Spring 2015 1 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Course: AMS 202 Title: Introduction to American Studies Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Or English Placement 120 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 21955 Lecture Day MW 03:30 PM-05:30 PM Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 25 25 Matassa, Elizabeth New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: AMS 296B Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Topic: Public Cultures: Urban Cultural Life and the Downtown Culture Explosion Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22424 Day W 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 25 25 Hulser, Kathleen New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ANT 101 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to Anthropology Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23474 Lecture Day MW 01:20 PM-02:45 PM 30 31 Britton, Akissi New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 20053 Lecture Day TR 09:00 AM-10:25 AM 25 25 Pajo, Judith New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced 22467 Lecture Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 30 30 Hutcheson, Matthew New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 21107 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Finkelstein, Marni Online Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ANT 108 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Global Culture and Local Identities Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21487 Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 30 30 Pajo, Judith New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 2 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Course: ANT 212 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Magic and the Spirit World Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21911 Day T 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 30 31 Santiago, Denise New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ANT 225 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Black Women in Cross Cultural Perspectives Session Days Time Capactiy 23128 Day R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 30 Lecture Credits: 3 Enrolled 9 Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Santiago, Denise New York Area of Knowledge V, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 103 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Art History: Renaissance through Modern Art Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20061 Lecture Day M 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 30 30 Farber, Lisa New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21539 Lecture Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 30 29 Farber, Lisa New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21941 Lecture Day R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 25 15 Benton, Janetta New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Honors, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 20777 Lecture Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 30 8 Farber, Lisa Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage New York Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 130 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Sculpture I Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20988 Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Hill, Daniel New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration Studio Credits: 3 Fees: $25.00 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 3 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 22536 Studio TBA R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 16 16 Becket, Charlotte New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 138 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Painting in Watercolor I Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20702 Day W 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 15 Herritt, Linda New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration Studio Credits: 3 Fees: $30.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 140 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Drawing I Credits: 3 Fees: $30.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20068 Studio Day M 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 De Campos, Nuno New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20069 Studio Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Tewes, Robin New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20895 Studio Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Tewes, Robin New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 21218 Studio Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 15 Gokturk, Baris New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20858 Studio Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 Cameron, Louis New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 21430 Studio Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Cameron, Louis New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 145 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Painting I Session Credits: 3 Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $30.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 4 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 22537 Studio Evening T 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Tewes, Robin New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 21431 Studio Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Schwarting, Jennifer New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 21429 Studio Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 17 Fudge, Carl New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20962 Studio Day W 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 15 Coulis, Holly New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20701 Studio Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Hill, Daniel New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 22538 Studio Day R 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Hill, Daniel New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 153 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to Photography Credits: 3 Fees: $45.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20077 Studio Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Abergil, Inbal New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 23254 Studio Evening R 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Goldfarb, Anders New York Area of Knowledge IV, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20778 Studio Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 Sayre, Roger New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20989 Studio Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Goldfarb, Anders New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 21871 Studio Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Kozma, Robert New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 164 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Principles of Design Session Days Credits: 3 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $30.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 5 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 22539 Studio Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 Stroup, Derek New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 165 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Mixed Media Credits: 3 Fees: $30.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21810 Studio Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Herritt, Linda New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 23630 Studio Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 Dickson, Jane New York Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 167 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Printmaking I Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21432 Day R 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 15 Fudge, Carl New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration Studio Credits: 3 Fees: $25.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 169 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: 3D Design Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21433 Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Erman, Geraldine New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration Studio Credits: 3 Fees: $45.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 186 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Digital Design I Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23255 Day M 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Gokturk, Baris New York Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration Studio Credits: 3 Fees: $45.00 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 6 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 23256 Studio Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Toolin, Jack New York Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20082 Studio Day T 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 16 16 Coulis, Holly New York Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 23257 Studio Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 16 16 Rauch, Sarada New York Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 22423 Studio Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Gokturk, Baris Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration New York __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 214 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Art History: Modern Art Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20084 Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 30 30 Jeanjean, Stephanie New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 215 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: New York and the Visual Arts Credits: 3 Fees: $40.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21500 Lecture Day R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 16 15 Friedman, Barbara New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 21729 Lecture Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 Gottesfeld, Linda New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 216 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Art History: American Art Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 20098 Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 30 14 Gibson, Eleanor New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 217 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None Title: Art History: Latin American Art Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 7 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23259 Lecture Day R 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 30 19 Waldron, Lawrence New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 220 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Art History: Aspects of Asian Art Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21540 Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 30 18 Walker, Harriet New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 225 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Stop Motion Animation Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23546 Day M 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Herritt, Linda New York Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn Studio Credits: 3 Fees: $35.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 231 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Environmental and Ecological Art Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23547 Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 Laramee, Eve New York Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn Studio Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 241 Title: Drawing II Pre-requisite: ART 140 Minimum Grade of D Or ART 140A Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 21434 Studio Day T 12:15 PM-03:15 PM Credits: 3 Fees: $30.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 16 11 Laramee, Eve New York Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 245 Pre-requisite: None Title: Art History: History of Photography Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 8 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21292 Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 30 30 Smucker, David New York Lecture Campus Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ART 247 Title: Painting II Pre-requisite: ART 145 Minimum Grade of D Or ART 145A Minimum Grade of D Or ART 145B Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Type 23261 Studio Day R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 16 12 Credits: 3 Fees: $35.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Gottesfeld, Linda New York Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 253 Title: Photography II: Black and White Pre-requisite: ART 159 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 23262 Studio Day M 01:20 PM-04:20 PM Credits: 3 Fees: $45.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 16 15 Sayre, Roger New York Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 285 Title: 2D Animation I Pre-requisite: ART 186 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type 22425 Studio Day R Credits: 3 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 16 16 Rauch, Sarada New York Fees: $45.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 286 Title: Design for the Internet Pre-requisite: ART 186 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type 22426 Studio Day M Credits: 3 Fees: $35.00 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 Toolin, Jack New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 9 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ART 289 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Video I Credits: 3 Fees: $35.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21768 Studio Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 McDonald, Jillian New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 23263 Studio Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 17 Ahearn, Charlie New York Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 22427 Studio Day W 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 16 16 Pappenheimer, New York William Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: BIO 125 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Biological Aspects of Nutrition Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22694 Day TBA TBA 20 22 Bisi-Hernandez, Online Carolyn Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: CHE 108 Title: Forensic Chemistry II Pre-requisite: CHE 107 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type 22778 Lecture Evening WF Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 15 15 Chan, Cho New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: CHE 112 Title: General Chemistry II Pre-requisite: CHE 111 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type 21374 Lecture Day TR Credits: 4 Fees: $70.00 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 46 45 Upmacis, Rita New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Foundation Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 10 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 21376 Laboratory Day W 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 18 18 Chan, Cho New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Foundation Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21377 Laboratory Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 24 24 Preiss, Marvin New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Foundation Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21496 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 24 15 Mojica, Elmer-Rico New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Foundation Course, Honors, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21379 Laboratory Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 24 16 Peck, Rosalie New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Foundation Course, Honors, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: CIS 102Q Title: Problem Solving Using LEGO Robotics Pre-requisite: CIS 101 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $30.00 Attributes 20628 Lecture Day W 03:30 PM-05:30 PM 24 24 Taylor, Andrea New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning 20815 Lecture Day R 03:30 PM-05:30 PM 24 24 Taylor, Andrea New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: CIS 102T Title: Intergenerational Computing Pre-requisite: CIS 101 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type Credits: 3 Fees: $30.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21337 Lecture Day T 02:25 PM-04:25 PM 14 10 Coppola, Jean New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Honors, Service Learning 23696 Lecture Day T 02:25 PM-04:25 PM 14 9 Coppola, Jean New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: CIS 102W Title: Web Design for Non-Profit Organizations Pre-requisite: CIS 101 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 20912 Lecture Day W 10:05 AM-12:05 PM Credits: 3 Fees: $30.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 24 23 TBA New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 11 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 20926 Lecture Day W 03:30 PM-05:30 PM 23 23 Hill, Jonathan New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning 20675 Lecture Day T 12:15 PM-02:15 PM 24 24 Lawler, James New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning, Writing-Enhanced 20961 Lecture Day T 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 24 22 Lawler, James New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning, Writing-Enhanced 23549 Lecture Day R 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 24 24 Lawler, James New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning, Writing-Enhanced _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: COM 111 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to Communication Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23484 Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 85 84 Morris, Barry New York Area of Knowledge V, Enhancement Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: COM 244 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Digital Cultures Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22263 Day TR 01:50 PM-03:15 PM 30 30 Szablewicz, Marcella New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: CSD 371 Title: Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation Pre-requisite: CSD 270 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 20757 Lecture Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Credits: 3 Fees: $20.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 30 15 Berg, Abbey New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ECO 105 Pre-requisite: None Title: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 12 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23550 Lecture Day MW 09:00 AM-10:25 AM 35 35 Hanratty, Kier New York Area of Knowledge V, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21947 Lecture Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 35 35 Wright, Nathaniel New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21493 Lecture Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 35 35 Lohez, Dening New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20105 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 35 35 Bietry, Eugenie New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20686 Lecture Day MW 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 40 40 Wright, Nathaniel New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 22558 Lecture Evening R 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 30 30 Bynoe, Anne New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20749 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 17 Bynoe, Anne Online Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21876 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Halim, RukhamaOnline Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ECO 106 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22700 Lecture Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 35 34 Castope, Cesar New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21144 Lecture Day W 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 130 127 Shostya, Anna New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21200 Laboratory Day M 09:00 AM-09:55 AM 31 31 Bollon, Steven New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21201 Laboratory Day M 10:05 AM-11:00 AM 33 33 Bollon, Steven New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 13 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 21202 Laboratory Day M 11:10 AM-12:05 PM 33 33 Bollon, Steven New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21203 Laboratory Day M 01:20 PM-02:15 PM 33 30 Bollon, Steven New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21146 Lecture Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 35 35 DeAraujo, Irani New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 23551 Lecture Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 35 33 DeAraujo, Irani New York Area of Knowledge V, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21730 Lecture Day M 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 130 128 Weinstock, Mark New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21731 Laboratory Day T 12:15 PM-01:10 PM 33 33 Weinstock, Mark New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21732 Laboratory Day T 01:20 PM-02:15 PM 33 33 Weinstock, Mark New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21733 Laboratory Day T 02:25 PM-03:20 PM 33 33 Weinstock, Mark New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21734 Laboratory Evening T 04:35 PM-05:30 PM 31 31 Bollon, Steven New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 22419 Lecture Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 35 35 Hanratty, Kier New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21145 Lecture Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 35 35 DeAraujo, Irani New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20133 Lecture Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 35 35 Castope, Cesar New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21147 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Delalex, Isabelle Online Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ECO 238 Title: Money and Banking Pre-requisite: ECO 105 Minimum Grade of D Or ECO 106 Minimum Grade of D And MAT 117 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Type Credits: 3 Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 14 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 21286 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 30 24 Bynoe, Anne New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 20210 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 30 15 Bynoe, Anne New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21494 Lecture Evening R 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 30 30 Thurston, Tom New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ECO 321 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The Rise and Fall of World Empires Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21776 Day MW 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 25 27 Morreale, Joseph New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Honors, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ENV 105 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Social Responsibility and the World of Nature Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21026 Lecture Day TR 01:50 PM-03:15 PM 20 20 TBA New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning 21785 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Stanko, Laurel Online Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ENV 110 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Nature and Culture: A Study in Connections Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 23284 Day MW 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 25 18 Sotos, Rachael New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge V, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: ENV 201 Pre-requisite: None Title: Animals and Society Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 15 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21865 Lecture Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 20 20 Bauce, Marley New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning 21516 Lecture Evening R 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 20 20 Bauce, Marley New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning 22743 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Basile, Tracy Online Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ENV 205 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Globalization, Trade and the Environment Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21517 Day MW 01:20 PM-02:45 PM 20 19 Chapman, Robert New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: FRE 163 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Our Northern Neighbors: The Literature of Quebec Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23314 Day TBA TBA 20 21 O'Neill, Geraldine Online Area of Knowledge II, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: FSS 196A Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Topics: The Aesthetics and Technology of Motion Picture Production Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23278 Evening T 04:35 PM-08:35 PM 25 25 Martinelli, Francis New York Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn Lecture Credits: 4 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: FSS 202 Title: History of Film Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 16 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21049 Lecture Day R 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 25 30 Zilliax, Amy New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21344 Lecture Day M 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 25 24 Tomasulo, Frank New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: FSS 204 Title: 16mm Film Production Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type 21766 Lecture Day F Credits: 4 Fees: $0.00 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 01:20 PM-05:20 PM 12 12 Martinelli, Francis New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: FSS 296K Title: Topic: Cinema Auteurs Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type 22639 Lecture Day M Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 25 25 Tomasulo, Frank New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: FSS 296L Title: Major Film Movement: New Post-World War II European Cinemas Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type 23275 Lecture Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 25 Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 25 Zilliax, Amy New York Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: GLA 101 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to Global Asia Session Days Time Capactiy 22750 Day W 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 25 Lecture Credits: 3 Enrolled 3 Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Frank, Ronald New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, World Traditions & Cultures This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 17 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: GLA 214 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Japanese Manga & Anime: History of Asian Media Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23334 Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 25 26 Atanassova, Ioana New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 102 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Ancient and Medieval History to the 14th Century Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22564 Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 25 20 Antoniou, Maria New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 103 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: History of Western Civilization 1300-1815 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20196 Day MW 09:00 AM-10:25 AM 35 28 Rosenfeld, Michael New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: HIS 104 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: History of Western Civilization 1815 to Present Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20747 Evening W 05:40 PM-08:30 PM 35 11 Rosenfeld, Michael New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: HIS 108 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None Title: World History After 1650 Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 18 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20198 Lecture Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 35 10 Iacullo-Bird, Maria New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 112 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: American Civilization Since 1877 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20199 Evening R 05:40 PM-08:30 PM 25 11 Rubenstein, Asa New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 113F Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The American Experience: The American Constitution and the Presidency Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20201 Day MW 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 35 35 Miller, Glenn Martin New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: HIS 113M Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The American Experience: The Early American Legacy Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20918 Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 20 20 Clock, Gerard New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: HIS 113U Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The American Experience: The United States and the World Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21400 Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 20 20 Blumberg, Barbara New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 19 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: HIS 113W Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The American Experience: Wealth and American Culture Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23969 Day TBA TBA 25 11 Weigold, Marilyn Online Area of Knowledge II, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Or 4 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 114E Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The European Experience: The Age of the Renaissance Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23154 Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 25 25 Alberi, Mary New York Area of Knowledge II, Exploratory Course, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 114M Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The European Experience: Ideas and the Modern State Session Days Time Capactiy 20917 Day MW 09:00 AM-10:25 AM 20 Lecture Credits: 3 Enrolled 6 Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Assa, Natalia New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: HIS 119 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The Middle East: An Historical Survey Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 20600 Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 25 10 Bashi, Golbarg New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: HIS 132 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None Title: Africa: An Historical Survey Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 20 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus 21396 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 25 10 Gloster-Coates, New York Patricia Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: HIS 133 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Latin America: The Colonial Era Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21748 Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 25 26 Guevara-Escudero, New York Jose Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: HIS 134 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Modern Latin America Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23573 Day MW 01:20 PM-02:45 PM 25 25 Hutcheson, Matthew New York Area of Knowledge III, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: HIS 204 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Ancient Civilization: Greek History and Archaeology, c. 3000 BCE - 323 B.C. Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 23621 Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 25 25 Antoniou, Maria New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 205 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The Crusades Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23152 Day TR 01:50 PM-03:15 PM 25 25 Alberi, Mary New York Area of Knowledge II, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 207 Title: Europe Since World War I Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 21 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20218 Lecture Evening R 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 35 24 Izady, Michael New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 22323 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 35 8 Whitbeck, Judith New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 209 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Israel and Palestine: The Heritage and the Challenge Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23164 Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 25 25 Roland, Joan New York Area of Knowledge III, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 231 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Latin America: Century of Social Change and Revolution Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21402 Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 25 17 Hutcheson, Matthew New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Course: HIS 239 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Wars in the Asia-Pacific Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20998 Day T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 35 27 Lee, Joseph New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 241 Pre-requisite: None Title: Modern China Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 22 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy 20748 Day R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 35 Lecture Enrolled 6 Instructor Campus Whitbeck, Judith New York Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: HIS 260 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Constitutional History of the United States Session Days Time Capactiy 22325 Evening R 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 25 Lecture Credits: 3 Enrolled 9 Instructor Campus Collins, Timothy New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 265 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: American Urban History Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21308 Evening T 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 25 25 Clock, Gerard New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 268 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: American Labor History Session Days Time Capactiy 21967 Evening T 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 35 Lecture Credits: 3 Enrolled 6 Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Rubenstein, Asa New York Area of Knowledge II, Enhancement Course, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 275 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Modern History of Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21534 Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 35 26 Izady, Michael New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 23 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: HIS 335 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Europe: Enlightenment to 1900 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23582 Day TR 01:50 PM-03:15 PM 35 20 Izady, Michael New York Area of Knowledge II, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: INT 197G Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Rome: The Eternal City - Travel Course Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 20789 Day TBA TBA 15 10 Hundersmarck, New York Lawrence Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, Travel Course, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 198L Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Faith, Society, Conflict: The Middle East from Ancient Times to the Arab Spring Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22274 Day TR 02:25 PM-04:25 PM 25 16 Lundquist, John New York Lecture Credits: 6 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Learning Community, World Traditions & Cultures _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: INT 198P Title: Topic: Viewpointing Emotion: Psychological Theory and Theatrical Reality Pre-requisite: PSY 112 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type 22637 Lecture Day MW 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 25 Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 25 Goldstein, Thalia New York Area of Knowledge IV, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Learning Community __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 296F Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Third World? Two-Thirds World! Session Days Time Credits: 6 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 24 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 23361 Lecture Day TR 02:25 PM-04:25 PM 25 24 Quest, Linda New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Contemporary Global Studies, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Learning Community, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 297A Title: Hong Kong and Bollywood: Globalization of Asian Cinema Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type 20450 Lecture Day W 01:20 PM-05:20 PM 25 Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 16 Lee, Joseph New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Honors, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 297E Title: Philosophy and Literature in Ancient Greece: The Ancient Quarrel Between Poetry and Philosophy Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Type Credits: 6 Campus Attributes 21706 New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage Lecture Day MW 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 25 25 Connerney, Richard Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 297G Title: From Nestor to Chopin: Slavic Civilizations Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 23173 Lecture Day TR 10:05 AM-12:05 PM Credits: 6 Capactiy 25 Enrolled 8 Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Frank, Ronald New York Area of Knowledge II, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 297J Title: Performing Identities: Cross-Dressing and Gendered Personas in Drama Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type 21707 Lecture Day TR 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 25 Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 25 Ray, Grace New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 297Y Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None Title: The Creative Experience: Painting and Poetry Credits: 6 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 25 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21225 Lecture Day T 11:10 AM-03:15 PM 17 17 Friedman, Barbara New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Honors, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 298T Title: Reacting to the Past: Advanced Topics Pre-requisite: HIS 113M Minimum Grade of D Or INT 197T Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 23556 Lecture Day TR 02:25 PM-04:25 PM Credits: 6 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus 25 18 Reagin, Nancy New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Honors, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 298V Title: Where History Meets Legend: Medieval English Royal Families Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type 21933 Lecture Day TR 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 25 Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22 Korn, Gail New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 299F Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Viva El Teatro! Contemporary Spanish Theater: From Page to Stage Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22275 Day M 01:20 PM-05:20 PM 25 12 Lamartina-Lens, New York Iride Lecture Credits: 6 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Learning Community, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 299P Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: European Urban Culture between the Wars Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23567 Day TR 07:55 AM-09:55 AM 20 18 Korn, Gail New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: INT 299Q Title: Us and Them in Literature and Politics Credits: 6 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 26 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type 23555 Lecture Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes Day W 01:20 PM-05:20 PM 20 20 Blackwood, Sarah New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Learning Community, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: ITA 283 Title: Intermediate Italian Conversation Pre-requisite: ITA 280 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 23571 Lecture Day MW 02:55 PM-04:20 PM Credits: 3 Capactiy 25 Enrolled 7 Instructor Campus Marafioti, Martin New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Foundation Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: LAS 210 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Luz, Camara, Accion! : Film as Mirror of Social Change in Latin American History and Culture Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23142 Evening TR 06:10 PM-08:10 PM 25 19 Greenberg, Daniel New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: LAS 220 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Caribbean Transnational Cultures: The History, Literature and Film of the Spanish Caribbean Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 23143 Day TR 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 25 24 Guevara-Escudero, New York Jose Lecture Credits: 6 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: LAS 230 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: "So Far from God; So Close to Uncle Sam:" Modern Mexico in History and Literature Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23144 Day MW 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 25 14 Greenberg, Daniel New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Learning Community, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 27 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Course: LIT 211C Title: Early World Literature: The Search for Truth and Meaning Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type 23141 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 Credits: 3 Enrolled Instructor Campus 21 Bender, Daniel Online Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: LIT 211D Title: The Individual and Society Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Or English Placement 120 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type Credits: 3 Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes 20606 Lecture Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 20 21 Particelli, Brice New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage 21538 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 20 19 Hussey, Mark New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage 21333 Lecture Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 20 20 Particelli, Brice New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage 20898 Lecture Day R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 20 20 Particelli, Brice New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: LIT 211E Title: American Literature I Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 22494 Lecture Day TBA TBA Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20 20 Sweet, David Online Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: LIT 211J Title: American Voices Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 23409 Lecture Day MW 01:20 PM-02:45 PM Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20 20 Kreitz, Kelley New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 28 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Course: LIT 212P Title: Literature of African Peoples II Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 20165 Lecture Evening T 06:10 PM-09:00 PM Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus 25 19 Oseye, Ellease New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: LIT 212R Title: Romanticism and the Modern World Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 20166 Lecture Day MW 10:35 AM-12:00 PM Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20 20 Weber, Cara New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: LIT 345 Title: Literatures of Diversity Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes 23232 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 20 20 Hsu, Stephanie New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning 23534 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 15 Wattley, Ama Inquiry and Exploration Online _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: LIT 396S Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Topic: Oral Literature and History Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23115 Day TBA TBA 20 14 Collins, Jane Online Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning Lecture Credits: 4 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: MAT 117 Title: Elementary Statistics Pre-requisite: MAT 104 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type Credits: 4 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 29 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 20418 Lecture Day MW 07:55 AM-09:55 AM 33 33 Miller, Glenn New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20419 Lecture Day MW 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 33 32 Advani, Chatur New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20857 Lecture Day TR 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 33 33 Dutta Gupta, Shamita New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20420 Lecture Day MW 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 34 34 Gersch, Jonathan New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20424 Lecture Evening TR 06:10 PM-08:10 PM 30 29 Niezgoda, Grazyna New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20422 Lecture Day TR 07:55 AM-09:55 AM 33 33 Advani, Chatur New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20421 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-02:15 PM 25 25 Dutta Gupta, Shamita New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced 22563 Lecture Day MW 03:30 PM-05:30 PM 33 33 Gersch, Jonathan New York Area of Knowledge V, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20423 Lecture Evening MW 06:10 PM-08:10 PM 33 33 Hendricks, Paul New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20425 Lecture Day TR 02:25 PM-04:25 PM 33 33 Zambrano, Luis New York Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 22125 Lecture Day WF 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 30 30 Cai, Tian Area of Knowledge V, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21696 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Kazlow, Michael Online Area of Knowledge V, Business Core, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 23972 Lecture Day TR 07:55 AM-09:55 AM 33 6 Jagai, Mark Area of Knowledge V, Enhancement Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration New York New York __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: MAT 134 Title: Introduction to Probability and Statistics Credits: 3 Pre-requisite: MAT 099 Minimum Grade of P Or MAT 100 Minimum Grade of D Or MAT 103 Minimum Grade of D Or MAT 130 Minimum Grade of D Or Math Fees: $0.00 Placement 30 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 30 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 22562 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 24 Miller, Glenn Online Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Foundation Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: MAT 141 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introductory Statistics for the Life Sciences Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22255 Day MW 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 30 15 Kazlow, Michael New York Lecture Credits: 4 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Foundation Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: MAT 234 Title: Introduction to Probability and Statistical Analysis Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: MAT 105 Minimum Grade of C- Or MAT 111 Minimum Grade of C- Or MAT 111S Minimum Grade of C- Or MAT 131 Minimum Grade of CCo-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Type 20438 Lecture Day TR 07:55 AM-09:55 AM 30 25 Preiss, Mitchell New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge V, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: MGT 347 Title: International Management Field Study Pre-requisite: MGT 250 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 20255 Lecture Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus 30 28 Green, Claudia New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning, Travel Course _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: MGT 349 Title: International Management Seminar Pre-requisite: MGT 340 Minimum Grade of D MGT 250 Minimum Grade of D And MGT 340 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Type 21924 Seminar Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 30 19 Credits: 3 Instructor Campus DeFeis, George New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: MGT 366 Title: Leadership Principles and Practice Pre-requisite: MGT 222 Minimum Grade of D Or MGT 322 Minimum Grade of D Or MGT 323 Minimum Grade of D Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 31 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20283 Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 30 29 Kessler, Eric New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Honors, Service Learning Lecture _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: MUS 150 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Fundamentals of Music I Credits: 3 Fees: $15.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20442 Studio Day W 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 12 12 Evans, Lee New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 20443 Studio Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 12 12 Evans, Lee New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: NYC 115 Title: New York City: From Great Metropolis to World Capital 1898-Present Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type 20224 Lecture Day TR 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 25 Credits: 6 Fees: $0.00 Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 24 Israel, Ondree New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PAGE 181 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to Theater Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22618 Evening R 04:35 PM-07:35 PM 16 15 Woertendyke, Ruis New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PAGE 182 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Current Theater in New York Session Days Time Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $175.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 32 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 22213 Lecture Evening T 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 20 19 Woertendyke, Ruis New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PAGE 270 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: World Theater Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22216 Lecture Day R 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 24 16 Keith, Thomas New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, World Traditions & Cultures 22217 Lecture Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 25 12 Keith, Thomas New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, World Traditions & Cultures _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PAGE 271 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Cultural Theater Travel Experience Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22619 Evening R 05:00 PM-07:35 PM 25 23 Kretchik, Grant New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Travel Course __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PAGE 272 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Theater for Social Change Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy 23365 Lecture Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 20 23869 Lecture Evening R 04:35 PM-07:35 PM 20 Enrolled Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes 2 Arlin, Marcy New York Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn 1 Arlin, Marcy New York Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PAGE 273 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Theater of the Oppressed Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22620 Day W 02:55 PM-04:20 PM 16 16 Flowers, Reginald New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required Studio Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 33 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PAGE 281 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Acting 1 for the Non-Performing Arts Major Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22621 Studio Day T 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 16 16 Ruth, Laurence New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Western Heritage 22622 Studio Day R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 16 16 Woertendyke, Ruis Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Western Heritage Campus New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PAGE 283 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Verse for the Stage Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22623 Day T 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 16 12 Fabri, Erica New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PAGE 284 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: An Evolution of the Spoken Word Session Days Time Capactiy 23870 Evening T 04:35 PM-07:35 PM 16 Lecture Credits: 3 Enrolled 7 Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Fabri, Erica New York Area of Knowledge III, World Traditions & Cultures _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PAGE 383 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Performing Poetry Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22215 Evening W 04:35 PM-07:35 PM 18 18 Fabri, Erica New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PHI 110 Pre-requisite: None Title: Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophical Problems Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 34 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23102 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Tuncel, Yunus Online Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 23219 Lecture Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 30 18 Connerney, Richard New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 20907 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 35 35 Butman, Jeremy New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PHI 113 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Ancient Philosophy Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy 21705 Lecture Evening T 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 35 9 Millman, Robert New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 23218 Lecture Day MW 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 25 23 Cleveland, John New York Area of Knowledge II, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 23100 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Tuncel, Yunus Area of Knowledge II, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Enrolled Instructor Campus Online Fees: $0.00 Attributes ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: PHI 115 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Normative Ethics: Contemporary Moral Problems Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21754 Lecture Day MW 01:20 PM-02:45 PM 30 26 Butman, Jeremy New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 23408 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 21 Wachtel, Alan Online Area of Knowledge V, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21784 Lecture Day TR 09:00 AM-10:25 AM 25 7 Connerney, Richard New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PHI 115C Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None Title: Normative Ethics: Contemporary Problems (CAP) Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 35 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus 21974 Lecture Day TR 09:00 AM-10:25 AM 20 13 Butman, Jeremy New York Attributes Area of Knowledge V, Challenge to Achieve at Pace, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Learning Community __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PHI 116 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Modern Philosophy Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy 20297 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 35 20298 Lecture Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 35 Enrolled Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes 9 Safit, Ilan New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 13 Macaranas, Rafael New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: PHI 121 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Ethics in the Workplace Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23101 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 19 Brusseau, James Online Area of Knowledge V, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21228 Lecture Day MW 09:00 AM-10:25 AM 25 14 Brusseau, James New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Honors, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PHI 152 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Critical Thinking Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy 21789 Lecture Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 25 22438 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 25 Enrolled Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes 9 Connerney, Richard New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 24 Safit, Ilan New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PHI 170 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None Title: Introduction to Aesthetics Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 36 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22437 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Tuncel, Yunus Online Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration 22548 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 25 10 Safit, Ilan New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PHI 253 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Logic Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20300 Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 25 25 Whitmoyer, Keith New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PHY 320 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Biophysics Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21747 Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 20 19 Levandowsky, Michael New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $60.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PJS 101 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to Peace and Justice Studies Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22370 Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 25 25 Welty, Emily New York Area of Knowledge I, Area of Knowledge V, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning, Writing-Enhanced Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: PJS 203 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Nonviolence: Theory and Practice Session Days Time Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 37 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 21720 Lecture Day TR 01:50 PM-03:15 PM 25 25 Welty, Emily New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: POL 101 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Politics: Comparative Introduction Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20149 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 35 35 Quest, Linda New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 22253 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Picoulas, George Online Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: POL 108 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Political Theory Comparative Introduction Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23580 Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 35 34 Quest, Linda New York Area of Knowledge III, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: POL 110 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Leadership and Advocacy Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 22154 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Novak, Heather Online Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning 21204 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Novak, Heather Online Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: POL 111 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: American Government and Political Institutions Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20908 Day MW 01:20 PM-02:45 PM 21 21 Caputo, David New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 38 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 23587 Lecture Day MW 09:00 AM-10:25 AM 25 12 Delacour, Justin New York Area of Knowledge II, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21999 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Martinez, George Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Online ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: POL 114 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to International Relations Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23588 Lecture Day T 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 25 25 TBA New York Area of Knowledge III, Contemporary Global Studies, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 20160 Lecture Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 35 35 Delacour, Justin New York Area of Knowledge III, Contemporary Global Studies, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: POL 213 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Twenty-First Century Politics Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20162 Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 25 25 Quest, Linda New York Area of Knowledge V, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: POL 243 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Modern Political Theory Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20164 Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 40 28 Pupello, Anthony New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PSY 112 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to Psychology Session Days Time Credits: 4 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 39 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 21606 Lecture Day MW 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 30 29 Katz, Louisa New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21608 Lecture Day MW 03:30 PM-05:30 PM 40 28 Martin, Elizabeth New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21610 Lecture Evening M 06:10 PM-10:00 PM 40 16 Siporin, Sheldon New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21609 Lecture Day TR 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 40 34 Flaum, Mitchell New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21607 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-02:15 PM 40 40 Shadick, Richard New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21691 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 20 Blank, David Online Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 21601 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 21 Cadet, Paola Online Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PSY 231 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Psychology of Death and Dying Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21056 Evening M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 40 41 Charone-Sossin, New York Jan Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: PSY 233 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Psychology of Civic Engagement Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23419 Day TBA TBA 20 22 Tesoriero, Elizabeth Online Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PSY 256 Pre-requisite: None Title: Psychology of Personal Adjustment Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 40 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21034 Day TBA TBA 20 20 Doshi, Poonam Online Lecture Campus Attributes Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: PSY 277 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Evolutionary Psychology Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22032 Day TBA TBA 20 20 Walther, Christopher Online Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: RES 106 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Religions of the Globe Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20444 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 30 30 Haxby, Mikael New York Area of Knowledge III, Contemporary Global Studies, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 20445 Lecture Day TR 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 30 30 Delnido, Daniel New York Area of Knowledge III, Contemporary Global Studies, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 21799 Lecture Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 30 19 TBA New York Area of Knowledge III, Contemporary Global Studies, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 23221 Lecture Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 25 14 Macaranas, Rafael New York Area of Knowledge III, Contemporary Global Studies, Enhancement Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 21672 Lecture Day TBA TBA 20 21 Miller, Eddis Online Area of Knowledge III, Contemporary Global Studies, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: RES 201 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Great Ideas in Western Religious Thought Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23564 Day MW 01:20 PM-02:45 PM 25 16 TBA New York Area of Knowledge II, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 41 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: RES 202 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Great Ideas in Eastern Religious Thought Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21224 Evening R 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 30 13 Lundquist, John New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge III, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: RES 232 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The Bible: Christian Scriptures (New Testament) Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20446 Evening T 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 25 13 Miller, Eddis New York Area of Knowledge II, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Honors, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: RUS 282 Title: Intermediate Russian II Pre-requisite: RUS 263 Minimum Grade of D Or RUS 281 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 21215 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM Credits: 3 Capactiy 25 Enrolled 6 Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Skorniakova, Oxana New York Area of Knowledge II, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: SCI 130 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Elements of Environmental Science Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20569 Evening W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM 25 20 Williams, Christopher New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SCI 145 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Environmental Geology Session Days Credits: 3 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $50.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 42 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 20929 Lecture Day M 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 18 18 Mcdaniel, Kelly New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Foundation Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration 20930 Laboratory Day W 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 18 18 Mcdaniel, Kelly New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Foundation Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SCI 171 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Coastal Oceanography Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20931 Evening W 05:40 PM-08:30 PM 20 20 Linky, Edward New York Area of Knowledge V, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $50.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SCI 226 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Geographical Information Systems Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20812 Day TBA TBA 18 18 Minnis, Mary Online Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SOC 102 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Introduction to Sociology Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23130 Lecture Day F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 30 30 Debrovner, Caroline New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21315 Lecture Day WF 02:55 PM-04:20 PM 30 22 Novak, Tim New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21083 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Haspel, Ilene Online Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21825 Lecture Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 30 29 Novak, Tim New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SOC 113 Pre-requisite: None Title: Dynamics of Change - What Next? Credits: 3 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Fees: $0.00 Spring 2015 43 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21913 Day MW 01:20 PM-02:45 PM 30 30 Novak, Tim New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Lecture __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SOC 114 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Criminology Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 21501 Day MW 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 30 30 Crookendale, Humphrey New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: SOC 221 Title: Juvenile Delinquency Pre-requisite: SOC 102 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type 21085 Lecture Day M Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 09:00 AM-12:00 PM 25 16 Debrovner, Caroline New York Area of Knowledge I, Area of Knowledge V, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SOC 227 Title: Border Crossing: Immigration and American Society Pre-requisite: SOC 102 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 22269 Lecture Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 30 13 Voyer, Andrea New York Area of Knowledge V, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: SOC 240 Title: Work and Leisure Pre-requisite: SOC 102 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Type 23132 Lecture Evening MW Credits: 3 Time Capactiy 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 30 Enrolled 7 Fees: $0.00 Instructor Campus Attributes Foerster, Amy New York Area of Knowledge V, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 44 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 Course: SOC 245 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Urban Planning Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21532 Lecture Day W 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 30 30 Levine, Michael New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning 21915 Lecture Day F 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 30 30 Levine, Michael New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SOC 297D Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Topics in Sociology: Intimacy and Social Change Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 23557 Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 30 30 Salerno, Roger New York Lecture Credits: 3 Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge V, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: SPA 155B Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The Literature and Culture of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23731 Day TBA TBA 25 26 Hist, Angela Online Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: SPA 156A Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: The Literature and Culture of the Indigenous Societies of Latin America Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23569 Day T 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 25 19 Adler, Rosario New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: SPA 283 Title: Intermediate Spanish Conversation Pre-requisite: SPA 280 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 45 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 20746 Lecture Day MW 02:55 PM-04:20 PM 25 15 TBA New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: SPA 284 Title: Intermediate Spanish Composition Pre-requisite: SPA 280 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 20518 Lecture Day MW 09:00 AM-10:25 AM Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus 25 14 Valenzuela-Cervantes, New York Carmen Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: TCH 201 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Education I: Understanding Schools Credits: 4 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21794 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-02:15 PM 25 11 Medow, Sharon New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning, Writing-Enhanced 23235 Lecture Day MW 10:05 AM-12:05 PM 25 22 Medow, Sharon New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Service Learning, Writing-Enhanced Campus Fees: $5.00 Attributes _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: TS 105 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Computers for Human Empowerment Credits: 4 Fees: $40.00 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 20337 Lecture Day MW 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 24 24 Nomee, Julia New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Foundation Course, Service Learning 20338 Lecture Day MW 03:30 PM-05:30 PM 24 24 TBA New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Foundation Course, Service Learning _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: WS 115 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Intro to Women's & Gender Studies Session Days Time Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 46 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 22382 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Steinmetz, Julia Online Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 22383 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Limbach, Gwendolyn Online Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 22395 Lecture Day MW 10:35 AM-12:00 PM 25 26 Bent, Emily New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 23559 Lecture Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 25 25 Bent, Emily New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 22396 Lecture Day TR 12:15 PM-01:40 PM 20 20 Steinmetz, Julia New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Learning Community, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: WS 215C Title: Introduction to Women's Studies through Civic Engagement Pre-requisite: ENG 120C Minimum Grade of D Or English Placement 120 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 23560 Lecture Day W 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 25 25 Brownmiller, Susan New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning 23249 Lecture Evening R 06:10 PM-08:10 PM 25 25 Grynbal, Marie New York Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Exploratory Course, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Course: WS 266 Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: Gender, Race and Class Credits: 3 Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 21761 Lecture Day T 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 25 25 Whitesel, Jason New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Contemporary Global Studies, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 23245 Lecture Evening MW 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 25 25 Zagreda, Elza New York Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Contemporary Global Studies, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 22239 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Chalker, Carolyn Online Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Contemporary Global Studies, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 20935 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 26 Abrams, Ruth Online Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Contemporary Global Studies, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 47 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 20451 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Abrams, Ruth Online Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Contemporary Global Studies, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures 20452 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 25 Zagreda, Elza Online Area of Knowledge III, Area of Knowledge V, Contemporary Global Studies, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, World Traditions & Cultures, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: WS 268 Title: Men and Masculinities Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Or English Placement 120 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes 20704 Lecture Day MTR 11:10 AM-12:05 PM 30 15 Whitesel, Jason New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage 21704 Lecture Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 30 23 Mitchell, Christopher Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage New York __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: WS 269 Title: Lesbians in Literature and Film Pre-requisite: ENG 102 Minimum Grade of D Or ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 21909 Lecture Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus 25 25 Hsu, Stephanie New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Exploratory Course, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Honors, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: WS 270 Title: A Cultural History of Sexualities from Prehistory to the Present Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Or English Placement 120 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Type 20453 Lecture Day TBA TBA 25 Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 25 Chalker, Carolyn Online Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge V, Enhancement Course, Course Evaluation Required, Anyls Hum, Social & Ntrl Pheon, Inquiry and Exploration, Western Heritage __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: WS 271 Title: Women in Jeopardy Pre-requisite: ENG 120 Minimum Grade of D Or English Placement 120 Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type Credits: 3 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Fees: $0.00 Attributes This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 48 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 20454 Lecture Day M 01:20 PM-04:20 PM 25 25 Brownmiller, Susan New York Area of Knowledge IV, Course Evaluation Required, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Inquiry and Exploration, Writing-Enhanced __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: WS 280 Title: Internship in Women's and Gender Studies Credits: 3 Pre-requisite: WS 215 Minimum Grade of D Or WS 266 Minimum Grade of D Or WS 215C Minimum Grade of D Or WS 266C Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Type 23244 Internship Day W 01:20 PM-03:20 PM 20 9 Rafferty, Yvonne New York Fees: $0.00 Attributes Area of Knowledge I, Civic Engagmnt & Public Values, Inquiry and Exploration, Service Learning, Experiential Learning _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Course: WS 296V Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Title: International Activist Politics:Global Feminist and Postcolonial Perspectives Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 22392 Day R 12:15 PM-03:15 PM 17 23 Nayak, Meghana New York Area of Knowledge III, Course Evaluation Required, Honors, World Traditions & Cultures Lecture Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: WS 296W Title: The Gay Male Experience Credits: 3 Pre-requisite: WS 215 Minimum Grade of D Or WS 215C Minimum Grade of D Or WS 266 Minimum Grade of D Or WS 266C Minimum Grade of D Or WS Fees: $0.00 296U Minimum Grade of D Or WS 268 Minimum Grade of D Or WS 269 Minimum Grade of D Or WS 380 Minimum Grade of D Or WS 196Q Minimum Grade of D Or WS 296S Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Type Session Days Time Capactiy Enrolled Instructor 23246 Evening TR 04:35 PM-06:00 PM 25 22 Whitesel, Jason New York Lecture Campus Attributes Area of Knowledge II, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Course: WS 380 Title: Seminar in Feminist Theory Pre-requisite: WS 215 Minimum Grade of D Or WS 266 Minimum Grade of D Co-requisite: None CRN Schedule Session Days Time Type 23247 Seminar Day MW 02:55 PM-04:20 PM Credits: 3 Fees: $0.00 Capactiy Enrolled Instructor Campus Attributes 25 22 Bent, Emily New York Area of Knowledge II, Area of Knowledge IV, Humanistic & Creative Expressn, Western Heritage _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. Spring 2015 Areas Of Knowledge Courses - New York Undergraduate Updated at 8:07 AM on January 21, 2015 This printable snapshot PDF of the class schedule is updated frequently. If you are using a printed copy, please make sure that you have the most recent version. Please refer to the online schedule for course section details. 49
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