the model plant of monocots in functional genomics and crop improvement (Xue et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2010; Jiang et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2013). However, this success has not been mirrored to the same extent in dissecting secondary metabolic pathways and elucidating the biological functions of these metabolites, because of the relative lack of knowledge of the secondary metabolism in this species (Fernie and Schauer, 2009; Gong et al., 2013; Saito, 2013). Spatiotemporal accumulation patterns of phenolamides in rice are not available and no genes responsible for the phenolamides biosynthesis have been identified in this species. In this study, comprehensive metabolic profiling and natural variation analysis of phenolamides were carried out in rice using a liquid chromatography(LC)–mass spectrometry (MS)-based targeted metabolomics method (Chen et al., 2013). Spatiotemporal controlled accumulations were observed for most phenolamides, together with their differential accumulations between the two major subspecies of rice. Further GWASs on the leaves of rice identified Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 as spermidine hydroxycinnamoyl transferases that might underlie the natural variation of levels of spermidine conjugates in rice. 112 Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation RESULTS Tissue-Specific Accumulation of Phenolamides in Rice It has been suggested that plants produce various types of metabolites in a tissue-specific manner. However, the differences in the metabolic profile of phenolamides among rice tissues have not been thoroughly investigated. To understand the tissue-specific accumulation pattern of individual phenolamides in rice, the metabolic profiles of phenolamides were compared in samples collected from different tissues, including flag leaf, culm, panicle at the grainfilling stage, mature grain, and root at the vegetative stage. Using LC–electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS/MS, a highthroughput targeted metabolomics method based on multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) (Chen et al., 2013) was applied in the comprehensive profiling of phenolamides in rice. To produce the maximal signal, collision energy and de-clustering potential were optimized for each precursor–product ion (Q1–Q3) transition, and a total of 16 phenolamides with three different amine moieties (agmatine, putrescine, and spermidine) were detected in our targeted metabolite analysis under positive mode (Table 1 and Supplemental Tables 1–3). Accumulation of phenolamides displayed substantial variation in their abundance in different tissues, as indicated by hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA; Figure 1A). Root contained the highest levels of most phenolamides, followed by flag leaf and panicle. Grain and culm, however, showed the lowest accumulation of most phenolamides. In addition to the higher amount of phenolamide accumulations, comparison of the phenolamide profiles demonstrated that root also yielded the most complex profile of the phenolamides in different rice tissues. Phenolamides with different hydroxycinnamoyl moieties showed substantially different levels of accumulation. Feruloyated and/or coumaroylated agmatine and putrescine were detected in large amounts in rice, while their caffeoylated and sinapoylated counterparts were barely detectable in most of the tissues tested (Figure 1A). Similar results were also obtained for spermidine conjugates, except that a modest amount of N0 ,N00 -disinapoyl or N0 ,N00 ,N%-diferuloyl sinapoyl spermidine were found in some tissues such as flag leaf, panicle, and root (Figure 1A). When levels of phenolamides with different amine moieties were compared, distinct tissue-specific accumulation patterns were observed. Putrescine conjugates, mainly existing as N-p-coumaroyl and N-feruloyl putrescine, were preferentially accumulated in root with levels of more than 400 mg/g dry weight (DW), and then in panicle at a level of N-feruloyl putrescine of about 80 mg/g DW (Figure 1B). A root-specific accumulation pattern also applied to agmatine conjugates (N-p-coumaroyl and N-feruloyl agmatine), although they were detected at much lower concentrations. In contrast, spermidine conjugates are highly abundant as di- or tri-substituted forms and showed different accumulation patterns. N0 ,N00 -p-Coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine was specifically accumulated in flag leaf (10 mg/g DW) and N0 ,N00 -diferuloyl spermidine was mainly accumulated in panicle, flag leaf, and culm at relatively lower levels. N0 ,N00 -Disinapoyl spermidine accumulated at over 25 mg/g DW in both flag leaf and panicle, and N0 ,N00 ,N%-diferuloyl sinapoyl spermidine exhibited root-specific accumulation of more than 60 mg/g DW (Figure 1C). Molecular Plant Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation ID Compound Abbreviations RT (min) m/z Main fragments HCA01 N-p-Coumaroyl agmatine Cou-Agm 4.88 277.1 147.2, 119.1, 91.1 HCA02 N-Feruloyl agmatine Fer-Agm 5.16 307.1 177.2, 291.1, 145.2, 117.3, 89.1 HCA03 N-Caffeoyl agmatine Caf-Agm 4.47 293.1 163.2, 233.1, 135.1, 89.1 HCA04 N-Sinapoyl agmatine Sin-Agm 5.32 337.1 207.2, 175.2, 147.2, 119.1 HCA05 N-p-Coumaroyl putrescine Cou-Put 3.81 235.1 147.2, 119.1, 91.1 HCA06 N-Feruloyl putrescine Fer-Put 4.58 265.1 177.2, 145.2, 117.2, 89.1 HCA07 N-Caffeoyl putrescine Caf-Put 2.75 251.1 163.2, 135.1, 117.3, 89.1 HCA08 N-Sinapoyl putrescine Sin-Put 4.80 295.1 207.2, 175.2, 147.2, 119.1 HCA09 N-p-Coumaroyl spermidine Cou-Spd 2.28 292.1 147.1, 275.1, 204.2, 119.1, 91.1 HCA10 N-Feruloyl spermidine Fer-Spd 2.35 322.1 177.2 HCA11 N-Caffeoyl spermidine Caf-Spd 1.66 308.3 163.2 0 00 HCA12 N ,N -p-Coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine Cou,fer-Spd 6.48 468.3 204.2, 234.1, 147.2, 177.2, 292.2, 275.2 HCA13 N0 ,N00 -Di-p-coumaroyl spermidine Dicou-Spd 6.01 438.1 147.2, 292.1, 204.2, 119.1 0 00 HCA14 N ,N -Diferuloyl spermidine Difer-Spd 6.63 498.1 177.2, 323.1, 234.2, 145.2, 117.1 HCA15 N0 ,N00 -Disinapoyl spermidine Disin-Spd 7.36 558.1 207.2, 189.2, 177.3, 137.2 HCA16 N0 ,N00 ,N%-Diferuloyl sinapoyl spermidine Difer,sin-Spd 10.33 704.1 177.2, 145.1, 109.1 Table 1. A List of the 16 Phenolamides Identified in Rice. Developmentally Controlled Accumulation of Phenolamides in Rice To investigate the accumulation patterns of phenolamides at different developmental stages, a total of 21 tissues/ organs covering 10 developmental stages of rice were used (Supplemental Table 4). Quantification of major phenolamides was subsequently performed using two rice varieties, indica rice Zhenshan 97 (ZS97) and japonica rice Zhonghua 11 (ZH11), to uncover the range of variations observed in seedling, leaf, culm, panicle, and root during the growing stages (Figure 2). The results showed differentially temporal accumulation patterns for different phenolamides during development. The level of N-feruloyl agmatine peaked at an early stage of both the vegetative and reproduction stages of leaf growth (Figure 2A), while the level of N-p-coumaroyl agmatine was constant (Figure 2B). We observed an increased level of N-feruloyl putrescine in the leaves at the early tillering stage (L2), followed by a sharp decrease during the later stages (L2–L4), and N-feruloyl putrescine was barely detected in the leaves at the reproductive stages (Figure 2C). There was a sharp decrease in the levels to about zero for N-p-coumaroyl and N-feruloyl putrescine in the culm from the tillering to booting transition (Figure 2C and 2D). Both N0 ,N00 -pcoumaroyl feruloyl spermidine and N0 ,N00 -diferuloyl spermidine showed leaf-specific accumulation in ZH11; their levels decreased during vegetative leaf development remained at a constant low level at the reproductive stage (Figure 2E and 2F). Notably, we detected nearly no accumulation of these two phenolamides in ZS97 (Figure 2E and 2F). Sinapoylated spermidines such as N0 ,N00 -disinapoyl and N0 ,N00 ,N%-diferuloyl sinapoyl spermidine showed a distinct accumulation pattern compared with other phenolamides with their levels slightly fluctuating during development in various tissues (Figure 2G and 2H). Natural Variation for Phenolamides in Rice Leaf We then used a collection of 156 rice accessions (Supplemental Table 5), representing the mini–core collection of Chinese rice varieties, to study the naturally occurring variation of the levels of phenolamides in rice. We collected the samples from leaves at the vegetative stage for metabolic profiling where the highest accumulations of most phenolamides occurred in rice shoots. Evaluation of the phenolamide contents in japonica and indica by analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant variation in 10 phenolamides (P < 0.01) (Figure 3A). Based on their relative differences in accumulation in different accessions, HCA clearly grouped these phenolamides into three main clusters (Figure 3A), disclosing the natural variation of phenolamides in rice. Four spermidine conjugates were grouped into cluster I and could be further divided into two subclusters according to their number (mono- or di-) of aromatic substitutions, indicating a similar accumulation pattern of these spermidine conjugates. Phenolamides in cluster II consisted of N-sinapoyl agmatine/ putrescine, while N0 ,N00 -disinapoyl spermidine standing out from other phenolamides. In contrast to cluster I, which was exclusively represented by phenolamides with spermidine moieties, cluster III was represented by a mixture of coumaroyl/ feruloyl agmatine and putrescine, with the two coumaroylated phenolamides lying closer to each other, suggesting coordinated regulation of agmatine and putrescine conjugates in rice. To examine the subspecies accumulations of phenolamides, the median content and the variation of each phenolamide within the two subspecies were calculated (Figure 3B). Coumaroylated and/or feruloylated spermidines showed highly subspecies-specific accumulations in japonica, with trace amounts detected in indica subspecies. A similar pattern was observed for N-sinapoyl putrescine. Different to japonica-specific accumulation of spermidine conjugates, the overall content of coumaroyl or feruloyl agmatine and putrescine was much higher in indica than in japonica, Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. 113 Molecular Plant Flag leaf A Culm Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation Panicle Grain Root Cou−Put Difer,sin−Spd Fer−Spd Fer−Agm Cou−Agm Disin−Spd Difer−Spd Fer−Put Cou−Spd Sin−Put Cou,fer−Spd Dicou−Spd Caf−Spd Sin−Agm Caf−Agm Caf−Put Content (μg/g DW) B Content (μg/g DW) C 800 400 80 Flag leaf Culm Panicle Grains Root 40 0 Cou-Agm 60 40 Fer-Agm Cou-Put Difer-Spd Disin-Spd Fer-Put Flag leaf Culm Panicle Grains Root 20 0 Cou,fer-Spd Difer,sin-Spd Figure 1. Distribution of Phenolamides in Rice Flag Leaf, Culm, Panicle, Grain, and Root. (A) Heat map visualization of the relative differences in phenolamides in five tissues of rice. Each tissue type is visualized in a single column and each phenolamide is represented by a single row. Red indicates high abundance, whereas low relative phenolamides are green (color key scale above the heat map). (B and C) Content of eight major phenolamides in the five tissues of rice. DW, dry weight. The full names for the abbreviations of the metabolites are given in Table 1. although substantial intrasubspecies variation exists in both subspecies. Genetic Control of Natural Variation for Spermidine Conjugates in Rice In order to investigate the possible genetic control of the natural variation in the major spermidine conjugates in rice, a metabolic GWAS (mGWAS) was performed using the collection of 156 rice accessions from the mini–core collection of Chinese rice varieties. The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the imputed genotypes of the association panel were downloaded from our website, RiceVarMap (, which are pre-released and are available for query. A linear mixed model (LMM), which results in fewer false-positive results by taking into account the genome-wide patterns of genetic relatedness, was used for the analysis and the genome-wide significance threshold, PLMM, was set to 8.9E8 after Bonferroni correction (Supplemental Table 6, see Methods section). mGWASs of 114 Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. the spermidine conjugates are visualized in Manhattan plots (Figure 4) with genomic coordinates (chromosome 1–12) displayed along the x axis, and the negative logarithm of the associated P value for each single nucleotide polymorphism displayed on the y axis (Gibson, 2010). We detected a total of 26 lead SNPs (PLMM < 8.9E8), corresponding to 19 loci (L1–L19, as indicated in the Manhattan plot) for the seven major spermidine conjugates tested (Figure 4, Table 2, and Supplemental Table 7). Six of seven spermidine conjugates had at least one significant associated locus, with an average of 2.7 associated loci per metabolite. These loci, in general, show large effects, up to 42.9%, with an average of 20.3% (Table 2). In contrast to complex traits such as flowering time and grain yield of rice, which are controlled by many loci, with most of them having small effects (Zhao et al., 2011; Huang et al., 2012), the levels of most hydroxycinnamoyl spermidines were controlled by a few major loci with large effects. For example, natural variation of the content of N-pcoumaroyl spermidine was controlled by three major loci, L1, L2, and L12, which explain 43%, 21%, and 18% of the observed variation within the population, respectively (Figure 4 and Supplemental Table 7). Similar results were also obtained from the content of variation of N0 ,N00 -coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine, in which the three major loci, L1, L2, and L18, explained nearly 50% of the total variation (Figure 4 and Supplemental Table 7). N0 ,N00 -Di-p-coumaroyl and N0 ,N00 diferuloyl spermidine were controlled by more loci with relatively smaller effects (Figure 4 and Supplemental Table 7). We detected at least one common locus, L1 on chromosome 12, among coumaroyl, caffeoyl, and feruloyl spermidine, indicating overlapping genetic control of these phenolamides. However, N0 ,N00 -disinapoyl spermidine showed a distinct profile in the Manhattan plot compared with the other hydroxycinnamoyl spermidines, suggesting different genetic control for sinapoylation to other hydroxycinnamoylations of spermidines in rice. This result is consistent with the separate grouping of N0 ,N00 -disinapoyl spermidine, as revealed in the HCA (Figure 3A). To find out whether there are interactions between the significant loci, the pairwise epistatic interactions between the significant loci against the average accumulation of the individual spermidine conjugate were calculated and a total of eight significant interactions (P < 0.05) for the six phenolamides tested were detected, ranging from zero to four epistatic interactions for a single phenolamide (Supplemental Table 8). We observed a significant interaction between the two major loci L1 and L2 in determining the level of N-p-coumaroyl spermidine, in which the effect of the A and T alleles at L12 was dependent on the T allele at L1 (Figure 5A). Similarly, the effect of L12 was found to be dependent on both L2 (Figure 5B and 5D) and L1 (Figure 5D) for N-p-coumaroyl spermidine. In addition, accessions with genotypes of C at L1 hardly accumulate any N-p-coumaroyl spermidine (Figure 5A and 5D). Based on these interactions and the accumulation pattern (Figure 5A–5D), a sequential model was suggested for the genetic control of the level of Np-coumaroyl spermidine (Figure 5E). Using the same approach (Figure 5F–5I), a triangular model was proposed for the accumulation of N0 ,N00 -diferuloyl spermidine, taking account of the three loci (L1, L2, and L19; Figure 5J). However, four Molecular Plant Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation Fer-Agm_ZH11 Fer-Agm_ZS97 B 120 80 40 Cou-Agm_ZH11 3 2 1 0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 0 Seedling Leaf Fer-Put_ZH11 Seedling Culm Panicle Root Fer-Put_ZS97 D Content (μg/g DW) Content (μg/g DW) C 900 450 300 150 150 100 (A) N-Feruloyl agmatine. (B) N-p-Coumaroyl agmatine. (C) N-Feruloyl putrescine. (D) N-p-Coumaroyl putrescine. (E) N0 ,N00 -p-Coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine. (F) N0 ,N00 -Diferuloyl spermidine. (G) N0 ,N00 -Disinapoyl spermidine. (H) N0 ,N00 ,N%-Diferuloyl sinapoyl spermidine. The full names for the abbreviations of the metabolites and tissues are given in Table 1 and Supplemental Table 4, respectively. 50 Seedling F Content (μg/g DW) Culm Panicle Root Cou,fer-Spd_ZS97 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 Content (μg/g DW) Leaf Cou,fer-Spd_ZH11 15 10 5 Leaf Difer-Spd_ZH11 Culm Panicle Root Difer-Spd_ZS97 30 20 10 0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 0 Seedling Leaf Disin-Spd_ZH11 Culm Panicle Root Disin-Spd_ZS97 Seedling H Content (μg/g DW) Content (μg/g DW) Culm Panicle Root Cou-Put_ZS97 Figure 2. Accumulation Patterns of Different Phenolamides in Seedling, Leaf, Culm, Panicle, and Root at Various Developmental Stages of Rice. 0 Seedling G Leaf Cou-Put_ZH11 400 0 E 20 Cou-Agm_ZS97 40 Content (μg/g DW) Content (μg/g DW) 160 40 20 0 Leaf Difer,sin-Spd_ZH11 40 20 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 0 Seedling Leaf Culm Panicle Root Culm Panicle Root Difer,sin-Spd_ZS97 and Os12g27254 indeed belong to the BAHD acyltransferase gene family. The separated clustering of the spermidine acyltransferases, including the two new candidates (Figure 6B; phylogenetic tree of the BAHD family protein), is consistent with the independent evolution of some members of the BAHD family proteins, especially spermidine acyltransferases. In searching for possible functional polymorphism(s) underlying the natural variation of spermidine conjugates, we found a number of highly significant associations between non-synonymous SNPs in Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 and the levels of spermidine Culm Panicle Root conjugates. Two allelic mutations (SNP sf1215970581 and SNP sf1215968382, occurring at position 217 and 676 from ATG, respectively) in the Os12g27220 coding region were significantly associated with levels of phenolamides such as N0 ,N00 -pcoumaroyl feruloyl spermidine, N0 ,N00 -diferuoyl spermidine, and N0 ,N00 -di-p-coumaroyl spermidine. These mutations resulted in significant polarity changes of amino acids (Glu-Lys, Thr-Ala) between the two groups (alleles I and II; Supplemental Table 9). The mean N0 ,N00 -p-coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine and N0 ,N00 -diferuoyl spermidine content in group I (allele I), which are mainly japonica, was more than 100 times higher when compared with that in group II (indica; allele II), with P values up to 10100 (Supplemental Table 10). In addition, we found that two SNPs (sf1215968402 and sf1215967910) in Os12g27220 were significantly associated with the content of N0 ,N00 -p-coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine (P < 10200). Each of these SNPs introduced a stop codon, which resulted in a truncated protein in about 90 rice accessions (allele II), and the levels of N0 ,N00 -p-coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine in these accessions were significantly lower than those in the remaining 60 accessions (allele I; Supplemental Table 10). Similarly, we also observed strong associations between three SNPs (sf1216002392, sf1215996415, and sf1215996366) in the Os12g27254 coding region and the levels of phenolamides such as N0 ,N00 -p-coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine (P values up to 10231; Supplemental Table 10). Of these, sf1216002392 and sf1215996415 allelic mutations resulted in significant changes of amino acids, while sf1215996366 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 A Seedling Leaf significant pairwise interactions were detected among the five significant loci, indicating more complex genetic control of this metabolite. Candidate Genes Underlying the Natural Variation for Spermidine Conjugates in Rice As an initial attempt to mine the candidate genes underlying the significant loci, we focused on the locus on the long arm of chromosome 12 that showed the highest significance and was associated with a number of polyamine conjugates (Figure 4). One of the last steps of the biosynthesis of most polyamine conjugates is the formation of an ester bond between polyamine and hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA catalyzed by members of the BAHD acyltransferases. Closer investigation revealed that the leading SNP 1215988027 representing this locus (P = 6.0E23 for coumaroyl spermidine) lies 11 kb and 39 kb upstream of genes Os12g27220 and Os12g27254, respectively, encoding two putative transferase family proteins, suggesting that these genes may encode spermidine hydroxycinnamoyl transferases. Furthermore, both the putative transferase proteins have the two typical conserved domains shared by BAHD family enzymes; HXXXDG, located near the center portion of the enzyme, and the DFGWG motif, located near the carboxyl terminus (Figure 6A). Subsequent phylogenetic analysis suggests that Os12g27220 Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. 115 Molecular Plant Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation Indica Japonica Content (μg/g DW) B 3 5 7 Japonica Indica 60 Cou-Spd L1 Cou,fer-Spd L2 L18 15 L12 10 L1,2 5 15 Dicou-Spd 10 L16 L17 L10 L1,2 L11 Caf-Spd L14 L1,13 L6 5 15 Difer-Spd L8 L15 10 40 L9 L1,2 Disin-Spd L19 L3 L4 L7 L5 5 20 Chr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 Co u− d Sp u Co ,fe r− d Sp er− Dif d Sp Sin u −P t Co u u −P t r− Fe m Ag Figure 3. Natural Variation of Phenolamides with and within Rice Subspecies. (A) A heat map of the natural variation of phenolamides in 156 rice varieties. The content value of each phenolamide was normalized to complete linkage hierarchical clustering. Each rice variety is visualized in a single column and each phenolamide is represented by a single row. Red indicates high abundance, whereas low relative flavonoids are green. (B) Box plot for the content of six phenolamides between japonica (gray) and indica (white). The horizontal line represents the mean and the vertical lines mark the range from the 5th to the 95th percentile of the total data. The full names for the abbreviations of the metabolites are given in Table 1. introduced a stop codon, which resulted in a truncated protein (Supplemental Table 9). Thus, we assign Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 as the candidate spermidine acyltransferases and propose that genetic variants within their coding regions might contribute to the natural variation in the levels of N-hydroxycinnamoyl spermidines in rice (Figure 6). High sequence similarity between Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 suggests that they may function redundantly with each other. In addition, the close linkage between the two genes makes it difficult to create double knockout mutant lines. To establish their functions in vivo, a gain-of-function strategy was adopted by overexpressing each of them individually in ZH11 under the control of the maize ubiquitin promoter. The overexpression of Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 in the leaves of the transgenic lines was confirmed by RT–PCR (Figure 7A and 7D). The phenolamides in the leaves of the transgenic lines were then analyzed and compared with those of wild-type by LC/MS/MS. Overexpression of Os12g27220 or Os12g27254 in rice led to a substantial increase in the levels of these N-hydroxycinnamoyl spermidines compared with the control, whereas a slight decrease in both N-hydroxycinnamoyl agmatine and putrescine was observed in the transgenic lines (Figure 7B, 7C, 7E, and 7F), suggesting that Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 encode spermidine hydroxycinnamoyl acyltransferases. 116 20 -log10 (p) Difer-Spd Cou,fer-Spd Caf-Spd Cou-Spd Sin-Agm Sin-Put Disin-Spd Cou-Agm Cou-Put Fer-Agm A Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 4. Manhattan Plot Displaying the GWAS Results of the Content of Six Phenolamides. The strength of association for phenolamides is indicated as the negative logarithm of the P value for the LMM model. All metabolite–SNP associations with P values below 8.88E08 (horizontal dotted lines) are plotted against the genome location in intervals of 1 Mb. The full names for the abbreviations of the metabolites are given in Table 1. To understand the relationship between expression of candidate genes with the accumulation of spermidine derivatives, microarray data for gene expression patterns were downloaded from our website, CREP (, which are available for query (Wang et al., 2010). Gene expression profilings of the candidate gene Os12g27254 in 28 tissues covering the entire life cycle of the rice plant from two varieties, Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63 (MH63), were compared (Supplemental Figure 1). A leaf-specific expression of Os12g27254 could be observed in MH63 at the vegetative stage (three-leaf stage, seedling with two tillers stage), which was followed by sharply decreased levels in the leaves at the reproductive stage (leaf at the young panicle stage, flag leaf at 5/ 14 days before heading). In contrast, almost no transcripts of Os12g27254 could be detected in various tissues of ZS97 (Supplemental Figure 1), both coinciding with the accumulation pattern of spermidine derivatives, such as N0 ,N00 -p-coumaroyl feruloyl spermidine and N0 ,N00 -diferuloyl spermidine, in different tissues of ZH11 and ZS97, respectively (Figure 2E and 2F). DISCUSSION Although ubiquitously found in plants, phenolamides display qualitative and quantitative differences in various species with respect to the chain length of amine and the type and degree of phenolic acid substitution. Despite the implications of the importance of phenolamides in many aspects of physiological and biological processes such as plant development and defense, no systematic profiling of spatiotemporal accumulation of phenolamides has been carried out in rice, one of the most important crops and the model plant for monocots. By applying a targeted metabolic profiling method, we revealed tissue-specific and developmentally controlled accumulation of phenolamides in rice. Higher levels of most phenolamides, including hydroxycinnamoyl spermidines, were detected in root than in other tissues, Molecular Plant Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation Items Population Number of metabolites 7 Number of lead SNPsa 26 Number of locib 19 Average loci per metabolite 2.7 SNPs above 20% of variation 12 Maximum explained variation (%) 42.9 Explained variation per SNP (%) 20.3 Table 2. Summary of Significant LociMetabolites Associations Identified by GWAS. a The SNPs with the lowest P value in a region (significant P value = 8.88E08); bAdjacent lead SNPs <300 kb were considered as a cluster. which is in contrast to the absence of spermidine conjugates in Arabidopsis root (Luo et al., 2009). Flavonoids that are highly accumulated in the Arabidopsis root were barely detected in rice root (Dong et al., 2014). The negative correlation between phenolamides and flavonoids in the root of both species might be explained by the fact that they are in different branches of the phenylpropanoid pathway, which compete with each other; the hydroxycinnamoyl CoAs are generated at the early steps of the pathway. However, the genetic basis underlying their distinct accumulation patterns and the biological significance of this distinction need further investigation. Phenolamides in rice are mainly represented by coumaroyl, feruloyl, or sinapoyl substitutions, while only a small amount of N-caffeoyl putrescine was detected in the root (Figure 1A). Similar results were obtained in the dicot plant, Arabidopsis, in which N0 ,N00 ,N%-diferuloyl sinapoyl spermidine and N0 ,N00 disinapoyl spermidine proved to be the major spermidine conjugate in flower (Grienenberger et al., 2009; Handrick et al., 2010) and seed (Luo et al., 2009), respectively. However, caffeoyl and coumaroyl putrescine represent the major phenolamides in Nicotiana plants (Galis et al., 2006; Kaur et al., 2010; Onkokesung et al., 2012). The differential accumulation of different hydroxycinnamoylated polyamines might be the combined effects of the selectivity of the enzymes that catalyzed the formation of the corresponding phenolamides and the availability of the different hydroxycinnamoyl CoAs. Most phenolamides displayed an increase in their levels or accumulated at higher contents at the early stage of development followed by rapid decrease in various tissues, except in root, in which relatively stable accumulation was observed (Figure 2). This developmentally controlled pattern is clearly different to the increase in N0 ,N00 -disinapoyl spermidine and its derivative during silique maturation in Arabidopsis, which results in high accumulation of this spermidine conjugate in the mature seed. However, only trace amounts of phenolamides were detected in rice grain. Turnover and translocation of conjugates were described early (Martin-Tanguy, 1985; Havelange et al., 1996; Martin-Tanguy, 1997) and by the recent support of the interconversion between free and conjugated precursors (Luo et al., 2009). So, the degradation of phenolamides could be the way to regulate the pools of both phenolics and bioactive polyamines. In addition to their spatiotemporal distributions, some phenolamides, such as coumaroylated and feruloylated spermidines, also exhibited subspecies-specific accumulation, with the levels much higher in japonica than in indica. C-glycosylated and malonylated flavonoids showed an opposite subspeciesspecific accumulation pattern (Dong et al., 2014). Natural variation analysis disclosed distinct clustering of spermidine conjugates, while a similar accumulation pattern between hydroxycinnamoyl agmatine and putrescine was observed (Figure 3), suggesting some overlapping regulation of the latter two types of phenolamides. This notion was supported by the finding that enzymes involved in spermidine conjugate biosyntheses show high specificity toward spermidine as an acyl acceptor (Grienenberger et al., 2009; Luo et al., 2009), while broader substrate specificity toward both agmatine and putrescine was found for PHT, which is involved in putrescine conjugate formation (Wen et al., 2014). The separated clustering of sinapoylated spermidines suggests unique regulation of these phenolamides, which is also reflected by the distinct pattern of the Manhattan plot from the mGWAS analysis (Figure 4). Different to other hydroxycinnamic acid substitutions, which are transferred exclusively by BAHD acyltransferases, substitution of sinapic acid could use either its O-glucose ester (Baumert et al., 2005; Mugford et al., 2009) or sinapoyl CoA as acyl donor (Luo et al., 2009), which is catalyzed by serine carboxypeptidase-like and BAHD acyltransferases, respectively. Spermidine disinapoyl transferase has been identified as a BAHD acyltransferase, but the gene responsible for monosinapoylation of polyamine still needs to be identified. Co-expression analysis integrating transcriptomics and metabolic profiling followed by reverse genetic approaches has been applied extensively for the characterization of genes encoding both enzymes and transcription factors controlling various metabolic pathways (Hirai et al., 2004; Hirai et al., 2007; Yonekura-Sakakibara et al., 2008). A combination of metabolic profiling and genetics is a promising alternative to dissect the genetic basis and identify novel genes underlying phytochemicals (Fu et al., 2009; Matsuda et al., 2012; Gong et al., 2013). With the recent advances in the next generation of sequencing (Han and Huang, 2013), GWAS has become a popular approach in plant genetics and functional genomics studies in plants (Huang and Han, 2014; Wen et al., 2014). The high resolution and large effects of mGWAS, together with the chemical structure of the metabolite and the annotated genome sequence, facilitate the assignment of candidate genes, as demonstrated in our study. Systematic investigation of natural variation at the metabolite level will lead to construction of the biosynthetic pathways of bioactive metabolites (Gong et al., 2013; Wen et al., 2014), which in turn will provide new targets for metabolic engineering of crops with enhanced stress resistance and health-promoting effects. METHODS Chemicals All chemicals were of analytical reagent grade. Gradient grade of methanol, acetonitrile, and acetic acid were purchased from Merck, Germany ( Water was doubly deionized with a Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore, Bedford, MA). Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. 117 Molecular Plant 2 0 T_L12 A_L12 Cou-Spd 4 G_L1 A_L1 2 0 G_L19 A_L19 Difer-Spd G T_L1 C_L1 2 1 0 T_L2 A_L2 Cou-Spd T_L12 A_L12 Cou-Spd Content (μg/g DW) Content (μg/g DW) F C H 4 2 0 T_L2 C_L2 G_L19 A_L19 Difer-Spd G_L1 A_L1 4 2 0 C_L2 T_L2 Difer-Spd D6 Content (μg/g DW) 0 A_L2 T_L2 Cou-Spd E L1 4 L2 2 L12 0 Cou-Spd L12: T A A T A T A L2 : A A T A A T T L1 : T T T C C C C I 6 Content (μg/g DW) 2 4 Content (μg/g DW) B T_L1 C_L1 Content (μg/g DW) 4 Content (μg/g DW) Content (μg/g DW) A Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation Difer-Spd J L1 4 L2 2 L19 0 L19: A L2 : T L1 : G G T G A C G G C G A T A G C A Difer-Spd Figure 5. Locus Interactions among Significant Loci Controlling Phenolamides Accumulation. Interactions between two major loci controlling N-p-coumaroyl spermidine (A–C) and N0 ,N00 -diferuloyl spermidine (F–H) accumulation. Three loci act in controlling the accumulation of N-p-coumaroyl spermidine (D) and N0 ,N00 -diferuloyl spermidine (I). Proposed models for the interaction of the three loci controlling N-p-coumaroyl spermidine (E) and N0 ,N00 -diferuloyl spermidine (J) accumulation. The full names for the abbreviations of the metabolites are given in Table 1. The internal standard lidocaine used in this study was from our laboratory collection (Chen et al., 2013). An authentic standard of p-coumaric acid was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, USA (http://www.sigmaaldrich. com/united-states.html). The standard stock solution was prepared using methanol as a solvent and stored at 20 C. A standard solution of p-coumaric acid was prepared just before use by diluting the stock solution with aqueous methanol. Plant Materials The rice core germplasms used in this study were from a collection of Chinese cultivated rice germplasm (Dong et al., 2014). Flag leaf, culm, panicle, grain, and root at different developmental stages were collected from 12 japonica and 12 indica rice varieties (Supplemental Table 5), resulting in 144 individual samples. For each tissue, a mixture of samples from 24 rice varieties was obtained. To investigate developmentally controlled accumulation of phenolamides, a total of 21 tissues or organs were collected from two regular rice varieties, Zhonghua 11 (ZH11) and Zhenshan 97 (ZS97; Supplemental Table 4). To study the natural variation of the phenolamides, leaves of 156 rice varieties (Supplemental Table 5) were harvested from the plant at the vegetative stage (60 days after sowing, around the five-leaf stage). Two biological replicate leaf samples obtained from the same accessions were used for the GWAS. Flag leaf, culm, and panicle were harvested at the grain-filling stage, and mature grains were collected at 30 days after pollination of the plant. For the samples from ZH11 and ZS97, leaves, culms, and panicles at 10 developmental stages were harvested. These samples were taken from the plant examined under natural field conditions as described previously (Chen et al., 2013). Root at 40 days was collected from the plants cultured hydroponically as described previously (Dong et al., 2014). Seedlings were collected from ZH11 and ZS97 plants grown in a greenhouse. All the samples were harvested at 10:00–12:00 h, placed in liquid N2 immediately, and stored at 70 C until vacuum freeze-drying. Samples were taken from three different plants per line and pooled for each biological replicate. 118 Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. Sample Preparation and Extraction The freeze-dried leaf was crushed using a mixer mill (MM 400, Retsch) with a zirconia bead for 1.5 min at 30 Hz. Fifty milligrams of powder was weighed and extracted overnight at 4 C with 1.0 ml of 70% aqueous methanol containing 0.1 mg/l lidocaine for water-soluble metabolites. Following centrifugation at 10 000 g for 10 min, the extracts were absorbed (CNWBOND Carbon-GCB SPE Cartridge, 250 mg, 3 ml; ANPEL, Shanghai, China, and filtrated (SCAA104, 0.22 mm pore size; ANPEL, Shanghai, China, http://www.anpel. before LC–MS analysis (Chen et al., 2013). LC–MS/MS Analysis of Phenolamides Samples were analyzed using LC-ESI-QTRAP-MS/MS, and quantification of phenolamides was carried out in MRM mode. The analytical conditions were as described previously (Chen et al., 2013). Data acquisition, peak integration, and the calculations were performed using Analyst 1.5 software (AB Sciex). Phenolamides were quantified by calculating the area of each individual peak and comparing this with the standard curve obtained from p-coumaric acid authentic standard. Calibration curves were drawn by plotting at six different concentrations of the authentic standard according to the peak area. Statistical Analysis Metabolite data were log2 transformed to improve normality and normalized. A total of 16 phenolamides were used for hierarchical clustering analysis by R ( to study phenolamide tissue-specific accumulation and natural variations. Genotyping of Rice Germplasm Total genomic DNA was isolated from leaf tissues of each plant and pairedend sequencing libraries with insert sizes of 450–500 bp were constructed for each variety according to standard instructions provided by Illumina. Paired-end 90-bp reads were obtained using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform, and the raw sequences were further processed to remove adapter pollutions and low-quality reads (base quality of more than 50% bases %5). All library construction, sequencing, and sequence cleaning were Molecular Plant Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation HXXXD A B 88 32 0.2 46 33 100 51 97 72 99 99 97 100 C 100 bp * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 YFGNC DFGWG MpAAT1 AMAT CbBEBT HMT/HLT CmAAT1 CHAT Os10g01650 Os10g04400 100 Os10g04429 Os12g27330 Os12g27350 Os12g27254 Os12g27220 At2g23510 AtSDT At2g25150 AtSCT CRE2 ** 100 bp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ** 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 r2 Os12g27254 Genome-Wide Association Analyses Only SNPs with minor allele frequency R 0.05 and the number of varieties with minor alleles R6 in a (sub)population were used to carry out the GWASs. Population structure was modeled as a random effect in LMM using the kinship (K) matrix, and we found that it is enough to control spurious associations, because the genomic inflation factor is near one in all GWASs. We performed GWASs using LMM in the FaST-LMM program (Lippert et al., 2011). The genome-wide significance thresholds of the GWASs were determined using a modified Bonferroni correction as described previously (Li et al., 2012), in which the total SNPs (M) for threshold calculation were replaced by the effective number of independent SNPs (Me). Analysis of Two-Locus Interactions * Os12g27220 * carried out by BGI-Shenzhen, China. Reads were then aligned to rice reference genomes (Nipponbare, MSU version 6.1). After imputation, SNPs with a missing rate less than 20% were selected for further analysis. The SNPs and imputed genotypes can be queried on our website RiceVarMap ( 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Figure 6. Analysis of Candidate Genes Underlying the Natural Variation of Spermidine Conjugates. (A) Conserved amino acid sequences of the BAHD family of acyltransferases. (B) Phylogenetic analysis of BAHD acyltransferases. The neighbor-joining tree was constructed using aligned full-length amino acid sequences. Bootstrap values from 1000 replicates are indicated at each node. (Bar, 0.2 amino acid substitutions per site). GenBank accession numbers are given: MpAAT1 (AAU14879), AMAT (AAW22989), CbBEBT (AAN09796), HMT/HLT (BAD89275), CmAAT1 (CAA94432), CHAT (AAN09797), AtSDT (At2g23510), AtSCT (At2g25150), the rice gene amino acids sequences from the Rice Genome Annotation Project (http://rice.plantbiology.msu. edu/cgi-bin/gbrowse/rice/), CRE2 (AAM64817). (C) A representation of the pairwise r2 value (a measure of linkage disequilibrium) among polymorphic sites in Os12g27220 and Os12g27254, where the darkness of the color of each box corresponds to the r2 value according to the legend. For the gene model, a filled black box represents the coding sequence. The stars represent the proposed functional sites. According to the mGWAS results, six of the metabolites detected have multiple significant loci. To identify epistatic interactions between significant loci, we calculated the pairwise epistatic interactions between the significant loci against the average accumulation of six metabolites, respectively, within the full population using two-way ANOVA (Zhou et al., 2012). The calculation was based on unweighted cell means, and the sums of squares were multiplied by the harmonic means of the cell sizes to form the test criteria. Those that showed significant interactions at P % 0.001 were subjected to permutation tests, in which the positions of the phenotype scores in the dataset were randomized to perform the two-way ANOVA again. This process was repeated 1000 times. If no more than 1% of the random F value was larger than the F value from the real data, it was regarded as significant at P % 0.001. Constructs and Transformation The overexpression vector (pJC034) for rice was constructed from the Gateway overexpression vector pH2GW7 and the 35S promoter of pH2GW7 was replaced by maize ubiquitin promoter. The Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 overexpression constructs were constructed by directionally inserting the full cDNA sequence first into the entry vector pDONR207 and then into the destination vector pJC034, using the Gateway recombination reaction (Invitrogen). The constructs were independently introduced into the Agrobacterium strain EHA105, and transformation was performed as described previously (Hiei et al., 1994). A total of 52 and 24 transgenic plants were generated for Os12g27220 (T0) and Os12g27254 (T0), respectively, of which 39 and 19 were transgenic positive. After co-segregation tests, T1 progeny from three independent transgenic positive T0 plants for Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 were used for further analysis. Expression Analyses We isolated total RNA from rice using an RNA extraction kit (TRIzol reagent; Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The PCR primers were designed using Primer Premier V (Supplemental Table 11). The firststrand cDNA was synthesized using 3 mg of RNA and 200 U of M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Real-time PCR was performed on an optical 96-well plate in an ABI StepOne plus PCR system (Applied Biosystems) using SYBR Premix reagent F-415 (Thermo Scientific). The relative expression level of the Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 genes was determined with the rice Actin1 gene as an internal control, and the expression measurements were obtained using the relative quantification method as described previously (Gong et al., 2013). SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Supplemental Information is available at Molecular Plant Online. Molecular Plant 8, 111–121, January 2015 ª The Author 2015. 119 Molecular Plant 1 30 20 10 0 WT 1 2 3 Over expression WT 1 2 3 Os12g27220-OE WT Os12g27220-OE 80 6 4 2 0 t pd Spd Spd pd Spd Spd Agm -Pu u-S Fer- cou- ifer-Sr,sin- isin- Fer- Fer o C D D ife Di D D Os12g27254 E Relative content 50 Cou,fer-Spd 40 Relative expression 150 0 B 30 18 6 1 0 WT 1 2 3 Over expression F Relative content 250 Relative content C Os12g27220 Relative content Relative expression A Rice Phenolamide Profiling and Natural Variation Cou,fer-Spd Figure 7. Functional Validation Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 In Vivo. WT 1 2 3 Os12g27254-OE Box plot for the mRNA level of Os12g27220 (A) and Os12g27254 (D) in Os12g27220 and Os12g27254 transgenic individuals, respectively. Box plot for the content of spermidine and agmatine/putrescine conjugates in Os12g27220 (B and C) and Os12g27254 (E and F) transgenic individuals, respectively. WT indicates the transgenic background variety ZH11. The metabolic data of phenolamides are means ± standard error of the mean. The full names for the abbreviations of the metabolites are given in Table 1. 30 20 10 0 WT Os12g27254-OE 12 8 4 of 0 u Co d pd pd pd pd pd gm ut -Sp er-S ou-S er-S sin-S sin-S er-A Fer-P F F Dic Dif fer, Di Di FUNDING This work was supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program) (No. 2013CB127001), the National High Technology R&D Program of China (863 Program) (No. 2012AA10A304), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31070267), and the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education in China (NCET-09-0401). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Edreva, A.M., Velikova, V.B., and Tsonev, T.D. (2007). Phenylamides in plants. Russ. J. 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