From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. Differential Regulation of Macrophage Differentiation in Response to Leukemia Inhibitory Factor/Oncostatin-M/Interleukin-6: The Effect of Enforced Expression of the SCL Transcription Factor By T. Tanigawa, N. Nicola, G.A. McArthur, A. Strasser, and C.G. Begley The physiologic program of macrophagedifferentiation normally proceeds in a coordinated manner in response t o several different growth factors. Although the utilization of common receptor subunits may explain in part overlapping biologic functions, mechanismsby which unique actions are mediated remain obscure. We examined growth factor-induced macrophagedifferentiation in M1 leukemia cellsthat simultaneously display receptorsfor interleukin-6 (IL-61, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) andOncostatin-M (OSM). Differentiation induced by all three factors was associated with decreased expressionof transcription factors myb and SCL, increased expressionof macrophage markers, and suppression of proliferation. Cell lines were established in which SCL expression was enforced. In theabsence of growth factors, cells were indistinguishable from parental cells. However, LIF (or 0SM)-induced macrophage differentiation was perturbed; there was failure to undergo morphologic differentiation, disturbed expression of lysozyme andMacla. and failure t o suppress proliferation. Surprisingly the perturbation of macrophage differentiation did not apply t o induced expressionofmacrophage colony-stimulating factor (MCSF) or granulocytecolony stimulating factor (G-CSF) receptors. This dissociation of elements normally coordinated in a macrophage differentiation program applied at a clonal level. Therewas no disturbance of IL-6induced macrophage differentiation. These data directly implicate SCL in components of the macrophage differentiation program (suggesting that LIF receptor/gpltO heterodimersutilize an SCLinhibitable pathway while gp130 homodimers do not) and demonstrate differential-regulation of components of the mature macrophage phenotype. 0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. G T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL).2’-23Despite its involvement in T-ALL, SCL expression in hematopoietic cells is normally restricted to progenitorhtem cell populations, erythroid cells, mast cells, and megakaryocytes,”-” and endothelial cell^.'^ Furthermore SCL has been directly implicated as a positive regulator of erythroid differentiat i ~ n ? ’ .Conversely, ~~ as K562 and M1 cells were induced to differentiate along monocytic pathways, the levels of SCL In this study we mRNA and protein became undete~table.’~~~’.~~ have used M1 cells in which SCL expression was enforced to examine some of the elements that are normally coordinated and contribute to a physiologic programof macrophage differentiation. We demonstrate that while some components of a normal macrophage differentiation program could proceed normally to completion,otherelementsweresignificantlyperturbed and this dissociation applied at a clonal level. ROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION of mammalian cells is a highly ordered and tightly regulated process that involves multiple changes in gene expression, finally resulting in a cell that has acquired a highly specialized function and usually lost its proliferative capability. The hematopoietic system provides one example whereby this process is constantly required to replenish short-lived mature cells of multiple lineages from a pool of progenitor cells and stem cells. A number of hematopoietic cell lines have been established that provide useful models of hematopoietic differentiation, and of growth factor action and intracellular signaling events. One such cell line is the murine M1 myeloid leukemia cell line’ that can be induced to differentiate in response to the growth factors leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Oncostatin-M (OSM).’“ The commitment to terminal differentiation induced by these growth factors is associated with typical morphologic and phenotypic characteristics of mature macrophages and with complete suppression of proliferative potential of clonogenic cells.’ The receptor complexes through which these three growth factors signal have been partially e l ~ c i d a t e d ~and .~-~ in each case the signal transducer molecule gp130 forms an important component of the receptor?.” There is also evidence that the initial intracellular signaling events are identical when LW or L - 6 act on M1 cell^,""^ although at least in some situations these signaling pathways could be distingui~hed.”*’~ Although numerous markers of macrophage differentiation and activation have been defined and some of the intracellular signaling molecules elucidated, little is known about the process of differentiation-induction that is normally apparently inextricably coupled to suppression of proliferative potential and loss of clonogenicity. The SCL gene product is a member of the helix-loophelix (HLH) class of transcription factors” that are known to be involved in development and differentiation events in a wide variety of species and tissues. SCL (also known as T C L J and Tal-l)18,’9was first identified because of its involvement in a human stem cell leukemia” and has subsequently been shown to be involved in up to 25% of human Blood, Vol 85, No 2 (January 15). 1995: pp 379-390 MATERIALS AND METHODS Enforced expression of SCL in MI cells. An SCL retrovirus was constructed using the entire murine SCL coding region33introduced From the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Cooperative Research Centre for Cellular Growth Factors, and the Department of Diagnostic Haematology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria, Australia. Submitted August IO, 1994; accepted September 20, 1994. Supported by grants from the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria, the National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra, the Cooperative Research Centre for Cellular Growth Factors, National Institutes of Health Grant No. CA 22556, and Chugai Pharmaceutical CO,Tokyo, Japan. A S . was supported by fellowships from theLeukemia Society of America and the Swiss National Science Foundation. Address reprint requests to C.G. Begley, MD, The Walter and Eliza HallInstituteof Medical Research, Post Ofice, TheRoyal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria 3050, Australia. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 199s by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8S02-0012$3.00/0 379 From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 380 into the MPZedNeo retrovirus so that SCL expression was under control of the myeloproliferative sarcoma virus (MPSV) long termicells were nal repeat (LTR) promoter as previously de~cribed.’~ MI then infected by cocultivation with an SCL-retroviral packaging cell line.” Following 3 days of cocultivation cells were cloned in agar by selection in G418 (400 pg/mL). On day 7, individual G418 resistant colonies were resuspended to establish four MI/SCL clonal cell lines. MllSCL clonal cell lines were confirmed to express the retroviral (exogenous) SCL mRNA. Three control cell lines were obtained using the vector alone: clonal cell lines derived by G418 selection in agar (Ml/neo cell lines) were examined in addition to parental MI cells. All cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). At varying time points cells were prepared for morphologic examination (using cytospin preparations stained with May-Grunwald Giemsa and examining a minimum of 200 cells) and Northern analysis, with medium being changed every 3 days during the culture period. Viable cell numbers were determined in triplicate by trypan blue dye exclusion with cells counted in a hemacytometer. All cultures were stimulated by maximal concentrations of LIF (4 ng/mL), IL-6 (32 ng/mL), or OSM (100 ng/mL) unless otherwise stated and for the period of time indicated. Cells were removed, washed, cell counts performed, and cells cultured in liquid cultures and in agar cultures with or without M-CSF (500 U/mL). Agar cultures. Cells (500/mL) were cultured with varying concentrations of purified recombinant mouse LIF, purified recombinant murine IL-6, purified recombinant human OSM, 500 units purified native M-CSF, or combinations of these factors as indicated. Experiments were performed in 35 mm Petri dishes using DMEM with a final concentration of 20% pre-selected FCSand 0.3% agar in a final volume of 1 mL. Cultures were incubated at37°Cin a fully humidified atmosphere of 10% CO2 in air. Colonies (clones of more than 40 cells) were scored at X 35 magnifications using a dissection microscope after 7 days of incubation. Differentiated colonies were identified by their characteristic dispersed morphology.5 Recloning experiments were performed by selecting consecutive colonies that had been cultured for 7 days in maximal concentrations of LIF. These colonies were resuspended and half the suspension cultured with M-CSF and half with no stimulus for an additional 7 days. Northern blotting. Poly-(A)+ mRNA was isolated from cells as described previously by Gonda et al.3hRNA samples were size fractionated in 0.8% agarose gels, using 1 X MOPS (20 mmoVL MOPS, 1 mmol/L EDTA, S mmoVL sodium acetate), 0.22 mol/L formaldehyde. RNA wastransferred to nitrocellulose (Hybond C-extra, Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL), baked at 80°C for 2 hours, and prehybridized at 42°C for more than 1 hour in50% formamide, 4 X Denhardt’s (0.08% Ficoll, 0.08% bovine serum albumin, 0.08% polyvinyl-pyrolidone), 5 mmol/L EDTA, 5 X SSC, 100 pg/mL denatured salmon sperm DNA. i2P-labelled probes were derived by random priming (Bresatec Adelaide, South Australia) and hybridization performed overnight at 42°C by adding 1 to 5 X 10‘ c p d m l to hybridization buffer. Filters werewashedat65°Cin 0.2 X SSC, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and exposed to film. Flow cytometry. To assess Maclcv expression, cells were washed in HEPES-buffered balanced salt solution (BSS) containing 5% FCS, adjusted to 1 x lo5 cells/mL, blocked with normal mouse immunoglobulin (Ig) and then incubated for IS minutes with 1:250 dilution of purified biotinylated anti-Macla, washed, and stained with phycoerythrin-conjugated Steptavidin for 15 minutes before washing and resuspension in KDS containing 5% FCS and 1 pg/mL of Propidium Iodide. All incubations were performed on ice. Cells were analyzed on a FACScan (Becton Dickinson, Mountainview, CA) and resulting data were analyzed usingLysys I1 software (Truefacts Software, Seattle, WA). TANIGAWA ET AL Single cell autoradiography. Cells were incubated in duplicate tubes with M-CSF (or G-CSF) radiolabeled as previously described.”~’*Cells were incubated with or without at least 100-fold excess of unlabeled purified murine M-CSF (or G-CSF) in DulbecCO’s modified Eagle’s mediumandFCS (100 p1 final volume) at 4°C for 4 hours. Specific counts bound (total binding minus binding in the presence of excess unlabeled M-CSF) was determined. Cytocentrifuge smears of cells labeled in the presence or absence of excess unlabeled M-CSF (or G-CSF) were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffered saline and prepared for autoradiography as described.” After an exposure time of 2 weeks, cell smears were stained with 10% Giemsa in water, coverslipped and then analyzed at X 1,000 magnification and specific grain counts determined over labeled cells. RESULTS DifSerentiation induction of parental M1 cells. Figure 1 shows a northern blot analysis examining the time course of differentiation-induction in LIF-treated parental M1 cells. As shown previously’6 during the 4 days of treatment SCL mRNA markedly decreased and became undetectable. The decrease in SCL mRNA was approximately coincident with increased levels of mRNA for several markers of macrophagedifferentiation,lysozyme, Macla, M-CSF, and MCSF and G-CSF receptors. Interestingly, the mRNA for ID, a negative regulator of HLH genes behaved in a reciprocal manner to SCL mRNA, as also occurs during differentiation induction in murine erythroleukemia cells (MEL),25 and possibly reflecting a regulatory role for this molecule.’2 Similar changes were observed with a similar time course when cells were treated with either IL-6 or OSM (data not shown). The changes in mRNA expression were associated with the typical morphologic features of macrophage differentiation (Fig 2). Parental M 1 cells had the appearance of undifferentiated blast cells with large nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and scant cytoplasm (Fig 2a). Following 5 days treatment with LIF (Fig 2c), IL-6 (Fig 2g) or OSM (data not shown) there was clear morphologic evidence of differentiation: the nucleus was smaller, with less prominent nucleoli and abundant vacuolated cytoplasm. These changesweremore marked after 7 days of treatment (Fig 2e). Thus, differentiation of M 1 cells in response to LIF, IL-6, and OSM was associated with typical morphologic changes, increased expression of mRNAs associated with a macrophage phenotype,and a late ( 3 to 4 days)decreaseinlevelsof SCL mRNA. Behavior of M I and MUSCL cells in response to LIF, OSM, and IL-6. To explorethepossibleroleofSCLin macrophage differentiation of M 1 cells, an SCL retrovirus was used to infect parental M1 cells. Four clonal cell lines in which production of SCL mRNA and protein was enforced (M USCL cell lines), and four controlcell lines infected with a retrovirus containing only the neomycin resistance gene ( M l h e o cell lines) were established. These cell lines were analyzed for their response to differentiation induction by LIF, IL-6, and OSM. Figure 2 shows the morphology of Ml/SCL cells compared with parental cells treated with LIF or IL-6. In contrast to parental cells or control M l h e o cell lines, differentiation was perturbed in Ml/SCL cells treated with LIF (Fig 2) or From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 381 FERENTIATION SCL AND MACROPHAGE CIF None Probe 24 20s18s - n8&8 Lysozyme Macla M-CSF M - CSF Receptor Fig l. Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+ mRNA extracted from M1 cells after 0, '/,, l/*, 1,2, or 4 days (as indicated). Cells were treated with LIF (leftpanel) or untreated. The Dosition of 28s and 18s ribosomal RNA is shown. The probes used are indicated on the right. OSM (data not shown). After 5 days treatment the MI/SCL cells showed less abundant cytoplasm, fewer vacuoles and larger, more immature nuclei (Fig 2d) compared with parental cells (Fig 2c). This difference was also evident after 7 days treatment with LIF or OSM (Fig 2f). Similar behavior was observed with all four MI/SCL clonal cell lines, while the response of all Ml/neo cell lines was identical to parental MI cells. Surprisingly however, following treatment with IL-6, the Ml/SCL cells were morphologically indistinguishable from parental MI cells (or Ml/neo cells). As shown in Fig 2h, the Ml/SCL cells showed abundant cytoplasm with prominent vacuolation and nuclear maturation after 5 days treatment with IL-6. This phenotype was observed with all four MI/ SCL cell lines. Similar results were observed when cells were examined for expression of Macla antigen following growth factor G-CSF Receptor o r m o w 00 GAPOH treatment (Fig 3). As expected, after 5 days treatment with growth factor, parental MI cells showed increased surface expression of Macla compared with untreated cells (Fig 3A and B). A similar increase in Macla expression was observed with M I/SCL cells treated with 1L-6 (Fig 3C and D). However, consistent with the morphologic data, when M11 SCL cells were treated with LIF or OSM, the increased Macla expression was approximately 100-fold less than that observed with parental andM I/neo cells or IL-6-treated M l / SCL cells. Thus, enforced SCL expression resulted in disturbed differentiation following treatment with LIF or OSM, but not IL-6. Northernblot analysis also showed evidence of a perturbed response to LIF (Fig 4) or OSM (data not shown) in the Ml/SCL cells. Early events were unaltered, but the increase in lysozyme mRNAwas delayed. Consistent with the results presented above, northern analysis showedno From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. TANIGAWA ET AL 382 M1 MVSCL Saline (Sd) " C LIF (Sd) LIF (7d) Y " IC-6 (Sd) difference between parental MI cells and MI/SCL cells treated with IL-6 (data not shown). Unexpectedly, enforced SCL had no effect on LIF or OSM-induced expression of M-CSF receptor or G-CSF receptor mRNA (see below). Clonal ana1.ysis of M I and Ml/SCL cells. When analyzed in clonal agar cultures, the MI/SCL cells also displayed an altered dose-response relationship to LIF and OSM, but not IL-6. With parental M1 and control Ml/neo cell lines, all three growth factors resulted in 1 0 0 % differentiated colonies. This was also true for all MI/SCL clonal cell lines treated with IL-6. However, in cultures of MI/SCL cell lines treatedwith LIF or OSM, only a proportion of colonies showed a differentiated phenotype (Fig 5). To examine this further, LIF-treated differentiated colonies and LIF-treated undifferentiated colonies were isolated, expanded, and clonal sublines of MI/SCL cells established. , Fig 2. Morphology of parental M1 cells and a typical clonal cell line carrying an SCL retrovirus (M11 SCL cells). Panels a and b show untreated cells held for 5 days in liquid culturescompared with cells stirnulated with LIF for 5 days (panels c and d) or 7 days (panels e and f ) or 5 days with IL-6(panels g and h). Note similar morphology ofM1 and MllSCL cells in panels a,b and g,h versus disturbed differentiation of MllSCL cells in response t o LIF (panels d and 1). This experiment was typical of results with the 3 M l l n e o and the4 MllSCL cell lines. The response of these sublines to LIF was then reexamined. Inall cases these secondary sublines displayed a similar reduced response to LIF thatwas comparable to that observed with the initial four MI/SCL clonal cell lines (Fig SD).Thus, it was not possible to select an MI/SCL subclone that could be completely suppressed by LIF. Similar results were also obtained in direct colony recloning assays where neither LIF nor OSM could completely extinguish MI/SCL clonogenic cells (see below), although all three growth factors could completely suppress parental and control Ml/neo cells."' Experiments were also performed to examine the response of MI/SCL cell lines to combinations of growth factors. Table 1 shows results of experiments comparing equivalent biologic concentrations of LIF and IL-6 (4 ng/mL and 32 ng/mL, respectively, a fourfold maximal concentration, see From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. SCL AND MACROPHAGEDIFFERENTIATION I 383 M c of colonies (maximum of 45%) displayed a differentiated phenotype (data not shown). Thus, in summary the enforced expression of SCL in MI/ SCL cells resulted in perturbation of several aspects of the macrophage differentiation program as evidenced by cellular morphology, expression of lysozyme and MacIa, and functional ability to migrate through agar. Associated with this inability to complete a terminal differentiation program in response to LIF and OSM (but not IL-6), a proportion of MI/SCL cells maintained their clonogenicity and their proliferative ability was not suppressed. M-CSFresponsefolk[~wingLIF/IL-UOSMtreatment. Following differentiation-induction of MI cells by LIF (Figs 1 and 4), IL-6, or OSM (data not shown) there was increased expression of mRNAs for M-CSF receptor and G-CSF receptor. An equivalent increase was also seen in MI/SCL cells regardless of the growth factor under study (Fig 4). Therefore, experiments wereperformedto further evaluate this apparent dissociation between the aspects of monocytic dif- B D I F L1F M1 0 01 1 l MVSCL 0 2 4 6 H p-- ." ' " M t T 28s 18s100 101 102 l# 104 100 101 102 103 0 2 4 6 - r SCL 104 c-myb LOG FLUORESCENCE Fig 3. Flow cytometricanalysis of M a c l n antigen expression. Panels on the left(A, C, E, and GI show Maclaexpression (solid curve) for control, untreated cells, and panels on right(B, D, F, and H) show M a c l a expression following 5 days treatment with growth factor. The black line indicates background staining determined using an isotype-matched control antibody. Panels A and B show increased M a c l a expression on parental M1 cells following treatment with LIF. Increased expression of Macla on Ml/SCLcells is shown following treatment with IL-6 (panels C and D) compared with Ml/SCL cells treated with LIF (Panels E and F) or OSM (Panels G and H). Fluorescence is shown on a logarithmic state. Fig 5) and experiments using a SO-fold excess of LIF over IL-6 (200 ng/mL versus 32 ng/mL, respectively). When used with LIF, IL-6 induced 100% differentiation in clonogenic MUSCL cells. Similarly, in liquid cultures the combination of IL-6 and LIF resulted in 100% differentiated cells after 7 days in culture (data not shown). This compared with a maximum of 40% of cells showing some differentiated features in liquid cultures stimulated by LIF alone. The effect of combining LIF and OSM was also examined (data not shown). M I/SCL cells from the four clonal cell lines, when treated with LIF and OSM together, behaved as though stimulated with only a single growth factor and only a proportion -9 Lysozyme M-CSF Receptor G -CSF Receptor GAPDH Fig 4. Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+ mRNA extracted from M1 and MllSCL cells after treatment with LIF for 0, 2, 4, or 6 days RNA is shown. (as indicated). The position of28s and 18s ribosomal The probes used are indicated on the right. Similar results were obtained when cells were treated with OSM (not shown). From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 384 TANIGAWA ET AL 1 B A OSM (ng/ml) LIF (ng/ml) Fig 5. Dose-response relationship for cells treated with LIF (panel A), IL-6 (panel B) or OSM (panel C) and analyzed in clonal cultures. Results are shown for control M1 cell lines (open symbols; parental M 1 cells [Of) and for several MlISCL clonal cell lines (closed symbols). Panel D shows responsiveness of four sublines generated from Two sublines were obtained from one clonal Ml/SCL cell line two differentiated colonies in a LIF-stimulated culture ( + 1 and two sublines from two undifterentiated colonies in a LIF-stimulated culture (A).Results are means of triplicate cultures. cell populations (Fig 6A and B). Following treatment of cells with LIF, therewas a marked increase in binding with a minimum of 25% to 35% of cells showing specific grains. A subpopulation of these cells were again prominent because of their intense labeling (Fig 6C and D). There was no specific labeling of cells with G-CSF before LIF treatment and, after LIF treatment there was an even, low level distribution of grains throughout the cell populations. Again there was no difference between parental MI, Ml/neo, and MI/SCL cells (data not shown). The behavior of cells in M-CSF and G-CSF stimulated cultures was also examined. As reported previously for the parental M1 there was no detectable effect Mof CSF (or G-CSF) alone on untreated M1 cells or on the M1/ SCL cells (data not shown) either in terms of stimulated proliferation or differentiation-induction. Parental M l , M l / neo,and Ml/SCL cells were, therefore, treated in liquid cultures with LIF. OSM, or IL-6 for 4 days to induce expression of M-CSF and G-CSF receptors. Cells were then washed and placed in liquid cultures either with or without M-CSF Table 1. Effect of LIF and IL-6 Together on M 1 and Ml/SCL Cells Stimulus Cells Parental M1 (m). + Ml/neo ferentiation outlined above and M-CSF receptor/G-CSF receptor status in LIF-treated Ml/SCL cells. Binding studies were performed with radio-iodinated MCSF and G-CSF to confirm that the LIF-induced increase in M-CSF receptor/G-CSF receptor mRNA expression was associated with increased protein production. After treatment with LIF, all cell populations displayed increased and equivalent levels of M-CSF binding (eg, 1,848 specific counts bound (scb) per 10' untreated parental M1 cells versus 5,509 scb per lo5LIF-treated parental M1 cells: 1,928 scb per 10" untreated Ml/SCL cells versus 4,570 scb per 10' LIF-treated Ml/SCL cells.) Similarly, after LIF treatment, specific GCSF binding was detected on cells from parental M1, M I / neo and MllSCL cell lines, although the degree of binding was less than that observed with M-CSF (eg, no detectable scb before LIF treatment versus 490 scb per lo5 LIF-treated Ml/neo cells: 615 scb per lo5 LIF-treated Ml/SCL cells). Single cell autoradiography was also used to examine specific binding of M-CSF and G-CSF and, again there was no detectable difference between control M1 cells and Ml/SCL cells. Consistent with the low level binding of M-CSF observed with untreated control M l and Ml/SCL cell populations, M-CSF binding was detected by autoradiography. This binding was due to a subpopulation of M1 cells that labeled intensely with M-CSF and represented between 1% and 2% (minimum 900 cells examined) of control M1 or Ml/SCL Saline LIF (4 ng/mL) LIF (200ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) LIF (4 ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) + LIF (200 ng/mL) Saline LIF (4 ng/mL) LIF (200ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) + LIF (4 ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) + LIF (200ng/mL) Saline LIF (4 ng/mL) LIF (200ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) LIF (4 ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) LlF (200 ng/rnL) Saline LIF (4 ng/mL) LIF (200ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) LIF 14 ng/mL) IL-6 (32 ng/mL) + LIF (200ng/mL) Ml/SCL (4) Ml/SCL (8) Colony Number Differentiated Clones (%l 368 i 10 182 ? 8 176 f 5 51 2 3 0 .t 0 100 2 0 100 i 0 100 -+ 0 100 2 0 6 5 2 100 7 380 222 215 24 2 2 t 14 f6 i5 -t 3 020 100 i 0 100 f 0 100 +- 0 100 2 0 3 2 1 100 t 0 3+-1 420 ? 12 369 2 17 360 f 12 24 f 3 + 16 i 2 + 15 +- 3 392 2 13 312 -+ 6 318 f 8 25 -t 4 + z0 020 40 f 5 38 f 2 100 t 0 100 -+ 0 100 f 0 Of0 48 i 5 42 ? 7 100 -t 0 100 2 0 15 i 3 100 i 0 13 t 2 Cultures contained500 parental M1, Ml/neo, or Ml/SCLcells (clonal cell lines 4 and 8) plus saline, purified recombinant LIF or purified recombinant 11-6 as indicated. Colonies were counted and typed after 7 days incubation. Results are meanf standard deviation from duplicate cultures in two experiments. From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. SCL AND MACROPHAGEDIFFERENTIATION 385 - U '* * I i Fig 6. Single cell autoradiography using radiolabeled M-CSF and examining parentalM1 cells (panels A and C) and Ml/SCL cells (panels B and D). Cells were either unstimulated (panels A and B) or stimulated with LIF (panels C and D). Note rare, intensely labeling cells in the unstimulated populations. Following treatment with LIF (3 days) there was increased labeling of both parental M1 and MllSCL cells, but in the absence of morphologic changes of terminal differentiation of Ml/SCL cells. Note smaller cell size, less abundant cytoplasm in panel D compared with panel C. (or G-CSF). Figure 7 shows cell growth curves for such an experiment. Consistent with the ability of LIF to totally suppress the proliferative ability of parental MI (and M1/ neo) cells, cell numbers continued to decline following withdrawal of LIF. Furthermore, those viable cells that did persist showed a terminally differentiated phenotype. In contrast, M-CSF stimulated the proliferation of parental M 1 cells that hadbeenpretreatedwith LIF, TL-6. or OSM. M-CSF had no such growth-stimulatory effect on MI cells that had not been pretreated with the cytokines. The altered behavior of LTF (or 0SM)-treated Ml/SCL cells compared withLIFtreated parental cells was again evidenced following LIF withdrawal: MI/SCL cells continued to proliferate. However, proliferation was still dramatically enhanced when cells were treatedwith M-CSF andwas indistinguishable from the behavior of pretreated parental M I cells (Fig 7). In exper- From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 386 TANIGAWA ET AL M1 onies were selected and resuspended. Half the colony was replated in a secondary culture with no stimulus and half the colony replated in a secondary culture stimulated by M-CSF (Fig 8). Undifferentiated colonies gave rise to an increased number of secondary colonies when stimulated by M-CSF. This suggested that although these cells had failed to respond to LIF in terms of their ability to migrate through agar, they had responded to LIF in terms of the acquired ability to respond to M-CSF. As expected, differentiated, LIF-responsive Ml/SCL colonies also showed increased numbers of secondary colonies when stimulated by M-CSF. As reported previously M-CSF was also able to rescue LIF-treated parental M1 M1 ISCL l00 1 osayne - OMCSF - 50 - 50 l l 1 2 l 3 DISCUSSION 0 1 2 3 Days in culture Fig 7. Proliferation of M1 and Ml/SCL cells stimulatedby M-CSF after 4 days preincubation with LIF. After stimulation with LIF, cells were washed and placedin liquid cultures stimulated by M-CSF or with n o stimulus. Results are mean 5 standard deviationof triplicate cell counts performed after 0 to 3 days in M-CSF. Similar results were obtained with all Ml/SCL clonal celllines. iments with G-CSF-stimulated cells following LIF, IL-6, or OSM pretreatment, G-CSF did not stimulate proliferation but appeared to enhance cell survival, and its effect on the parental M1 and MI/SCL cells was the same (data not shown). Similar results were observed in clonal cultures. Cells were pretreated with LIF, IL-6, or OSM in liquid cultures for 4 days, washed, and cultured in agar for 7 days. Typical results are shown in Table 2. Pretreatment of parental M1 (and Mlheo) cells with LIF or IL-6 and continued culture in LIF or IL-6 resulted in marked suppression of clonogenic cells from approximately 80% clonogenic cells (see Table 1) to0.6% (Table 2). Moreover, thefew clones thatdid proliferate displayed a differentiated phenotype (data not shown). Stimulation by M-CSF in agar cultures was able to rescue parental M1 cells from LIF or IL-6 induced extinction, and there was a significant increase in the number of clonogenic cells. The "CL cells were essentially extin- (4) guished by IL-6, butnotby LIF. After either LIF or IL-6 treatment, there was enhanced colony growth in cultures of Ml/SCL cells stimulated by M-CSF (Table 2). The fre- (8) quency of clonogenic cells was approximately 50%, suggesting that at least half the cells within these populations were able to respond to M-CSF. The dissociation between SCLs ability to interfere with some aspects of the macrophage differentiation program (eg, Saline IL-6 morphology, migration, suppressed proliferation) butnot other aspects (eg, M-CSF response) was unexpected. Therefore, clone transfer experiments were performed to determine whether this dissociation applied at a clonal level. MI/ SCL cells were stimulated by LIF in agar cultures for 7 days. At this time it was easy to distinguish colonies that displayed a differentiated phenotype from those that did not. Consecutive undifferentiated, and apparently LIF nonresponsive col- Murine myeloid leukemia cell lines such as WEHI-3B andM1have long served as models for the physiologic induction of terminal differentiation to macrophages and g r a n ~ l o c y t e s ' . ~and . ~ ~have - ~ ~ helped in the identification of several natural inducers of differentiation including G-CSF, LIF (D-factor), IL-6 (MG1-2), and OSM.'While initially these differentiation inducers appeared to have little in common, recent data have suggested that they are evolutionarily related, probablyretain a very similar three-dimensional structure (long chain four-a-helical bundle), and utilize cellular receptors that are all members of a structurally conserved hematopoietin Even more interesting, at least three of these differentiation inducers (LIF, IL-6, and OSM) share a common receptor subunit (gp130) that is essential for biologic signalling.'"' These observations have Table 2. Effect of M-CSF o n Colony Growth of LIF-treated or IL-6 treated M1 Cells Cells Stimulus (liquid culture) Parental M 1 LIF Ml/neo LIF Ml/SCL LIF Ml/SCL LIF Parental M 1 IL-6 Stimulus (Agar culture) Saline M-CSF LIF Saline M-CSF LIF Saline M-CSF LIF Saline M-CSF 108 LIF Saline M-CSF IL-6 Ml/SCL (8) M-CSF IL-6 Colony Number 23 f 2 112 2 8 3 2 1 19 2 2 159 f 16 2 2 1 144 f 16 358 2 19 92 2 4 125 f 17 249 2 26 f8 11 5 2 58 f 6 4 5 1 9 2 1 38 5 2 3 5 1 Cells (parental M1, Ml/neo, Ml/SCL clonal cell lines 4 and 8) were Stimulated with LIF (4 ng/mL) or IL-6 (32 ng/mL) for 4 days in liquid cultures. Cells were washed, counted, and 500 cells examinedin agar cultures stimulated with M-CSF (500 units). LIF, IL-6, or saline as indicated. Colonies were counted after 7 days. Results are mean 5 standard deviation from duplicate culturesin two experiments. From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 387 SCL AND MACROPHAGEDIFFERENTIATION receptor, morphologic differentiation to macrophages, and suppression of proliferative capacity. Because SCL has been implicated in both cell proliferation and differentia ti or^?^^^',^^ we asked whether enforced expression of SCL would prevent 470 or perturb the program of differentiation in M1 cells induced with LIF, IL-6, or OSM. WhenSCL expression was enforced by infection of M1 cells with anMPZen retrovirus containing 400 SCL cDNA, there were no observed changes in the behavior of untreated cells. However, enforced SCL expression resulted in a perturbed pattern of differentiation induction by LIF and OSM. The suppression of myb and later induction of M-CSF receptor and G-CSF receptor mRNA and protein were essentially the same for M1 and Ml/SCL cells induced with LIF or OSM, but the induction of lysozyme, Macla, 300 morphologic differentiation, and suppression of proliferation were all significantly reduced in "CL cells and were confirmed at the clonal level (Fig 8). These results indicated that distinct signaling pathways were responsible for different elements of the normal differentiation induction pathway in M1 cells and that SCL could interfere with some elements, but not others. This was not just a matter of SCL interfering 200 with downstream differentiation events but not earlier events, because the induction of lysozyme and Macla (affected by SCL) and the induction of M-CSF and G-CSF receptors (not affected by SCL) were all relatively late events. Also of interest, enforced SCL expression disturbed differ100 entiation induction by LIF and OSM, but not by IL-6. This was surprising because all three differentiation inducers share a common receptor signaling subunit (gp130). The initial signaling events in M1 cells appeared to be identical for LIF and IL-6'2"4and OSM (present work), and enforced expression of myc or myb in MI cells did not result in a I dissociation between LIF/OSM and IL-6 response^!^.^^ The MCSF M-CSF = differential response to LIF/OSM versus E - 6 in Ml/SCL cells wasnot due to altered numbers or affinities of cell Fig 8. M-CSF response of cells from colonies after 7 days culture surface receptors for these cytokines16and must presumably in UF. Consecutive UF-induced differentiated or undtferentiated col- reflect differences in the intracellular cascades triggered by onies from one clonal MllSCL cell line wereselected, washed, resuspended, and half the colony recultured in M-CSF and half the colonythese cytokines. reculturedwith no stimulus. The number of secondary colonies were The current view of cellular receptors for IL-6, LIF and enumerated 1 week later. Results for four LIF-induced dtferentiated OSM might provide a mechanism for the selective effect of colonies fromthe parental M1 cell line are also shown (0).Note the SCL on LIF and OSM signaling. IL-6 receptors consist of (UF-induced)abilii of M-CSF to stimulate secondary colony formaa unique a-chain and gp130 but homodimerization of gp130 tion from coloniesthat were (apparently) LIF-unresponsive. is thought to be essential for ~ignaling.'.~'.~~ The a-chain of the LIF receptor (LIFR) is unlike the IL-6 receptor a-chain, butmore like gp130 and the active receptor complex is provided a unifying concept to explain the biologic redunthought to be a LIFlUgpl30 heterodimer. OSM binds to dancy of these cytokines, but have failed to clarify if and gp130, but it, too, utilizes an identical LIFlUgpl30 heterohow the individual cytokines exert unique biologic actions dimer for cellular ~ i g n a l i n g . ~ We . ~ . ~propose ~ . ~ ~ that gp130/ other than what might be expected by unique patterns of LIFR heterodimers use an SCL-inhibitable signaling pathreceptor expression on different cells. In the present study, way to induce morphologic differentiation of M1 cells, the we have addressed this question by examining the effect of enforced expression of the SCL transcription factor on capacity to migrate in agar and proliferative suppression, but differentiation-induction in murine M1 cells, which simultathat gp130 homodimers can utilize an alternate pathway. The neously display receptors for LIF, IL-6, and OSM. assembly of different pairs of JAK-related kinases by the The effects of treatment of parental M1 cells with LW, two different types of receptor dimer might provide for the IL-6, or OSM were essentially identical, with early suppresactivation of different intracellular pathways.13.14 Both recepsion of endogenous myb and later suppression of endogenous tor complexes utilize alternate pathways (not SCL-inhibitSCL expression, followed by induction of lysozyme, the able) to induce M-CSF receptor and G-CSF receptor exprescell surface markers Macla, M-CSF receptor and G-CSF sion (Fig 9). 1 + From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 388 TANIGAWA ET AL LFlosM IL-6 0 Fig 9. Model of LIF/OSM and IL-6 signaling in M 1 cells as determined by enforced expression of SCL. The decrease in myb expression occurred early (possibly via several different pathways) and may or may not be directly involved in the later decrease in expression of SCL. However in response to LIF and OSM, enforced expression of SCL perturbed cellular morphology, lysozyme,and M a c h expression, ability to migrate, and clonogenicity. The increased expression of M-CSF and G-CSF receptors occurred independently of SCL. Presumably similar intracellular pathways exist in response to IL-6 signaling through a gp130 homodimer. In addition a pathway(s) that was SCL-independent resulted in a differentiated phenotype. Although SCL expression significantly reduced the induction of some aspects of phenotypic differentiation by LIF and OSM, it did not completely abrogate it. In fact, a proportion of Ml/SCL colonies (20% to 40%) displayed apparently typical differentiation-induction, albeit requiring higher concentrations of LIF or OSM (Fig 5). This did not represent clonal heterogeneity of M1/SCL cells because sublines established either from differentiated or undifferentiated colonies continued to express SCL and regenerated the same 20% to 40% responsiveness to LIF. This behavior must reflect a stochastic event and, given the model of Fig 9, we suggest that, at a low frequency, LIF or OSM might recruit gp130 dimers rather than monomers into their receptor complexes and thereby gain IL-6-like signaling capacity. This would be consistent with the increased dose-response in Fig 5 because higher levels of receptor occupancy would be required to achieve these rare events. The (SCL-independent) induced expression of M-CSF receptors on M1 cells and generation of M-CSF responsiveness is a well documented component of normal macrophage differentiation” and of differentiated M1 cells.56Surprisingly, we found that a very small subpopulation (1% to 2%) of untreated M1 cells expressed high levels of M-CSF receptors (Fig 6) and because some of the cells labeled by autoradiography appeared relatively mature, this may reflect a low level of spontaneous differentiation. Nevertheless, this low level of expression did not result in any detectable effect of MCSF on M1 cell growth or differentiati~n.’.~’ LIFor IL-6induced differentiation of M1 cells led to a marked increase in the proportion of cells expressing high levels of M-CSF receptor (25% to 35%) and these cells were now able to survive and proliferate in response to M-CSF. Despite the lack of complete differentiation of Ml/SCL cells in LIF. they responded similarly with respect to M-CSF receptor expression and M-CSF proliferative responsiveness. The transcription factor SCL has been implicated in both differentiation and proliferation events.’”,48SCL hasbeen suggested to play a positive role as a regulator of erythroid differentiation and may also be involved in neural differentiati~n.~’.~’ The level of SCLmRNA has been reported to decrease during myeloiddifferentiation16,”andthe results reported here suggest thatthe decrease in SCL mRNAis required for macrophage differentiation to proceed normally. Whether this is a direct action of SCL protein itself, or a consequence of the overexpressed SCL sequestering another protein that is itself required for differentiation to proceed normally is unknown. It is also possible that SCL exerted an apparent effect on differentiation by preventing growtharrest (which might normally trigger an intrinsic program of differentiation). SCL is likely to play a role in cellular proliferation. Its frequent involvement in human T-cell leukemia,2’,22,23 its activation byan intracisternal-A particle insertion in WEH1-3BD-~ells,~* and its role to enhance clonogenicity and tumorigenicity in a murine T-cell line,’4 all suggest SCL may provide a proliferative advantage for cells. More direct evidence comes from experiments in which an antisense strategy interfered with cellgrowth.48In the experiments presented here, enforced SCL expression did not provide a detectable growth advantage as such, but did allow cells to escape growth factor-induced suppression of proliferation. 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For personal use only. 1995 85: 379-390 Differential regulation of macrophage differentiation in response to leukemia inhibitory factor/oncostatin-M/interleukin-6: the effect of enforced expression of the SCL transcription factor T Tanigawa, N Nicola, GA McArthur, A Strasser and CG Begley Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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