Minority Commerce Weekly (C) 2015 Independent Media Sales & Services Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1988 - 2015, Celebrating 27-plus years of Service to Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (DMWBEs) Volume No. 29 Issue 1396 Phone: 212.349.4100 1988 - 2015 27 Years of Service to Disadvantaged, Minority & Women-owned Business Enterprises Contracting and Procurement Opportunities for Certified Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises January 15 - 21, 2015 Current Contracting/Procurement Opportunities CAPITAL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (CDTA) PLANNING 06-11000WASHINGTON/WESTERN BUS RAPID TRANSIT AND RIVER CORRIDOR BUS RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT DEVELOPMENT.8 CDTA-IT-47-1000 COMPUTER-AIDED DISPATCH AND AUTOMATIC VEHICLE LOCATION SYSTEM...............................................................................9 CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (CUNY)......................................................................................................................................................................4-7 METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY MTA REAL ESTATE (MTA RE).........................................................................................................................................................................................8 NEW YORK CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (NYCEDC) A HIGH PROFILE OPPORTUNITY - SEEKING CONSULTANTS FOR MAJOR NYC PROJECTS....................................................................................9 NEW YORK CONVENTION CENTER OPERATING CORPORATION (NYCCOC) TO SUPPLY 1,309 UNITS OF LIGHTING RETROFIT LAMPS TO REPLACE SEVERAL 250W PAR CAP LAMPS.............................................................10 NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY....................................................................................................................................................................................2-3 3 WAY FUEL VALVES AIR INLET HOUSING COATING BUSINESS SYSTEMS GAP ANALYSIS EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL SMALL HYDROPOWER GENERATION IN NEW YORK STATE STEAM SYSTEM UPGRADE STRAWBERRY ISLAND WETLAND RESTORATION HABITAT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - DREDGING & CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SWITCHYARD MAINTENANCE SERVICES UPGRADE LIGHT FIXTURES AND SENSOR INSTALLATION THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND (NYSIF) 2015-02-LEG LEGAL- OUTSIDE COUNSEL 1A.............................................................................................................................................................10 STATE UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION FUND PROJECT NO. 14A18, TITLED: HVAC UPGRADE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL , SUNY HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT BROOKLYN................................8 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (SUNY)(MWBE) ...................................................................................................................................................11-18 MWDBE SUBCONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES ECCO III ENTERPRISES, INC....................................................................................................................................................................................................10 KUBRICKY CONSTRUCTION CORP...........................................................................................................................................................................................9 ROOSEVELT AVENUE CONSTRUCTORS, JOINT VENTURE.....................................................................................................................................................10 SCHIAVONE CONSTRUCTION CO. LLC...................................................................................................................................................................................10 TUTOR PERINI CORPORATION...................................................................................................................................................................................................9 NEW JERSEY TRANSIT RACE NEUTRAL SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE ANNOUNCEMENT.......................................................................................................19 2 Generating More Than Electricity Minority Commerce Weekly CATEGORY: Bid Name: RFQ Number: Due Date: NYPA Contact: NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS: Bidders are hereby CAUTIONED to make use of the New York Power Authority’s web site at www.nypa.gov in order to obtain current and complete bid documents, bid addenda, post-bid addenda and related notices. Bidders obtaining bid documents from sources other than www.nypa.gov web site do so at their own risk. Incomplete bid responses may be rejected by the Authority. CATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Bid Name: Switchyard Maintenance Services RFQ Number: Q15-5799JT Due Date: 02/03/2015 NYPA Contact: Jennifer Travis 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-681-6630 Fax: 914-681-6783 Abstract: The New York State Power Authority invites you to submit a proposal for Switchyard Maintenance Services which shall include, but not limited to, General Inspections, Maintenance, Testing and Emergency Repair Services in the South East New York (SENY) Region that includes, but not limited to, the Authority SENY Sites. The term of this Agreement shall be for five (5) years and shall start on or about April 1, 2015 with a projected completion date on or about March 31, 2020. A description of the required Services is provided and detailed in the Schedule of Services attached to the RFP. CATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Bid Name: Strawberry Island Wetland Restoration Habitat Improvement Project - Dredging & Construction Contract RFQ Number: Q14-5795MH Due Date: 01/27/2015 NYPA Contact: Manuel Hamalian 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-287-3493 Fax: 914-681-6783 Abstract: The goal of the project is to increase and restore habitat complexity and create approximately 7.8-acres of wetlands and open water habitat for fish and wildlife in the Strawberry Island project area, along with structural features to protect the restored and existing habitat from future erosion. CATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Bid Name: Upgrade Light Fixtures and Sensor Installation RFQ Number: Q14-5785HM Due Date: 01/27/2015 NYPA Contact: Hagop Mikaelian 123 Main St., White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-681-6382 Fax: 914-681-6783 Abstract: Bidders are invited to submit a lump sum price for Labor Only proposal in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents, to furnish all labor, miscellaneous materials and supply of all equipment necessary to complete and make fully operational all retrofits performed for an energy efficient lighting upgrade and the installation of occupancy sensors at PS - 078X, The Anne Hutchinson School, Bronx, New York. A mandatory Site Walk-Through is scheduled for Thursday January 8, 2015, starting at 10:00 AM at PS-078X located at: 1400 Needham Ave., Bronx, NY - 10469, at the Main Entrance. Bidders planning to attend, must e-mail Hagop Mikaelian to notify their intent to attend the Site Walk-Through, at: hagop.mikaelian@nypa.gov no later than COB on Tuesday January 6, 2015 and provide name(s) of those expected at the Site meeting. The Bids are due on the Close of Business on Tuesday, January 27, 2015. E-mailed bids will not be accepted. January 15 - 21, 2015 CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE Steam System Upgrade Q14-5784HM 01/27/2015 Hagop Mikaelian 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-681-6382 Fax: 914-681-6783 Abstract: You are invited to submit a Lump Sum Not To Exceed Price proposal in accordance with requirements of the bidding documents, to furnish, deliver, install and provide all labor, miscellaneous materials and supply of all the equipment necessary to complete all of the work to Upgrade the Steam System at the Anne Hutchinson School, PS-078X, 1400 Needham Avenue, Bronx, NY, all in accordance with the drawings and specifications provided here-with. A mandatory Site Walk-Through is scheduled for Thursday January 8, 2015, starting at 10:00 AM at the main entrance of: The Anne Hutchinson School, [PS-078X],1400 Needham Avenue,Bronx, NY - 10469. The bids are due on the Close of Business of Tuesday January 27, 2015. CATEGORY: CONSULTING Bid Name: Evaluation and Assessment of Potential Small Hydropower Generation in New York State RFQ Number: Q14-5796MH Due Date: 01/27/2015 NYPA Contact: Manuel Hamalian 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914-287-3493 Fax: 914-681-6783 Abstract: The Consultant will identify a “short list” of potential sites for Small Hydropower Generation to be carried forward for further analysis. CATEGORY: EQUIPMENT PURCHASE, SERVICE, REPAIR OR INSTALLATION Bid Name: AIR INLET HOUSING COATING RFQ Number: A15-154953KK Due Date: 02/05/2015 NYPA Contact: Kevin King 31-03 20th Ave., Astoria, NY 11105-2014 Phone: 718 626 8288 Fax: 718-726-1226 Abstract: RFQ FOR THE COATING OF THE INTERIOR PORTION OF THE 500MW AIR INLET FILTER HOUSING CATEGORY: EQUIPMENT PURCHASE, SERVICE, REPAIR OR INSTALLATION Bid Name: 3 WAY FUEL VALVES RFQ Number: A15-154918KK Due Date: 02/05/2015 NYPA Contact: Kevin King 31-03 20th Ave., Astoria, NY 11105-2014 Phone 718 626 8288 Fax 718-726-1226 Abstract: RFQ FOR 3 WAY FUEL VALVE REPAIR/REFURBISHMENT CATEGORY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Bid Name: Business Systems Gap Analysis RFQ Number: Q15-5798SR Due Date: 01/29/2015 NYPA Contact: Sean Rooney 31-03 20th Ave., Astoria, NY 11105-2014 Phone: 718 626-8867 Fax: 718 726-1226 Abstract: The Power Authority of the State of New York (hereinafter "Authority") invites you to submit a proposal to provide a Gap Analysis to Minority Commerce Weekly January 15 - 21, 2015 assess the current state of NYPA's business systems; perform an in-depth evaluation of best practices and systems used in the utility/energy industry; and develop a plan that will identify strategies, efficiencies, and opportunities to integrate the use of existing and new IT systems to support the Customer Energy Solutions (CES) initiative at the New York Power Authority. BIDDERS MUST COMPLETE THE COMPENSATION SCHEDULE (which includes providing lump sum on page CS-1) BIDDERS MUST COMPLETE THE APPENDIX C DOCUMENTS IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THIS BID. NYS.30 3 4 Minority Commerce Weekly January 15 - 21, 2015 The City University of New York (CUNY) is the nation’s leading public university providing high-quality, accessible education for more than 269,000 degree-credit students and 247,000 adult, continuing and professional education students at 24 campuses across New York City. The University is an integrated system of senior and community colleges, graduate and professional schools, research centers, institutes and consortia. From certificate courses to Ph.D. programs, CUNY offers postsecondary learning to students of all backgrounds. It provides New York City with graduates trained for high-demand positions in the sciences, technology, mathematics, teaching, nursing and other fields. As CUNY has grown, the University also has strengthened its mission as a premier research institution, building an array of modern facilities and expanding the ranks of its world-class faculty. CUNY uses a University-wide collaborative purchasing process for core goods and services managed by the Office of the University Controller - Procurement with decentralized purchasing at the colleges to meet specific needs. While most campuses have a Purchasing Department, the Office of the University Controller purchases for the CUNY Central Office in addition to the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, CUNY School of Professional Studies, and the Stella & Charles Guttman Community College. The CUNY Graduate Center Purchasing Department purchases for its campus and for the CUNY School of Public Health and Macaulay Honors College. The City University Construction Fund, a NYS public benefits corporation, provides facilities for CUNY to support our educational programs on behalf of CUNY’s Office of Facilities Planning, Construction and Management. The University is committed to the active participation of Minority-/Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) in CUNY procurements. CUNY recognizes MWBE certifications issued by NYS Empire State Development. To obtain information on current solicitations or on any potential bidders/proposers’ lists, vendors are encouraged to contact the Office of University Controller and the Purchasing Director at each CUNY college. Minority Commerce Weekly January 15 - 21, 2015 Directory of CUNY Purchasing Departments: Office of the University Controller (212) 397-5600 mwbe@cuny.edu www.cuny.edu Fiorello H. LaGuardia Community College (718) 482-5525 purchasing@lagcc.cuny.edu www.lagcc.cuny.edu Baruch College (646) 660-6150 BaruchCollegeBids@baruch.cuny.edu www.baruch.cuny.edu Hunter College (212) 772-4333 purchcorrespond@hunter.cuny.edu www.hunter.cuny.edu Borough of Manhattan Community College (212) 220-8041 rcox@bmcc.cuny.edu www.bmcc.cuny.edu Herbet H. Lehman College (718) 960-8261 Andrea.Pinnock@lehman.cuny.edu www.lehman.cuny.edu Bronx Community College (718) 289-5801 purchasing@bcc.cuny.edu www.bcc.cuny.edu John Jay College of Criminal Justice (212) 237-8900 hstewart@jjay.cuny.edu www.jjay.cuny.edu Brooklyn College (718) 951-5133 purchasing@brooklyn.cuny.edu www.brooklyn.cuny.edu Kingsborough Community College (718) 368-5034 Lynn.Relay@kbcc.cuny.edu www.kbcc.cuny.edu City College (212) 650-5250 purchasing@ccny.cuny.edu www.ccny.cuny.edu Medgar Evers College (718) 270-6995 kgreene@mec.cuny.edu www.mec.cuny.edu College of Staten Island (718) 982-2450 purchasing@csi.cuny.edu www.csi.cuny.edu NYC College of Technology (718) 473-8960 purchasing@citytech.cuny.edu www.citytech.cuny.edu CUNY Graduate Center (212) 817-7650 purchasing@gc.cuny.edu www.gc.cuny.edu Queens College (718) 997-5760 qc.purchasing@qc.cuny.edu www.qc.cuny.edu CUNY School of Law (718) 340-4282 Pirzada@mail.law.cuny.edu www.law.cuny.edu Queenborough Community College (718) 631-6202 jconnors@qcc.cuny.edu www.qcc.cuny.edu Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College (718) 319-7966 strafton@hostos.cuny.edu www.hostos.cuny.edu York College (718) 262-2107 purchasing@york.cuny.edu www.york.cuny.edu City University Construction Fund (646) 664-2700 CUNY.Builds@cuny.edu www.cuny.edu/cunybuilds 5 Minority Commerce Weekly 6 January 15 - 21, 2015 CUNY Contracting and Procurement Opportunities In This Issue (CUNY) GRADUATE SCHOOL LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION FOR E PERIODICALS AND DATABASES...................................................................................................................................................6 SUBSCRIPTION TO SCOPUS.COM..................................................................................................................................................................................................6 (CUNY) MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE AUXILIARY ENTERPRISE CORPORATION FOOD/VENDING RFP.........................................................................................................6 (CUNY) Graduate School (CUNY) Graduate School Library subscription for E Periodicals and Databases Subscription to Scopus.com Notice is hereby given that the CUNY Graduate Center will be entering into an agreement with Westchester Academic Library Directors Organization ( Waldo ) for Subscriptions Online/Electronic Access/Database.. The CUNY Graduate Center intends to make an award under our discretionary authority pursuant to NYS Education Law §355 (5) (a), for the noted commodity/ service. A sealed bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the above product/service, you must contact the designated campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of this advertisement notice. Subscriptions ProQuest - Serials Solutions 360 Counter ProQuest - Serials Solutions 360 Link Sage Reference Online - Annual Hosting Cambridge University Press - Cambridge Post - Annual Maintenance & Hosting JSTOR ebooks Harvard Press - Digital Loeb Classical Library - Annual Access Harvard Press - Digital Loeb Classical Library Oxford Dictionary of National Biography - unlimited access Due date: 02/03/2015 11:00 AM Contract term: One Year County(ies): All NYS counties Location: CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School Purchasing Ronald Paynter Director of Purchasing and Contracts 365 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10016 United States Ph: 212-817-7609 Fax: 212-817-1635 rpaynter@gc.cuny.edu Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School Purchasing Ronald Paynter Director of Purchasing and Contracts 365 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10016 United States Ph: 212-817-7609 Fax: 212-817-1635 rpaynter@gc.cuny.edu Notice is hereby given that the CUNY Graduate Center will be entering into an agreement with Elsevier B.V. for a Scopus.com Subscription Online/Electronic Access/Database. The CUNY Graduate Center intends to make an award under our discretionary authority pursuant to NYS Education Law §355 (5) (a), for the noted commodity/service. A sealed bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the above product/service, you must contact the appropriately designated campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of this advertisement notice. Due date: 02/03/2015 11:00 AM Contract term: Three years County(ies): All NYS counties Location: CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016 * These goods or services have been purchased from an out-of-state/foreign vendor within the past three years. Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School Purchasing Ronald Paynter Director of Purchasing and Contracts 365 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10016 United States Ph: 212-817-7609 Fax: 212-817-1635 rpaynter@gc.cuny.edu Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School Purchasing Ronald Paynter Director of Purchasing and Contracts 365 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10016 United States Ph: 212-817-7609 Fax: 212-817-1635 rpaynter@gc.cuny.edu (CUNY) Medgar Evers College Medgar Evers College Auxiliary Enterprise Corporation Food/vending RFP Medgar Evers College Auxiliary Enterprises Corporation is issuing an RFP to cover management and operation of certain food services at Medgar Evers College of The City University of New York, located at 1638 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11225. Medgar Evers College Auxiliary Enterprises Corpo- Minority Commerce Weekly January 15 - 21, 2015 ration expects to enter into a three (3) year agreement with the chosen vendor, if any, with an option to renew the contract for two (2) additional years. The Corporation’s objective is to provide the Medgar Evers College community with a full range of fresh, nutritious, affordable and tasty food and beverages through the management and operation of dining rooms, cafeterias, and catering services, and to build and operate a premium coffee concession and related activities. This RFP will result in a contract award to one proposer and will address distinct areas of service. A MANDATORY site visit will be held on Thursday, February 5, 2015 @ 11:00am @ 1638 Bedford Ave. All interested parties, can send an email to kgreene@mec.cuny.edu indicating reference number MECAEC11215. Due date: 02/04/2015 5:00 PM Mandatory Site visit will be held on Thursday, February 5, 2015 @ 11:00am Contract term: three year contract wtih two year extensions County(ies): All NYS counties Location: 1638 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11225 Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Medgar Evers College Purchasing Kisha Greene Purchasing Agent 1150 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 United States Ph: 718-270-6995 kgreene@mec.cuny.edu Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Medgar Evers College Purchasing Kisha Greene Purchasing Agent 1150 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 United States Ph: 718-270-6995 kgreene@mec.cuny.edu Minority Commerce Weekly is published by: Independent Media Sales & Services, Inc., a NYC/NYS Certified MBE James W. Wood, Publisher Phone: 212.349.4100 email: imssjim@aol.com website: www.mcwbids.com 7 Minority Commerce Weekly January 15 - 21, 2015 additional cost. A hard copy will be shipped overnight. Bids must be submitted in duplicate in accordance with the instructions STATE UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION FUND contained in the Information for Bidders. Security will be required for each NOTICE TO BIDDERS bid in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the Total Bid. The State University Construction Fund will receive sealed Proposals for It is the policy of the State of New York and the Fund to encourage minority/ Project No. 14A18, Titled: HVAC Upgrade University Hospital - Pent- women’s business enterprise participation in this project by contractors, house and Roof, State University of New York Health Science Center at subcontractors and suppliers, and all bidders are expected to cooperate in Brooklyn at 2:00 p.m. Local Time on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 at the implementing this policy. Fund’s Office at State Univ. Plaza, 353 Broadway, Albany, NY 12246, where The Fund reserves the right to reject any or all bids. such proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Contractor shall complete all work necessary for substantial completion Capital District Transportation Authority within 730 calendar days from receipt of the Notice to Proceed. NOTICE TO PROPOSERS The Fund’s project specific goals for this project are 12% MBE and 10% PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that proposals for CDTA-PLANNING 06-11000 WBE. A pre-bid conference and project walk through will be held on Tuesday, 27 Washington/Western Bus Rapid Transit and River Corridor Bus Rapid January 2015 with all contractors assembled at 1:00 PM at State University Transit Project Development are due no later than 1:00PM on March of New York, Health Science Center at Brooklyn, 450 Clarkson Avenue, 20, 2015. Proposals should be addressed to Stacy Sansky, Director of Procurement, Capital District Transportation Authority, 110 Watervliet Brooklyn, NY 11203, Main Lobby. Avenue, Albany, New York 12206. Each proposal must be prepared and Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at: submitted in accordance with the proposal instructions. Site: SUNY DOWNSTATE MEDICAL CENTER 450 Clarkson Avenue, Basic Science Building First Floor Room 1- There will be a pre-proposal meeting at 10:00AM on January 29, 2015. Attendance is NOT mandatory but all interested parties are encouraged to 15, Brooklyn, New York 11203 attend this meeting. The pre-proposal meeting location is 85 Watervliet Avenue Contact: Don Howard, Project Manager, 718-270-2387 Consultant’s Office: Joseph R. Loring & Associates, Inc., 360 W “Planning Department” Albany, NY 12206. 31 st St., 14 th Floor, New York, NY 10001-2727 Questions regarding this Request for Proposals are to be submitted IN WRITING to Stacy Sansky, Director of Procurement (stacyss@cdta.org, fax-518Contact: Radu Marinescu, Project Manager, 646-674-6100 437-8348 or via mailing address listed above) NO LATER than 11:00 AM on Plan Rooms: Reed Construction (Subscribers only) visit February 9, 2015. www.reedconstruction.com It is the intention of CDTA to negotiate for a contract based upon proposals Dodge Reports visit www.dodge.construction.com it receives, but CDTA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. iSqft visit www.isqft.com The Authority hereby notifies all potential service providers that disadvanEastern Contractors Assoc 6 Airline Drive, Albany, NY 12205 NYC Assoc of Minority Contractors Brooklyn Navy Yard, Build- taged, minority and women-owned business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this notice and there will be ing 280, 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11205 no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, Albany Center for Economic Success #101, 225 Orange Street, disability or marital status in the award of the contract or any subcontract. Albany, NY 12210 PROHIBITIONS ON PROCUREMENT LOBBYING: Pursuant to State Bid Clerk visit www.bidclerk.com Complete sets of Contract Documents for bidding will be available on Wednes- Finance Law §§139-j and 139-k, this solicitation includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between CDTA and an Offerer/bidder during day, 14 January 2015 from: Dataflow Reprographics, LLC located at 71 Fuller Road, Albany, NY 12205 the procurement process. An Offerer/bidder is restricted from making conBidders will be able to access the project online at the Printer’s web site: tacts to influence the procurement process, except as provided in the www.goDataflow.com: click on Find Projects, and then under Registered procurement process (i.e., proposal submissions and interviews, where reProjects click on Loring Consulting Engineers for instructions to register, quested by CDTA) from the earliest notice of intent to solicit offers/bids view all the documents and order them. through final award and approval of the Procurement Contract by CDTA When registering on the portal, please specify under comments if you are a (“restricted period”). Contacts must be made only by your designated staff bidder (GC) or a specific trade, if you have MBE or WBE status and are unless a specific exception applies. CDTA employees are required to obtain authorized to do business with NYS. Dataflow may call for additional certain information when contacted during the restricted period for purposed information to maintain the plan holder’s list as per the specifications of designed to influence the procurement process, and make a determination of SUCF. the responsibility that could result in rejection for contract award or even Contact Name: Nioca Weaver Phone: (518) 463-2192 Email address: more serious consequences. Albany@goDataflow.com The complete Request For Proposals may be obtained free of charge at our Interested firms who register as a plan holder through the Printer may acquire website www.cdta.org (Click on “About CDTA”, then on “Doing Business the bidding and contract documents using the following options: with CDTA”) on or after January 12, 2015. Only vendors who complete the 1. For a non-refundable fee Ten dollars ($10.00) interested firms may re- online vendor registration form will be able to access the RFP. quest and receive an electronic download of the bidding and contract docu- Dated: January 9, 2015 ments. At the firm’s expense, purchase of additional printed copies of the bid set. 2. For a non-refundable fee of Ten dollars ($10.00) interested firms may MTA REAL ESTATE request and receive a CD with electronic copies of the bidding and contract (MTA RE) documents. At the firm’s expense, purchase of additional printed copies of Request for Proposals - 6,320 the bid set. square feet of land located in 3. For a non-refundable fee of Forty four dollars and fifty cents ($44.50) Bronx, NY, in the MTA Metro-North Railroad at BN Yard. Proposals interested firms may request and receive one (1) printed copy of the commust be received by 5:00 p.m. on plete set, an electronic download or copy on CD will not be provided. February 2, 2015. For info on this Request for Proposals, please go to 4. Bid envelopes and Bid forms as described in Section 2 of the Information http://mta.info/mta/realestate/ for Bidders will be sent VIA 1st Class Mail only to bidders. retail_leasing.html In the event of an addendum, an e-mail notification will be sent to each registered plan holder and the plan holder can download the addendum at no 8 January 15 - 21, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly Capital District Transportation Authority REQUEST FOR INFORMATION 9 A High Profile Opportunity Seeking Consultants for Major NYC Projects PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Request for Information has been issued for CDTA-IT-47-1000 Computer-Aided Dispatch and Automatic Vehicle Location System. Responses to this Request are due no later than February New York City Economic Development Corporation 23, 2015 at 2:00PM. Responses should be addressed to Stacy Sansky, (NYCEDC) is seeking management, strategy, and opDirector of Procurement, Capital District Transportation Authority, 110 erations consultants, urban planning firms, and economic Watervliet Avenue, Albany, New York 12206. Each response must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the Request for Information instructions. analysts to provide services on an on-call basis to support Questions regarding this Request for Information are to be submitted IN New York City’s economic development strategy and impleWRITING to Stacy Sansky, Director of Procurement (stacyss@cdta.org, mentation. M/W/DBEs are strongly encouraged to respond. fax-518-437-8348 or via mailing address listed above) NO LATER than 2:00PM on February 2, 2015. It is the intention of CDTA to learn more about Computer-Aided Dispatch Download the RFP at NYCEDC.com/Consulting and Automatic Vehicle Location systems through this process NOT to award RetainerRFP. a contract. Firms that chose not to participate in the RFI process are still allowed to submit proposals to provide a Computer-Aided Dispatch and Automatic Vehicle Location system when and if a Request for Proposals is An optional informational session will be held on issued for one. Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at The Authority hereby notifies all potential service providers that disadvanNYCEDC’s offices - 110 William Street NY, NY 10038 4th taged, minority and women-owned business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this notice and there will be Floor. no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, disability or marital status in the award of any contracts and subcontracts. Respondents may submit questions and/or request PROHIBITIONS ON PROCUREMENT LOBBYING: Pursuant to State clarifications from NYCEDC no later than 5:00 p.m. on Finance Law §§139-j and 139-k, this solicitation includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between CDTA and an Offerer/bidder Wednesday, January 28, 2015. Questions regarding the during the procurement process. An Offerer/bidder is restricted from making subject matter of this RFP should be directed to contacts to influence the procurement process, except as provided in the consultingretainer@edc.nyc. For all questions that do not procurement process (i.e., proposal submissions and interviews, where requested by CDTA) from the earliest notice of intent to solicit offers/bids pertain to the subject matter of this RFP please contact through final award and approval of the Procurement Contract by CDTA NYCEDC’s Contracts Hotline at (212) 312-3969. Answers (“restricted period”). Contacts must be made only by your designated staff to all questions will be posted by Monday, February 9, 2015, unless a specific exception applies. CDTA employees are required to obtain to the RFP web page. certain information when contacted during the restricted period for purposed designed to influence the procurement process, and make a determination of the responsibility that could result in rejection for contract award or even more serious consequences. The complete Request For Information may be obtained free of charge at our website www.cdta.org (Click on “About CDTA”, then on “Doing Business Invitation to Bid for LBE Firms with CDTA”) on or after January 12, 2015. Only vendors who complete the Tutor Perini Corporation, an EEO Employer, is currently soliciting cost online vendor registration form will be able to access the RFI. proposals from Qualified and Certified LBE subcontractors / vendors / serDated: January 12, 2015 vice providers, for Contract CAT-212C – Schoharie Reservior Low Level Outlet, Capital Project WM-30, Town of Gilboa, Schoharie County, Kubricky Construction Corp NY. Client: New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP). Bid Date: January 28, 2015. ALL QUOTATIONS ARE DUE Invite quotes From Qualified D/M/WBE’s BY COB FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 2015. For further information concernKubricky Construction Corp. is an equal opportunity employer; M/W/DBE’s ing Subcontracting and/or Purchasing opportunities and to register as a subare encouraged to bid. We invite quotes from qualified D/M/WBE’s on the contractor / vendor please respond to solicitations@tutorperini.com or confollowing NYSDOT/Thruway or other projects. Plans are available from tact Jackie Cotto (914) 739-1908. Come and join our Team! NYSDOT/Thruway Regional Offices, the Architect, or may be examined at our office at 269 Ballard Road, Wilton, NY 12831. Quotations should be made by 5:00pm the day before the bid. Fax is 518-792-2458. Invitation to Bid for DBE Firms For questions, contact our project estimators at 518-792-5864. NUMBER/COUNTY DESCRIPTION BID DATE COMPLETION Tutor Perini Corporation, an EEO Employer, is currently soliciting cost CWSRF No. C Dorsey Street Sanitary Sewer 1/22/15 6/30/15 proposals from Qualified and Certified DBE subcontractors / vendors / serESSEX Reconstruction, Village of Saranac Lake vice providers, for Contract HBQ1203 – Rehabilitation of Roosevelt 1A Chenango County Landfill 1/23/15 10/31/15 Avenue Bridge over Van Wyck Expressway, Borough of Queens, NY. CliCHENANGO Cell No. 4 Expansion-General Construction ent: New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT). Bid Date: D262811 39.4 Miles Asphalt Resurfacing 2/5/15 10/31/15 January 21, 2015. ALL QUOTATIONS ARE DUE BY COB FRIDAY, CHE., MADISON, OTSEGO JANUARY 16, 2015. For further information concerning Subcontracting and/or Purchasing opportunities and to register as a subcontractor / vendor please respond to solicitations@tutorperini.com or contact Jackie Cotto (914) 739-1908. Come and join our Team Minority Commerce Weekly 10 The New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) 2015-02-LEG Legal- Outside Counsel 1A The New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) is seeking proposals from qualified legal firms with expertise in the in litigating Workers’ Compensation issues at Workers’ Compensation Board hearings and proceedings. Bidders must be able to prepare Applications for Review, Rebuttals of Applications For Review and other Appellate Documents. Counsel should have extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of hearings, depositions, and trials arising out of Workers’ Compensation cases brought on by employees of the insured parties. New York State Executive Law Article 15-A requires that NYSIF provide opportunities for the maximum feasible participation of New York State certified minority- and women-owned business enterprises in the performance of NYSIF contracts. NYSIF has determined that it will not place MWBE participation goals on contracts resulting from this procurement because there are not sufficient subcontracting opportunities available in the Legal-Outside Counsel-Workers’ Compensation marketplace. However, contractors should use good faith efforts to engage MWBEs as subcontractors to the extent that such opportunities exist. Additionally, NYSIF strongly encourages all certified minority and women-owned businesses to submit a proposal in response to this solicitation. Finally, NYSIF encourages those minority- and women-owned companies that are not certified by the Empire State Development Division of Minority- and Women-Owned Businesses, to become certified at the earliest opportunity. Information regarding the certification process can be viewed at: http://esd.ny.gov/MWBE/ Certification.html The RFP may be downloaded from NYSIF’s website at: www.nysif.com/ procurement. If you are unable to obtain a copy of the RFP from the website, please e-mail contracts@nysif.com to request a copy, with “2015-02-LEG” in the subject line. All amendments, clarifications and any announcements related to this procurement will be posted on NYSIF’s website at: www.nysif.com/procurement. It is the sole responsibility of the bidders to check the website for any amendments, clarifications or updates. All applicable amendment information must be incorporated into the Firm’s proposal. Failure to include this information in your proposal may result in the proposal being deemed nonresponsive. SCHIAVONE CONSTRUCTION CO. LLC INVITATION TO BID Schiavone Construction Co. LLC is soliciting cost proposals from qualified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) certified by the New York State Unified Certification Program (NYSUCP) for Contract No. BRX287S Rehabilitation of the Fender System and West 155th Street Viaduct of the Macombs Dam Bridge Over the Harlem River, Boroughs of Bronx and Manhattan, NY. Bid Date: 1/26/15. Specialty Items: Mobilization for Grout, Underwater Placement for Fender Repair, Protective Sealing of Structural Concrete, Replacing Compression Seal for Existing Bridge Joints, Structural Concrete Coring, Remove, Store, Re-install Existing Structural Steel-Sway Bracing and Struts, Ornamental Brackets, Cross Frame, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP), Composite Lumber for Bridge Fender, Incidental Repairs, Furnishing Equipment for Inspection and Debris Removal, Underwater Inspection and Debris Removal from the River Bottom, Disposal of Debris, Remove and Install New Navigation Lights, System A & T Zinc/Epoxy Intermediate Finishes. Participation Goal: 8% DBE. The bid documents are available at www.bidset.com, code: C22315-43. Please contact Nicole Maiello at nmaiello@schiavone.net or Colleen Connors-Casenta at cconnors@schiavone.net with inquiries. Schiavone Construction Co. LLC is an EEO Contractor January 15 - 21, 2015 ROOSEVELT AVENUE CONSTRUCTORS, JOINT VENTURE INVITATION TO BID Roosevelt Avenue Constructors Joint Venture (Schiavone and Picone) is soliciting cost proposals from qualified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) certified by the New York State Unified Certification Program (NYSUCP) for Contract No. HBQ1203 Rehabilitation of Roosevelt Avenue Bridge over the Van Wyck Expressway, Borough of Queens, New York. Bid Date: 1/21/15. Below is a general listing of the principal items of Work and shall not be construed as a complete description of the Work to be performed: Clearing and Grubbing, Asphalt, Bituminous Concrete, Constructing Longitudinal Joints, PCC Foundation, Saw Cutting, Temporary Steel Sheeting, Ready Mix Concrete, Rebar, Stud Shear Connectors, Graffiti Removal & Coating, Masonry, Structural Steel Replacement, Structural Steel, Type S.S. E.B Expansion Bearing Armored Joint System, Ornamental Pedestrian Railing, Scuppers, Trench Drains, Removal of Structural Concrete & Steel, Drilling & Grouting of Bolts, Sheet-Applied Waterproofing Membrane, Chain Link Fence, Concrete Sidewalks with Foundation, Temporary Highway Lighting System, Luminaires , Misc. Conductor Cables, Tow Truck Service, Cleaning Culverts and Cleaning Drainage Structures, Surveying, Field Office Furniture & Equipment, CPM, Snow plowing, Remove and Dispose of Existing Water Main, Aluminum Access Doors, Galv. Steel Conduit, CI Junction Boxes, Pavement Striping, Containment System. Participation Goal: 14% DBE. The bid documents are available at www.bidset.com, code: A22295-56. Please contact Nicole Maiello at nmaiello@schiavone.net or Colleen Connors-Casenta at cconnors@schiavone.net with inquiries. Schiavone Construction Co. LLC is an EEO Contractor ECCO III Enterprises, Inc Solicits Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. intends to bid on the New York City Department of Transportation Project HBM7240 Interim Rehabilitation of the TransManhattan Expressway Connector Ramp in Manhattan, NY, on January 28, 2015 and hereby solicits Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms for participation. If you are interested in obtaining contract documents or if you are interested in providing a quote for this project please contact Kathleen Sage at (914) 963-3600, extension 3017, or by email at ksage@eccoiii.com. ECCO III Enterprises, Inc Solicits Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MBE & WBE) firms ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. intends to bid on the New York State Department of Transportation Project D262804 151st Street Pedestrian Bridge over Henry Hudson Parkway, New York City, NY on February 5, 2015 and hereby solicits Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MBE & WBE) firms for participation. If you are interested in obtaining contract documents or if you are interested in providing a quote for this project please contact Kathleen Sage at (914) 963-3600, extension 3017, or by email at ksage@eccoiii.com. New York Convention Center Operating Corporation Requests Formal Written proposals New York Convention Center Operating Corporation (NYCCOC) requests formal written proposals from qualified firms to supply 1,309 units of lighting retrofit lamps to replace several 250W par cap lamps at the Jacob Javits Convention Center. Additional services will include; distribution and auditing of the lamps, engineering (measurement and verification to ensure that the lamps adhere to the specifications. Prospective bidders must request a bid package electronically to ealleyne@javitscenter.com or via fax at 212-216-4099. Please include the complete name and address of your company, and contact information. Contract Term: 6 months. January 15 - 21, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 11 The State University of New York is the largest comprehensive system of universities, colleges, and community colleges in the world. Its 64 campuses are divided into four categories, based on educational mission, types of academic opportunities available and degrees offered. The largest institutions are the four University Centers: Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, and Stony Brook. SUNY’s administrative offices are in Albany. This section contains solicitations made by the 30 Stateoperated campuses within the SUNY system. The State University of New York procurement process is generally decentralized with each of the 30 state-operated campuses doing the majority of their own purchasing. The SUNY Means Business Web site has procurement information for the state-operated campuses and outlines of NYS laws and SUNY procedures that govern how the University does purchasing. Vendors are encouraged to contact individual campuses with information about their businesses and how their company might meet the campuses’ specific needs. Minority Commerce Weekly 12 January 15 - 21, 2015 Directory of SUNY Purchasing Offices ALBANY (518) 437-4579 www.albany.edu/purchasing/index.html DOWNSTATE MEDICAL (718) 270-3176 www.downstate.edu/finance/ purchasing.html EMPIRE STATE (518) 587-2100 x2340 OPTOMETRY (212) 938-4000 www.sunyopt.edu/faculty/ businessoffice.shtml ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & FORESTRY (315) 470-6626 www.esf.edu/business/purchasing.htm OSWEGO (315) 312-2224 www.oswego.edu/administration.html FARMINGDALE (631) 420-2245 www.farmingdale.edu PLATTSBURGH (518) 564-4601 www.plattsburgh.edu/offices/admin/ businessaffairs/purchasing ALFRED (607) 587-3916 www.alfredstate.edu/purchasing BINGHAMTON (607) 777-2184 www.binghamton.edu/purchasing BROCKPORT (585) 395-2351 www.brockport.edu/pps BUFFALO (716) 645-5000 www.ubbusiness.buffalo.edu/ubb/cfm/ BUFFALO STATE (716) 878-4113 www.buffalostate.edu/purchasing CANTON (315) 386-7555 FREDONIA (716) 673-3438 www.fredonia.edu/admin/purchasing GENESEO (585) 245-5100 www.geneseo.edu/purchasing MARITIME (718) 409-7200 www.sunymaritime.edu www.Canton.edu/procurement/ COBELSKILL (518) 255-5520 www.Cobleskill.edu CORTLAND (607) 753-2305 www2.cortland.edu DELHI (607) 746-4502 www.delhi.edu/administration/ purchasing/index.php ONEONTA (607) 436-3388 www.oneonta.edu/admin/purchasing MORRISVILLE (315) 684-6461 www.morrisville.edu/business_office/ purchasing.aspx NEW PALTZ (845) 257-3190 www.newpaltz.edu/purchasing OLD WESTBURY (516) 876-3193 www.oldwestbury.edu/administrative/ compliance.cfm POTSDAM (315)267-2139 www.potsdam.edu/offices/purchasing PURCHASE 914) 251-6070 www.purchase.edu STONY BROOK UNIVERSTY (631) 632-6010 www.stonybrook.edu/procurement SUNYIT (315) 792-7342 www.sunyit.edu/business_affairs/ purchasing.inc SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (518) 320-1349 UPSTATE MEDICAL (315) 464-5720 www.upstate.edu/finance/ purchasing.php January 15 - 21, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 13 SUNY Contracting and Procurement Opportunities In This Issue SUNY DOWNSTATE MEDICAL CENTER 340B REVENUE CONTRACT.............................................................................................................................................................................................................12 BACT/ALERT 3D INCUBATOR MODULE & RELATED PRODUCTS.....................................................................................................................................................12 IMAGE EXTRACTION AND MIGRATION...........................................................................................................................................................................................12 OPHTHALMIC INSTRUMENTS, PROCEDURE TRAYS AND SUPPLIES............................................................................................................................................13 SUNY EMPIRE STATE COLLEGE HIGHER ED CONSTITUENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) SOLUTION............................................................................................................................13 SUNY GENESEO REHABILITATE ROOF - COLLEGE UNION.........................................................................................................................................................................................14 SUNY MARITIME SUNY MARITIME CHARTER PLANE FOR SST 2015..........................................................................................................................................................................14 SUNY POTSDAM SUNY POTSDAM PROJECT #121000 - STOWELL GREENHOUSE.....................................................................................................................................................14 SUNY STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL ELEVATOR SHAFT REPAIR...............................................................................................................................................................................................................15 SUNY STONY BROOK WEST CAMPUS ROOFING REPAIRS/RESTORATIONS AND GENERAL MAINTENANCE...........................................................................................................................................15 SUNY UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY DEAF INTERPRETING SERVICES....................................................................................................................................................................................................16 SYNTHES CMF...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Minority Commerce Weekly 14 SUNY Downstate Medical Center 340B Revenue Contract SUNY-Downstate Medical Center- UHB is seeking to enter into revenue contracts with community pharmacies that will help UHB expand its 340-B access to outpatient prescriptions. While assisting UH in supporting your community’s uninsured and/or underinsured, your business benefits by a favorable dispensing fee, timely stock replenishment, and an improved relationship with the area’s only tertiary hospital. THIS IS A CONTINUOUS PROCUREMENT and as such there is no bid due date. Bids are accepted on a rolling basis. Due date: Applications / proposals continously accepted Contract term: 5 years County(ies): All NYS counties Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Lisandra Reid Contracts Officier 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 63 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-1453 LISANDRA.REID@DOWNSTATE.EDU Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Contracts and Procurement Donovan Lorde Contract Specialist 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 113 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-1134 donovan.lorde@downstate.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Lisandra Reid Contracts Officier 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 63 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-1453 LISANDRA.REID@DOWNSTATE.EDU SUNY Downstate Medical Center BacT/Alert 3d Incubator Module & Related Products SUNY-Downstate Medical Center intends to award a purchase authorization to Biomerieux, Inc. for BacT/Alert 3D Left Incubator Module and Related Products, from a contract awarded by Premier PP-LA-353, pursuant to its authority under section 163 (3) (vi), which authorizes the purchase of commodities/equipment from a consortium or comparable entity in lieu of using a centralized contract and without a formal competitive process when justified by price. A vendor sho believes they can provide this product or equivalent is invited to contact the purchasing officer listed below to discuss the procurement. This procurement is subject to NYS Finance Law §139 j&k, AKA the Lobbying Law. Therefore, vendors are cautioned that the only permissible contact for this procurement is the individual listed below. Contacting any other individuals in connection with this advertisement may constitute a violation of New York State Finance Law. Failure to comply with this requirement can range from no contract award to debarment from sales to any NYS Agency. Successful contractor will be required to submit current and valid NYS Workman's Compensation and Disability Certification. January 15 - 21, 2015 Reason for advertising exemption: Single Source Award recipient: Biomerieux, Inc. Any questions or comments regarding this notice of sole-source, singlesource, or procurement otherwise exempt from advertising in the NYS Contract Reporter should be directed to the contact person listed for the contracting agency or public authority. Ad end date: 01/22/2015 Contract term: 5 Years County(ies): All NYS counties Location: 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Purchasing and Contracts Department Beatrice York Purchase Associate 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 63 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-1121 Beatrice.york@downstate.edu SUNY Downstate Medical Center Image Extraction and Migration SUNY-DMC requires professional consultants to assist move of PorSolv/ Synapse CD data from LICH to SUNY DMC hardware for migration staging and to extract and migrate Fuji ProSolv/Synapse CV PACS to DICOM compatible PACS/VNA. Migration only includes image data( original format and quality preserved, does not include reports and quantitative data). Vendor must be qualified on Fuji system and have at least 5 years experience. We intend to make an award under our discretionary authority, pursuant to NYS Education Law §355(5)(b), for the above noted commodity/product or service. A sealed bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the above commodity/product or service, you must contact the appropriately designated Campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of this Advertisement Notice. (Note: Contacting any other individual at SUNY-DMC in connection with this advertisement may constitute a violation of New York State Finance Law.) Please include in your submission the name, title and telephone number of a contact. Due date: 02/05/2015 5:00 PM Contract term: 1 year County(ies): Kings Location: SUNY-DMC Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Lisandra Reid Contracts Officier 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 63 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-1453 LISANDRA.REID@DOWNSTATE.EDU Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Contracts and Procurement Kenneth Lee Purchasing Agent 450 Clarkson Avenue Box 63 Brooklyn, NY 11203 United States Ph: 718-270-2963 Kenneth.Lee@Downstate.Edu Minority Commerce Weekly January 15 - 21, 2015 15 Relationship Management (CRM) solution. An overview of the new CRM Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) solution is described below: SUNY Downstate Medical Center 1. The CRM solution sought will support prospect recruitment, admissions, Lisandra Reid student success operations, alumni, event management, communications, Contracts Officier marketing, and reporting/analysis needs. 450 Clarkson Avenue 2. Comprehensive integration of marketing, recruitment, retention, student Box 63 (full student lifecycle), and alumni activities in a single system. Brooklyn, NY 11203 3. Highly configurable system with customizable workflows and triggers United States that enable the automation of activities across all stages of the student lifecycle Ph: 718-270-1453 based on a combination of complex business rules, demographic, behavior LISANDRA.REID@DOWNSTATE.EDU and activity data. 4. Integration and automated data synchronization with other college appliSUNY Downstate Medical Center Ophthalmic Instruments, Procedure Trays and Supplies cations and data systems. The proposed system must be capable of automated synchronization with Ellucian Colleague, the college's student inforSUNY-Downstate Medical Center intends to award a purchase authorizamation system (SIS). tion to Alcon Laboratories Inc. for the purchase of Ophthalmic Surgical 5. Web services and a well-developed, well-documented API that allows products from a contract awarded by MedAssets Consortium Contract access to raw data and enables integration with other data sources. # MS02332 pursuant to its authority under section 163 (3) (vi), which 6. Extensive and flexible reporting features that enable real-time, dynamic authorizes the purchase of commodities from a consortium or comparable analysis across related data objects and scheduled delivery of reports. entity in lieu of using a centralized contract and without a formal competitive 7. Self-serve prospective student online application feature. process when justified by price. Vendors who sell products equivalent to The future vision is a CRM solution that is robust and scalable to meet the Alcon Laboratories Inc. may, if interested, contact the agency purchasing enterprise-wide needs of Empire State College. The solution should span the officer listed below to discuss the procurement. entire student life cycle (prospects, inquiries, applicants, admitted appliThis procurement is subject to NYS Finance Law §139 j&k, AKA the Lobcants, newly enrolled students and current students). bying Law. Therefore, vendors are cautioned that the only permissible conESC anticipates that Implementation will start with marketing to prospects, tact for this procurement is the individual listed below. Contacting any other recruitment and admissions. Later phases would include additional campus individuals in connection with this advertisement may constitute a violation offices such as Financial Aid and Student Records, Student Services and of New York State Finance Law. Failure to comply with this requirement can Alumni Relations and Advancement. range from no contract award to debarment from sales to any NYS Agency. ESC is not seeking to implement just another Higher Education technology Successful contractor will be required to submit current and valid NYS system, but rather an intuitive and user-friendly tool that increases and Workman's Compensation and Disability Certification. enhances functional users’ efficiencies and productivity in providing sucMinority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 16.11% cessful outcomes. Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 10.93% Due date: 02/13/2015 5:00 PM Due date: 02/06/2015 3:00 PM Contract term: 5 Years Contract term: 5 Years County(ies): All NYS counties County(ies): All NYS counties Location: Saratoga Springs, NY Location: 450 Clarkson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) * These goods or services have been purchased from an out-of-state/foreign SUNY Empire State College vendor within the past three years. Office of Integrated Technologies Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Walter Lewis SUNY Downstate Medical Center Project Manager Contracts and Procurement 3 Union Ave Sandra Panton Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, United States Purchase Associate Ph: 518-587-2100 ext.2353 450 Clarkson Avenue Fax: 518-581-9526 Box 113 walter.lewis@esc.edu Brooklyn, NY 11203 Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) United States SUNY Empire State College Ph: 718-270-3197 Purchasing Department Sandra.Panton@downstate.edu Charley Summersell Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Director of Procurement SUNY Downstate Medical Center 111 West Avenue Contracts and Procurement Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Sandra Panton United States Purchase Associate Ph: 518-587-2100 Fax: 518-587-5404 450 Clarkson Avenue csummers@esc.edu Box 113 Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Brooklyn, NY 11203 SUNY Empire State College United States Purchasing Department Ph: 718-270-3197 Charley Summersell Sandra.Panton@downstate.edu Director of Procurement 111 West Avenue SUNY Empire State College Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Higher Ed Constituent Relationship Management United States Ph: 518-580-4773 Fax: 518-587-5404 (CRM) Solution csummers@esc.edu SUNY Empire State College (ESC) seeks a Higher Education Constituent Minority Commerce Weekly 16 SUNY Geneseo Rehabilitate Roof - College Union State University of New York at Geneseo will receive sealed Proposals for Project No. 06353, Titled Rehabilitate Roof – College Union until 2:00 P.M. Local Time on February 10, 2015, at Schrader Hall, Room 102, when they will be opened publicly and read. Proposals may be hand delivered or mailed to the above location and must be received at such time. All work on this Contract is to be completed within 120 calendar days starting ten (10) calendar days after the contract approval date of the New York State Comptroller. A Pre-bid meeting & walk-through is scheduled for February 2, 2015 at 10:00 AM at SUNY Geneseo, Schrader Hall, Room 102. No individual or additional walk-throughs will be performed under the pre-bid time period. Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at the Campus at Schrader Hall, Room 102 or the following locations: Dataflow Attn: McGraw Hill Construction/Dodge 320 Goodman St. N Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14607 Southern Tier Builders Association, Inc. 65 East Main Street Falconer, New York 14733 Construction Industry Exchange 140 West Gray Street, Suite 219 Elmira, New York 14901 Builders Exchange 180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100 Rochester, New York 14625 Syracuse Builders Exchange 6563 Ridlings Road Syracuse, New York 13206 Complete and partial sets of Bidding and Contract Documents must be obtained from the Design Consultant – Foit-Albert Associates (716) 8563933. Section 143 of State Finance Law requires payment of a deposit to receive these documents. Accordingly, a deposit check in the amount of $45.00, made payable to SUNY GENESEO is required. Deposits of $50.00 or less are non-refundable. Bids must be submitted in duplicate in accordance with the instructions contained in the Information for Bidders. A Bid Security will be required for each bid in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the Total Bid. It is the policy of the State of New York and the State University of New York to encourage minority and women-owned business enterprise participation in this project by contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, and all bidders are expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. The State University of New York reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 10% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 10% Due date: 02/10/2015 2:00 PM Contract term: 120 calendar days County(ies): Livingston Location: SUNY Geneseo, One College Circle, Geneseo, NY 14454 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Geneseo Facilities Planning & Construction David Norton Assistant Director One College Circle Schrader 102 Geneseo, NY 14454 United States Ph: 585-245-5511 Norton@geneseo.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Ph: January 15 - 21, 2015 SUNY Geneseo Facilities Planning & Construction David Norton Assistant Director One College Circle Schrader 102 Geneseo, NY 14454 United States 585-245-5511 Norton@geneseo.edu SUNY Maritime SUNY MARITIME CHARTER PLANE FOR SST 2015 Please see the attached bid documents and submit your bids no late than February 4, 2015 @ 12 Pm EST. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 15% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 6% Due date: 02/04/2015 12:00 PM ALL BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE BY 12 PM EST Contract term: one time County(ies): Bronx Location: Bronx * These goods or services have been purchased from an out-of-state/foreign vendor within the past three years. Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Maritime Purchasing Department Peter Fountis Purchasing Director 6 Pennyfield Avenue Bronx, NY 10465-4198 United States Ph: 718-409-7209 PFountis@sunymaritime.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Maritime Purchasing Department Peter Fountis Purchasing Director 6 Pennyfield Avenue Bronx, NY 10465-4198 United States Ph: 718-409-7209 PFountis@sunymaritime.edu SUNY Potsdam SUNY Potsdam Project #121000 - Stowell Greenhouse Construction of a new greenhouse (3030 SF) which connects to Stowell Hall. Contract includes site work, concrete, greenhouse structure, and limited MEP. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 13% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 7% Due date: 02/09/2015 11:00 AM Contract term: 180 County(ies): All NYS counties Location: SUNY Potsdam 44 Pierrepont Avenue Potsdam, NY 13676 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Potsdam Physical Plant Andrew Martin Ass't Facilities Program Coordinator 44 Pierrepont Avenue Potsdam, NY 13676 United States January 15 - 21, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly Ph: 315-267-2133 Martinaj@potsdam.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Potsdam Physical Plant Andrew Martin Ass't Facilities Program Coordinator 44 Pierrepont Avenue Potsdam, NY 13676 United States Ph: 315-267-2133 Martinaj@potsdam.edu SUNY Stony Brook University Hospital Elevator Shaft Repair NOTICE TO BIDDERS SUNY Stony Brook IFB# 14/15-041 Title: ELEVATOR SHAFT REPAIR Please note the following important dates. • Scope of Work & Drawings: Available starting on January 14, 2015 until January 26, 2015 • Mandatory Walk-thru January 26, 2015 @ 10 AM • RFI Period: January 14 until COB January 29, 2015 COB • Responses to RFIs – COB February 2, 2015 • RFQ Packages due – February 13, 2015 @ 3PM Stony Brook Medicine (SBM) is seeking a firm to provide repairs to the 2 main elevator shaft facades. Each elevator shaft is approx. 3,570 sqft. The façade consists of sprayed on concrete over wire lathe. Both elevators shafts exhibit extensive cracking of the facades along with sporadic failure of the caulking in the control joints. Details of the scope of work and drawings must be requested by email between the dates of January 14, 2015 thru close of business January 26, 2015. Please contact Darrel MacArthur to receive your IFB documents at darrel.macarthur@stonybrook.edu. Qualification & Requirements to bid: SUNY construction experience is preferred. Contractor must provide references with proficiencies of having participated in at least one Construction Projects of similar size, function and complexity within the last five years with submission. Article 15A minority utilization report, 100 percent performance bond and labor and material bonds will be required. Prevailing Wage Applies: Contractor must pay prevailing wage rates for Suffolk County, New York There will be a one-time mandatory site visit for perspective bidders to be held onJanuary26, 2015 starting at 10 AM. Location will be Stony Brook Hospital in the Lobby. Only those contractors who attend this site visit will be eligible to bid on this project. Questions & Answers Period Question period will be from January 14th until Close of Business January 29, 2015 and will be answered by Close of Business February 2, 2015. PLEASE NOTE: Submissions of question must be by email to Hospital Purchasing Contact: darrel.macarthur@stonybrookmedicine.edu All IFB Packages for this project must be received by Hospital Purchasing by; 3 PM February 13, 2015. Firms must submit three (3) copies of their IFB package. The State University of New York reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 14% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 8% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 6% Due date: 02/13/2015 3:00 PM Must be submitted to SBM Purchasing 17 Contract term: 1 YEAR County(ies): All NYS counties Location: 101 NICOLLS ROAD Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Stony Brook University Hospital Hospital Purchasing Darrel MacArthur Purchasing Assistant/Financial Analysist 31 Research Way East Setauket, NY 11733 United States Ph: 631-444-4350 Darrel.Macarthur@sbumed.org Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Stony Brook University Hospital Purchasing Dept Maria Callegari TH Instrnl Support Assistant 31 Research Way East Setauket, NY 11733 United States Ph: 631-444-4053 Maria.Callegari@StonyBrookMedicine.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Stony Brook University Hospital Hospital Purchasing Darrel MacArthur Purchasing Assistant/Financial Analysist 31 Research Way East Setauket, NY 11733 United States Ph: 631-444-4350 Darrel.Macarthur@sbumed.org SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Roofing repairs/restorations and general maintenance SUNY@STONY BROOK is seeking vendors to provide all necessary labor, equipment, materials, supplies and services to perform on-call roofing repairs/restorations and general maintenance of various roofing systems in like kind (no modifications will be made to existing structures) for multiple buildings on main campus and at off-site properties (refer to the attached roofing inventory) belonging to the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794 . THERE WILL BE A ONE TIME MANDATORY BIDDERS CONFERENCE ON THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 2015 AT 10:30 A.M. (SHARP) IN THE PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT PARK, RESEARCH & SUPPORT SERVICES (RSS). ONLY THOSE VENDORS WHO ARE IN ATTENDANCE WHEN THE CONFERENCE ROOM DOOR CLOSES WILL BE ELIGBLE TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 13% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 7% Due date: 02/05/2015 3:00 PM Contract term: Five (5) Years County(ies): All NYS counties Location: 100 Nicolls Road Stony Brook, NY 11794 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Procurement Department Jonathan Rios Bid Coordinator Research & Development Park Flowerfield 17 St. James, NY 11780 United States Minority Commerce Weekly 18 Ph: Fax: 631-632-6010 631-632-6462 jonathan.rios@stonybrook.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Procurement Department Jonathan Rios Bid Coordinator Research & Development Park Flowerfield 17 St. James, NY 11780 United States Ph: 631-632-6010 Fax: 631-632-6462 jonathan.rios@stonybrook.edu SUNY Upstate Medical University Deaf Interpreting Services SUNY Upstate Medical University (Upstate) intends to make an award for Deaf Interpreting Service to include SIGN Langauge under our discretionary authority. A sealed bid will not be held. This procurement is subject to Education Law §355 (5) 9a) for the noted commodity or sevice. This procurement opportunity is limited to New York State small, minority and/or women-owned enterprises, businesses certified persuant to Article 15-A of the New York State Executive Law. Requirements: Must be NYS Certified. Must be available to provide SIGN Langauge services 24 hours a day, 7days a week, 365 days a year. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Due date: 02/03/2015 10:00 AM Contract term: 5 months County(ies): All NYS counties Location: SUNY Upstate Medical University 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Purchasing Department Kristy Davis Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-2412 daviskr@upstate.edu Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Purchasing Department Amy Clifford Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-6039 cliffora@upstate.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Purchasing Department Kristy Davis Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-2412 daviskr@upstate.edu January 15 - 21, 2015 SUNY Upstate Medical University Synthes CMF SUNY Upstate Medical University intends to award a purchase authorization to Synthes for CFM products, pursuant to state laws which authorize single source purchases without a formal competitive process in certain circumstances. A vendor who believes that they can provide this product or an equivalent is invited to contact the Officer listed below for a copy of the quote specifications/solicitation or to discuss this opportunity prior to the due date stated in the advertisement. If offering an equivalent, the vendor must provide free supporting documentation and product for examination, demonstration and trial. This procurement is subject to NYS Finance Law 139 j&k, AKA the Lobbying law. Therefore, vendors are cautioned that the only permissible contact for this procurement is the individual listed below. Contacting any other individuals at Upstate in connection with this advertisement many constitute a violation of New York State Finance Law. Failure to comply with this requirement can range from no contract award to debarment from sales to any NYS agency. The successful contractor will be required to submit applicable documents related to Vendor Responsibility, NYS Finance Law 139 j&k, and New York State’s Tax Law Section 5-a. Successful contractor will be required to submit valid and current NYS Workman’s Compensation and Disability Forms. Due date: 02/02/2015 Contract term: 5 Years County(ies): Onondaga Location: 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse NY 13210 Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Purchasing Department Terri Fredericks Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-2417 frederit@upstate.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Purchasing Department Terri Fredericks Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-2417 frederit@upstate.edu Minority Commerce Weekly is published by: Independent Media Sales & Services, Inc., a NYC/S Certified MBE James W. Wood, Publisher Phone: 212.349.4100 email: imssjim@aol.com website: www.mcwbids.com January 15 - 21, 2015 Minority Commerce Weekly 19
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