SACRAMENTS MASSES INTENTIONS READINGS FOR THIS SUNDAY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 18, 2015 SAT 1/17 4:00 PM First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 This powerful story describes Samuel, who at the time was the servant of the high priest. The Lord called out to Samuel, who twice thought Eli had called him. They gradually realized that it was the Lord who called for him. So the third time Samuel answered and the Lord remained with Samuel as he grew. SUN 1/18 8:00 AM Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Paul explains to the Corinthians that their body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. He tells them to avoid lewd conduct, and glorify God by keeping their bodies pure. 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Gospel: John 1:35-42 John told two of his disciples that Jesus is the Lamb of God. They turned and followed him, immediately curious and attracted to him. Andrew told his brother Simon about Jesus. Simon also came to meet Jesus, who renamed him Cephas, or Peter. MON 1/19 8:00 AM Daily Readings for the Week Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday Heb 5:1-10; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday Heb 6:10-20; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday Heb 7:25—8:6; Mk 3:7-12 Friday Heb 8:6-13; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21 TUES 1/20 8:00 AM WED 1/21 8:00 AM Henry J. Swanson 1st Anniversary Req. by Richard & Jane Danser Peter Feyt Req. by his Mother Deacon Richard McCarthy Req. by Jackie Bonfiglio & Kristin Diana Scharle Req. by Joe & Derri Donahue John T. Riley Req. by Tony & Mary Ziccardi Helen Somers Req. by M/M Michael Tartaglia Sabatino & Santa Lancetti Req. by Nephew, Anthony Lelli Lydia Bonsted Req. By Willie & Joan Torres Gennaro Pizzileo Req. by St. Simon Stock Parish Karen Piccinini Req. by the Wachowski Family Cecilia C. Bush Req. by Christopher, Michelle & Joseph Saponaro THURS 1/22 8:00 AM Perpetual Remembrances SACRAMENTAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FRI 1/23 8:00 AM SANCTUARY CANDLE In Memory of: Dorothy Frilette Requested By: Daughter, Sue, and Dennis SAT 1/24 8:00 AM BANNS OF MARRIAGE 4:00 PM Cesar Garcia and Brianna Noelle Vierling BAPTISMS We welcome into the Catholic Christian Community: Sophia Eloise Sarkisian SUN 1/25 8:00 AM Please pray for those who have continued on their journey to the Kingdom of God: 9:30 AM Harry B. Gabb CONFESSIONS: Confessions are held every Saturday from 3:15 – 3:45 pm in the Church. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: is held every Wednesday in the rectory Chapel following the 8 AM Mass until 5 PM with the Miraculous Medal Novena at 4:30 PM. Irving Motluck Req. by his Wife Louis Rucci Sr., Req. by Tony & Betty Cipolone and Family Linda Markey Req. by Caterina Ferri Intentions of M/M Gerald Dirvin Req. by Lenny & Mary Ward 11:30 AM 2 People of the Parish Sue (Santa) Donio Req. by St. Simon Stock Parish James J. Porter Req. by his Wife & Children Walter Nelson Req. by the Porter Family Betty Quigg Req. by her Nephew, Bill Badey For the Intentions of M/M John Gorman Req. by Lenny & Mary Ward Bill Jordan Req. by Terry and Gary Nicola Gambale Req. by M/M Soccorso Boccella Anne Turney Req. by Robert & Rosemarie Ravoni Frank Snyder Jr. Req. by Denise DiFiore Diana Scharle Req. by Mrs. Bartolone & Grade 2 of OLMC Michael Rosebaum Req. by Mom Deceased Members of Lelli Family Req. by Anthony Lelli Sarah Troiana Req. by Norma Rightler SPIRITUALITY & PRAYER Please pray for those who have asked for our prayers: SS John M. Ciaccio SGT Adam Cutaiar; USMC CTI 2 Russell Hagner US Army Sgt. Jason E. Healey Lt. Robert John Perales, Army Barbara Angelucci Regina Arey Baby Audrey Dorothy Bannar Sister Rosina Bayliss Richard Beppel Jr. Makenzie Bogart Jay Bohanon Perry John Buford Joe Bryson Bob Cagle Marie Carr Bob Chambers Dorothea Cheslock Michelle Chism John J. Clancy Bailey Coughlin Bella Coughlin Chuck Coughlin Joanne Crossetta Ken Cullin Benjamin Dabrowski Herb & Rosemarie Dalbow Kathleen Deitz Barbara Dooley Deborah Dowd Msgr. Francis X. Dreger Dennis Druding III Joanne Edmondson Rachele Edwards Anna Mae & Jim Evangelisti MILITARY Nadeem Sarwar, US Army SPC Justin Scheuren Staff Sgt. David Sigwart 1st PV2 Amanda Sylvester Sherri Mercier AMN Jeff Warrington, US Navy Sgt. Christopher Wright Pvt. Steven York HOMEBOUND AND SICK Stephen Malloy John Manes Jr. Sister Marcille, IHM Michael McDonald Elizabeth McHenry Savannah McSorley Antoinette Metzger Marie Michael Kaitlyn Miller Ron Miller, Jr. Joan Morris John Murray Martin Nicholas Maria O’Brien Grant O’Neill & Anna Eileen O’Neill Chris O’Rourke Francis Orsini Catherine Perkins Martha Piatek Joseph Pflanz Diana Prichard Quinn Rathjen Helen Rial Deacon John Rich Leon Rossi John Sachs Sammy and Sophia Frank Santilli Eleanor Scheidegg Roger Schwartz Michael Evans Rita Farina Dolores Fahringer Joseph Fahringer Baby Nora Feger Stephanie Frago Richard Grabowski Daniel Guetherman Debbie Gutjahr Douglas Hatch John J. Henderson Patrick Hennessy Judy Herlihy Cy Hill Jan & Drew Hohenstein Maria & Siggy Honrychs Michael Honrychs Bob Horn Patty Kalck Jackman Maryann Jacobs Robert Jacobs Raymond John Grace Kelly Ann King Vera Ann Kirk Gladys LaLena Mabel Lewis Sophia Marie Lewis Sarah Leyden Audrey Liebler Lillian Lovenduski Krista Sheehan Kathleen Siedlecki Alec Silovitz Barbara Smith Rachel Spicer Logan Stepler Wayne Stepler Dorothy Mae Stevens Helen Swanson Jason Talucci Peter & Michelle Taylor Rita Tevis Patricia Tighe Linda Todd Domenic Vacanti Donna Vancanti Joseph VanDyke Leo Villa Kathy Watkins Lorraine Walser Catherine Welser Joanne Wescott Carol Whitesell Colleen Yaniak Early Morning PRAYER & YOGA St. Vincent de Paul VOLUNTEERS NEEDED St. Vincent de Paul is in need of volunteers for the Thrift Shop and to assist clients in the food pantry. We are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00-3:00pm. If you are interested and can give 2-3 hours a week, call the Thrift Store at 856-767-7391 and leave your name and contact information. Wednesdays at 6:30 am Parish Meeting Center Men and Women ~ All Fitness Levels Start your day feeling centered, refreshed, and more closely connected to God. It costs nothing to attend! Simply bring a yoga mat and join us!!! Call Sue at 856-685-3643 for more information. 3 Welcome St. Simon Stock Travelers! WINTER/SPRING TOURS 2015 World Religions So….WHAT will you do on this TOUR? Take a detour back to ancient times to explore various faith traditions, religious beliefs, movements and rituals. So….WHO will you meet on this TOUR? People such as Zoroaster, Orthodox Catholics, Confucius, the Sioux and more! *Gatherings: Mondays 1:00-3:00pm or 7:00pm in the Parish Meeting Center* January19, 26—Eastern Catholic Churches & Polish National Church February 23—Native American Spirituality March 23—Quaker Spirituality & Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) April 20—Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Confucianism ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LENTEN TOUR 2015 Mary Takes Us Through the Stations of the Cross So….WHAT is Mary’s TOUR about? Mary will travel with us to help us understand Jesus’ passion through her own eyes then and through her eyes now as well. Any person who wants time during Lent to honor Mary as a mom. A mom who experienced sorrow, pain and injustice, yet she was compassionate and forgiving and trusting. So….WHO should sign up for Mary’s TOUR? *Monday, March 9 at 1:00-3:00pm OR 7:00pm in the Parish Meeting Center* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANYTIME TOUR “Welcomers” Team So….WHO does the welcoming and WHOM are you welcoming? Our team welcomes our new parishioners! We have 3 teams. The first team arranges a welcome bag full of goodies such as the history of our parish, sanctuary artwork info, a refrigerator magnet with our parish info, and maybe a baked goody. The second team goes to homes to visit the new parishioners. The third team writes and sends greeting cards to those who are listed on our prayer chain. So….WHAT do you need to become a “welcomer?” A nice, warm, “welcomer” personality! If you got it, you’re in! *Simply contact SueAnn for your pass into the Welcome Team Tour* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more information on our tours please contact our tour guide, SueAnn Jeral: 856-767-1537 or 4 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY (Revised 12/29) 1/17-18 EMs 4:00 PM (1) A. Contrevo, P. Tresca (2) B. Piontkowski, J. Talucci A. Cullin, K. Talucci J. McKay 8:00 AM (1) J. Kohler, A. Tuttle (2) C. Kohler, W. Piatek P. Miller, S. Markiewicz 9:30 AM (1) R. Tartamosa, D. Bilella (2) S. Tartamosa, D. Quinn C. McCullough, R. Wright D. Williams 11:30 AM (1) K. Maronski, M. Leyden (2) B. Maronski, Sh. Leyden C. Codario, C. Warrington Lectors K. Nicoletta, M. Fisher B. Vadino, V. Vadino B. Wright, C. Rainey R. Voltaire, B. Handy Altar Servers B. Michaelis (MC), Z. Dean M. Michaelis, B. Johnson B. Pallante (MC), J. Holwell E. Pallante, J. Rigolizzo Jam. Bilella (MC), J. Carty Jos. Bilella, A. McKeon M. McPeak (MC), O. Horan J. McPeak, E. Donaldson Music Linda, Terry Rich Junior Choir- Tony, Liz Adult Choir 1/24-25 EMs 4:00 PM (1) M. Fahringer, B. Bansch (2) R. Fahringer, A. Cullin A. Contrevo, A. Martini J. McKay 8:00 AM (1) J. Martin, C. Kohler (2) K. Johnson, D. Fox S. Tartamosa, M. Werner R. Tartamosa 9:30 AM (1) B. Hansen, D. Druding (2) P. Miller, F. Flood C. Sheridan, D. Flood F. Andringa 11:30 AM (1) Sa Leyden, T. Brisbin (2) L. Tartaglia, J. Ralston S. Rosenbaum, C. Codario Lectors P. Tresca, B. Piontkowski J. Hill, J. Rigolizzo C. McCullough, J. Eddis M. Leyden, Sh. Leyden Altar Servers A. Ingram (MC), Z. Ingram J. Ingram, Z. Holland M. Matthew (MC), A. Mathew M. Millenbach, S. Millenbach Cam. Katkocin (MC), A. Goshaw Chr. Katkocin, M. Tees B. Michaelis (MC), S. Bradley M. Michaelis, B. Johnson Music Liz, Theresa Matt Contemporary Liz, Mike DIOCESAN CAP SESSION St. Simon Stock Parish Tuesday, January 20th Parish Meeting Center~7:00 pm Junior Choir News: The Junior Choir is open to all youth of the parish, second grade and above. You may join anytime during the year. We welcome all. For more information, please call Mary Ziccardi at 435-0901. Attention: We ask all parishioners not to bring food and drink into the church. Water only. With the new carpet and pew replacements we have updated our church and it is looking beautiful, clean and fresh. We have had several accidents already. SO… PLEASE COOPERATE. Also we need to remove all seating in the rear against the wall at the Order of the Fire Marshall. SO… please do not move chairs from the positions they have been placed in the church. Thank you. 5 The Office of Child and Youth Protection is announcing CAP (Child Assault Prevention) sessions. CAP is the safe environment training program for adults who have regular contact with minors. Attendance is required in order to comply with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The policy of the Diocese of Camden is that adults will attend CAP once every five years. CAP 1 teaches attendees to recognize child abuse and neglect and how to report to the proper authorities. Adults are taught that children have the right to be safe, strong and free. CAP 1 is for new volunteers and employees. CAP 2 is called No More Bullies, No More Victims and is a workshop addressing bullying awareness and bullying prevention. Cyber-bullying is also presented. CAP 3 is called Cyber-Empowerment and is a workshop which promotes adults understanding of cyber activity of youth while teaching them realistic ways to help children keep their own rights and guard the rights of others in the cyber-sphere. Each presentation is 90 minutes. Adults who are new employees or volunteers should attend CAP 1 before attending CAP 2 or CAP 3. After five years, adults have the option of attending CAP 1 or 2 again if they prefer. LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION Mrs. Bea Raiker, CRE to love your faith. All are welcome: bring your friends! If coming out for meetings on Sunday night is not your thing, Volunteer. Stay connected by joining in different activities going on in the Parish. Do you like to sing, play an instrument, enjoy reading or greeting people? We have a special place for you! Please contact me by email Betty Cipolone, Admin. Assistant 856- 767-1537 FAITH FORMATION FIRST RECONCILIATION January 31st at 9:30 or 11:00 am The Sacrament of First Reconciliation will be celebrated on Saturday, January 31st at 9:30 or 11:00 am. Jan. 11 18 We ask the parishioners of St. Simon Stock to please keep these little ones in your prayers that they come to know and trust the forgiveness of the Lord. 25 Child Lures Prevention Program The Diocese of Camden has selected Child Lures Prevention as a safe environment program for our religious education programs in the parishes. The basic premise is that an individual who intends to harm a child uses a “lure” to get the child away and to do harm. So, children are taught how to recognize lures and how to protect themselves. Feb. 01 08 15 22 Mar. Each year your child will be taught a different lure. The Diocese of Camden is committed to ensure that the children entrusted into our care are safe and that we provide them with the tools they need to guarantee their safety. 08 15 21 29 YOUTH GROUP SCHEDULE Planning Meeting – Bring donation of Peanut Butter & Jelly Make 350 PB & J Lunches for Cathedral Kitchen Sign Up for Follow Me – Church – 6:30 pm Directors, Actors, Readers, Choir & Set. Must attend with parents (brief informational meeting and to sign Commitment Paper) SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY No Youth Group Follow Me Stations of the Cross 1st Practice NO YOUTH GROUP (President’s Weekend) Mother/Guardian & Daughter night Speaker - Jessica Boyington Follow Me Stations of the Cross Practice Follow Me Stations of the Cross Practice Father/Guardian & Son only evening Follow Me Stations of the Cross Practice If you do not wish your child to participate in the session, please let Mrs. Raiker know immediately. If you have any questions about the program, please do not hesitate to call me for further information at 856-756-7900 ext. 6010. Rod Herrara LCSW Diocesan Director, Office of Safe Environment for Children “Follow Me” Youth Stations of the Cross April 1st at 7:00 PM YOUTH OF THE PARISH “Follow Me” is a contemporary, prayerful presentation of the Stations of the Cross. The youth of the parish present this reenactment as a gift to the Parish at the start of Holy Week. This presentation is directed by the Young Adult Ministry in collaboration with the Junior Choir, readers from 4th – 8th grade, and presenters from 7th-12th grade. Calling all young people in grades 6-12! St. Simon Stock Youth Group 6, 7 & 8 grade meet in the gym 9-12 grade meet in the PMC Sunday night 6:30 – 8:00 pm A fun and energetic group of young people who have the opportunity to hang out and have a good time. Prayer, trips, fundraising, service projects, game nights, gym time are just a few of the ways we get to know each other and make friendships based in God’s love within a supportive and loving environment. For more information contact Mrs. Bea Raiker, Youth Group Coordinator at 856-767-1537 or St. Simon Stock offers opportunities for 6th through 12th grades to become more involved in the parish. I encourage you to take advantage of all our parish has to offer you. You have the opportunity to learn, to live and Rehearsals: February 8 – 1st Practice Directors: Young Adults: Readers: 6, 7, & 8th grade; Junior Choir: 2nd thru 8th grade; Presenters: 7, 8th & High School; Adult Moderators March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 – Dress Rehearsal 6 STEWARDSHIP TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE STEWARDSHIP Stewards Looking For God “Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’” - JOHN 1:38A OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL REGIONAL SCHOOL What are Stewards looking for? Are you wasting your time looking for the material comforts of the world? Or, is your heart longing for something deeper that can only be found by spending time with God? Take time, each day, in silence and ask the Lord what it is that He wants you to do. "Lighting The Way" OFFERTORY COLLECTION January 11, 2015 Sunday Collection: $ 11,119.00 Electronic Parish Giving: $ 953.00 Capital Needs Debt Collection: $ 1,432.00 Electronic Parish Giving: $ 120.00 Candles: $ 169.00 Poor Box: $ 116.20 OPEN HOUSE Thursday, January 29th 6:30-7:30PM MISSION MEMBERSHIP SUNDAY The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, founded in 1822 by a French lay woman, is the basic means of support for the Church's worldwide missions in dioceses in Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands and remote regions of Latin America. ATTENTION: EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS First of all thank you for your service to God and His People. You are a great help to our priests and a blessing to our parish community. As you know, some of our EMs go beyond the doors of the Church to bring the Eucharist to the homebound and the patients in the rehab and nursing home in Berlin. It is a rewarding and blessed ministry for all concerned. On the weekend of January 24th & 25th, all of us in the Diocese of Camden will have an opportunity to make a special commitment to the worldwide missionary work of the Church through enrollment in the Propagation of the Faith on Mission Membership Sunday. In doing so, we can reach out to the peoples of the world and to provide the financial resources to assist priests, Religious Sisters and Brothers, and lay catechists as they help young people who are searching for meaning in life, comfort refugees in their spiritual and material needs, minister to the sick, teach small children, prepare adults for Baptism, or bring help and hope to the suffering in times of natural disaster and war. Please be as generous as your means will allow in next week’s second collection. At this time, there is a need for a volunteer to visit the nursing home and rehab in Berlin on the second Sunday of each month. Would you consider being this person? If so, please call me at 856-767-2563 Ext. 310 and leave your name and phone number. Thank you and God bless you! Sr. Anne Pierre, IHM Pastoral Minister of the Sick K OF C FREE THROW CHAMPIONSHIP TAX STATEMENTS The Knights of Columbus will hold a Council Free Throw Championship on Saturday, January 24th at the St. Simon Stock parish gym and it is open to all boys and girls ages 10-14. Registration and warm up from 9:00 until 9:20 AM. Contest from 9:20 – 10:45 AM. All winners will then participate in the District Championship which will be held immediately following the conclusion of the Council contest. Information will be available in your school and CCD program or contact PGK Gary Strain (St. Jude Council) 489-6455 or PGK Bill Harle (Archangel Council) 357-7882. You must bring birth certificate for registration. Come and join us for an afternoon of fun. Snow date is February 7th. If you would like to receive a statement of your contributions for the 2014 Tax Year, please call the parish office at 856-767-2563 (ext. 300) and leave your name address and telephone number. Thank you. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a weekend full of fresh love, rebirth, and new beginnings. Your marriage deserves it, and so does your home life. The next weekends are Feb 6-8 and April 17-19. For more information call 609-742-4035 or email 7 UPCOMING EVENTS…AROUND THE DIOCESE Prayer for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia JOIN BISHOP SULLIVAN in IRELAND July 18 through 29, 2015 God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. Bishop Sullivan is hosting a tour of Ireland departing Philadelphia on Saturday, July 18th and returning to Philadelphia on Wednesday, July 29th. Visit Dublin, Cavan, Armagh, Knock, Galway, the Cliffs of Mohrer, Limerick and much more. Tour includes 11 days/10 nights; ten full Irish breakfasts; ten dinners (one with Irish storytelling and entertainment); gratuities to driver/guide; porterage of one piece of luggage; four star hotels; air conditioned motor coach; and a few Irish ballads sung by the Bishop along the way. The land cost of this tour is $2209 p/p double with a $479 single supplement; space is limited. Airfare costs are based on availability at the time of booking (current estimates are roughly $1300/non-stop). For more information or to register contact or or call 856-5832807. A non-refundable deposit of $500 p/p is due with registration. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen Catholic Charities’ Year of the Family Catholic Charities’ Year of the Family newsletter for the month of January is now available on our website: The theme for the month of January as we move through the human lifecycle is school-age children. The newsletter contains an article for parents on navigating those years with their children from one of the counselors in our school-based family support program. We also use this issue to highlight our asset development program as we begin a new year. Finally, to commemorate the Catholic Bishops’ observance last week of National Migration Week, the issue contains a reflection on the refugee families we serve from our refugee and immigration services program director. To learn about all the ways we are celebrating the Year of the Family at Catholic Charities and to subscribe to the newsletter, visit our Year of the Family homepage: PICTURING MARY Picturing Mary, presented by the National Museum of Women in the Arts (Washington, DC), is a rare opportunity to meet Mary as she was imagined by some of the greatest Renaissance and Baroque artists. More than sixty masterworks are brought together from museums, churches, and private collections in Europe and the United States. The exhibition presents images of Mary as a daughter, cousin, and wife; the mother of an infant; a bereaved parent; the protagonist in a rich life story; a link between heaven and earth; and an active participant in the lives of those who revere her. Celebrate the Virgin Mary through beautiful art that visually captures her importance to your faith. For more information or tickets ($10 adults/$8 for those over 65) please visit or call the National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC. At 202-783-5000. Diocese of Camden - Respect Life Mass Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish 135 N. White Horse Pike Lindenwold, NJ 08021 Thursday, January 22 6:30 pm Pro-Life Rosary 7:00 pm Holy Mass SAVE THE DATE: The Mater Ecclesiae Dinner Theater Fundraiser presents: "No Body Like Jimmy", written by Burton Bumgarner February 13, 14, and 15, 2015 Come out and enjoy a night of great food and laughs. Tickets go on sale Jan. 4 through Feb. 9. Age restricted to 12 and over. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Kathie DiLoreto at: or by calling the rectory office at 856-753-3408. Tickets will not be sold at the door. January 22, the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, is a special day of prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. A great opportunity to pray in solidarity with those attending the March for Life, join Presider and homilist Fr. Joseph Capella, for this important evening of prayer and reflection. Questions? Contact Mike Jordan Laskey: ~ 856-583-6119. 8 ZUMBA! ZUMBA! ZUMBA! START THE NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT BY LOSING YOURSELF IN THE MUSIC AND ENERGY OF ZUMBA!! COME ENJOY THE LATIN INSPIRED, DANCE FITNESS WORKOUT. A GREAT WORKOUT FOR ANY AGE AND BODY TYPE. ONE HOUR OF MOVING OUR BODIES TO THE MUSIC HOWEVER YOU WANT, BURNING CALOREIS AND HAVING FUN DOING IT!! The money ZUMBA raised this past year is helping with the cost of the new upholstery for the Church pews. So come join our ZUMBA classes! Where: When: Cost: OLMC Regional School Hall Tuesday Nights from 7:00- 8:00 pm $8.00 – OR buy a punch card for 10 classes and get 2 classes for free. There are no long term commitments. Come whenever the mood strikes you!!! FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call Vicky Sigwart @ 856-768-9349 9 School of Liturgy sessions required for diocesan certification Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Spirituality and Ministry History of the Liturgy & a review of the Liturgical Documents Pastoral Care of the Sick Practical Experience Lectors Spirituality and Ministry History of the Liturgy & a review of the Liturgical Documents Use of the Lectionary Practical Experience Cantors Spirituality of Music Ministers Practical Training Liturgical “Best Practices” Breathing Vocalization Diction Projection Ritual Music Hymnody Psalmody FEE $35 A MINIMUM OF 20 REGISTRATIONS FOR EACH MINISTRY REQUIRED FOR SESSION TO BE HELD OCEAN CITY MILLVILLE CHERRY HILL TURNERSVILLE ST. DAMIEN PARISH PARISH OF ALL SAINTS 621 Dock Street Millville, NJ 08332 CHURCH OF ST. MARY 2001 Springdale Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 STS. PETER & PAUL 362 Ganttown Rd. Turnersville, NJ 08012 856-424-1454 SATURDAY MAY 16, 2015 St. Frances Cabrini Church Hall 2nd Street & Atlantic Ave. Ocean City, NJ 08226 609-399-0648 SATURDAY JANUARY 17, 2015 8:30 – 9:00 AM Registration 9:00-3:00 PM TRAINING SESSIONS 856-825-0021 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2015 SATURDAY MARCH 14, 2015 8:30 – 9:00 AM Registration 8:30 – 9:00 AM REGISTRATION 9:00 -3:00 PM 9:00 – 3:00 PM TRAINING SESSIONS TRAINING SESSIONS REGISTER BY: FEBRUARY 24, 2015 856-589-3366 8:30 – 9:00 am Registration 9:00 – 3:00 PM TRAINING SESSIONS REGISTER BY: MAY 12, 2015 REGISTER BY: MARCH 10, 2015 REGISTER BY: JANUARY 13, 2015 Light morning refreshments will be provided by the School of Liturgy Please bring a brown bag lunch. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR PARISH FOR APPLICATIONS AND MORE INFORMATION 10
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