2015 First Quarter Newsletter

Notes from the Piano Bench
Washington International Piano Arts Council (WIPAC)
Established 2001August 21 D
In This Issue
January 2015
Volume VII
Fourth Quarter
* No. 22
GREETINGS For the new year
 Winter in Bulgaria!
 Message from The
Chairman of the
 From the President
 Creative Christmas
 Highlights of the
 Membership Form
 Scenes and Sights
WELCOME to the Wonderful World of Music
 Lady WIPAC
 Tribute and
“Music gives a soul to
the universe…
Wings to the mind,
Flight to the
imagination and
Life to everything.”
Message from the Chair …………………………………
Christmas Day 2014 was spent driving to Smith Mountain Lake, Huddleston, VA and
stayed with Robin Phillips’ Birdsong Cottage. What a respite from city life!
As we begin our year, WIPAC has big plans in 2015. The exciting
piano concert with a twist entitled ™ “Images of Music” may be
exported to Europe. Ideas are being explored to present it in three
cities (Brussels/Paris/Warsaw. If interested to join, contact me.
Meantime, may i take this opportunity to express sincere
appreciation to all our supporters for the donations, bequests and
contributions all year. Our mission and programs can only be
achieved through your support, thank you! Yours,
Chateau Gardecki, WIPAC Board Chair and Founder
Category of Links
From the President
Dear Fellow WIPAC Members,
Because of the goodwill of those who are part of WIPAC, our board, our
committees and our supporters, it is clear to me, that this is the foundation
of our success.
Calendar of Events
Call 703 728-7766
It is a real pleasure at this time to say "Thank you" to all of you, as I wish
you a full year of happiness and prosperity.
I want to express my appreciation to our founders Chateau and John
Gardecki, who continue to do their best planning for our organization to
head toward exciting events in the year 2015.
I hope you are all able to join us and participate in the wonderful venues
that are being planned at this time.
Notes as a Rose
Radio Classique
Again, my sincere recognition to all of you for all that you do, to continue
to keep the music in our lives. It is said that "Music is the Language of the
HAPPY 2015!!!
March 1
Warm regards,
Clayton Eisinger
Prelude to Spring
The Kosciuszko
Foundation Center
2025 O Street NW
Washington, DC
March 21
Spring Opening
Piano Concert
Series Part I
The Kosciuszko
Foundation Center
2025 O Street NW
Washington, DC
Scene at Christmas and New Year’s Celebration
Clayton Eisinger with Leeda Allen *** Susie with Rand Allen and Chateau
April 11
Spring Piano
Concert Series
Part II
The Kosciuszko
Foundation Center
2025 O Street NW
Washington, DC
At Maureen and Phil Martin’s Soiree *** At Cosmos Club New Year’s Eve
April 24th
Winners Grand Prix
The Dalinsky Sisters - A Creative way to send a Christmas Greetings!
April 26
Middleburg Pointto-Point
Steeplechase Races
Glenwood Park
Post time 1pm
Derby Day
Summer Fling
July 29-Aug. 2
2015 Festival of
Music and WIPAC
13th international
piano competition
TIP of the Season
When in darkness,
There will be light!
Do you have any tip??
Send it and it will be
Carl, Paris and Robin at GTC
******* A friend with Judy, Sondra and Nancy
Nicole and Mallory
Portia and Mike Davidson ** Mary Hood in Vegas
Invitation to join
Donors and Patrons
Mr. & Mrs. Rand Allen
Harriet Becker
Diane Bohn
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Cox
Michael & Portia Davidson
Susanne & Clayton Eisinger
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Fenton
G. Austin Hay
Lloyd & Valerie Huff
Tehmina Khan
Angeles de Leon Khanna
Susan Lehrman
Mr. & Mrs. C Braxton
Robin Phillips
Jacqueline Ohrstrom
Lola C. Reinsch
Mr. Charles Silverman
Dr. Joyce Hagel-Silverman
Jean Wigham
H.E. the Ambassador of
Bulgaria Elena Poptodorova
H.E. Francois Delattre, the
Ambassador of France to
the UN
H.E. the Ambassador of the
Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. and Mrs.
Vicky Cuisia
H.E. the Ambassador of
Portugal Nuno Brito and
Mrs. Rosa Batoreu
Link to a Web page
2015 Festival of
Music and
The 13th
International Piano
In cooperation with
the George
University music
Welcome to WIPAC 2014 Season
We wish to invite you to support and renew your membership to enable WIPAC to present
the musical program, which is now a tradition in the Capital City of Washington.
WIPAC has presented highly successful international piano competitions in
cooperation with The George Washington University Music Department,
International Finance Corporation of the IMF/World Bank Group, The Arts Club
of Washington, the embassies of Bulgaria, Finland, Slovakia, France, Mexico,
Philippines, Poland, Malta, and Iceland. In addition, WIPAC has presented wellattended annual November Galas since 2003, as fundraisers for the international
piano competition and concerts under the gracious patronage of foreign
Come join other devoted music lovers and enjoy the numerous benefits that
WIPAC has to offer our sponsors, patrons and members. For WIPAC new and
current members, we offer a wonderful list of special events as below, which
were successfully presented all year round.
___ Yes, I/We wish to join the celebration of music and support WIPAC to make music flourish in
our community and/or bequeath a gift under the name of ______________________________
My name: __________________________Tel. No. ________________ E-mail: ______________
Address: ________________________________City: ____________STATE___ ZIP: ________
Level of Membership
____ One YR ___ Two Year
New: ______
Renewal: ______
$50+ Supporter
Individual Basic Membership benefit as below
Two-year Basic Membership benefit as below
$125+ Sponsor
Competition Passes and above
$ 250+ Contributor Celebratory Dinner after the Final Round and above
$ 500+ Patron
Two Tickets to all WIPAC Special Events and above
$ 1,000 Charter Member Embassy Patron Dinner Invitation and all of the above
$ 2,000 Founder’s Circle –Two VIP Seats at November Fall Gala and all the above
$ 5,000 Ambassador’s Circle- Table for 6 at the November Gala and all of the above
$ 10,000 Angel Perpetual Membership, Table for 8 at the November Gala and
presentation of the Grand Prize at the Competition Finals.
Make Checks Payable to: WIPAC Membership 2013 and Mail to: 3862 Farrcroft Drive, Fairfax, VA
22030 –Tax ID 61-1426920
Basic Membership benefits includes: Advance notice to all special events and The Kosciusko
Foundation Fall and Spring Piano Concert Series. Quarterly Newsletter and listing in programs
where available and WIPAC logo pin.
Thank you!
WIPAC Board ©
Happy New Year!
department, the
Foundation, the
Embassy of Bulgaria
And the Arts Club of
Special Guests and
Lola C. Reinsch
J. Almont Pierce
Ms. Robin Phillips
Lady WIPAC - this painting is being
auctioned, current bid is $1,500; Reserve is
$2,200, go visit website .www.wipac.org and
use Paypal for credit card. WIPAC is a 501 c
3 organization.
Welcome bids. Above
reserve . Closing date is April 24, 2015 at
the Winners grand prix concert. tba
Rendered by Marietta Dantonio Madsen in
support of the WIPAC gala “Christmas in
Leeda and Rand Allen
Lloyd and Valerie Huff
Wei Ling Wang
International Piano
Arts Council
Mallory Tablantino, the eternal optimist shared
below photo on facebook…..
Hummm. . Looks like the window of opportunity is
over. ..
Diplomatic Council
H.E., the Ambassador of
Bulgaria Elena Poptodorova
and Mr. Georgi Petrov
H.E., the Ambassador of the
Philippines and Mrs. Jose L.
Cuisia, Jr.
H.E. the Ambassador of
Portugal Nuno Brito and Mrs.
Rosa Batoreu
Honorary Board
Leeda and Rand Allen
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Fenton
G. Austin Hay
Tehmina Khan
Maria Carmen and Peter
J. Almont Pierce
Lola C. Reinsch
Carol Rudman
Dr. .Joyce Hagel-Silverman
Executive Board
Chateau Gardecki,
Chair and Founder
Clayton Eisinger, President
Nicole d’Amecourt,
Vice President
Jean Wigham, Treasurer
Portia Davidson, Secretary
Chief Financial Officer
John Gardecki
Board Members
Harriet Becker
Darren Maquardt shared this photo on facebook too….
Ma.Salve Bernabe
Jeanne Blackwell
Susanne Eisinger
Zelmira B. Nedelcovic
Diane Merriam
Robin Phillips
Judith Ramage
SCENES of the Season
The Gardecki’s Christmas tree posted on Facebook,
Chateau called anemic after all the gifts were taken.
Paul deQuenoy’s best comment…”it radiates
warmth and goodwill.” Thanks Paul!
Michael Davidson, Esq.
A fabulous >>>
Christmas tree at the Martin’s in McLean.
Diplomatic Liaison
Rhoda Septilici
Artistic Advisory Board
Jerome Barry, Frederic Chiu
John Gardecki, Eric Himy
Stuart Isacoff
Raymond Jackson
Tzvetan Konstantinov
Contact: WIPAC
3862 Farrcroft Drive
The Davidson’s
behind their >>>
Christmas tree.
Santa will be
Use PayPal link
For all donations
Gift Giving Form
Available at
Boutique WIPAC
For Sale
A MessAge….. from the former Ambassador of Iceland
And Mrs. Helgi Ágústsson
$20 per bundle of 6
with envelopes.
Dec 31, 2014
Painting by artist
Dear friends,
Our best wishes to you for the New Year. Thank you for the good
years we had together with you.
Helgi and Heba
Susanne Eisinger
H.E. the Ambassador of
Fiji Winston Thompson
and Mrs. Queenie
Amb. & Mrs. Paul
Jan Anderson
Kazuko Bach
Malia Baduw
Elaine Bainbridge
Caroline Baker
Bari Berger
Diane Bohn
Patricia Chapell
Craig & Eva Coleman
Gabriela Coman
Jennifer Coombs
John Curd
Joseph David
Lisa Dickelman
Salvatrice DeLuca
Marlies Diehl
Pernille Elbech
Nick & Patti Gardecki
Luz & Jack Gregory
Shelly Harlow
Tehmina Kahn
Ioanna and Paul Lee
Barbara & Warren
Hal Matson
Camilla McCaslin
Jesse Morrow
Jan Phillips
Eva Salmoiraghi
Wayne & Linda Sharp
Sheila & Tom Switzer
Lynn Theismann
Pauline Thompson
Mr & Mrs Lars Thunell
Eberhard & Veronika
von Loehneysen
(Shared by Mallory Tolentino)
Staatsballet Berlin on Facebook
Congratulations to Lola Reinsch
William T. Newman, Jr. Spirit of Community Award Recipient
Established in 1993, the William T. Newman, Jr. Spirit of Community Award recognizes and honors those who have demonstrated tireless and
unselfish commitment to improving the quality of life in Arlington.
As Chief Executive Officer of the E.G. Reinsch Companies based in Arlington, following in the entrepreneurial footsteps of her parents, Lola
has shared her talents and resources generously with many Arlington organizations. Through her family foundation, she strengthens the
missions of many Arlington nonprofits, as well as supports other organizations throughout the region and internationally.
Through her consistent and longstanding support, she has enhanced communities by funding college libraries, providing scholarship funds and
capital funds for arts, social service and medical facilities, and strengthening the fiscal stability of numerous nonprofit organizations. These
organizations cover areas of health and medical research, education, performing and visual arts, historical preservation/restoration, youth and
families, and health and human services.
Congratulations to Lola - a loyal Black Tie Club member since 2003!
Courtesy of Black Tie Club December 2015 Newsletter
A Salute to a great ………….
Celebrated 99yrs on December 25, 2014