Paraparaumu Memorial R.S.A. Inc T/A PARAPARAUMU RSA & COMMUNITY CLUB P.O. Box 170, Paraparaumu 5254 110 Amohia Street : Tel 902-7927 Email : We Will Remember Them January 2015 Edition 171 Monthly News Happy New Year! From the President: Membership subscriptions are a cornerstone of the annual funding for our RSA and I seek your support for early payment. The cost works out at just over $1-a-week for the range of services we offer. To make early payment a bit more attractive – and add a bit of fun - we are offering three sets of two free meals plus a small carafe of wine for payments made by Friday 20th February 2015. The three winners will be selected in an electronic draw from 2015 subs payments made by the above date, on the first Wednesday evening following = Wed 25th Feb. Your support for your RSA is valued. Chris Turver 06-3643640 or 027-2301601 Karaoke Friday 16th January Friday 30th January President’s Report Welcome to 2015….. and hopefully a New Year resolution by all our members to help your Executive and staff to strengthen and grow our RSA. It’s the start of a year that will see Paraparaumu RSA live up to its purpose more than ever before as we head into the World War One commemorative programme with the re-dedication of the Memorial Arch on 14 February, the centenary of the Gallipoli landings on ANZAC Day, and our RSA ANZAC Day Show. 2015 will also bring its usual share of challenges and opportunities for our RSA – the greatest of which from my perspective are making sure we can survive in a constantly changing world and safeguarding the values our organisation stands for. It’s those values, and our behind-the-scenes support work for our members, that give RSAs a human face and make us unique in a highly-competitive club environment. Thank you for your support. Best wishes for 2015. Chris Turver President Sat 14th February from 2pm Join in the celebrations around the upgraded Memorial Gates. This includes— the unveiling of the new plaque Re-dedication of the Gates ‘Welcome Home’ parade to vets etc Show your support 2 * Join in our increasingly popular activity: Get Dem Ol’ Bones Working * MOBILITY & DAILY STRENGTH EXERCISE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES with personal trainer CATHY Every Tuesday at 10am and every Friday at 11.15am at our Clubrooms Everyone invited—even non members! Only $2 per session Finish with morning tea for only $2 Friday you could stay for lunch—bring your friends and enjoy! Member Draws & Results $200 per Week Jackpot Wednesday Night Super Draw Drawn between 6 and 7pm November 26th $2200 9738 I S Fay—not struck December 3rd $2400 8128 J C Vincent—not struck Terminating draw: $1000 M Joseph $500 P Jones $500 F Kamstra $200 L Bligh $200 B Chandler 4 x $100 MEMBERS DRAW WINNING NUMBERS Drawn every Thursday between 5.45pm and 6.15pm November 27th 9208 D Cutter 9692 B Pennell 8332 I McIntyre 9066 D Walker December 4th 7301 C Foley 8671 M Lyng 8985 S Pirie 8180 M Church December 11th 7794 R Featherstone 9229 R Griggs 8315 M Davey 8551 R Howell December 18th 7573 D Orr 7726 D Edginton 9263 D Scott 8178 J Pellew December 10th $200 8076 F Burns—not struck December 17th $400 9068 L Mitchell—not struck 3 Welfare Report Happy New Year to all, Hope every one had a good New Year—to those who lost someone our deepest sympathy and hope this year is better for you. The Welfare Section had a busy month of December; this included funerals. Also we had our Widows and Widowers Christmas Party which went down well. I thank you {my welfare people} also to our staff for great work that you did. Now ,I have to say this to you all; being Welfare Officer is not an easy job. You do a lot of work behind the scenes that people do not see . There are some people that seem to think that you can be in any one place on immediate demand. You have to remember there is only one of me and only a very small team of helpers. We try our best to get around to all people we possibly can, as fast as possible but sometimes too many events occur at once and delays will inevitably occur. So please spare a thought for the Welfare team as we carry out our work. Thank you, Gary Moore - Support Advisor Name Number Date of Death Early, R 428536 12 Dec 2014 Webster, P 24970 12 Dec 2014 Tidey, P W6343 14 Dec 2014 Wheeler, D 94551 21 Dec 2014 Gilbert, M British Army 31 Dec 2014 “Get in Behind” our Gaming Farm 7 new games and all machines now at maximum payout rates Play responsibly and enjoy! 4 Achilles Restaurant ~ Restaurant will reopen Monday 12th January ~ Lunch: Friday Only: 12pm—1.30pm $13 + $4 for Dessert $10 Meal Deal Lunches—restart 21st January 2015 12pm-1.30pm $10 Main & Dessert 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month Dinner: Wednesday—Bain Marie 5.30pm—7.30pm ~ ~ Starters ~ ~ Desserts ~ Garlic Bread $5.50 Soup of the Day $7.50 Shrimp Cocktail $6.50 Mixed Asian Platter For1 $5.50 For 2 $9.00 Happy Birthday to all those that celebrate in the month of January! Remember our members dine free on their birthdays! *Conditions apply, please see staff Chocolate Pudding Sticky Date Pudding Tiramisu $6.00 $6.00 $6.50 Check blackboard for our specials ~ Mains ~ Roast Pork Thai Chicken Curry 7 Vege Lasagne Chicken Breast Roast Beef Lamb Shank Fish & Chips $14 + $4 for Dessert $16.50 $14.00 $14.00 $16.50 $16.50 $18.00 $14.00 Kids Menu—$10 With fries & sauce Chicken Nuggets Hot dogs Fish Bites + a Sundae (Chocolate, caramel or strawberry sauce) Cleaning out your cupboards? If you have any plastic bowls you no longer want—we will take them, just see the kitchen staff 5 SOCIAL EVENTS & ACTIVITIES PAGE Karaoke—with Dave & Sharon! Friday 16th—From 7.30pm Friday 30th—From 7.30pm Then back to the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month WHAT’S ON EVERY WEEK AT THE RSA MONDAY Cards 500 1.40pm Dance Night 7.00pm TUESDAY Exercises @10.00am Bowls 1.30pm to 3.30pm Bowls 7.30 to 9.30pm WEDNESDAY Members Super Draw Jackpot @6.30pm Snooker 6.30pm Women’s Section 4th Week each month 1pm Dance Class 7pm THURSDAY Mahjong 1.15pm (1st & 3rd week each month) 4 x $100 Members Draw Housie 7.30pm Country & Western Music The 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month 1pm—4pm Hosted by Paraparaumu Country Music Club FRIDAY Exercises @ 11.15am Karaoke 7.30pm every 2nd and 4th Friday Except January SATURDAY Live entertainment monthly keep an eye in the newsletter SUNDAY 8 Ball every Sunday 2pm Country Music 2nd & 4th of the month 1pm 6 January 2015 RSA Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Happy Hour Happy Hour from 4.00pm from 4.00pm 4 8 Ball 5 6 Club opens Exercise Classes 10am 1.30pm 7 8 9 Exercise Classes 11.15am 10 Happy Hour from 4.00pm Happy Hour from 4.00pm 11 12 8 Ball Club opens 1.30pm Cards From 1.30pm 18 19 13 Exercise Classes 10am 20 Club opens 8 Ball 1.30pm Wellington Anniversary Exercise Classes 10am 14 15 Superdraw & Raffles 4x$100 Member Draw Snooker 6.30pm Housie 7.30pm 21 22 Superdraw & Raffles Snooker 6.30pm Restaurant Closed 4x$100 Member Draw Housie 7.30pm 25 26 27 28 29 8 Ball Club opens Exercise Classes 10am Superdraw & Raffles 4x$100 Member Draw Snooker 6.30pm Housie 7.30pm 1.30pm Cards From 1.30pm 16 17 Exercise 11.15am Happy Hour Happy Hour from from 4.00pm 4.00pm Karaoke 7.30pm 23 24 Exercises 11.15am Happy Hour from 4.00pm Happy Hour from 4.00pm 30 Exercises 11.15am 31 Happy Hour from Happy Hour 4.00pm from 4.00pm Karaoke 7.30pm 7 VAN DRIVERS & DRINK-DRIVING The club is investigating the possibility of getting hold of a van to take members to and from the club, Wed to Sat but this is dependant upon a team of volunteer drivers making themselves available. IS THAT YOU? If so please let the office know 8
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