Newsletter - Abilene Dream Center

Program Director
Executive Director
Rey Sandoval
Ezequiel Pecina
Michael Peters
Men’s Home
Don Fletcher
Casey Goldman
Indiana Dream
Center Director
Heather Murillo
Office Manager
Ways you can help:
Make a partial or full donation of $1000
for a Start-Up kit. Start-Up kit includes
one time induction fee of $750, Church
clothes (dress pants, belt and tie),
curriculum for the entire year, and a new
bible to start their Christian journey.
We also accept donations of casual and
dress clothes, and hygiene and personal
care products.
Help spread the word about the Dream
Center & the Start-Up Kit Drive.
And last, but not least, prayer!
Contact Us:
Main Office & Leadership
2509 Barrow St.
Abilene, Tx 79605
(325) 701-9530
“I was raised going to a Pentecostal church
and have always known God is real. My
mom was a single mom who worked long
hours to provide for us. That is when I began
to experiment with drugs and alcohol. My
mom remarried when I was 12 to a man
who was physically abusive to me. I was
scared to go home and found myself around
the wrong people. At 15 years of age I was
shooting up meth and cocaine daily. I felt
God had abandoned me. This was a
constant struggle for the next 24 years. In
2012, I lost my job, my wife, and my kids. I
gave up on life. I was so disappointed. I
started shooting up again and using heroine
and didn’t care about anything anymore. I
was facing 15-20 years in prison. That’s
when, through a circumstance that can only
be explained as a miracle, God brought me
to the Dream Center. The judge knew my mom. The judge and my mom both
knew Pastor Zach Palen (who is a minister from New Mexico who sends people
who are struggling to the Dream Center). The judge sentenced me to one year at
the Dream Center. Upon completion he agreed to drop all of my charges. I
thought I was just coming to a rehab, but I knew when I walked in and talked to
the guys that it was much more than just a 9 month commitment but a lifelong
commitment to constantly pursue my relationship with God. Now I have God’s
Holy Spirit living in me that has given me a joy, a peace, a love that I cannot put
into words. I wake up every day and thank God for his mercy and for the future
he has for me. Here at the Dream Center I am being trained by the Word of God
to become the man God called me to be.”
FEBRURARY - We will be having a Dream Center Luncheon. - We will be sharing
our vision for 2015.
MARCH - We are planning a 5K event. Keep an eye on our facebook page and
website for more information.
Men’s Home
2802 Old Anson Rd.
Abilene, Tx 79603
(325) 437-6577
Rey Sandoval’s new album
Life Behind the Pulpit and
Kingdom Muzic
Merchandise are available at
our office 2509
Barrow St. You can also
order online:
Don’t forget we have beautiful handmade crosses
and plaques.
We are also selling breads. Pumpkin Spice,
Banana Nut, Zucchini Bread, and Chocolate with
Ghost Pepper.
If you would like to place an order contact
Michael Peters at (325) 333-5095.
Join the movement at:
Register online to receive your
free bracelet!
Abilene Dream Center
2802 Old Anson Rd.
Abilene, Tx 79603