April 2nd & 3rd, 2015 Galveston Island Convention Center Hosted by Texas A&M University Galveston Campus, NASA Stennis Space Center, & Galveston Island Park Board of Trustees Early Registration & Abstract Submission Deadline: February 2nd, 2015 *When registering, please include food allergy or preference information Conference Focuses NASA and Texas A&M University Galveston Campus will unveil the Sargassum Early Advisory Mobile Application (SEAMA). This mobile application will assist coastal managers, stakeholders, the scientific community, fisherpersons, and the general public in the planning of their beach activities. Subjects Include: Sargassum Ecosystem & Habitat Detecting, Tracking, and Forecasting Sargassum Clean-up and Beneficial Uses of Sargassum Wracks Who Should Attend? All those interested in Sargassum research Stakeholders, such as City and County Officials, charged with the management of Sargassum Public interested in the long-term health of Texas coastal beaches Site Information The conference is being held at the Galveston Island Convention Center For more information, see www.seas-forecast.com Conference Objectives To bring together everyone involved and those concerned with the effects of Sargassum on the Gulf Coast. The conference will address current research being conducted as well as future directions. Our goals are to gain a better understanding of the current knowledge of Sargassum and to address how current developments can affect future financial and environmental impacts to the Gulf Coast area. By attending you will gain a better understanding of the current Sargassum situation and become a part of the future direction of coastal management. Conference Schedule Thursday 8:30-9:00 – Introductory Keynote Speaker: The Honorable James D. Yarborough, Mayor of the City of Galveston 9:00-11:30 – Discussion Panels o Effects of Sargassum on Tourist Industry o The Challenges of Moving Sargassum o Biological Impact of Sargassum Wracks o Economic Impact o Sargassum Studies in the Gulf of Mexico 11:30-1:00 – Lunch 1:00-1:30 – Guest Speaker: TBD 1:30-2:30 – Sargassum Advisory App Unveiling 2:30 – 4:30 – Poster Evaluations Friday 8:30-9:00 – Guest Speaker: TBD 9:00-11:30 – Student Poster & Presentation Awards 11:30-2:30 – Optional tour of Galveston Island Brewing Co. with Sargassum Beer Tasting Currently accepting posters and/or presentation applications Please submit all abstracts to Robert Webster - Email: WebsterR@tamug.edu Ted Mason - Email: ted.j.mason@nasa.gov To register for the Symposium or if you have questions please contact either: Whitlee Baimbridge Email: Whitlee@tamu.edu Phone: (832) 746-0206 Morgan Beaver Email: Mbeaver@tamu.edu Phone: (847) 220-3598 Reservation Link for Holiday Inn Resorts in Galveston In order to request rooms for the Symposium click the link below and it will direct you to the Holiday Inns booking page. On the left-hand side there will be a place to register for a room and a group code indicating that you are requesting a room for the Symposium will appear. If you have any issues please feel free to contact Whitlee Baimbridge at the email or phone number listed above. 2015 Gulf Coast Sargassum Symposium http://www.holidayinnresorts.com/redirect?pa th=hd&brandCode=rs&localeCode=en&hotelCo de=glssb&_PMID=99801505&GPC=gcs
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