Padbrook Park Golf Club – Policies and Procedures Contents Club Captains Welcome Child Protection Policy Child Protection Procedures Junior Academy Information Anti-Bullying Policy Code of Conduct for Staff Code of Conduct Members Changing Room Policy Transport Policy Equity Statement Photo Policy Reference Form Self-Disclosure Form Supervision and Good Practise Guideline Useful Contacts I would like to welcome all our young golfers to Padbrook Park. 2010 promises to be an exciting year. The Saturday morning sessions are getting a good number of keen juniors between 6 and 14 years and there is still room for more. So, if you have any friends who might like to try, they are welcome to come along, and you can also teach your Mums and Dads how to play. I am there most Saturdays with my son Harry, and it has been very noticeable the improvement the group has made in all aspects of golf. Not only the ability to hit the ball, but an understanding of the rules, scoring, equipment and etiquette. But you don’t have to wait until Saturday to practice. The driving range is open every day and most evenings, the putting and chipping greens are also a vital place for improvement. Stuart has big plans for the junior section in 2010 and will be talking to you all in the near future. If you ever have any queries or questions you can e-mail me at Best wishes Tom Evans 2010 Club Captain The Padbrook Park Golf Club Child Protection Policy The Padbrook Park Golf Club Child Protection Policy will be available to all members, parents, staff, volunteers and participants. The policy will be reviewed every year by the Management Committee and amended as appropriate. Guidance from golf’s governing bodies will be sought as part of the review process. The management committee has a responsibility for ensuring that the policy and procedures are implemented, including taking appropriate disciplinary action necessary. The Club Welfare Officer has a responsibility for responding to allegations, concerns or child protection incidents, passing on information to the appropriate national governing body lead protection officer and informing the appropriate club staff. Parents have a responsibility to work together with the club in implementing procedures and providing their children with the necessary information to safeguard themselves. Padbrook Park Golf Club is committed to: The promotion of junior golf within the club by producing a club development plan Promote membership vacancies and create links with schools and the local community Provide a recognised junior section within the club – to encompass both boys and girls in a safe enjoyable environment Representation on the club management committee – the Junior Organiser Provide a welcoming environment for all junior golfers Provide basic teaching to all new junior members – incorporating technique, rules and etiquette. Course management and obtaining a handicap Adopt child protection (CIG) guidelines (see section 11 – child protection & equity) Provide a junior coaching program – to monitor and measure progress based on the achievement of clearly defined performance targets Provide a junior membership system with minimal restrictions – in terms of initial entry and membership policies Maintain accurate records for every junior member Provide regular junior competitions – age should not be a barrier Minimise the restrictions on juniors regarding times of play on the course Offer membership places for all juniors when they reach the age of entry into adult membership The junior member shall commit to: Attendance at basic coaching/teaching sessions to establish minimum attainment targets – golf is a very technical game and if a junior has reached a minimum standard their enjoyment will increase Adherence to club rules – juniors should commit to a code of behaviour both on and off the golf course Participation in at least four club competitions or practice sessions per annum – to prevent sleeping members from congesting membership places and to aid the junior organiser in maintaining more accurate handicap records Read and follow the rules on etiquette guidance Structure to support young golfer development at Padbrook Park Golf Club Padbrook Park Golf Club committee Secretary and administration Policy team: setting the strategic vision and development and monitoring the processes and out-comes Professionals training/coaching team Captains committee representative Junior Organiser and welfare officer Who’s Who at Padbrook Park Operational team: day to day management: responsible to Junior Organiser Junior Captain and vice-captain Junior Organiser: club nights, coaching, internal and administration. Volunteers’ responsible to Junior Organiser Specific information for parents/carers Introduce themselves to the adults involved in the supervision of the junior section Spend some time talking to the Junior Organiser, PGA Professional/Coach and child welfare officer Find out what the club has to offer; what is the package? When are coaching sessions and junior competitions; are there any playing restrictions for children who are beginners Obtain any good practice guidance for children from the club and go through it with your child Know whether there are any age restrictions regarding children playing on their own on the course Be punctual when dropping off and picking up your children for/from coaching and competitions Take an interest in who your son/daughter is playing with, introduce yourself if it is an adult you do not know Have clear lines of communication to keep up with your child’s progress Ensure that the club has an emergency contact number for you when you are away from the club, a mobile would be preferable, and that you leave your mobile switched on so that you can be contacted in an emergency Advise the club Welfare Officer/Junior Organiser if your child has any particular needs (e.g. allergies, learning disabilities) to ensure they are provided for in the best way possible Individuals working at Padbrook Park will receive support through education and training to be aware of and understand best practice and how to manage any welfare or child protection issues which may come to light. Padbrook Park Golf Club will work in partnership with parents to review and implement child protection and welfare procedures. Padbrook Park Golf Club’s policy and procedures are based on the principles of UK and International legislation and government guidance and take the following into consideration. The Children Act 1989 and 2004 The data protection act 1994 and 1998 The Police Act 1997 The Human Rights Act 1998 The Protection of Children Act 1999 Caring for the young and vulnerable – Home Office guidance for preventing the abuse of trust 1999 The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 What to do if you are worried a child is being abused 2005 Working together to Safeguard Children 2006 The UN Convention of Rights of Children Any subsequent legislation relating to child protection would implicitly be incorporated into this document. The purpose of this information brochure is to provide you with relevant information about how Padbrook Park Golf Club promotes golf for young players. You will note that a copy of the brochure your child will receive is enclosed which provides greater detail about young persons golf to help your child gain maximum benefit from participation in a full range of activities. Should you want to know more or want to help in anyway please contact the Junior Organiser or the Secretary Manager. Padbrook Park Golf Club Child Protection Procedures RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING Padbrook Park Golf Club will endeavour to ensure that all volunteers and staff working with children are suitable to do so, and that they have all the information they require to perform their job effectively and appropriately. We ask that all volunteers and staff who are in a position of responsibility with regard to children, particularly those who will supervise children, provide the following: - A current enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check - A self-disclosure of their criminal record - References from at least 2 people - Basic personal details and information of their previous experience with children The Secretary and Welfare Officer hold copies of the necessary forms and contact information for the Criminal Records Bureau. All staff and volunteers will be offered access to appropriate child protection training. The sportscoachUK ‘Safeguarding & Protecting Children’ workshop is recognised by the Children in Golf Strategy Group as the most appropriate training for coaching staff and volunteers within golf clubs. Padbrook Park Golf Club recommends this workshop and will ensure that all volunteers and staff who have significant contact with children attend it. All staff and volunteers involved within children will be asked to read and become familiar with the club child protection policy and procedures. COMPLAINTS, CONCERNS AND ALLEGATIONS If a member, parent, member of staff or volunteer has a concern about the welfare of a child, or the conduct of an adult (whether they are a parent, coach, member of Padbrook Park Golf Club or otherwise), these concerns should be brought to the attention of the Club Welfare Officer (CWO), even if the person concerned does not consider the concern to require immediate attention. The person reporting the concern is not required to decide whether abuse has occurred, but simply has a duty to pass information to the Club Welfare Officer. Please refer to the Flowcharts 1 & 2 for the referrals process. The Club Welfare Officer is: Cary Rawlings (Club Secretary) Telephone 01884 836100 The EGU Case Management Officer is: Richard Brown Telephone 01653 697578 The EWGA Lead Child Protection Officer is: Kirstie Jennings Telephone 07949 111924 All concerns should be treated in confidence. Details should only be shared with those who can help with the management of the concern. The number of club personnel involved will be kept to a minimum. The CWO will report concerns to the EGU/ EWGA Lead Child Protection Officer, and will seek advice on further action. The EGU/EWGA reporting process will be followed in the handling and referral of concerns and allegations. Concerns will be recorded on the concern/allegation recording form, sent to the EGU/ EWGA Lead CPO and retained confidentially within the club. Padbrook Park Golf Club will work with the national governing body and other external agencies to take appropriate action in the case of abuse or serious poor practice. The EGU, EWGA and PGA disciplinary procedures apply and will be followed where possible by Padbrook Park Golf Club. In the event of a child making a disclosure, the following guidance is given: -Reassure the child that they have done the right thing to share the information -Do not make promises that cannot be kept, such a promising not to tell anyone else -Do not question the child or lead them in any way to disclose more information than they are comfortably are able to: this may compromise any future action -Record what the child has said as soon as possible -Report the information to the Club Welfare Officer in the first instance Do not notify the parents unless you have first sought advice from the Padbrook Park Golf Club Welfare Officer or the EGU/ EWGA Lead Child Protection Officer The NSPCC Helpline is available to discuss concerns regarding poor practice and abuse in confidence with members of the public. No referrals are made from the calls. Those with concerns are encouraged to use this service. The Helpline number is 0808 800 5000 What to do if you are worried that a child is being abused outside of the club (but the concern is identified through the child’s involvement in golf) Concern identified about a child If the child requires urgent medical attention call an ambulance and inform the hospital doctor that you have a child protection concern Report your concern to the Padbrook Park Golf Club Child Welfare Officer, who will refer that matter to Social Services/Police without delay. If they are not available, report your concern to the EGU or EWGA Lead Child Protection Officer Make a record of everything that child has said and /or what has been observed with dates and times, using the Padbrook Park Golf Club Recording Form If neither the Padbrook Park Golf Club Child Welfare Officer or the EGU or EWGA Lead Child Protection Officer is available refer the matter directly to Social Series/Police. Remember delay may place the child at further risk Complete a report form and copy it to Social Services/Police and to the EGU or EWGA Lead Child Protection Officer within 48 hours What to do if you are worried about the behaviour of any member, volunteer, staff, Pro, coach or official in Golf or affiliated organisations Concerns identified Report incident/concerns to Padbrook Park Golf Club Child Welfare Officer who will: - Complete the Padbrook Park Golf Club Incident Report Form - Report to the EGU/EWGA Lead CP Officer - If you have urgent concerns and neither the Padbrook Park Golf Club Child Welfare Officer nor the EGU/EWGA Lead CP Officer is available, refer immediately EGU/EWGA Lead Child Protection Officer If the child requires immediate medical attention call an ambulance and inform the doctor there is a child protection concern Children in Golf Referral Management Group decides on ‘route’ case should take If alleged Child Abuse – report to Social Service / Police Alleged minor poor practice – EGU/EWGA Lead CPO to manage - Complaints procedure - Disciplinary process - No further action Possible outcomes - No case to answer - Complaint resolved with agreement between parties - Training/mentoring agreed - Disciplinary sanction - More significant concerns emerge Serious poor practice, poor practice with wider implications, alleged child abuse: Possible processes - Child protection investigation - Criminal investigation/proceedings - Investigation under disciplinary proceedings – including possible temporary suspension of person accused Golf’s investigation ponds outcome of Social Services/Police investigation Possible Outcomes: - No case to answer - Less serious – referred to complaints procedure - Disciplinary hearing – sanctions - Civil proceedings Appeal Junior Golf Academy at Padbrook Park Junior Checklist Have you got the correct length clubs? Golf Shoes Waterproofs Golf Glove Golf Bag Golf Balls Tees Remember your Golf Foundation Junior Passport!!! JUNIOR ACADEMY AT PADBROOK PARK We are searching for the next Tiger Woods… so why not bring your youngsters along every Saturday morning to the Junior Academy at Padbrook Park. Beginners Class Those with a handicap 9.30am – 10.30am 11.00am – 12.00noon £3.00 per junior No need to book a time…just turn up!! Week One Week Two Week Three a zone Week Four Week Five Week Six onto a fairway Safety – Know what to do and when to do it Putting – Holding the putter correctly, body position, Stroke Chipping – Holding the club, stance, small golf swing, chipping to a zone Pitching – Holding the club, stance, building the swing, balance, pitching to Full Swing – Holding the club, stance, balance, target test Passport Marking – Hole 2/5 putts from a putter length, complete 3 putting holes in 7 or under Passport Marking – Hit 3/5 shots onto a green, hit 3/5 shots 30+ yards Padbrook Park Golf Club – Anti-Bullying Procedure Padbrook Park Golf Club takes the wellbeing and care of all its Junior members seriously and will not condone any form of bullying or harassment. Anti-Bullying Bullying is deliberately hurtful behaviour, usually repeated over a period of time, in situations where it is difficult for those bullied to defend themselves. It can take many forms. The three main types are: Physical e.g. hitting, kicking, theft etc. Verbal e.g. racist or homophobic remarks, threats, name-calling etc. Emotional e.g. isolating an individual from the activities and social acceptance of the peer group; vindictive emails and texts etc. Bullying can occur between and adult and child, and child to child. In either case it is not acceptable within golf. The competitive nature of golf can create an environment that provides opportunities for bullying. The bully may be: A parent who pushes too hard A coach who adopts a win-at-all costs philosophy Another child who intimidates (inappropriately) An older player who intimidates (inappropriately) An official who places unfair pressure on a person There are a number of signs that may indicate that children are being bullied: Behavioural changes such as reduced concentration and/or becoming withdrawn, clingy, depressed, tearful, emotionally up and down, a reluctance to go to school, training or sports clubs A drop in performance at school or standard of play Physical signs such as stomach-aches, headaches, difficulty in sleeping, bed-wetting, scratching and bruising, damaged clothes and comfort bingeing (e.g. food, cigarettes or alcohol) A shortage of money or frequent loss of possessions Drop out of newer members These examples are not exhaustive and the presence of one or more of the indicators is not proof that bullying or harassment is actually taking place. IT IS NOT THE RESPONSILBILITY OF THOSE WORKING IN GOLF TO DECIDE THAT BULLYING OR HARRASSMENT IS OCCURING BUT IT IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO ACT ON ANY CONCERNS. If anyone is aware of any incidents relating to any form of bullying (physical, emotional or verbal), they should speak to the Padbrook Park Golf Club Child Welfare Officer immediately. Padbrook Park Golf Club What is the guidance relating to children in the changing rooms? Adults should not change or shower at the same time using the same facility as young people. Adults should try to change at separate times to young people. If adults and young people need to share a changing facility, the club must have consent from the parents that their child/children can share a changing room with adults in the club. If young people need to share changing facilities with adults their parents should be allowed to supervise them whilst they are changing. Players aged 10 and under must be supervised at all times in changing rooms by two members of staff, of the same gender as the players. Mixed gender teams must have access to separate male and female dressing rooms. If young people are uncomfortable changing or showering in public no pressure should be placed on them to do so. Encourage them to do this at home. If your club has disabled players involve them and their carers in deciding how, if applicable, they wish to be assisted to change and ensure they provide full consent to any support or assistance required. How many adults should there be to supervise children? For young people over the age of 8, the ratio of adults to children is a minimum of 1:10 For young people aged under the age of 8 government guidance outlined in the care standards act 2000 should be followed. Padbrook Park Golf Club – Code of Conduct All members and staff should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. This includes but is not limited to the following: You should: • help create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment. • demonstrate fair play and apply golf’s standards both on and off the course. • understand that you have the right to be treated as an individual. • respect the advice that you receive that promotes the concept of a balanced attitude. • treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. • respect physical, cultural and racial differences. • challenge or report if you observe any form of discrimination and prejudice. • look out for yourself and for the welfare of others. • speak out if you consider that you or others have been poorly treated. • report behaviour that appears to fall below the expected standards of the club. • be organised and on time. • tell someone in authority if you are leaving a venue or competition. • accept that these guidelines are in place for the well-being of all concerned. • treat organisers and coaches with respect. • observe instructions or restrictions required by appropriate members of staff. You should not take part in any irresponsible, abusive, inappropriate or illegal behaviour which includes: • consuming alcohol or illegal or performance-enhancing drugs or stimulants. • smoking. • using foul language. • publicly using critical or disrespectful descriptions of others. Padbrook Park Golf Club – Code of Conduct for Professional Coaches, Staff and Volunteers Rights • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person. • Help create an environment where all children have an equal opportunity to participate. • Help create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment. • Recognise the rights of all children to be treated as individuals. • Recognise the rights of parents and children to confer with other coaches and experts. • Promote the concept of a balanced attitude, supporting the well-being of the child both in and out of golf. • Do not discriminate on the grounds of sex, marital status, race, colour, disability, sexuality, age, religion or political opinion. • Do not condone or allow to go unchallenged any form of discrimination or prejudice. • Do not publicly criticise or engage in demeaning descriptions of others. • Communicate with children in a manner that reflects respect and care. Relationships • Develop relationships with parents and children based on openness, honesty, mutual trust and respect. • Do not engage in any behaviour that constitutes any form of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional abuse, neglect or bullying). • Be aware of the physical limits of children and ensure that training loads and intensities are appropriate. • Ensure that physical contact is appropriate and necessary and is carried out within recommended guidelines (See Appendix 4G – CPSU Guidelines on Physical Contact and Young People in Sport and PGA Guidelines). • Always try to work in an open environment (e.g. avoid private or unobserved situations). • Do not engage in any form of sexually-related contact with children. Sexual innuendo, flirting or inappropriate gestures and terms are also unacceptable. • Promote the welfare and best interests of children. • Explain to parents, as appropriate, the potential impact of the coaching programme on the child. • Arrange to transfer a child to another personal coach if it is clear that an inappropriate relationship is developing. • Be familiar with the organisation’s Child Protection Policy and Procedures. • Report any concerns you may have in relation to a child or the behaviour of an adult, and follow reporting procedures. • Consider the child’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in golf. • Inform parents and children of the etiquette and practical considerations when playing golf. • Inform parents of any potential financial implications. Responsibilities and Personal Standards • Demonstrate proper personal behaviour and conduct at all times. • Be fair and honest with all children. • Develop an appropriate working relationship with children based on mutual trust and respect. • Always emphasise that the well being and safety of the child is more important than the development of performance. • Do not smoke, or drink alcohol, while actively working with children. Never use recreational or performance-enhancing drugs. • Promote the positive aspects of golf (e.g. fair play, honesty and etiquette). • Attend appropriate training to enable you to keep up-to-date with your role and matters relating to the welfare of children. • Hold relevant qualifications. • Ensure the necessary insurance cover is in place. Padbrook Park Golf Club – Transport Policy Purpose To inform parents/cares, young players and all adults involved with young golfers development at Padbrook Park Golf Club about the principles adopted by the club. Rationale The ultimate responsibility for transporting young golfers to and from matches, away days and other organised events is the parents/carers. However there may be occasions when parents/carers have given permission for the player to be transported by another responsible adult. If that is the case the parent/carer must have completed a player profile form giving that permission and give to Junior Organiser. Principles Unless a parent/carer intends to convey a child to all home and away events authority for other drivers to be used permission must be given at the start of the season via the player profile form. Ensure you know where your child is and how to contact them. Tell your child that he/she has the right to say ‘no’ if they are not comfortable with the arrangements for transport. What Padbrook Park Golf Club will ensure: If a private car other than a parent’s car is being used to transport young golfers the car will be registered with the Padbrook Park Golf Club Junior Organiser. Any driver will ensure that all passengers are safe by ensuring the car is roadworthy, and that a valid driving licence and insurance cover are held. All drivers will ensure that seat belts are used at all times and that drivers are aware of their legal obligations, especially having due regard for speed and that drivers will observe speed limits at all times. A driver who is a staff member, professional or volunteer will not normally be alone in a car with a young person at any time. If in an emergency this has to happen then drivers will ensure the young person is in the back of the car. All persons involved with young persons’ golf development will have been CRB checked. Clear information will be supplied on all fixtures which will include the expected time of departure and arrival and this will be communicated to parents/carers in good time before an event. Any driver over the age of 18 years and under 21 years old will have to seek special permission from the club to carry any other young player and if this is the case the driver will be checked by a member of the Management Committee and permission will be sought from parents. If any parent/carer or young person is concerned at any time please inform the club Welfare Officer, Junior Organiser or Padbrook Park Golf Club Secretary/Manager in the club office To be completed by Volunteer Drivers Purpose of the form: • To register the private vehicles used for the transport of children in connection with golf away fixtures or tours. • To inform drivers of the need to check and amend their insurance, if necessary, if they intend to use their vehicle on behalf of the organisation, and if passengers are being carried in connection with the organisation’s activities or events. • The form must be completed by the driver of any private vehicle used for the transportation of individuals to and from golf activity. Completed forms must be handed to the organisation’s secretary or GWO. Registration No: Colour: Name of Registered Keeper: Make: Model: Driver Details Full Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone Number: Driving licence No and type (e.g. full): Other members authorised to drive the vehicle: MOT Expiry Date: Insurance Company: Insurance Expiry Date: Road Tax Expiry Date: Declaration I have informed the insurance company of my intention to transport members on behalf of the County/Club. I have stated if I will be claiming expenses in connection with this additional use. I have extended the policy and paid any additional premium as required by the insurance company. To the best of my knowledge my vehicle is roadworthy. I will inform all passengers of the legal requirements to wear seat belts. I will inform all passengers that smoking is not permitted in the vehicle. I understand it is not good practice to give children a lift on their own. I declare that the information stated here is correct and that I will inform the County/Club of any changes. I have agreed to give sight of my driving licence to the administrator. Signed: Print Name: Date: For Padbrook Park Golf Club GOLF APPROVED DRIVER Name: Registration Number: Signed: County/Club/County Secretary/Chair Date: Original Driving Licence and paper seen and driving offences listed. Signed: Date: PADBROOK PARK GOLF CLUB – CONFIDENTIALITY PROTOCOL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Confidentiality Details of juniors shall be kept on file by the secretary/manager, Junior Organiser and PGA Golf Professionals. From time to time the county bodies may also ask for details of promising juniors, these will be passed on as part of our commitment to developing a junior members golfing talent. EMERGENCIES AND INCIDENTS Player Profile/ Medical Consent Forms will be obtained and retained by Padbrook Park Golf Club for all children who are members or attending coaching at the club. These forms will be available at all times and reviewed each year. They will be treated in confidence and only shared with those who require the information they contain to perform their role effectively. In the event of a child requiring medical attention: - The parents will be contacted immediately - In the event of failure to contact parents, the alternative emergency contacts will be used - The consent form will be consulted to establish whether parents have given their consent for a club representative to act in loco parentis - An adult club representative will accompany the child to seek medical attention, if appropriate A record of the action taken will be made and retained by Padbrook Park Golf Club. Where a parent is late in collecting their child from the club the following procedure will apply: 1. Attempt to contact the parent/carer using the contact details on the Player Profile Form 2. Attempt to contact the first, then the second emergency contact nominated on the Player Profile Form 3. Wait with the young person(s) at the club with, wherever possible, other staff/volunteers or parents. 4. If no one is reachable, contact the Club Welfare Officer or the Secretary for advice. 5. The local police will be contacted to enquire about the best course of action. Staff, members, PGA Pros and volunteers should avoid: • Taking the child home or to another location. • Asking the child to wait in a vehicle or the club with them alone. • Sending the child home with another person without permission. Remind parents/carers of the policy relating to late collection, within the good practice guidance for parents/carers. Padbrook Park Golf Club – Equity Statement Padbrook Park is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so, Padbrook Park acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity Sports Equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society. The club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality, nationality or social/economic status. The club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat and intimidation, harassment and abuse. All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity. The club will deal with any incidence of discrimination seriously, according to the club’s disciplinary procedures. The club will take steps, as appropriate, to encourage membership from different groups and diverse communities. Padbrook Park Golf Club – Photographic Policy This form is to be signed by the legal guardian of a child under the age of 18, together with the child. Please note that if you have more than one child registered you will need to complete separate forms for each Padbrook Park Golf Club recognises the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all children in golf. As part of our commitment to ensure their safety we will not permit photographs, video images or other images of your child to be taken or used without your consent. Padbrook Park Golf Club will follow the guidance for the use of images of children as detailed within the respective Child Protection Policy and Procedures. Padbrook Park Golf Club will take steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended i.e. the promotion and celebration of the activities of Padbrook Park Golf Club. IF YOU BECOME AWARE THAT THESE IMAGES ARE BEING USED INAPPROPRIATELY YOU SHOULD INFORM THE GOLF WELFARE OFFICER IMMEDIATELY The photographs may be available on the website http:// For the golf season 200 If at any time either the parent/guardian or the child wishes the data to be removed from the website, 7 days’ notice must be given to the Golf Welfare Officer after which the data will be removed. PARENTAL AND CHILDREN PERMISSION FORM FOR THE USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND RECORDED IMAGES To be completed by parent I consent to photographing or videoing under the stated rules and conditions, and I confirm I have legal parental responsibility for this child and am entitled to give this consent. Signature: Date: To be completed by child I consent to photographing or videoing my involvement in golf under the stated conditions. Signature: Date: Padbrook Park Golf Club – Reference Form Dear ………………………………….has expressed an interest in becoming…………………………………………………………………………………….and has given your name as a referee. As this post involves substantial access to children and as an organisation committed to safeguarding children, it is important if you have any reason to be concerned about this applicant that you do not complete the following but please contact myself on: Telephone Number: 01884 836100 Name: Mr. Cary Rawlings Organisation: Welfare Officer, Padbrook Park Golf Club Any information disclosed in this Reference will be treated in confidence and in accordance with relevant legislation and guidance, and will only be shared with the person conducting the assessment of a candidate’s suitability for a post, if he or she is offered the position in question. • How long have you known this person? • In what capacity? • What attributes does this person have which would make him/her suited to this work? • How would you describe his/her personality? • Please rate the person on the following: (Please tick one box for each question) POOR Sense of responsibility Self-motivation Can motivate others AVERAGE GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT Energy Reliability Dealing with children Commitment Trustworthiness Signed: Date: Padbrook Park Golf Club –Self-Disclosure Form PART A You have the right of access to any information held on you and additional rights under the Data Protection Act Title: First Name(s): Surname: Previous names by which you may have been known: Address: Postcode: Telephone Number: Email: Date of Birth: Male/Female: Club: Please give details of the positions which you currently or wish to fulfill, or relevant job title: Start Date: Please give details of any other clubs you are or have been a member of and give etails of any positions you held: . The position for which you have applied is an exempted occupation for the purpose of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. All “spent” and “unspent” convictions must be declared. Having an “unspent” conviction will not necessarily impede your appointment within golf. This will depend on the circumstances and background to your offence. Evaluation of information is based on strict confidentiality and discretion. 1. Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence? YES NO If YES, please supply details of any criminal convictions: NOTE: You are advised that under the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975, as amended by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Amendment) Order 1986, you should declare all convictions including ’spent’ convictions, cautions, reprimands and written warnings. 2. Are you a person known to any Child Social Care department as being an actual or potential risk to children or currently under investigation for a child protection related incident? YES NO If YES, please supply details: 3. Have you had any disciplinary sanction (from a sports or other organisation’s Governing Body) relating to child abuse or poor practice? YES NO If YES, please supply details: I certify that all information in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and realise that false information or omissions may lead to termination of my services. I hereby consent to a CRB Disclosure: Signed: Date: Print name: I confirm that I have seen identification documents for the above person, and I confirm to the best of my ability that these are accurate. Please provide details of the documents: Signature of official: Position: Print name: Date: This form should be completed and returned to: Padbrook Park Golf Club – Supervision and Good Practise Guidleines SUPERVISION During coaching sessions, Padbrook Park Golf Club will endeavour to ensure that there is at least one club representative present for every 10 children. Parents will be encouraged to attend all events where their children are present. If there are young children (under 12 years of age) attending coaching or playing, they will be supervised at all times, including in the club changing rooms. Parents should be aware that if children are left on the club premises unsupervised, other than to attend club coaching sessions, competitions, or other club organised events, the club cannot accept supervisory responsibility. Special arrangements will be made for trips away from Padbrook Park Golf Club. Parents will receive full information about arrangements for any such trip and will be required to provide their consent for their child’s participation. GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINES Behaviour of adults and children Adults who work with children are placed in a position of trust in relation to children, and therefore it is important they behave appropriately and provide a strong positive role model for children, both to protect children and those working with children from false allegations of poor practice. Padbrook Park Golf Club requires that all staff and volunteers working with children adhere to the standards set out in the Adult Code of Conduct. Similarly, children are expected to follow their own code of conduct to ensure the enjoyment of all participants and assist the club in ensuring their welfare is safeguarded. Parents should also work together with the club to ensure that the safety of all children is safeguarded. Guidance for parents is provided to assist them in identifying the responsibilities of the club in relation to the child, and how they can best assist the club. Physical Contact Physical contact with children by coaches or volunteers should always be intended to meet the needs of the child and the sport, not the adult. That is, to develop golf technique, to protect the child from injury, to provide first aid or treat an injury. It should always take place in an open environment, and should not, as a general principle, be made gratuitously or unnecessarily. USEFUL CONTACTS GOLF CONTACTS Golf NGB Lead Child Protection Officer County Welfare Officer Club Welfare Officer LOCAL CONTACTS Local Child Social Care (CSC) (Including out of office hours contact) NB: In an emergency, the Samaritans will hold the CSC Duty Officer’s contact number Local Police child protection teams In an emergency contact via 999. NSPCC Freephone 24 hour Helpline 0808 800 5000 NATIONAL CONTACTS The NSPCC 42 Curtain Road London EC2A 3NH National Centre 0207 825 2500 Helpline: 0808 800 5000 Childline UK Freepost 1111 London N1 OBR 0800 1111 NI Childline 74 Duke Street Londonderry 028 90 327773 NSPCC Cymru/Wales Child Protection Helpline (Mon – Fri 11am – 7pm) 0808 100 2524 NSPCC 3 Gilmour Close Child Protection in Sport Unit Beaumont Leys Leicester L4 1EZ 0116 234 7224 NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Northern Ireland Jennymount Business PK Unit Northern Ireland North Derby Street Belfast BT15 3HN 028 90351135 NSPCC Capital Tower Child Protection in Sport Unit Grey Friars Road Wales Cardiff CF10 3AG 02920 267 000
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