PROJECT COORDINATION UNIT, UPDASP (U.P) 4th Floor, B1-B2 Block, PICUP Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Ph. No.-(0522) 2720718 & Fax No. 2720837 Toll Free No. 1800 1800 118 Email:, Website: TENDER NOTICE T.E.: 64/DASP/Poplar ETP/2015 Dated: 14th January, 2015 Project Coordination Unit, UPD DASP (U.P) invites tender from eligible bidders for supply of Poplar ETP. Interested firms can visit UP DASP (U.P) website for details and documents. The last date for submission of tender is 29-01-2015 till 3:00 PM. A pre bid meeting is scheduled to be held on dated 17-01-2015 at 3:00 PM interested firms are requested to attend the meeting. Project Coordinator PROJECT COORDINATION UNIT, UPDASP (U.P) 4 Floor, B1-B2 Block, PICUP Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Ph. No.-(0522) 2720718 & Fax No. 2720837 Toll Free No. 1800 1800 118 Email:, Website: TENDER NOTICE T.E. No: 64/DASP/Poplar ETP/2015 Dated: 14 January, 2015 1. The Project Coordinator, Project Coordination Unit UPDASP (U.P) invites sealed bids in two parts i.e (a) Technical Bid (b) Financial Bid from eligible bidders to supply poplar ETP in 17 districts of Crop Diversification Project in Western Uttar Pradesh as per details given hereunder:th Item Description Date for sale of Tender Documents Tender Fee (Rs.) Earnest Money (Rs.) Last Date & Date & Time Time for for Opening Submission Technical Bid of Tender Date & Time for Opening Financial Bid 14-01-2015 15:00 hrs. 29-01-2015 31-01-2015 Poplar ETP To 200.00 1,00,000/- 29-01-2015 At at 12:00 (One year Entire 2 8 0 1 2 0 1 5 1 6 : 0 0 h r s . noon Transplant) Note: Tender received after due date will not be entertained and PCU, UPDASP, Lucknow will not be responsible for postal delay. 2. The firm must be registered. If it is partnership firm, it must be registered with Registrar chits & firms societies & Trade tax department. If it is a proprietary firm, it must be registered with trade tax department. 3. The Tender Document may be purchased by submitting a request letter from the office of Dy Manager (Procurement), Project Coordination Unit, UPDASP within time and date mentioned above on payment of a non-refundable tender fee as indicated above in the form of Cash/Demand Draft/Bankers' Cheque of any nationalized bank payable at Lucknow in favour of Project Coordinator, DASP. The tender document may also be downloaded from DASP website and payment of Rs. 200/- will have to be made at the time of submission of tender document. Interested bidders may obtain further information at the same address. 4. The tender must be submitted in two parts e.g. (1) Technical bid (2) Financial bid. Both Technical & Financial Bid are to be duly sealed in separate envelop and sent in one cover superscribing the tender no. and due date. 5. Initially the technical bid will be scrutinized and those who qualify in the technical bid satisfying all the qualifying norms of the tender conditions will only be considered for opening of financial bid. 6. Please note that the technical points covered in the Technical bid are the qualifying factors for the Tender. Tenderers who do not comply with the conditions with documentary proof (wherever required) will not be qualified for consideration of opening of the financial bid. 7. The tender must be accompanied by the earnest money specified as above in favour of the Project Coordinator, DASP, in the form of Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque/FDR on any nationalized Bank payable at Lucknow failing which the tenders shall be rejected as non-responsive. 8. The sealed tender will have to be dropped in tender box kept in the office of PCU, UPDASP, Lucknow at the above address on or before the time and date mentioned above and will be opened as indicated above in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend. 9. The successful tenderer shall furnish the name of their authorised representative or agents proposed to be engaged for the work/supply to concerned district PMG official and PCU, UPDASP, Lucknow before commencement of the work. 10. Before submitting the tender, the tenderer should study the proposal carefully and should be able to deliver the ETP as per schedule. 11. The tenderer should quote the rate considering all the aspects. No enhancement in rate due to any reason whatsoever will be entertained thereafter. 12. Other details can be seen in the tender documents. Project Coordinator Project Coordination Unit, UP DASP TENDER DOCUMENT TENDER NO. 64/DASP/LS/POPLAR ETP/2015 DATED 14 JANUARY, 2015 INVITATION FOR TENDERS FOR SUPPLY OF POPLAR ETP (ENTIRE TRANSPLANT) To, __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Dear Sir, Sub: Invitation of Tenders For Supply of Poplar ETP 1 The Project Coordinator, PCU UPDASP(U.P) invites sealed bids in two parts i.e (a) Technical Bid (b) Financial Bid from eligible bidders for Supply of Poplar ETP in 17district of Crop Diversification Project in Western U.P. as per details given hereunder:Description Supply of Poplar ETP as per annexure-A Terms of supply As per Annexure-A Delivery Place Supply to be given in the development block head quarter of the district for which rates have been quoted as mentioned in annexure-B 2 You are invited to submit your most competitive rates for supply of poplar ETP. 3 Eligibility The tenderer must be a registered society/firm/company having valid registration with relevant revenue authorities. It should have the capability to supply the required no. of ETP in the development blocks of the district as mentioned in annexure-A. Proof must be attached. The tenderer should have a minimum of 3 years experience in poplar plantation/ETP work. The contract shall be for the work as described above. 4 Pre Bid Meeting A pre bid meeting will be held on dated 17-01-2015 at 3:00 PM at PCU, UPDASP. All interested firms are requested to attend the meeting. 5 Bid Price a. Corrections if any, shall be made by crossing out, initialling, dating and rewriting. b. All duties, taxes and other levies payable by the contractor under the contract shall be included in the total price. c. The rate quoted by the bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the contract. 6 Each tenderer shall submit only one tender containing the Technical and Financial proposal. The tender form is not transferable. 7 Validity of tender The rate quoted against the tender should be valid for the period of 90 days from the date of opening of bid. During the validity period of the offer, the bidder is not permitted to make any upward revision in the rate or withdraw his offer. In case of withdrawal of offer or upward revision of rate as stated above, order will be cancelled and EMD amount forfeited. 8 Evaluation of tender The Tender must be in two Parts e.g. Technical bid & Financial bid in separate sealed envelopes with one main cover. 1. Technical Bid The Technical bid must contain: A. Essential documents1) Copy of relevant documents viz: registration papers stating registration with relevant authorities. 2) Earnest money of Rs. 1,00,000/- in the form of Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque/FDR in favour of Project Coordinator, DASP Lucknow payable at Lucknow. 3) PAN/TIN No. of firm. 4) Khasra/Khatauni mentioning poplar ETP plantation duly verified from revenue deptt. official. 5) The annual turnover of the firm must not be less than Rs. 20 Lacs per annum for the last three financial years. Audited Balance Sheet for the last three financial years must be attached. 6) Copy of the Income tax return for the last three years. B. Desirable documents1) Relevant document related to purchase of mother material for nursery raising. 2) Purchase orders/invoice copies of poplar ETP of last 3 years. Note: The financial bid of short-listed firms will be opened only when firm qualifies in the Technical bid. 2. Financial Bid The evaluation committee shall evaluate the financial bid block wise on the basis of most competitive rates. Further the Committee will evaluate and compare the tenders which are substantially responsive i.e. (a) Lowest (b) Are properly signed; and (c) Confirm to the terms and conditions. 9 Award of Contract The purchaser will award the contract to the tenderer whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive and has offered the lowest evaluated tender price. The successful tenderer will have to sign a contract within 03 days of issuance of notification of award of contract for supply of poplar ETP at the quoted price. No upward revision in prices shall be allowed during the period of contract. 9.1 Notwithstanding the above, the Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and to cancel the tendering process and reject all tenders at any time prior to the award of contract. 9.2 The bidder whose tender is accepted will be notified of the award of contract by the Purchaser prior to expiry of the tender validity period. 9.3 The supply of the poplar ETP must be completed in all respect as per supply schedule and time designated by PMG of the concerned district. 10 Rate The tenderer should quote their rate for supply of healthy hardened poplar ETP. The rate quoted should be for supply of healthy hardened ETP only. The risk in transportation such as, occurrence of pest and disease, natural calamities etc., is entirely to the tenderers responsibility. The rate quoted should be FOR destination and include all service charges, taxes and loading/ unloading charges at delivery point if any. 11 Payment 90% payment will be made for the actual number of hardened ETP supplied to PMG district (to be billed in two copies, duly certified by concerned officials) after 15 days of supply and submission of bills along with delivery note/challan duly acknowledge by PMG/designated official of the district. Balance 10% amount will be retained by PMG and the same will be released after overall satisfactory completion of the work which includes no disease occurrence and mortality within 45 days of supplied ETP etc. If so the amount will be forfeited on pro-rata basis or the tenderer have to replace the such plants within the given period. 12 Cost of tendering The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of tender, and the Project Coordinator, PCU, UPDASP hereinafter referred to as "the Purchaser", will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process. 13 Earnest Money 13.1 The tenderers shall have to furnish as part of his tender, an earnest money amounting of Rs. 1,00,000/- as specified in tender notice. The tender without earnest money will be rejected as non responsive. 13.2 The earnest money may be forfeited : (a) If a tenderer withdraws its tender during the period of tender validity specified by the purchaser on the tender form; or (b) In case of a successful tenderer, if the tenderer fails: (i) to sign the contract within 03 days of issuance of notification of award. (ii) to furnish performance security within 03 days in accordance with notification of award valid for 15 months. 13.3 Unsuccessful tenderer's earnest money will be discharged/returned as promptly as possible after issuance of notification of award to the substantially responsive and lowest evaluated firm. 13.4 The successful tenderer's earnest money will be discharged upon signing the contract and the tenderer would be required to furnish performance security as indicated below 14 Performance security 14.1 Within 03 days of the receipt of notification of award from the Purchaser, the successful tenderer will have to furnish the performance security @ 5% of total cost valid for 15 months, favouring Project Coordinator, DASP payable at Lucknow in the form of Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque/FDR. 14.2 Failure of the successful tenderer to satisfactorily provide the services shall constitute sufficient ground for the cancellation of contract and forfeiture of the performance security/10% balance payment. 14.3 In case of cash deposit of performance security, no interest shall be paid by the purchaser and the same will be returned to the tenderer on satisfactory completion of the contract/work. 14.4 If any amount is due from the tenderer to the PMG/PCU, UPDASP due to any reason on the part of the tenderer in relation to this contract, the PCU, UPDASP shall recover such amount from the unpaid bills & if not sufficient the same will be recovered from the security deposits. 15 Arbitration In case of any dispute arising out of this contract, the matter will first be resolved through mutual dialogue and reconciliation, failing which the dispute will be settled through the provisions of the Arbitration and Reconciliation Act, 1996 by referring the matter to the sole arbitrator of the Project Coordinator, Project Coordination Unit, UPDASP, Lucknow who may act as sole arbitrator or may nominate any person on his behalf to arbitrate and the award given by the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon both the parties. 16 The agreement will be for a period till the continuance of Crop Diversification Project in Western U.P. i.e 31-03-2015. 17 The Purchaser reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time without assigning any reasons and the service provider cannot claim any compensation in this respect. 18 We look forward to receive your tender and thank you for your interest in this project. 19 You are requested to provide your offer latest by 15:00 hours on dated 29-01-2015. Project Coordinator, Project Coordination Unit UPDASP, B1-B2, Blocks, 4th Floor, PICUP Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow- 226 010 Encl: 1.TENDER FORM 2.TENDER REQUEST LETTER 3.TENDER NOTICE TENDER REQUEST LETTER Project Coordinator, Project Coordination Unit UPDASP, B1-B2, Blocks, 4rth Floor, PICUP Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow- 226 010 Dear Sir: Having examined the Tender Documents for supply of poplar ETP, receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we the undersigned, offer to supply poplar ETP in conformity with the said tender document attached herewith and made part of this tender. We undertake to supply the poplar ETP as per specification immediately as per condition of contract, if our tender is accepted, If our tender is accepted, we will submit the performance security @ 5% of total cost valid for 15 months for the due performance of the contract. We agree to abide by this tender for a period of Ninety (90) days after the date fixed for tender opening and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of that period. Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this tender, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive. Dated this day of ..............2015 Tender form is enclosed along with necessary documents. __________________________ (signature) (in the capacity of) Duly authorized to sign tender for and on behalf of _______________________________________ Tender Form 1 a b c d 2 3 4 5 6 Name and address of the Tenderer Phone no./Mobile no. E-mail ID: Contact Person IT PAN Card no. (Copy of PAN Card should be enclosed) In case the tenderer has downloaded the tender documents from UPDASP website, a DD for Rs. 200/- is to be enclosed. DD enclosed/ Not applicable DD No. Date Bank Whether the tenderer has enclosed EMD amount of YES/No Rs. 1,00,000/- Please indicate the DD No., Date DD No. and Bank Name. (Offers received without EMD are Date liable for rejection) Amount Bank Whether the tenderer has minimum 3 years Yes/No experience in poplar ETP. Whether the tenderer has financial strength to Yes/No manage the expenditure on production of poplar sapling/ETP. The Tenderer should enclosed audited balance sheet for a minimum turnover of Rs. 20 lac p.a. for the past three financial years. Declaration: The tenderer should enclose a Enclosed/Not Enclosed declaration stating that the partners/Directors of the company are not related to the employees of PCU, UPDASP. I/we hereby declare that the informations furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/we hereby declare that all the terms and conditions of the Tender No. .......... have been read and understood by me/us. I/we accept the entire terms and conditions contained in the tender No. .......... and agree to abide by all of them. If the statement of information furnished above found incorrect/false, I/we agree that PCU, UPDASP reserves the right to reject the tender based on its evaluation. Date: Signature with official stamp Annexure-A Terms of Supply 1. Supply of Poplar ETP for planting in approximate 20000 hectare of land @500 ETP per hectare. Total quantity of poplar ETP required is 100 lacs approx. (nos. may increase or decrease) 2. The tender is intended to fix the rate of ETP development block wise. The supply orders will be placed by the related PMG (Project Management Group) at district level. 3. At the time of delivery the Poplar (Populus deltoides) ETP must be one year old and should have the minimum shoot length of 3 meters single stem, having healthy nodes and free from pest and diseases. The plant should have well established root system with consolidated root ball. 4. The firm/nursery should be duly registered with Registrar Chits & Firms Societies & Trade Tax department or similar Govt. agency of the state. 5. The firm will have to supply the ETP to all the development blocks of the districts, as per the orders placed by PMGs of the district for which rates have been quoted. 6. District wise and block wise requirement is annexed as annexure-C 7. The prices should be F.O.R. destination at each development block headquarter or any fixed delivery point at the block headquarter, including all taxes and other levies. 8. The schedule period for supplying the poplar ETP to the concerned development block/(s) is upto 20-02-2015 from the date of the issuance of purchase order. 9. The firm must have the potential to meet the ETP demand in all the development blocks of the districts for which the firm is quoting rates. Necessary supportive document has to be attached. 10. If there is any delay or slackness in execution of supply, the tender will be rejected forthright and PCU, UPDASP shall make alternate arrangements to carry out the supply without interruption at the risk and cost of the tenderer and in such case, the Performance Security deposit will be forfeited. 11. In case the supply is abandoned mid way, the tender will be rejected and Performance Security will be forfeited. The PCU, UPDASP, Lucknow will make necessary arrangements to carry out balance work/supply at the risk and the cost of the tenderer. 12. PMG of concerned district will deduct the amount if any, on the bill as per the taxation laws 13. The firm will have to quote the ETP rate development block wise in which the firm desires to supply on the format mentioned in Annexure-B. 14. Conditional tenders will not be accepted. 15. The firm will have to sign an agreement on non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-, after acceptance of the Tender. 16. The tenderer will obtain and enclose a character certificate from the District Magistrate or designated authority by him. Likewise a certificate from police department is also required regarding non involvement in any criminal case. 17. The poplar ETP should be as per the standard, otherwise it will not be accepted. Annexure-B To, Dy. Manager (Procurement) Project Coordination Unit, UPDASP, U.P 4th floor, B1-B2 Block, PICUP Bhawan Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. Sub: Offer for supply of poplar ETP. Dear Sir, I/We hereby submit our offer for the following. Ø0 la0 tuin fodkl [k.M la[;k fodkl [k.M ikWiyj lSifyaXl la[;k Offer Rate per healthy hardened ETP Rate: F.O.R. destination including taxes and other levies (Total Rupees, in Words ………………………………………………………..) We agree to supply of Poplar ETP in accordance with the requirement as above. Signature of tenderer with stamp Date: Address: Annexxure-C Districtwise and Development Blockwise Tentative Demand Ø0la0 tuin 1- lgkjuiqj 2- eqt¶Qjuxj 3- “kkeyh 4- esjB 5- ckxir fodkl [k.M la[;k 123456712345678912345123456789101112123- fodkl [k.M ikWiyj lSifyaXl vuqekfur ekax la[;k eqtQjkckn lk<kSyh dnhe nsocUn jkeiqj efugkju iqokjdk ukukSrk cfy;k [ksMh iqjdkth lnj c?kjk tkulB “kkgiqj eksjuk [krkSyh cq<kuk pjFkkoy “kkeyh dSjkuk dU/kyk FkkukHkou Åu [kj[kkSank esjB eokuk jtiqjk gfLrukiqj ijhf{kr x<+ ekNjk lj?kuk l:jiqj nkSjkyk jksgrk tkuh fiykuk [ksdM+k foukSyh 25000 30000 15000 25000 15000 15000 25000 40000 25000 25000 25000 30000 25000 25000 30000 25000 35000 50000 65000 50000 50000 20000 20000 25000 20000 25000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 15000 15000 10000 {ks=Qy ¼gs0es½a 50 60 30 50 30 30 50 80 50 50 50 60 50 50 60 50 70 100 130 100 100 40 40 50 40 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 20 6- 7- gkiqM+ 8- 9- cqyUn”kgj cjsyh cnka;w 45612345678910111213141516123412345678910111213141512- cM+kSr ckxir NijkSyh xqykoVh igklw L;kuk ÅWpkxkWo fldUnzkckn [kqtkZ cqyUn”kgj vuwi”kgj tgkaxhjkckn vxkSrk y[kkoVh ch0ch0uxj f”kdkjiqj vjfu;kW fMckbZ nkuiqj x<+ eqDrs”oj gkiqM+ flEHkkoyh /kkSykuk D;kjk fcFkjhiqjk Hkksthiqjk vkyeiqj tkQjkckn e>xoka jkeuxj cgsMh+ “ksjx<+ nx[kksnk ehjxat Qrsgxat if”peh uokcxat Hkniqjk Qjhniqj Hkqrk nkrkxat E;kÅ 15000 10000 10000 30000 25000 20000 10000 15000 25000 15000 5000 15000 15000 10000 5000 10000 5000 10000 10000 150000 115000 90000 95000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 75000 55000 30 20 20 60 50 40 20 30 50 30 10 30 30 20 10 20 10 20 20 300 230 180 190 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 150 110 10- “kkgtgkaiqj 11- ihyhHkhr 12- eqjknkckn 13- vejksgk 14- jkeiqj 34567891234567891011121234567123456123456123- folkSyh vklQiqj txr dknj pkSd mlkaok m>kuh lejsj dkaV tykykckn fla/kkSyh enukiqj fetkZiqj dyku frygj tSrhiqj cUMk nnjkSy Hkkoy[ksMk fuxksgh ejkSjh cqykSjh [ksM+k vefj;k cj[ksM+k chlyiqj fcyl.Mk iwjuiqj ew<kik.Ms fcykjh dqUnjdh HkxriqjVkaMk fMykjh Bkdqj}kjk vejksgk tks;k /kukSjk xtjkSyk gluiqj xaxs”ojh pejkSvk lSnuxj feyd 25000 50000 60000 40000 55000 45000 45000 185000 155000 215000 275000 80000 50 100 120 80 110 90 90 370 310 430 550 160 80000 90000 290000 50000 75000 60000 45000 175000 180000 100000 210000 175000 175000 185000 160 180 580 100 150 120 90 350000 200000 200000 100000 100000 100000 80000 85000 85000 85000 80000 85000 265000 270000 265000 350 360 200 420 350 350 370 700 400 400 200 200 200 160 170 170 170 160 170 530 540 530 15- fctukSj 16- lEHky 17- vyhx<+ 45612345678910111234561234567891011- fcykliqj “kkgckn Lokj uwjiqj tyhyiqj L;ksgjk ugVkSj vQtyx<+ /kkeiqj uthckckn dksrokyh gYnkSj dhjriqj ekS0 nsoey iokalk cfu;k[ksM+k cgtksbZ xqUukSj tqukebZ jtiqjk vrjkSyh xaxhjh fotkSyh taok vdjkckn xks.Mk bxykl [kSj pUnkSl /kuhiqj yks/kk 265000 265000 270000 ;ksx 55000 55000 50000 50000 50000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 90000 115000 115000 60000 60000 60000 25000 20000 10000 10000 5000 5000 10000 15000 15000 5000 5000 10000000 530 530 540 110 110 100 100 100 80 80 80 80 80 80 180 230 230 120 120 120 50 40 20 20 10 10 20 30 30 10 10 20000
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