Newcastle University Children’s Literature Unit Seven Stories

Newcastle University
Children’s Literature Unit
Seven Stories
Check-List of Books
on the
History, Criticism and Theory of Children’s
4th Edition
April 2012
Peter Hunt
Visiting Professor, Newcastle University
This check-list comprises English-language books and substantial pamphlets; booklists,
conference papers, and special issues of journals are included where they seem likely to
be of lasting value or have acquired historical interest.
The core subject-area of ‘children’s literature’ is, of course, overlapped by dozens of
specialisms, and books are designed for different audiences. I have included only those
texts that seem to me to be directly and substantially relevant to my idea of the core; I
have not made any decisions on the basis of quality. I have excluded titles whose
relevance to the core seems to me to be marginal (for example, biographies of Kipling),
specialist (for example, studies of folk-lore), ephemera (booklists or books that have
dated severely), mass-market products (for example, biographies of J. K. Rowling), and
books focussed primarily on classroom applications. Some authors have accumulated
significant numbers of specialist studies, such as J. K. Rowling or L. Frank Baum; I have
provided a sampling of such books, and should appreciate suggestions for refining or
expanding my selection.
I should be grateful if users could send me any corrections, and any suggestions for
additions or deletions. Bibliographical details have been checked, as far as possible, with
actual copies, or failing that, with the British Library Integrated Catalogue.
An annotated version of part of this check-list is available at
Abate, Michelle Ann (2011) Raising Your Kids Right. Children’s Literature and
American Political Conservatism, New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Abate, Michelle Ann, and Kidd, Kenneth (eds) (2011) Over the Rainbow: Queer
Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Adams, Bess Porter (1953) About Books and Children. Historical Survey of Children’s
Literature, New York: Henry Holt.
Agnew, Kate and Fox, Geoff (2001) Children at War: from the First World War to the
Gulf, London: Continuum.
Ahmanson, Gabriella (1991) A Life and Its Mirrors: A Feminist Reading of L. M. Montgomery's
Fiction, Uppsala: Ubsaliensis S, Academiae.
Alberghene, Janice M. and Clark, Barbara Lyon (1999) ‘Little Women’ and the Feminist
Imagination: Criticism, Controversy, Personal Essays, New York: Garland.
Alderson, Brian (1972) Edward Ardizzone. A Preliminary Hand-list of His Illustrated Books,
1929-1970, Pinner: Private Libraries Association.
Alderson, Brian (1982) Hans Christian Andersen and his ‘Eventyr’ in England, Wormley: Five
Owls Press for International Board on Books for Young People, British Section.
Alderson, Brian (1986) Sing a Song for Sixpence: the English Illustrative Tradition and
Randolph Caldecott, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in association with the
British Library.
Alderson, Brian (1989) The Ludford Box and ‘A Christmass-box’. Their Contribution to our
Knowledge of Eighteenth Century Children’s Literature, Los Angeles: UCLA.
Alderson, Brian (1992) Just So Pictures: Illustrated Versions of Just So Stories for Little
Children, Richmond: Five Owls Press.
Alderson, Brian (1994) Ezra Jack Keats: Artist and Picture Book Maker, Gretna, LA: Pelican.
Alderson, Brian (2003) Edward Ardizzone: A Bibliographic Commentary, London: The British
Alderson, Brian and de Marez Oyens, Felix (2006) Be Merry and Wise: Origins of Children’s
Book Publishing in England, 1650-1850, London: The British Library; New Castle, DE:
Oak Knoll Press.
Alderson, Brian and Garrett, Pat (1999) The Religious Tract Society as a Publisher of Children's
Books, Hoddesden: The Children's Book History Society.
Alderson, Brian and Moon, Marjorie (1994) Childhood Re-Collected: Early Children’s Books
from the Library of Marjorie Moon, Royston: Provincial Book Fairs Association.
Aldiss, Brian W. (1986) Trillion Year Spree: the History of Science Fiction, London:
Aldridge, Alan and Perry, George (1971) The Penguin Book of Comics, rev edn,
Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Aldridge, Jeffery (ed) (1994) The Best of Bookmark: Children’s Writers Talk About
Themselves, Edinburgh: Moray House.
Allen, Ruth (2005) Winning Books, Lichfield: Pied Piper.
Allison, Alida (2000) Russell Hoban/Forty Years. Essays on his Writing for Children,
New York and London: Routledge.
Alston, Ann (2008) The Family in Children’s Literature, New York and London:
American Library Association (1990) The Arbuthnot Lectures, 1980-9, Chicago: ALA.
Anatol, Giselle Liza (2003) Reading Harry Potter Again: Critical Essays, Westport, CT:
Anderson, Holly and Styles, Morag (2000) Teaching Through Texts, London: Routledge.
Andrews, Siri (ed) (1963) The Hewins Lectures 1947–1962, Boston: Horn Book.
Ang, Susan (2000) The Widening World of Children’s Literature, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Anstey, Michelle and Bull, Geoff (2000) Reading the Visual: Written and Illustrated Children's
Literature, Sydney: Harcourt.
Applebaum, Noga (2010) Representations of Technology in Science Fiction for Young
Children and Young People, New York and London: Routledge.
Applebee, Arthur N. (1978) The Child’s Concept of Story: Ages Two to Seventeen, Chicago and
London: Chicago University Press.
Appleyard, J. A. (1990) Becoming a Reader: the Experience of Fiction from Childhood to
Adulthood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Apseloff, Marilyn Fain (1989) They Wrote for Children Too: an Annotated Bibliography
of Children’s Literature by Famous Writers for Adults, Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Arbuthnot, May Hill (1969) Children’s Reading in the Home, Glenview, IL: Scott
Arizpe, Evelyn and Styles, Morag (2003) Children Reading Pictures. Interpreting Visual
Texts, London: Routledge Falmer.
Arizpe, Evelyn and Styles, Morag, with Brice Heath, Shirley (2006) Reading Lessons
from the Eighteenth Century: Mothers, Children and Texts, Lichfield: Pied Piper.
Arnold, Guy (1980) Held Fast for England: G. A. Henty, Imperialist Boys’ Writer,
London: Hamish Hamilton.
Aronson, Marc (2001) Exploding the Myths, Lanham MD: Scarecrow.
Arts Council of England (2003) From Looking Glass to Spyglass: A Consultation Paper
on Children’s Literature, London: Arts Council.
Arts Council of England (2004) A Strategy for Children’s Literature, London: Arts
Ashliman, D. L. (2006) Fairy Lore: a Handbook, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Association of Writers and Illustrators for Children (Indian BBY) (ed) (1999) Peace
Through Children's Books. Proceedings of the 26th Congress of the International
Board of Books for Young People, New Delhi: Indian BBY.
Assouline, Pierre (2009) Hergé: the Man Who Created Tintin, trans Charles Ruas, New
York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Atkins, Laura, Dalrymple, Nolan, Gill, Michele and Thiel, Liz (eds) (2008) An Invitation
to Explore: New International Perspectives in Children’s Literature, Lichfield: Pied
Attebery, Brian (1982) The Fantasy Tradition in American Literature: From Irving to Le
Guin, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Auchmuty, Rosemary (1992/2004) A World of Girls. The Appeal of the Girls’ School Story,
London: Women’s Press.
Auchmuty, Rosemary (1999/2008) A World of Women: Growing Up in the Girls’ School
Story, London: Women’s Press.
Auchmuty, Rosemary (2004) The NCC Book List of Children’s Series Fiction, Amersham: New
Chalet Club.
Auchmuty, Rosemary and Gosling, Juliet (eds) (1994) The Chalet School Revisited, London:
Bettany Press.
Auerbach, Nina (1978) Communities of Women: an Idea in Fiction, Harvard: Harvard
University Press.
Auerbach, Nina and Knoepflmacher, U. C. (1992) Forbidden Journeys: Fairy Tales and
Fantasies by Victorian Women Writers, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Aveling, Helen C. (ed) (2011) Unseen Childhoods. Disabled Characters in 20th-Century
Books for Girls, 2nd edn, London: Bettany Press.
Avery, Gillian (1961) Mrs Ewing, London: Bodley Head [Bodley Head Monographs].
Avery, Gillian (1975) Childhood’s Pattern: a Study of the Heroes and Heroines of
Children’s Fiction 1770–1950, Leicester: Hodder and Stoughton.
Avery, Gillian (1994) Behold the Child: American Children and their Books, London:
Bodley Head; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Avery, Gillian and Briggs, Julia (eds) (1989) Children and their Books. A Celebration of the
Work of Iona and Peter Opie, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Avery, Gillian with Bull, Angela (1965) Nineteenth-Century Children. Heroes and Heroines in
English Children’s Stories, 1780-1900, London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Avery, Gillian and Reynolds, Kimberley (eds) (2000) Representations of Childhood Death,
Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Bacon, Betty (ed) (1988) How Much Truth Do We Tell the Children? The Politics of
Children's Literature, Minneapolis: MEP Publications.
Baddeley, Pam and Eddershaw, Chris (1994) Not So Simple Picture-Books. Developing
Responses to Literature with 4-12 Year Olds, Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham.
Bader, Barbara (1976) American Picture Books from Noah’s Ark to the Beast Within,
New York: Macmillan.
Baines, Phil (2010) Puffin by Design: 70 Years of Imagination, 1940-2010, London:
Allen Lane.
Bakewell, Michael (1996) Lewis Carroll: a Biography, London: Heinemann.
Balina, Marina and Rudova, Larissa (eds) (2011) Russian Children’s Literature and
Culture, London and New York: Routledge.
Bang, Molly (1991) Picture This. How Pictures Work, New York: SeaStar.
Bamberger, Richard (ed) (1971) Reading and Children’s Books. Essays and Papers,
Vienna: International Institute for Children’s, Juvenile and Popular Literature.
Barker, Keith (1986) In the Realms of Gold: the Story of the Carnegie Medal, London:
Julia MacRae.
Barker, Keith (1998) Outstanding Books for Children and Young People: the Library
Association Guide to Carnegie/Greenaway Winners 1937-1997, London: Library
Barker, Martin (1989) Comics: Ideology, Power and the Critics, Manchester: Manchester
University Press.
Barker, Martin (1984/1992) A Haunt of Fears: the Strange History of the British Horror
Comics Campaign, London: Pluto; Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Barling, Chris, et al (2010) A Checklist of the Puffin Picture Books and Related Series,
Portsmouth: Penguin Collectors’ Society.
Barr, John (1986) Illustrated Children’s Books, London: British Library.
Barron, Neil (1999) Fantasy and Horror. A Critical and Historical Guide to Literature,
Illustration, Film, TV, Radio, and the Internet, Langham, MD and London:
Barron, Pamela Petrick and Burley, Jennifer Q. (eds) (1984) Jump Over the Moon:
Selected Professional Readings, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Barry, Florence V. (1922) A Century of Children’s Books, London: Methuen.
Baskin, Barbara H., and Harris, Karen H. (1977) Notes from a Different Drummer: a
Guide to Juvenile Fiction Portraying the Handicapped, New Jersey: Bowker. (1984:
More Notes from a Different Drummer.) [Serving Special Populations Series]
Batey, Mavis (1998) The World of Alice, Norwich: Pitkin.
Bathurst, David (1994) Six of the Best! Being an Affectionate Tribute to Six of the Most
Significant School Story Writers of the 20th Century, Chichester: Romansmead.
Bator, Robert (ed) (1983) Signposts to Criticism of Children’s Literature, Chicago:
American Library Association.
Battiscombe, Georgina (1943) Charlotte Mary Yonge: the Story of an Uneventful Life,
London: Constable.
Battiscombe, Georgina and Laski, Marganhita (eds) (1965) A Chaplet for Charlotte
Yonge, London: Cresset Press.
Bazalgette, Cary and Buckingham, David (eds) (1995) In Front of the Children: Screen
Entertainment and Young Audiences, London: British Film Institute.
Bearne, Eve (1995) (ed) Greater Expectations. Children Reading Writing, London:
Bearne, Eve and Watson, Victor (eds) (2000) Where Texts and Children Meet, London:
Beatrix Potter Society (2008) Beatrix Potter: Fables to Faeries, Ambleside: Beatrix
Potter Society. [Beatrix Potter Studies XIII]
Bechtel, Louise (1969) Books in Search of Children, London: Macmillan.
Beckett, Sandra L. (2002) Recycling Red Riding Hood, New York and London:
Beckett, Sandra L. (2008) Red Riding Hood for All Ages, Detroit: Wayne State University
Beckett, Sandra L. (2009) Crossover Fiction, Global and Historical Perspectives,
New York and London: Routledge.
Beckett, Sandra L. (ed) (1997) Reflections of Change. Children's Literature Since 1945,
Westport CT: Greenwood.
Beckett, Sandra L. (ed) (1999) Transcending Boundaries: Writing for a Dual Audience of
Children and Adults, New York and London: Garland.
Beckett, Sandra L. and Nikolajeva, Maria (eds) (2006) Beyond Babar: the European
Tradition of Children’s Literature, Langham, MD: Scarecrow.
Bedard, Roger L. (ed) (1984) Dramatic Literature for Children: A Century in Review,
New Orleans: Anchorage Press.
Bell, Anthea (1960) E. Nesbit, London: Bodley Head. [Bodley Head Monographs].
Bell, Elizabeth, Haas, Lynda, and Sells, Laura (eds) (1995) From Mouse to Mermaid: the
Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture, Bloomington: Indian University Press.
Benes, Rebecca C. (2004) Native American Picture Books of Change. The Art of Historic
Children’s Editions, Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press.
Bennett, Jill (1982) Learning to Read with Picture Books, South Woodchester: Thimble
Benton, Michael (1992) Secondary Worlds: Literature Teaching and the Visual Arts,
Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Benton, Michael (ed) (1980) Approaches to Research in Children’s Literature,
Southampton: Department of Education, Southampton University.
Benton, Michael and Fox, Geoff (1985) Teaching Literature 9–14, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Benton, Mike (1990) The Comic Book in America, Dallas, TX: Taylor.
Berman, Ruth A. (2001) The Kerlan Awards in Children’s Literature, 1975-2001,
Minnesota: Pogo Press, University of Minnesota.
Bernheimer, Kate (ed) (1998) Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Women Writers Explore their
Favorite Fairy Tales, New York: Anchor.
Berndt, Katrin and Steveker, Lena (ed) (2011) Heroism in the Harry Potter Series,
Aldershot: Ashgate.
Berresford Ellis, Peter and Schofield, Jennifer (1993) Biggles! The Life Story of Capt. W.
E. Johns, Creator of Biggles, Worrals, Gimlet and Steeley, Godmanstone: Veloce.
Bettelheim, Bruno (1976) The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of
Fairy Tales, London: Thames and Hudson.
Bingham, Jane M. (ed) (1988) Writers for Children. Critical Studies of the Major Authors
Since the Seventeenth Century, New York: Scribner’s.
Bingham, Jane and Scholt, Grayce (1980) Fifteen Centuries of Children’s Literature. An
Annotated Chronology of British and American Works in Historical Context,
Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Birkin, Andrew (1979/2003) J. M. Barrie and the Lost Boys, London: Constable; New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Billman, Carol (1986) Secrets of the Stratemeyer Syndicate: Nancy Drew, the Hardy
Boys, and the Million Dollar Fiction Factory, New York: Ungar.
Bishop, Rudine Sims (2007) Free Within Ourselves: the Development of African
American Children’s Literature, Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Bixler, Phyllis (1994) Frances Hodgson Burnett, Boston: Twayne/Hall.
Bixler, Phyllis (1996) The Secret Garden: Nature’s Magic, New York: Twayne.
Blackford, Holly (2011) The Myth of Persephone in Girls’ Fantasy Literature, New York
and London: Routledge.
Blake, Andrew (2002) The Irresistible Rise of Harry Potter: Kid-Lit in a Globalised
World, London: Verso.
Blake, Quentin (2002) Magic Pencil. Children’s Book Illustration Today, London:
British Council/British Library.
Blamires, David (ed) (1994) Children’s Literature: Bulletin of the John Rylands
University Library of Manchester, 76, 3, Manchester: John Rylands Library.
Blamires, David (2009) Telling Tales. The Impact of Germany on English Children’s
Books 1780-1918, Cambridge: Open Book.
Blanck, Jacob (1956) Peter Parley to Penrod: A Bibliographical Description of the BestLoved American Juvenile Books, Providence, NJ: Bowker.
Blishen, Edward (ed) (1975) The Thorny Paradise: Writers on Writing for Children,
Harmondsworth: Kestrel.
Bloch, Dorothy (1978/1994) ‘So the Witch Won’t Eat Me’. Fantasy and the Child’s Fear
of Infanticide, Boston: Houghton Mifflin/Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson
Bloom, Susan P. and Mercier, Cathryn M. (2009) Russell Freedman, Lanham MD:
Blount, Margaret (1974) Animal Land. The Creatures of Children’s Fiction, London:
Hutchinson .
Bomhold, Catherine R. and Elder, Terri (2008) Twice Upon a Time: a Guide to
Fractured, Altered and Retold Folk and Fairy Tales, Westport, CT: Libraries
Bond, Earnest (2011) Literature and the Young Adult Reader, Boston: Pearson.
Boone, Troy (2004) Youth of Darkest England. Working Class Children at the Heart of
Victorian Empire, New York and London: Routledge.
Bosmajian, Hamida (2001) Sparing the Child. Grief and the Unspeakable in Youth
Literature about the Holocaust, New York and London: Routledge.
Botelho, Maria José and Rudman, Masha K. (2009) Critical Multicultural Analysis of
Children’s Literature, Mirrors, Windows, and Doors, New York and London:
Bott, Caroline G. (2003) The Life and Works of Alfred Bestall, Illustrator of Rupert Bear,
London: Bloomsbury.
Bottalla, Paola, and Santini, Monica (eds) (2009) What are Little Boys and Girls Made
Of? Gender Issues in Children’s Literature, Padova: Unipress.
Bottigheimer, Ruth B. (ed) (1986) Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allusion, and
Paradigm, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bottigheimer, Ruth B. (1987) Grimms’ Bad Girls and Bold Boys: the Moral and Social
Vision of the Tales, New Haven: Yale University Press.
Bottigheimer, Ruth B. (1996) The Bible for Children from the Age of Gutenberg to the
Present, New Haven: Yale University Press.
Bottigheimer, Ruth B. (2009) Fairy Tales. A New History, Excelsior edition, Albany:
State University of New York Press.
Boyd, Kelly (2003) Manliness and the Boys’ Paper Story in Britain: A Cultural History
1855-1940, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bradford, Clare (2001) Reading Race. Aboriginality in Australian Children’s Literature,
Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Bradford, Clare (2007) Unsettling Narratives: Postcolonial Readings of Children’s
Literature, Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Bradford, Clare and Coghlan, Valerie (eds) (2007) Expectations and Experiences:
Children, Childhood and Children’s Literature, Lichfield: Pied Piper.
Bradford, Clare, Mallan, Kerry, Stephens, John, and McCallum, Robyn (2008) New
World Orders in Contemporary Children’s Literature: Utopian Transformations,
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bramwell, Peter (2009) Pagan Themes in Modern Children’s Fiction, Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Bratton, J. S. (1981) The Impact of Victorian Children’s Fiction, London: Croom Helm.
Brazouski, Antoinette and Klatt, Mary J. (1994) Children's Books on Ancient Greek and
Roman Mythology. An Annotated Bibliography, New York, Westport, CT; London:
Bridger, Francis (2001) A Charmed Life - The Spirituality of the Potterworld, London:
Darton, Longman and Todd.
Briggs, Julia (1987/1989) A Woman of Passion. The Life of E. Nesbit, London:
Briggs, Julia, Butts, Dennis and Grenby, M. O. (eds) (2008) Popular Children’s
Literature in Britain, Aldershot: Ashgate.
Briggs, Katharine M. (1967/2002) The Fairies in Tradition and Literature, London:
Briggs, Katharine M. (1976/2011) A Dictionary of Fairies London: Routledge. Collected
Works, vol 10. [Originally Harmondsworth: Penguin]
Briggs, Katharine M. (1978) The Vanishing People. Fairy Lore and Legends, New York:
Bristow, Joseph (1991) Empire Boys: Adventures in a Man’s World, London:
Broadbent, Neil, Hogan, Anne, Wilson, Gillian and Miller, Maggie (eds) (1994)
Researching Children’s Literature: A Coming of Age? Southampton: LSU.
Broderick, Dorothy M. (1973) Images of the Black in Children’s Fiction, New York and
London: R. M. Bowker/Xerox.
Brogan, Hugh (1984) The Life of Arthur Ransome, London: Cape.
Bronner, Simon J. (1988) American Children's Folklore (annotated edition), Little Rock,
AR: August House.
Brooker, Will (2004) Alice’s Adventures: Lewis Carroll in Popular Culture, New York:
Brown, Joanne (2011) Immigration Narratives in Young Adult Literature: Crossing
Borders, Lanham MD: Scarecrow.
Brown Joanne and St. Clair, Nancy (2002) Declarations of Independence. Empowered
Girls in Young Adult Literature 1990-2001 [Scarecrow Press Studies in Young Adult
Literature], Lanham, MD: Scarecrow.
Brown, Joanne and St. Claire, Nancy (2006) The Distant Mirror: Reflections on Young
Adult Historical Fiction [Scarecrow Press Studies in Young Adult Literature],
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow.
Brown, Marcia (1985) Lotus Seeds: Children, Pictures, and Books, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons.
Brown, Penny (1993) The Captured World. The Child and Childhood in NineteenthCentury Women’s Writing in England, Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Brown, Penny (2007) A Critical History of French Children’s Literature, New York and
London: Routledge. [2 vols]
Bull, Angela (1984) Noel Streatfeild, London: Collins.
Bull, Geoff and Anstey, Michelle (eds) (2002) Crossing the Boundaries, French’s Forest,
NSW: Prentice Hall.
Bunbury, Rhoda (ed) (1995) A Decade of Research in Children’s Literature, Geelong:
Burress, Lee (1989) Battle of the Books: Literary Censorship in the Public Schools,
Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow.
Bucher, Katherine Toth, and Manning, M. Lee (2006) Young Adult Literature:
Exploration, Evaluation, and Appreciation, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Butler, Andrew M., James, Edward and Mendlesohn, Farah (eds) (2008) Terry Pratchett:
Guilty of Literature, Reading: The Science Fiction Foundation; Baltimore: Old Earth
Butler, Charles (2006) Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children’s
Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones and Susan Cooper,
Langham MD: Scarecrow.
Butler, Charles (ed) (2006) Teaching Children’s Fiction, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Butler, Dorothy (1980) Babies Need Books, London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Butler, Francelia (ed) (1977) Sharing Literature with Children, New York: McKay.
Butler, Francelia, and Rotert, Richard (eds) (1984) Reflections on Literature for Children,
Hamden, CT: Library Professional Publications.
Butler, Francelia and Rotart, Richard (eds) (1986) Triumphs of the Spirit in Children’s
Literature, Hamden CT: Library Professional Publications.
Butts, Dennis (1956) R. L. Stevenson, London: Bodley Head [Bodley Head Monographs].
Butts, Dennis (1992) Mistress of Our Tears: A Literary and Bibliographical Study of
Barbara Hofland, Aldershot: Scolar Press.
Butts, Dennis (2010) Children’s Literature and Social Change. Some Case Studies from
Barbara Hofland to Philip Pullman, Cambridge: Lutterworth Press.
Butts, Dennis (ed) (1992) Stories and Society. Children's Literature in its Social Context,
London: Macmillan
Butts, Dennis and Garrett, Pat (eds) (2006) From the Dairyman’s Daughter to Worrals of
the WAAF: the RTS, Lutterworth Press and Children’s Literature, Cambridge:
Lutterworth Press.
Cadden, Mike (2005) Ursula K. le Guin, Beyond Genre: Fiction for Children and Adults,
New York and London: Routledge.
Cadden Mike (2010) Telling Children’s Stories. Narrative Theory and Children’s
Literature, Lincoln NB and London: University of Nebraska Press [Frontiers of
Narrative Series]
Cadogan, Mary (1986) The Woman Behind William. A Life of Richmal Crompton,
London: Allen and Unwin.
Cadogan, Mary (1988) Frank Richards: the Chap behind the Chums, London: Viking.
Cadogan, Mary (1989) Chin Up Chest Out Jemima! A Celebration of the Schoolgirls’
Story, Haslemere: Bonnington/Jade.
Cadogan, Mary (1994) Just William Through the Ages, London: Macmillan Children’s
Cadogan, Mary (2008) Mary Carries On. Reflections on Some Favourite Girls’ Stories,
Bath: Girls Gone By.
Cadogan, Mary and Craig, Patricia (1976/1985/2003) You’re a Brick, Angela!: The Girls
Story 1839–1985, London: Gollancz. [1985 with Postscript; 2002 new edn Bath:
Girls Gone By.]
Cadogan, Mary with Schutte, David (1990) The William Companion, London:
Cai, Mingshui (2002) Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults:
Reflections on Critical Issues, Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Cameron, Eleanor (1969) The Green and Burning Tree. On the Writing and Enjoyment of
Children’s Books, Boston: Atlantic Little Brown.
Cameron, Eleanor (1993) The Seed and the Vision: on the Writing and Appreciation of
Children’s Books, New York: Dutton.
Campbell, Alasdair (2003) From Looking-Glass to Spyglass: A Consultation Paper on
Children’s Literature, London: Arts Council England.
Campbell, Colin (1992) William Nicholson: the Graphic Work, London: Barrie and
Campbell, Patricia J. (1985) Presenting Robert Cormier, Boston: Twayne.
Carlsen, G. Robert (1967/1980) Books and the Teenage Reader: a Guide for Teachers,
Librarians and Parents, 2nd revised edn, New York: Harper and Row.
Carpan, Carolyn (2009) Sisters, Schoolgirls and Sleuths: Girls’ Series Books in America,
Lanham, MD; Plymouth, Scarecrow.
Carpenter, Angela Shirley (ed) (2006) In the Garden. Essays in Honour of Frances
Hodgson Burnett, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow.
Carpenter, Humphrey (1977/2002) J. R. R. Tolkien: A Biography, London:
Carpenter, Humphrey (1978/2006) The Inklings, London: HarperCollins.
Carpenter, Humphrey (1985) Secret Gardens. The Golden Age of Children's Literature,
London: Allen and Unwin.
Carpenter, Humphrey and Prichard, Mari (1984) The Oxford Companion to Children’s
Literature, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Carpenter, Kevin (1984) Desert Isles and Pirate Islands. The Island Theme in
Nineteenth-Century English Juvenile Fiction: a Survey and Bibliography, Frankfurt
am Main: Peter Lang.
Carpenter, Kevin et al (1983) Penny Dreadfuls and Comics: English Periodicals for
Children from Victorian Times to the Present Day, London: Victoria and Albert
Carrington, Bridget, and Harding, Jennifer (2010) Going Graphic: Comics and Graphic
Novels for Young People, Lichfield: Pied Piper.
Carroll, Pamela Sissi (2001) Caroline Cooney: Faith and Fiction [Scarecrow Press
Studies in Young Adult Literature], Lanham, MD: Scarecrow.
Cart, Michael (1995) What’s So Funny? Wit and Humor in American Children’s
Literature, New York: HarperCollins.
Cart, Michael (1996/2010) From Romance to Realism: 50 Years of Growth and Change
in Young Adult Literature, New York: HarperCollins/Chicago: American Library
Cart, Michael (2007) Passion and Pleasures: Essays and Speeches about Literature and
Libraries, [Scarecrow Press Studies in Young Adult Literature, 26] Lanham, MD:
Cart, Michael and Jenkins, Christine A. (2006) The Heart Has Its Reasons: Young Adult
Literature with Gay/Lesbian/Queer Content 1969-2004 [Scarecrow Press Studies in
Young Adult Literature], Lanham, MD: Scarecrow.
Carter, James (1999) Talking Books: Children’s Authors Talk About the Craft, Creativity
and Process of Writing, London: Routledge.
Cashdan, Sheldon (1999) The Witch Must Die. The Hidden Meaning of Fairy Tales, New
York: Basic Books.
Cass, Joan E. (1967/1984) Literature and the Young Child, 2nd edn, Harlow: Longman.
Castle, Kathryn (1996) Britannia’s Children: Reading Colonialism through Children’s
Books and Magazines, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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