the visibility plan

Chef de file en gestion immobilière
If you need more informations, do not hesitate to
contact Ms. Marie-Claude Fontaine at 514 282-3826 p.
2007, or with a member of the organizing committee:
Lina Frascione, Morguard Investments
514 334-4545
Daniel Jean, Gestion CREIT
514 843-2919
Marie-Claude Lavoie, Société Québécoise des infrastructures
514 873-6504
Ginette Longpré, FCR Management Services LP
514 487-6665 #224
Berdj Meguerian, Monit Management Ltd.
514 288-1002
Linda Rigg, Oxford Property Management
514 845-8230 #210
Linda Rouleau
FPI Cominar
Pierre Scott, Société de contrôle Johnson
514 747-2556 #4424
Martin Yelle Immobilier Manuvie 514 288-6773
Limit of one $ 10,000
(Exclusive to BOMA members)
Only sponsor in the Presentor category;
Presentor’s logo on all signage;
Name and logo of the Presentor in the evening’s program;
Audio-visual projection of sponsor’s names on giant screens
throughout the evening;
Presentor mentioned by the Master of ceremonies during the evening;
Presentor’s logo appears in the special advertisement printed the day
after the Gala in major daily news-papers to announce the winners;
Presentor’s name mentioned in news releases;
Public presentation by the Presentor during the evening ceremonies;
Presentor’s logo on invitations, evening programs and tickets;
One page infomercial in the post-gala BOMA Info newsletter;
Possibility for the Presentor to place corporate gifts on the tables at the
Gala evening;
Special thanks in the post-gala issue of the BOMA Info.
Ten free tickets to the gala evening (2 places at the head table).
(Exclusive to BOMA members)
• Logo of sponsor in the evening’s program;
• Audio-visual projection of sponsor’s name on giant screens throughout the evening;
• Sponsors mentioned by the Master of ceremonies during the evening;
• Sponsor’s logo appears in the special advertisement printed the day
after the Gala in major daily newspapers to announce the winners;
• Special thanks in the post-gala issue of the BOMA Info;
• Four free tickets for the Gala evening.
$ 4,000
(Limit of 2 sponsors)
Audio-visual projection of sponsor’s names on giant screens
throughout the evening;
Sponsor’s logo in the evening’s program;
Sponsor’s logo on the candy container;
Sponsor’s logo on the candy bags;
Sponsor’s logo on a sign near the candies;
Special thanks in the post-gala issue of the BOMA Info.
$ 3,500
(Limit of 2 sponsors)
Audio-visual projection of sponsor’s names on giant screens
throughout the evening;
Sponsor’s logo in the evening’s program;
Logo on trays during the cocktail;
Lounge area named bears sponsor’s name;
Sponsor’s logo on a sign near the lounge;
Special thanks in the post-gala issue of the BOMA Info.
$ 3,000
(Limit of 2 sponsors)
• Audio-visual projection of sponsor’s names on giant screens
throughout the evening;
Sponsor’s logo in the evening’s program;
Sponsors’ logo printed on all photobooth photos;
Sponsor’s logo on a sign announcing the photobooth;
Special thanks in the post-gala issue of the BOMA Info.
$ 3,000
(Limit of 2 sponsors)
Audio-visual projection of sponsor’s names on giant screens
throughout the evening;
Sponsor’s logo in the evening’s program;
Sponsor’s logo on table centerpiece;
Special thanks in the post-gala issue of the BOMA Info.
Cloakroom Sponsor •
$ 2,500
(Limit of 2 sponsors)
Audio-visual projection of sponsor’s names on giant screens
throughout the evening;
Sponsor’s logo in the evening’s program;
Sponsor’s logo on the cloakroom tickets;
Sponsor’s logo on cloakroom sign;
Special thanks in the post-gala issue of the BOMA Info.
SPONSOR $ 1,500
($ 2000 with 2 tickets)
• Sponsor’s logo in the evening’s program;
• Audio-visual projection of sponsor’s names on giant screens
throughout the evening;
• Special thanks in the post-gala issue of the BOMA Info.
500, Sherbrooke St. West, suite 900,
Montréal (Québec) H3A 3C6
Phone : 514 282-3826
Fax : 514 844-7556 E-Mail: