M o o s e M o u n t a i n s R e gi o n a l G r e e n wa y s Volume 14 Issue 1 Winter 2015 G REENWAY G AZETTE Mission To identify and conserve important natural resource areas, including water resources, farm and forest lands, wildlife habitat, recreational areas, cultural and scenic areas. To educate others about these efforts. MMRG’s 1st Easement! ington and New Durham serving as Executory Interest (backup) holders. Last November 12, a roomful of enthusiastic supporters celebrated as Rodney and Judy Thompson of Farmington donated a conservation easement on their 203-acre property along Meaderboro Road in Farmington and New Durham. This conservation agreement assures that the natural and historic resources of the land will be preserved in perpetuity. The easement was gifted to MMRG, with the Towns of Farm- MMRG Board Chair, Nancy SpencerSmith, noted that this easement is a milestone accomplishment for MMRG and signals that MMRG is now a full-fledged land trust. As holder of this easement – MMRG’s first – MMRG takes responsibility for ensuring that the Thompson property remains undivided and undeveloped into the future. (Continued on page 2) To join together protected lands to form greenways. Contact Us By mail: Moose Mountains Regional Greenways PO Box 191 Union, NH 03887 By phone: (603) 473-2020 By email: info@mmrg.info Online: www.mmrg.info Staff Executive Director: Virginia Long (603) 473-2020 Director of Land Conservation: Keith Fletcher (603) 817-8260 Education Coordinator: Kari Lygren (603) 978-7125 Standing, left to right: Bruce Rich -MMRG Board member, Dottie Bean -Farmington resident, Virginia Long MMRG Executive Director, Cyndi Paulin -MMRG Board member, Keith Fletcher -MMRG Director of Land Conservation, Dave Connolly -Farmington CC Chair, Cynthia Wyatt -MMRG Vice Chair. Seated, left to right: Nancy Spencer Smith -MMRG Chair, Rodney and Judy Thompson -landowners and easement donors. Not shown: Richard Ballou, Resta Detwiler and Jacquelin Bissell -Farmington CC, Bill Malay -New Durham CC. April 2015 Annual Meeting Luncheon with Peter Alden World-renowned naturalist, lecturer, ecotourism guide and author Peter Alden will be the guest speaker at MMRG’s 2015 Annual Meeting on the afternoon of Sunday, April 12. This community celebration of MMRG will also feature a silent auction, buffet luncheon, live music, award presentations, and a brief business meeting. Born and raised in Concord, Massachusetts Naturalist Peter Alden. (Article Continued on page 6) The Promise of Forever When a new conservation easement is announced, most land trusts (including MMRG) will issue a press release that says something along the lines of: “This land will now be protected forever…” ‘Forever’! That’s a very big promise to make, and even scaled down to the time frame of human civilization, it presents some very practical problems to any organization aiming for ‘perpetuity.’ It also explains why conservation easements are never inexpensive to accomplish. A conservation easement is a complex permanent legal agreement that prohibits development or subdivision of a parcel of land and may have other restrictions to protect the land’s natural resources. The easement goes with the property deed and is passed to all future owners. For a conservation easement to remain valid and enforceable ‘forever’ three things are required: there must be an organization responsible for the easement (the easement ‘holder’); there must be annual monitoring and reporting to ensure the terms of the easement are honored; and there must be legal enforcement when necessary. The easement holder, usually a land trust such as MMRG, is named in the easement document and accepts responsibility when it signs the document. Many easements also specify back-up holders – often a town, or another land trust – that will step in if the organization holding the easement dissolves. This is a very rare event among the 1,700 U.S. land trusts, but every easement or organization should have a back-up plan. Annual monitoring means someone goes out and walks the land to observe its condition. Even if volunteers do the monitoring, there are administrative costs as well as staff time for staying in touch with landowners. In order to ensure that the financial resources will be always be available to pay these stewardship costs, funds are deposited into a dedicated ‘easement stewardship account’ when an easement is finalized. Ideally, only the interest or investment income need be used to pay for monitoring and other stewardship costs. This works well and is now considered an essential practice for all land trusts. For the Thompson easement, MMRG raised more than $17,000 for this stewardship account, to provide income for monitoring well into the future. Legal enforcement is rarely required but can easily cost $40,000 or more, which could fiscally ruin an organization that is not prepared. Conservation easement legal 3 A child fascinated by nature. Photo courtesy of Kate Wilcox.. defense insurance is now available through an entity created by The Land Trust Alliance, the national service organization for land trusts. MMRG has built the cost of purchasing such insurance into the aforementioned stewardship fund. This insurance helps land trusts keep the promise of ‘forever’ and helps them stay fiscally strong when defending an easement. In addition to easement insurance, the Land Trust Alliance recommends that every land trust set aside a special fund to help with legal defense. At MMRG, our policy is to place $3,000 into this fund for every new easement. MMRG also keeps the promise of perpetuity through our educational outreach program, where we work to educate and inspire people about our natural world. We believe that the best way to protect something forever is to make sure that future generations treasure it and are motivated to preserve it. If the love we have of the natural world persists through many generations, then the futures of both nature and humankind will be more secure. Thanks to Keith Fletcher for the content of this article. Moose Mountains Reservation Addition An effort to raise $361,000 to protect a 150-acre parcel of excellent wildlife habitat and scenic woodlands in Middleton is now past the halfway mark, thanks to a recent $112,500 award by the state's Land & Community Heritage Investment Program. The Society for the Protection of NH Forests (Forest Society), in partnership with MMRG, is raising the funds in order to keep the land undeveloped and open for recreation, wildlife habitat and forest management. Once purchased, the property will become part of the Forest Society’s 2,325-acre Moose Mountains Reservation, which was first protected in 2008 through the efforts of the Forest Society, MMRG and other conservation partners. With the adjacent Ellis R. Hatch Jr. Wildlife Management Area owned by NH Fish and Game, the total contiguous conserved landscape will be more than 3,900 acres. See MMRG’s summer 2014 Greenway Gazette at www.mmrg.info for a full length article on the project. Greenway Gazette Conservation Commissions Mixer MMRG‘s annual ‘CC Mixer’ was held at the Brookfield Town House this year, with thanks to the Brookfield Conservation Commission for the venue and refreshments. MMRG appreciates the volunteer Conservation Commissioners and the hard work they do in each of their towns! Rodger Krussman, NH and VT State Director at the Trust for Public Land (TPL), discussed a recent TPL study on the economic benefits to New Hampshire of investing in open space, natural areas, working lands, water and parks. Download the report at www.tpl.org/nh-roi-report. Nic Coates, Executive Director of the NH Association of Conservation Commissions (NHACC), spoke about upcoming bills in the NH statehouse that may impact CCs. Emily Lord, NHACC Program Manager, talked about the new educational Field Training Series provided to CCs. The next training, “The Emerald Ash Borer and Community Planning”, will be on Jan. 30 in Concord. For details and more about the NHACC, see www.nhacc.org. erty of Rodney and Judy Thompson, which was recently placed under conservation easement so hikers are now assured that this part of the viewscape will remain forever undeveloped (see front page article) . The group then descended to a small pond and up another slope to Blue Job Mountain where they could climb the fire tower to view Mt Washington and other notable peaks. Best Ever! 12th Annual WWW Festival Well over 600 people attended the 12th annual Woods, Water & Wildlife Festival, presented by MMRG and Branch Hill Farm/the Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust on August 9 in Milton Mills. In addition were 60+ volunteers who made the day run smoothly and another 30+ presenters who offered fun and educational events. Activities included guided nature walks, a nature’s playground in the woods, a horse logging demonstration, displays of rescued wild animals, kids’ fishing, birdhouse building, and hayrides to the Salmon Falls River. MMRG Education Coordinator Kari Lygren facilitated a round table of Commissioners from MMRG’s 7 service towns. Several reported recently completed land conservation projects: Union Meadows in Wakefield, the Thompson Easement in Farmington/New Durham, the Nute Easement in Milton, and Whiteface Mountain in Wolfeboro. Brookfield also is working to protect a large parcel with wetlands and New Durham has an ongoing effort to add 40 acres to Cooper Cedar Woods. The Farmington CC also reported success using security cameras to eliminate dumping on town lands. The Wolfeboro CC sponsored an invasive species workshop with Cooperative Extension that was well attended and brought it visibility . Blue Job Mountain Hike On a gorgeous late September Saturday, MMRG Director Art Slocum and Active Outdoor Adults member Faye Lowrey led a group of 30 hikers on the annual MMRG Fall Foliage Hike. The hike started near the Farmington Reservoir on Sheepboro Rd and followed old woods roads to the Canney Family Cemetery below Little Blue Job Mountain. Art pointed out evidence of early farming activities and talked about the origins of old cellar holes and well sites to be seen along the way. The hikers then summited Little Blue Job and enjoyed 360 degree vistas from the rocky top. The view included the 203-acre prop- Dan Coons of Ilex Wetland Consultants shows children the tiny bugs that live in the clear water of the Branch River. Photo by Kate Wilcox. Said MMRG Executive Director Virginia Long, “I love that so many families come back to the festival every year! And I’m thrilled each time I meet a family who has come for the first time, discovers what a fantastic event it is and plans to come again.” First-time festival volunteer, Karen Santoro-Nason was equally enthusiastic, saying, “I can't wait to tell people about it; I will certainly spread the word, this is a great event that you put on. I am so glad I could help out and plan on being there next year.” MMRG Education Coordinator Kari Lygren added, “The day wouldn’t happen without the dedicated work of so many volunteer helpers like Karen and we can’t thank them enough for all their hard work! We also rely on the willingness of many volunteer presenters to come share their enthusiasm and knowledge.” Hikers enjoy the view from atop Little Blue Job mountain. 4 Thanks to all who came, presented, helped or donated! Greenway Gazette Thank You to All Our 2014 Business, Organization, and Town Donors! Leadership Donors: ($5,000 or more) The Siemon Company Town of Farmington Town of New Durham Moose Donors: ($1,000-$4,999) Milton Business & Industry Alliance Wakefield Family Care/ Huggins Hospital Black Bear Donors: ($500-$999) Devonshire Realty (in memory of Forrest N. Krutter) D.F. Richard Energy EOS Research Liberty Mutual Insurance MapleStone Farm Moose Mountain Recreation New England Furniture Norman Vetter Foundations Proulx Oil & Propane Tumbledown Farms & Café Coyote Donors: ($250-$499) Bradley's Hardware Charlie Moreno Consulting Forester Coyote Creek Outfitters Dave Hutchins Builders Donald F. Whittum Law Office Eastern Materials Evergreen Valley Snowmobile Club Forest Pump & Filter Frank Massin Agency Garwoods Restaurant & Pub Index Packaging J&S Tech Electric Jay Fortune Custom Carpentry Lake Forest Resort Land Bank of Wolfeboro & Tuftonboro Law Office of L. Bradley Helfer Long Meadow Construction Mal Blodget, CPA McKenzie's Farm Mi-Te-Jo Campground Music Mill Northern Exposure Real Estate Patrick Stevens Contracting Profile Bank Ransmeier & Spellman Royle Timber Harvesting Wentworth Hunt Red Fox Donors: ($100-$249) B&B Fabricating Avellani Restaurant Enterprises Blue Seal Feeds DiPrizio GMC Trucks Farmington Fish & Game Club Hoofbeats Veterinary Service Jenesis Gardens & Design Lilac Printing & Graphic Design M&M Boat Storage Maxfield Real Estate Meredith Village Savings Bank Milton Hardware MRP Machine Norway Plains Pioneer Mechanical Sunshine Acres Campground Taylor Rental Farmington Town of Brookfield Town of Middleton Town of Milton Town of Wakefield Town of Wofeboro Wakefield Inn & Restaurant Winnipesaukee Chocolates Wolfeboro Oil Company Redtailed Hawk Donors: ($50-$99) Hourihane Cormier & Associates Jim Smith Horseshoeing Spider Web Gardens Chickadee Donors: ($25-$49) Hersom Logging Thank You to all Individuals who Donated in 2014; MMRG Relies on Your Support! Leadership Donors: ($5,000 or more) Carl and Beth Ann Siemon Mary Ruth Siemon Nancy Spencer Smith Sylvia Thayer & Philip Zaeder Rodney & Judy Thompson Cynthia Wyatt Katharine Wyatt Moose Donors: ($1,000-$4,999) Dottie Bean Gene Hays Dulcie & Thomas Lavender Jonathan & Anne Nute Bruce & Jennifer Rich Brian & Laura Wyatt Black Bear Donors: ($500-$999) Marty Conant & David Levin Jane Cooper Fall Don & Gail Holm Virginia Long & Steve Panish Mikel O'Brien Charles & Ann Robbins Charles Salmans & Robin Wakeman Christopher Sherrill (in memory of his wife Shirley) Beverly Siemon Coyote Donors: ($250-$499) Art & Lynne Slocum Cyndi & Mark Paulin Lauren Nelson Ron & Paula Gehl Barbara & Cyrus Sweet Red Fox Donors: ($100-$249) Phil and Carolyn Auger Cynthia Belowski Marjorie & Warren Berg Shaun and Ellen Berry Janice and Joseph Brejwo Sharon and Dave Buttrick Robert Cole Cynthia Copeland Mary Current Cassandra Curtis Richard DesRoches Lorraine Drake & Brad Helfer Mark Fagan & Patricia Wentworth Kay and Carl Fernald Gary Getchel & Mariko Yamasaki Bradford Gile Ron Goodgame Gary Gould Jack Healey William Hohenberger John Hraba Sheldon and Priscilla Jones Dorothy Kimball Kraft Martin Lee Deborah Libby & Boyen Thompson Carol and Bill O'Connell Gordon & Carolyn Page Jill and George Paul Barbara Pomroy Darayl Remick Susan & Peter Rogers Jeanne Rosadina Richard & Lorraine Sager Linda & John Schier Schuyler Scribner Buzz and Robyn Shiely CK & Jennifer Siemon Pam & John Siemon Bernard Sinkonis Dave Thayer Bill and Terry Sammis Randall Zielinski Redtailed Hawk Donors: ($50-$99) Paul and Barbara Berry Anna Boudreau Charles Bridges David Chase Don Cichon & Sandy Ho Nicole Csiszer Paul & Edith DesMarais Jamie Dolce Norman Dudziak & Damaris Rohsenow Barry Elliott Keith Fletcher Frank & Pam Frazier Priscilla & George Frothingham Bob & Sally Gilbert Molly Green and Armando Yagues John & Persis Hildebrandt Paige & Chris Holman Nancy & James Insley Emmanuel Krasner Susan & Peter Lohse John and Joan Lygren John & Donna Lynn Thomas Magoon Bill and Jean Malay Geraldine Moore & Cynthia Towle Andy Moysenko Roger & Linda Murray Thomas and Sandra Mynczywor Jeff and Nancy Perkins Jan & Carole Poignant Gregg & Mary Poston Curtis and Stephanie Richard John and Judy Russell Jon and Joanie Samuelson Sandra Simonsen Dianne Smith Mallory Stephens Johanna & Dennis Vienneau Kate Weaver Stephen & Nancy Weckbacher Pam Wiggin Inger and Bob Woerheide Peter & Jean Wons Janet Wyatt Chickadee Donors: ($25-$49) Barbara Bald Richard Ballou Mary & Robert Barnum Ingrid and Thomas Barry Jane Batchelder Rick Boulanger Ernest and Susan Brown Sherry Bryant Sonya and Robert Cahill Joyce and Dan Cappiello Patti & Steven Chappell Michael Chaput Gail Chase Katherine Chasse Anthony and Joann Coskie Lawrence and Nancy Craaybeek Karen Damtoft Richard & Pauline Davenport Frankie Dinneen Kallie and Jersey Drew (gift membership) Alan and Joyce Frizzell Bob Garnett Mary Beth Giffune Ronald & Carolyn Hanson Jennifer Hobler Carrie and Derek Hurn Jim and Carol Matthew Kevin McEneaney Kim McStay Anne Melvin Rodney & Mary Lou Monnat Danielle Nalesnik James and Carol Nupp David Owen Laurel & Stephen Reading Charles Riopel Edward & Martha Roundy Karen Santoro-Nason Michael and Deborah Schneider Deborah Shigo Steve and Janice Sundell Whitney and Kirk Swenson Ruth Whipple Jane Wingate Thank You to the Foundations and Trusts that Support our Land Conservation and Outreach Work! Adelard A Roy & Valdea Lea Roy Foundation An Anonymous Trust An Anonymous Foundation (gift directed by Lawrence Labrie) An Anonymous Family Charitable Foundation 5 Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust New Hampshire Charitable Foundation (Annalee Davis Thorndike Fund) Norcross Wildlife Foundation Greenway Gazette The Scoop on Invasive Plants! At a free workshop co-sponsored by the Farmington Conservation Commission, MMRG presented Doug Cygan of the NH Department of Agriculture discussing “Invasive Upland Plant Species of New Hampshire.” Doug had a wealth of information to share. The state of NH has banned 27 invasive upland plant species, meaning it is illegal to collect, transplant, propagate or sell these plants because they quickly overrun natural landscapes and out-compete native plants, with detrimental environmental and economic consequences. Many other nonnative plants are common in NH but do not spread so aggressively and are not banned, one example being periwinkle. Invasive plants tend to develop leaves earlier than do native plants, allowing invasives to dominate in the competition for sunlight. Invasives’ leaves also tend to persist longer in autumn. These tendencies have the benefit of making invasives stand out in the landscape in early spring and late fall, aiding identification. For example, look for the asparagus– Japanese knotweed shoots starting to leaf out. like shoots of Japanese knotweed sprouting along bare roadsides and stream banks in April and watch in late autumn for fiery red or rose-pink burning bush along forest edges, when other shrubs have already lost their leaves. One of the most damaging impacts of Japanese knotweed is due to the fact that its roots don’t hold soil as well as native wetland plants, so knotweed-infested stream banks tend to become de-stabilized and erode. Eradication of knotweed along streams is tricky; the work needs to begin upstream and continue downstream in successive years. This way, if any roots floating downstream become established, they can be found and removed in following years. In dry areas, cut knotweed stems can be killed with an application of ‘Roundup’ (do not use in wet areas -- it degrades water quality) or by smothering under a tarp; see instructions at http://agriculture.nh.gov/publicationsforms/documents/japanese-knotweed-control.pdf. 6 Biological control methods can work to contain some invasives. NH has had success using leaf-eating beetles that destroy invasive purple loosestrife at sites where the beetles are introduced, allowing the native wetland species to recover over a period of five years or so. Like many invasives, burning bush was first planted for its attractiveness in the landscape, but has now escaped into the forests. For the complete list of NH prohibited species, photos, their characteristics and control measures, see http://agriculture.nh.gov/divisions/ plant-industry/invasive-plants.htm. Thanks to Cyndi Paulin for her input to this article. (Peter Alden at Annual Meeting, Continued from page 1) where he “walked with the ghost of Thoreau,” Peter developed a love of nature and bird watching as a youngster. He is principal author of the regional Audubon Field Guide series, including the popular New England guide. More recently, his interests have widened to include all visible biodiversity, conservation issues, historical changes in the landscape, climate change, and the invasive alien plant and animal crisis affecting us today. He currently divides his time writing books and articles, lecturing and leading expedition cruises with Road Scholar throughout the world. For more information, see Peter’s website, http://peteraldenwildlife.com. At the Annual Meeting, Peter will speak and show fabulous photos on ‘Changes in Bird & Mammal Life Over Time’, addressing regional trends here in inland New England. Commented MMRG Board member Steve Panish, “Peter is a highly entertaining and informative speaker. I first heard him by chance during a trip to Nantucket Island four years ago and have suggested him for our Annual Meeting ever since. He is not to be missed; you can count on both learning a lot and laughing a lot!” Adds Education Coordinator Kari Lygren, “Put the date on your calendar and reserve a seat as soon as possible; we expect tickets to go fast! Watch our website, www.mmrg.info, for details in late January and look for your invitation in early February.” The Annual Meeting begins with a silent auction, which serves as MMRG’s second most important fundraiser and attracts a wider array of items every year. Last year’s 77 items included nature books, photos and artwork, individual lessons and tours, hand-crafted items, gift certificates, vacation rentals and more. To support MMRG through an item donation, please call Executive Director Virginia Long at 603-473-2020. Greenway Gazette Two Informative Forestry Workshops MMRG and Branch Hill Farm/the Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust (BHF/CSFCT) teamed up to offer two free outdoor forestry workshops in October, one aimed for beginners and the other for natural resource professionals. erosion from skid trails, using temporary crossings, and providing landowners cost share dollars to develop a forest management plan are the most popular practices. Charlie focused on current and innovative forestry best management practices and the economics of managing woodlands that have been cut heavily over the past 100 years. One newly-supported NRCS practice he discussed was tree marking, which will pay for a private forester to mark the wood lot using a paint gun to mark either the ‘cut-trees’ or ‘leave trees’. The goal is to improve regeneration of desired crop trees in timber stands having lowgrade timber products, such as pulp and biomass material. The beginners’ workshop was led by consulting forester Dan Stepanauskas, who took participants on a tour of some high quality BHF/CSFCT hardwood stands in Wakefield that had been thoughtfully logged the previous year. A group of a dozen timberland owners and forest enthusiasts followed Dan along a logging road through the colorful fall The tour looked at a BHF culvert woodland. Stopping numerous times, area which had been blown out Dan explained the considerations during hurricane Irene and leaders important to a well-thought-out discussed ways to help fish and timber harvest plan, including roles small streams and rivers recover played by soil, climate, and shade. naturally. NRCS helped remove For example, proper cutting allows the culvert and the stream was just the right amount of sunlight to restored by removing fill from the reach the remaining trees. Too much brook, reducing the angle of the sunlight, particularly in oak stands, stream bank and seeding the area. results in unwanted side limbs Nels Liljedahl, NRCS District developing on the trunk stems Conservationist from Carroll and whereas too little sunlight results in Belknap Counties, provided slower growth and longer harvest insight on stream restoration intervals. Dan pointed out the various techniques which involve adding tree species present, their relative wood to small streams. This market values and likely uses. A practice is beneficial to brook trout relatively new demand for hardwood and other fish by creating more is in the construction of large timber cover and deeper pools and by mats used to protect the forest floor Forestry Workshop Leaders: Dan Stepanauskas catching leaves and other organic when moving heavy equipment to (left) and Charlie Moreno (right). matter that benefit the macroremote locations. invertebrates (bugs) that fish eat. This technique can also benefit water quality by reducing flow velocity, accreting Dan also explained how cutting techniques and equipment sediment, and reengaging floodplains although its impleselection are important and depend on the nature of the mentation takes some care and expertise. job. Equipment best suited for a specific job may range from a team of one or more horses, to skidders, to enorDon Keirstead pointed out that recent climate change mous feller-bunchers or cut-to-length forwarders. He models predict that NH will continue to be impacted by elaborated that the use of whole-tree chipping machinery ever heavier rain and storm events. Removing undersized is often counter-productive to the successful regeneration culverts, reducing stream velocities and reengaging the of desirable hardwood species, reduces soil nutrients, and floodplain benefits not only wildlife but infrastructure in is inappropriate for the thinning of hardwood stands. the watershed. Local lake associations are also interested in these practices, having noticed a reduction in water Resource Conservationist Don Keirstead of the NH clarity from increased sedimentation due to larger storm Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and events and to development in local watersheds. consulting forester Charlie Moreno jointly taught the NRCS Conservation Field Day workshop for NRCS staff Added Don, “NRCS staff greatly appreciated the opporand other natural resource professionals at Branch Hill tunity to discuss and brainstorm several new conservation Farm (BHF) in Milton Mills. As one of BHF’s foresters, solutions at Branch Hill Farm. It was a perfect place to do Charlie has been managing a low impact timber stand this sort of workshop because of the progressive conservaimprovement using advanced silviculture techniques in tion ethic that has always governed their majestic 3,000 these BHF forests. This workshop was an opportunity to acre property in Milton Mills.” give NRCS some visual examples of the outcomes of their financial support for implementing such improvements. Thanks to Bruce Rich, Dan Stepanauskas, Don Keirstead, Helping NH landowners manage their woodlot is a major and Charlie Moreno for their contributions to this article. focus of NRCS in a state that is 85% forested. Reducing 7 Greenway Gazette PO Box 191 Union, NH 03887 Working to conserve the special places of the Moose Mountains region. MMRG Calendar of 2015 Events: SAVE THESE DATES! Sunday, February 8; 10 am ‘Moose Mountain Runaround’ Moose Mountain Recreation, 107 Mountain Rd, Brookfield Snowshoe race to benefit MMRG! 3.1+/- mile scenic course; walkers welcome. Prizes to winners; refreshments, discounted tubing park admission and custom buffs to all racers and volunteers. Suggested donation: $20 in advance or $25 day of race. For more info, call race director Dan Coons :(603) 5208533. To pre-register: www.granitestatesnowshoeseries.org. Volunteers needed; call Kari Lygren at (603) 978-7125. A Thursday Evening in February TBA Conservation Easement & Forestry Management Wkshp. Venue in Wakefield TBA MMRG Director of Land Conservation Keith Fletcher and Wendy Scribner, UNHCE Natural Resources Field Specialist in Forestry and Wildlife for Carroll County, will introduce the basics of easements and best practices in forestry. Light refreshments. Registration helpful. A Weekday in Earth Week TBA Earth Week Family Walk Branch Hill Farm, Milton Mills Kari Lygren will guide this walk through the woods with you and your kids — a great way to celebrate Earth Week! Cosponsored with the NH Farm Museum. Sunday, April 12; 12:30—4:30 pm MMRG’S Annual Meeting/Luncheon/Silent Auction Venue and Cost TBA Guest presenter naturalist Peter Alden. See front page article. Saturday, May 23, 10 am—2 pm 11th Annual Branch River Paddle, Milton Mills. Bring your kayak or canoe for this scenic paddle. Program with naturalists includes stops en route. Lunch and boat transport provided. $15 donation suggested. Pre-register. Spaces limited. Co-sponsored with Branch Hill Farm/CSFCT. Saturday, August 8; 10 am—3 pm 13th Annual Woods, Water & Wildlife Festival! Branch Hill Farm, 307 Applebee Rd, Milton Mills This family-friendly celebration of the natural world features fun and educational outdoor activities. $5/adult or $10/family. FREE for kids 12 and under and MMRG members. Volunteers needed; join the team! Late August Date TBA Stream Restoration Workshop Branch Hill Farm Forest Venue Consulting Forester Dan Stepanauskas and Natural Resources Conservation Service staff will show ways to restore streams for wildlife and water quality and give info on cost sharing. FREE. Co-sponsored by Branch Hill Farm/CSFCT. All Events: For more information, see www.mmrg.info. To pre-register and for directions, call Education Coordinator Kari Lygren at 603-9787125 or email info@mmrg.info. Please do not bring pets to these events.
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