Daily Announcements - Independent School District 196

Daily Announcements
January 20, 2015
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RHS Site Council Donations
RHS Site Council will be taking donations of food and winter clothing for the RHS Counseling Office Food Shelf
and the 360 Communities organization at Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday, January 22nd
and 23rd. Desirable food donations are kid-friendly, non-perishable, and require little preparation (such as cans
of soup, canned meat, tuna, cheese-n-crackers, granola bars, trail mix, nuts, peanut butter, beans, and bottled
water/non-refrigerated juice. Winter clothing (including coats), personal hygiene items (including hotel and
travel size toiletries), school supplies, boxes of Kleenex, and hand sanitizer will also be accepted at the Site
Council table which will be located near the main office of the school at Conferences.
The RHS Counseling Office operates a school Food Shelf for students in need. The food shelf is designed to make
meals available to students who may not have access to foods outside the school day, i.e. evenings and
weekends. Donations are packaged by RHS students and housed at various locations throughout the school.
They are available to any student and inquiries are confidential. (3)
Recycling Heroes
Kudos to the following classrooms for being recognized by their night custodian as excellent recyclers:
Ms. Ringuist, Mr. Heebl, Mr, Fendrich, Entire third floor Science Dept. (2)
Dakota Electric Association 2015 Youth Tour – Washington, DC
DEA is offering area students a chance to win an All-Expense Paid trip to Washington, D.C. from June 13-18!
Students who are enrolled as a junior or senior and their electricity is supplied by Dakota Electric are eligible to
apply. DEA sends 5 students on this amazing and educational Youth Tour! Applications are available in the
Career Center or on the DEA Website: http://www.dakotaelectric.com and are due 2/20/15. (7)
Class of 2015 - Senior Students
Josten’s graduation packets were handed out to all seniors during homeroom. Please stop in the main office if
you were absent from this assembly. VERY IMPORTANT: All seniors must log on to
http://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1062194/Rosemount-High-School/ and order their cap, gown &
tassel (no charge). Deadline for ordering cap, gown & tassel along with graduation accessories is Thursday,
January 29, 2015. (7)
Yearbook Baby Ads
Parents of Seniors: Would you like to include a special message and baby picture of your child in this year's
yearbook? Look for the Senior Flashbacks information in your child's grad information or on the yearbook
website at http://www.district196.org/rhs/facultyadd.cfm?id=343 (12)
Attention 10th and 11th Grade Parents
Do you have a strong academic student? Is college in their future? Do they need help finding college majors or
careers that would be a good fit for them? The Mentor Program can help AND can improve their college resume
by providing professional internship opportunities. Check out our video and website for more information:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbZqEiVdEZs www.district196.org/rhs/mentorprogram/
Have your child see Mr. Macho in Room 124 for an application. (4)
2015 Senior Class Party
Senior Poster info meeting on Tuesday, 1/20 at 5:30 in the IMC. Reps from Cornerstone Copy as well as
examples of posters from previous graduates will be on display. Stay for the parent meeting at 7pm.
Teacher/Staff Conference Pre Meal – Volunteers Needed
Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to supply food for the Teacher/Staff Pre-Conference Meal
which is being held this Thursday, January 22, 2015. We are still in need of a few more volunteers to sign up for
soup/chili/hot dishes. Please follow the instructions below to register for VolunteerSpot and to sign up for your
meal choice. If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Kraemer at heidirai721@gmail.com
1. Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/yTvAVw
2. Review the options listed and choose the option(s) you like.
3. Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot.
A list of current scholarship opportunities can be found on Family Connections. Once you log in to Family Connections, go to the "Colleges" tab, scroll down
and click on the "scholarship list" link to view the list of scholarships and/or download scholarship applications.
The Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce Scholarship application is available on Family
Connections. DCR Chamber Charitable Foundation will be awarding a post-secondary education scholarship to
graduating high school females within each of our four school districts (four total) as part of our premier
Women’s Conference. Must be a student in District 191/192/196/197. Application is due February 2nd and
recipients will be notified no later than February 13th (6)
College Fair
College Visits
Student reminder: Family Connections has a current list of upcoming College Visits so that you can plan accordingly should
you want to attend!
U.S. Army – Tuesday, January 20 – 10:00am
National Guard – Wednesday, January 21 – 9:30am
DECA Congratulations
Congratulations to over 60 RHS students who earned the right to compete at the MN State DECA Competition to
be held March 8, 9, and 10th.
Jack Alberts
Asya Anderson
Gabriel Cobos
Quentin Engdahl
Hannah Garrett
Samuel Ivanecky
Nyah Kasprzyk
Alexa Mack
Kurt McKenzie
Natalie Narloch
Eric Paget
Sam Rhody
Jake Smith
Lindsey VerMurlen
Tom Wheeler
Brett Anderson
John Birkholz
Courtney Cook
Maria Fendrich
Dustin Gunderson
Lizzie Johnson
Marty Kelly
Tanner Manske
Amanda McNeill
Jack Narloch
Caleb Pavelka
Justin Schaubroeck
Varsha Tallapaka
Katie Villella
Anna Wise
Michael Anderson
Travis Boyum
Courtney DeBettignies
Mitch Foster
Amanda Halvorson
Ryan Kalinowski
Danielle Kemnic
Monica McDonald
Ellie Meisinger
Abby Nelson
Lea Payette
Joey Schuh
Madi Van Sickle
Andrew Weiler
Alex Wood
Grace Anderson
Chris Chunh
Denise Delgado
Karly Freels
Rachel Igoe
Katie Kalinowski
William Lai
Daniel McElroy
Holden Mitchell
Rachael Nielsen
Anna Peterson
Cody Schultz
Nathan VanHandel
Tanner Wenzel
Paige Zemke
Lobby Day at the Capital
Join the Green Team and the Steger Foundation on Mon, Feb. 2 for Lobby Day at the MN Capitol. Help raise the
Renewable Energy Standard. See Mrs. Kanitz in N22 by Jan. 22. Training and transportation provided. (2)
Green Team January Meetings
All grades welcome! Help promote our new recycling program. Design, build wind turbine blades for April
competition and learn about renewable energy. Wed, Jan 21 at 2:30pm in Rm N22 (1)