January 12, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Pat Dowling, Public Information Officer (843) 280-5612 – office / (843)241-7480 – cell pcdowling@nmb.us RESULTS: January 12 Special Called City Council Meeting --Public Hearing on Cherry Grove Canals Project set for February 21, 10:00 a.m. at City Hall North Myrtle Beach, SC – During their January 12 special called meeting, the members of the North Myrtle Beach City Council approved a Resolution describing the proposed Cherry Grove Improvement District and Cherry Grove Improvement Plan and, the projected time schedule for the accomplishment of the Cherry Grove Improvement Plan, the estimated cost of the improvements, and the amount of such costs to be derived from assessments, bonds or other funds. The Resolution also sets forth the proposed basis and rates of assessments to be imposed within the Cherry Grove Improvement District. The Resolution also sets a public hearing on the proposed Improvement Plan—Cherry Grove Improvement District for February 21, at 10:00 a.m., at North Myrtle Beach City Hall, 1018 Second Avenue South. At the public hearing, any interested person may be heard either in person or by attorney on any matter connected with the stated purpose of the public hearing. The Resolution and proposed Improvement Plan—Cherry Grove Improvement District documents are available for viewing or downloading on the home page of www.nmb.us in the “New and Noteworthy” section under the category, “Cherry Grove Canals Dredging Project.” Those who wish to receive a copy of the documents by email may do so by contacting Public Information Officer Pat Dowling at pcdowling@nmb.us. Copies are also available at City Hall. The documents are also part of this news release. City Council appointed Mary “Dee” Myers and Ron Bruce to the North Myrtle Beach Tree City Board. City Council appointed Nancy Duke (At Large) to the North Myrtle Beach Accommodations Tax Committee. Scroll down for Resolution and Improvement Plan—Cherry Grove Improvement District documents A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA, DESCRIBING THE CHERRY GROVE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND THE CHERRY GROVE IMPROVEMENT PLAN TO BE EFFECTED THEREBY, THE PROJECTED TIME SCHEDULE FOR THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE CHERRY GROVE IMPROVEMENT PLAN, THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS AND THE AMOUNT OF SUCH COSTS TO BE DERIVED FROM ASSESSMENTS, BONDS, OR OTHER FUNDS; SETTING FORTH THE PROPOSED BASIS AND RATES OF ASSESSMENTS TO BE IMPOSED WITHIN THE CHERRY GROVE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; ORDERING A PUBLIC HEARING; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings and Determinations. The City Council (the “City Council”) of the City of North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (the “City”), hereby finds and determines: (a) The City is a municipality of the State of South Carolina (the “State”), and as such, possesses certain powers granted by the Constitution and general laws of the State. (b) Pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 37, Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended (the “Act”), the municipalities of the State are vested with all powers consistent with the Constitution necessary, useful, and desirable to effect improvements within an improvement district, to increase property values, to prevent depreciation of property values, and to preserve and increase their tax bases. (c) An “improvement plan” (within the meaning of Section 5-37-20(4) of the Act), entitled “IMPROVEMENT PLAN--CHERRY GROVE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT” (the “Improvement Plan”) has been prepared and presented to the City Council, which Improvement Plan, among other things, contemplates the creation of an “improvement district” (within the meaning of Section 5-37-20(3) of the Act) to be known as the Cherry Grove Improvement District (the “Improvement District”). A copy of the Improvement Plan is available for review at the office of the City Manager of the City, located at 1018 2nd Avenue South, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The Improvement Plan contemplates the improvements within the Improvement District as more particularly described herein (the “Improvements”) which constitute “improvements” within the meaning of Section 5-37-20(2) of the Act. The Improvements consist solely of the dredging of canals as described in S.C. Code Ann. §48-39130(D)(10) (1976, as amended) (herein, “Canals”). All of the Improvements are to be located within the corporate limits of the City. None of the Improvements have been completed or are, as of the date of this Resolution, under construction. (d) The City Council hereby finds and determines that the Improvements will be beneficial within the Improvement District. The Improvements will provide to owners of property within the District use of and navigation within the Canals at both low and high tides, thus increasing the utility of an amenity within the District which is of particular interest to property owners and the usefulness of which has diminished over time. DM: 3850153 v.4 1 (e) The City Council hereby finds and determines that the Improvements will preserve or increase property values within the Improvement District. The City Council, having consulted with property valuation consultants, finds that properties in the Improvement District with direct water access as will be provided by the Improvements will enjoy higher valuations than similarly situated properties without such direct water access. (f) The City Council hereby finds and determines the Improvements are likely to encourage development in the Improvement District in the form of renovations to or replacement of existing structures within the Improvement District. (g) The City Council hereby finds and determines that the general welfare and tax base of the City will be maintained or improved by the creation of the Improvement District. (h) The City Council hereby finds and determines that it would be fair and equitable to finance a portion of the cost of the Improvements by an assessment upon the real property located within the Improvement District. The City Council finds that the use of special assessments is particularly appropriate in that similar parcels will be assessed identical amounts, and such amounts will not vary based on the value of improvements on the property or the real property assessment ratio applicable to the property. (i) Pursuant to the Act, the City Council may establish the Improvement District and implement and finance the Improvement Plan in the Improvement District in accordance with the provisions of the Act. (j) In accordance with the requirements of Section 5-35-60 of the Act, City Council hereby directs and authorizes the publication of this resolution and the establishment of the time and place of a public hearing concerning the Improvement Plan. It is now necessary and in the best interest of the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City that the Improvement District and Improvement Plan be described and the other requirements of the Act be met through adoption and publication of this resolution. Section 2. Description of Improvement District. The Improvement District will consist of approximately 761 parcels of real property, including those parcels shown on Exhibit A hereto, along with property owned by the City and canals and marshlands owned by the State of South Carolina (the “State”). The Improvement District is generally bounded by Lake Drive and Nixon Street to the South, Heritage Drive, marshlands and a channel of water referred to as the “Major Channel” to the north and east, and 42nd Street North to the west. Section 3. Description of Plan. The Improvement Plan sets forth the overall plan by which the City proposes to effect the Improvements within the Improvement District . As provided in the Improvement Plan, an initial dredge of Canals is planned to occur during the autumn of 2015 and winter of 2016. A subsequent dredge, as required for maintenance of the Canals within the Improvement District is planned for the autumn of 2020 and winter of 2021, but may be rescheduled based upon actual conditions in the Canals. The dredge plan has been permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, permit number SAC2004-02988-3II (the “Permit”). The dredge is designed to improve the water depth in canals abutting parcels located within the Improvement District. The narrower “finger canals” running perpendicular to DM: 3850153 v.4 2 the shoreline are intended to be dredged with a 24-foot-wide cut in the center of each such Canal, providing water at low tide with a depth of three feet. The wider canal running mostly parallel to the shoreline is intended to be dredged with a 34 foot-wide-cut, providing water at low tide with a depth of three and one-half feet. Materials dredged from the Canals will be first processed at the Corps Horry County Tidewater Confined Disposal Facility, and then disposed of permanently at a location to be determined by the contractor hired to handle disposition. The City is also required to perform certain environmental mitigation under the Permit. The cost of the Improvements and all costs associated therewith, including planning and engineering fees, other professional fees, costs of financing, environmental mitigation, and costs of administration of the Improvement District are estimated to be $13,316,302, including projected inflation. The City to date has expended in excess of $1,200,000 for preliminary costs associated with the creation of the Improvement District and the execution of the Improvement Plan. The City expects to contribute an additional $1,600,000 to limit the cost of the Improvements and related costs to be funded from assessments. In order to finance the remaining cost of the Improvements, the City is considering the issuance of obligations secured by and payable from Assessments (as defined in Section 6 herein) in one or more series (herein, the “Bonds”) pursuant to the Act. Section 4. Improvement Plan Costs. The cost of the Improvement Plan is more fully described therein, and includes the following items: Estimated, Inflated Costs Description Initial Dredge Dredging Required mitigation efforts Subtotal of initial dredge $5,588,693 $1,033,486 $6,622,179 Second Dredge Dredging Required mitigation efforts Subtotal of second dredge $5,962,983 $0 $5,962,983 Total Section 5. $12,585,162 Amount of Cost of Improvements to be Derived from Bonds or Other Permitted Funding Sources In order to finance the cost of the Improvements, the City estimates that it will issue Bonds pursuant to the Act to generate $10,985,162, the details of which shall be prescribed by one or more separate ordinances of the City Council. Such estimates are subject to change based upon market conditions and the negotiation of the terms upon which the Bonds may be issued. The City estimates that it will utilize $1,600,000 of City funds for the Improvements and associated costs. DM: 3850153 v.4 3 Section 6. Imposition of Assessments; Basis for and Rates of Assessment to be Imposed Within the Improvement District. It is proposed that there shall be imposed “assessments” within the meaning of Section 5-37-20(1) of the Act on all real property in the Improvement District, which property has been found by the City Council to benefit from the Improvements (the “Assessments”). The total of the Assessments imposed within the Improvement District shall equal the sum of (i) the estimated principal amount of the Bonds to be issued and to which Assessments are to pledged, (ii) interest on and ongoing expenses with respect to such Bonds, and (iii) administrative costs of the Improvement District. It is expected that the aggregate annual billing of Assessments in the Improvement District will not exceed $1,694,832. It is expected that the annual billing of the Assessments per parcel in the Improvement District will not exceed $2,400 in any year. The City Council has determined that Assessments will be imposed on a per parcel basis, provided, however, that several classes of parcels will be designated, based upon certain common characteristics of such parcels, as further described in this Section 6. It is proposed that distinct classes of parcels will be created for parcels that either support a single family unit (the vast majority) or support a multi-family unit(s) (including condominiums, duplexes, and apartments). It is further proposed that the single family unit parcel class will have subclasses to distinguish between standard parcels and parcels that can be subdivided such that two separate single family units can be built (a “Double Lot”). It is further proposed that the Assessment on the standard single family unit parcels will be $24,000, that the Assessment on the Double Lots will be $48,000 and that the Assessment on the multi-family unit parcels will be $16,560. Additionally, it is proposed that the maximum annual Assessment will be limited to ten percent of the total initial Assessment ($2,400 and $1,656 respectively for the standard single family unit parcels and the multi-family unit parcels) and that the annual Assessment for the Double Lots will equal the annual Assessment billed to the standard single family unit parcels. It is further proposed that to the extent that a Double Lot is subdivided to create two separate single family unit parcels, the total Assessment on the Double Lot will be apportioned and each resulting parcel will thereafter be considered a standard single family unit parcel which may be billed a maximum of $2,400 per year going forward (no retroactive billings). Section 7. Public Hearing; Notice. The City Council hereby establishes Saturday February 21, 2015 , as the date of the public hearing to be held in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-37-50 of the Act. Such public hearing shall be held at 10:00 a.m. on such date in the City Council Chambers, 1018 2nd Avenue South , North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. At the public hearing and at any adjournment of it, any interested person may be heard either in person or by attorney on any matter in connection therewith. Pursuant to Section 5-37-60 of the Act, the City Council hereby authorizes the publication of this Resolution in its entirety once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the City, with the final publication to occur not less than ten days prior to the public hearing. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGE] DM: 3850153 v.4 4 THIS RESOLUTION SHALL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON ADOPTION. DONE AS OF THIS 12th DAY OF JANUARY, 2015. s/_____________________________________ Mayor, City of North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina ATTEST: s/__________________________ (Seal) City Clerk DM: 3850153 v.4 5 EXHIBIT A PARCELS SUBJECT TO INCLUSION IN THE CITY OF NORTH MYRTLE BEACH CHERRY GROVE MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT This list is subject to amendment prior to creation of the District. Does not include certain public property which has not been assigned a tax map number. (Parcel List Attached) DM: 3850153 v.4 A-1 Exhibit A - Parcels with TMS Numbers in the Improvement District TMS TMS 1310004021 1311513008 1311503008 1311513009 1311503009 1311513010 1311503010 1311513011 1311503011 1311513012 1311503012 1311513013 1311503013 1311513014 1311503014 1311513015 1311504001 1311514001 1311504002 1311514002 1311504003 1311514003 1311504004 1311514004 1311504005 1311514005 1311504006 1311514006 1311504007 1311514007 1311504008 1311514008 1311504010 1311514009 1311504011 1311514010 1311504012 1311514011 1311504013 1311514012 1311504014 1311514013 1311505001 1311514014 1311505002 1311514015 1311505003 1311514016 1311505004 1311514017 1311505005 1311514018 1311505006 1311514019 1311511001 1311515001 1311511002 1311515002 1311511003 1311515003 1311511004 1311515004 1311511005 1311515005 1311511006 1311515006 1311511008 1311515007 1311512002 1311515008 1311512003 1311515009 1311512004 1311515010 1311512005 1311515011 1311512006 1311515012 1311512007 1311515014 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C. Code Section 5-37-10, et seq. and as amended from time to time, the "Act"), the City of North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (the "City”) is authorized to designate an area within the City within which an improvement plan is to be accomplished. The Act defines an "Improvement Plan" as an overall plan by which the governing body of the City proposes to effect public improvements within a designated area to preserve property values, prevent deterioration of urban areas, and preserve the tax base of the municipality, and includes an overall plan by which the governing body proposes to effect public improvements within an improvement district in order to encourage and promote private and public development within the improvement district. This document is written to meet the Act’s requirements for an Improvement Plan, as defined therein. As further described below, this Improvement Plan specifies the City’s intentions to undertake the deepening of the Cherry Grove canals, in aid of navigation within the canals, and to engage in the financing of the same. Through the execution of this Improvement Plan, including the deepening of the Cherry Grove canals, the City intends to provide a special benefit to parcels of real property in the Improvement District, to increase property values within the Improvement District, to encourage and promote private and public development by future owners or other interested parties, and to improve the tax base of the City. Description of the Improvement District The real property included within the Cherry Grove Improvement District (the “Improvement District”) is located in the City. The Improvement District is generally bound by Lake Drive and Nixon Street to the south, Heritage Drive, marshlands and a channel of water referred to as the Major Channel to the north and east and 42nd Avenue North to the west. For further detail, a map of the Improvement District is shown in Exhibit A and attached hereto. The Improvement District includes a total of approximately 761 separate parcels of property, including residential property, additional parcels that may not be built upon, public use real property owned by the City, as well as canals, channels and marshes owned by the State of South Carolina. The Improvement District is estimated to consist of approximately 415 gross acres. A complete list of the parcels in the District with tax map identification numbers is shown on Exhibit B. Description and Estimated Costs of the Improvement The sole purpose of the Improvement District, the assessments to be levied in the Improvement District, and the borrowings with respect to the Improvement District are to implement and finance the deepening of the Cherry Grove canals (referred to as “dredges” or “dredging activity” throughout the remainder of this Improvement Plan) (collectively, the “Improvements”). The deepening of the canals is needed on account of the present lack of navigability of the canals during much of the 1 January 9, 2015 day. The dredging activity has been designed to provide a minimum of three feet of water at mean low water to allow for navigation by recreational watercraft at all times. The dredging activity is expected to occur in two primary phases over the next eight years. Each phase will include various tasks, including the collection of the dredge materials, the de-watering of the dredge materials, the disposal of the dredge materials and various required mitigation efforts. The dredging activity will occur on real property owned by the State of South Carolina. Distinct elements of the proposed dredges are specified in the table below and described in more detail in the permit for the dredge activity which is referenced below. Table A Improvements and Estimated Costs Description Estimated, Inflated Costs Initial Dredge Dredging Required mitigation efforts Subtotal of initial dredge $5,588,693 $1,033,486 $6,622,179 Second Dredge Dredging Required mitigation efforts Subtotal of second dredge $5,962,983 $0 $5,962,983 Total $12,585,162 As indicated above, the City intends to provide a special benefit to parcels of real property in the Improvement District, each of which has access to the canals, through the delivery of the Improvements. The Improvements constitutes an “improvement” within the meaning of the Act. The City intends to execute an initial dredge during the 2015-2016 winter months and to execute a second dredge after the canals have experienced a significant amount of re-silting. Engineers have estimated that the second dredge will need to occur approximately six years after the initial dredge is complete, but have also indicated that the timing of when a second dredge will be needed will depend on many variables. As such, the precise time for the anticipated second dredge cannot be determined. Importantly, the City intends to accomplish a second dredge if required to maintain navigability prior to the expiration of the existing dredge permit on September 30, 2023 (see following section). Through the successful execution of this Improvement Plan, the City intends to re-establish the original intent of the canals and thus re-create a public improvement with a viable long term use. Due to the natural silting process of the canals, additional dredges (subsequent to the existing permit period) are likely to be necessary to allow for the long term use of the canals. The City intends to obtain additional dredging permits and to arrange for subsequent financings of additional dredges to allow for the full utilization of the canals over the long term. The City may elect to use subsequent Improvement Plans alone or in combination with other appropriate financing tools to 2 January 9, 2015 execute this goal. As shown in the table above, the total estimated cost of the Improvements, including estimated inflation, equals $12,585,162, including $6,622,179 for the initial dredge. The costs shown in Table B are estimates only. As such, the actual costs are likely to vary from these estimates. The estimated costs shown in Table A do not limit the amount that may be spent on the distinct components of the dredges or the total that may be spent in the aggregate on the Improvements. The precise cost of the distinct components of the dredge will not be known until contracts are signed with providers of the services. In particular, the costs of the second dredge could vary significantly from the estimates shown above. To the extent that the costs of the second dredge are greater than the available sources of funding (detailed below), the second dredge may not occur. Proceeds from borrowings described in this Improvement Plan (see below) and authorized by the Act may be spent on any component of the Improvements. A portion of the required mitigation efforts (as established by the United Stated Army Corp of Engineer’s permit, as further described below) will be implemented outside of the Improvement District. As a result of the permit requirement to provide this mitigation, this activity confers a benefit upon the property inside the Improvement District and is thus necessary to make improvements within the Improvement District effective for the benefit of property within the Improvement District. Other public improvements not contemplated by this Improvement Plan may be constructed within the Improvement District. Government Approvals and Regulatory Agency Permits As of the date of this Improvement Plan, the City has obtained the necessary permits to execute this Improvement Plan, including a permit from the United States Army Corp of Engineers, including the Department of the Army Permit #SAC-2004-02988-3II. The permit application and permit are available upon request at the City offices at 1018 Second Avenue South, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This permit allows for dredging of the canals for navigation purposes through September 30, 2023. As noted above, the City intends, on an ongoing basis, to request additional permits from the United States Army Corp of Engineers with later termination dates (beyond the current permit termination date) to allow for additional dredges, as needed. Time Schedule for the Accomplishment of the Improvement Plan The Improvements contemplated within this Improvement Plan is expected to be accomplished in two primary phases (as described above) over approximately eight years, finishing within the time period allowed by the current United States Army Corp of Engineers permit. Source of Funds The City anticipates that the funds required to construct the Improvements will be obtained from available City funds and from expected City borrowings secured by special assessments, as further explained below. The City estimates that its contribution of available funds will equal approximately $800,000 for the initial dredge and approximately $800,000 for the second dredge. The funding from the expected City borrowings secured by the special assessments, which will 3 January 9, 2015 provide the vast majority of the required funding, will be limited by the amount of the special assessment lien placed on the residential properties in the District. To fund a portion of the costs of the initial dredge, the City intends to execute an assessment-secured borrowing for a term of approximately five years, thus matching the estimated length of time before the second dredge will be needed. The City expects to fund the second dredge with a second City assessment-secured borrowing. As noted above, the costs for the second dredge could be greater than the available funds (including proceeds from the expected, second City borrowing); if so, the City may be unable to accomplish the second dredge. The City, however, is not limited to the use of special assessment financing to accomplish a second or subsequent dredge and it may elect in its discretion to use other appropriate financing vehicles separately or in concert with assessments. The details of all borrowings and the authorization therefor shall be prescribed by one or more separate ordinances of the City Council. Repayment of Expected Borrowings Pursuant to the Act, special assessments (the “Assessments”) will be imposed parcels of the real property in the Improvement District, as further explained below. On an annual basis, a portion of the total Assessments will be billed to the real property in the Improvement District in order to generate the estimated amount required to pay the debt service on the borrowings and the administrative costs of the Improvement District. Basis and Rates of Assessment to be Imposed Within the Improvement District Assessments shall be imposed upon real property in the Improvement District in accordance with the Improvement District documents (including, without limitation, Report on the Reasonable Basis of the Special Assessments, an Assessment Roll and the Rate and Method of Apportionment of Assessments) to the extent such documents are approved by the City as required by law (collectively the “Improvement District Documents”). The Improvement District Documents shall establish Assessments and related special assessment rates that fairly and equitably allocate the benefits derived from the Improvements to each of the individual parcels within the Improvement District. Assessments shall not be imposed upon the Improvements or any real property within the Improvement District that does not receive a benefit from the Improvements. Assessments will not be imposed on real property parcels within the Improvement District that are owned by a public entity. Assessments will not be imposed on real property outside of the Improvement District. The total amount of all Assessments to be imposed shall equal the anticipated costs of the Improvements, net of the expected City contributions noted above, and including, without limitation, the projected costs associated with the issuance and repayment of the anticipated City borrowings (to be supported by the Assessments) and the projected administrative costs of the Improvement District. As such, the Assessments will produce revenue sufficient to fund the projected principal of and projected accrued interest on the expected borrowings described herein, as well as projected administrative costs of the Improvement District. 4 January 9, 2015 The total Assessment on all real property within the Improvement District is projected to be $16,016,278, as detailed below in Table B. Table B Projected Total Assessments Principal Interest Administrative Costs Total Assessments $13,325,000 $2,372,060 $319,218 $16,016,278 Assessments will be allocated to the parcels of real property based upon each parcel’s distinct development classification and such classification’s projected utilization of the Improvements; development classifications will be established for single family residential units and for multi-family units. The Rate and Method of Apportionment of Assessments shall provide that as real property within the Improvement District is subdivided, which is expected to occur only rarely, the Assessments on the parent parcel will be allocated amongst the subdivided parcels in a manner consistent with the original allocation methodology described in the paragraph above. The sum of the Assessments on the subdivided parcels after such subdivision shall be equal to the Assessment of the parcel in question prior to subdivision. The Report on the Reasonable Basis of the Special Assessments shall establish and the Rate and Method of Apportionment of Assessments shall record a maximum annual assessment rate of $2,400 or less for a single family residential parcel, which shall correspond to a maximum annual assessment rate of $1,656 or less for a multi-family residential parcel. The total Assessment on each parcel, to be imposed through City Council’s approval of the Improvement District Documents, shall represent the total special assessment fees that can be billed to a parcel over the term of the Improvement District. The City intends to begin the annual billing of the Assessments in the fall of 2015. The City intends to bill the annual special assessment fee on the annual Horry County real property tax bill. As noted above, the cost of the second dredge may prohibit the City from accomplishing a second dredge. To the extent that the City determines that a second dredge will not occur, the Assessments on the parcels in the District will be reduced (such that the Assessments reflect the costs of the Improvement provided) and the annual billing of the Assessments will terminate once the initial dredge has been fully paid for, including the retirement of a borrowing to fund the initial dredge. Amendments This Improvement Plan may be amended or supplemented from time to time. 5 January 9, 2015 Exhibits A and Exhibit B on the following pages Exhibit A – Map of the Improvement District Exhibit B – List of parcels with tax map identification numbers in the Improvement District 6 O VICT U RIV E R NECK RD MO R R DR JA CK A TE EW R ND BO TL N RD HE SH CL E T ID S CIR N ER R LB GI BE N TLEY LN IP E R LN ARS H FD EY ST P SA ND RD SL CK SB LUF OA K M BU ST DR AN INL ET VIEW CHESTE R RD ST ME LE L DR SS IC EL I H C L EW AL O ST NA IRC F RIN KS CT NO C FFA SS IO R RD P LIT TL E ST VE O ND ON P E R DR N V ER TR BA AL KE E N LEY R D LN D G SH FI NA EW L L B LV N AN ST P E LIC R W OS P TABB Y LN KI E W AL T LET S ST E IN SE VI O N ST E WI L ND A O TA RP JA M E S IS LA W EW CURL CH E H ER T LE T S W W IL PI N D ST UR ST RON U SE A G W HE L LA R CH DR MA ST E L LA RD W MA L AL L S RIA F CAN DR EM U P S TO ST HERITAGE DR 55TH AVE N Major Channel Minor Channel 62ND AVE N 61ST AVE N 60TH AVE N 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