MARY ANN YOUNG Senior Center Newsletter 9150 Central Ave. NE, Blaine, MN 55434 763763-786786-9375— 9375—763763-780780-4318 January 2015 Senior Center Staff Shelley Johnson, Director Ann Genosky, Coordinator Jim Grant, Custodian MISSION STATEMENT “To enrich the lives of older adults by providing educational, recreational, nutritional, social, informational, and volunteer opportunities in a relaxed, friendly environment” Newsletter Assemblers David Allen Betty Allen Jackie Durkot Margo Arett Shirley Engberg Mary Fettig Kathy Gakin Lois Hawkins Marion Kruse Bob Kruse Lori Schintgen Marcia McKee SNOWBIRDS: If you have a newsletter mailed to you, please tell us when you leave for the winter so we can keep our mailing list current. We get charged for undelivered mail. The Mary Ann Young Senior Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am—4:30 pm and other specified times. Stop in and check us out! Website: This newsletter is made possible through the continued support of the City of Blaine. CURRENT AND COMING EVENTS DATES CLOSED: We are closed on Thursday, January 1st for New Year’s Day and on Monday, January 19th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. TAKE DOWN DECORATIONS: Help is needed to put away the holiday decorations on Friday, January 2nd at 9:30a.m. Please join us. CAREGIVER GRIEF-GROWING THROUGH LOSS : To remain balanced and resilient we need to take a moment to step aside and care for ourselves. Come and learn how to reflect upon and acknowledge your losses and learn to creatively manage your grief.. Register for this important session to be held on Monday, January 12th at 11a.m., brought to you by Catholic Elder Care. KING AND QUEEN NOMINATIONS: Ballots will be available from January 12th through January 20th to nominate a male and female for king and queen of the Senior Center. Photos of those accepting nominations will be ported prior to our Valentine Party, and voting will take place at the party on Thursday, February 12th. TOURCO TRAVEL SHOW: Enjoy a wonderful travel show of the Spectacular National Parks of the Southwest including: Cathedral of the Plains, Mesa Verde Ntl. Park, Four Corners Ntl. Monument, Oak Creek, Glen & Escalante Canyons and more, at 11am on Thursday, January 22nd. MOVIE OF THE MONTH: View the film “If I Stay” about a young woman who survives a car accident and must make life-altering choices about everything and everyone in her life, on our 70” T.V.! We will show this film at 1p.m. on Thursday, January 22nd with refreshments at intermission. WINTER WONDERLAND WEEK OF FUN: Monday, January 26th Sing-a-long with Mary T., Inc-11am Prize/Nickel Bingo-1pm Tuesday, January 27th Wii Tournament-10am “500” Tournament-1pm Thursday, January 29th Cribbage Tournament-1pm BIRTHDAY PARTY: Register to join us for our monthly Birthday Party to be held Wednesday, January 28th , with entertainment by country artist Kevin Wegman at 11 am, followed by a beef pot roast meal at noon, and prize bingo at 1 pm sponsored by Edgewood Senior Living. SUPER BOWL PARTY: Fun football trivia for a chance at prizes, and “stadium style” refreshments will be on the agenda for this January 30th event at 11a.m. Wear your favorite football team colors! ============================================================ INCOME TAX SEASON: Tax assistance is especially for seniors and low to moderate income levels in Anoka County, no complicated forms please, as this is a half hour appointment with preparers. Assistance is available by appointment on specified Mondays from February 2nd through April 13th. You must bring your photo I.D., Health Insurance Card, 2013 completed taxes, proof of social security number, and all 2014 forms needed to file. Income taxes will be E-Filed. This service is brought to you by AARP and the Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Anoka County. If you live in Clover Leaf Courts, Blaine Courts, or Banfill Crossing Apartments, do not sign up here, as a preparer will come to your site. Property Tax and Rent Credit assistance will be offered in late April or early May, watch for the date in a future issue. ONGOING SERVICES/PROGRAMS LEGAL SERVICE Anoka County legal service is available to residents of Anoka County age 60 and older by appointment on the first Tuesday of the month beginning at 11:15 am. Call the center for an appointment. Next date: Tues., January 6th. FOOT CARE Fridays, January 2nd & 9th, call for an appointment. Fee is $20. Bring your own towel. You need to cancel 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- ACCAP—SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAMS If you are age 60 or better and are looking for ways to stretch your dollar, check out these programs: *ENERGY ASSISTANCE: This program helps lower your utility costs and is based on your income. If your monthly income is $1,946 (gross) or less for one person or $2,545 or less for two people you may qualify! This program runs from October-May. *FOOD SUPPORT: The SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is designed to help lower food/grocery costs. If your monthly income is $1,605 (gross) or less for one person or $2,163 or less for two people, you may qualify. There are many applicable deductions: mortgage, taxes, RX’s Call Colleen, Senior Outreach Worker, at 763-783-4741 for information. She will come to your home or meet you at the Senior Center to help calculate. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- FAMILY CAREGIVER CONNECTION Support groups and group respite care are available in the Anoka County area. Call Jill Agyekum at 763-422-6960 for more information regarding the assessment process. JEWELRY SALE THANK YOU! We raised over $1,400 at our sale! Our Lead Organizers were Louise Howe and Dorothy Albers. Volunteer Helpers were: Gloria Schmidt, Diane Weiss, Barb Carlson, June Jurek, Geri Hieb, Shirley Knoll, Joyce Brown, Maxine Nystrom, Rochelle Taube, Rina, Savan, Sagar and Saya Sant, Doris Buhl, Pat Campeau, Patty Sandin, and Martha Caouette. Jewelry Donators were: Rita Ahles, Dorothy Albers, LaVonne Benike, Bernadette, Gayle Buekema, Jean Blom, Martha Caouette, Peggy Compton, Adeline Copeland & relatives, Darlene Dame, Jackie Durkot, Jane Ebert, Judy Erwin, Wende Ferguson, Pam flor, Isabelle Freeberg, Bernice Fuehrer, Sally Grendler, Wanda Hadeen, Annette Haedtke, Geri Hieb, Jack Heitzig, Louise Howe, Joann Jackson, Viola Karst, Eileen Kellsvig, Ginny Korts, Myrna Kostuch, Lillian Krause, Jan Kujawa, Jean Langlois, Sandy Liesdon, Marge Lunderborg, Ruth Magnuson, Geri Mueller, Eileen Nelson, Lotus Paulus, Marge Peterson, Lucille Ppobuda, Cletus Putnamm, Margie Richels, Colleen Rybak, Dorine Samson, Patty Sandin, Linda Sapp, Sandy Schirmers, Gloria Schmidt, Barb Shellum, Connie Sherman, Cathy Sorenson, Louann Smith, Irene Sunt, Jeanette Sutch, Irene Swanson, Lauri Taylor, Fran Tadych, Jean Tobish, Mary Tschida, Patsy Walberg, Diane Weiss, Pearl Welcome, Carole Wojciak, and Rolainne Wright. Your generosity is much appreciated...thank you one and all!! OTHER NOTEWORTHY NEWS: Van Service– Available to bring folks who live in Blaine & its boundaries to and from the senior center for meals and events— with advanced notice. Cost is $1.50 round trip. Noon Meals– Menus are available and a 3 day notice is needed to secure a meal, which is served Monday—Friday at noon for a suggested $4 donation for age 60+. LOW VISION HELP Third Wednesday of the month from 9am-noon, Paul Mattson from the Minnesota State Services for the Blind will be available at the Senior Center. Call Paul at 651-539-2328 to make an appointment for January 21 HEALTH INSURANCE COUNSELING Specified Monday afternoons at the Senior Center. Appointments are required. Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging staff will assist with the basics of Medicare and Medical Assistance, choosing a supplement and/or Part D plan, processing claims, assisting with forms and more. To schedule an appointment at the Senior Center, call 1-800-333-2433. ACCAP CHORES & MORE Serving the 60 and over population, Chores and More is a program of the Anoka County Community Action program with funding from the cities of Anoka and Coon Rapids. This is your one stop shop for minor home repairs, housekeeping, seasonal chores. To be on the snow removal list, call Char or Nancy at 763-783-4767. VHS HOME MOVIE TRANSFER Drop off your VHS, 8mm or 16mm personal home movies at the Senior Center the 2nd Wednesday of the month between 9-noon. Eric from North Metro TV will transfer them to a disc and return them to the Senior Center a month or so later. Call to see if your tapes are done. This service is also available for smaller tapes that fit into a VHS converter, but you must provide your converter. Attach your name and phone # to your home movies. We have completed, unmarked tapes from the past several months waiting for the owners to pick them up. ============================== HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE STAFF WHO WORK AT THE SENIOR CENTER: Thank you for another great year! Ann, Shelley, Jim & Kristeen ONGOING ACTIVITIES GET FIT & FEEL HEALTHIER: Our “Live 2B Healthy Senior Fitness Class” is held three days a week at the Center: Tuesdays & Fridays at 1pm and Thursdays at 9am. Free to those with UCare, Humana or Silver Sneakers, otherwise the cost is $30 monthly-other insurances may contribute toward fees.. Our certified instructor will lead you in these one hour classes. Register today! CLASSIC COUNTRY MUSIC Enjoy a live country western band on the third Sunday of the month featuring: The North Country Jamboree! Next date is January 18th from 1-4:30 pm. Join Gary Clark and musicians for a real taste of country music. Free will offering. LINE DANCING Tuesdays: 9 am-Intermediate Wednesdays: 6-9 pm- Varied levels Thursdays: 6-8pm -Intermediate Saturdays: 9 am-Beginner 10am-Advanced Beginner 11 am-”Keeping it Country” A free will donation is accepted. Line Dance Party is January 17th, 1-5pm COMMUNITY OUTINGS & TOURS ST. CROIX CASINO TRIP-Turtle Lake, WI Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Cost: $7 Register by: January 14 Depart: Blaine Senior Center-8:30a.m. Return: approx. 4:30p.m. Includes coffee and donut prior to departure, and $5 slot play credit on player’s card. TREASURE ISLAND CASINO TRIP-Red Wing, MN Date: Monday, March 9th Cost: $7 Register by: March 2nd Depart: Blaine Senior Center-8:30a.m. Return: approx. 4:30p.m. Includes donuts and coffee prior to departure, $3 food coupon OUTSIDE MULLINGAR-at the Old Log Theater A romanc comedy about Anthony and Rosemary, neighbors in rural Ireland, who are nearing their middle years. It is by turns poec, upliing, dark and funny. Anthony is an introverted farmer and Rosemary is the woman that vows to have him at all costs. Price includes transportaon, cket, and lunch. Make your meal selecon at me of registraon: short ribs, pan seared lapia, rolled penne pasta, or roasted chicken breast. Meal includes bread, beverage, and dessert. Register by January 12. DATE: Wednesday, January 28 TIME: 11 AM – 4:45 PM FEE: $59 GOD GIRL-at the the History Theater Meet the bright and spirited Macalester College graduate who was one of the first women accepted into the Master of Divinity program at Princeton Theological Seminary. In 1975, when the war in Vietnam was over and the women’s liberaon movement was in full swing, an idealisc and determined young woman decided to change the world starng with her ordinaon to ministry. Lunch on your own aer the show at Joseph’s Grill. Register by January 13 DATE: Thursday, February 19 TIME: 9 AM – 3 PM FEE: $32 THE DEBUTANTE’S BALL-at the History Theater WOOD CARVING Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm led by J.D. Hughes (763-434-4202) and/or on Wednesdays from 1-3 pm led by Wes Spadgenske. All levels are welcome. Join us for some relaxed conversation! The MN Metro Woodcarving Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 11th - 2p.m. Enjoy a glimpse into the pageantry, customs, and teenage restlessness that are all part of the Valenne’s Ball and Presentaon of Debutantes and Escorts. Haranas (tradional Filipino love songs), the waltz and even a bit of hip hop, while finding the balance between tradion and assimilaon, parental pressure and personal independence. Lunch on your own aer the show at Fabulous Ferns. Register by March 18. BOWLING: Brunswick Zone in Blaine, 11351 Ulysses St. N.E., offers Senior Bowling Mondays and Fridays beginning at 1 pm for $1.25 per game. Enjoy free shoe rental. ================================================================================================ DATE: Thursday, March 26 TIME: 9 AM – 2 PM FEE: $32 All Outings Subject to Change ** WATER COLOR CLASS ANYONE??? We are checking to see if anyone would be interested in a series of 4 classes lead by an experienced instructor, perhaps on Friday mornings from 8:30am-11:30am. Instructor fees per person: $60 Participants would need to purchase/bring their own supplies: paints, brushes, pallet, etc. Call if you are interested! If enough are interested, we could schedule for February. ICE SKATING: For active older adults on Wednesdays from 9:3011:00am at Fogerty ArenaFREE! • • • THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND CONTRIBUTIONS: Benita Gregerson for the donation in memory of Carmon & Leah Darlene Glanz & Ivy Johnson for monetary donations Holiday Raffle donators: Jean Tobish, Jackie Durkot, Lori Schintgen, Alvina Frank, Ken Kittelson, Shirley Engberg, Rina Sant, Martha Caouette, Dorothy Knapp and anonymous others. Mary Ann Young Senior Center PRSRT STD U.S. Postage Paid Twin Cities, MN Permit #4190 9150 Central Avenue NE Blaine, MN 55434 763-786-9375 Address Service Requested DEFENSIVE DRIVING REFRESHER COURSE An instructor from the American Association of Retired Persons will conduct this 4-hour refresher course. This is a lecture-video class. Upon completion of the class, a certificate is issued and will be accepted by insurance companies for a discount on premiums for those 55 years of age and older. This certificate expires in 3 years and therefore, the course must be repeated in order to continue receiving the premium discount. You must have taken the 8-hour class in order to be eligible to take the 4-hour refresher course. DATES: Thursdays: January 8th, February 19th, or March 5th TIME: 10:30 am—3:00 pm (includes 1/2 hour lunch break). FEE: $15 for AARP members $20 for non-AARP members Make checks payable to “AARP”. Bring your driver’s license and your AARP card (if applicable) to class. You will need to show and record your AARP member number (if applicable) on your form at class. Lunch is available for a suggested donation: $4 ages 60 and up; $7 under age 60. You must register for lunch at least 3 days in advance, but can pay the day of the class. For lunch, make checks payable to “V.O.A.” Coffee and treats are provided for a suggested donation of $1. To register: Call or stop by the Senior Center to make your reservation. Mail or drop off your AARP payment: Mary Ann Young Senior Center, 9150 Central Ave., NE, Blaine, MN 55434. Payment must be made prior to attending this class. A 48-hour cancellation notice is needed to receive a refund. NAME:_________________________________________________PHONE__________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________CITY/STATE/ZIP_______________________________________ DATE OF CLASS_____________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH_____________________________ WOULD YOU LIKE A LUNCH RESERVATION? YES__________ NO__________ THESE CLASSES FILL VERY QUICKLY, SO PLAN A COUPLE MONTHS IN ADVANCE TO SECURE YOUR SPOT.
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