Investigation of Optical gain and L

Investigation of Optical gain and L-I characteristics in
(GaIn)(NAs)/GaAs lasers
J.Pozo*a, T.Houlea, J.M.Rorisona, T. Jouhtib and M. Pessab
Centre for Communications Research, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University of Bristol, Queen’s Building, University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TR, United Kingdom
Optoelectronics Research Centre, Tampere University of Technology, FIN33101,Tampere,Finland
GaInNAs quantum well lasers have attracted significant interest in recent years. Their potential for operation at high
temperatures without coolers and their application for low cost vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are
the main reasons for this interest. The main consequence of adding Nitrogen (N) to InGaAs materials is the band gap
shrinkage. The reason for that is the interaction of N (acting as a localized defect) with the conduction band of the
InGaAs. In previous studies, low temperature PL measurements of the impact of Nitrogen on the band structure of
GaInNAs have been examined [1]. Pulsed measurements using a broad area GaInNAs QW laser were carried out and
the results were analysed in terms of the interaction of the N defect state with the GaInAs conduction band edge
(band - anticrossing model) [2,3]
A detailed experimental temperature study of single quantum-well GaInNAs lasers at room temperature and above
has been carried out. Experimental results of L-I, T0, temperature dependence of lasing wavelength, optical gain and
efficiencies are presented, discussed and compared with other materials. The temperature ranges studied is
appropriate for most network applications. The gain spectra for moderate densities were experimentally measured
using the method of Hakki and Paoli [4]: the 600 µm long devise is biased below threshold and the gain is evaluated
form the Fabry Perot modulation of the spontaneous emission spectra.
A new concept will be introduced to study the bandwidth of the spectral gain and see its dependence with the
temperature. The half-peak-BW will be the bandwidth where the gain decreases 50 % from the peak gain. The
temperature performance of the half-peak-BW has been studied obtaining a slope of 0.5871 nm/K.
About the temperature dependence of the laser, a value of To (50 K) similar than the one found in InGaAsP has been
found. This might disagree with the first results published of this new material system, giving extremely high values
above 100 K. This is due to the high A parameter found in the previous materials. The improvement of the material
is decreasing the A parameter and the characteristic temperature of the device. A small temperature dependence of
the lasing wavelength was found (0.37 nm/K). This value was confirmed measuring the temperature dependence of
the gain peak wavelength. This small temperature dependence can be understood by the interaction of the N state
with the conduction band edge.
Keywords: Laser thermal factors, GaInNAs, dilute nitride, laser defects, temperature dependence, optical gain,
quantum well lasers, semiconductor device measurements, efficiency, lasing wavelength, Fabry Perot modes,
characteristic temperature, A B C parameters
*; phone 44 117 928 8136
Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics, edited by Daan Lenstra,
Geert Morthier, Thomas Erneux, Markus Pessa, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5452
(SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2004) · 0277-786X/04/$15 · doi: 10.1117/12.546474
Semiconductor materials emitting light in the 1.3- or 1.55- µm regimes are of considerable importance for
applications in telecommunications. The realization of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) for
applications in photonics is a major goal because of their numerous favourable properties [5,6,7,8]. However, while
VCSELs with emission at 800–900 nm are already commercially available, the realization of VCSELs emitting at
the optical fiber windows of 1.3 or 1.55 m still suffers from severe technological problems. The most common
material system for edge emitters in these wavelength regimes is (GaIn)(PAs)/InP [9]. But lasers with this material
system are found to be subjected to strong temperature dependence, exhibiting a characteristic temperature T0 of
about 60 K [9]. This value is extremely low when compared with short wavelength GaAs-based lasers. Numerous
investigations [10,11] have attributed the low T0 value to the temperature dependence of the quantum efficiency, net
modal gain, intrinsic loss, differential carrier lifetime, differential gain, and carrier density. These investigations
generally rely on a series of spectral and high-speed techniques, such as output power versus current curves, [12] the
Hakki–Paoli method and microwave modulation response via either optical or electrical injection. [13,14,15] However,
the relative roles of the injection efficiency and nonradiative processes such as Auger recombination in determining
temperature sensitivity are not well quantified.
This poor temperature performance makes necessary to use coolers to maintain the temperature of the device stable,
those coolers would multiply the prize of the system. Therefore, a candidate more stable with the temperature and
that keeps all the good properties found for this material is needed.
Possible candidates for these active materials that can be grown on GaAs are GaSb/AlSb [16], InAs-quantum dots
[17], and the new material system (GaIn)(NAs) [18]. In this paper some of the properties of this last material system to
evaluate its chance for being the candidate of replacing InGaAsP as the main material system emitter for
(GaIn)(NAs) was first proposed as a quantum well (QW) material system for long wavelength lasers and grown by
M. Kondow in 1995 and have been receiving more attention in the recent years [19]. The advantage of this QW
material system is that it has a large conduction band offset which leads to better electron confinement [20]. Leading
to excellent potential for operation at high temperatures without coolers [19]. Additionally, GaInNAs is lattice
matched to the GaAs substrate, hence attractive for the fabrication of low cost VCSELs [19]. The use of GaAs/AlAs
distributed Brag reflectors (DBRs) with a high refractive index contrast is the main advantage compared to the use of
InGaAsP DBRs with the lattice matched to the InGaAsP active layer (low refractive index contrast). The other
characteristic that has given GaInNAs lasers some relevance is its potential for high speed operation [21,22].
In GaInNAs, adding nitrogen in the material causes nonparabolicity of the conduction bandstructure. This is a
consequence of the localisation of nitrogen that creates a nitrogen state that interacts strongly with the conduction
band. As a result, there is a reduction in the bandgap and a band - anticrossing effect. [23,24]
This novel material system can be grown on GaAs and luminescence emission wavelengths between 1100 and 1560
nm have been realized for different nitrogen contents [25,26]. Edge-emitting lasers with emission wavelengths up to
1380 nm [27] and, very recently, even up to 1520 nm [28] were demonstrated. However, despite the successful
realization of the first devices, little is known about the emission dynamics, the laser transitions, and the optical gain
in this new material system.
In this article, we investigate the emission dynamics of 1.3- µm(GaIn)(NAs)/GaAs edge emitter SQW laser and the
optical gain in this material system. First we study experimentally the emission dynamics of a GaInNAs laser in CW
operation, with a particular focus on the temperature dependence of the band gap and the A, B and C coefficients. To
date, GaInNAs QW lasers have been demonstrated to have very good temperature dependence T0 [19]. This value of
T0 reported in that first published work is due to a very high A parameter found. The improvement of the quality of
the material leads to a decrease of the A parameter. In the last section the optical gain and its temperature
performance are presented introducing a new parameter to compute the gain of the material, the half-peak-BW.
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2.1 Characterization and room temperature dynamics
The lasers tested are 600 µm long with a ridge waveguide (6 µm wide). The lasers consist on a single 6nm wide QW
inside the ridge waveguide. The Quantum Well structure is In0.34Ga0.66As0.99N0.01.
The laser was tested in CW operation. At room temperature the laser emits at 1250 nm. Figure 1 shows the spectra of
the laser with the different modes and the main mode which correspond to the lasing wavelength. Studying the
separation between the modes in the lasing spectra, the refracting index of the laser has been found out, and a value
of 3.6 has been obtained as an average calculation from the space between the Fabry Perot modes. The threshold
current density at 293 K found for the device is 700 A/cm2, in accordance with some previous published samples
about some similar samples [29]. To compute the density current, the width of the ridge waveguide has been
measured using SEM, a value of 6 µm has been obtained. The contact surface is, therefore, the length of the device
(600 µm) multiplied by the width of the ridge waveguide (6 µm). Therefore, the current density can be calculated
dividing the current applied to the sample by the contact surface.
Figure 1 Spectra of the laser above threshold. Fabry-Perot modes with a lasing wavelength of 1250 nm.
The efficiency of the sample (measured with an integrated sphere in order to collect the maximum light from the
sample) is found to be 0.32 W/A per facet, which is a value comparable to the one found in some published work
with similar samples [30]. This corresponds to a total differential efficiency (nd) of 62%, which is found to be higher
than in the case of InGaAsP [31].
2.2. Temperature dependence
The laser emission is observed in the range of temperatures between 293 K and 348 K. This is the temperature range
for practical network operations. Figure 2 shows the light-current characteristics of the laser. The laser is measured
in CW operation. In figure 2, the threshold is observed to increase with increasing the temperature. The L-I shows a
good linear behaviour above threshold at room temperature, whose slope is proportional to the efficiency that
decreases when the temperature is increasing. This is the usual behaviour observed in lasers and is generally
attributed to a decrease in gain and increase in losses when the temperature is increased.
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Power (mW)
J (KA/cm )
Figure 2 Light-Current Characteristics
Lasing Wavelength (nm)
Figure 3 Temperature dependence of lasing wavelength. A lasing wavelength shift with the temperature of 0.37 nm/K has been
The wavelength of the laser studied is observed to change with T as it is shown in figure 3. The origin of the lasing
wavelength shift with the temperature is due to the band gap shrinkage with the increase of the temperature. To
evaluate the temperature dependence of the threshold current, the spectra of the laser at different temperatures has
been studied. Figure 3 shows the linear behaviour with a slope of 0.37 nm/K, which corresponds to a first level
transition energy of 0.28 meV/K, in agreement (or slightly lower) with published work [32]. The temperature
dependence of the GaInAs band gap with the same amount of In but without N is 0.388 meV/K [33], hence a
considerable reduction of this parameter due to the adding of N has been observed.
For the calculation of the characteristic temperature, an estimation based on that the threshold current has an
exponential behaviour with the temperature as shown in (1) has been made [24].
 ∆T 
I th (T2 ) = I th (T1 ) exp
 T0  (1)
where T1 and T2 are two random temperatures, ∆T=T2–T1 and T0 the characteristic temperature of the laser, the
range of currents used in this measurements was 293K – 348K. The laser characteristic temperature T0 at the range
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of temperatures studied is 50 K. A new L-I characteristic was taken operating the laser with a pulse condition. This
value is comparable than that of InP-based devices (with values T0 ≈ 50K as mentioned in the introduction of the
article) but lower than the best reported values for GaInNAs laser diodes which estimated that this material system
has an extremely high characteristic temperature. The first results published for Kondow [19] showed a extremely
high value for T0 ≈ 215K in the range of temperatures from 273K to 373K. More recent publications have shown
decreases of this value until 85K [29], due to a decrease of the A parameter obtained due to an improvement of the
quality of the material. The A parameter is close to be temperature independent, its predominance will lead to a
decrease of the temperature dependence of the threshold current, but will decrease the quality of the material.
To explain this low value a comparison with a published calculation of the A parameter has been made [34].
Assuming that n = p in the active region, the total injected current in the QW can be written as
I = eV ( An + Bn 2 + Cn 3 ) (2)
where V is the pumped volume of the active region, and e is the electronic charge. A,B,C for a similar material
system has been calculated (A = 10.2⋅10-8 sec-1, B = 0.8⋅10-10 cm3sec-1, C = 4⋅10-29 cm6sec-1 at 273K) [34], the
parameters B and C are intrinsic to the system, so we can estimate them appropriate to our experiment. We would
expect to have a smaller value for the A coefficient, taking into account that the temperature characteristic found in
the reference is higher [34]. Assuming a typical value for the peak gain at threshold of 500cm-1, the values of table 1
have been obtained [35].
Ith experimental
10.2 ⋅10-8 sec-1
0.8⋅10-10 cm3sec-1
4⋅10-29 cm6sec-1
5.5161⋅10-16 mA
0.6761 mA
0.5258 mA
1.2043 mA
1.5627⋅1018 cm-3
3.2627⋅1018 cm-3
4.8254⋅1018 cm-3
10.2 ⋅10-8 sec-1
0.7⋅10-10 cm3sec-1
4⋅10-29 cm6sec-1
5.8926⋅10-16 mA
0.6751 mA
0.6761 mA
1.3512 mA
1.6693⋅1018 cm-3
3.9232⋅1018 cm-3
5.5925⋅1018 cm-3
Table 1 Values obtained from the A,B,C parameters and expression (2). ngain is obtained from published work [35], Ith TOTAL
corresponds to the value of Ith obtained from equation (2), using ngain and the parameters A, B, and C. Imono, Irag and Iauger are
derived as well from that expression. ntotal is calculated using the Ith measured experimentally in equation 2. nlosses is the difference
between ntotal and ngain.
Gain measurement was performance for further evaluation of the Quantum Well. This measurement was based on
the Hakki-Paoli method. Hakki-Paoli [4,36,37] deduced the gain spectrum from measurement of the amplitudes of the
Fabry-Perot modes below laser threshold in proton bombarded stripe geometry lasers. The shape of the gain found
for different currents between 12 and 28 mA, which corresponds to current density values of J = 333 A/cm2 and J =
933 A/cm2 (threshold current is found to be 700 A/cm2 for this sample) has been plotted in figure 4a. Figure 4b
corresponds to a gain measurement taken at 313 K. To evaluate the temperature performance, the spectral gain at
different temperatures has been plotted. With this we are able to evaluate the temperature performance of the Gain
bandwidth. To study the bandwidth with the temperature we estimate a gain bandwidth to the difference of the
wavelength of those points where the peak gain decreases half of the peak (from now on, this bandwidth will be
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named as half-peak-BW). Figure 5 shows how the gain gets more broadened when the temperature is increased.
These values agree with the gain figures taken from similar lasers using the same method in some published work.
[38] The increase of the half-peak-BW with the temperature is of 0.5871 nm/K.
confinement * gain /cm-1
Current in mA:
Wavelength (nm)
4.a)gain at 293K
confinement*gain (cm-1)
Current in mA:
Wavelength (nm)
4.b) gain at 313K
Figure 4 Optical gain at 293 K (figure 4.a) and 313 K (figure 4.b). The spectral BW gain increases with the temperature. To
measure this bandwidth the concept of half-peak-BW is introduced.
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Increase of the half-peak-BW
with the temperature:
Figure 5 Increase of the Gain Bandwidth (half-peak-BW) with the temperature. The Bandwidth is taken where the peak
wavelength decreases half of its maximum value.
Computing the peak gain at different currents, figure 6 has been obtained for two different temperatures (293 K and
333 K). At 293 K dependence of the peak gain with the current below threshold has been estimated of 2.22 cm-1/mA.
Increasing the temperature a decrease of this slope has been observed, a slope of 0.869 cm-1/mA has been obtained at
333 K. The maximum value obtained for the confinement*gain is of 19.5 cm-1, in agreement with published work.
Figure 6 Peak gain vs Current
The temperature dependence of the peak gain has been studied as well. The values of the peak gain are in a way
more reliable than the one obtained for the lasing wavelength. The peak gain wavelength is not affected by the side
modes around the lasing wavelength that can be eventually higher than the mode carrying the lasing wavelength due
to errors in the measurement by the optical spectrum analyzer or misalignment between the fibre lens (collecting the
light from the sample) and the front facet of the edge emitting device. The evaluation of this temperature dependence
will show how reliable is the measure of the temperature dependence of the lasing wavelength. Figure 7 shows this
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gain peak shift with the temperature, a slope of 0.374 nm/K has been obtained. Taking into account the lasing
wavelength shift with the temperature found, good agreement has been obtained, and we can conclude that a good
reliability is been shown by our calculations.
Gain Peak Wavelength (nm)
Peak gain shift with the
temperature = 0.374 nm/K
Figure 7 Temperature dependence of the peak gain. A slope of 0.374 nm/K has been obtained, in agreement with the measure of
the temperature dependence of the lasing wavelength.
The aim of this article is to evaluate some of the emission dynamics and the temperature dependence of the
GaInNAs material system based on experimental results. After explaining the main reasons why GaInNAs should be
considered an important candidate to take the place of InGaAsP as the material system emitter for the applications in
communications, the emission dynamics of the device have been studied. A lasing wavelength of 1250 nm has been
found, with a threshold current density of 700 A/cm2 and a differential efficiency of 62% at room temperature, this
values agree with the ones found in some reference and are close to the one belonging to the InGaAsP material.
The next point of this article is to evaluate the temperature dependence of the device, an improvement of the
temperature dependence is critical due shift of to one of the main disadvantages of the InGaAsP material is its poor
temperature performance. A good stability with the temperature has been found. A value for the temperature
characteristic of 50 K has been found but estimated lower than the first publications about this still novel material
system, the assumption of having a smaller A parameter has been made. The A parameter is almost temperature
independent; improving the material this parameter decreases and therefore, so does the characteristic temperature. A
first transition energy shift of 0.28meV/K has been found, being lower than previous value published (0.3 meV/K)
[3]. In the last section of the article, the optical gain measured with the Hakki-Paoli method has been reported. A new
parameter to evaluate the gain BW has been defined (half-peak-BW). With this parameter, how the increase of the
temperature leads to broader gain spectrums has been shown. In addition, the temperature dependence of the peak
gain has been plotted in order to verify the low value obtained for the temperature dependence of the gain, and good
agreement has been found.
This investigation concludes that the GaInNAs QW material should be considered as a reliable candidate for the
InGaAsP material due to its better temperature performance and the similar results in its emission dynamics.
The authors would like to acknowledge J.C.L. Yong for her modelling work and advices.
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Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5452