ASSEMBLY TIMES Sunday Bible Class 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. Evening Assembly 6:00 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 P.M. “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’” Psalms 122:1 ELDERS Carrol Duncan Will Thompson Donald White PREACHER Chris Moore 806-205-0181 Clarendon Church of Christ PO Box 861 300 S. Carhart Clarendon, TX. 79226 (806) 874-2495 fax: (806) 874-2625 Family Life Center: (806) 822-0100 EMAIL: WEBSITE: Clarendon Church of Christ Remember Your Apple Student or Teacher! Non-profit Org. U.S. POSTAGEPA ID Permit #46 Clarendon Church of Christ A Newsletter for Family and Friends Hearts Shaped By the Cross Volume 31 January 18, 2015 Number 03 GOD’S WAY TO GROW CHRISTIANS Recently I received a birthday card that listed twenty-five ways to tell that you are older. The considerate giver of the card also marked the ones that most likely pertained to me. The short book of James lists at least twenty-five teachings that God wants Christians to follow. Since this is a new year why wouldn’t it be a good idea to read these carefully and mark the ones that apply to you? 1. Enduring trials 2. Testing of faith 3. Doubting God 4. Double-minded 5. Rich man 6. Lust 7. Sin 8. Slow to speak 9. Quick to hear 10. Slow to anger 11. Hearers only 12. Control the tongue 13. Keeping unspotted from the world 14. Showing favoritism gg 15. Respect of persons 16. Loving your neighbor 17. Following worldly wisdom 18. Accepting heavenly wisdom 19. Patience 20. Confess faults 21. Prayer 22. Turn a sinner from sin 23. Ask in faith 24. Faith with works 25. Lie against truth (Continued inside…) † Glorifying God by Being about His Business s Way” continued from front page…) (“God’s OSPEL MEETING God was very emphatic about each teaching James wrote about. God chose James, a brother who knew Jesus as a boy, to teach others about the things that are human weaknesses. God sent this out to all who were scattered abroad. This letter would be read to Christian groups that met together to worship God. Christians need to go toward maturity as we physically live our lives. The above should be a challenge to all Christians. “Although the tongue weighs very little, few people are able to hold it.” ~~PRAYER LIST~~ James & Bea Burleson James Lilly Nellie Painter Hayden Threet Luke Long Connie Wood Jim Balsters Beth Painter Joe Mike Yankie Laura Hommel Linda Judd Phillip James Alice Crawford Amy Doug Burleson Michael Waller Norma Putman Bob Watson Colleen Crow Lorene Scalf Xara Marr Chandace Ritchie Bob White Carlton Tuvaville Nathan Mercer Dean Hawkins Our men & women in the military and their families “First Responders” and their families Those in the Nursing Home Those who are homebound Those who are grieving Our country and our leaders Christians who live in dangerous areas The Church world-wide Our missionaries ~Proverb~ Attendance and Contribution: Bible Study (01/11) A. M. Worship P. M. Worship Contribution Daily Bible Readers Midweek (01/14) Weekly Budget 39 n/a n/a $2,787 22 n/a $3,465 Lord’s Table: 01-18-15 Bob White Wes Hatley Jackie Bell Bob Watson 01-25-15 Wes Hatley Jackie Bell Bob Watson Earl Shields Prayer: 01-18-15/AM Donald White Donnie Holladay 01-25-15/AM Will Thompson Michael Newhouse 01-18-15/PM Jack Moore Bret Franks 01-25-15/PM Randy White Carrol Duncan Scripture Reading: 01-18-15 Clint Franks 01-25-15 Jack Moore Communion to Shut-Ins: 01-18-15 01-25-15 Will Thompson Randy White --Carrol Duncan DATES TO REMEMBER: Jan 28—Fifth Wednesday Area-Wide Singing/Clarendon Wednesday Mornings— Muscle and a Shovel study/6:00am/FLC Song Leaders: 01-18-15 Mike Newhouse Jim Stevenson 01-25-15 Randy White Jackie Bell “He who gives attention to the word shall find good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.” ~~Proverbs 16:20
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