Research School of Management The Australian National University ACT 0200 Tel: 02 6125 6737, 02 6125 9839 Fax: 02 6125 8796 Email: Student Office: Room 1088 Level 1 LF Crisp Building ANU Campus Map (map GH32) College of Business and Economics The Australian National University ACT 0200 Tel: International +61 2 6125 3807 Within Australia: 1300 732 120 (local call cost only) Fax: International: +61 2 6125 0744 Within Australia: 02 6125 0744 Student Office: Level 2 Building 26C Students with enquiries about program (degree) requirements should contact the College office; enquiries about course administration (subjects) are normally handled by the relevant Research School. MKTG2004 MARKETING Summer School, 2015 OFFICIAL COURSE OUTLINE The course introduces the principles and practice of marketing. Topics include the role of marketing and its organisational context; the marketing environment; market segmentation and target markets; marketing information, research and analysis; industry analysis, marketing planning and competitive strategies; buyer behaviour in the consumer and business organisations, and decision making under conditions of high uncertainty and ambiguity. Mode of Delivery On campus Prerequisites At least 24 units of prior study Incompatible Courses None Course Convenor Dr Vinh Lu Phone 6125 4905 Office Room 1103 Copland Building 24 1 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Email Website Office hours for student Wednesday 9-11am consultation Friday 9-11am Research Interests Customer service delivery, entrepreneurship intentions, inter-organisational relationships Student administrator/s RSM Student Office (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) Phone: 6125 6737 or 6125 9839 Email Tutors Mr Alexander Tietge Tutor’s Room Mr James Williams Tutor’s Room Mr Joshua Southwell Tutor’s Room COURSE OVERVIEW Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the requirements for this course, students will be able to: 1. Define, explain and illustrate marketing concepts, including the marketing mix, and their application to profit oriented and non-profit organisations; 2. Explain and illustrate how marketing is integrated with other functional areas of business; 3. Explain and illustrate the need for a marketing orientation in the competitive global business environment; 2 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 4. Successfully design and plan the implementation of marketing plans and strategies; 5. Critically evaluate case studies, identifying and analysing problems and then making recommendations for practical implementation; 6. Apply marketing concepts, illustrating the importance of major marketing decisions; 7. Communicate effectively, individually and in teams, in oral presentation and written forms using the concepts and terminology of the marketing discipline. Assessment (Summary): Assessment Task* Value Due Date 1. Tutorial participation Hurdle As assigned LO 5, 6, 7 2. Presentation 10% As assigned LO 1, 5, 6, 7 3. Mid-term quiz 15% 3-5pm, Friday 16 January 4. Mini Marketing Audit Linked Learning Outcomes LO 1, 2, 6 LO 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 4.1. Draft 10% 5pm, Sunday, 18th January 4.2. Final audit 30% 5pm, Friday 30 Jan 5. Final online quiz 35% Wednesday 4th February LO 1, 2, 6 * Note: To pass the course, a student must attend a minimum of 5 (out of 7 tutorials) With the exception of tutorial participation, all other assessment items are voluntary. That is, if a student chooses not to complete any of the assessment components (items 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, and 5), the student will receive a zero (0) for that particular component. Research-Led Teaching This course will use the findings and analysis from recent journal articles, case studies, and news articles on marketing. Where possible, students will be asked to critically analyse and understand the relationship between theory and practice in this area, and how this relationship influences the use and development of theory in practical modern strategic marketing. 3 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Feedback Staff Feedback Students will be given feedback in the following forms in this course: 1. Verbal and written feedback on student discussion in tutorials 2. Written online feedback for the mini marketing plan (draft and final submissions) 3. Verbal feedback to the whole class during the lectures and in tutorials Student Feedback ANU is committed to the demonstration of educational excellence and regularly seeks feedback from students. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through Student Experience of Learning Support (SELS) surveys. The feedback given in these surveys is anonymous and provides the Colleges, University Education Committee and Academic Board with opportunities to recognise excellent teaching, and opportunities for improvement. For more information on student surveys at ANU and reports on the feedback provided on ANU courses, go to: and Policies ANU has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and implement them. You can find the University’s education policies and an explanatory glossary at: Students are expected to have read the Code of Practice for Student Academic Integrity before the commencement of their course. Key policies include: Student Assessment (Coursework) Student Surveys and Evaluations Assessment of Student Learning 4 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY LECTURE SCHEDULE Date and Time Summary of Activities Readings 5 Jan (1.30-4pm) Introduction to MKTG2004 Chapters 1, 2, & 3 Marketing: Creating and delivering value Strategic planning and marketing environments 6 Jan (1-3pm) Strategic planning and marketing environments (continued) Marketing information and research Chapters 3 &4 8 Jan (1-3pm) Consumer behaviour Chapter 5 13 Jan (1-3pm) Target marketing strategies and CRM Chapter 7 15 Jan (1-4pm) Creating and managing products 16 Jan (3-5pm) MID-TERM ONLINE QUIZ ON WATTLE (All topics up to and including the session on 15 January on products and services marketing) 18 Jan (7.30-10pm) Optional field trip for a soccer match (China vs. North Korea, at GIO Stadium Canberra). Registration by 5pm, 12 Jan on Wattle 19 Jan (1-3pm) B2B markets (Guest speaker: Mr Adnan Yusuf) Chapter 6 Pricing the product Chapter 10 21 Jan (1-3pm) Marketing communications Chapters 11, 12 & 13 23 Jan (1-3pm) Distribution and logistics Chapter 14 28 Jan (1-3pm) Special one-on-one consultation and feedback sessions for the Marketing Audit assignment. Simply bring your work to the lecture theatre. No appointment needed. 4 Feb (9am-12pm) ONLINE QUIZ (All topics) Special guest speaker: Ms Adelina LaVita (Floriade Festival) Services marketing 5 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Chapters 8 &9 TUTORIAL SCHEDULE Date 6 Jan Class Discussion Introductions. Group allocations for case discussions Case Discussion: Students outsource essay writing to MyMaster services 8 Jan Student case presentation and discussion: Recommended case on Wattle (Alibaba’s record sales on singles’ day) Mini Marketing Audit: SWOT and PEST analysis 13 Jan Student case presentation and discussion Mini Marketing Audit: Customers and Competitors 19 Jan Student case presentation and discussion Mini Marketing Audit: SMART Objectives 21 Jan Student case presentation and discussion Mini Marketing Audit: Product and pricing 23 Jan Student case presentation and discussion Mini Marketing Audit: Distribution and promotion 28 Jan Student case presentation and discussion Mini Marketing Audit: Last minute questions 6 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 1: Participation (Individual) Weighting This is a hurdle requirement. To pass the course, each student must attend at least 5 out of 7 tutorials. Instructions It is essential to your learning – and the learning of others in the class – that you are fully involved in the course. This means that you need to: a) Attend class – though much learning will be done outside the classroom, class time is a valuable, scarce resource. You are expected to arrive ready to begin class on time; to not leave until class is over; and to attend all classes. If for any special reason you are unable to meet these requirements, please talk to the course convenor about it. b) Come prepared – it will be assumed that you have completed any assigned readings and prepared for the discussion questions prior to class. c) Actively participate in the learning – we owe it to ourselves and our colleagues to participate as fully as possible in the class sessions. Purpose To review, apply, and discuss relevant concepts in practical marketing scenarios Assessment Task 2: Group Presentation/Discussion of Mini Article Due Date In tutorials as allocated Weighting 10% This is an optional assignment. If a student doesn’t complete this presentation, (s)he will get zero for this component. Instructions In Tutorial 1 (6 Jan) you will be allocated into groups (max 4 students) to deliver a presentation in a tutorial commencing on 8 Jan. Students will form into groups of 3-4 by placing their names on presentation sign-up sheet. It is the responsibility of each student to join a group, thus if you join the tutorial group after the first tutorial you must approach your tutor to have your name added to a group. The theme of the presentation will be marketing issues highlighted in an online article found by the presenters. The tasks of the presenting team include: Before the tutorial: o Search for an interesting news article (1 page max) from online resources about a product, service, or organisation. The article must have been published in 2013-2015 and it should include relevant information about some marketing topics and concepts covered in the preceding lecture or the lecture of the day (see Lecture schedule). 7 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY During the tutorial [5 minutes reading article + 15 minutes presentation (plus some general class discussion) + 10 minutes Q&A] o Disseminate hard copies of the articles to members of the class o Allow fellow students and tutor 5 minutes to read through the article o Present (in team), using PowerPoint slides, the main content of the article. Extra information (in addition to the data provided in the article) is encouraged o Analyse 2 marketing issues raised by the article by applying relevant marketing concepts o Provide key lessons learnt from the article o Respond to questions from tutor and audience. Purpose To demonstrate your ability to present/discuss and effectively analyse issues related to the case. A key purpose is also to demonstrate your ability to engage and involve an audience. Marking Criteria Marking criteria are on Wattle. Assessment Task 3: Mid-Term Quiz (Individual) Date Friday 16 Jan, 3-5pm (Canberra time) Weighting 15% This is an optional assignment. If a student doesn’t complete this quiz, (s)he will get zero for this component. Instructions Students will complete a 30-minute online quiz on Wattle. This quiz includes 25 random multiple choice questions drawn from a test bank. The quiz will be made available between 3-5pm (Canberra time) on Friday 16 Jan on Wattle. Students can take the quiz at their own time, at home or on a computer lab on campus. Students are recommended to commence the quiz at 4.30pm the latest. It is the responsibility of the students to complete the quiz on time. A sample quiz will be made available online before the actual Quiz date. Purpose To demonstrate your understanding of marketing theories and concepts from material covered within the course. 8 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Assessment Task 4: Mini Marketing Audit (Individual or Team of 2 students) Due Date 5pm, Sunday 18th Jan 2015 (Draft) 5pm, Friday 30th Jan 2015 (Final Audit) Weighting 40%, including: 10% for the Draft (Background information, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, and Customers) 30% for the Final Audit (including all sections) Submissions of the Draft and the Final Audit are optional. If a student doesn’t complete any component of this assignment, (s)he will get zero for that component. Word limit Draft: 1,100 words ± 10%, plus reference list/bibliography Final audit: 3,000 words ± 10%, plus reference list/bibliography Instructions You can undertake this assignment as an individual assignment, or in pair. You will develop a mini marketing audit for either: Floriade Festival (; or AFC Asian Cup Australia 2015 ( This is not a ‘night before’ type of assignment and it does take a substantial amount of time for you to complete. Hence, please make sure that you spend sufficient time on researching and preparing for the assignment. The key elements of the marketing audit include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction Background information SWOT analysis PEST analysis Customers Competitors SMART objectives Marketing mix strategy Conclusion References Whenever appropriate, you are expected to analyse the effectiveness of and provide recommendations on how and why the current strategies (positioning and marketing mix variables) can be improved. Purpose The aim of this assignment is three-fold. It is designed to: Develop your ability to critically analyse a product/service from a marketing perspective Develop your skills in writing reports in a style and format that is appropriate in a work and business environment Encourage you to go beyond mere analysis to develop recommendations that illustrate your understanding of the issues as well as the ability to creatively and constructively develop innovative alternatives. 9 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Marking Criteria Further guidelines and marking criteria are on Wattle. For every 100 words above the word limit, you will be deducted 5 marks (out of 100). Submission Full guidelines for this assignment are on Wattle. and Assignments are to be word-processed. The use of strict, professional Presentation expression is expected. The Harvard referencing style is to be used. Details Links to documentation on proper referencing methods are available on the course website or from the ANU Library website: Assignments are to be submitted on Wattle (either in Word or PDF). No coversheet is required. All students are required to keep a copy of assignments. The final report will be returned approximately 2 weeks after submission. Assessment Task 5: Online Quiz (Individual) Date Wednesday 4th February, 9am-12pm (Canberra time) Quiz can be completed earlier by request. Weighting 35% This is an optional assignment. If a student doesn’t complete this quiz, (s)he will get zero for this component. Instructions Students will complete a one-hour online quiz on Wattle. This quiz includes 60 random multiple choice questions drawn from a test bank. The quiz will be made available between 9am and 12pm (Canberra time) on Wednesday 4th February on Wattle. Students can take the quiz at their own time, at home or on a computer lab on campus. Students are recommended to commence the quiz at 11am the latest. It is the responsibility of the students to complete the quiz on time. Purpose To demonstrate your understanding of marketing theories and concepts from material covered within the course. Turnitin The ANU is using Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques, and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University’s approach to managing Academic Integrity. While the use of Turnitin will not be mandatory, the ANU highly recommends Turnitin is used by both teaching staff and students. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU Online website ( Extensions and penalties If an assignment is submitted after the due date it will not be marked unless an application for Special Consideration is approved. An application for Special Consideration must: 10 | T H E A U S T R A L I A N N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y where relevant include a medical report completed by a medical practitioner (an ordinary "medical certificate" is not sufficient); include a copy of as much of the assignment as has been completed by the due time and date; and be submitted as soon as practicable, preferably before or on the due date. In general, a successful application for Special Consideration will result in the marking of the work completed at the due date with some upward adjustment of the mark, rather than an extension of time. However, in extenuating circumstances, supported by appropriate documentation, an extension may be granted. Note that decisions about Special Consideration are not made by the teaching staff for this course. For any other late assignments without any application for Special Consideration, the following penalties apply: Five per cent of the possible marks available for the assessment task per working day or part thereof. This is an ANU-wide policy (see The late penalty applies immediately. Yes, immediately. If Wattle flags it as late, then you’re taking the penalty. After 10 days, the assessment is worth 0. Any academic misconduct will be assumed to be intentional, and dealt with at the maximum level of the university penalties. Don’t cheat, and this won’t be an issue for you. Learn the rules and abide by them. Plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for the assessment item. Do not ask for mercy, because there will be none. If you have deliberately copied and pasted material, or deliberately retyped material from a third party source, then you have made a deliberate choice, and you deserve the reward that comes with that choice. Returning assignments The assignments will be returned online through Wattle. Resubmission of assignments Re-submission of assignments is not permitted in this course. Referencing requirements The Harvard or Footnote referencing style is to be used. Links to documentation on proper referencing methods are available on the course website or from the ANU Library website: 11 | T H E A U S T R A L I A N N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y Examination material or equipment This course has no written exam. Tutorial signup Tutorials take place immediately after each lecture session. Tutorial registration for this course will be open via the Wattle course site at 4.30pm on Monday 5 January. There will be 7 tutorial options as following: 3-4pm (4 tutorials) 4-5pm (3 tutorials) Workloads Students taking this course are expected to commit at least 12-15 hours a week to completing the work. This will include: 4 to 6 hours of lectures 2 to 3 hours of tutorials 1 hour on Wattle 5 hours per week including reading, research, writing and assignment preparation Prescribed Texts and Reference Materials Solomon, Michael, Hughes, Andrew, Chitty, Bill, Marshall, Greg, Stuart, Elnora, 2013, Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, 3rd ed., Pearson Education, Sydney, Australia. E-book link: Support for Students The University offers a number of support services for students. Information on these is available online from Finalisation of Marks and Grades After marking is concluded, the lecturer will submit a report to the Committee of Examiners for the course recommending final marks and letter grades for each student. The Committee comprises, at a minimum, the Director of the Research School of Management, the lecturer, and at least one second examiner. The lecturer’s recommendations are based on the points accumulated by each student and judgments about individual student performance, guided by the ANU Policy on Coursework Assessment: The Director of the Research School of Management then forwards the marks and grades to the Executive of the College of Business and Economics for final approval. Support for Students The University offers a number of support services for students. Information on these is available online from 12 | T H E A U S T R A L I A N N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y
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