Haselw worth School Stone lane G Gosport PO O12 1SQ Tel. 02 2392 523075 St Vincents Colle ege campus M Mill Lane Gospo ort PO12 4QA Tel. 02 2392 523075 Elson Infants school ElssonLane Gospo ort PO12 4EU Tel. 02 2392 523075 Monday Tuesd day A Alverbridge Nursery 11.30-3 .45pm Alverbridge Nursery 8.30am-12.30 Boogie Mites 9.30-10.30 & 10.3011.30 Contact Louise 07717 696697 Stay & P Play 9.30-11a am at Masonic Hall Clarence R Road Incredible Years Parenting Course 9.45 -11.45am C Contact 023 92523 075 5 12/1/2015 Referral only Y Young Parents group p 1pm -2.30pm Me-time 12.45 -2.45pm (referral only) 23/2/2015 Referral only Me-time 12.45 -2.45pm (referral only) 05/1/2015 Referral only Baby PEEP 10-11am Register your interest online Elm more Road Lee on the Solent PO O13 9DY Tel. 02 2392 513777 A Alverbridge Nursery 11.30am 3.45pm Breastfeedin ng Cafe 11.45—1.1 15pm Alverbridg ge Nursery 8.30a am-12.30 C Child Health Clinic &B Breastfeeding supporrt At Go osport Methodist Churrch 1-2.30pm Baby Mas ssage 1- 2pm Starts 15/1/2015 Register your interest online Stay & Play 9.30-11am Child He ealth Clinic 9.30-11.30am Mitc chy Titch Yoga Fun 10-1 11 am & 11-15 12.15pm Conttact Sam 07830 18609 98 Sberrnice7@googlemail.co om Power to t Change 10--12pm (Referral only) Child Health Clinic 12.30-2pm Breastfeeding café 12.30-2pm HENRY 9.30- 11.30am Starts 14/1/2015 Register your interest onlin ne Baby PEEP 1.15--2.15pm Register your inte erest online 13/1/20 015 Outside PEEP 1pm-2.30pm Starts 14/1/2015 Register your interest onlin ne Baby Boogie Mites th 13 Jan 2015 1..15-2.15pm To book on 6 we eek course Contact Trudy 07 7793282875 Centre staff training 9am-1pm Life With Baby 1-2.30pm Con ntact Alver Health Team Centre staff training 9am-1pm Story time @Elson library 2-2.45pm Child He ealth Clinic 9.30-11.30am Breastfe eeding Café 11.00--12.30pm Saturday Alverbridge Nurs sery 11.30am-12.30 0 Parentcrafft (fortnightly) 6-8pm ( Midwiffery Team) Baby Boogie Mites th From 24 Feb 20 015 10-11am To book on 6 wee ek course Contact Trudy 07 7793282875 Baby Massage 10-11am Starts 13/1/2015 Register your inte erest online Friday y Centre staff training 9am-1pm Life With Baby y 1-2.30pm Contact Health Team 02392 794 4871 Starts 14/1/2015 Parentcraft (fo ortnightly) 6-8pm Midwife ery Team Child Health h Clinic 9.30- 11.30 Thurrsday B Baby PEEP Drop-in 1.15 -2.15pm Term time only Stay & Play 9.30 -11.00am @ St Marys Church Siskin S School campus Nim mrod Drive R Rowner G Gosport PO O13 8AA Tel. 02 2392 513777 Boogie M Mites 9.30-10.30 & 10 0.30-11.30 Tel Louise 0771 17 696697 (last session 10/2/15) W Wednesday y Centre staff training 9am-1pm Young g Parents 1-2..30pm PEEP for 1’s 1pm-2pm Starts 16/1/2015 5 R Register your interest online Stay y & Play 9.30-11.00am Centre staff training 9am-1pm Grandparents Gro oup 9.30-11am Familly Men 10-1 12pm th Saturday 10 1 January st then 1 Saturday S of every month. 11/12/2014 Weekly y drop in n groups (unless stated bbelow groups coost £1 per family)) Stay & Play Play and activity a session for a all children under 5 Group Play and activity a session for g grandparents to atte end with their underr 5s Grandparents G Young Parents Group For paren nts with children und der 5 and expecting parents aged 16 -2 22yrs Make new w friends and learn n new skills. No cost. Breastfeeding c cafe Informal group for mums who o are breastfeeding or thinking of breastfeeding. A chance to t meet other mumss, and get advice an nd support from ourr fully qualified Breastfeed ding advisors. No co ost Baby PEEP Dro op In See below w Family Men (mo onthly) Fun activitiies for under 5s & th heir Dads, Grandda ads, Brothers and un ncles Pa arenting courses s (there is no ccharge for pareenting courses) Incrredible Years - Welcoming and non jud dgemental 10 weekk course which supp ports parents to build on the parenting and a beha aviour management skills they already y have, through disccussions and sharing g experiences with other parents. Book k through Little e Waves or Rownerr Childrens Centre Me T Time - Me Time is a relaxed course us sing scrapbooking to o make your own plan on how to stay well w and address tho ose trigg gers that can bring yyou down. Your Hea alth Visitor or the Ce entre staff can referr you. Pow wer to Change - A sstructured 10 week programme run by trained facilitators d designed for women n who are currently expe eriencing domestic abuse and for wom men who have left an n abusive relationsh hip but require on go oing support and ad dvice. The course covers build ding self esteem, re ecognising the differrence between asse ertiveness and aggrression, healthy c Family Aid 0 01329 285375. relattionships and offerss support. To book contact ple and effective wayy to strengthen the mother/baby bond and, a generally, lead ds to Bab by Massage - Baby massage is a simp healthier, happier babie es and parents. The e 5 week course willl teach you basic, sa afe strokes whilst building your confide ence in toucching your baby. Re egister your interest online. HEN NRY (health, exerc cise, nutrition in the really young) – 8 week course for fa amilies in which we look at a healthier lifestyle for tthe whole family, an nd hopefully give pa arents the confidencce to manage life with young children, and a to give them a great g P PEEP 10 w week course es (book online, no charge foor these coursees) Pa arents Early Educattion Partnership (PE EEP) supports pare ents to create the be est start for their children, by making the e m most of everyday lea arning opportunities through listening, ta alking, playing, sing ging and sharing boo oks. PEEP is about va aluing and building o on what parents alrready do, to supportt their child’s learnin ng and development. Ba aby PEEP drop In for children up to 1 Year. No need to book. A group to support you and your child to learn by singing, reading and playing Ba ding & playing aby PEEP for childrren up to 1 Year. A course to help you and your child to learn by singing, read PE EEP for 1’s for child dren 12 –18 months s. A course to help yyou and your child to learn by singing, reading & playing PE EEP Outside for children walking to 3y yrs +. A course to exxplore the environm ment ,through imagin nary play, stories, in nteractive play, song gs and rhymes. Health courses c eek course for pare ents to be. Parentcraft – 2 we The first week is ru un by a midwife cove ering labour, pain relief and a birth, and the se econd week run by a mate ernity support worke er covers life with baby in the e first few weeks. Please contact Blake Mate ernity Centre on 023 392 523651. Life with Baby – 5-6 5 week course forr first time parents. A great op pportunity to meet other o parents, get support & advice on sleep p, crying, minor illness and understanding your baby. b To book contact your Health H Visiting Team m Child Health Clinic Bring your child to be weighed and ha ave the opportunity to spea ak to a Health visitor. Drop in Other activities a s Boogie Mites These workshop ps offer music and movement m activities that sup pport your child’s so ocial, physical and lang guage developmentt. Cost £3 50 paid directt to Boogie Mites. Mitchy Titch Yo oga Fun Classes are desiigned to support lan nguage, listening & comm munication; learning through play; physical, so ocial and emotional development as well as the many be enefits of yoga. Cost £4 co ontact Sam 07830 186098 Don’t forgett….. Haven Children’ Centre in Gosport o their groups go to o For a timetable of www.haven.hantts.sch.uk Are yo ou interested in any of our c courses? To register yo our interest onlin ne just follow the e link www.gosp portcc.eventbrite e.co.uk. This doe es not guarrantee a place on o the course bu ut we contact you u nearer the time e to confirm Gos sport Children’s Centres
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