“Prof. M. S. Sinha Colloquium” Organized by Department of Physics National Institute of Technology Durgapur Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur – 713 209 Dated: January 15, 2015 Dear All, This is our great pleasure to inform you that the Department of Physics of NIT Durgapur is going to organise a Physics Colloquium entitled “Prof. M.S. Sinha Colloquium”. This is the first time such a Physics Colloquium is going to happen at NIT Durgapur. This will be inaugurated in the year 2015 (January 30) and subsequently the same will be arranged every year. The said colloquium will be arranged in the honor of Late Prof. M.S. Sinha who was the Founder Head of the Department of Physics (Regional Engineering College, Durgapur) and he was also an eminent Nuclear Physicist of the country. This colloquium is aimed to attract the attention of young students towards the research and development in Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics, Cosmology, Physics of Cosmic ray etc. through the celebration of centenary of Late Prof. M. S. Sinha and also to motivate the young students to welcome the Nuclear Science and Technology as their professional carrier. It is our great privilege to invite you to attend the aforesaid colloquium. Further, this is to request you to kindly nominate five students with good academic record (science back ground) and a faculty/mentor from your institute/organization to attend the seminar and make it a grand success. Please fill up the registration form and send it back to the undersigned at the earliest. Venue : Tel: +91Hall), 343 2546397 | Fax: +91 343 2547375 D. M. Sen Hall (Conference NIT Durgapur Date : e-mail:PM) ees2008@nitdgp.ac January 30, 2015 (10:00 AM-01:00 Programme : Annexure I Registration Form : Annexure II (Free Registration, however first cum first serve basis) Website: http://www.nitdgp.ac.in Registration Deadline: January 24, 2015 Thanking you Dr. Hirok Chaudhuri Coordinator email: chaudhuri_hirok@yahoo.co.in Programme Annexure - I “Prof. M. S. Sinha Colloquium” Organized by Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Durgapur Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur – 713 209 January 30, 2015 (10:00 AM-01:00 PM) Time Event Registration 09:30 am -10:00 am Registration Inauguration Program 10:00 am – 10:05 am 10:05 am-10:10 am Welcome with Flower bouquet to the Guest on Dais Tribute to Late Prof. M. S. Sinha by Garlanding on his Portrait Theme of the Event by Dr. Hirok Chaudhuri, Co-ordinator of “Prof. M. S. Sinha Colloquium” and Assistant Professor, Physics Department, NIT Durgapur 10:10 am – 10:20 am Audio-visual presentation on Biography of Late Prof. M. S. Sinha by Prof. P. Kumbhakar, Head of the Department of Physics, NIT Durgapur 10:20 am -10:30 am Speech by Prof. T. Kumar, Director, NIT Durgapur 11:30 am – 10:40 am Prof. M. S. Sinha - view of his student By Guest of Honour Prof. G. C. Bhar, Eminent Scientist and Retired Professor, Dept. of Physics, B.U., Burdwan & Presently Prof. of Physics and Philosophy at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Belur Math, Belur 10:40 am -10:50 am Prof. M. S. Sinha as a Colleague by Prof. A. K. Mitra, Retired Professor, Dept. of Physics, NIT Durgapur 10:50 am -11:00 am 11:00am – 11:10 am 11:10 am – 11:30 am Prof. M. S. Sinha as a Colleague by Prof. S. K. Chatterjee, Retired Professor, Dept. of Physics, NIT Durgapur Prof. M. S. Sinha as a Father by Dr. (Mrs.) H. Saha Tea break “Prof. M. S. Sinha Colloquium” Lecture 11:30-12:15 PM Speech by Chief Guest, Prof. Sibaji Raha, Eminent Nuclear Physicist and Director, Bose Institute, Kolkata "Prof. M. S. Sinha - the unsung hero of cosmic ray research in India" Felicitation to all the speakers 12:15-12:20 PM Felicitation to all the speakers and Vote of Thanks END OF THE PROGRAMME AT D. M. SEN HALL Inauguration of Seminar Hall at Physics Department 12:20-01:00 PM Walk to the Department of Physics, the work place of Late Prof. M. S. Sinha and Inauguration of Seminar Hall at Physics Department dedicated to the name of Late Prof. M. S. Sinha Display of plaques & medals of Prof. M. S. Sinha Venue: D. M. Sen Hall (Conference Hall, NIT Durgapur REGISTRATION FORM Annexure - II “Prof. M. S. Sinha Colloquium” Organized by Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Durgapur Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur – 713 209 January 30, 2015 1. Name: (Mr./Miss/Mrs./Dr./Prof) : 2. Affiliation (Department/Institute/Organisation) : 3. Mailing Address : 4. Telephone No./ Mobile No : 5. e-mail ID : 6. Employement Status (applicable for facuties only)/ : Academic Status (applicable for students only) : Catagory: Ph. D. / M. Tech / M. Sc. / B. Tech. / B. Sc. Department : Place: ___________ Date: ____________ Signature of the Applicant Interested candidates are request to make photocopy of the form and send the filled up form completed in all respect and duly signed by Head of the Department/ Institute/ Organisation on or before January 24, 12 noon by e-mail (scanned copy) to hirok.chaudhuri@phy.nitdgp.ac.in CORRESPONDING ADDRESS Dr. Hirok Chaudhuri Coordinator Assistant Professor, Department of Physics National Institute of Technology Durgapur M. G. Avenue, Durgapur – 713209, West Bengal, India. chaudhuri_hirok@yahoo.co.in Signature of the Head of the Department/ Institute / Organisation with Official seal Recommended / Not recommended (Official purpose only for NIT Durgapur)
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