Processing Procedures for Books with Accompanying Software Rev. 9/20/2012 The following procedures were developed for books with accompanying software--not for software with accompanying documentation. NOTE: Software with book-like documentation is cataloged as an electronic resource with accompanying text. However, if the package is suitable for shelving in the stacks, it may be physically processed according to guidelines in this document. Before cataloging the item, consult with the electronic resource cataloger or the Head of Monographs Cataloging. Example Catalogers must verify the type of data carried by an accompanying CD to determine whether it is a sound disc or an electronic resource. Both publisher blurbs and cataloging copy can be inaccurate. Enhanced compact discs are treated as CD-ROMs or Audio CDs, depending on whether computer files or sound tracks predominate. (Cf. “Processing Procedures for Books with Accompanying Sound Recordings”). NOTE: Video in DVD format will be designated as DVD. Textual data in DVD format will be designated as DVD-ROM. The norm is for book and software to shelve together, whenever practical as a single physical unit. Books and accompanying software acquired for the general collections 1 will shelve together in the stacks. When this is not feasible, book and software will be housed together at the Main or Science Circulation Desk. Prior to October 1, 2012, print books on music (in LC classifications ML and MT) that were received with accompanying media (e.g., CD-ROMs, music CDs, DVDs, etc.) were all cataloged for the Music Library, with the print portions routed to the Music Library stacks location and the accompanying media item(s) routed to the secure Music Library Media location. At least two holdings records (i.e., MFHDs in the Voyager/GIL environment) were always used, one for the print portion and the other for the media portion. The accompanying optical media (CDs, DVDs, etc.) were not security-stripped. Beginning October 1, 2012, the above policy has changed and print books on music (in LC classifications ML and MT) that are received with accompanying media (e.g., CD-ROMs, music CDs, DVDs, etc.) will generally be cataloged for and shelved together in the Main Stacks. No retrospective transferring of materials is to take place at this time. For a print title with accompanying material specifically ordered for the Music Library, keep the media and print items together and process them for the Music Library stacks. Typically, software will be placed in a sleeve inside the back cover of the book it accompanies. In certain cases it may be housed in a separate container next to the book or together with the book inside a larger container. Pre-Cataloging Workflow • Collection Development Requests mixed media materials by including a note in the 939 field that specifies the number of items associated with the order as well as their formats. The bibliographer may designate a Circulation Desk rather than the stacks as the intended location for a mixed media title. This may be done based on the title’s physical properties, high cost, or exceptional vulnerability to theft. • Acquisitions Creates a bibliographic record for text and CD-ROM, text and diskette, or text and DVD, as appropriate. Creates a single MFHD. NOTE: Any added volumes or added copies for such print-plus-media music titles that were already cataloged according to the pre-October 1, 2012 policy will continue to be processed according to that earlier policy, i.e., all titles in all formats will be routed to the Music Library whether specifically ordered for that location or not, with the print portions processed for Music Lib stacks and the media portions processed for Music Lib Media and their associated item records attached to separate holdings records. 2 Creates and attaches item records to the appropriate MFHD. Retains any commercial packaging that might provide useful information or be used to house the mixed media and routes it to Cataloging with the materials. Determines whether the sleeve in which a CD-ROM, diskette, or DVD was issued is adequate or needs replacement. An adequate sleeve must be sturdy, have a flap which opens outward, and adhere securely to the book. It must be located inside the back cover below the barcode. Hardback with acceptable sleeve: no sleeve removal/replacement needed. Hardback with unacceptable sleeve or no sleeve: Acquisitions staff will remove the unacceptable sleeve and affix a replacement sleeve on the inside back cover below the barcode. Paperback with acceptable sleeve: No removal/replacement needed; Binding staff will hold the CD-ROM, diskette, or DVD until the book is returned from the bindery and then return the electronic resource to its sleeve. Paperback with unacceptable sleeve or no sleeve: Acquisitions staff will remove the unacceptable sleeve and affix a replacement sleeve on the inside back cover below the barcode. Binding staff will hold the CD-ROM, diskette, or DVD until the book is returned from the bindery and then return the electronic resource to its sleeve. Books with more than 2 CD-ROMs or DVDs or other accompanying materials that are too bulky to shelve inside the book: Accompanying materials may be housed in separate container(s), or the entire package may be housed in a larger container. Multi-volume sets (and non-periodical serials): Items should be examined to determine whether the software accompanies a specific volume of the set or serial. If it does, and can be kept inside that volume, it should be placed inside a sleeve inside the back of the volume. If the software does not accompany a specific volume or cannot be kept inside that volume, it should be placed inside a separate container and shelved with the other volumes of the set or serial. See additional information on books with accompanying diskettes, videos, etc. at the end of this document. Sleeve removal: In cases of difficult removal, Preservation staff can assist (either by performing the removal or training other staff to do it). Small volumes: If a volume is too small to accommodate a standard sleeve, Acquisitions staff will barcode an unattached sleeve and route it with the book. Books with important information inside the back cover: If the inside back cover of a volume contains information which should be preserved, Acquisitions staff will barcode an unattached sleeve and route it with the book. The cataloger will route the volume to Preservation to have the information photocopied and tipped into the book. 3 • Places the barcode for a CD-ROM or DVD on the lower left-hand corner of the sleeve. For multiple CD-ROMs or DVDs a barcode should be affixed to each sleeve. If two CD-ROMs are housed in the same sleeve, two barcodes will be placed on the sleeve, one above the other. Places the barcode for a diskette on the lower left-hand corner of the sleeve. Inserts a lime green mixed media flag. Delivers new titles with accompanying software to Acquired Cataloging. Delivers added volumes, copies, and locations to Database Maintenance. Acquired Cataloger Searches OCLC for copy and either processes title or routes material to the appropriate shelf in Monographs Cataloging. If necessary, arranges for Preservation to photocopy important information inside back cover. MFHDs • Leader Type of Record: Use Type v. Encoding Level: Use enc/l 4. • 852 Field Call number: Do not include Text or type of media designator in call number. This information will be recorded in an 866 field. Treatment/Mark notes: Supply Treatment and Mark information for incomplete sets only. • 866 Field Indicators: Use first indicator 3 and second indicator 0. Single volume: Use Text. This designation is used in the 866 and in the enumeration line on the item record, but not to label pieces. Single piece of software: Use CD-ROM, Diskette, DVD, or DVD-ROM. Multiple pieces of software: Use CD-ROM 1… , Diskette 1 … , DVD 1…, DVD-ROM…(or other appropriate designation, e.g. CD-ROM A, CD-ROM B ... , CD-ROM PC, CD-ROM Mac) Parenthetical information may be used to clarify content. • Examples: Book and software in same location (1 book + 1 CD-ROM) Single MFHD: 4 Book and software in same location (1 book + 2 CD-ROMs) Single MFHD: Beginning October 1, 2012. Book and software shelved in the same location within the Music Library (1 book + 1 CD-ROM) 5 Prior to October 1, 2012. Book and software in different sub-locations within the Music Library (1 book + 1 CD-ROM) MFHD for book: MFHD for software: 6 Item Records • • • Use item type Book for accompanying software—unless the software will be housed in a location, such as the Georgia Room, for which another item type is appropriate. Record 866 information in Enum, e.g. Text, Diskette, CD-ROM 2. If software will be located inside a paperback being sent to the bindery, item status will be At Bindery for both book and software. Locations • Main classification numbers (except materials located at the Main Circulation Desk): Book and software are shelved in the Main stacks. 049 GUAA Book Call No. CD-ROM Call No. Diskette Call No. DVD Call No. HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 CD-ROM HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 Diskette HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 DVD DVD-ROM Call No. HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 DVD-ROM ML & MT classification numbers: Prior to October 1, 2012, all books with accompanying software to be classified ML or MT, and which were not ordered for a reference collection (or specifically as an added copy for another location), were cataloged for the Music Library. Beginning October 1, 2012, print books on music (in LC classifications ML and MT) that are received with accompanying media (e.g., CD-ROMs, music CDs, DVDs, etc.) will generally be cataloged for and shelved together in the Main Stacks. No retrospective transferring of materials is to take place 7 at this time. For materials ordered for the Music Library, see section on Music Library for details. • Materials located at the Main Circulation Desk: Book and software are shelved in Main Circulation. • Book Call No. CD-ROM Call No. Diskette Call No. DVD Call No. Main Circ HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 Main Circ HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 CD-ROM Main Circ HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 Diskette Main Circ HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 DVD DVD-ROM Call No. Main Circ HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 DVD-ROM Science classification numbers (except materials located at the Science Circulation Desk): Book and software are shelved in the Science stacks. • 049 [Main] [Circ] GUAA 852 on MFHD: $b Mn Circ Dk $k Main Circ … Permanent location on item record: 2Circ Desk Main. 049 GUAS Book Call No. CD-ROM Call No. Diskette Call No. DVD Call No. DVD-ROM Call No. QK 95 .W66 1996 QK 95 .W66 1996 CD-ROM QK 95 .W66 1996 Diskette QK 95 .W66 1996 DVD QK 95 .W66 1996 DVD-ROM Materials located at the Science Circulation Desk: Book and software are shelved at the Science Circulation Desk. 049 [Sci Circ] GUAS 852 on MFHD: $b SciCircMed $k Sci Circ … Permanent location on item record: 3Circ Desk Sci. 8 • Book Call No. CD-ROM Call No. Diskette Call No. DVD Call No. Sci Circ QK 95 .W66 1996 Sci Circ QK 95 .W66 1996 CD-ROM Sci Circ QK 95 .W66 1996 Diskette Sci Circ QK 95 .W66 1996 DVD Main Reference materials: Book and software are shelved in Main Reference. • 049 GUAC 852 on MFHD: $b Mn Ref $k Main Ref ... Permanent location on item record: 2Reference Main. Book Call No. CD-ROM Call No. Diskette Call No. DVD Call No. DVD-ROM Call No. Main Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 Main Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 CD-ROM Main Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 Diskette Main Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 DVD Main Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 DVD-ROM Science Reference materials: Book and software are shelved in Science Reference. • DVD-ROM Call No. Sci Circ QK 95 .W66 1996 DVD-ROM 049 GUAQ 852 on MFHD: $b Sci Ref $k Sci Ref ... Permanent location on item record: 3Reference Sci. Book Call No. CD-ROM Call No. Diskette Call No. DVD Call No. Sci Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 Sci Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 CD-ROM Sci Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 Diskette Sci Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 DVD DVD-ROM Call No. Sci Ref HF 5548.2 .U614 1998 DVD-ROM Music Library: Beginning October 1, 2012, all books with accompanying software to be classified ML or MT will no longer be automatically cataloged for the Music 9 Library. These materials will now be cataloged for the Main Stacks. See note below for exceptions. For print materials with accompanying material specifically ordered for the Music Library, keep the media and print items together and process them for the Music Library stacks, Music Library Reference, or Music Library Restrict. Music Library stack materials: Book and software are shelved in the Music Library stacks. 049 GYCK 852 on MFHD: $b Mus Lib bk $k Music Lib … Permanent location on item record: 5Music Lib Books Book Call No. Music Lib MT 723 .M43 1998 CD-ROM Call No. Music Lib MT 723 .M43 1998 CD-ROM Diskette Call No. Music Lib MT 723 .M43 1998 Diskette DVD Call No. Music Lib MT 723 .M43 1998 DVD DVD-ROM Call No. Music Lib MT 723 .M43 1998 DVD-ROM NOTE: Exception: Any added volumes or added copies for such print-plus-media music titles that were already cataloged according to the pre-October 1, 2012 policy will continue to be processed according to that earlier policy, i.e., all titles in all formats will be routed to the Music Library whether specifically ordered for that location or not, with the print portions processed for Music Lib stacks and the media portions processed for Music Lib Media and their associated item records attached to separate holdings records. • Music Library Reference materials: Book and software are shelved in Music Library Reference. 049 GYCL 852 on MFHD: $b Mus Lib Rf $k Mus Lib Ref … Permanent location on item record: 5Music Lib Reference. • Music Library Restrict materials: Book and software are shelved in Music Library Restrict. 049 GYCN 852 on MFHD: $b Mus Lib Nc $k Music Lib Restrict … Permanent location on item record: 5Music Lib Non-Circ. • Music Library Curriculum Materials: Book and software are shelved in Music Library Curriculum. 10 049 [Cur] GYCM 852 on MFHD: $b Mus Lib cu $k Music Cur Permanent location on item record: 5Music Lib Curriculum. Music Library Prior to October 1, 2012: books and software were shelved separately. Books were shelved in the stacks or Music Library Reference, and software was housed in Music Library Media. GYCK or GYCL is used in the 049 field. No special input stamp is needed. 852 on MFHD for book: $b Mus Lib bk $k Music Lib … 852 on MFHD for software: $b Mus Lib sw $k Music Lib Media ... Call number is prefixed Music Lib Media, and CD-ROM, Diskette, or DVD is used as the last element in the call number on labels for accompanying software. Folios: Books will be marked Folio, accompanying media or software going to a separate location will Not be marked Folio. Permanent location on item record for software: 5Music Lib software. Item type for software is Book. • Branch materials Regular holding library is used in 049. Single MFHD lists both text and software. • eText Resource Services materials: To be determined. Consult with bibliographer. A 939 field on bibliographic record in GIL will indicate the CD-ROM, DVD, etc. should be cataloged for eText Resource Services: 939 $r mbhoward $a stacks $u 2001.09.27 $f 1Ita print $p 70.00 $n text + CD-ROM; ATTN: cataloging: Please catalog CD-ROM for eText Resource Services (eText) Cataloging record • It is unnecessary to add a 006 or 007 describing the computer file. However, retain these fields if present. • LC workflow frequently separates books and accompanying software. In these cases a subfield $e for the CD-ROM, diskette, or DVD must be added to the 300 field on the record for the book. Do not worry about whether the book has been issued both with and without the software. MOC catalogers may Upgrade or Enhance records which they process to include information about accompanying software. 300 subfield $e for CD-ROMs: 11 + $e 2 CD-ROMs (4 3/4 in.) + $e 2 computer optical discs (4 3/4 in.) 300 subfield $e for diskettes: + $e 1 floppy disk (3 1/2 in.) + $e 1 floppy disk (5 1/4 in.) + $e 1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.) + $e 1 computer disk (5 1/4 in.) 300 subfield $e for DVD-ROM: + $e 1 DVD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) + $e 1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.) 300 subfield $e for title with a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM and a diskette: + $e 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) + 1 floppy disk (3 1/2 in.) + $e 1 DVD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) + 1 floppy disk (3 1/2 in.) + $e 1 computer disc (4 3/4 in.) + 1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.) • Normally include at least one 538 field prefaced System requirements for accompanying computer disk(s) (or disc(s) or CD-ROM(s), etc.) This information may be found in or on the book, on the CD-ROM or diskette, in a Readme file, in a Type m bibliographic record, or elsewhere. The level of detail in these notes will vary depending on how much information is given in the source. If no information is given in or on the pieces, the note may be omitted. Notes concerning supplementary materials follow physical description and precede series notes. Most often you will insert the system requirements note before a contents note. Recent LC records often show it as the last note (probably because they are putting the notes in numerical order). Earlier UGA practice was consistently to place the system requirements notes first, even when the file was only supplementary. Do not edit records to adjust the order of notes. List characteristics in the order prescribed in rule 9.7B1 and illustrated below. Use the wording found in the book or on the disc/disk. Some LC records present the characteristics in the order found on the piece. It is unnecessary to edit copy to place characteristics in the correct order. System requirements for accompanying computer disk: make and model of computer; amount of memory required; operating system; software requirements; needed peripherals. Exercise judgment when deciding what information it is necessary to include. How helpful is it really to indicate that a CD-ROM drive is required to play the accompanying CD-ROM?! 12 • Many discs/disks are now compatible with both PC and Macintosh computers. Local practice has been to use separate 538s in cases where that will improve readability. Either separate or combined notes are acceptable. • Examples of 538 fields: single 538 for CD-ROM compatible with PC and Macintosh computers: System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM: Macintosh; System 8.1 or better; or IBM-compatible PC with Pentium II or Power PC or better running at 100 MHz; Windows 95 or better. System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM: Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT, Netscape 4.7 or higher OR Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher ; Macintosh PowerPC, Mac OS 8.1 or higher, Netscape 4.7 or higher (Note: This product is Netscape ONLY compatible for MAC). single 538 for 2 diskettes, one PC, one Macintosh: System requirements for accompanying computer disks: 1st disk-Macintosh; System 6.02 or later; Microsoft Word for Macintosh 5.1. 2nd disk--IBM PC or compatible; DOS; Windows 3.0 or later; Microsoft Word for Macintosh 5.1. [97-100214] single 538 for 3 Macintosh diskettes: System requirements for accompanying computer disks: Apple Macintosh with 2 MB of free RAM and a hard disk, 4 MB recommended. [97-221401] single 538 for DVD: System requirements for the accompanying computer disc: DVD-ROM player and/or DVD video player. single 538 for CD-ROM and diskette: System requirements for computer optical disc and computer disk: IBMcompatible PC; DOS; Windows optional; CD-ROM drive; Sound Blaster; hard disk with at least 2MB free space. Some programs require 80286 or better processor, VGA graphics or VideoBlaster. [93-84387; note that characteristics are not in prescribed order!] multiple 538 approach: System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM for PC: System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM for Macintosh: … System requirements for accompanying floppy disk for PC: … System requirements for accompanying floppy disk for Macintosh: ... 13 Post-Cataloging Workflow • Cataloger/DBM staff If media is housed inside book: Adds note to 852 field in MFHD: $z Accompanying media in book. Stamps the inside back cover beneath or close to the barcode: ____ ITEMS. Number of items includes both book and media. For a book with 2 CD-ROMs the count will be 3 items. Count only pieces represented by item records. Accompanying material not represented by an item record is accounted for in the pieces box on the item record for the book. Use red ink for the stamp and write the number of items in black ink. Diskettes: Stamps each diskette using a small UGA Libraries ownership stamp. Effort should be made not to obscure manufacturer’s label and to leave room for the call number label (placed in upper left-hand corner, if possible). Use black ink for this stamp. Types and affixes call number label. Affix Do Not Desensitize sticker on sleeve to right of barcode CD-ROMs, DVDs, and DVD-ROMs: With a special archival pen (or engraving tool) write UGA and call number on the backside of inner ring of CD or DVD. (This is the playing side, usually silver.) Spiral call number to the right if necessary. It may be easier to see as you write if CD or DVD is placed on a white surface. Applies security overlays to CD-ROMS and DVDs including discs being processed for the Music Library (see exceptions under Music Library). Mini CD-ROMs are not stripped at the present time. When applying an overlay, place the disc to be stripped in a jewel case, and peel the backing off the smaller portion of the overlay. Center the overlay and roll the exposed adhesive surface onto the top (label side) of the disc. Then remove the backing from the larger portion of the overlay and smooth it into place. It is important to avoid wrinkles in the overlay and air bubbles between disc and overlay. Once an overlay is firmly attached to a disc, removing it is likely to damage the disc so it is important not to strip discs which shouldn’t receive overlays. Fills out marking slip for book and places material on appropriate shelf in Marking. Statistics: Count title as online, partial, etc. based on type of copy. Count the accompanying CD-ROM(s), diskette(s), and/or DVD(s) as electronic resources in the Added Vols. or Pieces section of the Cataloging Statistics form. • Binding 14 Retains software in an envelope attached to the Marking Slip while book is at bindery Additional Information Books with accompanying media (diskettes, videos, cassettes) Desensitize stickers, stripping, & property stamp • Diskettes, videos, & cassettes should not be desensitized • Affix Do Not Desensitize sticker on sleeve to right of barcode for diskettes • Affix Do Not Desensitize sticker near barcode for videos & cassettes. OK to use multiple stickers for video sleeves or cases if needed. • Diskettes and cassettes will NOT be stripped • Videos should be stripped on front spine (side not inserted into player). • All media should be stamped with small UGA Libraries ownership stamp. Preservation Binders • Preservation binders will be used to house diskettes, CDs, & DVDs in sleeves that will not fit in back of book. • Print title and author’s name on the binder cover in black ink. • Binders will also be used for small book with media if book will fit into binder. NOTE: If book is put in binder, add new barcode to front cover of book on bottom left. Mark out old barcode in back of book. If binder is used for book & media (or multiple CDs, DVDs, etc.), stamp ______ Items on inside front cover to note multiple items must be discharged. Number of items includes both book and media. For a book with 2 CD-ROMs the count will be 3 items. Count only pieces represented by item records. Accompanying material not represented by and item record is accounted for in the pieces box on the item record for the book. Use red ink for the stamp and write the number of items in black ink. • If book is paperback and CD, etc. is put in a separate binder, OK to route book to Binding and media to designated marking shelf. Phase Boxes • Items should be marked and stripped before sending materials to Binding to have a phase box made to house items together. • Staple a “To Binding” slip to marking slip so Binding will return book with accompanying media to cataloger. When phase box returned, attach a label to phase box with number of items. Stamp ______ Items on inside front cover to note multiple items must be discharged. NOTE: If the phase box contains a book with accompanying CD-ROM, diskette, etc. in sleeve plus video, etc., stamp ONLY the inside front cover of phase box ______ Items. Do not stamp inside back cover of book. _____ Items indicates how many items exist 15 within a bindable unit. Book + CD-ROM in sleeve in back of book + videocassette all together in a phase box = __3__ Items. Make copy of To Binding slip as needed: To Binding: Please make phase box And Return pieces and slip To Cataloging Dept. Name: ______________ Section: ______________ Date: ________________ 16
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