Friday, January 16, 2015 25 Tevet 5775 Dear JK- Grade 12 Parents, ELEMENTARY: JK – GR. 6 Gr. 2 Chaggigat Ha-Torah (Jan. 14) On Wednesday, January 14 in the afternoon and evening, our Grade 2 students beamed on stage in the Berney Theatre during their Chaggigat Ha-Torah. The story of Creation was told through art, music, dance and Torah text. This celebration showcased what they have learned over the past three months in their introduction to Torah Studies at Gray Academy. The evening concluded with each student receiving the book “In the Beginning” and a Torah followed by a reception in the Berney Foyer. HIGH SCHOOL: GR. 6 – 12 Gr. 9 – 12: Kasim Hafeez comes to speak (Jan. 16) January 17 is the Canadian Raoul Wallenberg Day. Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish diplomat who was stationed in Budapest Hungary in July 1944. He is credited with risking his life to rescue more than 100,000 Hungarian Jews from deportation to the death camps. For the past number of years Gray Academy has celebrated this man with a day dedicated to Human Rights. This year in March the students from grades 9 – 12 will be going to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights for a day of instruction, tours and lectures. We did not want to ignore the importance of Raoul Wallenberg Day and therefore invited an amazing speaker, Kasim Hafeez to speak to our students and staff about his personal story and his astounding transformation from an Islamic extremist to a pro Zionist advocate. Students were enthralled with his lecture and have been speaking about it with each other and teachers all afternoon. JK - GR. 12 Join Us… Elementary & High School Open Houses Exciting New Interactive Format! Experience the best of what Gray has to offer. OPEN HOUSES – 7:00 – 8:30 pm MPR Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Elementary: Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten & Grade 1 Parents Only Thursday, January 29, 2015 High School: For families with students currently in Gr. 5 & 6 Parents & Students Exceptional Experiences Exceptional Impact Good Luck: Varsity Girls Basketball @ South Goes North Tournament in Thompson, Manitoba (Jan 15th – 17th) Yasher Koach/Mazel Tov… LIBRARY SCAVENGER HUNT: Joe Michaw (Elementary Winner) Haviva Polevoi (High School Winner) DRUMLINE @ U of M Bisons Basketball Game (Jan 10) Jonah Perlmutter, Mitchell Margolis, Issac Gall, Braden Ganetsky, Isaac Kaplan, Max Kaplan, Yosi Jacobowitz BASKETBALL: CAIS U13 Boys: win over Van Welleghem (Jan 14) Gr. 7/8 Girls: win over Linden Meadows (Jan 12) Gr. 7/8 Boys: win over General Byng (Jan 13) Varsity Girls: win over Southeast College (Jan 14) Varsity Boys: win over St. Maurice (Jan 12) win over Southeast College (Jan 14) Todah Rabah/Thank You… Gr. 2 Chaggigat Ha- Torah Team: Mara Cramer, Tanya Smolyaninov, Anna Corne, Lindsey Leipsic, Simone Shalev and Debbie Erickson, Shelley Oman, David Vamos and Dolly Chisick Mai Weinberg (Class of ’12) for working with the Gr. 2 students on the backdrop for Chaggigat Ha-Torah Cindy Lazar, Alexandra Broitman and Eka Mednikov for co-chairing the parent committee for Chaggigat Ha-Torah Rob Dalgliesh for bringing greetings from the WBJE at Chaggigat Ha-Torah Matthew Miller and Matthew Slusky for technical support at Chaggigat Ha-Torah Jonathan Friedman-Dalgliesh, Rachel Kay, Paul Narvey, Emily Tapper and Abigail Taback and their families for their donation towards the purchasing of the Torot and the books In the Beginning that was presented to each Grade 2 student at Chaggigat Ha-Torah Jonah Shapiro and Nathan Strauss and their families for their donation towards the reception at Chaggigat Ha-Torah Lara Rykiss (Chair), Sharon Goldenberg (Class of ’92), Sima Feuer, Ingrid Eilberg and Mara Silver for volunteering at the Used Uniform Sale on Wednesday Rochelle Gamliel for organizing the Gr. 9 – 12 speaker Kasim Hafeez today. Shabbat Shalom, Joyce Kerr Vice Principal
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