Final Results of a Phase 1b of Tarextumab (TRXT, OMP-59R5, anti-Notch2/3) in Combination with Nab-paclitaxel and Gemcitabine (Nab P+Gem) in Patients (pts) with Untreated Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (mPC): ALPINE Study Eileen O’Reilly1, Lon Smith2, Johanna C. Bendell3, John Strickler4, Mark Zalupski5, William Gluck6, Ann M. Kapoun7, Lu Xu7, Wan-Ching Yen7, Dawn Hill7, Lei Zhou7, Jakob Dupont7, Allen Cohn8 Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; 2South Texas Accelerated Research Therapeutics, San Antonio, TX; 3Sarah Canon Research Institute, Nashville, TN; 4Duke University, Durham, NC; 5 University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI; 6Greenville Hospital System, Greenville, SC; 7OncoMed Pharmaceuticals Inc, Redwood City, CA; 8Rocky Mountain Cancer Center, Denver CO OMP-PN17 TRXT showed superior anti-tumor activity when it is combined with Nab-P+Gem vs combined with gemcitabine alone. TRXT at 40 mg/kg every other week in combination with weekly nab-paclitaxel (10 mg/kg) and gemcitabine (5 mg/kg) resulted in complete tumor regression, suggesting that TRXT at 40 mg/kg was a maximum efficacious dose. • Drug exposure of TRXT at 40 mg/kg in mouse is estimated to be equivalent of 15 mg/kg in patients. 900 600 Preferred Term 60 Days Post Treatment 0.8 0.6 0.4 mPFS in MPACT (5.5mo) 0 Waterfall Plot (n=37 evaluable) Preferred Term 100 200 300 NOTCH3>50% NOTCH3<50% 400 mOS in MPACT (8.5mo) 0 100 200 Time To Progression • • 300 400 500 Survival Days Von Hoff et al, NEJM 2013: GEM/Nab-P: mPFS 5.5mos; mOS 8.5mos Potentially longer survival was noted in Notch3 high pts receiving GEM/Nab-P/TRXT (at 5-15mg/kg) Patient Variables • The incidence of diarrhea was less than expected based on single agent data. Co-administration of chemotherapy with TRXT may lessen GI tract goblet cell hyperplasia and thus allow for higher doses of TRXT. • The incidence of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting were 83.3%, 83.3% and 66.7% respectively in 15 mg/kg dose cohort compared to lower dose levels suggest TRXT-dose dependent effect. However, the severity of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting were mostly Grade 1 or 2. Only three subjects in 15 mg/kg dose cohort required TRXT dose reduction/discontinuation in response to Grade ≥ 2 diarrhea. • The number of pts at each dose cohort was too small to determine if the addition of TRXT increased the incidence of cytopenias. Platelet count recovery was noted when chemotherapy was held but TRXT was continued. * Data cutoff as of November 18, 2014 0 40 NOTCH3>50% NOTCH3<50% 0.0 Baseline Characteristics (n=40)* 0.2 Notch3 low (n=12) AEs Related to Tarextumab Occurring in ≥ 10% of Pts (n=40)* 20 Notch3 hi (n=12) 0.0 Primary: MTD Secondary: • PK of Tarextumab • Immunogenicity • Safety and tolerability of the combination Exploratory: • PD biomarkers, including Notch pathway related genes and proteins and circulating tumor cells • Progression free survival (PFS) in pts with Notch3 high Notch3 low (n=12) OS Primary: PFS: all pts & in Notch 3 high pts (25, 50, 75th percentiles) Secondary: • Overall survival (OS), 12 months OS, overall response rate (ORR) in all pts, and in Notch 3 high pts • Safety and tolerability of the combination Exploratory: • PD biomarkers, including Notch pathway related genes and proteins and circulating tumor cells • CA19-9 (≥50% reduction from the baseline) in all pts and in Notch 3 high pts 300 0 0.8 Objectives: Objectives: Control mAb Anti-Notch2/3 Gem+Abraxane Anti-Notch2/3+Gem/Abrx 1200 50th Percentile Notch3 hi (n=12) Pancreas Tumor Poorly differentiated B-Raf mutation K-Ras wt No Treatment 50th Percentile 0.6 TRXT IV Days 1 and 15, Gem at 1000 mg/m2 on Days 1, 8 and 15 of q28 days 1500 Tumor Volume, mm3 • Chemo+/- mAb (day 0-56) Nab-P+Gem + Placebo 5 mg/kg(n=4) TRXT in Combination with Nab-P+Gem in Patient-Derived Pancreatic Tumor Xenografts OS 1:1 5 mg/kg(n=4) 2.5 mg/kg (n=5) Kaplan-Meier Analysis PFS 1.0 7.5 mg/kg(n=6) The maximum tolerated doses (MTDs) were: 2.5 mg/kg QW, 7.5 mg/kg Q2W and 7.5 mg/kg Q3W Grade 3 diarrhea was the most common dose limiting toxicity (DLT), which was consistent with preclinical findings of diarrhea from goblet cell hyperplasia. Diarrhea occurred in 81% of pts. The other commonly reported events that were considered related to TRXT were fatigue, nausea and decreased appetite Notch pathway and CSC pathways were reduced with TRXT treatment in serial patient tumor and surrogate tissue samples All pts included received TRXT with doses ranging from 5mg/kg Q2W to 15mg/kg Q2W (n=24) with GEM/Nab-P All Pts included had PFS and OS data and had tumors evaluable for Notch3 status Patient tumors analyzed for baseline Notch3 gene expression (potential predictive biomarker in ALPINE Ph2) Notch3 gene expression cut-offs tested: <25%, ≥25%; <50%, ≥50% (SHOWN BELOW); <75%, ≥75% Kaplan-Meier Analysis was performed for progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) Nab-P+Gem + Tarextumab 10 mg/kg(n=6) • TXRT is currently being evaluated in first-line pancreatic cancer (ALPINE study) and in first-line extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (PINNACLE study). • The ALPINE study is a Ph 1b/2 trial of TRXT in combination with nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine (Nab-P+Gem) in pts with untreated metastatic pancreatic cancer. The enrollment of the Phase 1b portion of the study has been closed and is ongoing for the Phase 2 portion of the study. • Here we report the final clinical results of Phase 1b portion of the trial. • 15 mg/kg (n=12) 12.5 mg/kg(n=3) • • • • • 0.4 • TRXT IV Day 1 and 15, Nab-P at 125 mg/m2, followed by Gem at 1000 mg/m2 on Days 1, 8 and 15 of q28 days Preferred Term Tumor Notch3 Level and Timed Endpoints 0.2 • • Phase 1b Dose escalation: • Untreated metastatic pancreatic cancer • DLT assessed within first 28 days Randomized Phase 2 • N=124 • 1st line metastatic pancreatic cancer: Subject Time on Study (n=40)* PFS • The Notch pathway plays a central role in embryonic development, the regulation of stem and progenitor cells, and is implicated centrally in many human cancers, including pancreatic cancer, and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). • Notch3 leads to poor survival & chemo resistance in pancreatic cancer (Mann, PloS ONE, 2012) • Approximately 70% of pancreatic cancer over-expresses Notch3 (by gene expression RUO test). • Tarextumab (TRXT) is a fully human IgG2 that inhibits signaling of Notch2 and Notch3 receptors. • TRXT has anti-cancer stem cell (CSC) and anti-pericyte activity in tumor vasculature. • The first-in-human Ph1a trial of TRXT in patients (pts) with refractory solid tumors (Smith, EORTC-NCI-AACR 2013) showed: AEs Occurring in >25% of Pts (n=40) All Grades Regardless of Relationship* 1.0 Study Schema and Objectives Background % change from baseline 1Memorial Copies of this poster obtained through Quick Response (QR) Code are for personal use only and may not be reproduced without permission from ASCO and the author 80 OMP-59R5 Dose Level (mg/kg) Gemcitabine: 20 mg/kg; Nab-P 30 mg/kg Anti-Notch2/3: 40 mg/kg, q2wk • Pancreatic Cancer patient factors were assessed in a COX proportional model. • The factors assessed were: Nab-P treatment; Tumor Notch3; CA19-9 tumor marker; baseline serum albumin • All 40 ALPINE Ph1b pts (G/TRXT & G/Nab-P/TRXT) included in model (all pts got TRXT from 2.5-15mg/kg Q2W) PFS GEM/TRXT GEM/Nab-P/TRXT • • • PR SD PD Total 0 6 (75%) 2 8 11 (38%) 10 (35%) 8 29 OS Tumor assessments every two cycles ± 5 days (56±5 days); unconfirmed responses Green Bars: GEM + TRXT pts; Purple Bars: GEM/Nab-P + TRXT pts Pts received TRXT from 2.5 to 15mg/kg Q2W * Data cutoff as of November 18, 2014, Correlation of TRXT Efficacy with Notch 3 Expression: Patient-derived Pancreatic Tumor Xenografts Anti-Notch2/3 Efficacy in patient-derived pancreatic tumor xenografts Tumor Notch3 Level and RECIST Response Tarextumab Treatment Disposition (n=40)* Preferred Term 32 of 40 patients in ALPINE Ph1b with baseline tumor from a metastatic site evaluable for Notch3 gene expression testing (Notch3 RUO-validated RT-PCR assay, Almac Diagnostics) Summary • TRXT (anti-Notch2/3) in combination with Nab-P+GEM was well tolerated up to 15 mg/kg every other week. One DLT of Grade 3 diarrhea occurred in one of the 12 subjects treated at 15 mg/kg dose cohort. Tumor-expressed Notch3 in Responder vs. Non-responder Xenografts p = 0.0092 • Diarrhea, fatigue and anemia were the most common TRXT treatment-related toxicities, and the events were mostly Grade 1 or 2, and easily managed with supportive care. • The Phase 2 dose of TRXT in combination with Nab-P+Gem is15 mg/kg Q2W • RECIST response (unconfirmed) to GEM/Abrax/TRXT (at 5-15mg/kg) was 38% • The median PFS and OS values for GEM/Abrax/TRXT (at 5-15mg/kg) were 5.6mos and 11.6mos for all patients treated, respectively Non-responder • The tumor NOTCH3 biomarker (gene expression) was assessable in 32 of 40 pts Responder *p<0.05 vs. Gem as a single agent • 10 primary patient-derived pancreatic tumor xenografts were tested for efficacy in response to TRXT (OMP-59R5, Anti-Notch2/3) plus Gemcitabine a. b. c. • Significant correlation was found between the levels of tumor-derived Notch3 and the efficacy of TRXT. Responder tumors have higher levels of Notch3 compared to non-responders when treated with Anti-Notch2/3 plus Gemcitabine d. e. Pt withdrew consent after one dose of TRXT due to rapid clinical deterioration Pt died of gastrointestinal perforation associated with underlying disease Pt discontinued TRXT treatment with Grade 2 recurrent tarextumab treatment-related infusion reaction, but continued Nab-P+Gem until disease progression on study Pt with G3 diarrhea that lasted for 5 days One pt with recurrent Grade 3 or 4 diarrhea (considered related TRXT), one with concurrent illness (unrelated to study treatment) * Data cutoff as of November 18, 2014, • Consistent with what has been reported in first-in-man study: diarrhea, fatigue, nausea and decreased appetite were commonly reported events that were considered related to TRXT. However, the incidence of diarrhea was less than expected in contrast to single agent data. • Grade 3 TRXT treatment-related adverse events were not common. • The frequency of Grade 3 diarrhea was less than expected even at the dose up to 15. One pt in 10 mg/kg dose cohort had Grade 3 diarrhea lasting less than 48 hours, and managed with Imodium. Two pts in 15 mg/kg had Grade ≥ 3 diarrhea, one of them had Grade 3 diarrhea that lasted for 5 days * Data cutoff as of November 18, 2014 • Higher response rate and longer survival was noted in patients with Notch3 high tumors receiving GEM/Nab-P/TRXT (at 5-15mg/kg). These observations must be verified in the placebo-controlled, randomized Ph2 setting. • The randomized, double blinded Ph2 portion of the ALPINE study is currently ongoing and enrolling at 36 clinical sites in the United States and data is anticipated in early 2016 for both the intent to treat population, as well as, the tumor Notch3 biomarker positive patients
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