TENNANT FINANCIAL EXECUTIVES & BUSINESS OWNERS O U R P RO M I SE TO YO U EXPERTISE TO HELP OVERCOME TODAY’S BUSIN ESS CHALLEN G ES Trusting us to be a partner in your financial At Tennant Financial we are passionate about helping experienced life is an honor that we don’t take lightly. executives and established business owners effectively plan for their At Tennant Financial we are committed to futures. We know that the ever-changing economic environment providing you with individualized attention, presents unique challenges and opportunities for individuals in expert advice and top-notch service. leadership roles. To truly be successful, we believe you need to make We firmly believe that with our guidance well-informed financial decisions today by planning for the inevitable and coaching you can make sound financial as well as the unexpected. decisions for you and your business. Our services are tailored to meet your unique goals and objectives: We work hard to help ensure that our clients find comfort in knowing that Tennant Financial is in their corner. •Business continuity and succession planning •Customized to create future liquidity for tomorrow •Assess the impact of the business value today on your overall estate plan •Coordinate deferred compensation packages, stock options and other executive benefits •Collaborate with key advisors to ensure a comprehensive and holistic approach to your financial plan Steven A. Tennant, CFP ® Wealth Management Advisor Jeremy A. Berry, CPA Associate Wealth Management Advisor Ryan P. Wade CFA Associate Wealth Management Advisor Nancy L. Monroe Client Service Manager TENNANT FINANCIAL 4 Rosell Drive | Suite 100 Ballston Lake, NY 12019 Phone: (518) 406-5286 Fax (518) 406-5293 steven.tennant@nm.com www.steven-tennant.com OUR TEAM IS YOUR TEAM Having a multidisciplinary team at your fingertips offers you a level of comfort that is hard to find at other firms. With almost six decades of combined industry experience, we have coached and helped individuals, couples, families, and businesses with a variety of financial and planning issues. Our team consists of three financial professionals each certified in a different discipline, another three associates solely dedicated to providing outstanding support services, and you, the most important member of the team. Even the most sophisticated client finds it challenging to keep up with the ever-changing investment and financial landscape. Let our team take some of that burden off you. YO U D E S E RVE A TR UST ED ADVISOR IN YO U R C O RNER Tennant Financial understands what it means to run a business. Whether you’re a corporate executive, 2nd generation business owner, or a doctor juggling patient care and a practice, we understand the typical concerns and difficult decisions you face every day. We’ve seen firsthand the value of having a trusted advisor. When was the last time you… •Worried about who would take over the business, if you no longer were able to manage it? •Wondered how you could protect your family if your company’s financial health deteriorated, or worse yet, your own health deteriorated? •Wished you had a trusted advisor to discuss complex business decisions with? •Devoted enough time to addressing the needs of you and your family O NLY ABO U T 3 0 % O F FAMI LY- OWNED BUSI N E SSE S SU RVI VE I NTO T HE SE CO N D GENER AT I O N. (http://www.familybusinessinstitute.com/index.php/ succession-planning/) MANY PHY SI CI AN S HAVE CO MPLEX F I NANC I AL CI R CU MSTANCES D U E TO I NCR EASED R EGULATO RY BU R DENS AND LI AB I LI T Y I SSU ES, MAKI NG I T M O R E CHALLENGI NG TO D E VE LO P I NT EGR AT ED LO N G- T E R M F I NANCI AL ST R AT E GI E S. (Mass Mutual American Family Business Survey, 2007) NEAR LY ON E - T H I RD non-biased opinions and recommendations on a wide-range of topics. O F FAMI LY BU SI NE SS OWNER S HAVE NO E STAT E PLAN BEYO ND A WI LL, AND O NLY 5 3 . 5 % R EPO RT ED HAVI N G A “GO O D U NDER STAN D I N G” O F ESTAT E TAX ES D U E . Give us a call and let’s see if Tennant Financial is the right fit for you. (Mass Mutual American Family Business Survey, 2007) as opposed to just working in your business? •Considered the impact of slowing down on your financial and personal life? You work hard and deserve a team of advisors who can offer you DISCLO SUR E STATEMENT Tennant Financial is a marketing name for Steven A. Tennant, Jeremy A. Berry, Ryan P. Wade and Nancy L. Monroe, and is not a broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, federal savings bank, subsidiary or other corporate affiliate of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI, including its subsidiaries, nor is it a legal partnership or entity. Northwestern Mutual is the marketing name for The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (NM) (life and disability insurance, annuities) and its subsidiaries. Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC (NMIS) (securities), a subsidiary of NM, broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, and member of FINRA and SIPC. Steven A. Tennant, Jeremy A. Berry, Ryan P. Wade and Nancy L. Monroe are Insurance Agent(s) of NM, Registered Representative(s) of NMIS and Representative(s) of Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company®, (NMWMC) Milwaukee, WI, (investment management, trust services, and fee-based planning) subsidiary of NM, limited purpose federal savings bank. Representative(s) may also be an Investment Advisor Representative(s) of NMIS. Staff members are associated with the local office listed above and support Representatives. Products and services referenced are offered and sold only by appropriately licensed individuals. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. Refer to appropriate products/services disclosure brochures for important NMWMC services, fees and conflicts of interest before investing. To obtain copies, contact your representative.
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