2015 January Open Doors2 - Christ Church Little Rock

Open Doors
January 2015
All are
invited to
Annual Parish
Meeting and
Bowen Hall
February 1
10:30 am
“The dangerousness of the dark was like the law of gravity. No one could say exactly
how it worked, but everyone agreed on it. When night fell, children were gathered inside,
front porch lights were switched on, curtains were drawn, and doors were locked. The
inside of the house became a showcase of artificial light: the fluorescent ring on the ceiling
of the kitchen, 40-watt appliance bulbs in the oven hood, 25-watt bulbs shaped like
candles in the dining room chandelier, standard 60-watt bulbs in the lamps in the living
room, the phosphorescent glow of the television set in the den. There was nothing you
could not do in a house like that. Even if you got up in the middle of the night to go to
the bathroom, small night-lights plugged into every baseboard outlet would guide you to
your destination like an airplane making a landing after dark.”
So begins Barbara Brown Taylor’s book Learning to Walk in the Dark, the focus of
this year’s Parish Retreat at Camp Mitchell. Taylor, an Episcopal priest and preacher,
has regaled the church with her particular way of weaving sermons for years, but there’s
something especially challenging this time around. Taylor asks us to walk with her through
the journey of trying to find God in the dark, both the dark of winter and night and the
dark of difficult stages in our lives. She pushes against the idea that faith in God must
mean constant happiness, that trying times indicate distance from God. Rather, as she puts
Here is some good news you can use: even when light fades and darkness falls--
as it does every single day, in every single life--God does not turn the world over to some other deity. Even when you cannot see where you are going and no one answers when you call, this is not sufficient proof that you are alone. There is a divine presence that transcends all your ideas about it.
In just a few weeks, we’ll gather together as a community on Petit Jean Mountain,
encountering the dark and searching for God together. As we begin this new year and the
dark begins to melt from our lives, I am pleased to be learning to talk about God along
with all of you, seeing different ways of being Christ in the world, and exploring surprising
paths for walking in the dark.
Parish Community
Commemorative Gifts
received by December 25
New Grandparents
Endowment Fund
in memory of Bill Stringfellow
The Polk & Murray Family
Marsha & Neumie Roberts
Phyllis & Mike Barrier
Larry Benfield
Julie & Joe Clements
Bonnie & Dick Clough
Mildred Cooper
David Dillahunty
Bettylee Green
June Jackson
Ginanne Long
Clair Norman
Jane & Robert Wayland
Phillip E. Kaplan
Mary Ann Kimberlin
Wendy & Paul Wood
Joan Pettit
Becky & Floyd Martin
In memory of J.B. Cross Sr.
by Marianna & Tim Pardue
In honor of Morris Parker
by Ginanne Long
Angel Tree Gifts
Thanks to 79 parishioners who provided gifts for Arkansas
Cares and Our House families this Christmas. Because of
your generosity families in need were able to open presents
this holiday season. Our special thanks to the volunteers
who organized and distributed the gifts.
We commend to God’s mercy
all who have died,
that God’s will for them may be fulfilled.
Our love and prayers go to the
family and friends of
Bill Stringfellow
husband of Betty Stringfellow
Page 2
Sophia Rebecca Alderfer
born December 23, 2015
7lbs, 7oz
daughter of Garrett & Jennifer Alderfer
granddaughter of Becki and Mark Alderfer
Parish Retreat
January 16-18, 2015
Camp Mitchell on Petit Jean Mountain
In her book Learning to Walk in the Dark, Barbara Brown
Taylor seeks to redeem what many of us have learned to
fear - the darkness. Taylor finds there are treasures in the
dark that we cannot always see by day. What we need is a
spirituality that also works in the night. Since our retreat
is mid-winter, the darkest time of the year, we thought
it would be fun to use her book, as well as poetry, art,
story, and song, to consider the role darkness holds in our
spiritual life. (And we promise not to be too dark!) Singles,
couples, families with kids, all are welcome. Registration
forms are available in the foyer (Narthex), church office,
on the church website (christchurchlr.org), and at the
Blackboard. Learning to Walk is available in the Sixth Street
Library. Registration deadline is January 11. Contact: Kate
Alexander, kalexander@christchurchlr.org.
Directories Still Available
Need a phone number and/or an address of a church
friend? Pick up a church directory in the office today, or
any day during office hours.
The Open Doors
Parish Activities
Scriptures in Life and Art
Sunday in the Bishop’s Room
9:15 am
Jacob Willemsz. de Wet, the Elder,
The Calling of St. Peter and St. Andrew, c. 1650
Oil on panel, Private Collection
Each Sunday the “Scriptures in Life and Art” class discusses
the day’s lessons and looks at some works of art related
to them. On January 25, the gospel lesson tells of the
calling of the fishermen Peter and Andrew, and we’ll look
at a few portrayals of this scene, including one by the now
obscure Dutch 17th century artist de Wet, who shows
the event as if it were happening on the shores of his own
country. Epiphany and a new calendar year are times of
new awareness and focus, making this a good time to start
regularly attending this class. But whether or not you can
join this class every Sunday, all are welcome and discussion
is always lively. For more information contact Floyd Martin
at fwmartin@ualr.edu or J. B. Cross at jbcross2358@
Integrity Meeting
Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 12:00 noon
in the Christ Church Parlor
We are planning to watch “Voices of Witness: Out of
the Box”, an acclaimed 27 minute documentary about
transgender issues that was produced by Integrity USA.
Cameron Partridge, lecturer at Harvard University and
Episcopal Chaplain at Episcopal BU: Episcopal Chaplaincy
at Boston University, will be joining us for the discussion
following the viewing of the documentary. Grab a
refreshment at coffee hour and come on over to the Parlor.
Integrity is an Episcopal organization which encourages
local congregations to intentionally open their doors to
LGBT people and their allies. Questions? Contact
Terry Jefferson at tjefferson@hflclinic.com or Gwen Fry at
Support for the Arts@Christ Church
2015 Season
What a wonderful year for the arts at Christ
Church 2014 has been. As you probably know, this was our
175th anniversary year. And when a community celebrates
a milestone, one gets a glimpse not only of its heritage and
history, but of its current life.
How did we celebrate? Our concert series brought
the Dublin Guitar Quartet and the Boston Brass to Christ
Church, both to rave reviews. Architectural photographer
Tim Hursley started a year long time lapse photography
project (his camera is still snapping a picture of Christ
Church’s entrance every 15 seconds). Our new Sixth Street
Library opened with a photography exhibit by Jaman
Matthews titled “Christ Church, Then and Now.” On our
actual birthday, March 10, our choir led us in Evensong
and our bishop preached. In the Easter season we brought
writer Fred Bahnson to the Arkansas Literary Festival, and
local artist Hamid Ebrahimifar directed the creation and
decoration of mobiles by Christ Church parishioners that
have hung in the side aisles this year. And we commissioned
Daniel Gawthrop to compose a choral piece for our
anniversary year which our choir debuted on December 7,
the day Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori paid us a
The Arts@Christ Church supported each of the
endeavors above either fully or in part. Clearly what began
as a world class concert series has broadened and deepened
and now impacts almost every aspect of our life at Christ
For 2015 we’re thrilled already to have booked
two renowned vocal groups. Anonymous4 will return on
February 13, as part of their 1865: Songs of Hope and Home
from the American Civil War tour. And the Tallis Scholars
will sing at Christ Church on April 23. Perhaps you’ll
consider support at one of the following levels:
Friend $100
Patron $250
Benefactor $500
Sponsor $1000
2015 looks to be another remarkable year for the
Arts@Christ Church. We hope you’ll consider making a tax
deductible gift of any size to make sure that it is. With every
best wish for a blessed Christmas and New Year, we remain
Faithfully yours,
The Rev. Scott Walters, Steven Bullock, and
William McCandless
Page 3
Children, Youth, and Family Ministry
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
Children’s Choir
Rehearsal Schedule
in the choir room
January 4
January 11
January 18
January 25
February 1
No Rehearsal
3:00-4:00 pm
No Rehearsal/Parish Retreat
3:00-4:00 pm
3:00-4:00 pm
Letter from Children’s Choir Member
The Christ Church EYC just finished up a great semester
with our Christmas Party and Feast! It was a blast. We
played some Christmas themed games such as “humas gift
wrap.” We had a “White Elephant” gift exchange and had
our feast which featured side dishes from EYC families,
and fried chicken provided by Christ Church. We also
gave thanks for all the blessings God has given us this year.
We look forward to next semester. A big thanks for all the
generous support everyone at Christ Church gives us.
St. Francis House Food Baskets
Bram Fendley, age 8
Soloist at the Christmas Eve
Feast of the Nativity Holy Eucharist
and Children’s Pageant, 5 pm
“It looked complicated at first, but
it turned out to be easy. I’m very
proud to do it. I’m excited to be in
the Christmas Eve service. It is also
important to me because my father
had the same solo.”
The Children’s Choir was an integral part of the Christmas
Eve pageant and will be participating in worship services
once a month. If you (or your child) is in grades 2nd-8th
and loves music, we’d love to have you come sing with us.
For more information, contact Mary Kay Burton at
Youth Handbell Choir
Christ Church youth and other Episcopal youth
participated in the annual St. Francis House food basket
drop off. Each Christmas St. Francis House provides food
baskets to residents of Little Rock and North Little Rock
housing towers. This is a great opportunity for our youth to
give back to our community and we always enjoy it.
EYC Schedule
Sunday in Youth Room unless otherwise noted
January 4
January 11 January 18
January 25
February 1
4-6 pm
No EYC/Parish Retreat
4-6 pm
4-6 pm
For questions and more information about EYC contact
Murdock Jones at cmurdockjones@gmail.com
Page 4
Rehearsal Schedule
in the handbell room
January 4
January 11 January 18
January 25
February 1
No Rehearsal
11:50 am-12:20 pm
No Rehearsal/Parish Retreat
11:35 Short Rehearsal
11:50 am-12:20 pm
Following a little time off after Christmas, Youth Handbells
will resume regular weekly practices in mid January. This
is a good time for any young person (3rd grade and older)
who would like to join the group to come in—the main
requirement is faithful attendance at weekly rehearsals. The
group will play at the 10:30 am service once in February
before Lent begins, and then one of the Sundays after
For more information about Christ Church Youth Handbell
Choir please contact Floyd Martin, fwmartin@ualr.edu.
January 2015
Church and Community
Congratulations to
Dick Pickard
Clinton Presidential
Center 2014
Spirit of the Center
Award Recipient
The Spirit of the Center
Award was created to honor
the memory of Ken Schultz,
a founding volunteer who passed away in 2009. Each year
the Clinton Presidential Center honors two volunteers
who have brought the same spirit as Ken, a happy, giving
heart each time they volunteer. They share their joy, their
kindness and their love for the center with each and every
volunteer and visitor.
Central Convocation
Epiphany Service
Tuesday, January 6, 7 pm
St Mark’s, Little Rock
The service will feature special music, including the
traditional Procession of the Kings. Bishop Benfield will be
the celebrant, and the preacher will be the Rev. Lisa Fry.
Abide Dinner at the Turkish House
Abide at Raindrop Turkish House
On Thursday, December 11, the Raindrop Turkish House
in Little Rock hosted members of the Abide group for an
introductory dinner. We are looking forward to building
a relationship with them as we learn about each other’s
cultures, religions, and cuisines! For more information
about Raindrop, take a look at their website: turkishhouse.
org. If you’re interested in joining with us as we deepen this
connection, please contact Brooks at bcato@christchurchlr.
org or Patricia at pmatthews@christchurchlr.org.
The Open Doors
Winterstar for EYC
(Episcopal Youth Community)
February and March 2015
Camp Mitchell
These are two weekends where youth gather from all over
Arkansas to explore how they may better respond to Christ
in the world. The Junior High (6th-8th grade) youth meet
February 20-22, and the Sr. High (9th-12th grade) youth
meet March 6-8. Both weekends share the same theme
that is selected, planned, and led by the Diocesan Youth
Commission. These weekends are held at Camp Mitchell.
To register go to eycarkansas.org. For more information
contact Murdock at mjones@christchurchlr.org.
Brad Williams
plays The
Friday, January 16
at 8 pm
“Brad Williams (front man
for The Salty Dogs) might
have the most iconic voice
in local music. Rangy and
rarely onstage without a
cowboy hat, the Salty Dogs
front man sings in the kind of
easy twang that comes from
growing up in Marked Tree,
but he tempers it with a big
helping of Southern soul (you
could imagine Williams doing right by a Dan Penn song).”
- Arkansas Times. Doors open at 7 pm. Show starts at 8 pm.
For more information or to listen to some of Brad Williams’
and The Salty Dogs’ music go to thesaltydogs.net.
Annual Parish Meeting
and Potluck
Sunday, February 1
after 10:30 am Holy Eucharist
Celebrate the past year, elect our new vestry members, and
enjoy a delicious parish luncheon in Bowen Hall. Christ
Church men will provide the main dish. All others are
asked to provide salads and desserts. (Please bring goodies
that do not need to be heated.) Want to help? Let Carol
Lou know at cflowers@christchurchlr.org.
Page 5
Arts and Community
Arts@Christ Church
Anonymous 4
February 13 at 7:30 pm
Arts@Christ Church
Art by Design
Solo Exhibit by Sandra Marson
January through March
Monday-Thursday 9 am-5pm
Friday 9am-12 noon
Anonymous 4
Renowned for their unearthly vocal blend and virtuosic
ensemble singing, the four women of Anonymous 4
combine historical scholarship with contemporary
performance intuition to create their magical sound. Their
programs have included music from the year 1000; the
ecstatic music and poetry of the 12th-century abbess and
mystic, Hildegard of Bingen; 13th-century chant and
polyphony from England, France, and Spain; American
folksongs, shape note tunes, and gospel songs; and works
newly written for the group. Anonymous 4 has performed
for sold-out audiences on major concert series and at
festivals throughout North America, Europe, Asia, and
the Middle East; and has made 20 best-selling recordings
for harmonia mundi usa. This will be the second time
Anonymous 4 has performed at Christ Church. It may
be the last, since 2015-2016 will be their final season to
perform. For more formation check out their website at
Walking the Mourner’s Path
Walking the Mourner’s Path is an 8-week grief group for
anyone who has suffered a significant loss due to a death
and would like to process it in a group setting. This is a
Christ-centered bereavement support program started in
the Episcopal Church. We will meet Thursday nights, 6:00
- 7:30 pm beginning January 22, ending March 12. The
cost is $80 for materials. Scholarships are available. Contact
Kate Alexander at kalexander@christchurchlr.org.
Page 6
Flowers in Motion
Watercolor on paper 24”x24” by Sandra Marson
Marson describes herself as an experimental artist and
an intuitive painter. Watercolor, acrylic and collage are
included in her portfolio. Most of Marson’s work is nonrepresentation. Her paintings are based on the formal
elements of design with emphasis on color and shapes
moving in space. Strong value changes and texture are used
to increase contrast. Always striving to paint abstract images
in a new way that is pleasing to the eye, the artist attempts
to evoke an emotional response, rather than a preconceived
concept by formula. Marson has a BA from the University
of Arkansas at Little Rock and has taken many workshops
from noted watercolorists. Instructors who have been
an inspiration include Don Andrews, Selma Blackburn,
Marlene Gremillion, Frank Webb and Doug Walton.
Marson is a member of the Mid-Southern Watercolorists,
Arkansas League of Artist, Missouri Watercolor Society,
International Society of Experimental Artists and North
Central Arkansas Artist League. You may view Marson’s
paintings online at The Arkansas Artist Registry. Marson
is currently exhibiting at Fairfield Bay Home Town. She
exhibits yearly at the Arkansas Repertory Theater. For more
information contact Sandra at sandymarson44@comcast.
January 2015
Important Information
Interested in
becoming a member
of Christ Church?
This can happen through
baptism, confirmation, or
by requesting a letter of
transfer from a previous
church. See Carol Lou
Flowers in the church
office for details. If you’re
interested in getting
more involved at Christ Angels we have heard on high
Christmas Eve
Church, please speak with
one of our clergy or with
Carol Lou.
Sixth Street Library at Christ Church
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 12 Noon
Sunday 9:30 am - 12:15 pm
Christ Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 12 Noon
Weekly Worship Schedule
8:00 am Rite I Holy Eucharist
9:15 am Christian Formation for all ages
For Adults:
-Bible Study in Bishop’s Room
-Book studies, topical discussions in Parlor
For Children and Youth:
3 years-K – The Good Shepherd Atrium (downstairs)
Grades 1-3 – The True Vine Atrium (downstairs)
Grades 4-6 – The Covenant Atrium (2nd floor)
Grades 7–8 Junior High (3rd floor)
Grades 9-12 – Senior High (3rd floor)
10:30 am Rite II Holy Eucharist (with choir)
6:00 pm Informal Holy Eucharist
6:45 pm Compline - sung prayers (with choir)
12:05 pm Holy Eucharist & Prayers for Healing
8:10 am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
January 2015
Staff Contacts
Unless noted otherwise each of the following may
be reached at Christ Church 501-375-2342
• Baptisms, weddings, funerals, visits to sick or shut-in, pastoral counseling:
Scott Walters, swalters@christchurchlr.org
Kate Alexander, kalexander@christchurchlr.org
Brooks Cato, bcato@christchurchlr.org
• The E-News: Kate Alexander,
• Meeting space scheduling, prayer list names, volunteer assistance:
Carol Lou Flowers, cflowers@christchurchlr.org
• Choir & Handbells:
Steve Bullock, sbullock@christchurchlr.org
• Outreach:
Joyce Hardy 351-7217, pjhardy51@gmail.com
• Children, Youth & Family Ministry:
Patricia Matthews,
• Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Coordinator:
Murdock Jones, mjones@christchurchlr.org
• Planned Giving: Clay Patty 375-5061
• Announcements and The Open Doors:
Lally Brown, lbrown@christchurchlr.org
Monthly Groups
Moms’ Group - January 7, 5:30 pm
Daughters of the King - January 4, 12:00 pm
Stewpot - January 8, 9:30-11:30 am; 11:30 am-1 pm
Vestry - January 19, 5:15 pm, Parlor
Harmony Health Clinic Dinner - January 22, 4:30 pm
Knitters’ Group - January 7, 1:15 pm
January 25, 11:45 am
Green Groceries - January 13, 27, 5 pm
Aspiring Angels - January 5, 7 pm
Weekly Groups
AA - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 12 noon
Yoga - Monday, 5:30 pm
Basketball - Tuesday, Thursday, 6 pm
ALFN Food Pick-up - Monday, 4-6 pm
ALFN Food Pick-up - Saturday, 10-12 pm
Journey Group - Tuesday, 6 pm
Page 7
Little Rock’s Downtown Episcopal Church
509 Scott St, Little Rock, AR 72201
phone: 501- 375-2342
Christ Church Vestry
Julie Peters, Senior Warden
Debra Roberts, Junior Warden
Roger Webb, Clerk
Mary Kay Burton
George Cole
Chris Fleischmann
Marion Fulk
John Gillispie
Shannon Gitchel
Elizabeth Henry
Jay Jennings
Olivia McKee
Frank Parke
Emily Paul
Bob Wayland
Ginanne Long, Treasurer
Brad Williams
The Rt. Rev. Larry R. Benfield
Bishop of Arkansas
Christ Church Staff
The Rev. Scott Walters, Rector
The Rev. Dr. Kate Alexander, Associate Rector
The Rev. Brooks Cato, Curate
The Rev. Joyce Hardy, Outreach Coordinator
Steven Bullock, Organist/Choirmaster
Patricia Matthews, Director of Children,
Youth & Family Ministry
Murdock Jones, EYC (Youth) Coordinator
Carol Lou Flowers, Parish Administrator, Lay
Ministries & Volunteer Coordinator
Phyllis Danielson, Bookkeeper
Bettylee Green, Receptionist
Lally Brown, Office Assistant
Christ Church Recycles
Please recycle this newsletter
The Open Doors |January 2015
at Christ Church
January 16 at 8 pm
Tickets are $10 at the door
Stay in Touch. Stay Connected. Stay Informed.
Receive The Weekly E-News and monthly newsletter, The Open Doors by emailing Carol Lou at
cflowers@christchurchlr.org and “Like” us on Facebook.
The Church has been decorated for Christmas to the Glory of God
In memory of
Claire Frances Bellm - by her daughter, Kate Alexander
Carolyn Gray LeMaster, Jeff Baskin and Myra Jones - by Ellen Gray
The Cromwell & Thompson families - by Trudie, Mildred, and Tricia
Godparents, Edna Pearl Horn (Epie) & Bill Stringfellow -by David Rockwell Long and family
Clint & Glynn Bane Moore - by Ethel Rossi
Mildred Ball Day, Edward Eugene & Agnes Gray Lyon - by H. Gene Lyon
Marcia Long - by her daughter, Anne Quiggle
Jack Stotts - by his sister, Jocelyn
Carl E. Jr. and Eleanor S. Scribner Carl E. & Agnes G. Scribner, Sr: Frank X.& Georgia B. Shettler
- by their son & grandson, David Scribner
Deceased loved ones - by Joan Pettit
Sam & Annie Laurie Gunter, Lulu Wilson & Cleve Pardue - by Marianna & Tim Pardue
Bill Norman - by Clair, Mary Ellen, Ax, Jen, Samatha & Jack
The Wyatt, Kinney, Threet, Carson, Lance, McAninch & Hunter Families - by Margaret Wyatt
My parents, Mary Jean & Jim Dillahunty - by David Dillahunty
Aleta & Morris Jessup, & Roy Bilheimer - by Elizabeth Bilheimer, Ann & Austin Grimes
Abigail McQueen, Ben Isgrig, Mary & Edmund Schiller - by Ann & Otis Schiller
Samatha Olson - by her father, Stan Doucet
Our Parents Frank & Lou Wayland and Elvin & Kathleen Perkinson - by Jane & Bob Wayland
My parents, Kay & The Feild, III, my sister, Anne Spillman, Eric’s dad, David Hager - by Janie & Eric Hager
Clifford & Frances Smith, J.L. Smith - by Anne & Bob Black
John Phillip Hill - by Maria Hill
Mickey Roberts - by Debra Roberts and Mike Abele
Gordon and Carolyn Downes - by Tiffany, Ian, Cole & Connor Hadden
George and Marjorie Cole, Beatrice Abele - by Candice & George Cole
Jessie & Jack Grobmyer, Betty & John Darwin - by Libby & Mark Grobmyer
Bill Trice - by Judy Trice
Neil Birnie Pryor - by Kathryn Pryor
Ernest and Jean Minelli - by Leslie Minelli
Ida Grace Mathews, Michael Sporn, James E. “Buddy” Allison, Carl H. Lenggenhager - by Phyllis & Mike Barrier
Sally & Blox Dell, Dot & Joe Clements, Lisa Clements, & other loved ones - by Julie and Joe Clements
My godparents, Nita & Ralph Shelby and James Dillahunty - by Rico Belotti
Ellen Jacot - by Bettylee Green
Trey Heye, Paul Heye Sr., Fritz Mauermann - by Mary Jo Heye
Jean Gobin & Francis Lee - by The Hitt Family
Fritz & Mary Mauermann, John & Sara Jo Fargarson - by Karen Mauermann
Albert Alice and Al Graves - by Ginanne Long
Butch Henry - by Debbie, Brooke, Brad, Jennifer and children
In thanksgiving for
McKinley, Perry, Hanah, Meredith, Alex, & Hunter - by Sandy & Rod Smith
Morris Parker - by Carol Lou
Friends and family - by Bonnie & Dick Clough
Our families - by Wanda & Bob Taylor
Our children, Marshall and Natalie - by Allen and Holly Pettit
Our grandmother, Joan Pettit - by Marshall and Natalie Pettit
The gift of our children, Marion, Martin, Baucum & Austin - by Anne & Gus Fulk
Scott Clements - by Anie
My children and grandchildren - by Mildred Cooper
His godmother, Betty Stringfellow - by David Rockwell Long
Their godchildren, David Long, Amy Polk Patrick and Hannah Henson - by Betty & Bill Stringfellow
Leslie Miller, Robin Miller Braun, Richard Boone - by Maurey Miller
The people and staff of Christ Church - by Gwen Fry
Stephen Primm - by Jocelyn Stotts
My children and grandchildren - by Margaret Wyatt
Tom & Lindsey Pardue - by Marianna & Tim Pardue
Blessings - by Mary Jane & Guy Cheatham
Her children, grandchildren and great-grandson - by Joan Pettit
Their grandchildren - by Mary Kay and Larry Burton
My godmother Bettylee Green - by David Dillahunty
Our children, Kate and Charles - by Nell & Bob Lyford
Louise Isgrig - by Ann & Otis Schiller.
Our grandchildren, Bond, Ben, and Abbay Magevney, Grey and Ethan Jefferson, and Lucy Meghan Wagner
-by Joe Lampo & Terry Jefferson
Our grandchildren, Joanna Elizabeth Crane and Sophia Rose Riccobono - by Betsy & Richard Davies
Our children and grandchildren - by Dale & Roger Webb
Our children and grandchildren - by Julie & Joe Clements, Jr
Vernon Mathews - by Phyllis & Mike Barrier
Christ Church Acolytes - by Ginny and Rico Belotti
Leah, Flint, Henry, and Oliver Carnahan - by Ginny & Rico Belotti
Bountiful blessings this past year - by Bettylee Green
Andrew and Joe - by Abbie Reaves & Reed Claiborne
The acolytes - by Jean and Dan Carter
My children and grandsons - by Karen Mauermann
The people of Christ Churh - by Larry Benfield
Marian and Charley Penix - by Clementine Infante
Each year donations for Christ Church Christmas decorations in honor or in memory of a loved one
are published in the January edition of The Open Doors.