Beatlie School SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014-2015 DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 1 Healthy Achieving Included Active Respected Safe Responsible Nurtured Learning and Teaching Successful Learner Confident Individual Responsible Citizen Effective Contributor Vision and Leadership Culture and Ethos People Partnership DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 2 The West Lothian Context West Lothian Council is committed to delivering the best possible outcomes for children and young people so that they have the best start in life and are ready to succeed by following the principles of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC). Within Curriculum for Excellence, every child and young person is entitled to experience a curriculum which is coherent from 3-18. Those planning the curriculum have a responsibility to work in partnership with others to enable children and young people to move smoothly between key transition points, building on prior learning and achievement in a manner appropriate to the learning needs of the individual. This should ensure that young people are well placed to move into positive destinations and adult life. The Corporate Plan sets the strategic direction and our priorities for West Lothian Council. There are eight priorities that we, and our community, believe can make a lasting and sustainable impact on the local area and improve the lives of residents in West Lothian. Priority 1: Delivering positive outcomes and early interventions for early years Priority 2: Improving the employment position in West Lothian Priority 3: Improving attainment and positive destinations for school children Priority 4: Improving the quality of life for older people Priority 5: Minimising poverty, the cycle of deprivation and promoting equality Priority 6: Reducing crime and improving community safety Priority 7: Delivering positive outcomes on health Priority 8: Protecting the built and natural environment The Corporate Plan informs Education Services Management Plan to ensure our work impacts positively on services for children and young people. Education Services focuses particularly on priorities 1, 2 and 3. Education Services Management Plan Education Services works towards achieving the key strategic aims of the council, in partnership with schools. In particular, Education Services aims to improve opportunities for children and young people by: Raising standards of attainment and achievement Improving employability and positive destinations for all school leavers Improving the learning environment Promoting equality of access to education Developing values and citizenship Promoting learning for life and encouraging a creative, enterprising and ambitious outlook. Working with a range of partners, the key purpose of our work is to continuously raise attainment and achievement for all children and young people in West Lothian, ensuring that our young people succeed in securing a positive and sustained destination after school. DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 3 Factors Influencing the Improvement Plan School factors Inveralmond Cluster Improvement Plan Improving pupils’ learning and teaching School profile – diverse needs of pupils arising from complex medical and physical factors Continuum of support – meeting the needs of all pupils Multi-agency working from 3 – 18 years Rights Respecting Schools initiative Eco schools award Local authority factors Single Outcome agreement Corporate Plan Integrated Children’s Services Plan (Life Stages) Education Services Management Plan Moving Forward Together Curriculum for Excellence Implementation Guidance Raising attainment, including for those at risk of missing out Increased entitlement to early years provision National factors Single Outcome agreement Getting it Right for Every child (GIRFEC) Curriculum for Excellence National Qualifications Child Protection Issues / Guidance National Legislation: Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 GTCS revised standards and professional update DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 4 Our School Values, Vision and Aims: Vision Statement To provide education of the highest quality in partnership with parents, carers and Allied Health Professionals for all pupils which will meet their individual educational, personal and spiritual needs and which will enable them to be successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and to make an effective contribution to society in their present and future lives. School Aims In Beatlie, we aim to create a happy, nurturing environment which addresses the very specific physical, medical, sensory, social and educational needs of our pupils by – Learning and Teaching planning appropriately to provide a stimulating and accessible curriculum based on the values and principles of the Curriculum for Excellence and incorporating national initiatives e.g. Eco Schools, Healthy Schools, Rights Respecting Schools etc. preparing our pupils for life by – :- fostering independence :- developing communication skills :- providing support to move into positive, sustained destinations beyond school Vision and Leadership Committing to supporting colleagues and to improving outcomes for children and young people Demonstrating a strong common purpose to provide children and young people with high quality learning experiences within a caring and supportive environment Partnership creating Individual Education Plans (IEPs) in consultation with The Team around the Child including parents and allied health professionals working closely with parents in a supportive and collaborative way to ensure a positive relationship between home and school People ensuring that staff receive on-going professional development opportunities through high quality training/CPD and supportive quality assurance Ensuring a culture of on-going self evaluation, shared ownership, collegiate working Culture and Ethos maintaining a climate where everyone is treated with respect and where every pupil is enabled to reach their full potential ensuring a culture of celebration and achievement DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 5 promoting inclusion and equality in school and in the local and wider community DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 6 Strategic Curriculum Plan (Three Years) Session Desired Outcomes Area for Development Curriculum Development 2013-2014 Review and refine use of signing, signifiers and symbols across the school to support pupils’ understanding across all areas of the curriculum and in daily life. (Priority 1) Curriculum Development 2014-2015 Improve learning and teaching by reviewing, developing and refining the nursery planning, assessment and evaluations. (Priority 2) Raising attainment through improved curricular To ensure full curricular coverage within the early level experiences and outcomes for Science continuity in science from 3 -18. (Priority 1) Raising attainment through enhanced partnership To enhance joint working with existing and new partners to create further unique and working innovative opportunities for our pupils. (Priority 2) Health and Wellbeing 2015-2016 Self evaluation Develop a programme of study which addresses the very specific needs of Beatlie pupils in regard to Es and Os of ‘Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood’ to ensure coverage and progression from 3 – 18. Refine PRD process within Beatlie to ensure professional learning includes a wide range of opportunities to further develop knowledge and skills in line with GTC and Education Scotland development statement. DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 7 2014 – 2015 Priority: Raising Attainment Area for Development 1: To identify significant aspects of learning and ensure full curricular coverage within the early level experiences and outcomes for Science from 3 -18. School’s current position: Through on-going tracking and monitoring, the school has identified gaps in coverage of the Experiences and Outcomes within Early Level science. There is also a concern that the necessity to work repeatedly at Early Level from 3 – 18 could lead to unnecessary repetition of content and limited experiences for the pupils. Desired Outcomes Pupils benefit from a shared understanding of the significant aspects of learning within the Beatlie context for science. Pupils are benefitting from a clearly identified progression pathway in Science. Pupils experience variation of topic, context, challenge through delivery of a more coherent science curriculum. All teaching staff have a shared understanding of how to use the curriculum framework. Implementation Process (Actions) By whom Time Scale Resources Monitoring Audit coverage of Es and Os and identify gaps in coverage. 3 working groups – a representative from each department on each group. Look at tracking and monitoring Look at current topic overview Look at previous planning folders Teaching staff organised into 3 working groups and SMT Aug – Oct 2014 Tracking Records Professional dialogue – SMT and working groups Identify ways to cover Es and Os not being covered at each stage. Identify new topics Explore ‘Equals Science’, ‘The Profound Curriculum’, Teaching staff organised into 3 working groups and SMT Dec 2014 Equals Science programme ‘The Profound Curriculum’ Collated evidence working groups and SMT Identify significant aspects of learning at each stage for each E and O. Look at authority progression pathway for science Look at significant aspects of learning papers produced by Education Scotland Teaching staff organised into 3 working groups and SMT Jan – March 2015 Education Scotland papers Collated evidence working groups and SMT DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 8 Pupils are experiencing their full entitlement to all Es and Os within early level science over a 3 year rolling programme of work. Create a framework which identifies how each early level E and O is covered and the significant aspects of learning at each stage. Collate the work from each working group into one coherent framework SMT Apr 2015 SMT Share Framework with all teaching staff with a view to using to inform following year’s planning SMT and staff May 2015 Feedback from staff to SMT Evaluation: Evidence Is there a shared understanding of the significant aspects of learning within the Beatlie context for science? Sources of evidence: professional dialogue, feedback from working groups, quality improvement procedures, end products. To what extent are pupils benefitting from a clearly identified progression pathway in Science? Significant aspects of learning have been identified and are ready for use during 2015/2016 planning. Do staff deliver a more coherent science curriculum in which pupils experience variation of topic, context, challenge? Early indications show that a progression pathway is in place to be implemented in 2015/2016 in order to ensure pupils experience breadth and progression of experiences in early years science from 3 - 18. Do all teaching staff have a shared understanding of how to use the curriculum framework? Are procedures in place to ensure that pupils will experience their full entitlement to all Es and Os within early level science over a 3 year rolling programme of work? DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 9 2014 – 2015 Priority: Raising Attainment Area for Development 2: To enhance joint working with existing and new partners to create further unique and innovative opportunities for our pupils. School’s current position: The school has very good joint working procedures with partners. However, it is felt that more joint evaluation and planning could identify further opportunities and strategies to support the pupils and involve their families more in the life of the school. (Pupils are transported into Beatlie from across West Lothian, limiting opportunities for families to be as involved with the school as they would be in a mainstream setting.) Monitoring Desired Outcomes . Implementation Process (Actions) By whom Time Scale Pupils experience an extended range of appropriate and stimulating learning opportunities. Evaluate partnership provision in the senior phase by seeking views of staff, parents and existing partners. Questionnaires to gauge satisfaction and to elicit suggestions for improvement SMT Oct 2014 Analysis of results - SMT Jointly evaluate projects with current successful partners with a view to developing further across the school. e.g Clowndoctors, Nordoff Robins. Joint planning meetings SMT Clowndoctors Nordoff Robins Oct 2014 Evaluations from partners - SMT Identify new partners who will provide unique and relevant opportunities appropriate for Beatlie pupils. Eco partnerships Drama/performance groups All staff June 2015 Observation of new experiences – Staff Create social networking opportunities for parents across nursery and school. Staff June 2015 Families have increased opportunities to be aware of and participate in the life of the school. Events Committee Parent Council Resources Refreshments Observation Post-event evaluations – SMT Annual ‘Calendar of Events’ revised and shared with parents to identify further opportunities for family involvement in the life DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 10 of the school. Pupils benefit from increased support for and communication with parents. Create a school website. SMT and APSW I.T. support Web designer June 2015 Identify appropriate training opportunities for parents SMT Dec 2014 Evaluation: Do pupils experience an extended range of appropriate and stimulating learning opportunities Have there been increased opportunities for families to participate in the life of the school? Have pupils benefitted from increased support for and communication with parents? Additional Tasks 2014-15 Increase staff knowledge and understanding of GIRFEC Web designer SMT and web designer Post-event evaluations Evidence (How do we know?) Sources of evidence: professional dialogue, feedback from questionnaires, observation of range of new experiences and activities for pupils and parents, parent evaluations. New partners identified. Increased opportunities for families to be involved in the life of the school. School has a web site. Revised Calendar of Events shared with parents. Training opportunities provided for parents. Social events provided for parents. Eco partner identified and working with pupils Responsibilities SMT DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 11 Further increase staff knowledge and understanding of appropriate strategies to support Beatlie pupils through identification and provision of appropriate training. Lynda Keith, Concept Training, SMT Pupils will continue to achieve through very effective support mechanisms being in place to support high numbers of new staff joining Beatlie in August. SMT and identified peer ‘buddy’ Secondary pupils will work towards appropriate awards following on from this year’s achievements; ASDAN, Duke of Edinburgh, SQA. Secondary Staff Monitor use of AAC through regular observation and discussion SMT Identify future OORs (Objects Of Reference) to be introduced across the school in line with new policy. Teaching staff and Speech and Language Therapist Nursery teachers to identify further planning to be updated in session 2014 – 15 and continue to update. Nursery teachers Support teachers to meet expectations set by GTCS Professional Update SMT and teaching staff DATA LABEL-PUBLIC 12
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