: Chief Guest : : Programme : Registration & Breakfast 8.00 to 9.00 am Inauguration session 9.00 to 10.30 am Technical session 10.30 to 2.00 pm Shri Babubhai B. Bokhiriya You are cordially invited to Seminar on "One Health", organized jointly by Gujarat Veterinary Department of Hon'ble Minister-Water Resources (excluding Kalpasar), Association, Animal Husban dry, Agriculture , Co-operat ion , Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Cow Breeding Gujarat State & Gujarat Veterinary Govt. of Gujarat Council on 18'" Jan. 2015. Shri Medical College Auditorium, Mohanbhai Kundariya Hon'ble Minister of State for Agr iculture, Govt. of India Civil Hospital, Gandhinagar Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan Lunch 2.00 pm onwards Smt. Anandiben Patel, Hon ble Minister of State for Agriculture, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Govt. of India ' Gujarat State will preside over and inaugu rate the function Shri Parshottambhai O. Solanki Hon'ble Minister of State for Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Gujarat : Guest Dr. Umesh o f honour : Chandra Sharma President, Veterinary Council of India initiative ��N @wtb@lrr@lri���t@ �midi -����t. fi1l©i @mi@ E� dln��ornirni@�t@dJV� The One Health concept is a w orld w id e strategy f o r expanding interdisciplinary and c o l l ab o r a t i o n s communications aspects humans, of hea Ith animals Veterinarian Joann Lindenmayer, DVM,MPH., in all care for and the American VeterinaryMedical Association, Invitation Biograph)!, One Health Commission Board of Directo rs Chair. environment. The synergism "Future generations will judge us by how well we - achieved will advance health care for th e 21" century and beyond by discoveries, accel erating biomedical enhancing p ublic health research efficacy, physicians, veterinarians, public other health health professionals, professionals and expediti ou sly expandi ng the sc ient ific kn ow ledge social base, and approach to solving critical global issues such as clinical care. When properly implemented, it will climate change and the increase in antimicrobial and improving medical education help protect and save untold millions of lives in our science experts - took a One Health H ONE PLANET ONE FUTURE resistance. Only by doing so now can we hope to Technical Seminar Vision Statement: protect and ensure the interdependent health of on One Health (formerly called One Medicine) is dedicated to improving the lives of all ecosystems and the people, animals and plants 18.01.2015 present and future gen er ations . species-human and animal-through the integration of human medicine, veterinary that live in them." at Medical College Auditorium, medicine and environmental s c ien ce . One Health shall be achieved through: Physician Albert J. Osbahr, III, MD, Joint educational efforts between human medical, veterinary medical schools, and 1. schools of public health and the environment; 2.Joint c ommun icati on efforts in journals, at conferences, and via allied health networks; 3.Joint efforts in clinical care t hr ough the assessment, treatment and prevention of American Medical Association, Biography One Health Commission Board of Directors Past Ch air "After witnessing the successive waves of 4.Joint cross-species disease surveillance and world, a common theme emerges from the MERS control efforts in public health; S.Joint efforts in better understanding of cross Co-V, Salmonella, Entervirus, Flu, MRSA to, of species disease transmission through comparative medicine and environmental in th e development Organized by different infections facing our country and our cross-species disease transmission; re se arch ; 6.Joint efforts Civil Hospital, Gandhinagar and course, Ebola; we as humans are not alone. What • animals across the world does somehow affect ·�(Ir <$ ""'".;. .(. 'me'. We are clearly seeing, with outbreaks and evaluation of new diagnostic methods, medicines and vaccin es for the prevention and epidemics, the overall effects of man's interaction control of diseases across species and; with the world from our management of resources 7 .Joint efforts t o inform and educate political lea ders and the pub lic sector th rough ac cur ate media p ublicati ons . Rm� � � we do with our environment and handling of our • . Dept. of Animal Husbandry, Gujarat State to cultural activities in our communities to our general infection control responses." Gujarat Veterinary Council
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