O. G. Series III No. 42.pmd

Reg. No. G-2/RNP/GOA/32/2011-12
RNI No. GOAENG/2002/6410
Panaji, 15th January, 2015 (Pausa 25, 1936)
Note:- There is one Supplementary and two Extraordinary issues to the Official Gazette, Series III
No. 41 dated 8-1-2015, as follows:—
Supplement dated 8-1-2015 from pages 1383 to
1398 regarding Notification from Department of
Finance [Directorate of Small Savings & Lotteries
(Goa State Lotteries)].
Extraordinary dated 8-1-2015 from pages 1399 to
1400 regarding Order from Department of Home
(Home—General Division), Office of the District
Magistrate, North Goa District, Magisterial
Extraordinary (No. 2) dated 13-1-2015 from pages
1401 to 1402 regarding Order from Department
of Home (Home—General Division), Office of
the District Magistrate, North Goa District,
Magisterial Branch.
Department of Home
Home—General Division
Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa District
Magisterial Branch
their weapons/arms forthwith in the Police Station
concerned in no case later than 18-01-2015.
The above restrictions shall not apply to Banks/
Public Servants/Defense Personnel/Security
Personnel on duty and Sports Persons who are
members of National Rifle Association of India and
to those persons who were exempted from
depositing their Arms during the last General
Elections to Lok Sabha-2014.
If any person has real threats to his or her life/
/property, he/she should approach the Director
General of Police for providing necessary security
by the Police, but under no circumstances shall any
person be allowed to carry his own personal firearms
or otherwise except with special permission from
the undersigned.
If any person is found contravening this order,
action will be initiated for cancellation/revocation
of his/her license and confiscation of firearm(s) in
addition to criminal prosecution under the
provisions of relevant laws.
Given under my hand and seal of this office, on
this 14th day of January, 2015.
Public Notice
Nila Mohanan, IAS,
District Magistrate,
North Goa.
No. 40/12/15-MAG/BY-ELN/PANAJI-AC/
Bye-Election to 11-Panaji Assembly Constituency
in North Goa District is scheduled to be held on
13-02-2015. It is therefore made known to all the
Arms License holders in North Goa District that
order under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973 has been issued banning carrying
of all type of arms, fire-arms, ammunitions and lethal
weapons, in any public place, streets, roads,
squares, thoroughfares, by-lanes or in any open
place in the entire North Goa District, with
immediate effect and the Arms License holders
residing within the jurisdiction of Panaji, Agacaim
and Old Goa Police Stations are directed to deposit
Department of Tourism
No. 5/TTR(2055)2011/3107
In pursuance of sub-section 1(A) of Section 17,
read with Rule 4 of Goa Registration of Tourist
Trade Act, 1982 & Rules, 1985, as amended
from time to time, the registration of vehicle
No. GA-07/F-0557 belonging to Shri Yogesh
H. Khandeparkar, r/o H. No. 111, Borbhat, Taleigao
Suggestions are welcome on e-mail: dir-gpps.goa@nic.in
15TH JANUARY, 2015
(P. O.), Tiswadi, entered in Register No. 29 at Page
No. 14 is hereby removed as the said Tourist
Taxi has been sold to other party with effect from
29-01-2014 bearing No. GA-07/F-0557.
Panaji, 9th January, 2015.— The Dy. Director of
Tourism & Prescribed Authority (North Zone), Arvind
B. Khutkar.
Department of Transport
Office of the District Magistrate,
North Goa District
No. 23/4/2014/MAG/BAR/79
Read: 1. Letter No. DYSP/TRF/PAN/1444/2014
dated 26-11-2014 of the Deputy Superintendent of Police, Traffic (North), Panaji-Goa.
In exercise of the powers conferred on me under
Section 112 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and
Rule 264A of the Motor Vehicles Rules, 1991 as
amended in 2005 and as recommended by the Dy.
Superintendent of Police, Traffic (North), Panaji, I,
Nila Mohanan, IAS, District Magistrate, North Goa
District, hereby order the construction of Hump
type “SPEED BREAKER” at the places mentioned in
Column No. 2 of the Schedule hereinbelow within
the jurisdiction of Village Panchayat Pilerne-Marra,
Bardez Taluka.
1. Near Shankar Amrekar House at Navetim, Speed
Pilerne: the first speed breaker at about
10 mtrs. away from the junction towards
Alto Pilerne side, the second speed
breaker at about 10 mtrs. away from the
electric pole towards Verem side and the
third speed breaker at about 20 mtrs.
from the electric pole opposite the house
of Kanta Amerkar.
The above speed breaker shall be painted with
white thermoplastic fluorescent paint and fixed
with blinkers for better visibility.
Further, in exercise of the powers conferred on
me under Section 116 of the above Act, I also
authorise the erection of cautionary signboards
“SPEED BREAKER AHEAD” at about 40 mts. on
either side of the speed breaker in advance of the
speed breaker and traffic signboard showing the
sign “SPEED BREAKER” at the placement of the
speed breaker in order to regulate the motor
vehicular traffic.
The Secretary, Village Panchayat Pilerne-Marra,
Bardez and P.W.D. (Engineering Cell), is directed to
publish this notification through the Director of
Information and Publicity in local newspapers and
to make necessary arrangements to erect the
signboard at the places indicated above as per the
specification laid down by the Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways and as published in the
Official Gazette by the Government of Goa and
report compliance within fifteen days time.
Panaji, 8th January, 2015.— The District
Magistrate, North Goa, Nila Mohanan, IAS.
In the Court of the Civil Judge,
Senior Division at Bicholim
Matrimonial Petition No. 49/2013/A
Shri Sandeep Ankush Naik,
son of Shri Ankush Ladko Naik,
36 years of age, married,
in service, Indian National and
residing at House No. 6, Bhamai,
Pale, Bicholim-Goa.
.... Petitioner.
Smt. Nita Sandeep Naik alias
Ms. Nita Vithal Naik,
wife of Shri Sandeep A. Naik,
31 years of age, Indian National and
residing at House No. 102,
Guleli, Satari-Goa.
.... Respondent.
It is hereby made known to the public that by
Order and Decree dated 4th day of July, 2014 passed
by the Hon’ble Civil Judge, Senior Division, at
Bicholim in Matrimonial Petition No. 49/2013/A,
whereby the marriage of the Petitioner Shri Sandeep
Ankush Naik, son of Shri Ankush Ladko Naik, 36
years of age, married, in service, Indian National
and residing at House No. 6, Bhamai, Pale, Bicholim-Goa with the Respondent Smt. Nita Sandeep Naik
alias Ms. Nita Vithal Naik, wife of Shri Sandeep A.
Naik, 31 years of age, Indian National and residing
at House No. 102, Guleli, Satari-Goa is hereby
decreed with costs.
15TH JANUARY, 2015
For clarity sake it is declared that the Petitioner
and the Respondent have been divorced and their
marriage registered in the Office of the Civil
Registrar at Bicholim under entry No. 807/2011
dated 17-11-2011 is cancelled.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
this 8th day of December, 2014.
Kalpana V. Gavas,
Civil Judge, Senior Division,
V. No. A-9437/2015.
In the Court of the Civil Judge,
Senior Division, ‘A’ Court at Mapusa-Goa
Matrimonial Petition No. - 14/2011/A
Mrs. Maria Pidade Vaz alias Maria Lobo,
d/o Sebastiao Vaz,
aged 34 years,
r/o Flat No. A-12, Kamat Pearl,
Aldona, Bardez-Goa.
.... Petitioner.
Mr. Moses Elliot Judas Lobo,
s/o late Veron Francisco Lobo,
aged 36 years,
r/o Aldona, Bardez-Goa,
presently employed at
Jumeirah Beach Hotel,
P. O. 11416, Dubai, U.A.E.
.... Respondent.
Matrimonial Petition No. - 12/2014/A
Mr. Philip Xavier Martins,
s/o Francisco Martins,
50 years of age, married, service,
presently residing at H. No. 39/8,
near St. Anne’s Church, Olaulim,
P. O. Carona, Bardez-Goa.
.... Petitioner.
Mrs. Zenaida Vargas Martins,
d/o Pastol Vargas,
43 years of age, married, housewife,
residing at Flat No. 148, Road 703,
307, Manama, Bahrain.
.... Respondent.
3. It is hereby made known to the public that by
Order dated 9th October, 2014 passed by this Court
in the above Matrimonial Petition No. - 12/2014/A,
the marriage between the Petitioner Mr. Philip
Xavier Martins and Respondent Mrs. Zenaida
Vargas Martins registered in the Office of the Civil
Registrar of Bardez at Mapusa-Goa, registered
against entry No. 73/1993 of the Marriage
Registration Book of the year 1993 stands dissolved
by divorce.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
this 28th day of November, 2014.
Dvijple V. Patkar,
Ad hoc Civil Judge, Senior Division,
“A” Court, Mapusa-Goa.
V. No. A-9397/2015.
2. It is hereby made known to the public that by
Judgement and Decree dated 31st August, 2012
passed by this Court in the above mentioned
Matrimonial Petition No. - 14/2011/A, the marriage
between the Petitioner Mrs. Maria Piedade Vaz and
Respondent Mr. Moses Elliot Judas Lobo registered
in the Office of the Civil-cum-Sub-Registrar of
Bardez, registered against entry No. 32/2001 dated
16-12-2001 of the Marriage Registration Book of the
year 2001 stands cancelled.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
this 23rd day of December, 2014.
Dvijple V. Patkar,
Ad hoc Civil Judge, Senior Division,
“A” Court, Mapusa-Goa.
V. No. A-9396/2015.
In the Court of the Civil Judge,
Senior Division at Panaji
Matrimonial Petition No. 15/2014/A
Mrs. Prashila Kushali Shet @
Prashila Shripad Bhonsle,
daughter of Shripad Bhonsle,
aged 33 years, Indian National,
presently r/o House No. 23,
Ribandar, Tiswadi-Goa.
.... Petitioner.
Mr. Khushali Ghanaxam Shet,
son of Ghanaxam Shet,
of major age, service, Indian National,
resident of House No. 05,
behind Saty Narayan Temple,
Volvoi, Ponda-Goa.
.... Respondent.
15TH JANUARY, 2015
4. It is hereby made known to the public that by
Judgement and Decree dated 8th July, 2014 the
marriage of the Petitioner to the Respondent stands
annulled. The Civil Registrar of Ilhas at Panaji, is
directed to cancel the entry bearing No. 875/2013
dated 18-10-2013 in the marriage register for the
year 2013.
Given under my hand and seal of the Court of
7th day of January, 2015.
Ashley L. C. Noronha,
Civil Judge, Senior Division,
‘A’ Court, Panaji.
V. No. A-9409/2015.
In the Court of the Civil Judge,
Senior Division at Ponda
Matrimonial Petition No. 29/2013/A
Mr. Sujeet Shivram Natekar,
son of Shivram Natekar,
Codar, Taluka Ponda, Goa.
...... Petitioner.
age 23 years,
resident of H. No. 455, Dessaiwada,
Agonda, Canacona-Goa.
.... Plaintiff.
Mr. Chirag Balchandra Loilenkar,
son of Balchandra Loilenkar,
House No. 357, Shelim, Loilem,
6. It is hereby made known to the public that by
Consent Decree dated 13-12-2014, the marriage
between Plaintiff and Defendant is hereby annulled.
The Civil Registrar of Canacona, Goa is hereby
directed to cancel the entry No. 521/2010 of the
year 2010 concerning the registration of marriage
between the Plaintiff and the Defendant.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
this 20th day of December, 2014.
Shabnam Shaikh,
Civil Judge, Senior Division,
“A” Court, Margao.
V. No. A-1165/2015.
Mrs. Kavita Sujeet Natekar,
daughter of Ghanashyam Fadte,
Nanus, Usgao,
Taluka Ponda, Goa.
...... Respondent.
In the Court of the Ad hoc Civil Judge,
Senior Division at Margao
Marriage Petition No. 124/14/III
5. It is hereby made known to the public that by
Judgement and Decree dated 1st February, 2014,
passed by the Civil Judge, Sr. Div., ‘A’ Court, Ponda,
Goa, the marriage between the Petitioner Mr. Sujeet
Shivram Natekar, son of Mr. Shivram Natekar, Codar,
Taluka Ponda, Goa and the Respondent Mrs. Kavita
Sujeet Natekar, daughter of Mr. Ghanashyam Fadte,
Nanus, Usgao, Ponda, Goa, solemnized on
07-01-2013 in the Office of Civil Registrar of Ponda
under entry No. 18/2013 stands cancelled.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
this 9th day of January, 2015.
Shri Sandeep J. Natekar,
Civil Judge, Senior Division,
‘A’ Court, Ponda-Goa.
V. No. A-9426/2015.
In the Court of the Civil Judge,
Senior Division at Margao
Matrimonial Petition No. 100/2011/A
Mrs. Anisha Fernandes alias
Anisha Chirag Loilenkar,
daughter of Piedade Fernandes,
.... Defendant.
Ms. Anisha Gautam Verlekar,
daughter of Mr. Kishor Pandurang Lotlikar,
resident of House Number 39/B,
Pandurang Smruti, Duncolim,
Seraulim, Salcete-Goa.
.... Petitioner.
Mr. Gautam Ramesh Verlekar,
son of Mr. Ramesh A. Verlekar,
resident of behind the Nehru Stadium,
Fatorda, Salcete-Goa.
.... Respondent.
7. It is hereby made known to all concerned that
by virtue of Judgement and Decree passed by this
Court on 20th day of September, 2014 in the above
mentioned petition, the marriage between the
Petitioner and the Respondent stands declared as
null and void and is annulled. The Civil Registrar
of Salcete at Margao is directed to cancel the entry
No. 993/2012 of the Marriage Registration Book for
the year 2012.
Accordingly the marriage between the Petitioner
and the Respondent stands declared as null and
void and is annulled.
15TH JANUARY, 2015
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
this 7th day of January, 2015.
Vijayalaxmi R. Shivolkar,
Ad hoc Addl. Civil Judge,
Senior Division, Margao (III).
V. No. A-9423/2015.
In the Court of the IInd Addl. Civil Judge,
Senior Division at Margao
Matrimonial Petition No. 131/2014/II
Smt. Nassim Banu alias Nassim Banu Shaikh,
daughter of Sheik Yasin,
36 years,
resident of House No. 344,
Ambeafond, Modsai, Borda,
Margao, Salcete-Goa.
.... Petitioner.
Shri Shaikh Abdul Hafiz,
son of Shailh Babusahib,
aged 40 years,
resident of c/o Shamshad Tonse,
H. No. B-37, near Cozy Nook,
St. Pedro, Old Goa, Goa.
.... Respondent.
8. It is hereby made known to the public that by
Judgement Order and Decree dated 11-11-2014 the
marriage between the Petitioner and the
Respondent, registered on 16-2-2000 in the office of
the Civil Registrar of Salcete, Margao against entry
No. 500/2000 of the Marriage Registration Book of
the year 2000, is hereby dissolved.
The Petitioner may approach the Civil Registrar,
Salcete, at Margao with a certified copy of this
order to take steps to cancel the said entry.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court,
this 5th day of January, 2015.
Bosco Roberts,
IInd Addl. Adhoc Civil Judge,
Senior Division, Margao.
V. No. A-9438/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
and Notary Ex Officio in the Judicial Division
of Satari at Valpoi
Smt. Urmia U. Tari, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
and Notary Ex-Officio in the said Judicial
9. In accordance with 1st para of Article 170 of
Law No. 2049 dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose of
the 2nd para of the same Article it is hereby made
public that by Deed of Succession drawn by and
before me on 05-01-2015 at page 47 V to 49 V of
Book No. 19 of this office following recorded:That on 30-07-2005 expired at Padeli, Satari-Goa,
Shri Vishram Anant Gaonkar without making
any Will or any othe disposition of his last wish
leaving behind his wife Smt. Sita Visrama Gauncar
alias Vishranti Vishram Gaonkar, as his half
sharer or moiety holder and his following children
1) Shri Vinod Vishram Gaonkar, married to Vishaka
Vinod Gaonkar, residing at H. No. 45/B, Padeli,
Satari-Goa, 2) Shri Viraj Vishram Gaonkar, bachelor,
r/o H. No. 45/B, Padeli, Satari-Goa, 3) Mrs. Trupti
Vishram Gaonkar also known as Pragati Prabhakar
Gaonkar, married to Mr. Prabhkar Atma Gaonkar,
residing at H. No. 78, Sancordem, Sanguem-Goa,
4) Anand Vishram Gaonkar, married to Ashwita
Anand Gaonkar, residing at H. No. 45/B, Padeli,
Satari-Goa, 5) Shri Prasad Vishram Gaonkar,
bachelor, residing at H. No. 45/B, Padeli, Satari-Goa
are the sole and universal heirs and successors of
their respective husband and father the said late
Shri Vishram Anant Gaonkar.
That besides the above said legal heirs there is
no other person or persons who as per law any
have preference over them or who may concur
alongwith them to the estate left by the said
deceased person.
Valpoi, 9th January, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio,
Smt. Urmia U. Tari.
V. No. A-9431/2015.
Smt. Urmia U. Tari, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
and Notary Ex-Officio in the said Judicial
10. In accordance with 1st para of Article 170 of
Law No. 2049 dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose of
the 2nd para of the same Article it is hereby made
public that by Deed of Succession drawn by and
before me on 05-01-2015 at page 50 V to 52 V of
Book No. 19 of this office following recorded:That on 18-06-2003 expired at G.M.C., Bambolim,
Goa Shri Anant Krishna Gaonkar without making
any Will or any other disposition of his last wish
leaving behind his wife Smt. Anuradha Anant
Gaonkar alias Anuradha Anand Gaonkar as his half
sharer moiety holder and his following children
1) Mrs. Aparna Anant Gaonkar alias Aparna
Dasharat Gaonkar, r/o H. No. 77, Honda, Satari-Goa,
2) Mrs. Archana Anant Gaonkar alias Kalpana
Kalidas Harwalkar, r/o H. No. 38, Satode, Satari-Goa, 3) Miss Darshana Anant Gaonkar, spinster,
15TH JANUARY, 2015
4) Mr. Ashwin Anant Gaonkar, bachelor
5) Shrikrishna Anant Gaonkar, bachelor, 6) Akshay
Anant Gaonkar, bachelor, all residents of H. No. 45,
Padeli, Satari, Goa are the sole and universal heirs
and successors of their respective husband and
father the said late Shri Anant Krishna Gaonkar.
That besides the above said legal heirs there is
no other person or persons who as per law any
have preference over them or who may concur
alongwith them to the estate left by the said
deceased person.
Valpoi, 9th January, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio,
Smt. Urmia U. Tari.
V. No. A-9432/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
and Notary Ex Officio in the Judicial Division
of Bicholim
Shri Digamber S. Kandolkar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the
said Judicial Division.
11. In accordance with 1st para of Article 170 of
Law No. 2049 dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose of
2nd para of the same Article it is hereby made
public that by Deed of Succession drawn by and
before me on 12-12-2014 at page 16 to 18 of Book
No. 317 of this office, the following in recorded:That on the twenty sixth day of January, two
thousand and twelve expired at Valshi, Bordem,
Bicholim, Goa, Shri Balkrishna Anant Manerikar,
alias Balkrishna Anant Manerkar, without making
Will or any other disposition in respect of this
estate/assets, leaving behind him his widow Smt.
Annapurna Balkrishna Manerikar, as half sharer or
moiety holder and as sole universal legal heirs his
children namely (one) Miss Kamakshi Balkrishna
Manerikar, aged 21 years, spinster, (two) Miss.
Sugandha Balkrishna Manerikar, aged 19 years,
spinster, all residing at Valshi, Bordem, Bicholim,
And besides the above said legal heirs there is
no other person or persons who as per law may
have preference over them or who may concur along
with them to the estate left by the said deceased
Bicholim, 2nd January, 2015.— The Notary Ex
Officio, Shri Digamber S. Kandolkar.
V. No. A-9427/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
and Notary Ex Officio in this Judicial Division
of Bardez, Mapusa-Goa
Smt. Soniya S. Halarnkar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said
Judicial Division.
12. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of
Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose
of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made
public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession
dated 13-11-2014, drawn by and before me
Smt. Soniya S. Halarnkar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa
at page 84 to 86 of Notarial Book No. 847 of this
office the following is recorded:That on third day of September of the year
nineteen hundred fifty three (03-09-1953),
Mr. Marcos Vas, son of Jose Constancio Vas died at
Anjuna, without any disposition of his assets and
on the fifteenth day of February of the year nineteen
hundred eighty five (15-02-1985), Mrs. Adriana Vaz,
wife of Marcos Vaz, died at Bandra, Mumbai without
Will or any disposition of her assets leaving the
following descendants, namely (one) Mr. Carmo
Manuel Pedro Felix Vaz alias Peter Vaz, who died on
twenty fifth March, nineteen hundred ninety seven
(25-03-1997) married to Felicia Natividade Amaral
Vaz alias Phyllis Vaz who died on twenty eighth
day of May two thousand and twelve (28-05-2012)
and were residing at Pequeno Chinvar, Anjuna,
Bardez-Goa (two) Mr. Calisto Vitorino Jose Antonio
Vas, age 84 years, bachelor, retired, residing at
Bandra, Mumbai (three) Marilia Francis Faria alias
Marilia Mira Vaz alias Marilia Faria who died on
second July, two thousand twelve (02-07-2012),
married to Francis Faria alias Francisco Piedade
Jesus Faria alias Francisco Piedade de Jesus Faria
who died on twenty six May, nineteen hundred
and eighty five (26-05-1985). The Declarants further
declare that on the death of Marilia Francis Faria
alias Marilia Mira Vaz alias Marilia Faria who died
on second July, two thousand twelve (02-07-2012)
married to Francis Faria alias Francisco Piedade
Jesus Faria alias Francisco Piedade de Jesus Faria
who died on twenty sixth May, nineteen hundred
eighty five (26-05-1985), the heirs of the said death
Marilia Francis Faria alias Marilia Mira Vaz alias
Marilia Faria and of Francis Faria alias Francisco
Piedade Jesus Faria alias Francisco Piedade de
Jesus Faria, executed a Deed of Succession in the
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and
Notary Ex-Officio of Salcete at Margao which deed
was drawn on twenty first day of January, two
thousand thirteen (21-01-2013) and recorded at Folio
10v to 12 of the Deed Book No. 1584. The Declarants
further declare that Mr. Marcus Vas and Mrs.
Adriana Vaz were married under the regime of
community of assets. The Declarants further declare
that Mr. Carmo Manuel Pedro Felix Vaz alias Peter
Vaz, who died on twenty fifth March, nineteen
hundred ninety seven (25-03-1997) married to Felicia
Natividade Amaral Vaz alias Petronila Natividade
Amaral alias Phyllis Vaz, Anjuna, Bardez-Goa, died
without Will or any disposition of their assets. The
Declarants further declare that late Mr. Carmo
Manuel Pedro Felix Vaz alias Peter Vaz and Felicia
Natividade Amaral Vaz alias Petronila Natividade
Amaral alias Phyllis Vaz were married under the
regime of community of assets. The Declarants state
that by the present deed, they declare that in view
of the above mentioned for all legal purposes,
children of late Mr. Carmo Manuel Pedro Felix Vaz
alias Peter Vaz, and late Felicia Natividade Amaral
Vaz alias Phyllis Vaz namely (One) Maria Filomena
Alzira Lia Vaz Abreu Lobo, daughter of late Carmo
Manuel Pedro Felix Vaz alias Peter Vaz, aged 61
years, married, service and her husband Manuel
Jose Abreu Lobo, son of late Joao Inacio Abreu
Lobo, aged 75 years, married, businessman, both
residing at Socol vaddo, Bastora, Bardez-Goa and
(two) Marcos Francisco Conceicao Agnelo Gregorio
Vaz, son of late Carmo Manuel Pedro Felix Vaz alias
Peter Vaz, aged 58 years, married, service and his
wife Maria Manuela Fonseca e Vaz, daughter of late
Matias Manuel Fonseca, aged 55 years, service,
residing at Panaji, are the sole and universal heirs
entitled to succeed their deceased parents, and
that there are no other persons who in law have
any preference over them.
Bardez, Mapusa, 5th January, 2015.— The Notary
Ex Officio, Soniya S. Halarnkar.
V. No. A-9404/2015.
Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said
Judicial Division.
13. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of
Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose
of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made
public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession
dated 05-12-2014, drawn by and before me
Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa
at page 9 to 10V of Notarial Book No. 848 of this
office the following is recorded:That Mr. Hipolito Jose Lobo and Angelina Lobo
who were husband and wife who were residing at
15TH JANUARY, 2015
Tivai Vaddo, Calangute, Bardez-Goa, both of them
died on 1-12-2010 and 4-08-2014 respectively leaving
behind two children being one son and one
daughter namely (one) Mrs. Maria Amaldina Lobo,
daughter of late Mr. Jose Hipolito Lobo, aged 54
years, housewife, married to Mr. Raymond Anthony
Pereira, son of Placidio Francisco Pereira, 58 years,
retired, (two) Mr. Dominic Martin Lobo, s/o late
Jose Hipolito Lobo, aged 53 years, service, married
to Mrs. Flora Fernandes, age 51 years, housewife,
as their only legal heirs and successors.
And that besides them no other heirs or persons
who according to law may have a legal right of
succession or would concur with the said qualified
heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said
deceased persons.
Bardez, Mapusa, 24th December, 2014.— The
Notary Ex Officio, Arjun S. Shetye.
V. No. A-9406/2015.
Smt. Soniya S. Halarnkar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said
Judicial Division.
14. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of
Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose
of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made
public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession
dated 31-12-2014, drawn by and before me
Smt. Soniya S. Halarnkar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa
at page 28 of Notarial Book No. 848 of this office the
following is recorded:That on 2nd August two thousand and eight
expired Mr. Narayan Haldonkar at G.M.C. Hospital,
Bambolim, the said deceased died intestate and
without Will or any other testamentary disposition
of his estate, died leaving behind his wife Smt.
Laxmi Narayan Haldankar, w/o late Narayan
Haldankar, r/o St. Anthony Vaddo, Guirim, Bardez-Goa, as half sharer or moiety holder and his sole
and universal heirs his following children namely:
(One) Lalita Narayan Haldankar, d/o late Narayan
Haldankar, (Two) Kanchini Narain Haldankar alias
Bhavana Bharat Chopdekar, d/o late Narayan
Haldankar, married to Bharat Chopdekar,
r/o Chopdem, (Three) Kartik Narayan Haldankar,
s/o late Narayan Haldankar, resident of
St. Anthonys Vaddo, Guirim, Bardez-Goa. There
being no one else or no other persons or heirs who
as per the law in force in Goa may have preference
over them or who may concur with them to the
estate left by the said deceased and there is no
other person or persons who as per the prevailing
15TH JANUARY, 2015
law in force in this State of Goa, may be preferred
to the aforesaid heirs or who can concur in the
inheritance or may have a better claim to the estate
as their legitimate heirs and successors.
And that besides them no other heirs or persons
who according to law may have a legal right of
succession or would concur with the said qualified
heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said
deceased persons.
Bardez, Mapusa, 9th January, 2015.— The Notary
Ex Officio, Mrs. Soniya S. Halarnkar.
V. No. A-9414/2015.
Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said
Judicial Division.
15. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of
Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose
of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made
public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession
dated 05-12-2014, drawn by and before me
Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa
at page 21V to 22 of Notarial Book No. 848 of this
office the following is recorded:That one Antonio Mariano Fernandes, died in
Kuwait, on 02-08-2007 leaving behind his wife
namely Rosy Lopes as his half sharer and moiety
holder and the following legal heirs:- (one) Sandifa
Pasquinha Fernandes, 19 years, son of Antonio
Mariano Fernandes, resident of H. No. 704/1,
Malwara, Agassaim, Goa, (two) Tate John
Fernandes, 18 years, son of Antonio Mariano
Fernandes, resident of H. No. 704/1, Malwara,
Agassaim, Goa. That besides the above mentioned
there are no other person or persons or entities
who as per the prevailing law in force in the state
may be referred to as the heirs or who may have
any better claim to the estate of the said deceased.
The Declarants further stated that they are neither
related to the said deceased nor to the said
qualifying heirs/legatees, nor do they have any
interest on making the present declaration which
they have made under oath and the request of the
said party of the second part.
And that besides them no other heirs or persons
who according to law may have a legal right of
succession or would concur with the said qualified
heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said
deceased persons.
Bardez, Mapusa, 24th December, 2014.— The
Notary Ex Officio, Arjun S. Shetye.
V. No. A-9415/2015.
Mrs. Soniya S. Halarnkar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said
Judicial Division.
16. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of
Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose
of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made
public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession
dated 31-12-2014, drawn by and before me
Mrs. Soniya S. Halarnkar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa
at page 29v to 30v of Notarial Book No. 848 of this
office the following is recorded:That on 9th June, 1994 died at Pernem, Jaganath
Shivram Prabhu Dessai, s/o late Shivram Prabhu
Dessai and thereafter died his wife Krishnabai
Jaganath Prabhu Dessai on 24th February, 2007,
both died intestate without executing any Will or
deed or any other testamentary disposition of their
estate however leaving behind them their three
daughters namely (one) Mandaquinibai Porobo
Dessai, major, married to Xivaji Naraina Sinai Dessai,
(two) Malini Jaganath Prabhu Dessai, major, married
to Umesha Chari, (three) Sunandabai Porabo Dessai,
major, married to Ranganath Ramchandra Sinai
Pednekar, as the legal heir, that the said Xivaji
Naraina Sinai Dessai, husband of Mandaquinim
Porobo Dessai died on 12th December, 1985 at
Mauswada, Pernem, Goa, leaving behind his wife
Mandaquinibai Porobo Dessai as half sharer and
his daughter Shilpa S. S. Dessai alias Shilpa Soman,
major, married to Soman T. R. as the legal heir. That
said Umesha Chari, husband of Malini Jaganath P.
Dessai died on 30th July, 1994 at GMC, Bambolim
leaving behind his wife Malini Jaganath P. Dessai
as the half sharer and his three sons namely (one)
Siddesh Umesh Chari, major, unmarried, (two)
Laxmikant Umesh Chari, major, married to Esha
Laximikant Chari, (three) Kalpesh Umesh Chari,
major, married to Krutika Kalpesh Chari, as the legal
heir. That said Roghunata Ramchandra Sinai
Pernencar alias Raghunath Ramchandra Sinai
Pednekar died on 4th December, 2012 at District
Hospital, Mapusa, without having any issue nor
having any ascended or descended, neither any
collateral heir but having behind him his only wife
said Smt. Sunandabai Porobo Dessai alias Umabai
Ragunata Sinai Pernencar as the legal heir and
beside the above legal heir there is no any other
person or persons who according to the prevailing
law may prefer or concern along with them to the
estate of late Jaganath Shivram Prabhu Dessai and
late Krishnabai Jaganath Prabhu Desssai are the
only and universal heirs of their said late parents.
15TH JANUARY, 2015
And that besides them no other heirs or persons
who according to law may have a legal right of
succession or would concur with the said qualified
heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said
deceased persons.
Bardez, Mapusa, 13th January, 2015.— The
Notary Ex Officio, Mrs. Soniya S. Halarnkar.
V. No. A-9433/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and
Notary Ex Officio of this Judicial Division of Ilhas,
Shri Tushar C. Kunkolikar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio of this Judicial
Division of Ilhas, Goa.
17. In accordance with the 1st para of Article
179 of Law No. 2049 dated 6th August, 1951 and for
the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article it is
hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of
Succession dated 05-01-2015 recorded before me in
Book No. 722 of Notarial Deeds at page 26R onwards
the following is noted:That on 16-09-2014 expires at G.M.C., Panaji-Goa, Mr. Devidas Dattaram Halankar leaving
behind his wife as moiety holder Mrs. Devyani
Devidas Halankar and universal heirs his 2 children,
1) Reshma Devidas Halankar alias Reshma
Vishwambhar Fotto, married to Vishwambhar Satu
Fotto, 2) Rohit Devidas Halankar, unmarried.
And that besides the above mentioned legal
heir there is no other heirs or person/s, who
according to law may have a better preference or
a legal right to the estate or inheritance left behind
by the said deceased person.
Panaji, 6th January, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio,
Tushar C. Kunkolikar.
V. No. A-9428/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and
Notary Ex Officio, Salcete
Shri Gouresh G. Bugde, Joint Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, in the
said Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao.
18. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of
Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose
of 2nd para of the same Article it is hereby made
public that by a Notarial Deed of Declaration of
Succession and Qualification of Heirs (Habilitacao)
dated 18-12-2014, drawn by and before me,
Shri Gouresh G. Bugde, Joint Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Salcete
at page 33 onwards of Notarial Book No. 1606 of
this office is recorded:That Aleixinho Moreira alias Aleixinho Moraes
died on nineteenth May, nineteen hundred ninety
eight at Rachol, and his wife Conceicao Vas died on
ninth March two thousand fourteen at H. No. 213,
Ilha De Rachol, both died intestate without
executing Will or any other disposition of their last
wish, but leaving behind their only son Scania
Constancio De Morgan Moraes, aged 26 years,
bachelor as their sole and universal heir” there
being no one else or any other person who could
prefer him in the Succession of his parents or concur
with him in the inheritance left by the deceased.
Margao, 1st January, 2015.— The Joint Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Shri Gouresh Gurudas
V. No. A-1164/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar,
19. Whereas Quexeva Sitarama Raul, resident of
Bhutwadi, Virnoda, Pernem-Goa, desires to change
his name from “Quexeva Sitarama Raul” to “Keshav
Sitarama Raul” under the Goa Change of Name &
Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
Any person having any objections to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Pernem, 9th January, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Nirmala R. Hunchimani.
V. No. A-9419/2015.
20. Whereas Subass Rauji Porobo, resident of
H. No. 1, Baina, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa, desires to
change his name/surname from “Subass Rauji Porobo”
to “Subhash Rauji Parab” under the Goa Change of
Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
Any person having any objections to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Pernem, 13th January, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Nirmala R. Hunchimani.
V. No. A-9436/2015.
15TH JANUARY, 2015
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar,
Valpoi, Satari-Goa
21. Shri Gunom Gopal Melecar, residing at
Dhada-Melauli, V. P. Guleli, Satari-Goa, desires to
change his name/surname from “Gunom Gopal
Melecar” to “Gunaji Gopal Melekar” under the Goa
Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of
Any person having any objections to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Valpoi-Satari, 7th January, 2015.— The Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Smt. Urmia U. Tari.
V. No. A-9405/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar,
22. Whereas Shri Xec Mamod Achad, resident of
H. No. 125, Vathadev, Sarvan, Bicholim-Goa, desires
to change his name/surname from “Xec Mamod
Achad” to “Shaikh Mohammed Ayaz”.
24. Whereas Shri Sakharam Mahadev Gawade,
resident of H. No. 268, Fanaswadi, Navelim,
Bicholim-Goa, desires to change his surname from
“Sakharam Mahadev Gawade” to “Sakharam
Mahadev Navelkar”.
Any person having objection, if any, may file the
same in this office within thirty days from the
publication of this notice as required under
Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and
Surname Act, 1990.
Bicholim, 13th January, 2015.— The Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Digambar S. Kandolkar.
V. No. A-9434/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar,
Ilhas, Panaji-Goa
25. Whereas Shri Mucund Babusso Gaudo,
resident of H. No. 552, Village Mercurim, Taluka
Tiswadi, 403 204, desires to change his name/
/surname from “Mucund Babusso Gaudo” to
“Mukund Babusso Gauns” under the Goa Change
of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
Any person having any objections to the
change may lodge the same in this office within
thirty days from the date of publishing this notice
under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name &
Surname Act, 1990 in force.
Any person having objection, if any, may file the
same in this office within thirty days from the
publication of this notice as required under
Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and
Surname Act, 1990.
Panaji, 8th January, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Tushan Kunkolikar.
Bicholim, 6th Januar y, 2015.— The Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Digambar S. Kandolkar.
26. Whereas Kum. Diya Dhaku Kasthury, resident
of H. No. 168/2, Pale, Bicholim, Goa, desires to
change her surname from “Diya Dhaku Kasthury”
to “Diya Dhaku Gavali” under the Goa Change of
Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
V. No. A-9400/2015.
23. Whereas Shri Devendra J. Parab, resident of
H. No. 134, Zaricha Wada, Usgao, Ponda-Goa, desires
to change his surname from “Devendra J. Parab” to
“Devendra J. Prabhu”.
Any person having objection, if any, may file the
same in this office within thirty days from the
publication of this notice as required under
Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and
Surname Act, 1990.
Bicholim, 5th Januar y, 2015.— The Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Digambar S. Kandolkar.
V. No. A-9403/2015.
V. No. A-9402/2015.
Any person having any objections to the
change may lodge the same in this office within
thirty days from the date of publishing this notice
under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name &
Surname Act, 1990 in force.
Panaji, 9th January, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Tushan Kunkolikar.
V. No. A-9411/2015.
27. Whereas Shri Dhactu Bhalchandra Chodankar,
resident of H. No. 17, Ecoxim, Chodanwada, P. O.
Betim, Bardez-Goa, desires to change his name from
15TH JANUARY, 2015
“Dhactu Bhalchandra Chodankar” to “Dayesh
Bhalchandra Chodankar” under the Goa Change of
Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
Any person having any objections to the
change may lodge the same in this office within
thirty days from the date of publishing this notice
under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name &
Surname Act, 1990 in force.
Therefore, any person having any objections to
the change may lodge the same in this office within
thirty days from the date of publication of this
notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of
Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force.
Ponda, 7th January, 2015.— The Civil Registrar,
Hanumant G. Dessai.
V. No. A-9440/2015.
Panaji, 9th January, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Tushan Kunkolikar.
V. No. A-9413/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar,
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar,
28. Whereas Mr. Ilar Sayer Mascarenhas, r/o
H. No. 1085, Parsol, Usgao, Ponda-Goa, desires to
change his name from “Ilar Sayer Mascarenhas” to
“Xavier Caitan Mascarenhas” under the Goa
Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of
Therefore, any person having any objections to
the change may lodge the same in this office within
thirty days from the date of publication of this
notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of
Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force.
Ponda, 8th January, 2015.— The Civil Registrar,
Hanumant G. Dessai.
V. No. A-9418/2015.
29. Whereas Shri Mahamad Chikkodi, r/o H. No.
845/E/S3, Kassailem, Usgao, Ponda-Goa, desires to
change his name/surname from “Mahamad
Chikkodi” to “Mohammed Karim Ali” under the
Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8
of 1990).
Therefore, any person having any objections to
the change may lodge the same in this office within
thirty days from the date of publication of this
notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of
Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force.
Ponda, 12th January, 2015.— The Civil Registrar,
Hanumant G. Dessai.
V. No. A-9422/2015.
30. Whereas Shri Bito Purso Naique, r/o H. No.
540, Wadi-Talaulim, Ponda-Goa, desires to change
his name/surname from “Bito Purso Naique” to
“Damodar Purso Naik” under the Goa Change of
Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
31. Whereas Shri Hari Pondori Poroba, resident of
H. No. 74, Molcopona, Quepem-Goa, desires to
change his name/surname from “Shri Hari Pondori
Poroba” to “Shri Sandip Pondori Tendulkar” under
the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990
(Act 8 of 1990).
Any person having any objection to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Dharbandora, 15th December, 2014.— The
Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Chandrakant
V. No. A-9420/2015.
32. Whereas Shri Sanjay Hadarkar, resident of
H. No. 199, Bazarwada, Collem, Dharbandora-Goa,
desires to change his surname from “Shri Sanjay
Hadarkar” to “Shri Sanjay Adarkar” under the Goa
Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of
Any person having any objection to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Dharbandora, 15th December, 2014.— The
Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Chandrakant
V. No. A-9421/2015.
33. Whereas Shri Sugar Jaganath Prabhu,
resident of H. No. 103/A, Kirlapal, Dabal,
Dharbandora-Goa, desires to change his surname
from “Shri Sugar Jaganath Prabhu” to “Shri Sugar
Jaganath Tendulkar” under the Goa Change of
Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
15TH JANUARY, 2015
Any person having any objection to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Dharbandora, 15th December, 2014.— The
Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Chandrakant
V. No. A-9430/2015.
Any person having any objection to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Mormugao, 12th January, 2015.— The Joint Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Mahesh R. Prabhu
V. No. A-9417/2015.
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar,
34. Whereas Buransab Lalasab Muslim, r/o
H. No. 321, Housing Board Colony, near Santoshi
Mata Temple, New Vaddem, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa,
desires to change his surname from “Buransab
Lalasab Muslim” to “Buransab Lalasab Shaikh”
under the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act,
1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
Any person having any objection to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Mormugao, 29th December, 2014.— The Joint
Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Mahesh R.
Prabhu Parrikar.
V. No. A-9398/2015.
35. Whereas Chandrakant Eknath Fondeker,
r/o H. No. 347, near Ganesh Temple, Bogda, Vasco-da-Gama, desires to change his name/surname from
“Chandrakant Eknath Fondeker” to “Suresh Eknath
Khavnekar” under the Goa Change of Name and
Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
Any person having any objection to the change
may lodge the same in this office within thirty days
from the date of publishing this notice under the
provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname
Act, 1990 in force.
Mormugao, 29th December, 2014.— The Joint
Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Mahesh R.
Prabhu Parrikar.
V. No. A-9399/2015.
36. Whereas Dipendra Kumar Raghav Prasad
Chowdhary, r/o H. No. 506, 5th Floor, Sathpeer Tower,
Hanuman Nagar, near Babaji Patil Chawl,
Samratnagar, Mumbai, Thane, desires to change his
name/surname from “Dipendra Kumar Raghav
Prasad Chowdhary” to “Deependra Kumar Raghav
Chourasia” under the Goa Change of Name and
Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).
Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar
& Notary Ex Officio, Salcete
37. Whereas, Pundolic Ramesh Naik, s/o Ramesh
Naik, major of age, resident of H. No. 96, near BPS
Club, Margao, Salcete-Goa, desires to change his
name from “Pundolic Ramesh Naik” to “Pranim
Ramesh Naik”.
Therefore, any person having any objection is
hereby invited to file the same in this office as per
sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the Goa Change of
Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. 8 of
1990) within thirty days from the date of publication
of this notice.
Margao, 5th January, 2015.— The Joint Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Gouresh G. Bugde.
V. No. A-1163/2015.
38. Whereas, Simao Luis, s/o Paulo Joaquim Luis,
major of age, resident of H. No. 31, Banda, Assolna,
Salcete-Goa, desires to change his name from “Simao
Luis” to “Simon Luis”.
Therefore, any person having any objection is
hereby invited to file the same in this office as per
sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the Goa Change of
Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. 8 of
1990) within thirty days from the date of publication
of this notice.
Margao, 12th January, 2015.— The Joint Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Gouresh G. Bugde.
V. No. A-1166/2015.
39. Whereas, Santosh Putu Shirodkar, s/o Putu
Shirodkar, major of age, resident of H. No. VP-1/D-3,
Virginkar Colony, Layamati, Davorlim, Salcete-Goa,
15TH JANUARY, 2015
desires to change his surname from “Santosh Putu
Shirodkar” to “Santosh Putu Naik Shirodkar”.
North : by 6.00 mtrs. wide road of the same
Therefore, any person having any objection is
hereby invited to file the same in this office as per
sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the Goa Change of
Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. 8 of
1990) within thirty days from the date of publication
of this notice.
South : by proposed road of the same sub-division.
Margao, 12th January, 2015.— The Joint Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Gouresh G. Bugde.
V. No. A-1167/2015.
40. Whereas, Heena Kausar, d/o Mohamed Gause,
major of age, resident of H. No. 55/1, 3rd Pali,
Davorlim, Dicarpale, Salcete-Goa, desires to change
her name/surname from “Heena Kausar” to “Heena
Kausar Hoskop”.
Therefore, any person having any objection is
hereby invited to file the same in this office as per
sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the Goa Change of
Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. 8 of
1990) within thirty days from the date of publication
of this notice.
Margao, 12th January, 2015.— The Joint Civil
Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Gouresh G. Bugde.
V. No. A-9439/2015.
Administration Office of the Comunidades
North Zone, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa
41. In accordance with the terms and for the
purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of
Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that
the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of
which are given below, has been applied on lease
(Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential
1. Name of the applicant: Shri Rupesh B.
Halarnakar, r/o Badem, Bardez-Goa.
2. Land named: _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 76/0,
Plot No. 22, situated at Sirsaim village of Bardez
Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of
Sirsaim, admeasuring an area of 304 square
3. Boundaries:
East : by plot No. 23 of the same sub-division;
West : by plot No. 21 of the same sub-division;
File No. 1-121-2014-ACNZ/2014.
If any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection
in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of
North Zone, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 31st December, 2014.— The Acting
Secretary, Dilip D. Morajkar.
V. No. A-9372/2014.
42. In accordance with the terms and for the
purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of
Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that
the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of
which are given below, has been applied on lease
(Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential
1. Name of the applicant: Smt. Varsha Vassudev
Pednekar, r/o Bhomwada, Tuem, Pernem-Goa.
2. Land named: _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 145/1-E,
Plot No. 239, situated at village Assagao of
Bardez Taluka and belonging to the
Comunidade of Assagao, admeasuring an area
of 255 square metres.
3. Boundaries:
East : by plot No. 238 of the same sub-division;
West : by open space;
North : by plot No. 237 of the same sub-division;
South : by 6.00 mtrs. wide road.
File No. 1-01-2015-ACNZ/2015.
If any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection
in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of
North Zone, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 6th January, 2015.— The Acting Secretary,
Dilip D. Morajkar.
V. No. A-9378/2015.
43. In accordance with the terms and for the
purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of
Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that
the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of
which are given below, has been applied on lease
(Aforamento) basis, for the purpose of access.
1. Name of the applicant: Shri Camilo X. Alvares,
Power of Attorney holder Shri Abhijit E. Naik,
r/o Khorlim, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa.
2. Land named: _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 19/17,
situated at Nachinola village of Bardez
Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade
of Nachinola, admeasuring 15.00 square
3. Boundaries:
East : by part of Comunidade land of
Sy. No. 19/17;
West : by part of Comunidade land of
Sy. No. 19/17;
North : by plot of Sy. No. 19/15;
South : by Main Mapusa-Aldona road.
File No. 3-01-2015-ACNZ/2015.
If any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection
in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of
North Zone, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 6th January, 2015.— The Acting Secretary,
Dilip D. Morajkar.
V. No. A-9394/2015.
44. In accordance with the terms and for the
purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of
Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that
the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of
which are given below, has been applied on lease
(Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential
1. Name of the applicant: Shri Bharat N.
Malgaonkar, r/o Feira Alto, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa.
2. Land named: _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 145/1-E,
Plot No. 76, situated at village Assagao of
Bardez Taluka and belonging to the
Comunidade of Assagao, admeasuring an area
of 270 square metres.
3. Boundaries:
East : by plot No. 75 of the same sub-division;
15TH JANUARY, 2015
South : by plot No. 68 of the same sub-division.
File No. 1-4-2015-ACNZ/2015.
If any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection
in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of
North Zone, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 9th January, 2015.— The Acting Secretary,
Dilip D. Morajkar.
V. No. A-9410/2015.
45. In accordance with the terms and for the
purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of
Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that
the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of
which are given below, has been applied on lease
(Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential
1. Name of the applicant: Shri Dinanath R.
Poulekar, r/o Altinho, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa.
2. Land named: _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 145/1-E,
Plot No. 61, situated at village Assagao of
Bardez Taluka and belonging to the
Comunidade of Assagao, admeasuring an area
of 289 square metres.
3. Boundaries:
East : by plot No. 60 of the same sub-division;
West : by plot No. 62 of the same sub-division;
North : by 8.00 mtrs. wide road of the same
South : by plot No. 53 of the same sub-division.
File No. 1-03-2015-ACNZ/2015.
If any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection
in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of
North Zone, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 6th January, 2015.— The Acting Secretary,
Dilip D. Morajkar.
V. No. A-9412/2015.
Office of the Administrator of Comunidades of
South Zone, Margao
West : by plot No. 77 of the same sub-division;
No. ACSZ/51/Quelossim/2014-15/684
North : by 8.00 mtrs. wide road of the same
46. In accordance with the terms and for the
purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of
15TH JANUARY, 2015
Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that
the below mentioned uncultivated and unused plot
of land has been applied for construction of
godowns for storage & distribution of food grains
pertaining to public distribution system in State,
details of which are given below:1. Name of the Applicant: Area Manager, Food
Corporation of India, Area Office, Griha Nirman
Bhawan, Journalist Colony, Alto Porvorim, Goa.
2. Land Named: Survey No. 73/0, Quelossim
Village, Mormugao Taluka.
3. Boundaries:
North : by remaining part of Survey No. 73/0;
South : by remaining part of Survey No. 73/0;
East : by remaining part of Survey No. 73/0;
West : by remaining part of Survey No. 73/0.
4. File No.: ACSZ/2/2015.
5. Proposed Area: 50,000 sq. mts.
6. Purpose: For construction of godowns for
storage & distribution of food grains pertaining
to public distribution system in State.
If any person has any objection against the
proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of South Zone, Margao, within 30 days from
the date of second publication of this notice in the
Official Gazette.
Margao, 13th January, 2015.— The Secretary/
/Head Clerk, Administration of Comunidade, Smt.
Remedia Rebello.
V. No. A-9442/2015.
No. ACSZ/1/91/Dividend/2014-15/682
47. In pursuance of Article 489 of the Code of Comunidades in force, this notice is hereby published
informing that the below mentioned days have been fixed for payment of proceeds of Zonn, dividends and
past credits if any of the below mentioned Comunidade of South Zone, relating to the year 2014-2015 from
10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. at the counter of treasury of each Comunidade as under:
Names of
Name of
Dates fixed for payments of
proceeds of Zonn, dividends
and past credits (if any)
Proceeds of Zonn or dividend to
which each Zonnkar & share
holder is entitled
8th, 9th & 10th February, 2015
Rs. 290/- per Share, Rs. 302/- per Jono
Given under the seal of this office.
Margao, 13th January, 2015.— The Administrator, Vishant S. Naik Gaunekar.
V. No. A-1168/2015.
48. The members of the Comunidade of Savoi-Verem are hereby informed that General Body of
the communidade will be held on 08-02-2015 at
10.30 a.m. at the premises of Shree Santeri
Devasthan, Verem, Ponda-Goa to transact business
as specified in the agenda herein below. All the
members are cordially invited to attend the same.
1) To elect Chairman for the meeting.
2) Reading out presidential report.
3) Confirmation of the minutes of the managing
committee meetings held by new committee
from the date of election till the date of holding
of general body meeting.
4) Approval of audited accounts for the
accounting year ending 31-03-2011,
31-03-2012, 31-03-2013 and 31-03-2014.
5) Approval of revise budget for accounting year
6) Listing of court cases if any pending in courts,
their present status and future course of action
to be taken by managing committee.
15TH JANUARY, 2015
7) Filing of appeal in court in respect of
communidade land being encroached and or
being owned by misrepresentation of fact and
to file reply to the notice received from court.
8) Approval for contribution of fund by
communidade components to meet legal
expenses of courts matters if any pending in
the court/s, filing of appeal’s, reply to court
notice/s, land survey for fixing boundaries and
to verify new encroachment after considering
existing fund available with the communidade.
49. The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby
convened in an Extraordinary form at its usual
place of meeting i.e. Shree Navadurga Temple,
Borim on Sunday, 1st February, 2015 at 10.30 a.m.
in order to discuss/deliberate upon the following
An application received from International
Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON,
Goa), dated 7-2-2014 requesting to grant No
Objection Certificate for construction of
access road leading to Survey No. 156/-.
9) Approval of land application for land
admeasuring 100000m2 approximate by Forum
for Integrated National Security with office at
30/1 Parekh Mahal, L J Road, Mahim, Mumbai
with functioning branch at Goa.
Borim, 7th January, 2015.— The Registrar, Anil
A. Salgaonkar.
V. No. A-9408/2015.
10) Approval of land application for land
admeasuring 20000m2 approximate by Goa
Bagayatdar Sahakari Kharedi Vikri Saunstha
Maryadit, Ponda-Goa for their market yard.
50. An Extraordinary General Body Meeting of
the Gaonkars and Shareholders of the Comunidade
of Assagao will be held on 1st February, 2015 at
10.00 a.m. at the usual meeting place.
11) Approval of land application for land
admeasuring 1000m2 approximate by Shri
Shantadurga Association Savoi-Verem for
construction of cemetery.
12) Land Survey for fixing boundaries and
verification of land encroachment.
13) Reversal of payment provision in the books of
account up to 31-03-2010 for lack of proper
clarity in amount shown in respect of income
and expenditure shown in previous years.
14) Any other subject with the premission of Chair.
Note: 1) In case there is no quorum, the meeting
will be adjourned by half an hour and the
adjourned meeting will be conducted at
the same place and date at 11.00 a.m. to
transact the business on the agenda.
2) All the members as admitted in the office
of communidade and as per list furnished
by their office shall be entitled to take
part in the proceedings and voting.
3) If any suggestions are to be made, the
same can be sent in writing on or before
To discuss the project on Survey No. 145/1-E.
To discuss feasibility of a project on Survey
No. 67/1.
All members are requested to attend.
Assagao, 12th January, 2015.— The President,
Edric D’Souza.
V. No. A-9424/2015.
51. The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby
convened for an Extraordinary General Body
Meeting on 1st February, 2015 at 10.30 a.m. and in
the office of Dumacem Comunidade Shree Satteri
Devasthan at Dumacem after the publication of
this notice in the Official Gazette to decide on the
following agenda:
To discuss and decide on the Survey No. 33
of Dumacem Comunidade.
Any other matter with the permission of
Hence all the Gaunkars/Components of above
Comunidade are hereby requested to be present
on above date, time and place for above purpose.
Savoi-Verem, Ponda, 5th January, 2015.— The
President, Hemant Kathane.
Dumacem, Bicholim, 12th January, 2015.— The
Clerk/Registrar, Manuja S. Parsekar.
V. No. A-9407/2015.
V. No. A-9441/2015.
15TH JANUARY, 2015
Office of the Mamlatdar of Satari Taluka,
52. I, Shri Dasharath N. Gawas, Mamlatdar of
Satari Taluka, Valpoi-Goa in pursuance of Article 3
of the Legislative Diploma No. 349 dated 8-11-1928
call upon the heirs of Shri Babani Saunlo Gaudo,
r/o Dhatwada, Advoi, Vantem, Satari-Goa, assignee
of the Government land known as “Sacoili Dhat”
situated at Vantem Village under Survey No. 85/1
granted to late Shri Saunlo Sebastiao Gaudo by
Alvara No. 1655 dated 23-07-1964. The above
mentioned along with their heirs are hereby
notified to appear in this office on 09-03-2015 at
11.30 a.m. in order to choose in a meeting one of the
heirs for the bestowal of the land applied by Shri
Rohidas Babani Gaude, r/o Sacoili Dhat, Vantem,
Satari-Goa and other one in the above Alvara.
To make it known to all concerned parties this
notice is published and copies thereafter will be
affixed at the usual places as required by law.
Valpoi, Satari, 7th January, 2015.— The Mamlatdar, Dasharath N. Gawas.
V. No. A-9416/2015.
Jh efYydktZ q u ns o ky;
53- Jh efYydktqZu nsoky;] JhLFkG] dk.kdks.k&xksok ;k
nsoky;kP;k egktukaph fu;ehr lHkk jfookj fn- 25&01&2015 j¨th
fBd 10-30 oktrk nsoky;kP;k ufou lHkkx`gkr ?ks.;kr ;sbZy- rjh
loZ egktukuh lnj lHksl gtj jkgwu dkedkt ikj ikM.;kdfjrk lgdk;Z
djkos gh fouarhfo"k;%
1- ekxhy lHksps brho`Ùk okpwu dk;e dj.ks2- nsoky;kP;k o"kZ 2015&2016 P;k vankti=dkps okpu d:u
R;kl ekU;rk ns.ks3- nsoky;kP;k ekydhP;k tehuhrhy csdk;ns’khji.ks vfrdze.k
o dksVkZrhy [kVY;kps dke ikg.;klkBh [kkl (Special)
eq[kR;kjkph fuoM dj.ks4- v/;{kkP;k ijokuxhus ;s.kkjs vU; fo"k;JhLFkG] pkoMh] dk.kdks . k] 11 tkus o kjh] 2015-&
lfpo] ’kkarkth jk- uk- xkaodjV. No. A-9429/2015.
Jh lkrs j h Xkz k ens o h ns o ky;
‘’ksYMs]a dsias
egktu lÒsph uksVhl
54- nsoLFkkuP;k egktukaph lk/kkj.k lHkk jfookj] fnukad 25
tkusokjh] 2015 jksth nqikjh rhu oktrka lHksP;k fuR;kP;k fBdk.kh
cksykfo.;kr ;sr vkgs- rjh loZ egktukuh lHksyk osGos j mifLFkr jgkos
gh fouarhlÒs i q < hy fo"k;
1- ekxhy lHkspk bfro`rkar okpwu dk;e dj.ks2- 2015&2016 lkyP;k vankti=dkyk egktukaph laerh
feGfo.ks3- f’kfcdksRlo 20154- Jh jekdkar ’kaHkw xkaol nslkbZ ákuk /kkeMokMÓkkoj nsoky;kph
losZ dz- 40@16 e/;sa tkxk dk;e Lo#ikP;k djkjkoj ns.;kP;k
fo"k;koj varhe fu.kZ; ?ks.ks5- v/;{kkaP;k ijokuxhus ;s.kkjs vU; fo"k;fo- lw-% x.kiwrhZ vHkkoh lÒk rgdwc >kY;kl lnj lHkk ojhy
fBdk.kh v/;kZ rklkus lq# dj.;kr ;sbZy‘’ksYMsa] dsisa] 13 tkusokjh] 2015-& lfpo] ’kaHkw ckGlks xkaol
nslkbZV. No. A-9435/2015.
Private Advertisement
Specimen Affidavit for change
in name
55. By this deed I, the undersigned Sanjana
Shrinath Naik (New name) previously called
Nayanatara Naik (Old name), doing service and
presently working in Bank of Baroda and resident
of H. No. 61/D, Castel waddo, Nagoa, Salcete, Goa,
solemnly declare:
1. That for and on behalf of myself and my
husband and remitter issue wholly renounce/
relinquish and abandon the use of my former
name/surname of Nayanatara Naik and in
place thereof I do hereby assume from this
date the name/surname Sanjana Shrinath Naik
and so that I and my husband and remitter
issue may hereafter be called, known and
distinguished not by my former name/surname,
but assumed name/surname of Sanjana
Shrinath Naik.
15TH JANUARY, 2015
2. That for the purpose of evidencing such my
determination declare that I shall at all times
hereafter in all records, deeds and writings
and in all proceedings, dealings and
transactions, private as well as upon all
occasions whatsoever use and sign the name
of Sanjana Shrinath Naik as my name/surname
in place and in substitution of my former
5. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed
my former and adopted name/surname of
Sanjana Shrinath Naik and affix my signature
and seal, if any, this 12th day of January, 2015.
3. That I expressly authorize and request all
persons in general and relatives and friends
in particular, at all hereafter to designate and
address me, my husband, remitter issue by
such assumed name/surname of Sanjana
Shrinath Naik accordingly.
4. This affidavit is sworn by me to be produce to
the Bank Manager of Baroda, Betalbatim,
Salcete to obtain No Objection Certificate for
availing new Passport.
Adv. Ajay G. N. Dessai,
V. No. A-9425/2015.
Published and Printed by the Director, Printing & Stationery,
Government Printing Press,
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Panaji-Goa 403 001.
Price–Rs. 18.00