十一、病歷格式與範本 神經疾患相關病歷格式與範本 (1)中樞系統損傷評估 (2)脊髓損傷評估 範例一:腦中風初評 範例二:腦中風結案 小兒疾患相關病歷格式與範本 (1)兒童物理治療評估報告 (2)病房兒童物理治療 (3)新生兒評估 (4)中文版新生兒神經行為評估量表 範例一:一般發展遲緩(含 IPP) 範例二:腦性麻痺(含 IPP) 範例三:新生兒 範例四:病房兒童物理治療 骨科疾患相關病歷格式與範本 (1)肌肉骨骼疾患評估 (2)Physical Therapy for Shoulder joint (3)Physical Therapy Assessment for Low Back Pain (4)Physical Therapy Assessment for Cervical Syndrome (5) 病房骨科物理治療評估 範例一:肩部疾患 心肺疾患相關病歷格式與範本 (1) 胸腔疾患評估 (2) 呼吸循環物理治療每日紀錄 (3) 復健部物理治療心肺疾病運動訓練病患狀況紀錄表 (4) 復健部冠狀動脈手術臨床路徑物理治療計畫表 (5) 復健部心房/心室中膈缺損手術(年齡大於 10 歲)臨床路徑物理治療計畫表 範例一:CABG I 範例二:CABGⅡ 範例三:Lung Resection 範例四:Cardiac Rehabiltation 範例五:COPD 44 神經疾患相關病歷格式與範本 (1)中樞系統損傷評估 國 立 台 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 復健部 物理治療報告單(中樞神經系統損傷評估) 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 頁 I. Basic Data: □ □ □ □ Diagnosis: Age: y/o Sex: Height:_____ cm Weight: _____kg Home environment: Tel: Initial Note Acceptance Note Summary Note Discharge Note PT begins on: II. Brief History and Lab Results: III. Physical Examinations: Consciousness: Mentality: Judgment Orientation Memory Abstract thinking Calculation Communication: Vision: homonymous hemianopia: L neglect: L Facial palsy: L R - / mild moderate R severe / central ROM / pain / Subluxation: RUE-P: RUE-D: RLE: ( I ~ VI ) LUE-P: LUE-D: LLE: Muscle strength: Sensation: RUE: P/D- RLE: P/D- LUE: P/D- LLE: P/D- Light touch (1=intact, 2=impaired, □RUE-P _____ □RUE-D _____ □RLE _____ □LUE-P _____ □LUE-D _____ □LLE _____ □RUE-P _____ □RUE-D _____ □RLE _____ □LUE-P _____ □LLE _____ Proprioception 3=absent) Coordination: normal impaired FNF test : L____sec HKH test : L____sec tremor : - dysmetria - N/T R____sec(5 repetitions) R____sec(5 repetitions) intentional dysdiadokokinesia □LUE-D _____ resting RUE RLE - RUE RLE LUE RUE RLE LUE LLE neurological level / miscellaneous: 45 LUE LLE - - Muscle tone: Brunnstrom stage R LLE peripheral Functional status:(key: Independent, Supervision, close guard, contact guard, minimal, moderate, maximal, Assistance, verbal cueing rolling: example: min A of 1 plus mod verbal cueing) R: L: supine ←→ sit: sit ←→ stand: chair ←→ bed: sitting balance: static: □Poor □Fair □Good standing balance: supported: + - lean to L -, lose balance to ________________side R ; dynamic: □Poor □Fair □Good sec static: □Poor □Fair □Good dynamic: □Poor □Fair □Good device (support): Romberg: + - , sec, EC EO sec; feet apart cm One leg stance: lean to ambulation: cadence: speed: R L - , lose balance to step/min Motor Assessment Scale: m/min assistance: side W/C activity: endurance: pattern: ramp: stairs: obstacles: IV. Major Problems: squatting: V. Goal: short term (in 2 weeks) long term (at D/C) VI. PT Treatment Programs: VII. Home Program: Therapist(s):____________ 46 (2)脊髓損傷評估 病歷號 I. II. 姓 名 床號 第 頁 Basic Data: Date: 20 / Diagnosis________________________________________________________ Birthday: 19 / / ( y/o) Sex M / F Height cm Weight kg Home environment F with/without elevator Tel PT begins on 20 / / Brief History and Lab Results: III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Physical Examinations: Consciousness: Mentality: Judgment Orientation Muscle tone: ROM/Pain/Subluxation: Memory Abstract thinking / Initial Summary Acceptance Discharge Calculation Functional Status(key: Independent, Supervision, minimal, moderate, maximal, Assistance. Example: min A of 1 plus mod verbal cueing) R L rolling: supine sit: sit stand: chair bed: sitting balance: static: Poor Fair Good; dynamic: Poor Fair Good, supported:+-, lean to R L -, loss balance to standing balance: static: Poor Fair Good; (EO: eyes open; Romberg: + -, EO sec side dynamic: Poor Fair Good, device(support): sec, EC sec; feet apart cm / sec (EC: eyes closed) One leg stance: R/L: EO / sec, EC Ambulation: cadence: step/min Motor Assessment Scale: speed: cm/sec W/C activity: assistance: endurance: ramp: stairs: obstacles: squatting: IV. Complications: Musculoskeletal condition: Pressure sore Contracture/fracture Respiratory condition: Paradoxical breathing: +-; Cough ability: Functional , Weak functional , Non-functional Cardiovascular condition: Postural hypotension:+-; Autonomic dysreflexia: +- Muscle strength: Gluteus med(L4-S1): (R) (L) , Gluteus max(L5-S8): (R) (L) Abdominal muscles(T6-T12) : (R) (L) , Hamstring(L5-S2) : (R) 47 , (L) . 病歷號 V. 姓 名 床號 第 頁 Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury Motor R’t L’t C5 Elbow flexors C6 Wrist extensors C7 Elbow extensors C8 finger flexors T1 Finger abductors L2 Hip flexors L3 Knee extensors L4 Ankle dorsiflexors L5 Long toe extensors S1 Ankle plantar flexors Total Motor score Motor level Neurological level ASIA Impairment Scale Zone of partial preservation VI. Light touch C2 – S4, 5 Right Pin prick Left Right Left segments 2 = normal subtotal segments 1 = impaired subtotal segments 0 = absent subtotal Total Sensory score Sensory level Voluntary anal contraction Any anal sensation Bullbocavernoses reflex Date: 20 / / Functional Assessment of Activities (Barthel Index) Independent Items Sensory assistive device Dependent with Independent Items with □10 1. Feeding help □5 □0 with some help assistive device Without With some maximun help Dependent Without with maximun With help □10 6. Bladder □5 □0 (occasional accident) 2.Dressing □10 3. Personal □05 □5 □0 □0 □10 7. Bowels □ 8. Transfer hygiene □0 □15 9. Ambulation □10 □10 □5 □0 □5 □0 (Walking with (indep. With W/C, help) 5. Toliet □5 or guide) bed) □05 □0 (with min help (chair & 4. Bathing □10 □5 □0 10. Up/down □10 if unable to walk) □5 stairs Total score: VII. Major Problems: VIII. Goals: Short term(in 2 weeks) Long term(at D/C) IX. PT treatment programs: Therapist(s): 48 □0 範例一:腦中風初評 國 立 台 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 復健部 物理治療報告單(中樞神經系統損傷評估) 病歷號 0839821 姓名 李×× 床號 第 1 頁 Date: 92-2-19 I. Basic Data: Diagnosis R’t cerebellar infarction c R’t hemiparesis Age 59 y/o Sex M Height 170 cm Weight 68 kg Home environment Tel 15A10-1 3 4F s elevator Initial Summary Acceptance Discharge 92-2-19 II. Brief History and Lab results: This 59 y/o male has history of CVA or suspected TIA in 90-7 with sequelae of movement. On 92-2-9, vertigo, headache, vomiting attacked while doing SPA bathing. So he was sent to our ER where nystagmus to R’t, R’t limb ataxia & R’t dysmetria was found. CT showed a hypodense lesion at R’t cerebellar sphere. Medication was given. Until the patient’s neurological condition was stable, PT was consulted for further rehab. III. Physical Examination: PT begins on Consciousness: clear mentality: judgment intact Orientation intact Memory intact Abstract thinking intact Calculation intact Communication: intact, but L’t ear is nearly deaf due to COM since 20+ yrs ago vision: diplopia (+) when looking at mirror homonymous hemianopia: L R - (L: left, R: right) since last CVA or TIA neglect: L R - facial palsy: L R - / mild mod severe / central peripheral muscle tone: WNL ROM/pain/ subluxation: WNL / -/- Brunnstrom Stage: muscle strength: sensation: (1= intact, 2= impaired, 3= absent) coordination: RUE-P VI RUE-D VI RLE VI LUE-P VII LUE-D VII LLE VII RUE: normal RLE normal LUE: normal LLE normal Light touch RUE-P 1 RUE-D 1 RLE 1 LUE-P 1 LUE-D 1 LLE 1 Proprioception RUE-P 1 RUE-D 1 RLE 1 LUE-P 1 LUE-D 1 LLE 1 normal impaired N/T (not tested) FNF test: L 8 R 10 sec/5 repetitions HKH test: L 5 R 5 sec/5 repetitions tremor: - intentional resting LUE LLE RUE RLE dysdiadokokinesia: - LUE LLE RUE RLE dysmetria: - LUE LLE RUE RLE Neurological level/Miscellaneous (1) HTN(+) 5 yrs c regular medical control. (2) hyperlipidemia (+) 2 yrs under f/u. (3) old CVA or suspected TIA in 90-7 when CT showed multiple lacunar infarction. (4) COPD(+). (5) L’t T-M j’t fx in 90-7 due to trauma (fell down when CVA or TIA attacked.) 49 國 立 台 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 復健部 物理治療報告單(中樞神經系統損傷評估) 病歷號 0839821 姓名 李×× 床號 15A10-1 第 2 頁 Functional Status (key: Independent, Supervision, minimal, moderate, maximal, Assistance. example: min A of 1 plus mod verbal cueing) rolling: R I L I supine ←→ sit: I sit ←→ stand: self- supporting on walker c contact guard chair ←→ bed: c walker & contact guard sitting balance: static: Poor Fair Good; dynamic: Poor Fair Good supported: + -, ≧120 sec lean to R L -, lose balance to - side standing balance: static: Poor Fair Good; dynamic: Poor Fair Good device(support): none (EO: eyes open; Romberg: + -, EO ≧60 EC ≧60 sec; feet apart 0 cm EC: eyes closed) NA One leg stance: R: EO sec; EC sec ( trunk sway↑both when L: EO sec; EC sec EO or EC) mild Lean to R L -, lose balance to R’t side ambulation: cadence: NT step/min Motor Assessment Scale: 3 speed: NT cm/sec W/C activity: I assistance: c walker & minA endurance: ≧5 m pattern: ataxic gait: unwell control of RLE, wide base, easy to lose balance when turning, R’t step length ﹥L’t ramp: NA stairs: NA obstacles: NA squatting: NA IV. Major Problems: 1. Impaired coordination of R’t limbs 2. Poor bed mobility and transfer skills 3. Insufficient standing balance 4. Unable to walk s device or up/down stairs 5. Insufficient exercise endurance V. Goal: short term ( in 2 weeks) 1. Improve coordination of R’t limbs 2. Transfer safely 3. Up/down stairs c self-supporting on rail long term (at D/C): 1. Ambulation without device under supervision in outdoor 2. Nearly normal gait pattern VI. PT treatment programs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Coordination training ( Frenkel’s ex’) Bed mobility training and counseling for transfer skills Balance training Ambulation training and gait correction Endurance training VII. Home programs: 1. Rhythmic, reciprocal, direction- alternating AROM ex’ of bilateral limbs 2. Walking ex’ Therapist(s): 50 (簽章) 範例二:腦中風結案 國 立 台 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 復健部 物理治療報告單(中樞神經系統損傷評估) 病歷號 0839821 姓名 李×× 床號 15A10-1 第 1 頁 Date: 92-2-26 I. Basic Data: Diagnosis R’t cerebellar infarction c R’t hemiparesis Age 59 y/o Sex M Height 170 cm Weight 68 kg Home environment 4F s elevator Tel PT begins on 92-2-19 3 Initial Summary Acceptance Discharge II. Brief History and Lab results: This 59 y/o male is a case of recurrent CVA on 90-7 & 92-2-9. PT started on 92-2-19. After 4 times of PT treatments, the p’t has improvements in ambulatory ability & coordination of R’t limbs, and PT DC goals were generally met. The p’t will be discharged from our H on 92-2-27, so PT discontinued on 92-2-26. III. Physical Examination: Consciousness: clear mentality: judgment intact Orientation intact Memory intact Abstract thinking intact Calculation intact Communication: intact, but L’t ear is nearly deaf due to COM since 20+ yrs ago vision: diplopia (+) when looking at mirror homonymous hemianopia: L R since last CVA or TIA neglect: L R - facial palsy: L R - / mild mod severe / central - (L: left, R: right) peripheral muscle tone: WNL ROM/pain/ subluxation: WNL / - /- Brunnstrom Stage: muscle strength: sensation: (1= intact, 2= impaired, 3= absent) coordination: RUE-P VI RUE-D LUE-P VII LUE-D VI RLE VII RUE: normal RLE normal LUE: normal LLE normal Light touch RUE-P 1 LUE-P 1 Proprioception RUE-P 1 LUE-P 1 RUE-D LUE-D 1 RUE-D LUE-D 1 normal impaired FNF test: L 6 R 7 HKH test: L 5 R 5 tremor: - intentional resting dysdiadokokinesia: - LUE dysmetria: - LUE 1 1 VI LLE VII RLE LLE 1 RLE LLE 1 1 1 N/T (not tested) sec/5 repetitions sec/5 repetitions LUE LLE RUE RLE LLE RUE RLE but improved LLE RUE RLE but improved Neurological level/Miscellaneous (1) HTN with regular medical control. (2) hyperlipidemia (+) 2 yrs under f/u. (3) old CVA or suspected TIA in 90-7 when CT showed multiple lacunar infarction. (4) COPD. (5) L’t T-M j’t fx in 90-7 due to trauma (fell down when CVA or TIA attacked.) 51 國 立 台 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 復健部 物理治療報告單(中樞神經系統損傷評估) 病歷號 0839821 姓名 李×× 床號 15A10-1 第 2 頁 Functional Status (key: Independent, Supervision, minimal, moderate, maximal, Assistance. example: min A of 1 plus mod verbal cueing) rolling: supine ←→ sit: R I sit ←→ stand: chair ←→ bed: S S sitting balance: standing balance: (EO: eyes open; EC: eyes closed) ambulation: I I L static: Poor Fair Good; dynamic: Poor Fair Good supported: + -, ≧120 sec lean to R L -, lose balance to - side static: Poor Fair Good; dynamic: Poor Fair Good device(support): none Romberg: + -, EO ≧60 EC ≧60 sec; feet apart 0 cm One leg stance: R: EO 5 sec; EC 0 sec L: EO 7 sec; EC 0 sec Lean to R L -, lose balance to - side cadence: NT step/min Motor Assessment Scale: 4 speed: NT cm/sec W/C activity: I assistance: under S endurance: ≧10 mins on treadmill ( 1 mph) pattern: nearly normal gait pattern, but sometimes loses balance esp. when turning to R’t ramp: NT stairs: + step over step, hand on rail c contact guard obstacles: + squatting: + IV. Major Problems: 1. still mild dysmetria & disdiadokokinesia of R’t limbs 2. insufficient one leg standing ability 3. insufficient dynamic balance of ambulation V. Goal: short term ( in 2 weeks) long term (at D/C): The initial PT DC goals were met. Suggest the p’t to keep PT training at OPD to correct the remained problems. VI. PT treatment programs: VII. Home programs: 2~3 times a day 1. tandem standing 2. one- leg standing 3.用雙手或右腳打節拍 4. stationary bicycle up to 20~30 mins/ bout, 3 bouts/ wk 52 Therapist(s): (簽章) 國 立 台 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 病歷號 xxxxxxx 姓名 x×× 床號 xxxxx 第 1 頁 病房物理治療每日記錄(神經系統) Bedside Physical Therapy Daily Note(Neurological Conditions) Date Phsical Examination Consciousness Mentality Hemianopsia/neglect Comprehension/expression Muscle tone:RUE/RLE Muscle tone:LUE/LLE Brunnstrom stage: L UE-P/D Brunnstrom stage: L LE ROM/pain/subluxation Coordination Functional Status Rolling to R’t /L’t Supine to sit Sit to supine Chair to bed Sit to stand Static/dynamic sitting balance Static/dynamic standing balance Ambulation:device/assistance Endurance Up/down stairs Treatment Programs 1. Caregiver education 2. Cognition training 3. Sensation organization training 4. Facilitation 5. ROM exercise 6. Coordination training 7. Muscle strengthening 8. Bed mobility training 9. Transfer training 10. Sitting balance training 11. Standing balance training 12. Ambulation training 13. Up/ down stairs training 14. Electrical stimulation 15. Gait correction 16. Endurance training Sign 95-4-20 E4M6V5 intact L’t/- +/+ 0/0 F 1/E 1 Ⅲ Ⅰ Ⅴ WNL/-/- intact I/I minA minA S I G/G G/F -/minA 50 m NT ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ SPT、、、 Muscle tone: Flexor: F, Extensor: E, MAS 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. eg. F1; Balance: Poor, Fair, Good Functional status: Dependent, max.A, mod.A, min.A, contact guard, close guard, Supervision, Independent 53 小兒疾患相關病歷格式與範本 (1)兒童物理治療評估報告 國 立 台 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 病歷號 XXXXXXX 姓名 XXX 床號 OPD 兒 童 物 理 治 療 評 估 報 告 診斷/併發症: 評估日期: 性別: 生日: 年齡: 電話: 地址: 注意事項: 轉介醫師: 治療起始時間: 物理治療: 職能治療: 語言治療: 心理治療: 出生史: 懷孕週數: 出生序: 出生體重(%): 其它: 目前體重(kg / %): 目前身高(cm / %): 目前頭圍(cm / %): 可能造成發展障礙原因: 相關檢查結果(x 光,腦波,血液檢查等): 疾病史: 治療史(含相關各科及早期療育): 目前是否使用藥物:□ 否,□ 是; 藥物名稱及作用: 達成發展基石之年齡 (月): 頭部控制 翻身 獨坐 離地爬 行走(5 步) 家屬的期待: 貼地爬 說話(5 個單字) 評估: 1. 環境障礙和整合: 2. 輔具需求與使用: 3. 家中或社區活動(課內外活動)執行與參與: 4. 動作控制、協調與學習(包含功能性行走能力、姿勢控制與轉/移位能力等): 5. 警覺性、注意力、認知、行為: 54 第 1 頁 國 立 台 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 2 兒 童 物 理 治 療 評 估 報 告 6. 體適能(包含身體組成、心肺耐力、肌力與肌耐力、柔軟度等): 7. 身體機能構造(包含關節角度、關節與姿勢變形、感覺知覺、肌張力等): 8. 其他(如發展評估、職前評估): 9.相關福利服務(殘障手冊、發展遲緩證明等):不需 已具備 需要 10.個案及家庭優勢: 主要問題: 治療目標: 長期目標(至 年 月 日): 短期目標(至 年 月 日): 治療計畫: 居家訓練計畫: 治療師簽章: 55 頁 (2)病房兒童物理治療 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部物理治療報告單(病房兒童物理治療病歷記錄) 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 頁 Physical Therapy Note for Bedside Pediatric Patients Initial Note Summary Note I. Basic Data Sex: Age: (Birth Date: Date of Admission: Impression: Medical Findings:(CT,EEG.....etc) ) Other Medical Problems: Reasons for Consulting PT: Date of PT Starting: Brief History II. Physical Examination Consciousness/Mentality: Cooperation/Motivation of the Child/Parents: Vision/Hearing: Communication/Feeding: Cardiopulmonary Function: Sensation: Muscle Tone: ROM: MMT: Developmental Status: (evaluation tool: ) 56 Date: Date of Onset: Acceptance Note Discharge Note 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部物理治療報告單(病房兒童物理治療病歷記錄) 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 Functional Status: Others: III. Major Problems: IV. Physical Therapy Goals: STG: LTG: V. PT Programs: VI. Home Programs: SPT Sign: 57 / PT Sign: 頁 (3)新生兒評估 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部 病歷號 物理治療報告單(新生兒評估) 姓名 床號 第 頁 Physical Therapy Note for Newborn Baby Date Initial Note Acceptance Note Summary Note Discharge Note I. Basic Data Sex Date of Birth Gestational Age Birth Body Weight Body Length Head Girth Apgar Score at 1 min at 5 min Birth History: Impression Date of Admission Medical Finding (CT, Brain echo, EEG, EKG……ect.): Other Medical Problems: Maternal History: Other Medical Problems: Nil. Mother’s name Father’s name Date of PT Start education education occupation occupation II. Brief History III. Physical Examination 1. Vital Sign (HR, RR, SaO2): 2. Range of Motion: 58 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部 病歷號 物理治療報告單(新生兒評估) 姓名 床號 第 3. Sensation: 4. Breathing Condition: a. Breathing Sound: b. Breathing Pattern: 5. Neonatal Neurobehavioral Examination (NNE)(See the special sheet): Conceptional Age Total Score a. Tone and Motor Pattern (Section score: ) b. Primitive Reflex (Section score: ) c. Behavior Responses (Section score: ) 6. MMT: 7. Muscle Tone: 8. Oral Function: IV. Major Problem V. PT Goal VI. PT Program SPT Sign: 59 / PT Sign: 頁 (4)中文版新生兒神經行為評估量表 60 61 範例一 : 一般發展遲緩 基本資料: 姓名:唐 XX 診斷:發展遲緩(染色體異常:de Lange syndrome) 性別:女 出生日期:2001.03.25 懷孕周數:39 週 胎次:G1P1 出生體重(%):1560 克(<10%) 目前體重:5.3 公斤(<3%) 出生身高(%):40 公分(<10%) 目前身高:63 公分(<3%) 出生頭圍(%):27 公分(<10%) 目前頭圍:38 公分(<3%) 危險因子: 產前:染色體異常(de Lange syndrome) 簡要病史: 個案出生後由於其特殊臉部特徵,經染色體檢查確定為狄蘭氏症,並且自 5 個月大開始 至台大醫院接受門診小兒物理治療。 發展史:評估工具(EIDP) 發展年齡 (月) *粗動作發展 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 生理年齡 (月) 評估日期 發展年齡 發展商數 具備能力 2001.08.30 (5+M) 3-5M 60%-100% 1.趴著可將頭抬高 90 度 2.扶站時雙腳可輕微承重 2002.01.08 (9+M) 6-8M 65%-90% 1.趴著可肚子貼地打轉,但尚不會爬 2.可自己手撐地坐 1-2 分鐘,扶站時會主動 跨步 62 發展年齡 (月) *精細動作發展 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 生理年齡 (月) 評估日期 發展年齡 發展商數 具備能力 2001.08.30 (5+M) 3-5M 60%-100% 1.眼睛可追視 30 公分遠物體 2.雙手會在身體中線玩 2002.01.08 (9+M) 6-8M 65%-90% 1.可看到 2-3 公尺遠物體,但追視速度慢 2.可將玩具由一手換至另一手 3.可用耙的方式抓起小餅乾 發展年齡 (月) *認知發展 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 生理年齡 (月) 評估日期 發展年齡 發展商數 具備能力 2001.08.30 (5+M) 4-5M 80%-100% 1.會有反覆性的行為,如搖動鈴鐺 2.當注視的物體掉下時,會看著物體消失 的地方 2002.01.08 (9+M) 6-8M 65%-90% 1.可找到部分藏起的物體 2.會把蓋在臉上的毛巾扯掉 63 發展年齡 (月) *語言發展 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 生理年齡 (月) 評估日期 發展年齡 發展商數 具備能力 2001.08.30 (5+M) 3-5M 60%-100% 1.會主動發出聲音 2.會隨情緒不同發出不同聲音 2002.01.08 (9+M) 6-8M 65%-90% 1.會以不同哭聲表示不同需求 2.會發出雙音節聲音,如 ba-ba,ma-ma 發展年齡 (月) *社會人際發展 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 生理年齡 (月) 評估日期 發展年齡 發展商數 具備能力 2001.08.30 (5+M) 3-5M 60%-100% 1.自己一個人時會哭或不高興 2.會分辨熟人與陌生人 2002.01.08 (9+M) 6-8M 65%-90% 1.陌生人抱時會哭 2.大人拿走其正在玩的玩具時會不高興 64 發展年齡 (月) 生活自理發展 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 生理年齡 (月) 評估日期 發展年齡 發展商數 具備能力 2001.08.30 (5+M) 3-5M 60%-100% 1.喝奶時吸吞協調控制良好 2002.01.08 (9+M) 9-11M 100%-120% 1.可自己拿著餅乾吃 2.會自己拿著奶瓶吸奶,但食量少 3.可用湯匙餵食稀飯、麥糊等半固體食品, 食量少 *骨骼肌肉方面 評估日期 主要問題 2001.08.30 (5+M) 雖為低張力,但有下列問題: 1.兩邊髖內收肌(hip adductor)較緊,使得個案較習慣長坐(long sitting),不喜歡盤腿坐(ring sitting) 2.兩邊大拇指屈肌較緊,造成大拇指多在手掌內(thumb in palm),大拇指主動動作也較少 3.肌力略低,但可抗地心引力 2002.01.08 (9+M) 各個關節活動度均正常,但雙手主動動作仍較少 *其他: 1.神經肌肉系統:低張力 2.心肺系統:耐力略低 65 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 病歷號 1234567 姓名 唐 XX 床號 OPD 第 1 頁 兒 童 物 理 治 療 評 估 報 告 診斷/併發症: 發展遲緩(染色體異常:de Lange syndrome) 評估日期: 2002.01.08 性別: 女 生日: 2001.03.25 年齡: 9+M 電話: (02)2333-3333 地址: 台北市中正區 XX 路 X 號 注意事項: 無 轉介醫師: Dr. Lu 治療起始時間: 物理治療: 2001.08.30 職能治療: (--) 語言治療: (--) 心理治療: (--) 出生史: 懷孕週數: 39 周 出生序: G1P1 出生體重(%): 1560gm(<10%) 其它: 目前體重(kg / %):5.3kg(<3%) 目前身高(cm / %):63cm(<3%) 目前頭圍(cm / %):38cm(<3%) 可能造成發展障礙原因: 產前:染色體異常(de Lange syndrome) 相關檢查結果(x 光,腦波,血液檢查等) :brain echo: normal;heart echo: small PFO but no heart murmur;ABR(2002.6): L’t:25dB,R’t:35dB 疾病史: 無其他疾病史 治療史(含相關各科及早期療育):目前在台大接受一週一次小兒物理治療,之前未接受過療育 目前是否使用藥物:V 否, □ 是; 藥物名稱及作用: 達成發展基石之年齡 (月): 頭部控制 4M 翻身 6+M 獨坐 (--) 貼地爬 (--) 離地爬 (--) 行走(5 步) (--) 說話(5 個單字) (--) 家屬的期待: 媽媽希望個案能有在家中獨自玩的能力,並希望她的發展能盡量趕上同齡孩童, 同時擔心孩子食量少的問題 評估: 1. 環境障礙和整合:個案在家中多在小床或客廳的軟墊上活動,活動範圍及安全均符合個案 目前需要,並且無明顯環境障礙。個案與爸媽、外公外婆、舅舅同住,主要照顧者為媽媽; 家人對個案均非常疼愛並能給予媽媽足夠支持,每次治療時外婆會與媽媽一同出席。 2. 輔具需求與使用:個案在家中有一般幼兒餵食椅,但對個案而言太大;所以已建議媽媽在 其身後加墊毛巾至腰部高度以維持良好坐姿。外出時則使用嬰兒推車。 3. 家中或社區活動(課內外活動)執行與參與:個案大致作息與一般嬰幼兒相同,但由於個案仍 不會爬,所以家中移動仍需大人攜抱。每 4 小時喝 90cc 牛奶,但每餐需 30 分鐘;吃副食 品時會坐在餵食椅上進食,每次可吃約 1/3 碗。平時則多在小床或客廳的軟墊上活動,會 翻身自己拿到想要的玩具。請參考附件之日常生活作習表。 4. 動作控制、協調與學習(包含功能性行走能力、姿勢控制與轉/移位能力等):個案平時多以 翻身作功能性移動,仍不會爬。個案可在大人骨盆控制下由躺坐起,可用手撐地坐 1-2 分 鐘,但仍需大人協助才能坐著玩玩具。個案可被扶持站一會,雙腳並有主動跨步動作,可 扶著腋下走 1-2 公尺。 66 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 醫 學 院 附 設 醫 院 病歷號 1234567 姓名 唐 XX 床號 OPD 第 2 頁 兒 童 物 理 治 療 評 估 報 告 5. 警覺性、注意力、認知、行為:個案十分怕生,已可辨別陌生環境與陌生人;平日在家相 當依賴媽媽,清醒時一定要媽媽在旁邊,無法自己一個人玩,容易哭泣。若媽媽在旁邊可 與其他家人展現良好互動,會主動微笑,但還不太會玩互動遊戲(如躲貓貓)。 6. 體適能(包含身體組成、心肺耐力、肌力與肌耐力、柔軟度等):個案活動耐力較差,趴著約 玩 5-10 分鐘即需要自己翻成正躺休息,四肢肌力均較一般同齡孩童差。 7. 身體機能構造(包含關節角度、關節與姿勢變形、感覺知覺、肌張力等):個案全身張力較低, 原來有髖關節內收肌及大拇指屈肌較緊的問題影響個案坐姿及手功能(據媽媽描述出生時 就有),在教導媽媽簡單伸展運動後,目前這兩處關節活動度已正常。 8. 其他(如發展評估、職前評估):發展評估(評估工具 EIDP)粗動作發展年齡 6-8M,發展 商數約為 65-90%;精細動作發展年齡 6-8M,發展商數約為 65-90%;認知發展年齡 6-8M, 發展商數約為 65-90%;語言發展年齡 6-8M,發展商數約為 65-90%;社會人際發展年齡 6-8M,發展商數約為 65-90%;生活自理發展年齡 9-11M,發展商數約為 100-120%。 9.相關福利服務(殘障手冊、發展遲緩證明等):不需 已具備 V 需要 (已具備發展遲緩證明並通報台北市早療評估鑑定中心) 10.個案及家庭優勢:家長配合度佳,具良好居家訓練技巧;並能觀察孩子表現予以適當回應。 主要問題: 請參照以下所列個別化訓練計劃(IPP) 治療目標(至 2002 年 04 月 08 日) : 請參照以下所列個別化訓練計劃(IPP) 治療計畫: 請參照以下所列個別化訓練計劃(IPP) 居家訓練計畫: 請參照以下所列個別化訓練計劃(IPP)及所附之日常生活作習表 治療師簽章:潘懿玲 67 附件: 兒童一般日常生活作習表: 時 間 9:00 活動名稱與場所 照顧者 建議事項 媽媽 口腔動作刺激 9:30 起床 盥洗 早餐(90cc, 30 分鐘) 媽媽 建議採坐姿餵奶 10:00 遊戲 媽媽 建議採趴姿玩,同時進行姿勢 轉換、爬與站姿練習,並提供 6-8 個月發展年齡合適之玩具 PM 12:00 1:00 午餐(90cc, 30 分鐘) 遊戲 媽媽 媽媽 3:00 點心(果泥或其他副食品) 媽媽 建議採坐姿餵奶 建議採趴姿玩,同時進行姿勢 轉換、爬與站姿練習,並提供 6-8 個月發展年齡合適之玩具 建議坐在餵食椅內進食,鼓勵 發音,部分協助之進食 4:00 6:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 午覺 晚餐 洗澡、按摩 喝奶(90cc, 30 分鐘) 遊戲 媽媽 媽媽 媽媽 媽媽 爸爸或其 他家人 11:00 就寢 其他說明 68 建議採坐姿餵奶 建議採坐姿餵奶 建議採趴姿玩,同時進行姿勢 轉換、爬與站姿練習,並提供 6-8 個月發展年齡合適之玩具 以粗動作活動為例之 ICF 模式分析 Health Condition Disorder/Disease de Lange syndrome,發展遲緩 ↑ ↓ Body Functions/Structure 神經肌肉系統: *張力較低。 *四肢肌力可抗地心引力較差,但較同齡兒童差。 *趴時動態平衡及重心轉移能力差。 肌肉骨骼系統: *兩邊髖內收肌較緊,但活動度在正常範圍內。 ↓ Activity 不會爬,趴時僅能維持 5-10 分鐘。 *趴時手可伸直將身體撐起,但無法抬高一 手拿到玩具 *趴時雙腳有互踢動作。 *協助爬行時雙腳可互踢,但手未向前伸, 重心無法向前移,所以無法移動。 心肺系統: ↓ Participation 與同齡兒童相比,缺乏探索環境及 身體活動經驗;無法拿到較遠的玩 具。 Barrier *活動耐力較差。 Facilitor 認知能力發展輕度遲緩 感覺系統: *聽覺稍弱,但仍具功能。其餘無異常。 Environmental Factors *在家中多在小床或客廳的軟墊上活動,範圍及安全均 符合個案目前需要,無明顯環境障礙。 *主要照顧者為媽媽;家人對個案均非常疼愛並能給予 媽媽足夠支持。 69 Personal Factors *個案依賴媽媽給予刺激,無法自己一個人玩,主動 探索動機較低。 個別化訓練計劃(IPP) 日期:2002.01.08 主要問題: I. 過度依賴母親,在家中幾乎都要媽媽抱,缺乏獨立活動機會。 II. 粗動作發展疑似遲緩:(目前發展年齡:6-8 個月) *目前問題: 1.手撐地坐少於 3 分鐘,背部尚未挺直;且缺乏側邊及向後保護性伸直反應。 2.不會爬,雙手可將身體撐起且雙腳可互踢,但缺乏手向前伸的動作(尤其 右手)。 3.躺→坐時雙手會撐起身體,但需大人協助固定骨盆後才可坐起。 *主要原因: 1.上肢主動動作控制不足 2.軀幹伸直肌與四肢肌力不足 III. 精細動作發展疑似遲緩:(目前發展年齡 6-8 個月) *目前問題: 1.不會一手各抓一積木。 2.尚未出現主動單一手指動作,會用耙的方式拿小餅乾並可送至嘴邊,但不會適時放手。 *主要原因: 1.雙手主動動作少,手眼協調能力不足。 IV. 認知及語言發展疑似遲緩:(目前發展年齡 6-8 個月) *目前問題: 1.可看到 2-3 公尺遠的物體,但眼睛追視速度較同齡孩童慢,約需 2 秒/公尺的 速度才能跟得上。 2.找不到完全蓋住的物體,尚未建立物體恆久概念。 3.會主動發出 ba-ba,ma-ma 的聲音,但無主動模仿聲音及動作的行為。 *主要原因: 1.物體記憶及眼睛追視能力不佳 V. 生活自理發展: 1.不喜歡牛奶味道,每餐進食量少(牛奶 90cc) 70 長期目標:3 個月(至 2002.04.08) I. 可自己玩超過 10 分鐘,只要媽媽偶爾出聲便可;媽媽偶爾能離開視線(如上廁所) ,回來 時不哭。 II. 粗動作:(目標發展年齡 8-10 個月) 1.獨立完成躺←→坐起,5/5 成功;獨坐超過 10 分鐘,5/5 成功。 2.肚子離地爬 4 - 5 步。 3.自行扶著傢俱站起,3/5 成功;且扶傢俱站超過 10 分鐘不倒,可扶家具側移 4 - 5 步。 4.牽兩手走超過 3 公尺,牽一手走 5 步。 III. 精細動作:(目標發展年齡 8-10 個月) 1.自己吃小餅乾(用拇指與食指指側拿小餅乾),5/5 成功。 2.雙手各拿一個玩具可玩 5 分鐘不放手,4/5 成功。 3.可觀察到單獨食指動作,1 天可看到 10 次以上。 IV. 認知及語言:(目標發展年齡 8-10 個月) 1.大人在雙手中交換物品,以 1 秒交換 1 次的速度,眼睛能同步跟著追視,5/5 成功。 2.找到遮蓋在毛巾下的玩具,4/5 成功。 3.可從盒子中拿出玩具,5/5 成功;將玩具放入盒子,1/5 成功。 4.模仿 1 個常用的語言音,1/5 成功;模仿 1 個常見的手勢,1/5 成功。 V. 生活自理發展: 1.增加主食及副食品進食量,餵食時會想自己拿起湯匙 71 短期目標: I. 長期目標:可自己玩超過 10 分鐘,只要媽媽偶爾出聲便可;媽媽偶爾能離開視線(如 上廁所),回來時不哭。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 a.只要媽媽在旁 2002.01.08 居家訓練:當孩子 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 邊,可以自己玩 ↓ 自己玩得高興時, 詢問家長 80% 10 分鐘不哭 2002.02.08 媽媽試著不出聲讓 孩子自己玩。 b.媽媽可離開一 2002.02.09 同上,媽媽與其玩 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 有時可超 分鐘不哭,可自 ↓ 躲貓貓遊戲,當媽 詢問家長 80% 過 10 分鐘 己玩超過 5 分 2002.03.08 媽離開回來時可輕 不哭,有 鐘,只要媽媽偶 聲稱讚孩子。 時不行。 爾出聲便可。 c. 媽媽可離開 5 2002.03.09 同上,當媽媽離開 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 有時可超 分鐘不哭,可自 ↓ 回來時可輕聲稱讚 詢問家長 50% 過 10 分鐘 己玩超過 10 分 2002.04.08 孩子。 不哭,有 鐘,只要媽媽偶 時不行。 爾出聲便可。 但在治療 室時有時 可離開媽 媽接受治 療。 II. 粗動作:(目標發展年齡 8-10 個月) 長期目標:1.獨立完成躺←→坐起,5/5 成功;獨坐超過 10 分鐘,5/5 成功。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 1a. 給予骨盆控 2002.01.08 PT:肌力訓練、坐 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 獨坐 1-2 制下完成躺←→ ↓ 姿平衡訓練 詢問家長 90% 分鐘 坐起,3/5 成功;2002.02.08 居家訓練:配合餵 手不扶獨坐超過 食及遊戲進行坐姿 3 分鐘。 及姿勢轉換訓練 1b. 獨立完成躺 2002.02.09 PT:肌力訓練、坐 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 ←→坐起,1/5 ↓ 姿平衡訓練 詢問家長 100% 成功;手不扶獨 2002.03.08 居家訓練:配合餵 坐超過 5 分鐘。 食及遊戲進行坐姿 及姿勢轉換訓練 1c. 獨立完成躺 2002.03.09 PT:肌力訓練、坐 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 72 ←→坐起,5/5 ↓ 姿平衡訓練 詢問家長 成功;手不扶獨 2002.04.08 居家訓練:配合餵 坐超過 10 分鐘。 食及遊戲進行坐姿 及姿勢轉換訓練 100% 長期目標:2.肚子離地爬 4 - 5 步。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 2a. 肚子貼地爬 2002.01.08 PT:誘發手主動動 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 可爬 4-5 3 步。 ↓ 作,爬行訓練 詢問家長 100% 步,偶爾 2002.02.08 居家訓練:把玩具 可見到小 放在稍遠處,協助 狗趴姿勢 孩子用爬行拿到玩 具;或協助孩子爬 向媽媽再抱起 2b. 肚子貼地爬 2002.02.09 PT:誘發手主動動 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 可肚子貼 2-3 公尺,偶爾可 ↓ 作,爬行訓練 詢問家長 90% 地爬 2-3 見到肚子離地爬 2002.03.08 居家訓練:把玩具 公尺,但 1 - 2 步。 放在稍遠處,協助 雙腳一起 孩子用爬行拿到玩 動;給予 具;或鼓勵孩子爬 輕度協助 向媽媽再抱起 可肚子離 地爬 2 - 3 步。 2c. 肚子離地爬 2002.03.09 PT:誘發手主動動 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 可連續爬 4 - 5 步。 ↓ 作,爬行訓練 詢問家長 100% 2-3 公尺 2002.04.08 居家訓練:把玩具 放在稍遠處,協助 孩子用爬行拿到玩 具;或鼓勵孩子爬 向媽媽再抱起 長期目標:3.自行扶著傢俱站起,3/5 成功;且扶傢俱站超過 10 分鐘不倒,可扶 家具側移 4 - 5 步。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 3a.可主動抓著 2002.01.08 PT:姿勢轉換與站 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 媽媽站起,且扶 ↓ 立平衡訓練 詢問家長 100% 傢俱站超過 3 分 2002.02.08 居家訓練:鼓勵其 鐘不倒。 站著遊戲,協助孩 73 子扶大人站起再抱 3b. 自行扶著傢 2002.02.09 PT:姿勢轉換與站 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 站起仍需 俱站起,1/5 成 ↓ 立平衡訓練 詢問家長 90% 輕度協 功;且扶傢俱站 2002.03.08 居家訓練:鼓勵其 助,但已 超過 5 分鐘不 站著遊戲,協助孩 可扶家具 倒,可扶家具側 子扶大人站起再抱 側移 2-3 移 1 - 2 步。 步 3c. 自行扶著傢 2002.03.09 PT:姿勢轉換與站 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 俱站起,3/5 成 ↓ 立平衡訓練 詢問家長 100% 功;且扶傢俱站 2002.04.08 居家訓練:鼓勵其 超過 10 分鐘不 站著遊戲,協助孩 倒,可扶家具側 子扶大人站起再抱 移 4 - 5 步。 長期目標:4.牽兩手走超過 3 公尺,牽一手走 5 步。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 4a. 牽兩手走 1 2002.01.08 PT:行走訓練 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 公尺。 ↓ 居家訓練:短距移 詢問家長 100% 2002.02.08 動或遊戲時牽著孩 子走 4b. 牽兩手走 2002.02.09 PT:行走訓練 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 1-2 公尺,牽一手 ↓ 居家訓練:短距移 詢問家長 100% 走 2-3 步。 2002.03.08 動或遊戲時牽著孩 子走 4c. 牽兩手走超 2002.03.09 PT:行走訓練 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 過 3 公尺,牽一 ↓ 居家訓練:短距移 詢問家長 100% 手走 5 步。 2002.04.08 動或遊戲時牽著孩 子走 III. 精細動作:(目標發展年齡 8-10 個月,上肢主動動作達到 80%) 長期目標:1.自己吃小餅乾(用拇指與食指指側拿小餅乾),5/5 成功。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 1a. 在大人協助 2002.01.08 PT:誘發手指動作 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 控制手指動作下 ↓ 及手眼協調訓練 詢問家長 100% 用拇指與食指指 2002.02.08 居家訓練:配合進 側拿小餅乾,5/5 食活動訓練 成功。 1b.由虎口處給 2002.02.09 PT:誘發手指動作 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 74 小餅乾,可用拇 ↓ 及手眼協調訓練 詢問家長 指與食指指側拿 2002.03.08 居家訓練:配合進 小餅乾,5/5 成 食活動訓練 功。 100% 1c. 自己吃小餅 2002.03.09 PT:誘發手指動作 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 乾(用拇指與食 ↓ 及手眼協調訓練 詢問家長 100% 指指側拿小餅 2002.04.08 居家訓練:配合進 乾),5/5 成功。 食活動訓練 長期目標:2.雙手各拿一個玩具可玩 5 分鐘不放手,4/5 成功。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 2a. 雙手各拿一 2002.01.08 PT:手眼協調訓練 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 3/5 成功 個玩具維持 10 秒 ↓ 居家訓練:配合遊 詢問家長 50% 不掉落。 2002.02.08 戲訓練 2b. 雙手各拿一 2002.02.09 PT:手眼協調訓練 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 維持 30 秒 個玩具可玩 1 分 ↓ 居家訓練:配合遊 詢問家長 50% 鐘不放手,2/5 2002.03.08 戲訓練 成功。 2c. 雙手各拿一 2002.03.09 PT:手眼協調訓練 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 維持 1 分 個玩具可玩 5 分 ↓ 居家訓練:配合遊 詢問家長 50% 鐘 鐘不放手,4/5 2002.04.08 戲訓練 成功。 長期目標:3.可觀察到單獨食指動作,1 天可看到 10 次以上。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 3a. 協助下做出 2002.01.08 PT:誘發手指動作 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 單獨食指動作。 ↓ 居家訓練:遊戲時 詢問家長 100% 2002.02.08 協助孩子做出動作 3b. 可觀察到單 2002.02.09 PT:誘發手指動作 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 獨食指動作,1 ↓ 居家訓練:遊戲時 詢問家長 100% 天可看到 1-2 次。2002.03.08 協助孩子做出動作 3c. 可觀察到單 2002.03.09 PT:誘發手指動作 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 獨食指動作,1 ↓ 居家訓練:遊戲時 詢問家長 80% 天可看到 10 次以 2002.04.08 協助孩子做出動作 上。 75 IV. 認知及語言:(目標發展年齡 8-10 個月) 長期目標:1.大人在雙手中交換物品,以 1 秒交換 1 次的速度,眼睛能同步跟著 追視,5/5 成功。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 1a. 大人在雙手 2002.01.08 PT:追視訓練 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 中交換物品,以 2 ↓ 居家訓練:遊戲或 詢問家長 100% 秒交換 1 次的速 2002.02.08 拿東西給孩子時進 度,眼睛能同步 行追視訓練 跟著追視。 1b. 大人在雙手 2002.02.09 PT:追視訓練 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 有興趣的 中交換物品,以 1 ↓ 居家訓練:遊戲或 詢問家長 100% 物品追視 秒交換 1 次的速 2002.03.08 拿東西給孩子時進 得較好 度,眼睛能同步 行追視訓練 跟著追視,3/5 成功。 1c. 大人在雙手 2002.03.09 PT:追視訓練 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 中交換物品,以 1 ↓ 居家訓練:遊戲或 詢問家長 100% 秒交換 1 次的速 2002.04.08 拿東西給孩子時進 度,眼睛能同步 行追視訓練 跟著追視,5/5 成功。 長期目標:2.找到遮蓋在毛巾下的玩具,4/5 成功。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 2a. 找到遮蓋在 2002.01.08 PT:認知及視覺追 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 偶爾可找 毛巾下的玩具, ↓ 視訓練 詢問家長 100% 到遮蓋在 玩具部分露出, 2002.02.08 居家訓練:多玩躲 毛巾下的 3/5 成功。 貓貓等遊戲 玩具 2b. 找到遮蓋在 2002.02.09 PT:認知及視覺追 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 毛巾下的玩具, ↓ 視訓練 詢問家長 100% 2/5 成功。 2002.03.08 居家訓練:多玩躲 貓貓等遊戲 2c. 找到遮蓋在 2002.03.09 PT:認知及視覺追 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 毛巾下的玩具, ↓ 視訓練 詢問家長 100% 4/5 成功。 2002.04.08 居家訓練:多玩躲 貓貓等遊戲 76 長期目標:3.可從盒子中拿出玩具,5/5 成功;將玩具放入盒子,1/5 成功。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 3a. 會主動將手 2002.01.08 PT:認知訓練,加 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 4/5 成功 放入盒子中碰到 ↓ 強容器觀念 詢問家長 100% 玩具,2/5 成功。2002.02.08 居家訓練:將常玩 玩具放入固定的盒 子中,帶著孩子拿 3b. 可從盒子中 2002.02.09 PT:認知訓練,加 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 偶爾成功 拿出玩具,1/5 ↓ 強容器觀念 詢問家長 80% 1次 成功。 2002.03.08 居家訓練:將常玩 玩具放入固定的盒 子中,帶著孩子拿 3c. 可從盒子中 2002.03.09 PT:認知訓練,加 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 可將玩具 拿出玩具,5/5 ↓ 強容器觀念 詢問家長 50% 放入盒 成功;將玩具放 2002.04.08 居家訓練:將常玩 子,1/5 入盒子,1/5 成 玩具放入固定的盒 成功;但 功。 子中,帶著孩子拿 仍不太會 及放 由盒子中 拿出玩具 長期目標:4.模仿 1 個常用的語言音,1/5 成功;模仿 1 個常見的手勢,1/5 成 功。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 4a. 家人常能提 2002.01.08 PT:誘發模仿動作 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 供足夠語言刺 ↓ 與語音 詢問家長 100% 激,並鼓勵其模 2002.02.08 居家訓練:誘發模 仿 仿動作與語音,特 別利用餵食時訓練 4b. 模仿 1 個常 2002.02.09 PT:誘發模仿動作 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 用的語言音, ↓ 與語音 詢問家長 20% 1/10 成功;模仿 2002.03.08 居家訓練:誘發模 1 個常見的手 仿動作與語音,特 勢,1/10 成 別利用餵食時訓練 功。 4c. 模仿 1 個常 2002.03.09 PT:誘發模仿動作 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 可模仿 用的語言音,1/5 ↓ 與語音 詢問家長 50% ”bye-bye” 成功;模仿 1 個 2002.04.08 居家訓練:誘發模 手勢,但仍無 77 常見的手勢,1/5 成 功。 仿動作與語音,特 別利用餵食時訓練 法模仿語音 V.生活自理發展:(目標發展年齡 10-12 個月) 長期目標:1.增加主食及副食品進食量,餵食時會想自己拿起湯匙。 短期目標 起訖日期 訓練方式 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 1a.轉介營養師 2002.01.08 PT:協助轉介營養 直接觀察或 2002.02.08 增加牛奶濃 提供家長,食物 ↓ 師 詢問家長 100% 度及副食品 選擇及熱量計算 2002.02.08 量 資訊。 1b.增加 1-2 餐副 2002.02.09 PT:教導家長協助 直接觀察或 2002.03.08 偶爾可吃半 食品,每餐 1/3 ↓ 餵食技巧 詢問家長 100% 碗 碗。協助孩子拿 2002.03.08 居家訓練:增加點 著湯匙吃麥糊或 心時間,協助孩子 稀飯。 拿湯匙進食。 1c.增加麵包餅 2002.03.09 PT:教導家長協助 直接觀察或 2002.04.08 乾等固體食物 ↓ 餵食技巧 詢問家長 80% 量。可自己拿著 2002.04.08 居家訓練:增加點 湯匙將食物送到 心時間,協助孩子 嘴邊。 拿湯匙進食。 78 物理治療計畫: 1.軀幹伸直肌與四肢肌力訓練。 2.誘發上肢主動動作。 3.站姿與坐姿平衡訓練躺坐訓練。 4.鼓勵爬行與雙手扶持行走。 5.精細動作訓練:用手來拿較小物體。 6.雙手協調動作訓練。 7.視覺追視訓練。 8.建立容器概念。 居家訓練計畫: 1.用玩具引誘躺→坐,鼓勵獨自坐著玩。 2.鼓勵爬行與雙手扶持行走。 3.鼓勵用手來拿小餅乾吃。 4.多讓孩童雙手各拿 1 玩具玩耍。 5.拿東西吸引孩童注視及追視。 6.與孩童玩捉迷藏、找東西的遊戲。 7.將其平常喜歡的玩具收在盒子,裡帶著孩童的手拿出來與放入。 79 範例二:腦性麻痺 4****** OPD 簡** 1 兒 童 物 理 治 療 評 估 表 診斷/併發症: Cerebral Palsy 評估日期: 95-1-13 性別: 女 生日: 90.6.30 年齡: 4Y6M 電話: 8******* 地址: 台北縣*********3 樓 注意事項: 轉介醫師: 謝正宜 治療起始時間: 物理治療: 95-01-13 職能治療: 語言治療: 心理治療: 出生史: 懷孕週數: 33 出生序: G3P3 出生體重(%): 1590 g 其它: 目前體重(kg / %): 15 kg 目前身高(cm / %): 115cm 目前頭圍(cm / %):48 cm 可能造成發展障礙原因: prematurity 相關檢查結果(x 光,腦波,血液檢查等):X- ray: shallow and subluxation of both hips 疾病史: 出生後住在新生兒加護病房一個禮拜後,又保溫一個月才出院 治療史(含相關各科及早期療育): 曾在馬偕做物理治療半年,會走後停止。 目前是否使用藥物:■ 否,□ 是; 藥物名稱及作用: 達成發展基石之年齡 (月): 頭部控制 + 翻身 比兄姊慢 獨坐 1+ y/o 貼地爬 離地爬 + 行走(5 步) 2y6m/o 說話(5 個單字) 家屬的期待: 希望個案能儘早正常走路及跑步。 + + 評估: 1. 環境障礙和整合: 家中有三個小孩,哥哥小學六年級,姊姊則是幼稚園大班,家中主要 照顧者是媽媽,目前個案的活動範圍很大,家中或到外面都有。家住三樓,能自行扶扶手 上下樓梯。 2. 輔具需求與使用: 目前媽媽有給個案的右腳穿矯正鞋。 3. 家中或社區活動(課內外活動)執行與參與: 個案還沒上幼稚園,但媽媽有打算要讓她上, 所以才前來做評估。目前還是以跟著媽媽或在家中活動為主。 4. 動作控制、協調與學習(包含功能性行走能力、姿勢控制與轉/移位能力等):可以獨立 行走,步態:stance phase : trunk side bending, knee hyperextension in terminal stance phase, foot eversion and left tip toe, right foot entire sole down;swing phase: insufficient toe clearance, insufficient hip flexion 走路速度:38 公尺/分鐘,跑步速度:85 公尺/分鐘,媽媽抱怨個案 跌倒的頻率較其他同齡小孩為高,平均一次外出有五次跌倒。動態站姿平衡能力不足,一 推就容易用踏步反應而非足踝策略。還不會單腳站與跳,蹲 (+),但由蹲站起速度較慢, 需手扶,由椅子上站起來或從地上站起來需用手扶,且需試 2-3 次才成功。無法不扶彎腰 撿物再挺直。喜歡玩球類運動,會接 2 公尺外的籃球,丟為過肩丟球,可丟 2 公尺遠。 80 5. 警覺性、注意力、認知、行為: 有人接近會用眼睛觀察,個性比較內向害羞,可專 注在一個活動超過 10 分鐘以上,但一般認知皆有跟上發展。 6. 體適能(包含身體組成、心肺耐力、肌力與肌耐力、柔軟度等): 評估 1 小時期間皆無出 現疲累情形,腹肌、背肌及髖伸肌及外展肌較弱。 7. 身體機能構造(包含關節角度、關節與姿勢變形、感覺知覺、肌張力等): 腳踝有些微的 高張力,兩側 hamstring tightness:popliteal angle: R’t 0°-150°, L’t 0°-135°,dorsiflexion: R’t and L’t 0°-5°,腳長:左腳 49 公分,右腳 50 公分。。其它關節活動度無異常。 8. 其他(如發展評估、職前評估): CDIIT 篩檢量表:認知:47.4M,語言:52.7M,動作: 36.5M,社會性:56.0,自理:49.1M。 GMFM66 total score 65 9.相關福利服務(殘障手冊、發展遲緩證明等):不需 已具備 需要 V 10. 個案之優勢:個案智能發展正常,母親與個案配合度佳,動機強。 主要問題:CP Spastic diplegia GMFCS II 1. 粗大動作發展遲緩:無法獨自從地上或椅子上由坐到站,在爬樓梯時需手扶扶手, 無法跑與跳。 2. 異常步態,身體晃動大,墊腳尖,toe clearannce 不足。 3. 步速較同年齡的孩童慢,未達功能性行走速度。 4. 站姿平衡能力不足,平衡策略不足。 5. 整體肌力與耐力不足,尤其是核心肌群與下肢肌力不足,導致以上動作功能障礙。 6. 踝關節之角度不足,與輕度高張力易使足部產生永久變形。。 治療目標:(至 95 年 4 月 13 日) 1. 增加自行步速至 50 m/min。 2. 減少每次外出跌倒次數至 2 次。 3. 能從與膝同高的椅子上由坐到站,成功 3/5 次。 4. 增加腹部、背部及髖部肌肉之肌力。 5. 增加兩腳腳踝的角度至 0°-15°,避免足部變形。 6. 出現適應性、預期性與反應性站立平衡反應。 7. 改善步態:降低身體晃動,增加 toe clearance。 治療計畫: 1. 針對兩側踝蹠屈肌的牽拉運動。 2. 針對腹肌、軀幹伸直肌、髖屈曲肌、髖伸直肌與髖外展肌的強化運動。 3. 配合使用懸吊系統跑步機訓練,逐步增加速度到 50 公尺/分鐘,及增加時間到 10 分鐘。 4. 針對適應性、預期性與反應性坐姿與站立平衡的訓練。 居家訓練計畫: 1. 教導照顧者在家中伸展鈺書兩側腳踝的背屈角度。 2. 針對腹肌、軀幹伸直肌、髖屈曲肌、髖伸直肌與髖外展肌的強化運動。 3. 行走耐力訓練。 治療師簽章:SPT***/PT *** 81 個別訓練計畫方案 主要問題(3/3/2006): 粗大動作發展遲緩,因: 1. 兩側踝背屈被動關節角度不足(0°)。 2. 多數肌群肌力不足,包括腹肌、軀幹伸直肌、髖屈曲肌、髖伸直肌、髖外展肌。 3. 兩側下肢肌耐力不足。 4. 兩側踝蹠屈肌輕度高張(MAS: 1+)。 5. 6. 7. 缺乏適當平衡反應。 步行速度較慢(36 m/min)。 在戶外行走平均跌倒 5 次以上。 長期目標(至 9/3/2006): 1. 增加並維持兩側踝背屈被動關節角度 0-15° 2. 在仰臥且雙手抱腳向肚子,維持 10 秒*10 次。 3. 在站姿下,手不扶物,能彎下腰撿物再回到站姿 10 次。 4. 5. 6. 7. 可以連續側走 50 步。 在雙腳併攏,眼睛睜開,站在枕頭上,能承受來自任意方向的輕推而不失去平衡 10 次,有 80%不倒。 在懸吊系統的協助下,在跑步機上能以 50 m/min 速度走 10 分鐘。 降低跌倒次數,每次從捷運站到醫院平均跌倒小於一次。 1. 增加並維持兩側踝背屈被動關節角度 15° 訓練方法 起訖日 期 評量方式 成果/日期 1a. 增加兩側 踝背屈被動關 節角度 0-5° 牽拉運動 3/3-5/3 直接測量 95/05/03 PROM 0-5° 1b. 增加兩側 踝背屈被動關 節角度 0-10° 牽拉運動 5/3-7/3 直接測量 95/07/1 PROM 0-5° 1c. 維持兩側 踝背屈被動關 節角度 0-15° 牽拉運動 7/3-9/3 直接測量 短期目標 備註 2. 在仰臥且雙手抱腳向肚子,維持 10 秒*10 次。 短期目標 訓練方法 起訖日期 評量方式 成果/日期 2a. 在仰臥且 雙手抱腳向肚 子,維持 10 秒 在治療室中練習 與在家中練習 3/3-4/17 直接評量 95/04/17 100% 82 備註 *3 次 2b. 在仰臥且 雙手抱腳向肚 子,維持 10 秒 *6 次 在治療室中練習 與在家中練習 4/17-5/31 直接評量 2c. 在仰臥且 雙手抱腳向肚 子,維持 10 秒 *10 次 在治療室中練習 與在家中練習 5/31-7/14 直接評量 95/06/20 100% 3. 在站姿下,手不扶物,能彎下腰撿物再回到站姿 10 次。 起訖日 期 評量方式 成果/日期 3a. 在站姿 下,支持兩側下 肢,手不扶物, 彎腰撿東西遊戲 能彎下腰撿物 再回到站姿 5 次 3/3-5/3 直接評量 95/04/30 7次 3b. 在站姿 下,支持兩側下 肢,手不扶物, 彎腰撿東西遊戲 能彎下腰撿物 再回到站姿 10 次 5/3-7/3 直接評量 95/06/30 10 次 起訖日 期 評量方式 成果/日期 95/4/30 可 以向左右各 走 20 步,但 向左走時骨 盆易向後。 短期目標 訓練方法 備註 4. 可以連續側走 50 步 短期目標 4a. 手可扶欄 杆,可以連續側 走 20 步 訓練方法 直接練習 3/3-5/3 直接評量 4b. 手可扶欄 杆,可以連續側 走 40 步 直接練習 5/3-7/3 直接評量 4c. 手可扶欄 杆,可以連續側 走 50 步 直接練習 7/3-9/3 直接評量 83 備註 5. 在雙腳併攏,眼睛睜開,站在枕頭上,能承受來自任意方向的輕推而不失去平 衡 10 次 短期目標 訓練方法 起訖日期 評量方式 成果/日期 5a. 在雙腳打 開,眼睛睜開站 枕頭上,能承受 以遊戲方式直接 來自任意方向 練習 的輕推而不失 去平衡 3/3-5/3 直接評量 95/04/10 100% 5b. 在雙腳併 攏,眼睛睜開站 在枕頭上,能承 以遊戲方式直接 受來自任意方 練習 向的輕推而不 失去平衡 3/5 5/3-7/3 直接評量 5c. 在雙腳併 攏,眼睛睜開站 在枕頭上,能承 以遊戲方式直接 受來自任意方 練習 向的輕推而不 失去平衡 10 次 7/3-9/3 直接評量 備註 6. 在懸吊系統的協助下,在跑步機上能以 50 m/min 速度走 10 分鐘。 短期目標 6a. 在懸吊系 統的協助下,在 跑步機上能以 40 m/min 速度 走 5 分鐘 6b. 在懸吊系 統的協助下,在 跑步機上能以 40 m/min 速度 走 10 分鐘 6c. 在懸吊系 統的協助下,在 跑步機上能以 45 m/min 速度 走 5 分鐘 訓練方法 跑步機訓練 起訖日期 3/3-5/3 評量方式 成果/日期 備註 直接測量 95/05/03 以 40m/min 速度走 3 分 及跟不上速 度。 耐力不 足,宜 降低目 標 95/06/10 穿 AFO 走在 平地速度 >50m/min, 走 10 分鐘 以上。 跑步機訓練 5/3-7/3 直接測量 跑步機訓練 7/3-9/3 直接測量 84 6d. 在懸吊系 統的協助下,在 跑步機上能以 50 m/min 速度 走 3 分鐘 跑步機訓練 9/3-11/3 6e. 在懸吊系 統的協助下,在 跑步機上能以 50 m/min 速度 走 10 分鐘 跑步機訓練 11/3-12/3 7. 降低跌倒次數,每次從捷運站到醫院平均跌倒小於一次。 短期目標 7a. 每次從捷 運站到醫院平 均跌倒小於 3 次 訓練方法 每週詢問母親從 捷運站到治療室 跌倒次數與原 因,評量跌倒原 因並加予訓練 起訖日期 3/3-5/3 評量方式 成果/日期 直接詢問 95/05/05 平均跌倒 3 次,多是腳 踢到人行 道,主因 toe clearance 不足 95/06 穿了 AFO 後跌倒 情形明顯改 善,很少跌 倒。 7b.每次從捷運 站到醫院平均 跌倒小於 2 次 每週詢問母親從 捷運站到治療室 跌倒次數與原 因,評量跌倒原 因並加予訓練 5/3-7/3 直接詢問 7c.每次從捷運 站到醫院平均 跌倒小於 1 次 每週詢問母親從 捷運站到治療室 跌倒次數與原 因,評量跌倒原 因並加予訓練 7/3-9/3 直接詢問 85 備註 目標達 到。 範例三:新生兒 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部 病歷號 12354567 物理治療報告單(新生兒評估) 姓名 何 XX 床號 5FI 01-1 第 1 頁 Physical Therapy Note for Newborn Baby Date 95-12-21 v I. Basic Data Sex male Date of Birth 95-11-28 Birth Body Weight 1204gm (25﹪) Body Length Initial Note Acceptance Note Summary Note Discharge Note Gestational Age 30+6 weeks 40 ㎝ Head Girth 28 ㎝ Apgar Score at 1 min 7 at 5 min 9 Birth History: This 23 d/o premature baby was born by a G3P2AA1 mother via C/S. Steroid was given before delivery. After delivery, weak spontaneous crying with general cyanosis was noted. Skin color became pink and activity improved after O2 therapy and tactile stimulation. Under the impression of prematurity with VLBW, he was admitted to the NICU for further management. Impression 1) Prematurity 2) Respiratory distress, R/O transitional tachypnea of the newborn 3) R/O RDS Date of Admission 95-11-28 Medical Finding (CT, Brain echo, EEG, EKG……ect.): 1st brain ECHO (12/02/2005): Left colpocephaly, cavum septum pellucidum, cavum vergae 2nd brain ECHO (12/05/2005): Ditto 3rd brain ECHO (12/19/2005): Ditto, except R/O left ventriculomegaly Other Medical Problems: Nil Maternal History: Maternal pre-eclampsia and GDM were noted at the GA of about 28 wks. Antihypertensive agents were given for BP control. Blood sugar was stable under diet control. Due to uncontrolled BP, elective CS was performed on 11/28/2006. Other Medical Problems: Nil. Mother’s name 李 XX education 大學 occupation 教師 Father’s name 何 XX education 大學 occupation 教師 Date of PT Start 95-12-21 II. Brief History At the NICU, respiratory distress was noted and NCPAP was immediately given. The microbubble test was very weak, but CXR did not demonstrate RDS patterns. Apnea with desaturation was noted. The NCPAP mode was shifted to the NIPPV mode on 11/29/2006. Apnea improved on 11/30/2006, and the NIPPV mode was shifted back to the NCPAP mode and to NC on 12/01/2006. His respiratory condition had been stable since 12/04/2006.Phototherapy was given for hyperbilirubinemia and DC on 12/11/2006. He had started GI priming since 12/02/2006 with partial parenteral nutrition support. His feeding condition was smooth and TPN was tapered off on 12/15/2006. PT was consulted for further assessment and management. III. Physical Examination 1. Vital Sign (HR, RR, SaO2): resting HR/RR/SaO2 : 128-145bpm/48-54 次/min/100﹪ handling HR/RR/SaO2 : 136-157bpm/45-65 次/min/95-98﹪ 2. Range of Motion: WNL 86 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部 病歷號 3991455 物理治療報告單(新生兒評估) 姓名 何 XX 床號 7C11-1 第 2 頁 3. Sensation: withdraw to pain stimulation (+), hypersensitivity (+) 4. Breathing Condition: a. Breathing Sound: clear BS b. Breathing Pattern: Synchronised and symmetric expansion 5. Neonatal Neurobehavioral Examination (NNE)(See the special sheet): Conceptional Age 33wks Total Score 54 a. Tone and Motor Pattern (Section score: 17 ) b. Primitive Reflex (Section score: 16 ) c. Behavior Responses (Section score: 21 ) 6. MMT: weak grasping strength, poor antigravity movement of bilateral U/E and L/E (less midline activity of U/E and poor weight bearing ability and kicking movement of L/E) 7. Muscle Tone: increased neck extensor tone (opisthotonos) 8. Oral Function: NG feeding, poor sucking power and endurance (only persistent 3~5 times/beat), easily desaturation during oral feeding due to poor sucking-swallowing-breathing coordination IV. Major Problem 1. Irritability during our handling, hypersensitivity to environment stimulation 2. Insufficient head righting ability (pull to sit, prone suspension) 3. Insufficient sucking power/endurance and sucking-swallowing-breathing coordination 4. Insufficient visual/auditory reactions and oculomotor coordination 5. Increased muscle tone of neck and four limbs muscle 6. Insufficient weight bearing ability of lower extremities V. PT Goal 1. Calm down by himself 2. Improve head righting ability 3. Improve oral function and coordination 3. Improve visual/auditory orientation ability and oculomotor coordination 5. Normalize muscle tone of neck and four limbs muscle 6. Improve weight bearing ability of lower extremities VI. PT Program 1. Therapeutic positioning and joints approximation to normalize muscle tone and activate selective motor pattern 2. Passively rolling to improve head righting control 3. Facilitate U/E midline activity 4. L/E weight bearing training 5. Oral-motor skills training, including oral massage, sucking power and endurance training, and oral coordination training 6. Visual/auditory orientation training and oculomotor coordination training 7. Calming technique and desensitizing exercise if necessary PT would emphasize those treatment programs and counsel those programs to parents. Further rehabilitation treatment from our OPD after discharge was suggested. SPT Sign: 林 XX / PT Sign: 鄭 XX 87 範例四:病房兒童物理治療 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部物理治療報告單(病房兒童物理治療病歷記錄) 病歷號 4066143 姓名 朱 XX 床號 7C 07-2 第 1 頁 Physical Therapy Note for Bedside Pediatric Patients v Initial Note Summary Note Acceptance Note Discharge Note I. Basic Data Sex: Female Age: 11M/O (Birth Date: 90-4-27) Date: 91-3-11 Date of Admission: 91-2-6 Date of Onset: 90-4-27 Impression: 1. MAS 2. Holoprosencephaly 3. Cerebral palsy with SQ Medical Findings:(CT,EEG.....etc) 1. MRI (at brain): agenesis of corpus callosum. 2. Chromosome study: 46XX3. 3. EEG (2/7,2/28): moderate diffuse cerebral dysfunction, fast activity over bilatory frontal lobes. Other Medical Problems: 1. UGI bleeding. 2. ARF (hyponatremia, hypokalemia). 4. laryngomalacia 5. moderate GER 3. bronchopneumonia. Reasons for Consulting PT: for development delay and poor sucking Date of PT Starting: 91-3-11 Brief History This 11m/o female (G2P1AA1, NSD, GA 39 wks, BBW 2300 gm, DOIC(+), MAS) baby was a case of MAS who admitted to 恩主公 H since birth. She had admitted to 恩主公 H for many times since birth due to bronchopneumonia. Laryngomalacia was impressed, and she was brought to our ENT ward for bronchoscope examination during 90-10-8 to 12-20. The result was prominent arytenoids and shortened aryepiglottic fold. Neonatal seizure was noted on 90-6-27 with lip cyanosis and eye blinking but EEG didn’t show spike. Infantile spasm was noted on 91-10-19 with tonic spasm. She admitted to 恩立公 H again due to dyspnea and poor activity for one day on 90-12-25. She was intubated due to impending respiratory failure. ARF was noted on 91-1-30, UGI bleeding was found on 91-2-3. Due to her repeated extubation failure. She was transferred from 恩主公 H to NTUH for further help. II. Physical Examination Consciousness/Mentality: 晚上很躁動,睡不好,白天晚起. Cooperation/Motivation of the Child/Parents: G / G; G/G Vision/Hearing: weak response to auditory and visual stimulation from right side; poor oculomotor coordination Communication/Feeding: respond to voice / NG feeding mostly, poor sucking power and endurance (only persistent 3~5 times per beat), chorea-like motion to tongue Cardiopulmonary Function: breathing sound: diffused, coarse (+), rhonchi (+) breathing pattern: see-saw type, intercostals muscles retraction (+), insufficient chest mobility Sensation: hypersensitivity (-); withdraw reaction to pain stimulation (+) Muscle Tone: fluctuated muscle tone, general hypotone at rest, mild increased muscle tone of four limbs during action ROM: WNL MMT: weak grasping strength, poor antigravity movement of bilateral L/E 88 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部物理治療報告單(病房兒童物理治療病歷記錄) 病歷號 4066143 姓名 朱 XX 床號 7C 07-2 第 2 頁 Developmental Status: (evaluation tool: EIDP) GM: DA 1-2 m: 1. no head lag (-). 2. head raises and maintains at 30°(+) FM: DA 1-2 m: 3. kicking with alternating feet in supine (+) 1. reaching (-) 2. grasping reflex (+) 3. finger playing at midline (-) 4. looks at hand (-) 5.chorea-like movement of hands Functional Status: all dependent III. Major Problems: 1. Abnormal muscle tone of four limbs result to less voluntary movement. 2. Insufficient muscle strength of trunk and extremities. 3. Poor sucking ability and oral coordination 4. Insufficient auditory and visual orientation and oculomotor coordination 5. Poor lung hygiene and breathing pattern. 6. Severe GM and FM delay IV. Physical Therapy Goals: STG: 1. Improve sucking endurance more than 10 times per beat 2. Improve auditory and visual orientation 3. Improve lung hygiene LTG: 1. Induce voluntary movement. 2. Prevent contracture of joints or other complications due to immobilization 3. Counseling to parents about handling and points for attention. 4. Improve GM and FM development. V. PT Programs: 1. PROM and gentle stretching exercise 2. Well positioning and facilitation for activation voluntary movement and normalize muscle tone 3. Rolling exercise with pelvic support to facilitate head righting and trunk control ability.. 4. Oral massage and sucking power training. 5. Hearing and visual orientation training. 6. Chest care including percussion and posture drainage. VI. Home Programs: 1. As all PT programs. 2. Suggest further rehabilitate courses from OPD after DC from NTUH. SPT Sign: 林 xx / PT Sign: 89 陳 xx 病房物理治療每日記錄(兒童疾患) Bedside Physical Therapy Daily Note (Pediatric Patient) Date Physical Examination 1. Consciousness (state) 2. HR/RR/ SaO2 (resting/handling) 3. Sucking power/endurance Suck-swallow-breath coordination 4. Visual/auditory reactions 5. Movement pattern 6. Muscle tone 7. Self-regulatory behavior 8. NNE total score Tone and motor pattern Primitive reflexes Behavioral responses 9. Alberta Infant Motor Scale score 10. Developmental status Intervention programs 1. Therapeutic positioning 2. U/E midline activity facilitation 3. L/E weight bearing training 4. Head righting training 5. Oral-motor skills training 6. Oculomotor coordination training 7. Visual/auditory orientation training 8. Vestibular system stimulation 9. Desensitizing exercise 10. Passive chest mobility exercise 11. Percussion / postural drainage ˇ 12. Social interaction facilitation 13. PROM exercise 14.Treatment programs counseling ˇ Sign 90 骨科疾患相關病歷格式與範本 (1)肌肉骨骼疾患評估 91 92 (2)Physical Therapy for Shoulder joint Physical Therapy for Shoulder Joint I. BASIC DATA: Age:_____ Gender: ○M ○F DATE:____/____/____Date of PT starting: ____/____/____ Impression: Involved shoulder: □right □left Dominant shoulder:□ right□ left Work status:□Not working□Working Brief history: (Onset, causes, duration, pain status, affecting factors, and previous history) night pain:__; Visual analog scale: Frequency: □ pain all the time Does pain increase in the previous one month □yes□no □ per day □ per week II. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: 1. Observation: Shoulder Posterior view □Both sides are horizontal □Elevated/depressed Shoulder Lateral view □Plumb bisects acromion □Tilt □Forward (round shoulder) Scapula Posterior view □Medial borders are □Adducted / Abducted parallel, about 2” from the spine □Downward / Upward rot □Elevated / Depressed Scapula Lateral view □Scapula held flat against □Winged the thorax, 30° anterior to □Tipped Anteriorly frontal plane Humerus posterior view □Olecranon processes face □Internally/Externally rotated posteriorly Humerus lateral view □Distal humerus vertically □Distal humerus anterior/ in line with the proximal humerus posterior to the proximal 2. Palpation: □ supraspinatus insertion □biceps long head/short head □subscapularis □ infraspinatus □ ____________________ 3. Selective tissue tension test Active: Pain1;Willingness1 Passive: Resisted: 1,2 3 Pain ; Endfeel Pain1; Strength4 Flexion Abduction Internal rotation External rotation 1 +: positive; -:negative . Range: initial, mid, end 3 Hard, firm, soft, empty 4 Strong, weak 2 93 4. Range of motion Left arm Movement Right arm Flexion Abduction Internal rotation arm by side/90 degrees abd External rotation arm by side/90 degrees abd Anterior/posterior tightness5 5. Joint play: distraction Anterior-posterior6 Superior-inferior6 Glenohumeral joint: Scapulothoracic joint: Acromioclavicular Joint: 6. Muscle dysfunction test7:muscle tightness______________________ muscle weakness___________________________________________ 7. Functional activity □HAND-IN-NECK; □HAND-TO-SCAPULA; □HAND-TO-OPPOSITE SCAPULA; □MODIFIED KIBLER’S LATERAL SCAPULAR SLIDE TEST 8. Special test □ Impingement test □ Neer impingement test, □ Hawkins impingement test □ painful arc of movement (60°–120°) □Empty can test □Speed test ______________ □ ______________ □ ______________ III. □ ASSESSMENT: (Problems and reasons should be added.) □ tenderness at_______________________________________________ □ muscle spasm end feel at R’t /L’t shoulder ______________________ □ R’t /L’t shoulder joint ROM limitation at_______________________ □ Joint play hypomobility at_____________________________________ □ Functional limitation of _____________________________________ IV. PT PROGRAMS: □ Hot packing □ IFC □ USD/Laser at___________________ □ Joint mobilization □ stretching exercise for___________________ HOME PROGRAMS: □Pendulum ex □scapular setting ex □ROM ex__________________ □ Stretching exercise for____________________________________ □ Strengthening exercise for____________________________________ Sign of PT_______________________ 5 Additional information Hyper or hypo mobility 7 Selected muscles as appropriate; +:positive (strong or tight); -:negative (weak or no tight); ne: not examination; na: not available 94 6 (3)Physical Therapy Assessment for Low Back Pain Initial Evaluation Summary Discharge note Basic Information Gender:____ Date of birth:________ Age:_____ Occupation:_________ Phone #:__________ Impression:____________________________ Date of PT starting:_________________ Referral Doctor:___________ Brief History Chief Complaints: Medication: Past History: Image Study: Physical Examination: Pain status: Sites and boundaries of pain Nature of pain: deep aching sharp pain shooting pain Radiation of pain/numbness: to the buttocks to the iliac crest to the anterior abdominal wall down to the hip down to the knee down to the ankle Associated symptoms: morning pain or stiffness night pain burning tingling numbness itching parasthesia anesthesia Aggravating factors: ____________________Easing factors: ____________________ Observation and Inspection Lumbar lordosis: within normal limit hyperlordosis flat back Lateral shift: within normal limit shoulder shifts to right shoulder shifts to left Others: ___________________________________ Palpation Height of bilateral iliac crest: symmetry right side higher left side higher Height of bilateral ASIS: symmetry right side higher left side higher ________ Height of bilateral PSIS: symmetry right side higher left side higher ________ Tenderness at supraspinous ligaments: none L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Tenderness at interspinous ligament: none L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Others: (e.g. paraspinal muscle spasm)_________________ Standing flexion test pain status : none increased decreased during motion end range pain fullness of lumbar paraspinal muscles: symmetry right side higher left side higher pathway: smooth deviation to right deviation to left PSIS excursion: symmetry right PSIS gliding further left PSIS gliding further Sitting flexion test PSIS excursion: symmetry right PSIS gliding further left PSIS gliding further McKenzie test: lateral shift: : ↑ pain ↓ pain unable to be tested flexion/repeated flexion in standing: ↑pain ↓ pain unable to be tested extension/repeated extension in standing: ↑ pain ↓ pain unable to be tested 95 flexion/repeated flexion in supine: ↑ pain ↓ pain unable to be tested extension/repeated extension in prone: ↑ pain ↓ pain unable to be tested Movement test: Sidebending to R’t/L’tRotation to R’t/L’tSpring test: pain: none L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 hard endfeel: none L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 hypomobility/hypermobility(↓/↑): none L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Flexibility: hamstring_______ gastrocnemius________ quadratus lumborum________ piriformis________iliotibial band_________ hip ROM Thomas test others__________ Muscle strength/endurance Transverse abdominus______ multifidus_______ others________ Neurological examination: hip flexion (L2) knee extension (L3) ankle dorsiflexion, heel walking (L4) big toe extensor (L5) ankle eversion/hip extension (S1) knee flexion, toe walking (S1-2) patellar reflex (L4) Achilles reflex (S1) Special test: SLR Slump test Femoral nerve traction test Segmental instability test Patrick test Gillet’s test Long sitting test Functional activities_________________________________________________________ PT Assessment asymmetric posture pain insufficient range of motion at insufficient joint play at muscle strength imbalance of muscle weakness of neurological involvement at decreased functional level PT Programs_______ times per week Physical agents: hot packing for 20’ interferential therapy for 15’ SW for 20’ USD laser TENS lumbar traction with ____________ kg for 20’;hold/relax=___sec/___sec Manual therapy: soft tissue mobilization at _________________________________ joint mobilization at ______________________________________________level (s) others__________________________________________________________ Therapeutic exercises: Home Programs Sign of Physical Therapist:_________________________________ 96 (4)Physical Therapy Assessment for Cervical Syndrome Physical Therapy Assessment for Cervical Syndrome Initial Evaluation Summary Discharge note Basic Information Gender:_____ Date of birth:_________ Age:_____ Occupation:___________ Phone #:__________ Impression:____________________________ Date of PT starting:_________________ Referral Doctor:___________ Date of referral:___________ Brief History Chief Complaints: Present since:__________ as a result of: Medication: nil/ NSAIDS/ Steroids/ Anticoag/ other Past History: Image Study: Physical Examination: 1. Pain status:Sites and boundaries of pain (body chart) Nature of pain: deep aching sharp pain shooting pain Radiation of pain: to the lower 1/3 to the middle 1/3 to the upper 1/3 of the scapula down to the shoulder down to the elbow down to the wrist/fingers Associated symptoms: morning pain or stiffness night pain burning tingling numbness itching parasthesia anesthesia dizziness/tinnitus/nausea Aggravating factors: ___________________Easing factors:__________________________ 2. Observation and Inspection Posture: sitting: good/ fair/poor Cervical lordosis: within normal limit hyperlordosis flat neck Head position : within normal limit forward head retracted head Torticollis: within normal limit sidebending to right sidebending to left Shoulder posture: Height of bilateral acromia: symmetry right/left side higher 3. Palpation Tenderness at suboccipital muscles: none right painful left painful Skin mobility test: Others: (e.g. paraspinal muscle spasm)__________________________________ 4. Gross mobility tests (pain status*/ROM/end-feel)( * (-): none; (↑): increased; (↓): decreased) Cervical protrusion/flexion_______________________________________________________ Cervical retraction/extension_____________________________________________________ Cervical sidebending to right/left__________________________________________________ Cervical rotation to right/left_____________________________________________________ 5. Repeated test in____________: centralise/peripheralise/worse/no effect 97 5. Segmental mobility tests (pain:+/hypomobility↓) Right /Left side-gliding test in flexion/extension none C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 P/A glide/A/P glide none C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 6. Flexibility: Scalenus anterior________ scalenus middle_________ scalenus posterior________ neck extensors________ trapezius________ SCM_________ levator scapula________others______________________________ 7. Neurological examination (*check if weakness) neck flexion(C1,C2) neck side flexion(C3) shoulder elevation(C4) shoulder abduction (C5) elbow flexion(C6) elbow extension(C7) wrist flexion(C7) thumb extension(C8) finger abduction(T1) ULTT1 ULTT2 ULTT3 ULTT4 DTR for ______ 8. Muscle strength/endurance___________________________________________________ 9. Functional activities: ______________________________________________________ 10. Special tests: vertebral artery insufficiency test compression distraction PT Assessment asymmetric posture________________________________________________________ pain insufficient range of motion at insufficient joint play at muscle strength imbalance of muscle weakness of neurological involvement at decreased functional level PT Programs_______ times per week Physical agents: hot packing for 20’ interferential therapy for 15’ SW for 20’ USD laser TENS cervical traction with ____________ kg for 20’;hold/relax=____sec/____sec Manual therapy: soft tissue mobilization at joint mobilization at the others__________________________________________________________ Therapeutic exercises: Goals: Home Programs: Sign of Physical Therapist: 98 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 頁 復健部 物理治療評估報告 Physical Therapy Evaluation Note for Orthopedic Patients I. Basic Data Impression: y/o; Gender: □ male; □ female; Date of admission: Age: Past medical history: Precautions : Operation method (Operation date: / / ; Operator: 年 月 日 Date of referral: ) 民國 年 月 日病歷委員會修正通過 Reasons for referral: □ ambulation training; □ ROM exercises; □ strengthening; □ others: Patient or family expectations : ; Home environment: □ 1F; □ >2F, no elevator; □ elevator Major caregiver: II. Physical Examination 1. C/C: 2. Motivation / Cooperation : □ good □ fair □ poor; 3. Mentality: □ able to follow order; □ impaired 4. Pain: □ severe; □ moderate; □ mild (area: ); □ none 5. Swelling: □ severe; □ moderate; □ mild (area: ); □ none 6. Sensation: 7. ROM: 8. Strength of involved extremity : □ weak and non-functional; □ functional strength 9. Strength of uninvolved extremity : □ normal; □ generally weak; □others: 10. Functional status : □ bed ridden; □sit on bed; □sit at bed side; □standing; □ ambulation; □ W/C-bound; □ up/down stairs; □ others III. Assessment □ Wound pain and swelling □ Poor circulation □ Decreased function status : □ Request for assistive devices use or improper use □ Decreased ROM : □Insufficient muscle strength: □ General deconditioning □ Less knowledge in postoperative care □ Others: IV. PT Goals at Discharge from Ward □ Decrease swelling and pain. □ Motor function □ ambulation with device. Device : □ independent; □ supervised; □ assisted □ W/C activity: □ independent; □ supervised; □ assisted □ bed mobility and transfer: □ independent; □ supervised; □ assisted R / ○ L / ○ B □ Increase ROM of ○ joint to □ Enhance strength of □ Patient and caregiver understand the precautions / contraindications according to the surgery. V. PT Programs : □ Pumping and isometric exercises to LE / UE. □ Functional training □ ROM exercises □ Strengthening exercises □ Patient and/or caregiver education □ Others: SPT / PT 99 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 復健部物理治療每日記錄 Physical Therapy Daily Note for Orthopedic Patients Imp: Date Physical Examination CMS Swelling / Pain Local heat/ Hemovac ROM: Strength of joint UE / LE Functional Status Rolling to R/L side Supine ←→ Sit Sit ←→ Stand W/C Activity Ambulation Assistive Device Weight Bearing Gait Pattern Up/Down Stairs Treatment Programs PROM to UE / LE AAROM to UE / LE AROM to UE / LE Ankle Pumping Quadriceps / Gluteus Setting Knee Muscles Strengthening Hip Muscles Strengthening Isometric E’x to Stretching to Strengthening to 民國 年 月 日病歷委員會通過 Bed Mobility Training Sitting & Balance Training Standing & Balance Training Gait Training Transfer training Up/Down Stairs Training Check Out Assistive Devices SPT/PT Sign Min: minimal; Mod: moderate; Max: maximum; A: assistance; C: contact guard; S: supervised; I: independent; NA: not available; NT: not test 100 頁 範例一:肩部疾患 Physical Therapy for Shoulder Joint V. BASIC DATA: Age:50 Gender: ○M ○F DATE: 95/4/26 Date of PT starting: 95/4/26 Impression:frozen shoulder,shoulder sprain Involved shoulder: ■right □left Dominant shoulder: ■ right□left Work status: ■Not working□Working Brief history: (Onset, causes, duration, pain status, affecting factors, and previous history) The 50Y/o female patient suffered from R’t shoulder pain since 1 month ago. She had difficult in putting her hand to back. She visited our OPD for help and took some medication but in vain. So PT was consulted. PT started on 95.4.26. night pain: - ; Visual analog scale:4-5 Does pain increase in the previous one month ■yes□no Frequency: □ pain all the time □ per day □ per week VI. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: 3. Observation: Shoulder Posterior view ■Both sides are horizontal □Elevated/depressed Shoulder Lateral view □Plumb bisects acromion □Tilt ■Forward (round shoulder) Scapula Posterior view □Medial borders are ■Adducted / Abducted parallel, about 2” from the spine □Downward / Upward rot □Elevated / Depressed Scapula Lateral view □Scapula held flat against □Winged the thorax, 30° anterior to ■Tipped Anteriorly frontal plane Humerus posterior view □Olecranon processes face ■Internally/Externally rotated posteriorly Humerus lateral view ■Distal humerus vertically □Distal humerus anterior/ in line with the proximal humerus posterior to the proximal 4. Palpation: ■supraspinatus insertion □biceps long head/short head □subscapularis □ infraspinatus □ ____________________ 3. Selective tissue tension test Active: Pain8;Willingness1 Flexion + good Passive: Pain1,9; Endfeel10 - firm Abduction + good - Internal rotation - good External rotation + good Resisted: Pain1; Strength11 + strong firm + strong + firm - strong - firm + weak 4. Range of motion 8 +: positive; -:negative . Range: initial, mid, end 3 Hard, firm, soft, empty 4 Strong, weak 2 101 Left arm Movement Flexion Right arm 0-145。 Abduction 0-120。 Internal rotation arm by side/90 degrees abd 0-60。 External rotation arm by side/90 degrees abd 0-70。 Anterior/posterior tightness12 5. Joint play: Glenohumeral joint: Scapulothoracic joint: Acromioclavicular Joint: distraction Anterior-posterior13 Superior-inferior6 hyhomobility hyhomobility hyhomobility normal normal normal normal normal normal 6. Muscle dysfunction test14:muscle tightness______________________ muscle weakness _supraspinatus muscle_ 7. Functional activity (0)HAND-IN-NECK; (1)HAND-TO-SCAPULA; (2)HAND-TO-OPPOSITE SCAPULA; (2)MODIFIED KIBLER’S LATERAL SCAPULAR SLIDE TEST 8. Special test □ Impingement test □ Neer impingement test, □ Hawkins impingement test □ painful arc of movement (60°–120°) ▓Empty can test □Speed test ______________ □ ______________ □ ______________ VII. □ ASSESSMENT: (Problems and reasons should be added.) ▓tenderness at__supraspinatus tendon____ ____________ □ muscle spasm end feel at R’t /L’t shoulder _____________________ ▓R’t /L’t shoulder joint ROM limitation at_______________________ ▓Joint play hypomobility at__R’t shoulder joint__ __________ ▓Functional limitation of _____________________________________ VIII. PT PROGRAMS: ▓Hot packing □ IFC ▓USD/Laser at___________________ ▓Joint mobilization ▓stretching exercise for___________________ HOME PROGRAMS: □Pendulum ex □scapular setting ex ▓ROM ex__________________ ▓Stretching exercise for____________________________________ ▓Strengthening exercise for____________________________________ Sign of PT_______________________ 12 Additional information Hyper or hypo mobility 14 Selected muscles as appropriate; +:positive (strong or tight); -:negative (weak or no tight); ne: not examination; na: not available 102 13 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部 物理治療報告單(胸腔疾患評估) Physical Therapy Evaluation Note Date: I. Basic Data Sex: Age: Impression: Past medical history: Preoperative physical status: Date of operation: Operation finding: Date of starting PT: Smoking history: Date of leaving ICU: Operation type and procedure: Precaution and contraindication: PT was consulted for □cardiopulmonary function training, □chest care, □breathing retraining, □exercise training. II. Physical Examination Consciousness: Resting vital sign: PR: /min; BP: Inspection: Ventilator: Auscultation: Cough: Sputum: ROM: Activity level: □Bed ridden □Sitting: □Standing: □Ambulation: □Stairs: Exercise endurance: Sign and symptoms during exercise: III. Main Problems Cooperation: mmHg; RR: /min; SaO2: 民國 年 86 IV. PT Goals 月 6 日病歷委員會審核通過 10 V. PT Programs 物理治療師: 103 %; CVP: 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 復健部病房物理治療每日紀錄(呼吸循環系統) 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 Bed Side Physical Therapy Daily Note (Cardiopulmonary conditions) Examination Date Consciousness /Cooperation PR(bpm) BP(mmHg) RR(min-1) CVP(mmHg)/ SaO2 Ventilator (Mode, Rate, FiO2, PS, PEEP) Breathing sound Cough Sputum ROM Others Treatment 1. Orientation 2. Regional breathing Diaph. breathing 3. Postural drainage /Position Location Percussion/ Vibration 4. Incentive spirometer 5. Arm & leg ex. In bed 6. Chest mobility ex. 7. Reconditioning 8. Postural correction Activity level 1. Bed ridden 2. Sit on bed (min) 3. Sit on chair (min) 4. Assume to standing 5. Ex. at bedside (standing) 6. Ambulation Speed (or METs) Time (min) HR (before/after) BP (before/after) RR (before/after) 民國 7. Stairs(S/F) HR (before/after) BP (before/after) 年 93 RR (before/after) 月 12 8. Sign and Symptoms during ex. 日 1 病歷委員會通過 Sign Remarks Post operative complication: □atelectasis, □pneumonia, □pleural effusion, □pneumothorax, □pulmonary edema, □ARDS; □Others: Note: 1. Sputum amount N: no; S: small; M: moderate; L: large 3. ROM: F: full; L: limited; R’t: right; L’t: left; Bil: bilateral 2. Sputum Color: W: white; Y: yellow; G: green; H: hemoptysis 4. Position of postural drainage: C: classical; M: modified; S: sidelying (MR09-16-43) 104 頁 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 病歷專用紙 姓名 病歷號 床號 第 頁 復健部物理治療心肺疾病運動訓練病患狀況記錄表 性別: 診斷: 運動測試日期: 無氧閾值: 年齡: Phase: (Watt, mph%) , 運動訓練預期之心跳數: METs 危險分級: L I H 日期 狀況 WL HR BP WL HR BP WL HR BP HR BP WL HR BP WL HR BP 訓練期 RPE 備註 治療師 日期 狀況 WL 民國 年 月 日病歷委員會修正通過 訓練期 RPE 備註 治療師 105 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 病歷專用紙 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 頁 復健部冠狀動脈手術臨床路徑物理治療計畫表 物理治療師 日期 治療項目 其他(變異原因) 治療項目 0-1 手術前物理治療評估、簡介與指導 HR: 1-1 胸腔物理治療,包括姿位引流、扣擊與抽痰 BP: 1-2 橫膈腹式呼吸及咳嗽訓練 1-3 協助式上下肢關節運動,5 下/次, 建議每日 3 次。 HR: 2-1 主動式上下肢關節運動,5 下/次, BP: 建議每日 3 次。 2-2 Triflow 或 Coach 訓練,建議每小時 6 下 (睡眠時除外)。 HR: 2-3 恢復運動:病人可坐在床邊 BP: min。 3-1 恢復運動:坐在椅子上 min。 HR: 3-2 恢復運動:扶持下站立 min。 BP: 3-3 恢復運動:原地踏步 min。 4-1 以慢速(1.5-2.0 METs)行走 3 分鐘 建議每日 3 次。 HR: 4-2 胸腔活動度訓練,建議每日 3 次。 BP: 4-3 矯正不良姿勢。 5-1 以慢速(2.0-3.0 METs)行走 3 分鐘, 建議每日 3 次。 5-2 指導出院後居家心臟復健物理治療計劃, HR: 包括心跳與血壓的測量。 BP: 民國 6-1 增加行走速度(2.5-3.5 METs)行走 3-5 分鐘 建議每日 3 次。 年 6-2 上下 6-12 階樓梯。 月 6-3 確認出院後居家心臟復健物理治療計劃 HR: 日病歷委員會修正通過 之執行 BP: 加護病房: 年 月 日到 年 月 日 手術後合併症: □建議出院後一個月後可至復健科門診掛號接受運動測試及心臟復健訓練 變異原因 A: 病情不穩定,非物理治療適應症;B: 身體不適;C:病患拒絕;D: 兩次探訪病患不在病房;E: 其他 106 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 病歷專用紙 病歷號 姓名 床號 第 頁 復健部心房/心室中膈缺損手術(年齡大於 10 歲)臨床路徑物理治療計畫表 物理治療師 日期 治療項目 其他(變異原因) 治療項目 0-2 手術前物理治療評估、簡介與指導 HR: 1-1 胸腔物理治療,包括姿位引流、扣擊與抽痰 BP: 1-2 橫膈腹式呼吸及咳嗽訓練 1-3 協助式上下肢關節運動,5 下/次, 建議每日 3 次。 HR: BP: 2-1 主動式上下肢關節運動,5 下/次, 建議每日 3 次。 2-2 Triflow 或 Coach 訓練,建議每小時 6 下 HR: (睡眠時除外)。 BP: 2-3 恢復運動:病人可坐在床邊 min。 HR: 3-1 恢復運動:坐在椅子上 min。 BP: 3-2 恢復運動:扶持下站立 min。 3-3 恢復運動:原地踏步 min。 3-4 以慢速(1.5-2.0 METs)行走 3 分鐘 建議每日 3 次。 HR: 4-1 胸腔活動度訓練,建議每日 3 次。 BP: 4-2 矯正不良姿勢。 4-3 以慢速(2.0-3.0 METs)在病房外 行走 3 分鐘(約 50 公尺),建議每日 3 次。 HR: 5-1 增加行走速度(2.5-3.5 METs)行走 3-5 分鐘 BP: 民國 5-2 上下 6-12 階樓梯,建議每日 3 次。 年 建議每日 3 次。 5-3 指導並確認出院後居家心臟復健物理治療 月 HR: 日病歷委員會修正通過 BP: 加護病房: 計劃,包括心跳與血壓的測量 年 月 日到 年 月 日 手術後合併症: 變異原因 A: 病情不穩定,非物理治療適應症;B: 身體不適;C:病患拒絕;D: 兩次探訪病患不在病房;E: 其他 107 範例一:CABGⅠ Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Receiving CABG(範本) Initial PT Evaluation Note 87-5-20 This 79-year-old male patient suffered from chest tightness and exertional dyspnea since 1988. He received regular follow-up and the cardiac catheterization revealed 3-vessel disease last December. The frequency of chest discomforts increased recently. He was then admitted and received CABG (AoÆSVGÆPDA, AoÆ SVGÆOM1, AoÆSVGÆLAD) on 87-5-19. PT started on 87-5-20 for post operative chest care and cardiac rehabilitation phase I program. Risk profile: hypertension, smoking( 1 PPD for 30 years), hyperlipidemia, sedentary life style Lab: 1. PFT(87-5-4): mild obstructive ventilatory defect 2. EKG(87-5-4): normal sinus tachycardia, left axis deviation, right boundle branch block 3. Cardiac Echo(87-5-4): dilated LA, fair LV contractility, probable LV diastolic dysfunction, LVEF 55% 4. Cardiac cath.( 86-12-30): LAD proximal 90% stenosis, LCX 95% stenosis, RCA 70-90% stenosis Physical Examination S: patient’s wife was present and appeared to be worried O: 1. Inspection: patient breath even and unlabored with T-piece 40% FiO2, somewhat and shallow breathing pattern noted. A-line, EKG monitor, IV via right neck, oximeter, and Foley in place 2. Vital sign: HR 100/min, BP 158/85 mmHg, CVP 10 mmHg, RR 25/min, SaO2 96% 3. Auscultation: end-expiratory crackles over LLL 4. Cough: fair in strength, loose sounding, and productive by suctioning via ET tube 5. Sputum: small-moderate amount white yellowish secretions 6. Function: in ICU routine, bed-ridden, independent in position changes A: 1. Patient in need of chest care to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications based on the old age and previous impaired pulmonary function test 2. Encouragement and intensive patient education may be required to increased patients activity level, modify his risk factor, and his compliance for further cardiac rehabilitation Problem list 1. insufficient pulmonary hygiene 2. decreased lung volume 3. decreased function and exercise endurance STG: independent pulmonary hygiene and clear breathing sound LTG: completion of cardiac rehabilitation phase I and introduction of phase II/III programs to reduce risk factors and increase physical fitness P: 1. Postural drainage/ percussion to LLL, bid(will instruct his family as home program while PT is not available) and splinting cough training 2. deep breathing exercise( including incentive spirometer 6-10x/hr while patient is awake) 3. bilateral shoulder ROM exercise 4. Cardiac rehabilitation phase I program: cardiopulmonary function training SPT: 108 範例一:Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Receiving CABG(填空病歷) Initial PT Evaluation Note This -year-old patient suffered from since follow-up and the cardiac catheterization revealed received on . He received regular . He was then admitted and . PT started on for post operative chest care and cardiac rehabilitation phase I program. Risk profile: Lab: Physical Examination S: O: 1. Inspection: 2. Vital sign: HR /min, BP mmHg, CVP mmHg, RR /min, SaO2 % 3. Auscultation: 4. Cough: 5. Sputum: 6. Function: A: Problem list STG: LTG: P: SPT: 109 範例一:Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Receiving CABG(填寫說明) Initial PT Evaluation Note 日期 This 患者年齡-year-old 性別 patient suffered from 主要症狀的描述 since 時間. He received regular follow-up and the cardiac catheterization revealed 初步檢查結果. He was then admitted and received 手術方法或主要治療 on 日期. PT started on 日期 for post operative chest care and cardiac rehabilitation phase I program. Risk profile: 疾病相關危險因子 Lab: 紀錄與疾病相關的實驗室檢查結果 Physical Examination S: 患者或主要照顧者針對疾病的主訴 O: 1. Inspection: 患者的外觀予人的感覺(如臉色蒼白、疲倦、呼吸困難等的描述)、身上的管線 2. Vital sign: Vital sign: HR 休息時的心跳 bpm, BP 休息時的血壓 mmHg. RR 休息時的呼吸速率 breaths/min, SaO2 休息時的血氧飽和度 % 3. Auscultation: 聽診的結果 4. Cough: 咳嗽的功能評估(包含痰咳出的難易、是否有痰咳出) 5. Sputum: 痰的量及顏色等 6. Function: 目前所可以達到的最佳功能狀態(如坐、站、並記錄是否需要他人協助) A: 經評估後主要的問題,分點列出主要的問題。 STG: 依據評估結果擬定短期治療目標 LTG: 依據評估結果擬定長期治療目標 P: Will provide postoperative PT program as indicated, such as: 依據主要問題治療擬定目標,分項描述物理治療項目。 SPT: 實習學生簽名 110 範例二:CABGⅡ Discharge Note for a Patient receiving CABG(範本) Discharge Note 87-5-29 This 79 year-old male patient is a case with 3-V CAD s/p CABG on 87-5-19. The postoperative course was rather smooth. Now the patient is afebrile, breath sound clear to auscultation with little sputum expectorated, able to walk on level ad lib and go up and down one flight of stair without any adverse signs and symptoms. (HR changed from 76 to 84/min and BP from 140/76 to 148/80 mmHg with 2-MET walking speed). Home program has been instructed which included breathing exercise, bilateral shoulder ROM exercise, and progressive walking program. Contraindications for exercise and exercise-related precautions were also provided. Patient appeared to understand all instructions and the program compliance was expected to be good. SPT: 111 範例二:Discharge Note for a Patient receiving CABG(填空病歷) Discharge Note This year-old patient is a case with on . The postoperative course was rather smooth. Now the patient is afebrile, breath sound clear to auscultation with little sputum expectorated, able to walk on level ad lib and go up and down changed from to of stair without any adverse signs and symptoms. (HR /min and BP from to mmHg with MET walking speed). Home program has been instructed which included breathing exercise, bilateral shoulder ROM exercise, and progressive walking program. Contraindications for exercise and exercise-related precautions were also provided. Patient appeared to understand all instructions and the program compliance was expected to be good. SPT: 112 範例二:Discharge Note for a Patient receiving CABG(填寫說明) Discharge Note 日期 This 患者年齡 year-old 性別 patient is a case with 診斷 on 日期. The postoperative course was rather smooth. Now the patient is afebrile, breath sound clear to auscultation with little sputum expectorated, able to walk on level ad lib and go up and down 幾階或幾層樓梯 of stair without any adverse signs and symptoms. (HR changed from 休息心跳 to 運動心跳/min and BP from 休息血壓 to 運動血壓 mmHg with 運動強度 MET walking speed). Home program has been instructed which included breathing exercise, bilateral shoulder ROM exercise, and progressive walking program. Contraindications for exercise and exercise-related precautions were also provided. Patient appeared to understand all instructions and the program compliance was expected to be good. SPT: 實習學生簽名 113 範例三:Lung Resection Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Who Will Receive Lung Resection (範本) Initial PT Evaluation 87.1.16 The 68-year-old patient started to notice left side chest pain and dyspnea about a month ago. He then went to local hospital for series of examination. CXR and CT revealed LUL consolidation and left hilar mass. Bronchoscopy and biopsy revealed squamous cell carcinoma He was then referred to NTUH for further examination and treatment on 87-1-7. Left pneumonectomy was suggested and scheduled on 87-1-16. PT started today for preoperative evaluation and orientation to the postoperative PT program. Past Medical History: 1. Hypertension with regular control for 15 years 2. Appendectomy 10 years ago 3. Smoking 3 ppd for 10 years and quit since this Jan Lab: 1. PFT (87-1-9): normal screening test 2. EKG (87-1-9): sinus tachycardia, nonspecific ST-T abnormalies 3. Abdomen Echo (87-1-9): negative finding 4. Bone Scan (87-1-10): negative finding Physical Examination: S: Worried about the upcoming surgery O: 1. Inspection: Patient rested in bed, breathed even and unlabored, no obvious abnormal 2. Vital sign: HR 90 bpm, BP 145/80 mmHg. RR 20 breaths/min 3. Auscultation: Decreased over the left lung 4. Cough: fair in strength, dry, and non-productive at the present time 5. ROM: WML 6. Function: up in the hallway ad lib A: Problem lists: 1. Patient is at risk for postoperative pulmonary complications and may require close monitoring and chest physical therapy after the surgery. 2. Patient appeared to understand the orientation and instructions and will benefit from CPT after the surgery. STG: prevent postoperative pulmonary complications LTG: normal physical activities P: Will provide postoperative PT program as indicated, such as: 1. Postural drainage/percussion to right lung and cough training when indicated 2. Segmental breathing exercise combined with chest mobility exercise 3. Incentive spirometer training: 6-10 times/hr after extubation while patient is awake 4. Reconditioning exercises 5. Left shoulder ROM and postural correction SPT: 114 範例三:Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Who Will Receive Lung Resection (填空病歷) Initial PT Evaluation Note __________ The ____-year-old patient started to notice ___________________ about __________. He then went to local hospital for series of examination. . He was then referred to NTUH for further examination and treatment on______________ was suggested and scheduled on ____________. PT started today for _________________. Past Medical History: Lab: Physical Examination: S: O: 1. Inspection: 2. Vital sign: HR ______ bpm, BP __________ mmHg, RR breaths/min 3. Auscultation: 4. Cough: 5. ROM: 6. Function: A: Problem lists: STG: LTG: P: Will provide postoperative PT program as indicated, such as: SPT __________ 115 範例三:Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Who Will Receive Lung Resection(填寫說明) Initial PT Evaluation Note 日期 The 患者年齡-year-old 性別 patient started to notice 主要症狀的描述以及症狀已持續的時間. He then went to local hospital for series of examination. 簡述初步的檢查結果. He was then referred to NTUH for further examination and treatment on 住院日期. 手術方法或主要治療項目 was suggested and scheduled on 接受手術方法或主要治療 項目的日期. PT started today for 主要物理治療介入的項目. Past Medical History: 過去主要病史的記錄(如 Hypertension、DM 等) 並記錄是否有不良健康嗜好(如抽煙、喝酒、嚼檳榔等) Lab: 記錄與疾病相關的實驗室檢查結果(如 PFT、EKG 等) Physical Examination: S: 患者或主要照顧者針對疾病的主訴 O: 1. Inspection:患者的外觀予人的感覺(如臉色蒼白、疲倦、呼吸困難等的描述) 2. Vital sign: HR 休息時的心跳 bpm, BP 休息時的血壓 mmHg. RR 休息時的呼吸速率 breaths/min 3. Auscultation:聽診的結果 4. Cough:咳嗽的功能評估(包含痰咳出的難易、是否有痰咳出、痰的量及顏色等) 5. ROM:上下肢的關節活動度 6. Function:目前所可以達到的最佳功能狀態(如坐、站、並記錄是否需要他人協助) A: 經評估後主要的問題,分點列出主要的問題。 STG: 依據評估結果擬定短期治療目標 LTG: 依據評估結果擬定長期治療目標 P: Will provide postoperative PT program as indicated, such as: 依據主要問題級治療擬定目標,分項描述物理治療項目。 SPT 實習學生簽名 116 範例四:Cardiac Rehabiltation Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Enrolled for Cardiac Rehabilitation(範本) Initial PT Evaluation Note 90-12-10 The 65-year-old male patient suffered from sudden onset of consciousness loss and chest tightness on 90-7-17. The consciousness recovered spontaneously in about 30 secs. EKG and cardiac echo revealed old MI and LV aneurysm. Cardiac catherization was performed on 90-7-30 which showed 50% distal stenosis of LM, mid-portion total occlusion of LAD, multiple 70-90% stenosis of LCX, and mid-RCA 90% stenosis and distal portion 90% stenosis. He received CABG with LIMA and SVG on 90-8-6 and 1st graded maximal exercise test on 91-12-2. PT started on 90-12-10 for cardiac rehabilitation program. Risk profile: patient denies DM, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, smoking(2PPD for 40 years) quit since this july Lab: 1. Holter EKG (90-7-21): basically sinus rhythm, occasional APC and VPC 2. Radionuclide angiography with MUGA blood pool technique (90-7-22): LVEF= 32% 3. Cardiac Echo(90-8-6): LV apical dyskinesia 4. GXT(90-12-2): AT: 50Watt, HR: 113 bpm, VO2: 924ml/min, 69% VO2 max Peak: 90Watt, HR: 142 bpm, VO2: 1338 ml/min, 73% of predicted Significant ST-T displacement over inferior leads during exercise; Stopped exercise because of leg fatigue and buttock pain Physical Examination S: walk with wife for about 20 min on daily basis since discharge in Aug. O: 1. Inspection: patient breath even and unlabored, moderate nourished and mild overweight noted 2. Vital sign: HR 82/min, BP 120/70 mmHg, RR 16/min, SaO2 96% 3. Auscultation: no basilar rales, no S3 or S4 heard 4. Cough: Voluntary and nonproductive 5. Flexibility: WNL 6. Muscle strength: WNL 7. Function: independent, no adverse sign or symptoms noted during daily activities 8. Exercise response: 30 Watt biking 10 minutes, HR to 92/min, BP to 130/72 mmHg; 45 Watt biking 10 minutes, HR to 106/min, BP to 132/74 mmHg; finally 30 Watt biking 5 minutes, HR to 98/min, BP to 110/70 mmHg. After resting 5 minutes, HR to 80/min, BP to 118/84 mmHg. No adverse sign or symptoms noted during or after exercise. RPE 12 reported during the last minute of 45 Watt A: 1. Normal exercise response 2. High risk 3. Good compliance expected 4. More patient education required, such as monitoring own pulse etc. Problem list: Relatively decreased cardiopulmonary fitness compared to normal subjects Goals: to improve his cardiopulmonary fitness and to reduce risk factors of CAD P: 1. Bike exercise training in PT department with EKG monitoring 3×/WK 2. Home exercise programs: walking program and upper-limb exercise SPT: 117 範例四:Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Enrolled for Cardiac Rehabilitation(填空病歷) Initial PT Evaluation Note -year-old The patient suffered from on . Cardiac catherization was performed on . on The patient received CABG with . PT started on on . EKG and cardiac echo revealed which showed and 1st graded maximal exercise test for cardiac rehabilitation program. Risk profile: Lab: 1. EKG ( ): 2. Cardiac Echo( 3. GXT( ): ): Physical Examination S: O: 1. Inspection: 2. Vital sign: HR /min, BP mmHg, RR /min, SaO2 3. Auscultation: 4. Cough: 5. Flexibility: 6. Muscle strength: 7. Function: 8. Exercise response: A: Problem list: Goals: P: SPT: 118 % 範例四:Initial PT Evaluation Note of a Patient Enrolled for Cardiac Rehabilitation(填寫說明) Initial PT Evaluation Note 日期 The 患者年齡-year-old 性別 patient suffered from 主要症狀的描述 on 時 間 . EKG and cardiac echo revealed 初步檢查結果. Cardiac catherization was performed on 日期 which showed 檢查結果. The patient received CABG with 手術內容與方法 on 日期 and 1st graded maximal exercise test on 日期. PT started on 日期 for cardiac rehabilitation program. Risk profile: 疾病相關危險因子 Lab: 1. EKG ( 日期): 檢查結果 2. Cardiac Echo(日期): 檢查結果 3. GXT(日期): 檢查結果,應列出 AT 值、最大攝氧量、停止運動測試的原因 Physical Examination S: 患者或主要照顧者針對疾病的主訴 O: 1. Inspection: 患者的外觀予人的感覺(如臉色蒼白、疲倦、呼吸困難等的描述) 2. Vital sign: HR 休息時的心跳 bpm, BP 休息時的血壓 mmHg. RR 休息時的呼吸速率 breaths/min, SaO2 休息 時的血氧飽和度 % 3. Auscultation: 聽診的結果 4. Cough: 咳嗽的功能評估(包含痰咳出的難易、是否有痰咳出) 5. Flexibility: 描述四肢軀幹的柔軟度 6. Muscle strength: 評估肌力 7.Function: 描述日常生活功能,是否需協助,有無特殊症狀 8. Exercise response: 紀錄說明患者在接受運動訓練時之心跳血壓反應 A: 經評估後主要的問題,分點列出主要的問題。 Goals: 依據評估結果擬定治療目標 P: 依據主要問題治療擬定目標,分項描述物理治療項目。 SPT: 實習學生簽名 119 範例五:COPD Initial PT Evaluation Note of a COPD Patient (範本) Initial PT Evaluation Note 87-5-12 The 72 year-old male patient had diagnosis of COPD 20 years ago. He suffered from acute onset of severe dyspnea since 87-4-19. His symptoms exacerbated and he was sent to our ER where CXR showed left pneumothorax. Chest tube was inserted on 87-4-21 and pleurodesis was done on 87-5-5 and 87-5-7. PT was consulted for breathing retraining and started on 87-5-12. Past Medical History: 1. Hypertension 2. Smoking 1 ppd for 30 years 3. Hyperlipidemia 1. ABG (87-5-4): pH: 7.40、PaCO2:52 mmHg、PaO2: 65 mmHg 2. CXR (87-5-8): emphysematous chantes, no pneymothorax 3. EKG (87-5-4): sinus tachycardia, nospecific ST-T abnormalities 4. Sputum culture (87-5-6): acinetobactor baumannii 1 +, yeast-like organism 3 +, enterobactor cloacae 1 + Lab: Physical Examination: S: Patient stated that he lived on 2nd floor, did ADL independently, limited to his apartment, and walked to bathroom by using handrails with occasional oxygen supplement, but he has been bed ridden since admission. Patient’s family complained his poor compliance to medicine and bad tempers. O: 1. Inspection: Clear consciousness with fair cooperation somewhat kyphoscoliosis and severe barrel chest, patient breathe with much accessory muscle use (2N1C1D), no abdominal asynchrony noted but mild-moderate increased work of breathing at rest, oxygen therapy (1 L/min) via nasal prongs prn. 2. Vital sign: HR 100 bpm, BP 128/86 mmHg. RR 24 breaths/min 3. Auscultation: generally decreased 4. Cough: fair in strength, loose sounding, and productive 5. Sputum: small amount white yellowish secretions 6. Function: bed-ridden, patient was able to assume to standing position slowly with guidance and minimal assistance for the 1st time since admission, RR changed to 32 breaths/min without much complaints, he then walked 5 meters by propelling the wheelchair and RR changed to 40 breaths/min with complaints of severe dyspnea. A: Patient may benefit from better pulmonary hygiene by improving his cough techniques, breathing retraining, and exercise training with supplemental oxygen. Problem list: 1. Insufficient pulmonary hygiene 2. Decreased breathing efficiency 120 3. Decreased function and exercise endurance STG: Improved pulmonary hygiene and breathing efficiency LTG: Pulmonary rehabilitated with less dyspnea and better exercise or walking endurance. P: 1. Postural drainage/percussion to bilateral lower lobes qd-bid (instructed to the family) and huff-cough training from lower lung volume 2. Diaphragmatic pursed-lip breathing exercise with abdominal augmentation and 1:2 inspiration to expiration ratio 3. Function training and progressive interval-walking program 4. Recommend pulmonary rehabilitation program from OPD SPT: 121 範例五:Initial PT Evaluation Note of a COPD Patient (填空病歷) Initial PT Evaluation Note The year-old patient had diagnosis of . He suffered from since . His symptoms exacerbated and he was sent to our ER where CXR showed PT was consulted for and started on . . Past Medical History: Lab: Physical Examination: S: . O: 1. Inspection:. . 2. Vital sign: HR 3. Auscultation: . 4. Cough: . 5. Sputum: . 6. Function: bpm, BP mmHg. RR breaths/min A: Problem list: STG: LTG: P: SPT _______________ 122 範例五:Initial PT Evaluation Note of a COPD Patient (填寫說明) Initial PT Evaluation Note 日期 The 患者年齡 year-old 性別 patient had diagnosis of 主要診斷以及此診斷已持續時間. He suffered from 主要臨 床症狀 since 主要臨床症狀開始出現的時間. His symptoms exacerbated and he was sent to our ER where CXR showed 主要的檢查結果. 臨床上針對此次病發所已經做過的治療和治療日期. PT was consulted for 主要轉介物理治 療的原因 and started on 日期. Past Medical History: 過去主要病史的記錄(如 Hypertension、DM 等) 並記錄是否有不良健康嗜好(如抽煙、喝酒、嚼檳榔等) Lab: 記錄與此次疾病相關的實驗室檢查結果(如 ABG、CXR、Sputum culture 等) Physical Examination: S: 患者或主要照顧者針對疾病的主訴. O: 1. Inspection:患者的外觀予人的感覺(如臉色蒼白、疲倦、呼吸困難等的描述) 2. Vital sign: HR 休息時的心跳 bpm, BP 休息時的血壓 mmHg. RR 休息時的呼吸次數 breaths/min 3. Auscultation:聽診的結果 4. Cough:咳嗽的功能評估(如是否可自咳出痰) 5. Sputum:自咳或抽痰出的量及顏色 6. Function:目前所可以達到的最佳功能狀態(如坐、站、並記錄是否需要他人協助) A: 經評估後主要的問題,分點列出主要的問題。 STG: 依據評估結果擬定短期治療目標 LTG: 依據評估結果擬定長期治療目標 P: 依據主要問題級治療擬定目標,分項描述物理治療項目。 SPT 實習學生簽名 123
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