2015 IL PORK EXPO February 3-4 Peoria Civic Center Illinois Pork Producers Association . . . t h g i r B o s s ’ e r u t Fu I N D U S T R Y P O R K Free EXPO admission to ALL IPPA Members! Watch for the January issue of Chop Talk for the FREE admittance coupon. See the complete listing of EXPO activities & registration brochure ! s e d a h s r a e w a t we got inside! IPPA Annual Meeting on February 3 Largest Pork-Specific Trade Show in Illinois Tradeshow on Tuesday & Wednesday Ideal for anyone with an Interest in the Pork Industry Network and Socialize Educational Seminars Held on Wednesday Maximize your yield potential with More Than Manure® (MTM®) Nutrient Manager. MTM features a patented polymer technology, proven to reduce phosphorus lock-up and nitrogen loss in manure. So you’ll see healthier crops and stronger performance throughout the growing season. That’s turning waste into potential. To learn more, please contact: Southern Illinois Aaron Hunsinger 618.314.2281 aaron.hunsinger@vlsci.com Western Illinois Mark Seipel 309.255.0635 mark.seipel@vlsci.com Central Illinois Steve Sloan 217.870.1056 steve.sloan@vlsci.com More Than Manure and MTM are registered trademarks of Verdesian Life Sciences. © 2015 Verdesian Life Sciences. All rights reserved. 888.446.GROW | vlsci.com Northern Illinois Don Stork 262.757.3221 don.stork@vlsci.com Don’t miss the educational seminars designed especially for you, featuring industry experts! Pam Janssen Chairman, IL Pork Expo KEY KEY KEY KEY (CC) = Civic Center (HIS) = Holiday Inn & Suites “Future’s so bright, we gotta wear shades” comes from a song made popular in 1986 and gave us all a happy, positive feeling about our futures. While there are always going to be challenges ahead of us in this industry, through teamwork, and renewing our skills through best practice models, staying on top of current trends, and enhancing additional skills that promote our professional development, our futures really are so bright we have to wear shades! Learn, network, socialize and most of all, enjoy the 2015 IL Pork Expo!” Monday February 2, 2015 2:00 - 5:00 PM REGISTRATION DESK OPEN 2:00 - 5:00 PM EXHIBITOR MOVE-IN (CC - Terrazzo Lobby) (CC - Exhibit Hall B & C) SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Schedule of Events Tuesday February 3, 2015 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM REGISTRATION DESK OPEN 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM EXHIBITOR MOVE-IN (CC - Terrazzo Lobby) (CC - Exhibit Hall B & C) Refreshments provided by Excel Decorators 9:15 - 9:45 AM (CC - Outside Room 220) VOTING DELEGATE REGISTRATION FOR IPPA ANNUAL MEETING Mark your Calendars for the IPPA Legislative Day! March 17, 2015 www.ilpork.com IPPA ANNUAL MEETING 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (CC - Room 221/222) Moderator: Todd Dail President, IPPA Sponsored by The Maschhoffs LLC 12:15 - 1:30 PM VOTING DELEGATE/SIP LUNCHEON (CC - Room 135 & 136) Learn how checkoff programs are helping to increase demand for pork and NPPC is working on federal legislation and trade issues impacting your operation. Sponsored by National Pork Board, National Pork Producers Council & Pork Checkoff SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Tuesday KEY KEY KEY KEY (CC) = Civic Center (HIS) = Holiday Inn & Suites February 3, 2015 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM CERTIFIED LIVESTOCK MANAGER TRAINING WORKSHOP - Visit www.ilpork.com to register (CC - Rooms 210-211) 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PAC ANNUAL MEETING (CC - Room 220) 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM PRESS ROOM & MEDIA HOSPITALITY OPEN Sponsored by Cargill Meat Solutions (CC - Room 134) 12:00 - 6:00 PM PAC SILENT AUCTION Bid on unique items donated by county pork producer groups and allied industry with proceeds supporting the Illinois Pork PAC. 12:00 - 6:00 PM TRADE SHOW OPEN Visit with agribusiness representatives displaying equipment and services for pork producers. 12:00 - 6:00 PM PORK CENTRAL AREA OPEN Pork Central Sponsored by IL Soybean Association Stop in to relax, chat and refresh! Homemade cookies provided by County Pork Producer Organizations (located at center of trade show) (CC - Pork Central) (CC - Exhibit Hall B & C) (CC - Pork Central) 12:00 - 12:30 PM IPPA REORGANIZATION MEETING (CC - Room 220) 3:45 - 4:30 PM RECEPTION & PAC LIVE AUCTION (CC - Pork Central) 4:30 - 6:00 PM RECEPTION & PORK PRODUCTION AUCTION Sponsored by UPI/Parks Livestock Agribusinesses have generously donated quality products and services for this event. Purchase an item regularly used in your operation with proceeds going to IPPA’s non-checkoff activities! 6:00 - 6:30 PM PRE-BANQUET HOSPITALITY Cash bar open to banquet ticket holders. (CC - Pork Central) (HIS - Grand Ballroom) 6:30 - 8:15 PM (HIS - Grand Ballroom) “GENERATIONS OF COMMITMENT” - RECOGNITION PROGRAM & BANQUET • Retiring Illinois Pork Ambassador • 2014 County Ambassadors • Presentation of IPPA Awards • Illinois Pork Producer Family of the Year - Sponsored by Elanco Animal Health Meat Donated by Zehr Farms Premium Pork, Banquet Sponsored by IL Corn Marketing Board 8:15 PM - 10:00 PM ENTERTAINMENT & HOSPITALITY Sponsored by Farm Credit (HIS - Grand Ballroom) Enjoy entertainment by humorous motivational entertainer Tim Clue! After a decade as a professor of communications and speech, Tim took his then-budding comedy writing skills to the clubs. Tim swiftly progressed to working with many well-known comics—such as Jerry Seinfeld, Steven Wright and Larry Miller, to namedrop just a few—and you may have caught some of Tim’s humor on YouTube or XM/Sirius Satellite Radio. It’s sure to be a night of many laughs! KEY February 4, 2015 KEY KEY KEY (CC) = Civic Center (HIS) = Holiday Inn & Suites 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM PRESS ROOM & MEDIA HOSPITALITY OPEN Sponsored by Cargill Meat Solutions (CC - Room 134) 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM REGISTRATION DESK OPEN (CC - Terrazzo Lobby) 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM PAC SILENT AUCTION (CC - Pork Central) 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM TRADE SHOW OPEN Visit with agribusiness representatives displaying equipment and services for pork producers. 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM PORK CENTRAL AREA OPEN Pork Central Sponsored by IL Soybean Association Stop in to relax, chat and refresh! Homemade cookies provided by County Pork Producer Organizations. (Located at center of trade show) (CC - Exhibit Hall B & C) (CC - Pork Central) 9:00 AM - 3:00PM (CC - Located in corner of trade show floor) Seminars sponsored by Automated Production Systems COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION SEMINARS Don’t miss the fantastic line-up of speakers. Seminar schedule and information on insert. 9:30 AM - 12:30PM SHOWPIG/YOUTH EXHIBITOR SYMPOSIUM Seminar schedule and information on insert.Seminars sponsored by Automated Production Systems (CC - Room 135) DON’T MISS the University of Illinois Research & Extension Information Center Tuesday, Feb. 3 - 12:00 - 6:00 PM and Wednesday, Feb. 4 - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CC - Trade Show Thank you to our 2015 Expo Sponsors! EXCLUSIVE SPONSORS Automated Production Systems Cargill Meat Solutions Elanco Animal Health Farm Credit Farmland Foods IL Corn Marketing Board IL Soybean Association The Maschhoffs LLC Mid IL Pork Association National Pork Board National Pork Producers Council Specialty Fertilizer Products UPI/Parks Livestock Zehr Farms Premium Pork GENERAL SPONSORS A J O’Mara Akey/Cargill Nutrition/Provimi N America DCA Construction Excel Decorators, Inc. Frank & West Engineers Hagaman & Company Inc. IL Farm Bureau lL State Veterinary Medical Assn. PIC North America SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Wednesday Farmland Foods Salutes Illinois Pork Producers Monmouth Plant Milt Spencer Wade Lee 800-626-7424 Northern IL Keith Richardson 309-351-5379 Eastern IA Eric Brunton 309-846-0666 Thank you for your continued support! 800-626-7424 Registration Form 2015 Illinois Pork Expo (Please Print) Name(s) Use One Form Per Family/Group Duplicate this form as needed. Your official EXPO name badge will be prepared and available for pick-up at Expo Registration Desk at the Civic Center. 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Everyone Must Register! To enter trade show & attend all Expo activities (seminars, banquets, etc.), you must be registered and wearing the official EXPO name badge. Voting Delegates Voting Delegates must register and wear the official EXPO name badge. Name Badge Policy If you pre-register by January 23, 2015, a name badge will be ready for pick-up at Expo Registration Desk at the Civic Center. If you register on-site, you’ll need to get in line, fill out a registration form, and wait for a name badge to be prepared. Registration Packets Registration packets will be held at the EXPO Registration Desk at the Civic Center. Name badges and tickets WILL NOT BE MAILED. Pre-ordered banquet tickets not picked up during the day at the Civic Center will be available at the hotel outside the banquet room 1/2 hour before banquet. Refund Policy Refund requests must be made in writing. No refunds after January 23, 2015. City _______________________ State___________ Zip________________ Phone __________________________ Fax _________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________ County Group or Company ________________________________________ Pre-Register by January 23rd for Discounted Rates. Youth Registration (10-18) Adult Registration #_____ @ $2.00 = $_________ #_____ @ $5.00 = $_________ (All IPPA Members Receive Free Entry to Trade Show) Recognition Program/Banquet (Tues) #_____ @$25.00 = $_________ Rates for Registration Postmarked after January 23rd (and on-site) Youth Registration (10-18) #_____ @ $5.00 = $_________ Adult Registration #_____ @$10.00 = $_________ (All IPPA Members Receive Free Entry to Trade Show) Recognition Program/Banquet (Tues) #_____ @$30.00 = $_________ Send Registration Form and Check to: Illinois Pork Expo 6411 S. Sixth St. Rd, Springfield, IL 62712-6817 For more information, call (217)529-3100 or visit www.ilpork.com Illinois Pork Producers Association 6411 South Sixth St. Road Springfield, IL 62712-6817 Pre-sort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Springfield, IL Permit No. 614 February 3 IPPA Annual Meeting & Trade Show February 4 Trade Show Seminars & More! Location Peoria Civic Center Visit www.ilpork.com for more Expo information! Expo Brochure Sponsored by Farmland Foods & Speciality Fertilizer Products (SFP), LLC. Hotel Information & Instructions When making reservations, request special “Illinois Pork Expo” group rate. Rates do not include taxes. You can also register online at www.ilpork.com under the IL Pork Expo, hotel reservations tab. Please note the cutoff date for reservations at ALL HOTELS is January 12, 2015. Cancellation policies vary. *Hotel Headquarters* Holiday Inn & Suites Fairfield Inn & Suites 101 Holiday Street East Peoria, IL 61611 309.698.3333 Rate is $116 + tax includes hot break- 200 Eastlight Court East Peoria, IL 61611 309.699.4100 Rate is $116 + tax includes hot fast buffet, complimentary guest room Wi-Fi, shuttle service to & from PCC & hotel parking breakfast, shuttle service within a 5 mile radius of hotel & hotel parking Peoria Marriott Pere Marquette Mark Twain Hotel 501 Main Street Peoria, IL 61602 309.637.6500 Rate is $119 + tax includes hotel 225 NE Adams Street Peoria, IL 61602 309.676.3600 Rate is $125 - $149 + tax includes parking hotel breakfast buffet, 2 drink tickets/person/ per night, wireless internet, hotel parking & shuttle
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