T h eeee

T h e H e ra ld
Trinity Lutheran Church
Havertown, Pa
July and August,
August, 2013
“Hey! It's summer! Be Free and Happy and
Danceful and Uninhibited” ~Terri Guillemets
July and August, 2013
Dear Christian Friends,
I write this pastoral letter – during sabbatical – after doing some reading on the
topic of “frustration”. The author was maintaining that our frustration often
leads to aggression.
I think we see evidence of this in all aspects of life. We expect something to
work the way we envisioned it to, and when it doesn’t we get annoyed – and
even become aggressive with trying to ‘make it work’. Children become
frustrated with their parent’s rules – and show aggression by slamming the door,
yelling or rolling the eyes or giving a glaring look with the eyes. Drivers get
frustrated that the traffic pattern will not allow them to reach their destination
within their time frame – and guess what results sometimes – road rage or
aggressive driving.
This got me wondering two things - "What kinds of things frustrate you?" And
do we have others ways of dealing with our frustration other than aggression.
We all experience frustration and will most likely experience frustration again
today and tomorrow. But the good news is that our frustration does not need to
master us and cause us to do or say things that are not consistent with our faith
and values.
How to keep Calm and keep the Faith
1. Adjust your expectations. Not every team will win the Super Bowl or Olympic
gold. Not every applicant gets the job. Illness happens and people die. Not all
relationships will work out. Some might argue that it might make sense not to
set your goals so high. Yes, but who wants to settle for second best?
July 7th
Mike Amadio
Bob Smith
Malcolm Wise
Alan Paules
August 4th Alan Paules
Bob Smith
Malcolm Wise
Paul Bazik
Matt Carden
Marilyn Lindelow
Joanna Linton
Ryan Linton
Matt Carden
Mitch Zalkind
Marilyn Lindelow
Bob Smith
Mitch Zalkind
Malcolm Wise
Jim Hasselman
Marilyn Lindelow
Paul Bazik
Joe Polidoro
Alan Paules
Malcolm Wise
Paul Bazik
Alan Paules
Marilyn Lindelow
Bob Smith
Marilyn Lindelow
Bob Smith
Jim Hasselman
Alan Paules
July 7
14 DiSciascio’s
21st Leslie Carden
28th Volunteer
July 7th
August 4
11 Volunteer
18th McDevitt’s
25th DiSciascio’s
August 4th
RJ Garahan
Kendyl Ward
Karlee Johnson
Elizabeth Travlos
Leslie Carden
RJ Garahan
Rebeacca Travlos
Karlee Johnson
Christopher Coffey
July 7th Dan Romano
14th Dot Plantholt
21st Joseph Salvant
28th Brigitte Gdovin
August 4th Dan Romano
11th Linda Weiser
18th Pr. Matthew Shibo
25th Dot Plantholt
I encourage you to continue to set the bar high – but make sure you hope is
appropriately placed. Our hope can easily be misplaced. If your highest hope is
in achievement, you will eventually be disappointed—success is transient. King
Solomon wrote, "As I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it
was all so meaningless . . . like chasing the wind" (Ecclesiastes 2:11).
For me I think the balance is setting goals – and having wishes and dreams – but
at the same time to recognize that ultimately our hope is in Jesus Christ – in his
will, in His kingdom. Yes – I may really want to be first – the winner – to take the
prize. And it is nice when that happens – but even then Solomon reminds us
that trophy will eventually tarnish – but God’s promises will never disappoint.
While we sometimes get stuck focusing on the here and now, our present
situation isn't the end of the story. St. Paul knew how disappointing life could
seem—we only have to read his letters to know that. Yet he never quit
encouraging his fellow believers to see the big picture in the midst of their trials
and hold on to their supreme hope in God. He wrote, "Therefore we do not lose
heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being
renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us
an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is
seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is
eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). God's plans are nearly always bigger than we
think. The sting of our relatively short-term disappointments in no way
compares to the ultimate hope we have in Him.
2. Learn from your defeats. Frustrations and disappointments build character
and patience, when allowed to do so. They can teach you to win and lose with
grace, an increasingly lost art these days. Romans 5:3-4 says it like this: "We can
rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are
good for us—they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of
character . . . " Inner spiritual strength, the kind resulting from sincere faith in
God, helps cultivate that attitude.
3. Build friendships with Christians. God often ministers to our hurts through
other people. It can be tempting to put up walls when you're feeling especially
vulnerable, but if you shut out friends, you could be sealing off a word from the
Lord that could lift your spirits. So when things aren’t going well for you – seek
community – gather with God’s people and ask others to pray for you.
4. Deepen your friendship with God. Jesus promised that he would never leave
us or forsake us. We love to sing – “He walks with me and he talks with me and
he tells me that I am His own” Are you walking with the Lord in the garden? Are
you spending time with him seeking His will for you? My Lord’s friendship has
sustained me over the years amidst various frustrations and disappointments
including financial challenges, congregational decline, and health issues. God
had a good track record; it made sense to trust Him.
Paul found strength and hope through his friendship with God. He wrote, "If God
is for us, who can ever be against us? Since God did not spare even his own Son
but gave him up for us all, won't God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything
else?" (Romans 8:31-32) Paul was convinced nothing could separate him from
Christ's love: "Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't.
Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell
can't keep God's love away" (v. 38). The more we stake our security in God's
enduring love, the less power disappointments will have to undermine our hope.
Life happens and in the midst of life there is frustration –instead of turning your
disappointment into aggression towards others or depression towards self know that God offers compassion, forgiveness, and strength to those who trust
in Him. Relationship with Him gives us the great hope that empowers us to face
any frustration with grace.
In the peace of Christ,
If you would like to volunteer once a month to do any of the
services below, we would greatly appreciate it. Please
contact either Marilyn Lindelow or the church office.
Thank you!
Bulletin Folders
July 7th Louise Wallace August 4th Marilyn Lindelow
14th Gladys Gettz
11th Louise Wallace
21st Dot Plantholt
18th Joan Kirkpatrick
28th Joan Kirkpatrick
25th Gladys Gettz
July 7th
Malcolm Wise August 4th Leslie Carden
Church Openers
Leslie Carden
11 Charles Matsinger
Tom Shiffer
18th Malcolm Wise
Brigitte Gdovin
25th Tom Shiffer
Pastor Littleton
July 1st Mon.
July 12th Fri.
July 15th Mon.
July 26th Fri.
July 29th Mon.
August 5th Mon.
August 16th Fri.
August 19th Mon.
August 26th Mon.
September 2nd Mon.
In light of the many devastating Spring storms across the country,
including the most recent in Oklahoma, you can send donations to:
Lutheran Disaster Response, 39330 Treasury Center Chicago, IL 606949300 or you can put your donation in one of the envelopes provided in
the front and back of the church. Thank you for caring.
Pastor’s Joke
On behalf of all that is going on with the mission trip this summer,
we would like to thank each and every one of you for helping us
out spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
Our trip is going to be July 12th through July 20th. Continued prayers for our safety
would be greatly appreciated. The mission trip is going to be a life changing
experience for each and every one of us. My hope is that we all are able to leave
with more knowledge of the Lakota people but more importantly, be able to walk
closer with God.
I would like to congratulate all of our youth that graduated from middle school, high
school, and college and Kyle Zalkind on his confirmation! May God bless each
and every one of you on the next chapter of your life!
The youth will not be having Second Saturday Babysitting in
July since we will be on the mission trip. We will hopefully
start it up again in August.
A family outing to an amusement park is in the works for the week of July 22nd. All
are invited! Please email Joanna at tlcyouthministries@gmail.com if you would like
to participate.
August 4th is going to be the Church picnic at the Garret Williamson Foundation
from 12-5pm. We will have the pool available from 1-4pm. Please email Joanna if
you and your family would like to come. Bring your lunch and extra for others! The
address is 395 Bishop Hollow Road, Newtown Square, PA.
Directory photos will be August 7th from 2-9pm., September 20th from 2-9pm and
September 21st from 10 am to 5 pm. Peggy DiSciascio, Brigitte Gdovin, and
Joanna Linton can help sign up families for times and dates. The time slots are
given on a first come-first serve basis. If you would like to help volunteer on one of
the dates to check people in, please let one of the ladies know and they will sign
you up.
Trinity Lutheran Nursery School & Mothers’
Morning Out
Strong men struggling to support their balloon
barbells, followed the roaring lions with long yarn hair
as they entered the BIG TOP in cages! The crowd cheered,
as the motorcycle riders wearing paper helmets revved up
their engines. The delicate tight rope walkers tumbled and rumbled
their way around the parade . The funny clowns holding masks with
red noses and paper bow ties squirted the audience with water from
an artificial flower. The lion tamers carrying flaming orange and
yellow paper decorated hoops, marched in with pride. Last to enter
the rings were the graceful elephants and little ponies .... For the
mere cost of a homemade baker’s clay coin, you were able to get a
ticket to our “Greatest Show on Earth.” Summer Session at Trinity
was lots of fun.
Grant and Dorothy Nice, Paul and Elsie, Christopher and Paul Orner,
Cristin Pasetti and Emily, Gary and Heather Pasetti, Ted and Dolores
Pindjack, Dorothy Plantholt, Joseph and Alice, Chelsea and Brittany
Polidoro, George and Barbara Polk, and Paul, Judith, Ashleigh and
Daniel Procknow.
Bill Bast, Jere Young, Dot Winkler, John Ross,
Maryann Hunsicker, Phyllis Silverstein,
Gail Uber, Mary and Ed
Sealander , Izzy Short, Eric
Sean & Dan Farewell Concert
Place: Trinity
Date: Sunday, August 11
Time: 5:00 PM (tentatively)
Join Dan Romano and Sean Gould in a concert celebrating both the
creative musical partnership that has sprung out of their friendship, but
also the start of a new journey that both will be embarking on – Dan to
New York University, Sean to West Chester University.
Along with a full band and some very talented guests, the musical duo
that is Sean & Dan will play some of the classics of yesterday and the
hits of today, sprinkling in some of the songs they have played in
church over the past year.
Along with the music they have played in church, Sean & Dan have
been performing all over the community. Together, they ran the DCCC
Contemporary Band and have performed at Open Mics at Burlap and
Bean in Media and the Milkboy in Ardmore. As they will be going on
separate paths come the beginning of the school year, this will be
potentially the last time they will be performing as a duo for quite a
In addition to the concert, there will be a chili cook-off and other
activities for families. A majority of the proceeds from this event will
go to sponsor the church’s youth. This event is open to the community
as well.
First Communion Class 2013 Orientation Sunday, Sept. 8th at 11 am
3rd Grade and Up for Children and Youth who have
not yet received..
Third graders and older youth and their parents are invited to attend
four instructional classes and one bread making and rehearsal class
in preparation to receive First Communion. One parent/adult is
required to be with each student at each class. Youth will also learn
how to be an acolyte and will begin serving the Lord as an acolyte
shortly after they make their First Holy Communion.
What Your Child Will Learn
To properly prepare our young people to receive Holy Communion,
Trinity’s First Communion classes focuses on the importance of
knowing God’s love which underlies all aspects of Christian life and
creates our trust in God. The students and parents will learn that
Holy Communion is:
• Sacrament of Baptism – Our Birth into the family
• God’s Salvation History – Children of Israel
• Receiving forgiveness
• Giving thanks, Celebrating, Being together
• Looking to the future
• Being strengthened to serve God
Shared Financial Recap period ending May 31, 2013
May. 2013
Year To Date
May 2013 YTD Benevolence (all categories)
Please Join Us!
The adult choir will resume Thursday night rehearsals on Thursday,
Sept. 5 at 7:30 p.m. and sing its first anthem on Sunday, September
15. All are welcome!
Bell Choir ~ There has been some talk about bringing back the Bell
Choir. Bells are making resurgence in churches this year. Many of
the new anthem releases for 2013-2014 include songs with bell choir parts. You do not
need to read music to play in a bell choir, but you do need to be able to count to 6! If
you might be interested, please send me an e-mail at kirstenkratz92@gmail.com. We
would need at least 8-10 people to get started. This would be a mixed ensemble at first
of older children (age 12 and up) and adults. If there is enough youth interest, a
separate children’s group would be created.
Hymn History - “In Thee is Gladness” ~ It is always interesting to add an unfamiliar
hymn to a church service because, initially, the first run-through is not a positive one.
This was the case on June 9 with the hymn LBW 552, “In Thee is Gladness.” But
here’s a little hymn history to potentially change your tune! (paraphrased from:
Confirmation Orientation Mtg. 2013- 2014 Sept. 8 at 4 pm
In Confirmation instruction, young people come to understand what followers
of Jesus believe. Students learn to articulate their faith and, most importantly,
ultimately publicly confirm their desire to live out a life-long heart relationship
with Jesus Christ at the end of a two year instructional period.
At Trinity, we begin this process for confirmation with 7th grade. This year
Pastor is requesting that at least one parent participate in every confirmation
class. Why? Because, parents are the most influential teachers of this life
with Jesus. While one parent will be required to attend ( both mom and dad
are invited to participate ) . This year will be our busy year – as we will be
doing a survey of both the old and new testaments.
The composer, Johann Lindemann, was born around 1550 and died around 1633.
Modern scholars are still debating about his birth and death dates. He was related to
Martin Luther. Lindemann was particularly significant because of his ability to unite
the Italian madrigal with the German chorale tradition and became most famous for his
contrafactum (providing a new text to an existing music). Today that would be
considered plagiarism, but back then, it was a great honor.
The tune was adapted from Giovanni GiacomoGastoldi’s (c. 1554-1609) famous
ballettos and is characterized as being a “light-hearted, dancelike piece” which
contained a fa-la-la (nonsense syllable) refrain. Gastoldi was an Italian priest and
composer. The hymn is often found in the “Praise” section of hymnals. The dancelike character of the music ‘seems to defy the struggles of life because of the hope that
Jesus offers all. Indeed, the hymn concludes with “shout[s] for gladness, triumph o’er
sadness . . . [and] voices raising glad hymns forever. Alleluia!”
~ Kirsten Halker-Kratz
I loved the film – I think this is a romantic comedy that both men and woman
will enjoy. It was especially fun to have this filmed in our back yard. The story,
which pretty much follows a typical romantic comedy formula, centers on Pat,
whose life has fallen apart. Coming home one day and finding his wife
showering with another man, he lost it. After beating the man, he ended up in
a mental hospital for eight months. He has just gotten out and is living with his
parents. His goal is to convince his wife that he has changed so she will take
him back. However, a restraining order makes that hard to do.
Pat's father is a diehard Philadelphia Eagles fan. His idea of the therapy Pat
needs is to hang around and talk football. His father also is somewhat
obsessive about everybody watching the games so the Eagle will win. When
Pat meets Tiffany, the young widow of a police officer, they don't really hit it
off. They both say what they really mean far too often, but there is some sort of
chemistry. Soon they start encountering each other on their morning runs.
Tiffany wants to be in a dance contest. She makes a deal with Pat: she'll
smuggle a note to his ex if he will dance with her in an upcoming contest.
Desperate to contact his wife, he agrees. They start practicing. Well, you
probably can figure out that Pat and Tiffany will end up together, but how that
happens through the convergence of dancing and football is what makes the
film so enjoyable. Romantic comedies usually try to impart some wisdom
about what makes ushappy. Pat, his father, and Tiffany all have been trying to
find happiness, but haven't been looking in the right places. Pat has been
looking to his past. He thinks that if he can win back his wife, he'll be happy.
Pat's father thinks happiness comes from winning. Tiffany, in the aftermath of
her husband's death, looks for happiness in sex. Try as they might to follow
these paths, they haven't found happiness, only more alienation. In the end, all
discover that happiness is not based in what we get so much as what we can
give to someone else. This is where our conversation about this movie will
The annual Assembly of the S.E. Pennsylvania Synod was held in
Franconia, and members of Delaware Conference congregations
were among the 500 voting members who were present. The
bishop presented her annual report; a budget for next year was
approved (not a happy occasion since mission support from
congregations continues to decline); Tracey Beasley from Reformation in
Philadelphia was elected as the Synod Vice-President, following Patricia Robinson
who had just completed her second 6-year term; and Jay Gamelin, a pastor from South
Carolina presented some great insights for reaching a younger generation.
Delaware Conference was represented in the elections. Pastor Karl Richard, St. Matthew’s,
Springfield, and Joyce Brown Adams, a lay member from Faith-Immanuel, East Lansdowne,
were reelected to terms on the Synod Council. Pastor Sarah Anderson-Rajarigam was elected
to a first term. The Council gives oversight to Synod business and mission. Our Conference
is now well-represented.
Some members of our Conference were honored: Pastor David Krewson was recognized on
the 50th anniversary of his ordination. Pastor Krewson served the primary part of his career –
34 years – as the pastor at St. Matthew’s Church in Woodlyn. He addressed the Assembly.
Pastor Krewson is currently a member at St. Timothy’s in Aston.
Pastor Margaret Krych was recognized for the 40th anniversary of her ordination. She spent
most of her career on the faculty at the Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia. She is currently a
member at Holy Trinity in Wallingford.
Two of our congregations were recognized for their significant anniversaries: St. Matthew’s,
Woodlyn for 100 years and Immanuel, Norwood for 125.
Three new pastors to our Conference were introduced to the Assembly: Skyle Rea, St.
John’s, Folcroft ; Tim Johanson, Temple Havertown; Sarah Anderson-Rajarigam, Grace,
Drexel Hill.
-Pastor Gordon E. Simmons
July 23rd ~ “God Bless the Child”
Bible Trivia
Answers for June (they did it first)
Who was the first murderer?
Cain (Genesis 4:8)
Who used the first pseudonym? (name in place of real name)
Esther, whose real name was Hadassah (Esther 2:7)
What was the first of the ten plagues of Egypt?
The river turned to blood (Exodus 7:14-24)
Who was the first disciple chosen by Jesus?
Simon Peter (John 1:42)
Questions for July and August (taxes)
Q. What tax collector climbed a tree to see Jesus?
Q. Who advised that the Egyptians be taxed 20 percent of their produce in
order to prepare for famine?
Q. Whom did Jesus send fishing in order to get money for taxes?
Q. What was Judas given to betray Jesus?
The secret of life is not finding someone to live with;
it’s finding someone you can’t live without.
Running Time: 93 Minute
Genre: Social Problem Film
Actors: Mare Winningham, Grace Johnson, L. Scott Caldwell, Obba
Babatunde and Dorain Harewood.
Not rated but was a made for TV movie
I read the jacket of this movie and purchased it as I thought it was very
interesting -- and oh my Lord - this movie deeply touched me. The struggle
with homelessness is so very difficult - especially for a single parent trying
her best to raise child.
Mare Winningham gives an excellent and very, very sad performance in
this film. It just seems that all the odds are against her, and she's left to
make some very rash decisions. You just want so much to help people like
this out in the time of need, but have to stand by as helpless as they are.
This movie should be recommended as a standard for all to watch, as
many people are one paycheck away from the shelter. This movie is still
relevant after 18 years. The characters in the movie would face the same
problems today. The movie drives home the point of how homelessness
can happen and how hard it is to recover or break the cycle of poverty.
Movie for August ~ “Silver Linings Playbook” ~ August 13th
Primary Audience: Adults Genre: Romance Comedy Drama Length: 2hr. Featuring:
Jennifer Lawrence, Robert DeNiro, Bradley Cooper Julia Stiles, Chris Tucker.
We did extensive research for casting. I wanted fresh faces, but faces with
experience. I found Q’orianka Kilcher through a YouTube clip. And then when I
was interviewing her, I asked for recommendations and she suggested Chaske
Spencer. Tantoo Cardinal was the exception; she’s the grande dame of Native
cinema. Getting her for this film was our dream.
How did you find shooting on the San Carlos Apache Reservation?
The reservation is an incredible mix of beauty and hardship; for a filmmaker it’s
fascinating because of that contrast. We didn’t have to change anything. We
found a family that would let us shoot on their property. This 50-person crew
shows up, invading their living space, and yet—they were cooking for us. They
made us frybread. And then suddenly the neighbors are cooking frybread, and
then they made a soup and had everybody over for dinner. And it was delicious.
Were there any drawbacks to shooting on reservation lands?
It wasn’t really a drawback, but one time I wanted to shoot a scene in a
particular location and was told I couldn’t film there because it was sacred. That
turned out to be a really lucky development, because it made us look for
another location, and when we did, we found one that is just stunningly
beautiful. It was perfect—better than the original spot—for what is really a
climactic scene in the movie.
What—if anything—do you feel this film could accomplish, culturally speaking?
There’s a preconception that today the Native Americans who live on the
reservations all have drug problems or are all alcoholics. This movie can show
that’s a misconception. Yes, there are problems, but these are people trying to
live their lives. White people have problems too. When the cast read the script,
they were like, Yes—finally we can play real people, we don’t have to ride a
horse or be alcoholics.
In the nine years we’ve lived next door to Rocky, I’ve
never seen him so excited! “Hey,” he called as he
motioned two of us over to the side of the yard. “I’ve got
to tell you about our trip. It was awesome!”
Rocky, a Physical Education teacher, is also an adult advisor to the youth group in
his church. Why was he so excited? He and his son had just returned from a ten
day trip with their youth group. The church had flown thirty two high school boys
and girls, plus their counselors, to a four day work camp. There they’d slept in
sleeping bags on the basement floor of the church they were helping. They cooked
their own meals, and worked untiringly painting, repairing, etc. at this small
church. The kids had also prepared a number of very moving worship services. It
had been a “life-changing experience.” Then they headed on to a national meeting.
One evening, their group put on a lively musical program for the two thousand
other youth and adults in attendance. He was so proud of these kids, their talent,
their dependability, their hard work, and their cooperation. He was radiant and still
excited by it.
Parents Sacrifice Vacation
What a joy for parents to feel this way about their children and their activities. It’s
rewarding when families faithfully participate in their church and grow spiritually.
It’s satisfying to contribute money and help with the fund-raising needed to make
such trips possible. Worshipping with their children and their friends adds a special
blessing. It was worth sacrificing some summer vacation time to not just send their
kids, but go with them to work at a needy church, attend an inspirational national
meeting, and to share in a “life-changing experience.” You can call these
stewardship choices. By his actions, Rocky has said, “Yes, count me in!” I’m willing
to give my time. I’ll share my talent. And I’ll contribute money, too. Does he have
any regrets? Only one, and that is that his wife and daughter couldn’t be there with
them. But that’s because they’d already volunteered to go on a medical mission to
South America! Our neighbors are excited about stewardship! They’re excited
about the worldwide “neighborhood” in which they live and serve!
(taken from Parish Publishing)
MOVIE MINISTRY $6.00 for pizza, popcorn, drink
“SHOUTING SECRETS” ~ Tuesday July 9th
Well, the Monday date for the movie did not work out with people’s
schedules so I am rescheduling this movie Tuesday Night - July 9th.
This movie is a Spiritual Cinema Movie. Spiritual Cinema is a monthly film
subscription service that Pastor belongs to that provides films with depth,
inspiration and spiritual themes. A film director Stephen Simon had produced
many beloved movies with spiritual themes, such as "Somewhere In Time" and
"What Dreams May Come," works with a team of folks to choose movies that
are powerful and movies that we would probably never see - because Hollywood
did not pick the film up as being a block buster money maker. The movies that
Spiritual Cinema promotes are often film that have won film festival awards and
/or using the talents of new film directors and independent producers. In June I
flew out to Boulder to discuss with Stephen Simon my views for the films they
will release in September - which are all very interesting all of them on dating.
And of course, I will show the feature film The Last New Yorker staring Dominic
Chianese and Dick Latessa. a very interesting film indeed - about two senior
citizens in their 70"s that are fed up with life in New York - and wanting to do
something different. One wants to move south and the other wants to start
dating. Even though I have access to the film now - I will wait to September to
show you - so I can also show you my discussion of the film.
So in July I will list “SHOUTING SECRETS” as our first movie. I choose this movie
because I think it is an important for Trinity as we prepare to send 15 people to
be our missionaries to an Indian Reservation in SD. Hopefully some of the group
can see the film before we leave on the 12th to go to the Reservation. To explain
what I mean by this I am sharing with you the interview by the film producer of
Shouting Secrets -- but first some of the movie details:
Cast: Chaske Spencer, Gil Birmingham, Q’orianka Kilcher, Tyler Christopher,
Tantoo Cardinal and Rodney A. Grant.
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 88 minutes
Release date: 2011
Shouting Secrets played at 35 International Film Festivals, winning 22 Awards and
garnering even more Nominations. Often playing alongside The Silver Lining
Playbook, The Sessions and Dustin Hoffman's Directing Debut Quartet.
Director of Star-Studded “Shouting Secrets”
“Shouting Secrets” is a story of a splintered Indian family trying to connect in a
time of crisis. It is the first feature film by Korinna Sehringer, and stars some of
Indian country’s leading talent, both veteran and up-and-coming. Siblings
Wesley (Chaske Spencer), Pinti (Q’orianka Kilcher) and Tushka (Tyler
Christopher) must get along with their father Cal (Gil Birmingham) when their
mother June (Tantoo Cardinal) becomes seriously ill. Each of the kids is finding
their way in the world, some fumblingly:
Wesley has become successful and famous for writing a tell-all book about
growing up on the rez; Tushka is in a failing marriage and straying; Pinti is
pregnant with a white underachiever’s baby.
The film debuted at the American Indian Film Festival, where it won the award
for Best Film. Days before that first screening, Indian Country Today Media
Network spoke with Korinna Sehringer as she was putting the final touches on
the print at her home base in Munich, Germany.
What were your guiding principles for assembling what turned out to be a very
impressive cast?