Director's Manual 2015 - Hellenic Dance Festival

 14th Annual Metropolis of Atlanta
Hellenic Dance Festival & Byzantine Weekend
Director’s Manual
January 16-19, 2015
Charlotte, North Carolina
Table of Contents
Note: Changes/Important Notices in this Year’s Manual
General Rules and Regulations
Dance Competition Information
Choral Exhibition Information
Judging Information
Code of Conduct
Management Team & Organizers Roster
Changes to Director’s Manual 2015
Major Changes
The Hellenic Dance Festival is attempting to establish a Director’s Corner
where directors can correspond with this year’s judges. Here, director’s
can ask questions about suites, resources, music, etc. and will be assisted
by this year’s judging panel. More information on the Director’s Corner
can be found on page 6 of this manual.
CDs for performances must be submitted via mail to the Hellenic Dance
Festival on or before December 31, 2014. They will not be collected at
the Director’s Meeting at the Hellenic Dance Festival. For more
information about this, please refer to pages 7 & 8 of this manual.
All forms, rosters, and fees must be submitted to the Director of
Competition on or before November 30, 2014. Should these not be sent
in on time, the group will receive 1% deduction for each late item off of
your cumulative score. For more information about this, please refer to
pages 9 & 10 of this manual.
The Hellenic Dance Festival will no longer be having a Choral
Competition. Rather, groups can choose to participate in the 2014
Hellenic Dance Festival Choral Exhibition. For more information about
this, please refer to pages 11-14 of this manual.
General Rules and Regulations
Dancer and Choral Participants
All dancers, dance/choral participants, dance and choral directors MUST
purchase a Full Participant’s Package. Parents, chaperones, and other guests
are also encouraged to purchase Full Packages, though other package options
are available. Registrants who will only be participating in the choral festival may
purchase choral festival packages that will only include Saturday activities, or
they may purchase Full Participant Packages if they prefer. All groups must also
have their group registration forms signed by their parish priest.
Rules and Conduct
All Hellenic Folk Dance and Choral participants are expected to conduct
themselves in accordance with the HDF By-Laws and the Metropolis of Atlanta
Code of Conduct. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action towards a
dancer and the group with which he/she dances. Each registrant must sign the
Metropolis of Atlanta Code of Conduct Policy Statement provided in the individual
registration form to participate. These forms can be found on pages 16 & 17 of
this Director’s Manual.
Participant Requirements
1. A younger category member may participate in an older category.
2. There is no limit to the number of entries a parish may submit as long as they
meet the qualifications covered in the HDF By-laws.
3. All participants must be members in good standing of the Greek Orthodox
Church and in complete compliance with the Archdiocese Parish Manual.
Any questions regarding participation should be referred to the HDF
Executive Committee for final determination.
4. The parish priest for each participating parish must certify the eligibility of all
participants from his parish.
5. A dancer may only participate with his/her parish in one entry at each division
that he/she qualifies for under the discretion of the instructor. To encourage
smaller communities to participate, the director can request a waiver with the
Executive Committee to allow a dancer to dance in more than one entry in his
parish so as to not exclude a team from participating. Any deviation from
these guidelines will require a written justification from the director and
approval from the Executive Committee. Requests for Waivers must be sent
to the Metropolis of Atlanta HDF Weekend Chairperson.
6. If your parish does not have a dance troupe, you may participate in a
neighboring parish with the approval of your parish priest. A waiver request
must be submitted to the Metropolis of Atlanta HDF Weekend Chairperson:
Waiver requests should be mailed to:
Stavros “Stephen” Karagiorgis
3969 Huddington Court
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Wristband Policy
Only guests with full package wristbands or choral package wristbands will be
allowed into scheduled events and meal functions. All participants must keep
their wristbands on the entire weekend. Anyone possessing a broken
wristband must get a replacement band. Replacement bands can be obtained
in the registration area. A fee of $15.00 will be charged for a replacement band.
Anyone who loses a wristband will be charged for a full participant late package
The Hellenic Dance Festival Rules require at least one adult chaperone per four
(4) participants under the age of 18. All chaperones have to be over the age of
21. The HDF Committee also strongly suggests that for all participants under the
age of 12, there be one parent per child.
Dance Competition Information
Director’s Meeting
All Dance and Choral Directors are required to attend the Director’s Meeting on
Friday, January 16, 2015, following Opening Ceremonies at a location to be
announced. We strongly suggest that you bring your manual with you, as you
will not be given another. All directors will be held responsible for the information
and material discussed at this meeting.
Director’s Corner
Directors have the opportunity to interact and communicate with this year’s
judging panel prior to this year’s Hellenic Dance Festival via our new Director’s
Corner website. On this site, directors can pose questions about suites,
resources, music, etc. to our judges who will attempt to assist you as best as
they can. This has been established in an effort to provide more access to
information for every community and director participating in the Hellenic Dance
ministry. The Director’s Corner can be found at:
Staging & Performance Information
1. The minimum Division 1 stage dimensions are 32’ wide x 32’ deep. Dancers
may dance on and off from either side. The minimum Division 2 dimensions
are also 40’ wide x 40’ deep. The stage is subject to be larger than mentioned
but will not be any smaller. If changes are made you will be notified by the
Director of Competition.
2. The entire performance must be done within the performance area on stage.
Performers may exit and re-enter the staging area during the performance
time. Should a costume change be required it must be done in the wings.
Any props that are to be used in your performance may be kept in the wings
during your performance time only; there will be no storage area for props.
3. Festival rules prohibit the use of fireworks, fire, or hazardous materials, and
the use of any fasteners to the stage floor and risers. Use of any of the above
items will call for automatic disqualification.
4. No special lighting request will be honored.
If you have any questions about your performance or if you have some
special need that has not been covered, please contact the Director of
Competition and we will do all that we can to accommodate you.
Group Classification
The groups will be placed in categories using the average age of dancers.
Please feel free to contact either the Director of Competition if you need help with
Division I
Primary: 9 years old and below
Junior: 10-11 years old
Advanced Junior: 12-13 years old
Division II
Senior: 14-15 years old
Advanced Senior: 16-18 years old
Adult: 18+ years old
The above ages are guidelines only; we do not expect your dancers to fit solely
into one category. Please use the average age of the group to determine
classification. Directors, place your group according to these guidelines and also
consider group's experience and ability. If you make a mistake in selfclassification you will be contacted by the Director of Competition. After the
semi-final round the group may be moved by a consensus of the judges and the
Judging Coordinator. The team's director shall be informed and given the
opportunity to provide rationale why the team should stay in the self-classified
category. After the semi-final round, the judges, solely, may adjust the
classification of teams to reflect the team's capabilities relative to the level of the
other teams competing.
Time Limits
The time limits are as follows:
Division I: (Primary, Junior, and Advanced Junior)
Semi-final: Eight (8) minute
Final: Ten (10) minutes
Division II: (Senior)
Semi-final: Ten (10) minutes
Final: Twelve (12) minutes
Division II: (Advanced Senior and Adult)
Semi-final: Twelve (12) minutes
Final: Fourteen (14) minutes
If a team exceeds the time limits, there will be an automatic 5% deduction from
their total score.
1. Audio files must be saved in a standard audio CD.
2. CDs for performances must be submitted to the Hellenic Dance Festival in
order to verify that the provided music will play with the provided equipment
by December 31, 2014.
3. You must record each set of dances for the semi-final and final rounds of
competition in the correct order on separate CDs; one for semi-final and one
for final round.
4. Each Division I and Division II dance director must submit a total of four (4)
CDs to the Hellenic Dance Festival via mail by December 31, 2014; two
copies of the semi-final round and two copies of the final round. Each CD
should be labeled as follows:
a. Dance Group Name & City
b. Dance Director Name
c. Number of Songs/Name of Dances on CDs
d. Round of Dance (semi-final or final)
5. Once your CDs have been submitted, they will not be returned during the
weekend and alternate CDs will not be accepted for any reason. It is
suggested that you bring an additional set of CDs for your own use during the
weekend since we will not return your CDs for practice purposes.
6. Any disputes over timing will be settled by playing and timing the CDs, hence
one reason for not returning the CDs. The Hellenic Dance Festival cannot be
held responsible for the quality of your performance if you do not follow these
7. CDs can be sent to the following address:
Hellenic Dance Festival
3969 Huddington Court
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Special Audio Requests
Our sound technicians will be instructed to keep the CD running from the
moment it starts until the moment when the team leaves the dance floor. They
will not start and stop the CD for your team per your special instructions.
Practice Rooms
Groups wishing to practice before competition can do so by signing up for a
practice time outside of individual practice rooms. Practice sessions will be
conducted on a first come first serve basis. Groups may sign up for a half-hour
session. No group will be allowed the advantage of practicing on a stage on
which they will be performing.
Team Checkpoints
All teams, both dance and choral, must check in with the Director of Competition
when the group that is three slots ahead of your group, is on stage. "Checking
in'' consists of having your entire group present. Groups must stay in checkpoint
until their appointed performance time. A penalty of 1 point deduction will be
given to groups that are not prepared to dance when they are announced at
the scheduled time.
This rule makes no mention of time, only about a group's position in
relation to other groups. The schedule of times provided for you is a
courtesy service by the Directors of Competition to give all participants
something to estimate by. If the conflict comes up where there are two
groups from the same parish about to perform at the same time, an
exception will be made by the Director of Competition. This will be the
only acceptable reason to change time slots.
Special Resource Materials
Directors who wish to have resource materials (audio cassettes, videos, written
material, etc.) presented to the judges from which their performances are based
on can do so by sending the material to:
Hellenic Dance Festival
3969 Huddington Court
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
All materials must be received by November 30, 2014. The Hellenic Dance
Festival cannot guarantee that material received after this date will be presented
to the judges. Please do not submit any original information, as it will not be
returned. If you wish to have your information returned, please submit that in
writing along with your information.
Performance Information
The following group forms need to be submitted to the Director of Competition by
the Group Director by the following deadline dates:
Intent to Participate & Team Registration Fee: October 26, 2014
Group Roster signed by Parish Priest: November 30, 2014
Dance or Choral Performance Forms: November 30, 2014
Costume Information Form: November 30, 2014
4 CDs (2 for semi-final, 2 for final) of Music: December 31, 2014
You will be penalized 1% of your total score for each of the previously
mentioned items are submitted to the Director of Competition past the
appropriated deadline. All forms can be submitted by electronically via email
and CDs sent via postal service to:
Stavros “Stephen” Karagiorgis
Director of Competition
3969 Huddington Court
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Choral Exhibition Information
Over the past few years, the Choral program has undergone many changes in an
effort to increase participation from HDF dance participants and their directors. It
was decided to eliminate judging completely, which will allow groups of all
levels and age combinations to share the vocal music of our rich culture and our
beloved Orthodox fait without the added pressure of competition or adjudication.
Choral Festival Requirements for Choirs
I. Greek Orthodox Liturgical Hymn
Traditional Byzantine OR Contemporary choral arrangement
Note: All Liturgical music selections must be sanctioned by the National Forum
of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. Suggestions for both Byzantine and
contemporary choral arrangements may be found on the National Forum’s
available music website at the following link:
II. Traditional Greek Folk Song
In addition to the required selections, a group may sing additional songs from the
above categories provided that they can be completed within the allotted
performance time. Elective musical selections may be performed with Greek or
English texts.
Selection Information
The choral performance form online requires an explanation of each selection.
Please indicate why the selection was chosen, any background information, and
its liturgical or historical significance. Also include a brief description of each song
(two to three sentences), which will be read aloud prior to the performance.
Time Allotment
Each group will be allotted a maximum of nine (9) minutes to perform the two
required selections and any additional selections that can be sung within the time
limit. Timing will begin at the start oft he first selection. Additional time may be
allotted to each group depending on the number of groups who will be
participating. Choirs will be notified in advance of the festival additional time will
be granted.
Dance Group Participation in the Choral Festival
Dance groups that sing traditional Greek Folk songs during their dance
performances may compete in the choral festival using some or all of the same
songs that were part of their dance suites. These teams must also include a
Greek Orthodox Liturgical Hymn in addition to the folk song(s). Dance teams who
wish to participate in the choral event must also register as a choral team by
filling out the Choral Festival Registration Form.
General Information
The director may conduct the choir as long as he/she is in the designated
performance area. He/she may not leave the performance area during the
performance time. Any type of live instrumental accompaniment is permitted,
however it is up to the director to schedule a sound check with the Choral
Festival Director. A piano will be provided for those groups who request one for
the performance only. Please make your request on the Choral Festival form in
the space provided!
Ø The use of taped accompaniment is not permitted.
Ø Additional sound equipment beyond what is provided is not
The checkpoint rule applies to the Choral Festival as well. Please read
carefully. All teams must check in with the Choral Festival Director when the
group performing two slots ahead of them is on stage. "Checking in" consists of
having your entire group present. Groups must stay in checkpoint until their
appointed performance time. This rule makes no mention of time, only about a
group's position in relation to other groups. The schedule of times provided for
you is an approximate time for participants to estimate the time of their
performance. If the conflict comes up where there are two groups from the same
church about to perform at the same time, an exception will be made. This will be
the only excuse acceptable to change time slots.
Cameras/Video Equipment
Flash photography and videotaping will be permitted only at specific times and
locations just prior to or after a group’s performance.
Music Requirements
Printed music used during the festival must be original, purchased versions of the
composer’s work. Photocopies of music will not be permitted without specific
permission granted by the copyright holder. “Permission granted to reproduce by
(composer/publisher’s name)” must be written on any duplicated music. This is
copyright law and groups who violate this rule will be disqualified.
Suggested Performance Attire and Folders
In an effort to create the least amount of distraction during the festival, it is
recommended that choirs perform in their dance costumes, choir robes or other
type of uniform clothing (example: white blouse/shirt with dark skirt/pants).
Additionally, it is suggested that choirs who perform with music use a
standardized black folder for each singer.
Performance Etiquette
As is standard practice for secular choral festivals, entry or exit during a live
performance is prohibited. Talking in or moving around the performance venue is
distracting and inconsiderate to the performers. Doors will remain closed until
after the singers have completed their presentation.
Choral Festival Questions/Help
If you have any questions about the scoring criteria, or if you would like help
making choral selections or obtaining sheet music, please contact the Choral
Festival Chairperson Daniel Houlis (
Dance Judging/Evaluation Program
Diamond Award
A Diamond Award will be awarded to one group in Division 1 and one group in
Division 2. This will be awarded to the highest rated group in each of these
divisions. If there is a tie, the judges will caucus and decide which group receives
the award in each division.
Platinum Award
A Platinum Award will be awarded to the highest group in each category. If there
is a tie, the judges will caucus and decide which group receives the award in
each category.
The Prestigious Metropolitan ALEXIOS Brotherly Love Award
This Award will be awarded to the parish that best displays the principles of our
Orthodox Faith.
Costume Award
One costume award will be given in each category for the most outstanding
costume. Consideration shall be given to whether the costumes in whole or in
part were professionally made or were made by the dancers (or parents of the
dancer's parish), thus more fully promoting the perpetuation of Greek culture and
heritage. Costuming scores are kept separate from dancing scores since it is a
separate award.
Folk Expression Award
One award will be given in each category to the team that demonstrates the most
effective use of, but not limited to, choral accompaniment, traditional “ethimo”
prestentation, profound dialect pronunciation, exemplary execution of a particular
dance, etc., to enhance their performance. An individual, ensemble, or group can
do this during a performance.
Judging Procedures
Judges will give the following rankings in relation to how well a group did in each
criterion. No points for areas will be awarded.
Top Score = Platinum Medal
Superior = Gold Medal
Excellent = Silver Medal
Meritorious = Bronze Medal
A) The following Criteria will be used when a judge critiques each group.
Styling/Steps: Accuracy of the regional dance step and style.
Stage Presence: Staging and space usage, balance of the group, kefi,
and precision and presentation of the group as a whole.
Authenticity: Reasonable representation of the specified village’s
dances, correct dance to music, etc.
Costuming: How well the regional costume is presented.
B) Each dance should be a minimum of at least one minute.
C) Dances can be done as a medley, but the names of dances must be listed
separately on the group performance sheet for the judges.
Note: There is no minimum or limit to the number of awards that will be
given in each category. It will all be dependent on the result of the
evaluation of each dance group in conjunction with judges’ discretion.
Code of Conduct Policy Statement
The undersigned HDF participant acknowledges and agrees to abide by the HDF
Code of Conduct and agrees to accept the consequences for actions that violate
the rules of conduct as outlined below:
Consumption of alcoholic beverages involving participants under the age
of 21 at the Hellenic Dance Festival, in hotel rooms, or any of the related
functions is strictly prohibited.
Smoking by participants less than 18 years of age at the Hellenic Dance
Festival or any related function is strictly prohibited. Smoking by adults is
prohibited in the competition.
Illegal drug use is prohibited at all times by any participant at the Hellenic
Dance Festival.
Participants under 18 must be in their sleeping rooms from 2:00 AM to
6:00 AM. Participants will not loiter in the halls, creating disruptive noise
that may wake others. These rules will be enforced by security.
Damage to personal or public property of any kind is strictly prohibited and
is the sole responsibility and liability of the person or persons involved.
Any disrespect shown to a fellow dancer or other individual is prohibited.
Violation of any of the above items shall result in team probation and/or
disqualification, as well as possible eviction from the Main Hotel or any
other satellite hotels HDF has contracted for this event.
Participants who break the rules stated in the code of conduct, whether dancer,
parent, chaperone, non-dancer, or friend will have their entire group immediately
put on probation and risk the possibility of being evicted from the Main Hotel or
any of the other satellite hotels that the HDF has contracted with for this event,
as well as withdrawal of any awards. The group will be on probation for the
remainder of the weekend and at next year’s HDF. Any additional rule infractions
while on probation will result in disqualification. If a first time offense by a team is
disputed, the HDF Executive Committee will review the circumstances arising
from the rule infraction.
A second offense by anyone directly or indirectly associated with a dance group
on probation will result in the group’s immediate disqualification. Disqualification
means that the dance group will be allowed to finish the competition, but they will
not be eligible for any awards. In addition, a copy of the reprimand will be sent to
the community’s priest and Parish Council. Further infraction of the rules by
individuals associated with a disqualified group(s) during the remainder of the
HDF Weekend will result in immediate dismissal of those individuals from the
HDF, the Main Hotel, or any of the satellite hotels that the HDF has contracted
with for this event. If there is a third offense by a dancer or director, he or she will
not be allowed to dance with or direct their team, or any other team, for the
remainder of the HDF weekend and for the following year as well. Any disputes
regarding disqualifications or probation are to be brought to the attention of the
HDF Executive Committee for review.
HDF 2015 Management Team & Organizers
His Eminence, Metropolitan +Alexios
Gerry Clonaris, Metropolis HDF Chairperson
Eleni Hopes, HDF Vice-Chairperson
Fr. Constantine Simeonidis, Spiritual Advisor
HDF Weekend Chairpeople
Stavros “Stephen” Karagiorgis
Vassio Giannakopoulos
Host Committee Representatives
Stacie Peroulas
Representative to Management Team
Frank Boardman
Representative to Executive Council
Competition Team
Stavros “Stephen” Karagiorgis
Director of Competition
Anastasia Christakis
Sarantos Kaperonis
Charlie Kleto
Georgea Polizos
Events Team
DeeDee Kaltsounis
Victoria Karagiorgis
Chloe Savvides
Judge Coordinator
Aris Yortzidis
Judge Liaison
Stacey Kroustalis
Maria Ballas
Sammy Zaravelis
Marketing & Public Relations
Venetta Jones
Candace Pistolis
Kiki Missailidis
Despina Vastakis
Voula Giannakopoulos
VIP & Hospitality
Amy Demas