Applied Scintillation Technologies Products Range AST has a history of developing scintillation detectors since the 1920’s. AST offer an extensive range of scintillating materials with a wide range of properties, notably emission spectra, that are tailored for a variety of applications. Detailed specifications for each of the products is shown in table 1. The applications of AST’s scintillators range from medical imaging including dental, security, instrumentation, non-destructive testing and health physics. Caesium Iodide Doped with Thallium (CsI(Tl)) GS20 Depositing CsI(Tl) onto a high quality fibre optic plate enables the design of compact and high resolution imaging receptors (figure 2). CsI(Tl) can be integrated with CCD’s and CMOS devices to undertake digital imaging in a cost effective manner. CsI(Tl) has a high xray attenuation coefficient, a high light output and high intrinsic efficiency. The columnar structure of the CsI(Tl) reduces scatter and results in high resolution images. AST’s glass scintillators are divided into 3 principal formulations, based on the percentage weight of lithium content. Each type of glass is available in natural, 6Li enriched or 6Li depleted. In addition to fibres, the glass can be supplied as cylinders, rods, discs or plates. Shapes can be provided to customer specification including drilling, polishing and coating with highly reflective paint. Large scintillators (>400g) can be produced as arrays of performance mapped pieces. At AST CsI(Tl) can be coated onto fibre optic plates in different sizes up to 140mm in diameter. AST has the ability to customise solutions for application specific requirements. The thickness of CsI(Tl) coatings is readily customisable between 50-500µm. The most common varieties are GS20 and KG2 but GS20 and GS30 are commonly used in combination in handheld neutron/gamma discrimination instruments. GS20 is a lithium-6 enriched aluminosilicate glass doped with cerium (figure 4). GS20 is a rugged and compact scintillator which operates efficiently in the temperature range of -250°C to 200°C unlike other scintillating materials. The range of application of GS20 spans from neutron spectroscopy; neutron radiography, neutron porosity measurements to neutron detection in space and is a proven technology to replace 3He detectors. CsI(Tl) has a range of application such as intra-oral dental imaging; medical imaging including mammography; non-destructive testing and industrial inspection; x-ray cameras; and transmission electron microscopy and diffraction. 1.0 1.0 CsI(Tl) GS20 0.8 Intensity (a.u) Intensity (a.u) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 400 500 600 700 400 Wavelength (nm) 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) Figure 2: An AST CsI(Tl) phosphor and reflector coated onto an FOP. Figure 1: Radioluminescence spectrum of CsI(Tl). Figure 3: Radioluminescence spectrum of GS20. Figure 4: GS20 illuminated under UV light. Table 1: Specifications of CsI(Tl); GS20; ND screen; and Gadox Peak Emission Wavelength (nm) Colour Decay Time Radiation Detected Light Yield (photon.MeV-1 of gamma radiation) CsI(Tl) 540 [1] (figure 1) Yellow-Green 680ns (64%) [1] X-rays 65,000 [1] GS20 395 [2] (figure 3) Blue 50-70ns [2] Neutrons 3,500 [1] ND Screen 460 [3] (figure 5) Blue 80µs [4] Neutrons 160,000 [4] Gadox Tb Screen 545 [3] (figure 7) Yellow-Green approx. 2ms (10%) [2] X-ray 70,000 [5] Neutron Detection (ND) Screens Gadolinium Oxysulphide Doped with Terbium (Gadox) The composition of ND screens is 6LiF/ZnS:Ag (figure 6). ND screens have a very high light output and a low effective Z which is ideal for gamma discrimination. ND screens are opaque to their own scintillation light restricting the maximum thickness of the screen to 0.5mm. AST ND screens can be produced up to 500mm X 500mm but screens of up to 1m X 1m can be manufactured to special order. The composition of radiographic screens for x-ray detection is terbium doped gadolinium oxysulphide (Gd2O2S:Tb3+) also known as P43 (figure 8). The screen has a high effective Z and has a high quantum efficiency to convert x-ray energy into visible light. The Gadox screens are non-burn formulations which are rugged and cost effective scintillator option for radiographic screens. ND screen are a high performance neutron detection screen often integrated into X-ray based systems to allow the detection of high cross section elements such as carbon and hydrogen found in plastic explosives. ND screens are also readily utilised for boarder security in mobile truck and container scanning systems. ND screens are used for position sensitive detector applications in ISIS at Rutherford Appleton Laboratories. Standard sizes are 30cm X 40cm; 14cm X 17cm; and 17cm X 17cm. Custom sizes are available up to 1m X 1.5m. Parameters such as resolution, sensitivity, speed and colour of response can be influenced in production for customised samples. The samples can be mounted on Bakelite; aluminium; or specialist plastics. Screens are ideal for the non-destructive testing industry. The radiographic screens are commonly used to check engines, pipelines, test equipment quality control, metal components, castings and radioactive waste drums. 1.0 1.0 Gd2O2S:Tb ND screen 0.8 Intensity (a.u) Intensity (a.u) 0.8 3+ 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 400 500 600 400 700 600 700 Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) Figure 5: Radioluminescence spectrum of the ND screen. 500 Figure 6: ND screen illuminated under UV light. Figure 7: Radioluminescence spectrum of Gadox Tb screen. Figure 8: SEM image of 10µm particulates of a Gadox Tb screen. References: [1] Knoll, G. F., 2010, Radiation Detection and Measurement, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc, USA [2] Tyrrell, G. C., 2005, Phosphors and scintillators in radiation imaging detectors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 546, 180-187 [3] Shionoya, S. and Yen, W. M., 1999, Phosphor Handbook, CRC Press, USA [4] Anderson, I. S., McGreevy, R. L. and Bilheux, H. Z., 2009, Neutron Imaging and Applications, Springer Science, USA [5] Weber, M. J., 2002, Inorganic scintillators: today and tomorrow, Journal of Luminescence, 100, 35-45
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