JANUARY 2015 Mid Lincs News MID LINCS NEWS MID LINCS COUNTY YOUTH LEAGUE SPONSORED BY LINCOLNSHIRE CO-OP JANUARY 2015 EDITION 25 IMPORTANT DATES CONTACTS Ron Westeram-Chairman CHAIRMAN Ron Westerman Fixtures@midlincs.com Treasurer Rob Merryweather 01522 696247 Secretary / Results Martin Dobson 01522 685560 Secretary@midlincs.com Referees Appointment Secretary RichardHodds 0783 7292460 Referee@midlincs.com U7-U11 Registrar Brian Strawson 01673 862613 Brian.strawson@midlincs.com U12-U17 Registrar Joy Hunt 01673 862345 Joy.hunt@midlincs.com Child Welfare Paul Nicholson Tel 01522 568374 Paul.nicholson@midlincs.com February 1st Trophies MUST be returned to the Trophy Steward and showing no respect towards either the referee or other parents. I can tell you quite categorically that this League will NOT stand for any misconduct as we ALL signed up for Transfer deadline March 1st Zero Tolerance and any person or NO New Signings after this date persons found guilty of this may be removed from this Competition. It is END OF SEASON down to you managers and Clubs to educate parents and if they want to take Sunday April 19th 2014 their frustration out on Referees or PLAY OFFS are planned for Sunday other parents then they are in the wrong League to do this. 3rd May at Woodhall Spa. We have recently started our second CUP FINALS All Cup finals will be held at Sleaford phase of enforcing our Zero Tolerance policy by giving out touchline bans to Town’s Ground on Sunday 10th May. these people and we will do everything in our power to ensure that this type of behaviour is not tolerated by the Clubs and Teams of the Mid Lincs County Youth League. All we ask is that YOU the parents and Managers let the kids play the game they all love without the need for mum or dad having a fight in the car park or criticizing the referee This Month we see the festive period because he/she didnt see an incident end and the second stage of our and that entering the field of play withCompetitions for the under 7s to under out the referees permission is not 10s start. The Venue providers have tolerated. We understand that if it is done a tremendous job and we would your child down injured you are eager to ask that all clubs support them in the ensure he or she is fine but we would hard work they do for hosting these ask that you let the referee deal with the events. Next Season we see the final situation. What people do not phase in the FA’s Development Program understand if an adult starts yelling at and Under 11s go to No League an under 18 year old referee, that Tables and Development Games. person may find them selves in deep The Leagues aim is to still provide water as this type of abuse comes under Competitions to ALL age groups and are child protection and they might find already working on the Format for Next themselves being charged by the FA for season. Any Clubs who could provide these actions along being banned by the 9 v 9 Venues for next Season should League for braking the Leagues Zero contact the League. In the last few Tolerance Policy. You have been months we have seen a rise in warned. misconduct from Teams either walking off the pitch or Parents being too vocal MID LINCS NEWS MID LINCS COUNTY YOUTH LEAGUE SPONSORED BY LINCOLNSHIRE CO-OP JANUARY 2015 POSTPONING GAMES In the unfortunate event you need to postpone a game you should contact the opposition at the earliest opportunity. The League Fixture Secretary and if there is a referee allocated by the League they will also need informing. The current Rules say providing you give 7 days notice you will not be fined. Any Team who do cancel a game within 7 days can and will be fined and may also loose the points. EDITION 25 4. In all cases where a reply to correspondence is required this can be mailed to the League Secretary or emailed to secretary@midlincs.com 5. All correspondence relating to other League business including, registration, results, postponements, cancellations and Referees should be sent to the appropriate Officer by email or mail to the addresses shown in the handbook. Welfare Officers Workshop Minimum Age: 18 Course Duration: 3 hours Who is it for: This course is exclusively for grassroots League and Club Welfare Officers. Course aims and objectives: The course Registration and Transfer Forms should be obtained from the League website. 7. Results sheets should be processed on Full-time immediately after the conclusion of each game using the Team Administrators unique logon and password. 8. All monies should be sent direct along with a copy of the charge sheet to the Course Content: Secretary. This is a workshop designed to answer 9. All other correspondence with the League must be sent to the League Secretary ADVICE TO CLUB SECRETARIES Club Secretaries are asked to pay special attention to the following points in the best interest of the Mid Lincs County Youth League 1. 2. If there is a change to any of the details provided for your club in this handbook you MUST inform the League Secretary immediately and also the County Association with whom you are affiliated. Conduct at all times must be strictly in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association and the Rules of the Mid Lincs County Youth League. questions such as: 10. In addition to your League handbook, Club Secretaries should ensure they possess a copy of the current Official handbook of the Lincolnshire County Football Association. If you have a query for any League Officer, please ensure any telephone call is made at a decent hour. 3. As Secretary of your Club you are ultimately responsible for all its business with the League. is designed to explore the role of the welfare officer and to identify the support networks for designated persons in football. It will assist welfare officers to recognise the best practice that is already in place to safeguard youth leagues and youth teams and identify any areas that need to be addressed to provide fun, safe, positive football environments. The course will support welfare officers to take ownership and develop confidence in dealing with poor practice issues, provide information on key child protection legislation and the statutory agencies and provide clarity on reporting concerns about child abuse. 6. What responsibilities do welfare officers have to safeguard children? What responsibilities do clubs and leagues have to safeguard children? How does a Welfare Officer ensure the club is following best practice? What should a Welfare Officer do when concerns are reported about poor practice, bullying and or abuse within or outside a football setting? What is CRB and who should not have a check done ? GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT PERSON Laura Taylor 08449 670708 laura.taylor@LincolnshireFA. LINCOLNSHIRE SPORT Lincolnshire Sport is asking local clubs, leisure centres and sports organisations wanting to encourage more young people into sport to apply for funding from the organisation. Lincolnshire Sport is offering Year 5 Sportivate funding to run activity sessions in Lincolnshire. Since 2011, over 350 projects have received funding, allowing clubs and organizations to offer sports sessions for children and young people. Lucy Blakey, Children and Young People Officer at Lincolnshire Sport said: “Funding is available for sports projects in Lincolnshire to encourage semi-sporty teenagers and young adults to take part in sport. “Each county will receive Sportivate funding from Sport England until 2017 to allocate to projects to encourage young people to be active. “It is a great opportunity to encourage young people to get involved in sport but also provides a huge financial incentive for sports clubs, schools, leisure facilities and others to deliver more sport across Lincolnshire.” Sports clubs, schools, community groups, NGBs, local authorities, universities, youth clubs, colleges, leisure facilities and workplaces targeting 11–25 year olds can all apply. They should base base their applications on projects running at £40 per head for six to eight weeks of sport sessions. The deadline to apply for the first round of funding is Friday, January 16, 2015. You can download an application form online or to request a copy call Lucy on 01522 585 580. Please email completed applications to lucy.blakey@lincolnshiresport.com Division Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under 7 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) Under Under Under Under 11 Sportsguard 11 Sportsguard 11 Sportsguard 11 Sportsguard Cup Cup Cup Cup Birchwood Colts 11 RHP Colts 11 Rustons 11 Nth Lindum Hawks 11 Louth Old Boys Blacks 11 Ruston Sports 11 Kirton Town 11 Birchwood Colts Boys 11 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 Under Under Under Under 12 Mark Keyworth Cup 12 Mark Keyworth Cup 12 Mark Keyworth Cup 12 Mark Keyworth Cup St. Helens 12 Wyberton Colts 12 Rustons 12 Ruston Sports 12 Retford Utd 12 Cherry Colts 12 Sleaford Town 12 East Coast Juniors 12 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 12:30 13:45 Under 13 TODDS-AC Cup Under 13 TODDS-AC Cup Under 13 TODDS-AC Cup Barrowby 13 Ruston Sports 13 Gainsborough 13 Swifts 13 Nettleham 13 Hykeham Tigers Bees 13 25/1/2015 Sun 12:30 25/1/2015 Sun 12:30 25/1/2015 Sun 13:45 Under 14 Rustons S.S.C.Cup Under 14 Rustons S.S.C.Cup Lowlands 14 Rustons 14 Birchwood Colts 14 Sleaford Town 14 25/1/2015 Sun 13:45 25/1/2015 Sun 13:45 Under 15 Lincolnshire Co-op Cup Under 15 Lincolnshire Co-op Cup Birchwood Colts 15 Ruskington Lions 15 Ruston Sports 15 Louth Old Boys 15 25/1/2015 Sun 10:45 25/1/2015 Sun 12:30 Under Under Under Under Under Spilsby 16 Young Dons 16 Bottesford 16 RHP Colts 16 Pointon Juniors Yellows 17 Cleethorpes Town 16 Moorlands Railway 16 Sibsey 16 Ruston Sport 16 Nettleham 17 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Under 17 NCS Cup Sleaford Town 17 Great Ponton 17 25/1/2015 Sun 13:45 Competition Home Team Ruston 7 Sleaford Town 7 Wyberton Colts 7 Greenbank Cobras 7 Lowlands 7 Ruskington Lions 7 Ruston Sports 7 Birchwood Colts 7 East Coast Juniors 7 HBW Utd FC 7 North Lindum Hawks 7 Sleaford Town 7 Greenbank Buccaneers 7 Hykeham Tigers Bees 7 Woodhall Spa 7 Ruskington Lions 7 Hykeham Tigers 7 North Lindum Hawks 7 Ruston 7 Greenbank JFC 7 Hykeham Tigers Bees 7 Wyberton Colts 7 East Coast Bulletts 7 Greenbank Cobras 7 Ruston Sports 7 Welton 7 Birchwood Colts 7 Kirton Town 7 North Lindum Hawks 7 Saint Helens 7 Greenbank Buccaneers 7 Hykeham Tigers Bees 7 Wyberton Colts 7 Sleaford Town 7 Away Team Woodhall Spa 7 Greenbank Buccaneers 7 Kirton Town 7 Hykeham Tigers Bees 7 Welton Bulls 7 Hykeham Tigers 7 East Coast Juniors 7 Welton 7 JFC Boston 7 Greenbank JFC 7 Greenbank JFC 7 Ruston Sports 7 East Coast Bulletts 7 Welton Bulls 7 Ruston 7 Kirton Town 7 Kirton Town 7 Birchwood Colts 7 Greenbank Buccaneers 7 Lowlands 7 Saint Helens 7 East Coast Juniors 7 Ruskington Lions 7 Woodhall Spa 7 HBW Utd FC 7 Sleaford Town 7 Welton Bulls 7 Greenbank JFC 7 Welton 7 HBW Utd FC 7 Hykeham Tigers 7 Woodhall Spa 7 East Coast Bulletts 7 Ruskington Lions 7 Date 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Day Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Time 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 14:15 Moorlands Railway 8 Ruskington Lions 8 Saint Helens 8 Birchwood Colts 8 Lowlands 8 East Coast Juniors 8 Greenbank 8 Lowlands 8 North Lindum Hawks 8 Ruston Sports 8 HBW Utd FC 8 Ruston Sports 8 Greenbank 8 Welton 8 Sleaford Town 8 North Lindum Hawks 8 Welton 8 East Coast Juniors 8 HBW Utd FC 8 Birchwood Colts 8 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 10/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 16 Lincolnshire Co-op 16 Lincolnshire Co-op 16 Lincolnshire Co-op 16 Lincolnshire Co-op 17 NCS Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 12:30 13:45 10:45 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) 8A (Development Game League) Sleaford Town 8 Moorlands Railway 8 Ruskington Lions 8 Saint Helens 8 Birchwood Colts 8 Wyberton 8 East Coast Juniors 8 East Coast Juniors 8 Greenbank 8 HBW Utd FC 8 Lowlands 8 Moorlands Railway 8 Ruston Sports 8 Moorlands Railway 8 JFC Boston 8 Greenbank 8 Lowlands 8 North Lindum Hawks 8 East Coast Juniors 8 Birchwood Colts 8 JFC Boston 8 Wyberton 8 Saint Helens 8 Ruskington Lions 8 Sleaford Town 8 North Lindum Hawks 8 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 24/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) 8B (Development Game League) Greenbank 'Barracudas 8 Birchwood Colts Chargers 8 North Lindum Hawks Utd 8 Young Dons JFC 8 Birchwood Colts Dynamoes 8 Swineshead 8 Birchwood Colts Belles 8 Greenbank 'Barracudas 8 Kirton Town 8 Louth Old Boys 8 Boston Utd Comm 8 North Lindum Hawks Utd 8 East Coast Bullets 8 Birchwood Colts Dynamoes 8 Young Dons JFC 8 Woodhall Spa 8 Kirton Town 8 Birchwood Colts Belles 8 East Coast Bullets 8 Bardney 8 Birchwood Colts Chargers 8 Swineshead 8 Birchwood Colts Dynamoes 8 Bardney 8 Kirton Town 8 Swineshead 8 Greenbank 'Barracudas 8 Bardney 8 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 14:15 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) 9A (Development Game League) Greenbank 9 Sleaford Town 9 Heckington 9 North Lindum Hawks 9 Woodhall Spa 9 Woodhall Spa 9 HBW Utd FC 9 Babworth 9 Greenbank 9 Lowlands 9 St.Helens 9 Metheringham 9 Nettleham 9 HBW Utd FC 9 St.Helens 9 Greenbank 9 Ruston Sports 9 Birchwood Colts 9 Nettleham 9 North Lindum Hawks 9 Greenbank 9 HBW Utd FC 9 Ruston Sports 9 Sleaford Town 9 St.Helens 9 Greenbank Bocas 9 Metheringham 9 St.Helens 9 Boston Utd Community 9 Babworth 9 Nettleham 9 Ruston Sports 9 Birchwood Boys 9 Greenbank Bocas 9 Heckington 9 North Lindum Hawks 9 Ruston Sports 9 Sleaford Town 9 Woodhall Spa 9 Boston Utd Community 9 Metheringham 9 Babworth 9 Greenbank Bocas 9 Birchwood Boys 9 Sleaford Town 9 Lowlands 9 Heckington 9 Birchwood Boys 9 Boston Utd Community 9 North Lindum Hawks 9 Woodhall Spa 9 Lowlands 9 Nettleham 9 Heckington 9 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 10/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 02:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 14:15 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) 9B (Development Game League) Wyberton Colts 9 Horncastle Town 9 Hykeham JFC Bees 9 Retford UTD 9 Bardney Panthers 9 Cherry Colts 9 Hykeham JFC 9 Spilsby 9 Wyberton Colts 9 Swifts 9 Bardney Panthers 9 Cherry Colts 9 East Coast 9 Lincoln EST 9 Retford UTD 9 Spilsby 9 Birchwood Colts Chargers 9 Welton 9 Horncastle Town 9 Hykeham JFC 9 HBW Bees 9 Hykeham JFC 9 Lincoln EST 9 Hykeham JFC Bees 9 East Coast 9 Horncastle Town 9 HBW Bees 9 Horncastle Town 9 Hykeham JFC 9 Birchwood Colts Chargers 9 Welton 9 HBW Bees 9 Retford UTD 9 Wyberton Colts 9 East Coast 9 Hykeham JFC Bees 9 HBW Bees 9 Cherry Colts 9 Bardney Panthers 9 Lincoln EST 9 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 14:15 14:15 10:45 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) 10A (Development Game League) Wyberton Colts 10 Birchwood Colts 10 Ruston Sports 10 East Coast 10 Greenbank 10 HBW Utd FC 10 Retford Utd Blacks 10 Sleaford Town 10 East Coast 10 HBW Utd FC 10 St Helens 10 Wyberton Colts 10 Birchwood Colts 10 Ruston Sports 10 Welton 10 HBW Utd FC 10 Retford Utd Blacks 10 Fishtoft Youth 10 Greenbank 10 St Helens 10 Greenbank 10 North Lindum Hawks 10 Sleaford Town 10 North Lindum Hawks 10 Welton 10 Fishtoft Youth 10 Ruston Sports 10 Birchwood Colts 10 North Lindum Hawks 10 Fishtoft Youth 10 Sleaford Town 10 East Coast 10 Greenbank 10 Retford Utd Blacks 10 Wyberton Colts 10 Sleaford Town 10 Welton 10 Birchwood Colts 10 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 10/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 14:15 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) 10B (Development Game League) Hykeham Tigers 10 Nettleham 10 Greenbank Cobras 10 JFC Boston 10 Young Dons 10 Sibsey Youth 10 Birchwood Colts Boys 10 Hykeham Tigers 10 Lowlands 10 Nettleham 10 East Coast Bullets 10 North Lindum Hawks Utd 10 Alford Town 10 Nettleham 10 Greenbank Cobras 10 Sibsey Youth 10 Birchwood Colts Boys 10 JFC Boston 10 Sibsey Youth 10 Woodhall Spa 10 Lowlands 10 Woodhall Spa 10 East Coast Bullets 10 Greenbank Cobras 10 Alford Town 10 Birchwood Colts Boys 10 Greenbank Cobras 10 Alford Town 10 Woodhall Spa 10 Woodhall Spa 10 Lowlands 10 North Lindum Hawks Utd 10 Young Dons 10 JFC Boston 10 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 12:30 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) 10C (Development Game League) Horncastle Town 10 Greenbank Rangers 10 Wragby 10 Old Leake Youth 10 Swineshead 10 Mablethorpe Juniors 10 Bardney Panthers 10 Wragby 10 Swineshead 10 Welton Bulls 10 Greenbank Rangers 10 Ruskington Lions 10 Bardney Panthers 10 Wragby 10 Horncastle Town 10 Greenbank Rangers 10 Ruskington Lions 10 Bardney Panthers 10 Greenbank Imps 10 Greenbank Imps 10 Bardney Panthers 10 Swineshead 10 Heckington 10 Ruskington Lions 10 Greenbank Rangers 10 Horncastle Town 10 Welton Bulls 10 Mablethorpe Juniors 10 Swifts 10 Heckington 10 Greenbank Imps 10 Old Leake Youth 10 Horncastle Town 10 Welton Bulls 10 Wragby 10 Swifts 10 Mablethorpe Juniors 10 Ancaster Athletic 10 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League 11A League Birchwood Colts 11 Greenbank 11 HBW Utd 11 Lowlands 11 Young Dons 11 Louth Old Boys 11 Retford Utd 11 Sleaford Town 11 Nth Lindum Hawks 11 Wyberton Colts 11 Birchwood Colts 11 Greenbank 11 Ruston Sports 11 Sleaford Town 11 Kirton Town 11 Louth Old Boys 11 Lowlands 11 Nth Lindum Hawks 11 Ruston Sports 11 Wyberton Colts 11 Heckington Juniors 11 Kirton Town 11 Ruston Sports 11 Retford Utd 11 Wyberton Colts 11 Lowlands 11 Greenbank 11 HBW Utd 11 Young Dons 11 Heckington Juniors 11 Nth Lindum Hawks 11 Louth Old Boys 11 HBW Utd 11 Heckington Juniors 11 Lowlands 11 Sleaford Town 11 Heckington Juniors 11 Greenbank 11 Retford Utd 11 Young Dons 11 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League 11B League Hykeham Tigers 11 Nettleham 11 Lowlands 11 Bees Birchwood Colts Boys 11 Hykeham Tigers 11 Woodhall Spa 11 Cherry Colts 11 HBW 11 Bees Market Rasen 11 Woodhall Spa 11 Cherry Colts 11 Birchwood Colts Boys 11 RHP Colts 11 Birchwood Colts Boys 11 RHP Colts 11 East Coast Juniors 11 Market Rasen 11 Nettleham 11 Lowlands 11 Bees Rustons 11 RHP Colts 11 East Coast Juniors 11 East Coast Juniors 11 Hykeham Tigers 11 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League 11C League Ruskington Lions 11 Saxilby 11 St Helens 11 Welton Arrows 11 Horncastle Town 11 Metheringham 11 Grimsby Borough 11 Hykeham Tigers Bees 11 Ruskington Lions 11 Wyberton Colts 11 Bees Louth Old Boys Blacks 11 JFC Boston 11 Welton Bombers 11 Grimsby Borough 11 Hykeham Tigers Bees 11 Ruskington Lions 11 Spilsby Juniors 11 Horncastle Town 11 Spilsby Juniors 11 Grimsby Borough 11 Saxilby 11 St Helens 11 Wyberton Colts 11 Bees Grimsby Borough 11 Hykeham Tigers Bees 11 Horncastle Town 11 Grimsby Borough 11 Spilsby Juniors 11 St Helens 11 JFC Boston 11 Spilsby Juniors 11 Welton Bombers 11 Saxilby 11 Louth Old Boys Blacks 11 St Helens 11 Spilsby Juniors 11 Metheringham 11 Welton Arrows 11 Louth Old Boys Blacks 11 Horncastle Town 11 Wyberton Colts 11 Bees JFC Boston 11 Ruskington Lions 11 Metheringham 11 Welton Bombers 11 Louth Old Boys Blacks 11 Hykeham Tigers Bees 11 Louth Old Boys Blacks 11 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 17/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 24/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 31/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat 12:30 12:30 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League 12A League Retford Utd 12 Horncastle Town 12 Sleaford Town Colts 12 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 12 Rustons 12 Sleaford Town 12 Wyberton Colts 12 East Coast Juniors 12 Birchwood Colts 12 Wyberton Colts 12 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 12 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 12 Cherry Colts 12 Lincoln Utd 12 Sleaford Town Colts 12 St. Helens 12 Lincoln Utd 12 Retford Utd 12 Horncastle Town 12 Lincoln Utd 12 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 12 St. Helens 12 Horncastle Town 12 Ruston Sports 12 Sleaford Town Colts 12 Birchwood Colts 12 Ruston Sports 12 Horncastle Town 12 East Coast Juniors 12 Birchwood Colts 12 Wyberton Colts 12 Sleaford Town 12 Horncastle Town 12 Retford Utd 12 Cherry Colts 12 Birchwood Colts 12 03/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 16/1/2015 17/1/2015 17/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Fri Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 18:30 10:45 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League 12B League Woodhall Spa 12 Young Dons 12 Greenbank 12 Saxilby Athletic Spitfires 12 Young Dons 12 Friskney Jets 12 Greenbank Buccaneers 12 Boston Town Saints 12 Swifts 12 Friskney Jets 12 Kirton Town 12 Lincoln EST 12 Boston Town Saints 12 Saxilby Athletic Spitfires 12 Swifts 12 Woodhall Spa 12 Kirton Town 12 North Lindum Hawks 12 Swifts 12 North Lindum Hawks 12 North Lindum Hawks 12 Swifts 12 Greenbank Cobras 12 Woodhall Spa 12 Kirton Town 12 Woodhall Spa 12 North Lindum Hawks 12 Greenbank Cobras 12 Young Dons 12 Greenbank 12 Friskney Jets 12 Young Dons 12 Greenbank 12 Greenbank Buccaneers 12 Greenbank Cobras 12 Lincoln EST 12 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League 12C League North Lindum Hawks UTD 12 Sibsey Youth 12 Spilsby Juniors 12 Ruskington Lions 12 North Lindum Hawks UTD 12 Pointon Juniors 12 East Coast Cannons 12 Lowlands 12 Saxilby Sharks 12 Birchwood Colts Boys 12 East Coast Cannons 12 Hykeham Tigers 12 Saxilby Sharks 12 Birchwood Colts Boys 12 Pointon Juniors 12 Lowlands 12 HBW 12 Hykeham Tigers 12 North Lindum Hawks UTD 12 Sleaford Town Dynamoes 12 Lowlands 12 Lowlands 12 HBW 12 Saxilby Sharks 12 Pointon Juniors 12 Hykeham Tigers 12 Sleaford Town Dynamoes 12 Birchwood Colts Boys 12 HBW 12 Sibsey Youth 12 Sleaford Town Dynamoes 12 HBW 12 Spilsby Juniors 12 Welton 12 North Lindum Hawks UTD 12 Sibsey Youth 12 Ruskington Lions 12 Saxilby Sharks 12 Sibsey Youth 12 Ruskington Lions 12 Welton 12 Spilsby Juniors 12 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 17/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 10:45 14:15 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League 13A League East Coast Bullets 13 Woodhall Spa 13 Gainsborough 13 HBW Utd 13 Wyberton Colts 13 Nettleham 13 Retford United 13 Ruston Sports 13 Woodhall Spa 13 HBW Utd 13 East Coast Bullets 13 Lincoln Utd 13 Swifts 13 East Coast Bullets 13 HBW Utd 13 Wyberton Colts 13 Ruston Sports 13 Wyberton Colts 13 Fishtoft Youth 13 Nettleham 13 Retford United 13 HBW Utd 13 East Coast Bullets 13 Lincoln Utd 13 Metheringham 13 Barrowby 13 Fishtoft Youth 13 Swifts 13 Wyberton Colts 13 Metheringham 13 Gainsborough 13 East Coast Bullets 13 Barrowby 13 Gainsborough 13 Retford United 13 Fishtoft Youth 13 Barrowby 13 Woodhall Spa 13 Ruston Sports 13 Lincoln Utd 13 HBW Utd 13 Metheringham 13 Gainsborough 13 Woodhall Spa 13 East Coast Bullets 13 Fishtoft Youth 13 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 17/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 24/1/2015 24/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 31/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 14:15 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 10:45 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League 13B League Great Ponton 13 St Helens 13 Hykeham Tigers 13 Louth Old Boys Reds 13 Lowlands 13 Bardney Panthers 13 North Lindum Hawks 13 Hykeham Tigers Bees 13 Kirton Town 13 Wyberton Colts Bees 13 Bardney Panthers 13 Sleaford Town 13 Hykeham Tigers 13 Louth Old Boys Reds 13 Lowlands 13 Hykeham Tigers Bees 13 North Lindum Hawks 13 Louth Old Boys Reds 13 Lowlands 13 Welton Bombers 13 Kirton Town 13 Hykeham Tigers Bees 13 Hykeham Tigers 13 Lowlands 13 North Lindum Hawks 13 Louth Old Boys Reds 13 Hykeham Tigers 13 St Helens 13 North Lindum Hawks 13 Bardney Panthers 13 St Helens 13 Kirton Town 13 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 14:15 10:45 10:45 14:15 14:15 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League 13C League Louth Town 13 Horncastle Town 13 Hykeham Tigers 13 Cees Welton 13 Louth Town 13 Ruskington Lions 13 North Lindum Utd 13 Welton 13 Louth Old Boys Blacks 13 Louth Town 13 North Lindum Utd 13 Sleaford Town Boys 13 Louth Town 13 Mablethorpe Juniors 13 Horncastle Town 13 Mablethorpe Juniors 13 Heckington 13 North Lindum Utd 13 Louth Old Boys Blacks 13 Sleaford Town Boys 13 Boston Utd Community 13 Hykeham Tigers 13 Cees Mablethorpe Juniors 13 Sleaford Town Boys 13 Ruskington Lions 13 Welton 13 Hykeham Tigers 13 Cees Heckington 13 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 12:30 12:30 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League 14A League Swifts 14 Birchwood Colts 14 Louth Old Boys 14 Lowlands 14 Ruston Sports 14 Woodhall Spa 14 Birchwood Colts 14 Lowlands 14 Sleaford Town 14 Swifts 14 Louth Old Boys 14 Ruston Sports 14 Gonerby Youth 14 Louth Old Boys 14 Woodhall Spa 14 Sleaford Town 14 Moorlands Railway 14 Gonerby Youth 14 Swifts 14 Louth Old Boys 14 Wyberton Colts 14 Woodhall Spa 14 Wyberton Colts 14 Lowlands 14 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 12:00 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 14B League 14B League 14B League 14B League 14B League 14B League 14B League 14B League 14B League 14B League Ruston Sports 14 Colts Grantham Flames 14 North Lindum Hawks 14 Lincoln Utd 14 Rustons 14 Horncastle Town 14 Ruston Sports 14 Colts Grantham Flames 14 North Lindum Hawks 14 Horncastle Town 14 Grantham Flames 14 Barrowby JFC 14 Horncastle Town 14 Ancaster Athletic 14 North Lindum Hawks 14 Old Leake Youth 14 Ruskington Lions 14 Ancaster Athletic 14 Lincoln Utd 14 Barrowby JFC 14 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 14:15 12:30 12:30 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 12:30 12:30 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 14C League 14C League 14C League 14C League 14C League 14C League 14C League 14C League 14C League 14C League Hykeham Tigers 14 East Coast 14 Saxilby Athletic 14 Navenby 14 Hykeham Tigers 14 Hykeham Tigers Bees 14 Ruskington Lions Yellows 14 Navenby 14 Navenby 14 Welton 14 Hykeham Tigers Bees 14 Hykeham Tigers 14 Market Rasen 14 Welton 14 Welton 14 Navenby 14 Saxilby Athletic 14 Hykeham Tigers 14 Saxilby Athletic 14 Hykeham Tigers Bees 14 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 24/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun 12:30 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 14:15 12:30 14:15 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 15A League 15A League 15A League 15A League 15A League 15A League 15A League 15A League Birchwood Colts 15 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 15 Greenbank 15 Birchwood Colts 15 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 15 Louth Old Boys 15 Louth Town 15 Fishtoft Youth 15 Louth Town 15 Barrowby 15 Fishtoft Youth 15 Fishtoft Youth 15 Greenbank 15 Louth Town 15 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 15 Retford Utd 15 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 15B League 15B League 15B League 15B League 15B League 15B League 15B League 15B League 15B League 15B League Saxilby Athletic 15 Spilsby Juniors 15 Harrowby 15 Lincoln Utd 15 Spilsby Juniors 15 Saxilby Athletic 15 Nettleham 15 Pointon Juniors 15 Saxilby Athletic 15 Welton 15 Nettleham 15 Lincoln Utd 15 Saxilby Athletic 15 Sleaford Town Boys 15 Harrowby 15 Welton 15 Pointon Juniors 15 Sleaford Town Boys 15 JFC Boston 15 Nettleham 15 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 12:30 10:45 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 12:30 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 15C League 15C League 15C League 15C League 15C League 15C League 15C League 15C League 15C League 15C League 15C League Horncastle Town 15 Lowlands 15 Swifts 15 Hykeham Tigers 15 Ruskington Lions 15 Horncastle Town 15 HBW Utd Colts 15 Ruskington Lions 15 Conningsby 15 Swifts 15 Hykeham Tigers 15 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 15 Blues Ruskington Lions 15 Hykeham Tigers Bees 15 Conningsby 15 HBW Utd Colts 15 Hykeham Tigers 15 Lowlands 15 Hykeham Tigers Bees 15 HBW Utd Colts 15 Ruskington Lions 15 Lowlands 15 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 12:30 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 16A League 16A League 16A League 16A League 16A League 16A League 16A League 16A League 16A League 16A League 16A League Bottesford 16 Moorlands Railway 16 Ruston Sport 16 Sleaford Town Boys 16 Alford Town 16 Cleethorpes Town 16 Sibsey 16 Birchwood Colts Boys 16 Fishtoft 16 Alford Town 16 Sleaford Town Boys 16 Cleethorpes Town 16 Sibsey 16 Birchwood Colts Boys 16 RHP Colts 16 Spilsby 16 RHP Colts 16 Bottesford 16 Fishtoft 16 Spilsby 16 Sibsey 16 Birchwood Colts Boys 16 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 12:30 10:45 10:45 12:30 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League 16B League JFC Boston 16 Navenby 16 Boston Utd Community FC 16 Louth Old Boys 16 Ruston 16 Woodhall Spa 16 JFC Boston 16 HBW Utd FC 16 Nettleham 16 Navenby 16 Woodhall Spa 16 Boston Utd Community FC 16 Pointon Juniors 16 Nettleham 16 Boston Utd Community FC 16 Barrowby 16 Ruston 16 Navenby 16 JFC Boston 16 Woodhall Spa 16 Louth Old Boys 16 Ruston 16 Nettleham 16 Boston Utd Community FC 16 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 12:30 10:45 12:30 12:30 10:45 10:45 10:45 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League 16C League Grantham Flames 16 Welton 16 Saxilby Athletic 16 Grantham Flames 16 Heckington Juniors 16 Horncastle Town 16 Saxilby Athletic 16 Horncastle Town 16 Welton 16 Young Dons 16 Birchwood Colts 16 Heckington Juniors 16 Thurlby Tigers 16 Horncastle Town 16 Thurlby Tigers 16 Birchwood Colts 16 Thurlby Tigers 16 Market Rasen 16 Birchwood Colts 16 Welton 16 Hykeham Tigers Bees 16 Heckington Juniors 16 Grantham Flames 16 Saxilby Athletic 16 Saxilby Athletic 16 Hykeham Tigers Bees 16 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 10:45 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 14:15 10:45 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League 17A League Nettleham 17 Great Ponton 17 Sleaford Town 17 Greenbank 17 Lincoln Utd 17 Great Ponton 17 Sleaford Town 17 Woodhall Spa 17 Barrowby 17 Ruston Sports 17 Wyberton Colts 17 Great Ponton 17 Lincoln Moorland Railway 17 Sleaford Town 17 Welton 17 Lincoln Moorland Railway 17 Woodhall Spa 17 Lincoln Moorland Railway 17 Welton 17 Woodhall Spa 17 Barrowby 17 Nettleham 17 Ruston Sports 17 Lincoln Moorland Railway 17 Welton 17 Woodhall Spa 17 Welton 17 Greenbank 17 Nettleham 17 Lincoln Utd 17 Lincoln Utd 17 Barrowby 17 Wyberton Colts 17 Greenbank 17 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 10:45 14:15 14:15 14:15 10:45 14:15 14:15 Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League 17B League Pointon Juniors 17 Conningsby 17 JFC Boston 17 HBW 17 Ruskington Lions 17 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 17 JFC Boston 17 Boston United Community 17 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 17 JFC Boston 17 Conningsby 17 Pointon Juniors 17 Boston United Community 17 HBW 17 Caythorpe & Fulbeck 17 Young Dons 17 Boston United Community 17 Ruskington Lions 17 HBW 17 Metheringham 17s Boston United Community 17 Conningsby 17 Young Dons 17 JFC Boston 17 HBW 17 Pointon Juniors Yellows 17 Hykeham Tigers 17 Metheringham 17s Hykeham Tigers 17 Ruskington Lions 17 Metheringham 17s Pointon Juniors 17 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 04/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 17/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 18/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 25/1/2015 Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 10:45 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 10:45 12:30 12:30 14:15 14:15 10:45 10:45 12:30 14:15 MID LINCS NEWS MID LINCS COUNTY YOUTH LEAGUE SPONSORED BY LINCOLNSHIRE CO-OP JANUARY 2015 EDITION 25 MANAGERS GUIDE Fixtures When fixtures are first published, are they set in stone? No. Due to all sorts of reasons e.g. County Cup matches, League Cup matches, bad weather etc, fixtures can and do change. . From the published fixtures I see that I have a weekend with no match – can I assume this weekend will remain free so that I can plan to do other things? problem with a fixture on a particular date, give the Fixture Secretary a call. After a match is played, whom do I give the result to and by When ? Both teams must complete the result either online within 36 hours or by manual result card within 4 days. Enter the match details on to the Full Time system directly. I run a under 7 and under 8 team do I have to fill in all of the information on the match sheet ? No. How much notice do I need to give to cancel a game without loosing the points or being fined. At least 7 days notice is required. If you are left with 7 or more (Youth Football ) or 5 (Mini Soccer) registered players available, the fixture will be expected to be fulfilled. Yes ALL Teams should complete Results. The League handbook clearly shows how to complete a match sheet to avoid receiving any fines. If the referee or grounds man calls off my match, whom do I need to tell ? You must advise your opponents the fixture Secretary and the referee if the League has appointed one. I have just been informed by some of my players that they are away and unavailable on a You do not need to submit a Match Result Sheet.. weekend where I have a fixture. Can I request to cancel this fixture without being fined. If my team have an away fixture and I have not received confirmation of the Sunday match by the Yes, provided you give the League at least 7 days preceding Wednesday evening from the home notice. You need to make sure your players/parents team, what should I do ?. are aware that they keep you informed of any reasons why they will not be available The home team should confirm the fixture at least 4 days prior to playing the match ie by the Wednesday If I have less than 11 players available, evening preceding a Sunday match. If this does not can I call a match off? happen then the away team should seek confirmation from the home team. If you cannot get hold of the League rules allow a match to commence with a home manager then you must contact the Club Secreminimum of 7 players on the pitch for u11s-17s. tary. If you fail to make contact with the secretary Clearly, if you have less than 7 players available then you should advise the League Secretary. the match cannot take place, although Alan Sharpe this will constitute a game being unfulfilled and it will be referred to the League Committee, as it would if you were to call the game off with 7 or more players. Can I agree with my opponent’s team manager to reschedule a published Fixture ? Paul Nicholson Clubs can bring forward a fixture and must let the League Fixture Secretary know this prior to the fixture going ahead. Clubs cannot agree between themselves to move a fixture to a later date, if there is a Paul Nicholson MID LINCS NEWS MID LINCS COUNTY YOUTH LEAGUE SPONSORED BY LINCOLNSHIRE CO-OP JANUARY 2015 MANAGERS GUIDE If you received a League fine, i.e for a Can I expect to have a League appointed match result , then in your first instance referee at each of my matches ? contact your secretary and follow the Appeal process If you are wanting to No. Unfortunately there are simply not appeal a fine/punishment/League enough referees available. In the event of decision, then you need to appeal in the League being unable to appoint by the accordance with Standard Code of Sunday previous to your game YOU (the Rules. home team) Must supply a League recognised referee ie a fully qualified If I want to enter my team into a referee OR a person who has completed tournament, do I have to tell the Mid Lincs Basic Refereeing Course. the League (August – May inclusive). Who pays for the match official(s) The home team. YES - You must seek permission from the League And the county FA. The referee we had this week was awful. I want to report him There is no guarantee that either of these will be granted as League commitments All issues regarding a referee’s always come first. performance must be reported to the League Secretary. You need to include the I awarded low sporting marks (5/10 following information with your report, or below) on the match sheet to the home and away teams, the date of the Manager/Spectators or Players - what fixture, the referee’s name and the facts do I need to do ? regarding the game. You need to send written explanation to As the home team, we cannot provide the League Secretary. a qualified and registered referee, what do we do? You must offer the away team to provide a qualified and registered Referee. If I dispute a fine imposed by the League, can I appeal against it? Yes. EDITION 25 Unfit Pitch Procedure On the day before a match, if there is the slightest possibility that the pitch will be unfit for play, a home team representative is to contact their opponents and make arrangements to recontact them on the morning of the match. The home team representative is to organise for the match pitch to be inspected, by a referee, as early as possible on the morning of the match. The result of that inspection is to be telephoned to the travelling team at the arranged time. ......Important; (a) The home team will organise a pitch inspection on the day of the game at a time that would allow the visitors plenty of time to travel [a late kick off in these circumstances would be understood] (b) The home team, having arranged to telephone the away team at a pre-arranged time must keep to that arrangement, regardless of any obvious weather improvement. (c) The away team should always make plans that all cars etc meet at one place before setting off. (d) The away team must not leave until they have received the pre-arranged telephone call to say whether the match is on or off. (e) The referee’s decision whether the game on or off is final and will not be questioned. Teams failing to carry out this procedure will be fined under Rule 7(a) and will probably have to reimburse the visiting team any expenses incurred. 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