FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tara Webb, Arts Publicity Admin. Dance Program and Theater Department Swarthmore College Phone: (610) 328-‐8260 Email: SWARTHMORE COLLEGE AND THE WILLIAM J. COOPER FOUNDATION PRESENT A THREE-‐WEEK PERFORMANCE RESIDENCY RADICAL DEMOCRACY AND HUMANISM: INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN PERFORMANCE AND ACTION WITH DAVID DORFMAN DANCE AND OTHERS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The residency schedule of events free and open to the public at Swarthmore College will be as follows: 1st Week February 9 7-‐9PM, Lang Performing Arts Center Cinema Presentation:“Theatre of Witness” with Teya Sepinuck February 12 4:30 – 6PM, Lang Performing Arts Center Troy Dance Lab (LPAC 2) Movement Workshop: David Dorfman and the Active Citizen with Kate Speer February 15 1-‐5PM, Lang Performing Arts Center Boyer Studio (LPAC 3) Workshop: “Theatre of Witness” with Teya Sepinuck 2nd Week TBD Time and Location TBD Lecture: “Funky Charisma in DDD’s PROPHETS OF FUNK” with Kate Speer February 19 4:30 – 6PM, Lang Performing Arts Center Troy Dance Lab (LPAC 2) Master Class in dance: David Dorfman and company February 19 Time and Location TBD “Engaging Human Differences: Teaching Dialogue and Discourse about Race, Religion and Public Life” Teach-‐in with David Kyuman Kim February 20 8PM, Lang Performing Arts Center, Pearson-‐Hall Theatre DDD, PROPHETS OF FUNK Final Week February 24 2:40-‐4PM, Lang Music 407 Lecture/Discussion: “Between Apathy and Action” with Kate Speer February 26 TBD, Keith Room, Lang Center for Social Responsibility Workshop:“Get on Your Feet: Organizing for Peaceful Protest” with George Lakey For further information about these events, contact Tara Webb at 610-‐328-‐8260 or These events are free and open to the public without reservations, but space is limited for some of the smaller lectures and workshops.
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