May '3 ’ 19 27 . l,627;049 A. MQoRE PROCESS OF INFOLDING PAPER CONTAINER BODIES AND THE LIKE Filed June 21. 192s QW:Q@QN.QE“0N%Q\kn, @QGNN6W.EIW».ÜH-‘ NW\\ Nw \ MQ„ n ä wÑ 2 sheets-smet 1 .\ «di O|30 _ »à «.5, vE“, mmNWS`\ \\\`<\.\.\- »m QM.m,-\hNm.ÑÑ T w. NM QK. mvO@my“m@ fNqWH.WwEN www@\1Mplfï\mq§g@Í MW L IA ,.QW-mwhAwu1-.- ,G E m w Nw m \ «NQ .„ ` . N Ma y 3 ’ 1927. 1 ,62 7,049 A. MOORE PROCESS OF' INFOLDING PAPER CONTAINER BODIES AND THE LIKE 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Filed June 21. 1926 r ' INVENTOR fía /Nç 70N A70 OEE . BY » ATTORNEY 1,627,049. 'Patented' Mey 3, i927. ' 'u_NirED "str-A 'Taf P'a'i‘ianiii‘> oFFicE. ' ' miraron noonn, _or maw Yoan, N. x. ' ,r or momma linnn-comuna?. ‘aon’ms um 'rma Lum; Appiimmn megane-21,1926. serial“ No1-11am. ‘ M invention relates to a process of in . ,folding paper container ~bodies and other, folded margin in wlii'chithe part, which was first 'turned 'inwardly 'by ,progressive- advance bodies or shells~ of paper or paper-like ma ofthe' turning tool, is directed backwardly, - terial. The process is adapted for forming bringing 'the raw edge into the interior-of so la reênforced margin on paper shells 'of cy the triple fold so produced.` At the time - lindrical, conical and' other, forms, and is ' of the sudden or -quick advance ofthe fold 5- .. . . à also- adapted to the formation of interlocked ing- oi" turnin tool, if the .pressure finger ex ' seams between suoli shellsor bodies and`in tending within the ~shell is moved inwardly, . serted Ilan ed lheads, as inthe case of‘making or toward the shell axis a suñìcient distance interlocke heading joints l or seams for it )vill accommodate the additional inturned fpaper container. -thicknesses and >press it flat. 65 - ` ,The presentV invention provides an ex--- _ A like result can be obtained where; an ' , treinely simple >and eflicient’way of insuring interlocked joint is to bc produced between that the original free edge-'or raw edge as a slielly and an inserted fianged head, but in it issometimes called-of the shell shall be this case there are, of course, a reater numturned in so afs toi become buried `within the ber (ff thicknesses of paper to e accommo inturned folds, as in the case of the. shell dated between the pressure finger and the with reenforced margin, or within the seam shell land such finger is, therefore, to be ~‘ or joint vin the case of interlocked seams bei tween shells and container heads. The ad vantages of thus disposing of the raw edge are numerous and include putting the raw 70 ‘ moved inwardly a correspondingly greater 75 distance. ' By utilization of this principle,~as by re- I peated applications of the quick advance of edge out of sight,- thereby enabling the pro the turning tool and by variations in the ductionïof a finely finished and good ap . 5 point at which and extent to which ap lied, 80 buried or embeddedwithin the multiplejold 85 pearing product not possible with >the'raw 4->a great variety of_infolds can be pro uced >edge exposed, the elimination of'edge capil in paper articles in order to meet the re- „ larity, which is- of> importance in containers quirements which may be presented, but in to hold liquids, added strength and rigidity,-- all '_cases the raw margin is infolded and and related featuresof advantage. A - . _ In my Patent No. 1,413,7' 59, granted April of the paper, without the necessity of utiliz 25, 1922, I have shown a mode of tuckinâ ing hooks yor guides or other -devices to guide the raw edge in by, means of a tool provide ' thè _raw edge into the desired infolded and with a terminal hook. The present‘process embedded position. . accomplishes a similar result in a much sim-, ' The accompanying drawings illustrate the 35 pler way and entirely eliminates the hook steps of the process and sufiicient apparatus and the somewhat complicated movements `for showing how the process can be carried and manipulations incident to its use, and into_ effect, but the apparatus shown is illus is more ‘certain and 'efficient in operation. trative only and various mechanisms, refer When a paper ~shell is rotated relatively .I ably automatic machines, may beuseg. to a suitably arranged edge turning tool, the In said drawings, Fi . 1 is a fragmentaryl edge of the shellwill be spun or turned in longitudinal section o ap aratus designed progressively so long ’as the tool is advanced to form a triple foldreen orced shell mar gradually, ‘and if the edge turning‘toolfcom gin at one end ofa paper container body prises a finger extending` down within the and to lform lan interlocked five fold heading 100 shell, this turned in »part can be made to lie seam at the other end. Y . flat'against-theinterior of the shell, or, in Fig. 2 is a detail view of the forming tool other words, parallel thereto, with the raw release arm. edge exposed at the inner or leading edge of' Fig. 3 is a view similar to a part of Fig. the inturned fold. . ' 1, and showing the parts in position prior 106 I have :found that with the same turning to 1release of the ~spring actuated turning tool and having a simple unhooked fin er, such inturned portion can be inturned bo ily Figs. 4 and 5 are enlarged sections re by a relatively uick or sudden advance of peatingl the showing ofvthat «part of Fig. 1 ~ the turning too with respect tothe rela relating to the forming of an interlock seam, 110 554 tively rotating bod or shell of paper, thus with the apparatus omitted from the show too . converting a two- old margin into a triple mg' . - ~ i . e j 1,697,049 _ . l Figs. 6 and 7 are plan views showing` and'its linger 42. Means are also'provided how the inturned tool and linger are moved for moving the tool-"40 and attached linger 42 in avdirection parallel- to the longitudinal axis of shell 20. As shown, bracket 46 is Fig. 8 is a section of a quadruple inturned clamped on a-reciprocable slide bar 48 adapt ed to slide Without turning in a slide bearing paper shell margin. in to accommodate ~ additional linturned thicknesses of material. ' ‘ _ ig. 9 1s a section of a triple inturned . 50. The slide bar 48 can be given an axial paper shell margin pressure formed into a' movement of advancement and retraction by reenforced neck of a paper container of the means of the toothed sector 52 meshing with tirkin type and provided with a seat adapted rack teeth 54 formed in slide bar 48. As.. to receive a disk lid.y ' shown, this sector 52 is hand operated, be Fig. 10 isa section of a sextuple fold ing operated by the handle or crank 56. head joint or _seam for a paper container The rapid advancement of slide 48 and with the parts consolidated into a solid co tool 40 is produced by means of the expan lb herent mass of permanent gage dimension. . Fig. 11 is a section of a consolidated live - fold interlock heading seam. Fig. 12 is a section of-a seven fold inter lock seam. ' ‘ sion spring 58, which encircles slide 48 be tween bracket 46 and bearing 50. A collar 60 limits the advance movement of slide 48 by -contact with bearing 50. In order tol divide the movement into suitable steps or ' 'In referring to the various folded seams, parts, I may provide one or more insertable I prefer to designate same bythe number of and removable stop and release devices, as thicknesses therein- and to include the non the swinging arm 62 having a stop head 64, folded shell or body part, though this part adapted to be inserted between bearing 50 -is strictly not folded. and collar 60 (see Fie. 3) or to be swung In the showing of Fi . 1,the paper shell20 aside (Figs. 1 and 2 ,by pulling on the is held in a chuck 22 y a plug 24, which counterweight or handle 65„ thus permitting `rotates with the shell and chuck and forms slide 48 to be advanced by spring 58 from an abutment for the Hanged bottom 26. the position of Fig. 3 to that of Fig. 1. Am 90 y `Chuck 22 is shown as rotatable and the tools adjustable stop 66 serves to limit the re 30 as non-rotatable, though this relation may‘ tractile movement of slide 48; Pin 68' in be reversed, if desired, or both may rotate bearing 50 is pressed inwardly by leaf in lo posite directions or/and at differin»l spring 70 and is adapted to lockv slide 48 in 95 spee s. As shown, chuck 22 turns on bal , retracted position~ by entering a hole 72 35 bearings 28, 30 and is driven by a gear 32 therein. The slide may be released by llift meshing with gear teeth 34 on the chuck 22. mg pin 68 by means of knob 74. The shell 20 projects beyond the ends of At the beginning of the operation, with 10U the chuck to provide projecting material the apparatus described, and hav'ng refer for formation into the reenforced margin or ence now to the inturning of thee ge of the shell alone without the inserted flanged head, A turning tool 4() is arranged to extend the operator grasps crank 56 in one hand across the projecting shell edge on a chord and pulls out stop pin 68 with the other to of the circle defined by such projectinggedge release slide 48. He then4 backs off gradu (see Figs. 6 and 7). 4In the form shown, ally with handle 56 and thereby permits pin such tool is made of a piece of round drill 40 to be advanced by expansion of spring rod, but tools of other forms may be used. 58 against the edge of the rotating shell 20, On its inner end the turning tool is pro While he holds the finger 42 by means of vided with or extended to form a finger 42 handle 47 against the inturning edge and adapted to/?n-ake contact with the inner side forms a flat fold, and thus performs the ep of the folds as they are inturned and to eration illustrated in Fig. 3. While this press same Hat, or in other words, to'com adual advance of pin 40 is taking place seam. 50 lll) `plete the turning movement through sub t e shell is rapidly rotating, and a consider stantially 180°. This- linger 42 is smooth able number, say 50 to 100, revolutions of -and substantially` straightI and has no hook the shellmay take place during this interval or similar arrangement for tucking in the in Which the _turning pin is gradually ad 65 raw edge. - . vanced, this step being terminated by the Provision is made for moving tool 40 to collar 60 of slide 48 coming to- rest against bring finger 42Xthereof radially in and out the hinged stop piece 64, which is held up 60 and for applying` suñicient pressure -to fold against the slide bar 48 by the counter the paper into flat folds, and in the simple ' Weight 65. (See Fig. 3.) The stop 47’ illustrative .apparatus shown for hand oper prevents pushing handle 47 and finger 42 ation, this is accomplished by mounting the .too far in the operation of holding finger turning or folding pin 40 to turn in abearing 42. against the fold 104 as the latter is being 44‘in a bracket 46, and providing a hand op turned in, while the gradual advance of pin 125 for limiting the outward movement of pin 40 130 erated handle 47 and an adjustable stop 47 ’ 40 is taking place. 'll‘o perform the second step which is the 1 ,627,049 » principal featurelof the present invention, - brder of folds, and the place’ or-places where the operator still holding handle y,47, but the various fold lines are located. having moved 'it to brine’ the finger 42 in , The‘operation is much the same where an - wardly somewhatI from the position of F1g. inserted flanged head is to be formed into a 6 .for the first step to that of Fig. 7 to ac commodate additional thicknesses of paper, releases crank 56 of sector 52, and pulls on handle 65 of hinged stop arm 62, thereby withdrawing sto head 62 from between the joint or seam with the margin of a paper' 'lo shell. The formation of the simplest form of joint so made up is illustrated at the left vha-nd end of Fig. 1, and in Fig. 5. Here the originalf'shell margin 200. extends beyond collar 60 and shall, bearing 50. This releases the fiange margin 202 and is spun in there 'ns slide 48, which u on -being released is over by the_customary,gradual spinning 0p - abruptly advanced y , the` spring 58 from' eration as shown at the lower left hand part the position shown in Fig. 3'fto that shown in of Fig 1, and as shown-in Fig. 5 in full lines g Fig. 1. This advance, instead of being at the upper right hand part of the figure. gradual and distributed over a larger num 15 When the abr'uptiinfolding is done on a ber of shell rotations, is quick and abrupt new fold line located at about _the middle of, and probably is 'complete in considerably less the ña'nge height, the resulting folded joint 80° than a single rotation of the shell. Its effect is¿jot the quintuple type shown at the up `is to form a new fold line 102 at the place p .r left hand part of Fig. 1, and in dotted eo where the advancement of pin 40 is s'to ped, lines in the right hand part and in full lines ' as in the case under discussion, such a rupt 25 advance is stopped by collar 60 coming into contact with slide bearing 50. AWith the abrupt advance of the turning pin, there is no longer-a gradual progressive at the left hand part of Fig. 5, including, interlocked with the triple folded parts v200, &204, 206 of the shell, the double^folded parts 202, 203 of uw, head or bottom flange. In ' Fig. 11 I have shown the completed five fold turning over of the paper of the shell, but joint or seam comprising folds 200', 204’ and everything outside the new fold line is fold= 206’ of the body wall and folds 202’ and ed in bodily at the vnew fold line and this 203’ of thejlid fiange'formed by ffolding as bodily folding over is completed by the finger in the left hand side of Fig. 1 and in Fig.' 42. I_n the case of the paper having first 5 followed by the application of consolidat been gradually turned or spun into a double ing pressureby means of a tool or die -hav 95 fold with the raw edge oäposite or substan - inga terminal bead to produce the internal tiall opposite the new fol line, the resultlng groove 210. The production of the finished prodilct after the abrupt turn is completed sea-m, however, may be accomplished in a‘ v will be a triple fold margin, as shown at the variety of`ways after the infolding process upper right Hand part of Fig. 1', with the of the present invention is completed. originally folded in part 104 turned back 100 i As inthe case of the simple folded shell, ~ ward and the raw edge buried immediately margin the folded seam including shell'and inside the new fold line. Stateddiíferently, lid ange may be Vproduced in a'variety of ’ the triple fold margin will include'three forms depending on the number of abrupt 105 thicknesses, the _container body Wall thick turns and locatlon ofr abrupt turn or fold , ness 105 at the outside, the inturned fold lines. For example, the form 212 of Fig.v 12 part 106 on the inside, and the original mar having> seven thicknesses is produced by gin fold 104 extending reversely between making a second abrupt fold of a suitably 15 them and with the raw edge buried or em extended lid flange and body Wall. `The 110 bedded within the space between the inner form 214 of Fig. 10 having six folds is pro and outer folds. ‘ duced by extending the shell margin consid Such tripleinturned fold has many uses. erably beyond the lid flange and gradually In Fig. 9, for example, I have shown same spinning the-shell material back upon -itself 50 comprising folds 104', 105’ and 106', shaped beforeinfolding with the lid flange, and'va by suitable shaping or. spinning tools into a rions other forms may be produced in carry-k reenforced firkin margin with an internal lid ing out the principle of the invention. 115 I claim: ' seat 107 adapted to receive a disk lid, and it will be seen how with such construction ' 1. The process of making -a multiple fold -` A capillarity‘absorption of liquids contained in margin on a shell of paper, which lconsists 120 the container is precluded by the raw Iedge in rotating same relative to 'a spinning tool, ` being removed -entirely from any possibility advancing the tool gradually relative to the of contact therewith. ‘ shell to foldin the margin, and then- ad In Fig. 8 I have shown a quadruple folded vancing the tool abruptly, whereby the Bur marginal part comprising folds 108, 110, 112 turned in raw edge is reversed and a fold and 114, which can be provided by per reduced in which the raw edge,A is enclosed forming a second abrupt inturning operation 'between folds or thicknesses of paper. 125 2. In the process of multiple infolding such as described, a'nd it will be apparent that many variations can be produced by the wall of a paper shell, the steps of turn varying the number of folds, the Width and ing in the margin, and then abruptly turn- " 136 ‘ 1,027,049 iin . ing over the infolded-vma'rgin and adjacent viously inturned parts are reversed and an interlocked lseam is produced. 5 3. The process of infolding the margin of 8. In-~ the process of making a multiple a pa er shell into multiple substantially fold interlocked scam between a paper shell y shell wall together. paral el folds, which- comprises. rotating the shell with respect'to a spinning tool _extend ing across the edge of the shell and inward Lly ofthe shell substantially parallel to the shell walls, advancing the tool relative to the 10 vrotating shell to 'turn themargin inwardly, and then abruptly advancing thespinnin tool with res ect to the rotating shell an and a flanged paper head, the steps of ad vancing a spinning tool relativelyv to the relatively rotating shell edge and thereby turning in the shell edge with the lid flange 60 between it and the shell wall, and then ab ruptly advancing the spinning tool relative to lthe ‘relatively rotating shell and head flange, whereby the previously inturned moving the inwardly extending fool part parts are abruptly reversed and an inter 65 toward the shell axis to accommodate addi locked seam is produced. " ' tional thicknesses of paper, whereby’the re 9. In the proces of making a multiple fold ~viously infoldcd margin and adjacent s ell interlocked spun joint between a paper shell wall are turned in `bodily on a new fold line and the flange of an'inscrted flan ed paper with the original edge of the shell between head, the steps of inturning the e ge of the 70 the folds and directed in the same sense as shell over the edge of the head flange by ad 20 originally. vancing a spinning tool relatively thereto . 4. In the process of making folded mar while shell and head vare being rotatedwith gins on paper shells, the step of abruptly respect to the spinning tool, and then ab~ advancing a spinning tool relat1vely to a ruptly advancing the spinning tool relative 76 25 relatively rotatlng shell having its edge pre ly to the ’relatively rotating shell and head, viously turned in, whereby the turned in whereby the edge of the head flange, the in edge and adjacent wall portion are bodily turned shell edge and the adjacent shell wall reversed on a new fold line. ' v are abruptly reversed on a new fold line and 5. ,The proces of- making on paper shells an interlocked seam is produced. an infolded margin having, with the inclu» 10. In the process of making a~multiple jsion of the adjacent wall part, three folds,L substantially parallel fold interlocked Seam which includes the step of inturning the between a paper shell ,and an inserted edge of the shell, and then abruptly infold flanged paper head, the steps of rotating ing the inturned edge and adjacent wall shell an-d\head relative to a spinning tool 80 85 part, whereby these parts are reversed on a having a part extending across the end of 85 new fold line and the turned in edge is en the shell and a part extending inwardly- closed in the middle of the triple fold. substantially parallel to the shell wall to 6. The process of making on paper shells keep the parts substantially in parallelism, a multiple infolded margin having, with the advancing the spinning tool relative to the 90 I inclusion of the adjacent wall part, an odd shell and head to turn the edge of the shell 40 number of folds, which includes the steps in over the edge of the head flange and then of infolding the margin, and then abruptly abruptly advançlng the spinning tool rela. infolding the wall and inturned margin on tive to the relatively rotating shell and head a new fold line, whereby the previously in-' _ and moving the inwardly extending tool in turned part is reversed, 'and repeating the wardly toward the .shell axis to accommo last named step. - date eXtra thicknesses, whereby the inturned 7. In the process of making a multiple edge, the head flange and adjacent shell wall 95 fold interlocked seam between a paper shell are abruptly inturned in reverse relation 50 and a flanged head, the steps of turning in and an interlocked seam produced with the the edge of ,the shell with the head Harige folds thereon in substantial parallelism. between the shell wall and the inturned edge In testimony whereof, I have signed my part, and abruptly turning in the inturned name hereto. parts on a new fold line, whereby the pre ARLINGTON MOORE. 100
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