® ROLLING THUNDER TIMES January 2015 Rolling Thunder® XXVIII “Ride for Freedom” Sunday, May 24, 2015 Information is posted on Rolling Thunder® Inc. National Website www.rollingthunder1.org Host Hotel Hyatt Regency Crystal City VA 703-418-1234 Rate $109.00/Parking $14.00 Per Night Ask for the Rolling Thunder® Rate See pages 11-14 for information National Volume 20 Issue 1 Upcoming New Jersey Events HAPPY NEW YEAR! January 2015 1/15 National: Lyons VA Nursing Home Visit 7PM 1/18 National: Regular monthly meeting, Manville, VFW, 1PM February 2015 2/15 National: Regular monthly meeting, Manville, VFW, 1PM 2/16 President’s Day!!! 2/19 National: Lyons VA PTSD Ward Visit 7PM Inclement weather may result in a delay or rescheduling of a VA visit. For information please call 908-647-0180 ext 427 to find out if the event is still on for the scheduled date. Schedule on last page. Come Check us out on Facebook and Like Us! Help Support our Band… Great time to be had by all! Save the Date: 7th Annual Loch Rannoch Pipes & Drums Burns Dinner 7 years and still growing...so much that we needed to move into a bigger facility. January 24, 2015 Spring Mill Manor, Ivyland, PA Doors will open at 6:00 PM Great food, Great drink, Great Music, Great people, Great fun Flame Of Freedom www.rtflameoffreedom.com Check the website for details When one American is not worth the effort to be found, we as Americans have lost. Rolling Thunder® Charities, Inc. Wishes To Express Our Appreciation To The Following For Their Donations The Zoline Foundation The Shirley & Jim Young Family Foundation National Vietnam Veterans Foundation Inc. ExxonMobil Grant U.S. Advisory LLC James T. Markey Home Remodeling Wal-Mart Corporate Giving Chapter Events – Page 5 Biographies POW/MIA – Page 6 Monthly Meeting Minutes – Pages 7-9 Bits & Pieces – Page 10 “When one American is not worth the effort to be found, we as Americans have lost” ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. Mission Statement ® The major function of Rolling Thunder , Inc. is to publicize the POW/MIA issue: To educate the public that many American Prisoners of War were left behind after all previous wars, and to help correct the past and to protect future veterans from being left behind should they become Prisoners Of War -Missing In Action. We are also committed to helping American veterans from all wars. _______________________________________________ ® Rolling Thunder , Inc. is a non -profit organization and everyone donates his or her time because they believe in the POW-MIA issue. All meetings must be orderly and every member must be heard. Everyone is as important as the next. Everyone has different views and we must all work together in an orderly manner. Every Chapter must have an agenda to run a meeting. Everyone must get their turn to talk about any issue that ® concerns Rolling Thunder , Inc. and its members Officers: Executive Director President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Chairman of the Board Meetings are held on: 3rd Sunday of every month at 1:00PM Meeting Location: VFW 600 Washington St. Manville, NJ (unless otherwise indicated in the events section) ARTICLES IN THIS NEWSLETTER ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE VIEWS OR OPINIONS OF ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. To offer information to the newsletter it must be submitted by the 15th of the month to get in the next month‟s newsletter. Newsletter Editor: National Office P.O. Box 216, Neshanic Station, NJ 08853 Phone: 908 -369-5439 Fax: 908 -369-2072 Email:rtnj1@att.net Website: www.rollingthunder1.org Come Check us out on Facebook and Like Us! Media & Public Relations Artie Muller Gary Scheffmeyer Joe Bean Elaine Martin Nancy Bottrel Tom D'Alessio 908-369-5439 908-735-4861 610-792-3626 908-442-4491 908-996-0081 732-968-3880 Gus Dante Robert Rivers Tom McAtee Nancy Regg Ted Zabohonski Jay Horne 908-369-7721 732-873-4240 908-797-4200 908-310-3268 215-778-3606 908-752-5309 Joe Baum Bill Riley, Jr. 973-875-5912 201-704-7205 National Attorney Bob Kuchinsky National Veteran Rights Officer Head of Security & Sergeant-at-Arms Quartermaster Rob Stroka Bob Piscopo Board of Directors: ® The Constitution and By-Laws of Rolling Thunder , Inc. will not be changed or altered by any Chapter and everyone must abide by this constitution. Nancy Regg 908-310-3268 Gerry Franke 609-577-8898 nregg2@comcast.net Run Coordinator Jackdaniels729@msn.com Sunshine Committee katebarna@gmail.com Kate Fentzlaff Cell 570-242-7998 Packages for the Troops fentz77@gmail.com Frank Fentzlaff-Cell Home 908-246-3567 610-381-4361 Chapter Reports/ Relations Pete Zaleski 732-308-1051 Education Committee Gary Domanski 908-369-4785 908 -782-4911 WWII/Korea War Emil Gural 908-561-6091 Tom Bender 908-391-9043 Gulf War Affairs Gus Dante 908-369-7721 Steve Prager 551-580-2904 Gold Star Mothers Committee Joe Baum 973-875-5912 Lyons VA Hospital Visits wallu1@comcast.net Lucy Walsh Color Guard Jay Horne Chapters Activity Report Alt. Board Members: Federal Legislative & Government Affairs Eddie Rutledge Tom Bender 908-797-2312 732-926-8331 317-363-1922 908-391-9043 Cell KIA Service & Remembrance Government Links www.house.gov Congress Operator 202-224-3121 ® 908-752-5309 732-906-9193 www.senate.gov Junior Members Comm. Membership Committee/Junior Membership/Roster: Nancy Bottrel Foxyzz28@aol.com 609-306-5248 Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter Deb Teall 908-735-8756 908-500-5826 January 2015 Pat Kerr 732-388-0864 John McKendree 662-607-0611 Flame of Freedom www.rtflameoffreedom.com Page 2 Gary‟s Letter to Rolling Thunder® Volunteers Made Wreaths Project Resounding Success Again!!! On Saturday, December 13, 2014 Rolling Thunder® Inc. National members, along with many local supporters participated in the Second Annual “Wreaths Across America” project, placed wreaths on 1,500 graves at the Somerset Hills Memorial Park Cemetery and Mausoleum in Basking Ridge, NJ. Rolling Thunder® Inc., sponsor of the event, would like to thank the Courier News for helping us make this all possible. We would like to thank the staff at Somerset Hills Memorial Park Cemetery who helped with this project to remember and honor those veterans interred at Somerset Hills Memorial Park. Most of all, Rolling Thunder® Charities, Inc. would like to thank all the people, businesses, and organizations that helped us meet our financial goals for this great event. Thank you to the volunteers from All Over! We deeply appreciate everyone’s help. Tom D’Alessio & Gus Dante Rolling Thunder® Inc. ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 3 Gary‟s Letter to Rolling Thunder® ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 4 Frank Balaney 66, Vietnam Veteran, U.S. Army, Dunellen Alvyn J. Lowe 71, Vietnam Veteran, U.S. Marine, Plainfield John M. Dragula, Jr., Vietnam Veteran, U.S. Army, Fanwood Stanley H. Lemiska 72, Vietnam Veteran, U.S. Army, New Brunswick Arthur K. Moore 64, Vietnam Veteran, U.S. Army, Bridgewater WWII Remains Identified Sgt. Charles A. Gardner, U.S. Army Air Corp, CA 1st Lt. William D. Bernier, U.S. Army Air Corp, MT 1st Lt. Bryant E. Poulsen, U.S. Army Air Corp, UT 1st Lt. Herbert V. Young, U.S. Army Air Corp, AZ Teck Sgt. Charles L. Johnston, U.S. Army Corp, PA Teck Sgt. Hugh F. Moore, U.S. Army Air Corp, MD Staff Sgt. John E. Copeland, U.S Army Air Corp, KS Staff Sgt. Charles J. Jones, U.S. Army Air Corp, GA Sgt. Charles A. Gardner, U.S. Army Air Corp, CA Korean War Remains Identified Cpl. Leland F. Smith, U.S. Army, IN Our respect to all family and friends. May our Brothers and Sisters be at Peace with the Lord. May those who served Honorably Rest in Peace in the soil they fought for Freedom for all. Those who remain Prisoners of War/Missing in Action, body not recoverable, We will "Never Forget You." Let us remember those who have given their lives for our freedom in the War against Terrorist and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Gulf War II). May God keep our troops safe. WHEN ONE AMERICAN IS NOT WORTH THE EFFORT TO BE FOUND, WE AS AMERICAN'S HAVE LOST. Remember our troops killed in action and those serving ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 5 ROLLING THUNDER® INC. 2014 EVENTS SCHEDULE REVISED 1/6/15 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 06/08/14 06/14/14 06/14/14 09/04/14 09/18/14 09/20/14 09/29/14 10/12/14 10/13/14 10/23/83 11/10/14 12/03/14 12/05/15 12/13/14 12/31/14 National: Membership meeting 3rd Sunday each month, Manville, NJ VFW National: Lyons VA Hospital, 3rd Thursday each month (except May, Dec) IN2: Membership meeting 3rd Thursday each month, Honkers Restaurant MS1: MS Vets Home Visit, Oxford MS, 3rd Sunday monthly NC2: Bingo at NC State Vets Home, Bldg10, 1st Friday monthly 6:30 pm USS LIBERTY ATTACKED BY ISREALI FORCES (06/08/1967) US ARMY BIRTHDAY (06/14/1775) FLAG DAY US COAST GUARD BIRTHDAY (09/04/1790) US AIR FORCE BIRTHDAY (09/18/1947) POW/MIA RECOGNITION DAY GOLD STAR MOTHERS DAY USS COLE ATTACKED BY TERRORISTS (10/12/2000) US NAVY BIRTHDAY (10/13/1775) BEIRUT BARRACKS BOMBING (START OF WAR ON TERRORISM) US MARINE CORPS BIRTHDAY (11/10/1775) National: Lyons VA Hospital, PTSD Ward, Annual Christmas Party NC2:NC State Veterans Home, Salisbury NC, Xmas Party, Santa & Presents IN2: Christmas Party, Battle Creek VA Medical Center, Bldg 6, 5PM IN2: New Year’s Eve Party, Battle Creek VA Medical Center, Bldg 6 908-369-5439 908-369-5439 574-206-5023 662-234-1084 704-872-3725 908-369-5439 704-872-3725 574-206-5023 574-206-5023 2015 Chapter Events Calendar Form Publication in the National Newsletter, please allow at least Three (3) months prior notice to the event and/or flyer. The following information is require, either by Form, E-mail or to be Faxed to Gary Scheffmeyer, Rolling Thunder® Inc., P.O. Box 216 Neshanic Station, NJ 08853. If you prefer this form to be e-mailed to you for completion, contact rtnj1@att.net Chapter State & #:_________________________________________________________________________________ Event Contact Person:_____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone #:______________________________________________________________________________________ Event Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ Day/Date of Event:________________________________________ Time of Event:____________________________ Event Location:___________________________________________________________________________________ Other Pertinent Information:_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 6 POW Biographies GILBERT, PAUL FARIS Remains identified 10/21/94 One of nine men identified as "group remains" three others individually identified Name: Paul Faris Gilbert Rank/Branch: O2/USAF Unit: 16th Special Operations Squadron (PAF), Ubon, Thailand Date of Birth: 19 September 1941 Home City of Record: Plainview TX Date of Loss: 18 June 1972 Country of Loss: South Vietnam Loss Coordinates: 161500N 1071200E (YC343978) Status (in 1973): Missing In Action Category: 2 Acft/Vehicle/Ground: AC130A Refno: 1879 Other Personnel in Incident: Jacob Mercer; Richard Nyhof; Robert Wilson; Leon A. Hunt; Larry J. Newman; Gerald F. Ayres; Stanley Lehrke; Robert Harrison; Donald H. Klinke; Richard M. Cole; Mark G. Danielson (all missing) Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project 15 June 1990 from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Updated by the P.O.W. NETWORK 1998. SYNOPSIS: Lockheed's versatile C130 aircraft filled many roles in Vietnam, including transport, tanker, gunship, drone controller, airborne battlefield command and control center, weather reconnaissance, electronic reconnaissance, and search, rescue and recovery. The AC130, outfitted as a gunship, was the most spectacular of the modified C130's. These ships pierced the darkness using searchlights, flares, night observation devices that intensified natural light, and a variety of electronic sensors such as radar, infared equipment and even low-level television. On some models, a computer automatically translated sensor data into instructions for the pilot, who kept his fixed, side-firing guns trained on target by adjusting the angle of bank as he circled. The crew of these planes were, therefore, highly trained and capable. They were highly desirable "captures" for the enemy because of their technical knowledge. 1LT Paul F. Gilbert was the pilot of an AC130A gunship assigned a mission near the A Shau Valley in the Republic of Vietnam on June 18, 1972. The crew, totaling 15 men included MAJ Gerald F. Ayres, MAJ Robert H. Harrison, CAPT Robert A. Wilson, CAPT Mark G. Danielson, TSGT Richard M. Cole Jr., SSGT Donald H. Klinke, SSGT Richard E. Nyhof, SSGT Larry J. Newman, SGT Leon A. Hunt, and SGT Stanley L. "Larry" Lehrke. During the mission, the aircraft was hit by a surface-to-air missile (SAM) and went down near the border of Laos and Vietnam. In fact, the first location coordinates given to the families were indeed Laos, but were quickly changed to reflect a loss just inside South Vietnam. Three survivors of the crash were rescued the next day. After several years of effort, some of the family members of the other crewmembers were able to review part of their debriefings, which revealed that a bail-out order was given, and that at least one unexplained parachute was observed, indicating that at least one other airman may have safely escaped the crippled aircraft. In early 1985, resistance forces surfaced information which indicated that SGT Mercer had survived the crash and was currently held prisoner. Parents of another crew member, Mark G. Danielson, discovered a photograph of an unidentified POW printed about 6 months after the crash, in their local newspaper whom they were CONVINCED was Mark. It was several years, however, before the U.S. Government allowed the Danielsons to view the film from which the photo was taken. When they viewed the film, their certainty diminished. The hope that some of the twelve missing from the AC130A gunship has not diminished, however. Since the war ended, over 10,000 reports relating to Americans missing, prisoner or unaccounted for in Southeast Asia have been received by the U.S. Government, including over 1,000 first-hand live sighting reports. Families who might be able to lay their anguish and uncertainty to rest are taunted by these reports, wondering if their loved one is still alive, abandoned and alone. Since a large portion of the information is classified, it is impossible for the families to come to their own conclusions as to the accuracy of the reports. The fate of the twelve missing men from the gunship lost on June 18, 1972 is unknown. What is certain is that the governments of Southeast Asia possess far more knowledge than they have admitted to date. A large percentage of the nearly 2500 missing Americans CAN be accounted for. There can be no question that if even one American remains alive in captivity today, we have a moral and legal obligation to do everything possible to bring him home. UPn 10/21 U.S. MIA remains identified in Vietnam TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., Oct. 21 (UPI) -- Air Force officials announced Friday they have identified the remains of 13 servicemen killed during the Vietnam War, including 12 who were on the same aircraft when it was shot down over Vietnam's A Shau Valley in 1972. ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 7 ROLLING THUNDER®, INCORPORATED NATIONAL MEETING MINUTES – DECEMBER, 2014 The Rolling Thunder National meeting of December 21, 2014 was called to order at 1:00 pm at the VFW in Manville, New Jersey. The membership pledged allegiance to the American Flag and had a moment of silence for those still missing in action and for those who gave their lives for our Country. A candle was lit and placed by the POW/MIA flag as a symbol of remembrance for our POW‟s and MIA‟s. The invocation was given by Ed Crabtree in the National Chaplain Polly Badiak‟s absence. The Missing Man Table ceremony was presented by Elaine Martin and Gary Domanski (in Jon Asdourian‟s absence). All officers and board members were in attendance. There were 57 adult members, 3 junior members and 4 guests. NOVEMBER, 2014 MINUTES: The abbreviated minutes for the November, 2014 meeting was read by Elaine Martin, National Secretary. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Wayne Gadberry, seconded by Katie Fentzlaff. None opposed. TREASURER’S REPORT: Nancy Brottrel, National Treasurer read the balances in the accounts. Anyone wishing to review account activity may see Nancy during the break. A motion to accept the Treasurer‟s Report was made by Frank Fentzlaff, seconded by Jay Horne. None opposed. TOM D’ALESSIO, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Tom read the Mission Statement of Rolling Thunder COMMITTEE REPORTS: Government Affairs: To take action: Go to http://www.govtrack.us/. Search and review a bill or bills of interest, go to the website listed for your US Representatives or US Senators and send letters, e-mails and or faxes requesting an action (preferably in writing) to be taken such as to cosponsor the bill or support getting the bill/resolution to the floor for a vote. Or, call their DC office and ask to speak to their Military or Veteran Affairs staffer and request that an action be taken. Remember you are the voice of our POW and MIAs. If we don't.........who will?? Tom Bender gave the following report on behalf of Ed Rutledge: I hope everyone is having a happy start to the holiday season!! I want to personally thank each and every member of our organization for their hard work and dedication throughout the year, not only to Government and Veterans' Affairs, but to the organization!! Thank you!! As we prepare for 2015 and the 114th Congress, I believe that as an organization we must be proactive rather than reactive. We have a lot of work to do in 2015!! With that being said, it is imperative that we get moving and pressing our issues with Members of Congress (MOC). January 6th, 2015 is the “official” start date for both the Senate and House. Now would be a good time to start planning and scheduling meetings with your Senators and Representatives while they are in their respective districts. This MUST be done by ALL chapters of the organization. During the 113th Congress many pieces of legislation that directly and indirectly effects our POW/MIA's, Veterans' and their families either “died” or “sat” in committee (some with more than enough cosponsors) and never made it out of committee and to the floor for a vote. This is unacceptable. The primary issues and legislations that we as a committee felt is top priority and need our immediate attention are: The Backlog of VA Claims, S. 2738, H.R. 5484 “Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2014”, S. 2053 and H.R. 5391 “To direct the Architect of the Capitol to place a chair honoring American Prisoners of War/Missing in Action on the Capitol Grounds.. Please understand that bills from the 113th Congress must be reintroduced and some bills could be renumbered, i.e. H. Res. 231, formerly H. Res. 111. We will continue to actively pursue legislation (as we have in the past) such as Veterans' homelessness, suicide prevention, PTSD, Agent Orange and Government accountability and recovery of our POW/MIA's. Gulf War Matters by Gus Dante: The 113th congress has ended. The House of Representative and the US Senate will convene Jan. 6, 2015 for the new 114th Congress. It will be very important to make sure that we, National and all Rolling Thunder Chapters be proactive in advocating for passage of legislation once we all bills have been reintroduced. I have contacted Ed Rutledge and gave him some of my thoughts on how we could possibly accomplish this on all the bills pertaining to POW/MIA and Veterans issues etc. (Subject for discussion with Ed and Tom on this matter.) Just my thoughts: (1) Make up a list of bills prioritizing them from the House and Senate. (2) Send the list to all Rolling Thunder chapters and have them pick two bills most likely a companion bill, would be better: one in the House and Senate. (3) If not companion, only pertaining to one of the Houses, mark as such when you send the list. (4) Ask them to once they pick the bills they want to immediately email you back to keep record who has what bill. (5) Instruct them according on who to contact re.: Staffer who handles Military affairs or Veterans affairs, CoS, and how many times they should call to that particular office until they get results for cosponsor of the bill in question. (6) Give them a list of the politician's in their district or have them look it up who their FEDERAL representatives are and not state representatives. (7) I think all chapters should have a Government Affairs committee if they don‟t already have one to take on this project. Two of the following are issues we should be working on in the 114th Congress 2015: (A) I think we should be working on Bills H.R.5484 and S-2738 Toxic Exposure Research Act. Not only pertains to Vietnam Vets, but to Gulf War Veterans, Iraq, and Afghanistan Vets. Rolling Thunder was mentioned in the VVA magazine in an article by Herb Worthington that we are supporting these bills once they are reintroduce in the 114th Congress. See article below. (B) POW/MIA Chair of Honor S-2053 and H.R.5391 which also has to be re-introduced in the 114th Congress. Joe D‟Entremont, President RT-MA1, has already put in motion to get H.R. 5391 re-introduce with new number for the new congress. Agent Orange/Dioxin Committee Report, November/December 2014 “Strength in Numbers” BY HERB WORTHINGTON, DIRECTOR Our elected officials just don’t get it. Every day I respond to emails from people about Agent Orange or burn pits and the health of our returning veterans and their children. I know you have called, faxed, and emailed your representatives to sign on to H.R.5484 and S.2738, the companion bills for toxic substance research and treatment for Vietnam veterans and their progeny and for all who served in Southwest Asia and were exposed to burn pits, depleted uranium, oil well fires, and other poisons and for their progeny. We have to do it again and again—and again and again. So get your friends and family to tell your elected representatives to sign on. They say that there is strength in numbers. We have succeeded in getting the following groups on our side: the Special Forces Group, the United Auto Workers Veterans Group, Rolling Thunder, and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. When we explain to them our exposure and what it has done to us and our children and their children, audiences usually sit dumbfounded. A perfect example of this was when I spoke before the MOH Society at its Knoxville reunion. I asked my MOH contact for a list of the last ten Vietnam veteran recipients who died, when they died, and what from. She gave me the names and dates of death but could not give me the causes of death. So I read local obituaries. I found that the first seven Medal of Honor recipients from the Vietnam War died because of Agent Orange-related diseases. One died in a motorcycle accident but suffered from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is exposure presumptive. The next two died of bladder cancer, which we are trying to get service connected. The last was Col. George ―Bud‖ Day, a POW who died peacefully at home surrounded by his family after a long illness. Even our heroes are ignorant about the effects of their exposure, although the newest Society member knew all too well about exposures in Iraq and Afghanistan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 8 Newly Released NSA Documents Show That China Captured American Soldiers during The Vietnam War – a December 15, 2014 article posted on BusinessInsider.com discusses Chinese involvement with captured American servicemen, who returned during Operation Homecoming. The article is based on documents previously released as part of the investigation of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs (1991-93) and now available on the National Security Agency website. You can read the full article at http://www.businessinsider.com/nsa-documents-about-american-pows-during-vietnam-war-2014-12#ixzz3MA9ZqfKP Unfortunately, information on Chinese involvement with unreturned POWs remains hidden, as does Chinese involvement in the execution of captured American POWs. I would like to thank our members and everyone who helped make our 2nd Annual Wreaths Across America a great success, I understand 38 National members where there. That‟s great. We veterans who served are always getting a thank you for our service and what we do for other veterans. I really appreciate that, but today I want to thank everyone in the Rolling Thunder Family here and across the country who aren‟t veterans of the Armed Forces. A BIG THANK YOU for what you do for our veteran‟s community, to make their lives a little better for them... God Bless every one of you. MERRY CHRISTMAS…………….. Gus Dante. Vice President Joe Bean: National should set the standard for the Chapters to follow regarding Government Affairs. We should lead them as to what has to be done. (Gus Dante agreed with Joe and reiterated that National should be the example to follow.) Public Relations/Media by Nancy Regg: RT has started using PR Buzz for Press Releases. This is an on-line service only. The Star Ledger, Courier News, NY Rider, and Fast Lane Biker featured either a Press Release or the flyer for our Wreaths Across America Event. Also today we have the memory boards and photos of our DC trip on display. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and blessed 2015. Lyons VA Activity Committee by Lucy Walsh/Tom McAtee: This year we once again had successful and meaningful visits at The Walter Reed Medical Center during our Washington, DC visit. If you have not had the opportunity to visit our veterans at our local Lyons VA Hospital please consider doing so. Many of these veterans do not have visitors, and you will find your time spent very rewarding. The new schedule for 2015 Lyons VA visits are on the table. Please take one as there are a couple of months in which RT is not scheduled on the standard 3rd Thursday of the month, but on another week. Make note of these changes. KIA Service & Remembrance Committee by Deb Teall: I am sad to report that five soldiers died as part of Operation Enduring Freedom during the month from November 16 to December 21, 2014. Sgt. Maj. Wardell B. Turner, 48, of Nanticoke, Maryland, and Spc. Joseph W. Riley, 27, of Grove City, Ohio, died November 24 in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when the enemy attacked their vehicle with a vehicle borne improvised explosive device. Staff Sgt. Matthew R. Ammerman, 29, of Noblesville, Indiana, died December 3, in Zabul Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from small arms fire while conducting a clearing operation. Sgt. 1st Class Ramon S. Morris, 37, of New York City, and Spc. Wyatt J. Martin, 22, of Mesa, Arizona, died December 12 in Parwan Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when the enemy attacked their vehicle with an improvised explosive device. A sixth soldier, an Airman who was supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, Capt. William H. DuBois, 30, of New Castle, Colorado, died December 1 when his F-16 aircraft crashed near a coalition air base in the Middle East. On December 11, the Department of Defense released second-quarter 2014 suicide rates, which can be found on the DOD website. More soldiers have now been recorded as dying by their own hand than were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since those operations began. POW/MIA Chair of Honor Committee by Elaine Martin & Jon Asdourian: On Saturday, November 22nd we dedicated a POW/MIA Chair of Honor at Princeton University‟s Powers Field during their football game against Dartmouth. ExPOW Charles Susino, Jr who was captured during WWII, and endured 14 months in a German Prison camp before he escaped to freedom was our honored guest to unveiled the Chair. Thank you to the RT National Color Guard that presented the Colors, and all those that attended to support the POW/MIA issue. Princeton was the first of the Ivy League schools to dedicate a Chair, and it is our hope that the rest of our Nation‟s Ivy League schools will soon follow suit. During 2014 RT National dedicated a POW/MIA Chair of Honor at The Jersey State Capitol, Curves Baseball Stadium, Rutgers University, Bridgewater Municipal Complex, and Princeton University. We look forward to 2015, and we will work diligently to place more Chairs in high profile places to educate the public on our unaccounted service-personnel, POW/MIA‟s. Membership Committee by Mike Bottrel: Don‟t forget to sign-in today, so your attendance may be recorded. National Chapter Run Coordinator by Gerry Franke: January 24th from 3pm to 7pm RT Chapter 2-NJ will be having their 17th Annual Pasta. Admission is $10 per adult and $5 per child ages 5 to 11. It will be held at Knights of Columbus #6522, 15 Lacey Road, Forked River, NJ 08731. January 29th at 1:30pm the Unattended Veterans Service will be held at Washington Crossing Cemetery on 830 Highland Rd, Newton, PA. The service includes Military Honors to be performed for all veterans interred during the months of November, December, and January that did not receive a service. Education Committee by Gary Domanski: Thank you Gus Dante and Tom D‟Alessio for their tremendous effort in another successful Wreaths Across America event. High School students that attended were from Somerville, Basking Ridge, Bernards, and North Hunterdon. In addition, the Nat‟l Honor Society from Somerville High School sent 300 cards to the Lyons VA Hospital for the holidays. Note for fellow veterans: Joe Eggert from Wiechert of Flemington heads a group that meets 9:30 to noon on Tuesdays at Gem Vacuum Cleaner on Route 31 in Glen Gardner for a veteran breakfast, National Sergeant-at-Arms by Steve Prager: no report. Junior Members by Patty Kerr: The junior members have been busy making beads and keychains for the PTSD ward at the Lyons VA Hospital. Gold Star Mothers/VIP Escorts by Joe Baum: No report BREAK –2pm – 2:20p.m. PRESIDENT GARY SCHEFFMEYER: Veterans Matter is here from Washington, DC. to talk to us about their work. Navy Commander Sheekinaih Magee addressed the membership about their work in housing homeless veterans. Their goal is to provide funding for housing, provide information on VA services, and help integrate these veterans back in to being productive members of society. Ken Leslie a professional comedian who also works with Veteran Matters addressed the membership as well. He spoke on his experience with the organization, and urged all who are interested in supporting this worthwhile cause to speak to him after the meeting. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ARTIE MULLER: see Artie‟s „In Memory Of‟ report in the newsletter. The following Awards were issued: ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 9 Junior Membership Award: Alivia DeHart-Muller and Gavin Muller for their participation and support. POW Award: Gus Dante Membership Award: Mike Bottrel Veterans Award: Deb Teall and Jennifer Monteleone for their work at the Philadelphia Stand-down The following patches were awarded: Boot Patch: Curtis Olszewski Rocker and Eagle: Randall Johnson Boot Patch, Rocker, and Eagle: Carmella Avon Remarks: This year RT Charities helped 117 veterans and their families, and $133,739 was spent in doing so. If anyone would like read a touching letter we received from a veteran living in West Virginia it will be passed around. At the Lyons VA Hospital CORE1 program RT spent $400 per month to buy food, and $100 per month in canteen books. At the CORE 2 program RT spent $100 per month in canteen books as well. Another note, we have the Mike Cobb Remembrance patches for purchase ($5). Thank you to all who work with us to care for our veterans in need. God bless and be safe. New Jersey’s Mission of Honor for the Abandoned Cremains of American Veterans by Rob Rivers: Brothers and sisters please give me a few moments of your time so that I may update you on what‟s happening with “New Jersey‟s Mission of Honor for the abandoned Cremains of American Veterans”. During our November 16th membership meeting I informed you of the last Internment ceremony for the year 2014. It was the 3rd internment ceremony of 2014 conducted by the NJMON during which 10 abandoned cremains received full military burials. For each of the deceased, and is the case with every cremains at every one of the 20 internment ceremonies conducted since 2009, an American flag was folded and presented with the following words: “On behalf of the President of the United States New Jersey‟s Mission of Honor And a Grateful Nation”. In this, the season of celebration, joy and remembrance, where it is the norm for family and friends to visit and lay wreaths at the gravesites of those who are no longer with them, what is to happen in case of those who may not have been remembered when they were living. Particularly, for the 168 cremated remains who were left abandoned and warehoused in mortuaries, hospital storage facilities, crematoriums and the like in cans, bottles, boxes or whatever happened to be convenient for an average of 28 years. Thankfully for them there is New Jersey‟s Mission of Honor which on Wednesday, December 10th laid beautiful wreaths at the gravesites of those who for so long had been forgotten. The work of New Jersey‟s Mission of Honor has a cost. Every cent that is donated goes towards bringing each cremains that is placed in its custody to an honorable burial. As I‟ve stated before the urns alone cost $250 each. On Saturday, December 6th the Bergen county American Legion hosted what it called “The Pearl Harbor Remembrance” dinner dance where the proceeds were donated to New Jersey‟s Mission of Honor. There are thousands upon thousands of abandoned cremains. And while it may appear that this is a matter that will not be brought to an end, please believe that with the caring donations and efforts of people just like you and me, together we can bring this sad chapter to an end. For all of you who have contributed to this cause I extend a heartfelt thank you. National Reports Officer by Pete Zaleski: no report Sunshine Committee by Kate Fentzlaff: Judi Tapper of Gold Star Mothers was sent condolences on the passing of her mother. Patrick Hughes of National was sent condolences on the passing of his cousin. 4 packages were sent overseas to our troops. Motorcycle Raffle and Newsletter Editor by Elaine Muller: All the tickets for the 2015 Motorcycle Raffle are out to the Chapters. If anyone has anything for the newsletter, please email the office. We have been very busy with the mail-out for 2015 DC Event. Thank you to Nancy and Mike Bottrel and Mary Jacobus who come to the office to help us. Thank you to all who support our organization in helping our veterans. ADDITIONAL/NEW BUSINESS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Gus Dante: Thank you Tom D‟Alessio, Andy Kerr, Rob Stroka, Gary Domanski and my brother for helping out unloading the truck and placing the flags on the graves for our Wreaths Across America Event. Ted Glover: At the CORE program I received a stocking that was made up for RT volunteers. It will be raffled off after the 50/50 as I cannot eat the goodies inside. Jay Horne: The Loch Rannoch Pipes and Drums Dinner will be January 24th at 6pm. Tickets are $35 per person. See Jay after the meeting if you are interested in attending. CLOSING The 50/50 was for $98 and the winning ticket holder was Katie Fentzlaff. The CORE Jar amount was $123 . A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 2:50pm by Ted Glover, seconded by Joe Baum. None opposed. ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 10 National Alliance of Families for the Return of America’s Missing Servicemen World War II + Korea + Cold War + Vietnam + Gulf Wars + Afghanistan Janella Apodaca Rose – 406-652-3528 Lynn O’Shea - 718-846-4350 janella@nationalalliance.org lynn@nationalalliance.org Ann Holland Mary Ann Reitano ann@nationalalliance.org maryann@nationalalliance.org These public descriptions of North Vietnamese interrogators, however, have to be balanced against an US Air Force (USAF) study published in December 1973. This report, which reported the results of a survey of former USAF POWs, stated that the vast majority of interrogations about electronic counter-measures (ECM) operations, which would include operations involving EB-66 and F-105F “Wild Weasel” aircraft, were conducted by competent or even highly-competent North Vietnamese. If that is true, it would appear that at least some North Vietnamese interrogators had the level of expertise required to conduct the TFR 294 interrogations. This conclusion is further supported by a 1975 CIA analysis, which revealed that at least one senior interrogator, a career military intelligence officer named Mac Lam (true name Phan Mac Lam), was not only fluent in English, but had taken courses in electronics and radar at Hanoi University‟s School of Engineering during the mid-to-late 1950s. Another piece of evidence that supports the view that the Vietnamese were capable of conducting such highly-technical interrogations is to be found in a new book published in Vietnam in 2014. This memoir, written by General Phan Thu, North Vietnam‟s leading electronics warfare officer during the war, includes several pages that discuss the 4 February 1967 shoot-down of an American EB-66C and information he says the North Vietnamese obtained from its captured crew. This is the same EB-66C discussed in the TFR 294 report. In addition, an official history of the North Vietnamese Air Defense Command notes that the information on US “electronic warfare” that North Vietnam obtained from the downing of this EB-66C was so important that the shoot-down was officially viewed as the Air Defense Command‟s “most important victory” in the first three months of 1967. The missile battalion that shot down the EB-66C was awarded North Vietnam‟s Combat Achievement Medal, First Class, for its accomplishment. General Phan Thu‟s memoir does not specifically refer to the interrogation of the F-105F crewmen described in TFR 294; he only alludes to the fact that information gleaned from the captured airmen helped North Vietnam analyze the capabilities of the Shrike missile and devise effective counter-measures. One way of resolving the question of who, in fact, conducted the interrogations described in the TFR 294 report would be to review the post-release debriefing statements provided by the five captured crewmen from the EB-66C and the F-105F aircraft. What did the crew members say about their interrogators? Unfortunately, these debriefing statements are still closely held and so highly classified that even DPMO analysts with the highest security clearances have great difficulty gaining access to them. Informally, one of the five former prisoners involved in these two incidents has provided a possible answer to this question. Shortly after his return to the United States in 1973, one of the crewmembers of the downed F-105F, Electronics Warfare Officer Jay R. Jensen, wrote a book describing his experiences as a POW in North Vietnam. Several editions of the book, Six Years in Hell, have been published by Horizon Publishers in Bountiful, Utah, with the first edition appearing in 1974 and a final revised edition published in 1989 (Jensen died in 1998). Jensen wrote that when he first arrived at Hỏa Lò Prison, the infamous jail that American POWs dubbed the “Hanoi Hilton,” he was subjected to long hours of brutal physical torture by the North Vietnamese, torture that finally forced him to begin talking. Jensen wrote that when he told his North Vietnamese interrogator he had previously served with the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), a new interrogator arrived to question him in more detail on this subject. In the early editions of his book, Jensen wrote (e.g., on page 50 of the 1978 edition) that he thought the new interrogator “might have been a Russian;” in the 1989 edition, Jensen wrote (on page 44) that the North Vietnamese called in “an interrogator who was, I believe, a Russian.” In the earlier editions, Jensen also wrote only that the presumed Russian asked him questions about NORAD. But in later editions, Jensen provided the following additional information: Another question they asked was about our F-105 missions. How could we find and attack their SAM sites? What electronics equipment did we have? . . . . These are the same questions covered in the interrogation notes that comprise the TFR 294 report. It should be emphasized that nowhere in his book(s) does Jensen ever say that he gave his interrogators the kind of detailed information conveyed in the TFR 294 report. Jensen writes only that “. . . they didn‟t know very much about what they were asking for, and from then on I gave them very evasive and general answers.” He then adds, however, that “. . . the questioning went on for many more hours.” The fact that the US government obtained from a Soviet officer detailed notes in Russian on the interrogation would seem to constitute strong evidence, when juxtaposed with Jensen‟s memoir, that at least on one occasion a Soviet officer functioned as the chief interrogator of an American POW. [End Excerpt] Read the full article at http://www.washingtondecoded.com/site/2014/12/tfr294.html He’s Making That List and Checking it Twice – For that hard to buy for person on your list, stuff their stocking with a bit of history. For the children on your list, educate them on the POW/MIA issue with a book. Our recommendations Abandoned in Place - The Men We Left Behind and the Untold Story of Operation Pocket Change the Joint Special Operations Command Planned Rescue of American POWs Held in Laos Six Years After the End of the Vietnam War by Lynn O‟Shea. American Trophies: How US POWs Were Surrendered to North Korea, China and Russia by Washington's "Cynical Attitude," by Mark Sauter and John Zimmerlee. This book provides an in-depth look at evidence, which upon objective review points to only one conclusion. North Korean held back POWs captured during the Korean War. In some cases, the North Koreans transferred these POWs both China and the former Soviet Union. For more on the book visit http://www.kpows.com/ America’s Abandoned Sons the Untold Story of Thousands of U.S. Soldiers Secretly Murdered in the USSR – By Robert S. Miller. “Tens of thousands of America's WWII, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam War military servicemen ended up as hostages secretly hijacked into the USSR. Today this regrettable saga is still one of America's most closely guarded secrets.” All books are available at amazon.com. Already purchased these books, then check out our the Books and DVD section of our website for an oldie but goodie. Pass a bit of POW/MIA information and history to a friend and the next generation. Another year is ending. Each year, it becomes harder and harder to face the New Year with optimism and hope. We thought that perhaps 2015 might be different, because of the reorganizations of the POW/MIA accounting effort. Now that effort appears in limbo and the families are forced to wait…. Again. Our POW/MIAs are growing old, as are we. Our ranks are thinning. Going forward is difficult but not impossible. Keep this though in mind, as we begin the New Year. “When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." We wish you all the Merriest Christmas, the Happiest Hanukkah and all the best for a healthy and Happy New Year. TRUTH, JOY, AND PEACE TO US ALL IN 2015. Janella, the Board of Directors of the National Alliance of Families and our Research Director Lynn O’Shea ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 11 ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 12 ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 13 ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 14 ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 15 ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 16 ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. NEWSLETTER POW/MIA “We Will Never Forget” WWI 3,344 WWII 78,503 Cold War 120 Korea 8,044 Vietnam 1,651 POW/MIA “WE WILL NEVER FORGET" 2015 Rolling Thunder ® National Inc. Lyons VA Hospital Visits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7:00pm~ Community Living Center ~2nd Fl. January 15 March 26 May (none) July 16 September 17 November 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7:00pm ~ PTSD Ward Bldg. 143~2nd Fl. (Please bring a dessert) February 19 April 16 June 18 August 23, Sunday (VA Picnic) 11:00am October 15 December 2, Weds. (Holiday Party) Recreation Dept. (908)-647-0180 Ext. 427 (Days) Please obey speed limits on VA grounds ® Rolling Thunder Inc. Newsletter January 2015 Page 17
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