Press release 20 January 2015 Churchill 2015 – 21st Century Statesmanship Global Leaders Programme and Seminar JOINING THE DOTS FOR 21ST CENTURY STATESMANSHIP 2015 is the fiftieth anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill’s death and the seventy-fifth anniversary of his “finest hour” in 1940 when he became Prime Minister. The various organisations that have been created in his name have come together in a unique Churchill Alliance to mark this date with innovative programmes that look to support education, leadership and public engagement. The aim of this 21st Century Statesmanship program, with Sir John Major as the Patron, is to provide a fitting tribute to Churchill’s memory and to put the the finger on today’s top level strategic issues. The key elements of this programme are: • World class organisations. • Eminent international panels. • Examining the big global strategic issues. • Short recommendations report in G20 global leaders format. • Seminar focusing on the skill sets required of 21st century leaders. • Joining the dots from the panels for 21st century statesmanship. • ‘So what?’ overview analysis of all panel reports and final seminar. • For leaders, future leaders, policy makers, academics, and global citizens. • Global streaming of key panel events and main seminar. • Reports digitally and collectively published. • Mainstreaming student and next generation engagement throughout. • Networks and alliances within and between panels follow-on work. • Patron - Sir John Major. • Seminar Chair - Lord George Robertson. • Seminar venue London Guildhall. Contact: Nigel Hall, Project Director: Tel 07875 224383; email Jamie Balfour, DG Winston Churchill Memorial Trust: 020 7799 1661; 1 1 Press release 20 January 2015 Programme concept • Eminent international panels will be established by participant organisations who will ‘own’ a global- strategic theme, and produce a short report by the 31 July 2015. On 23rd October 2015 a ‘different to the usual high level talk shop’ seminar will be held in London around the theme of the skill sets required of statesmen and women in the 21st century - and joining the dots from the various panel reports. Lord George Robertson (former Secretary General of NATO) will chair, keynote speakers will include heads of government level, and guests will include eminent experts, and directors and top panellists from participant organisations. Each guest will be asked to bring with them one 25-40 year old and one under 25 year old to ensure a truly inter-generational gathering and inclusive discussion. Key panel events and the main seminar to be streamed across a global network, and the reports will be digitally and collectively published. • • Panels • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Royal College of Defence Studies (Established by Churchill) – “The use of the military instrument” (Sir Tom Phillips, General Sir Richard Barrons, Professor Ashley Jackson, General Manfred Lange, Dame Mariot Leslie, General Sir John McColl, Lieutenant General Lex Oostendorp). Churchill College Cambridge (Established by Churchill) – “Joined-up scientific advice for 21st century leaders” (Dame Athene Donald). King’s College London “Instability and conflict in the 21st century” (Chair: Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman; Professor Theo Farrell, Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Sir David Omand, General Sir Rob Fry, Sir John Sawers, Dr Edwina Moreton; King’s Think Tank – student-led policy institute). The Ditchley Foundation “Democracy in the digital age” (Sir John Holmes). The Royal United Services Institute “Leadership in conflict and war: The Transatlantic Intelligence Relationship” (Professor Michael Clarke, John D Negroponte, Sir John Scarlett, Professor Sir David Omand, Gill Bennett, Professor Philip Bobbitt). The Met Office “Taking the planet into unchartered territory: the changing climate” (Chair: Sir David King, Chief Scientist : Dame Julia Slingo). The London School of Economics “21st century power: geographic shifts, diffusion away from state actors, and corrosion of the traditional instruments of power” (Professor Michael Cox, LSE IDEAS). UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence (Singapore) “Vision, Foresight and Statesmanship” (Patron - Helen Clark, Head of UNDP and former Prime Minister of NZ). The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House “Population growth and competition for food, water, and resources” (Dr Robin Niblett). Von Hugel Institute, Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme, St Mary’s University Twickenham, Theos, Faith in Leadership, Christ Church Oxford “Faith and religion in the 21st century” (Vice Chancellor Francis Campbell, Professors John Loughlin, David Ford and Nigel Biggar). Tomorrow’s Company “Business and Finance”. Learn to Lead “Next Generation Leadership” (20 Next Generation Leaders -18-22 year olds - attend ‘Churchill Changemakers’ leadership training then become peer-mentors; senior panel: including Baroness Doreen Lawrence, Professor Georgia Sorenson). Nik Gowing & Others “Leadership in the Digital Age: Thinking the Unthinkable” (Lord Nicholas Stern, Sir Robert Cooper, Sir John Holmes, Sir Lawrence Freedman, Sir Jeremy Greenstock , Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, Professor Michael Clarke, Professor Ian Goldin, Charles Grant). Discussions are on going with regard to panels covering the following topics: Responsible Management of the Environment, Health and Ageing, Soft Power – Culture and the Arts. Contact: Nigel Hall, Project Director: Tel 07875 224383; email Jamie Balfour, DG Winston Churchill Memorial Trust: 020 7799 1661; 2 2
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