Judgement cum Complianced Report as on Dated 21-Jan-15 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 1 Title CWP 10056/14 Narender Kumar HR(G-II) & Ors. v/s State & Ors. 21-01-2015 Subject Reg.Promotion to the post of Headmsster High School from the post of Elementary Headmaster Judgement Date 22-05-2014 Judgement In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Financial Commissioner-cum- Principal Secretary, D e p a r t m e n t o f Education,Haryana-respondent No.1 to consider and decide the representations (Annexures P-3 to P-7) within a period of three months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted, then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. Received Date 16-06-2014 Compliance Date 15-09-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks Copy of the representation not attached with court orders. Representation has been called from the petitioner Page 1 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 2 Title CWP 11464/14 Hari Singh Rathi PEN-I & Ors. v/s State & Ors. 21-01-2015 Subject Reg.Re-consolidate pension and family pension of the petitioners by allowing 40% fitment weightage on existing pension/family pension Judgement Date 30-05-2014 Judgement Counsel for the petitioner states that the petitioners will be satisfied if it is ordered that Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Education Department, Haryana shall consider this writ petition as representation and decide the same in terms of ratio of judgment passed by a Division Bench of this Court in Debi Singh Deswal and ors. v. State of Haryana, CWP No.15479 of 2012, decided on 17.02.2014. The officer concerned is directed to treat this writ petition as representation and decide the same in terms of the order passed in Debi Singh Deswal's case (supra) and R.K. Aggarwal and others v. State of Haryana and others in Civil Writ Petition No. 19641 of 2009, decided on 21.12.2012. Needful shall be done as per law within a period of two months from the date of receipt of copy of this order as well as writ petition. Disposed of accordingly Received Date 21-07-2014 Compliance Date 20-09-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks This CWP decided in the terms of CWP No.15479/12 titled as Debi Singh Vs.State. Necessary Documents for filing SLP in Debi Singh's case has been submitted in the Legal Cell, Haryana Page 2 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 3 CWP 11605/14 Umed Singh & PEN-I Ors. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Release Pension and other consequential benefits like arrear etc. by granting 40% fitment weightage on existing pension/family pension by merging 50% of D.A 4 CWP 11626/14 Anil Kumar HR(L) Gupta v/s State of Haryana & Ors. Reg.Promote the petitioner asf Lecturer in Math from the date his junior promoted 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date 30-05-2014 In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Director General of School Education, Haryana, Shiksha Sadan, Panchkula and Director Elementary E d u c a t i o n , H a r y a n a , Panchkula-respondent Nos.2 and 3 to consider and decide the legal notice dated 19.03.2014 (Annexure P-5) within a period of three months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is accepted, the consequential benefits, if any, be released to them, in accordance with law, within a further period of one month. In case the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted, then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. 01-08-2014 30-05-2014 In the light of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioner, in case the petitioner files a detailed representation to the Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government of Haryana, Department of Education-respondent No.1 and the Commissioner-cum-Director General School Education, Haryana-respondent No.2 within a period of three weeks from today, the same shall be considered and decided by these respondents within a period of two months of submission of such representation. Decision so taken be conveyed to the petitioner forthwith. Petition stands disposed of accordingly. 18-06-2014 Compliance Date 30-11-2014 Compliance By Remarks Directorate This CWP decided in the terms of CWP No.15479/12 titled as Debi Singh Vs.State. Necessary Documents for filing SLP in Debi Singh's case has been submitted in the Legal Cell, Haryana Directorate Draft of speaking order sent to Legal Cell for vetting Page 3 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title 5 CWP 1169/08 PEN-I 6 CWP 11869/00 Girwar Singh HR(AS) v/s State & Ors. 21-01-2015 Baljeet Kaur v/s State & Ors. Subject Reg.Exgratia Appointment Quashing of termination order passed by Management Judgement Date Judgement 18-08-2008 In the circumstances, we dispose of these writ petitions and direct the respondents to consider the claim of the petitioner(s) afresh in the light of instructions/rules/applicable at the time of death of the Govt.Employee 19-07-2013 The petitioner is entitled to give his salary particulars from the date of his termination of service till the age of superannuation and send a communication through a registered post making a demand for the amount which is due and payable with a copy mark to the State functionary as well. On such receipt, the respondent-Management shall pay the amount after satisfying itself about the correctness of the minimum scale applicable. The amounts shall be released with interest at 9% from the respective date when they fell due till the date of payment. The State shall also ensure that the amount is duly released within the period as stipulated and secure compliance report from the school. The State shall also be at liberty to take appropriate action for the misappropriation of funds that is clearly evident from the facts disclosed in this writ petition. It shall also be ensured that if the amounts are not paid, appropriate action as provided under the Act for non-compliance of direction of statutory breach is taken against the management. 7. Both the writ petitions are ordered as above. Received Date 23-08-2013 Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks Directorate SLPfiled in the Hon'ble Apex Court and contempt has been dismissed on 18.08.09. (Asstt.I). Issue notice on application seeking condonation of delay as well as in the Special Leave Petition In the meantime, operation of the impugned judgment shall remain stayed. Directorate The full payment of salary of the petitioner is to be made by the management. No action regarding the payment is required to be taken by the department. Page 4 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 7 Title CWP 12151/11 Saraswati Vidya HR(PS) Mandir Sr.Sec.School Siha v/s State & Ors. Subject Reg.Permanent Recognition Judgement Date 18-10-2012 Judgement For orders, see Civil Writ Petition No.10273 of 2010 (Modern Hind Senior Secondary School, village Khori Lalan, Tauru, District Mewat Vs. State of Haryana and others, decided on October 18,2012. ORDER OF CWP NO.10273 OF 2010 The students, who have been admitted without any fault on their part, cannot be made to suffer for this illegal action of the petitioner schools. Accordingly, their result which has been declared is ordered to be regularised but this is no reason to permit the petitioner schools to escape responsibility for this action which is required to be curbed so as to avoid its reoccurrence in future by any Institution. The case, thus, is made out to burden the petitioners-Institutions with costs of `6,000/- per students admitted by petitioner -institutions in those classes for which the petitioner-institutions did not have recognition or affiliation from the competent authority as is required by the statute. Half of the cost imposed shall be deposited in the accounts of Legal Services Authority, Haryana and the remaining half shall be deposited in the Medication and Conciliation Cell functioning in this Court. The writ petitions otherwise are disposed of with the above directions.The copy of the order be sent to the Director, School Education, Haryana, for ensuring compliance of the order. The copy be also forwarded to the Advocate General, Haryana to ensure that the orders are properly complied with and implemented to recover the costs/damages and these are deposited in the appropriate 21-01-2015 Received Date 29-11-2012 Compliance Date Compliance By Directorate Remarks .7/14-2011 PS(2). Sh.Jaiveer Singh Dhanda Dy.Director vide order No.7/14-2011 PS (3) dt. 20.06.14 has been appointed as Inquiry Officer to calculate the amount which is to be recovered from the schools on the basis of students admitted without recognition. The report is still awaited Page 5 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks head as directed above. 8 CWP 13157/14 Neena Budhwar HR(G-I) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Ante-dated Promotion for the post of Principal w.e.f. 20.07.07 9 CWP 13535/14 Rohtash HR(G-I) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Action against BEO Siwani due to misconduct and misusing the power 21-01-2015 10-07-2014 In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioner and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Education Department-respondent No.1 to consider and decide the representation dated 20.02.2014 (Annexure P-7) within a period of three months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order by passing a speaking order. The decision so taken be conveyed to the petitioner forthwith. 21-07-2014 20-10-2014 Directorate The matter is kept pending due to not fixation of seniority of Lecturers. But now the file put up to Higher Authority for given ante-dated promotion benefit 16-07-2014 Having heard the learned counsel for the petitioner and without expressing any opinion on the merits of the case, including the issue of limitation, if any, the Director General Secondary Education, Haryana-respondent No.2 is directed to look into the matter, consider the grievance of the petitioner, raised vide his legal notice dated 18.4.2012 (Annexure P-5) and decide the same, at an early date by passing an appropriate order thereon, in accordance with law, but in any case within a period of two months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. With the observations made above, the present petition stands disposed of. 28-07-2014 27-09-2014 Directorate Action to be taken by DEO Bhiwani. Letter issued on 21.10.14 and HRG-I branch has asked to initiate action against the BEO Siwani Page 6 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 10 CWP 14179/14 Smt.Santosh HR(ME) Kumari & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Revise the seniority list of the employees 11 CWP 14201/11 Ghasi Ram HR(G-I) v/s State & ORs. Reg.Selection/Appo intment as Principal 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 23-07-2014 In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merit of the case of commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Director, Secondary Education, Haryana-respondent No.2 to consider and decide the legal notice dated 23.02.2014 (Annexure P-6) within a period of five months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. 22-08-2014 21-01-2015 Directorate Tentative seniority list has been issued and objections invited. Matter is under process 12-02-2014 That being the position, the impugned order dated 06.07.2011 (Annexure P-10) cannot sustain and is hereby set aside. Direction is issued to the respondent to appoint the petitioner to the post of Principal with effect from the date persons lower in merit than the petitioner have been issued the appointment. He shall also be entitled to all the consequential benefits including the arrears etc. In the light of the fact that the petitioner is serving as a Lecturer (Language Teacher), the difference in pay shall be adjusted by the respondent before making payment of the arrears. The needful be done within a period of two months from the date of receipt of certified copy of the order. The writ petition stands allowed. 01-04-2014 30-06-2014 Directorate A.G has opined that matter is fit for filing SLP. File put up to W.PSSE for decision/order for filing SLP. W.PSSE desired to know the grounds of SLP. Page 7 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 12 CWP 14311/14 Sahi Ram & Ors. HR(G-I) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Granting the date of promotions w.e.f. 20.07.07 to the posts of Principal w.e.f. which their juniors were granted promotions and further for granting the benefit of notional fixation of their pay 13 CWP 14378/14 Lajwanti & Ors. PEN-I v/s State & Ors. Reg.Reconsolidate pension and family pension of the petitioners by allowing 40% fitment weightage on existing pension/family pension as per the definition of existing pension 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 23-07-2014 In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, School Education Department-respondent No.1 to consider and decide the representation dated 13.03.2014 (Annexure P-4) within a period of four months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is accepted, the consequential benefits, if any, be released to them, in accordance with law, within a further period of one month. In case the claim of the petitioner is not to be accepted, then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioner forthwith. 22-08-2014 21-12-2014 Directorate The matter is kept pending due to not fixation of seniority of Lecturers. But now the file put up to Higher Authority for given ante-dated promotion benefit 24-07-2014 In view of above, this writ petition is disposed of by issuing directions to respondent No.1-Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Education Department, Haryana Civil Secretariat at Chandigarh to look into grievance of the petitioners and take a decision in terms of the ratio of the judgments, as mentioned above. Needful shall be done within two months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. 03-09-2014 02-11-2014 Directorate This CWP decided in the terms of CWP No.15479/12 titled as Debi Singh Vs.State. Necessary Documents for filing SLP in Debi Singh's case has been submitted in the Legal Cell, Haryana Page 8 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 14 CWP 14395/14 Krishan Lal HR(ME) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Regularization of Service 15 CWP 1445/13 HR(PS) Reg.Declare the result of Ist Semester of Class 10th and 10+2 21-01-2015 Ravinder Singh & Ors. v/s Board of School Education Haryana Bhiwani & Ors. Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 24-07-2014 Having heard the learned counsel for the petitioner and without expressing any opinion on the merits of the case, including the issue of limitation, if any, the Director, Secondary Education, Haryana-respondent No.2 is directed to look into the matter, consider the grievance of the petitioner, raised vide his legal notice dated 15.6.2014 (Annexure P-3) and decide the same, at an early date by passing an appropriate order thereon, in accordance with law, but in any case within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. With the observations made above, the present petition stands disposed of. 22-08-2014 21-11-2014 Directorate Action to be taken by DEO Panipat. Letter issued on 17.10.14 and 12.11.14 for compliance. Reminder also issued on 02.12.14. 11-02-2013 In this view of the matter (1) Director, Secondary Education, Haryana, (2) Secretary, Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani, (3) District Education Officer, Palwal, (4) Deputy Commissioner, Palwal and (5) the Superintendent of Police, Palwal, are directed to conduct an inquiry into this case and ensure that an appropriate action is taken against respondent no.3, without any further loss of time, taking the matter to its logical end, in accordance with law. An action taken report shall be submitted before this court by the Director, Secondary Education, Haryana, Panchkula, within a period of three months. With the observations made above, the present petition stands disposed of. 13-03-2013 12-06-2013 Directorate The D.E.O Palwal has been directed to submit the report regarding the action taken by the D.C and S.P against the school. Page 9 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 16 Title CWP 14671/14 Ram Niwas HR(L) Yadav v/s State & Ors. 21-01-2015 Subject Reg.Consider for the post of PGT Mathematics Judgement Date 08-09-2014 Judgement Without making any observation on merits and without even going into the correctness of the averments made in petition, I deem it appropriate to dispose of the same in terms of granting liberty to the petitioner to file a representation as regards his grievance and claim. In the eventuality of any such representation being preferred, respondent No. 2 would be obligated to consider the same and to take a final decision thereupon within a period of six weeks from the date of submission of the representation. Petition disposed of. Received Date 30-09-2014 Compliance Date 11-11-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks The petitioner is eligible for appointment as PGT Mathematics but he was absent in counseling. Now the Council of Ministers in its meeting held on 25.11.14 has taken decision to conduct a departmental inquiry into the complaints/pending cases of recommendations relating to the appointment of PGTs and to give appointment to them if found eligible with the approval of Education Minister. The matter has been submitted for approval of Competent Authority to inform him accordingly. Page 10 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject Judgement Date Judgement Received Date 17 CWP 14680/14 Pankaj Devi HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Consider for the post of PGT Hindi 08-09-2014 Without making any observation on merits and without even going into the correctness of the averments made in petition, I deem it appropriate to dispose of the same in terms of granting liberty to the petitioner to file a representation as regards her grievance and claim. In the eventuality of any such representation being preferred, respondent No. 2 would be obligated to consider the same and to take a final decision thereupon within a period of six weeks from the date of submission of the representation. Petition disposed of. 30-09-2014 18 CWP 15479/12 Debi Singh & PEN-I Ors. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Pensionary Benefits 17-02-2014 At the time of the arguments, it was conceded by both the parties that the issues involved in the case is squarely covered by ratio of judgment passed by Division Bench of this Court in R.K.Aggarwal and others v. State of Haryana and others in Civil Writ Petition No.19641of 2009, decided on 21.12.2012. In this view of the matter, we dispose of all the writ petitions in terms of the order passed in R.K. Aggarwal's case supra. The order passed be implemented qua the petitioners, who retired before 01.01.2006 and also qua others who are similarly situated but have not filed petitions so as to avoid unnecessary litigation. 17-02-2014 21-01-2015 Compliance Date 11-11-2014 Compliance By Remarks Directorate The petitioner is eligible for appointment as PGT Mathematics but he was absent in counseling. Now the Council of Ministers in its meeting held on 25.11.14 has taken decision to conduct a departmental inquiry into the complaints/pending cases of recommendations relating to the appointment of PGTs and to give appointment to them if found eligible with the approval of Education Minister. The matter has been submitted for approval of Competent Authority to inform her accordingly. Directorate Necessary Documents for filing SLP in Debi Singh's case has been submitted in the Liegal Cell, Haryana Page 11 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 19 CWP 15854/14 Smt.Saroj HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Transfer 20 CWP 15920/12 Shiv Kumar PEN-I Sharma & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Family Pension Judgement Date 11-08-2014 17-02-2014 Judgement The petitioner states that the will be satisfied if her representation is considered against the transfer, which is now being made. There shall be direction for consideration of the representation within a period of fourteen weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of the order. The writ petition stands disposed of. For orders see detailed reasons in CWP No.15479 of 2012 titled as Debi Singh Deswal and ors. v. State of Haryana and ors. decided on even date. 15479 of 2012 ORDERS At the time of the arguments, it was conceded by both the parties that the issues involved in the case is squarely covered by ratio of judgment passed by Division Bench of this Court in R.K. Aggarwal and others v. State of Haryana and others in Civil Writ Petition No.19641of 2009, decided on 21.12.2012. In this view of the matter, we dispose of all the writ petitions in terms of the order passed in R.K. Aggarwal's case supra. The order passed be implemented qua the petitioners, who retired before 01.01.2006 and also qua others who are similarly situated but have not filed petitions so as to avoid unnecessary litigation. 21-01-2015 Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 22-08-2014 10-11-2014 Directorate Representation invited from the petitioner 13-05-2014 12-07-2014 Directorate This CWP decided in the terms of CWP No.15479/12 titled as Debi Singh Vs.State. Necessary Documents for filing SLP in Debi Singh's case has been submitted in the Legal Cell, Haryana Page 12 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 21 CWP 1618/14 HR(G-I) 21-01-2015 Title Satya Pal Sharma & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Subject Reg.Promotion for the post of Principal Judgement Date 29-01-2014 Judgement In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioner and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to Director, Secondary Education Department, Haryana-respondent No.2 to consider and decide the legal notice dated 16.10.2013 (Annexure P-5) within a period of five months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted, then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. Received Date 26-02-2014 Compliance Date 25-07-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks The petitioner is claiming ante-dated promotion as Principal and Headmaster. The claim of the petitioner first for promotion of as Headmaster is pending in HRG-II Branch Page 13 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 22 Title CWP 16458/09 Brahm Parkash Coordination v/s State & Ors. Subject To appoint as Principal to Vocational Lecturer Judgement Date 17-11-2014 Judgement Counsel for the parties are ad idem that similar claim had been raised in CWP No.6345 of 2009 titled as Smt. Sunita Tandon & others Vs. State of Haryana & others and which was disposed of by a coordinate Bench of this Court vide order dated 07.09.2009. Counsel for the parties are further in agreement that the instant writ petition be also disposed of in the light of order dated 07.09.2009 passed in Smt. Sunita Tandon's case (supra). In the light of such consensus having been arrived at and without making any observations as regards the merits of the case, the instant writ petition is disposed of in the light of order dated 07.09.2009 passed in CWP No.6345 of 2009. All pending applications also stand disposed of. Received Date 16-12-2014 Compliance Date 15-04-2015 Compliance By Remarks Directorate ORDER OF CWP NO.6345 OF 2009 The counsel submits that he would not have objection, in case, the writ petition is disposed of with the direction to consider the petitioners in the light of this stand taken in the reply. Mr.Rathee does not object to this prayer. Accordingly, the present writ petition is disposed of to consider the claim of the petitioner in the light of the stand noted above. Let the needful be done with a period of 4 months from the date of receipt of copy of this order. 21-01-2015 Page 14 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 23 CWP 16589/14 Bhagwan Dass & HR(G-II) Ors. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Restore Rs. 18.00 and Rs.21.75 p.m which had been deducted from salary and refund the said amount upto date and revise their salary alongwith consequential benefits of pensionary benefits. 24 CWP 17153/13 Asha Malhotra HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Count Adhoc Service for the purpose of ACP and seniority 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date 20-08-2014 In the light of the submissions made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merits of the case or commenting thereon, the present petition is disposed of with directions to the Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Department of Education, Haryana respondent No. 1 to consider and decide the legal notice dated 07.03.2014 (Annexure P-14) served by the petitioners within a period of two months' from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is accepted, the consequential benefits, if any, be released to them, in accordance with law, within a period of one month. In case the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted, a well-reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to them forthwith. 03-09-2014 07-08-2013 Consequently, this petition is disposed of with a direction to the respondent-Commissioner to consider and decide the representation within 30 days from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. Needless to say that the respondent-Commissioner would pass a reasoned order, after affording opportunity of hearing to the petitioner and will deal with the contentions raised in the representation together with the contentions raised in this writ petition which may be treated as supplementary representation. In case the claim of the petitioner is found justified, the monetary benefits and all other consequential benefits be granted to the petitioner within 30 days thereafter. 30-08-2013 Compliance Date 02-11-2014 Compliance By Remarks Directorate File has been put up to W.PSSE for hearing Directorate File is being re-submitted to W.PSSE for hearing Page 15 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject Judgement Date Judgement Received Date 25 CWP 17574/11 Ved Pal Singh HR(G-I) v/s State & Ors Reg.Promotion for the Post of Principal 02-04-2014 Direction is issued to the Secretary to Government of Haryana, Department of Education, Haryana-respondent No.1 to finalise the seniority of deceased Ved Pal Singh as Principal within a period of two months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order and thereafter to consider his claim for promotion as Block Education Officer/Deputy Education Officer or District Elementary Education Officer within a further period of two months. In case the claim of deceased Ved Pal Singh is accepted, the consequential benefits be released to the petitioners within a further period of one month. 17-04-2014 26 CWP 17734/07 Vikram Singh PEN-I v/s State & Ors. Reg.Ex-gratia Appointment 22-08-2008 We dispose of these writ petitions and direct the respondents to consider the claim of the petitioner(s) afresh in the light of Instructions/Rules applicable at the time of death of the government employee". 21-10-2008 27 CWP 18266/14 Kaushalya Devi HR(L) @ Suman Lata v/s State & Ors. Reg.Correction in Date of Birth 04-09-2014 Accordingly, the present writ petition is disposed of with a direction to respondent No. 2 to consider the claim of the petitioner in the light of legal notice dated 28.10.2013 (Annexure P-4) and to take necessary action thereupon strictly in accordance with law within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. Disposed of. 01-10-2014 21-01-2015 Compliance Date 16-06-2014 28-02-2015 Compliance By Remarks Directorate The petitioner has been promoted as Principal. His further promotion matter is under consideration due to non-fixation of seniority of Principal Directorate SLP filed in Hon'ble Apex Court (Asstt.I) Directorate Page 16 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 28 CWP 18294/14 Shree Krishan PEN-I Shastri & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Granting 40% fitment weightage on existing pension/family pension by merging 50% of D.A in their basic pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.06 29 CWP 18303/14 Satpal Garg HR(ME) v/s State & Ors Reg.Promotion for the post of Dy.Supdt. 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 04-09-2014 In the light of the facts noticed here-in-above, I deem it appropriate to dispose of the present writ petition with a direction to respondent-authorities/competent authority to consider the claim of the petitioners and to take a final decision on the Justice Demand Notice dated 02.06.2014 (Annexure P-5) strictly in accordance with law and in the light of judgment rendered by this Court in Debi Singh Deswal's case (supra) and by passing a speaking order within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. Suffice it to observe that in case the claim of the petitioners is upheld and found to be covered under the judgment of Debi Singh Deswal's case, the requisite financial benefits be released to them without any further delay. 18-09-2014 17-01-2015 Directorate This CWP decided in the terms of CWP No.15479/12 titled as Debi Singh Vs.State. Necessary Documents for filing SLP in Debi Singh's case has been submitted in the Legal Cell, Haryana 05-09-2014 Without making any observations on the merits of the case, the instant writ petition is disposed of with a direction to respondent no.2 to deal with the objections that have been submitted by the petitioner in response to memo dated 11.4.2014 at Annexure P-3 as also a legal notice dated 1.6.2014 (Annexure P-4) i.e. stated to have been already served and to take a final decision as regards the seniority position of the petitioner, within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. Petition disposed of. 07-10-2014 06-02-2015 Directorate Tentative seniority list has been issued and objections invited. Matter is under process Page 17 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 30 Title CWP 18928/14 Ms.Anjana Man HR(L) & Ors. v/s State of Haryana & Ors. 21-01-2015 Subject Reg.Consider for the post of PGT English Judgement Date 11-09-2014 Judgement Accordingly, the present writ petition is disposed of with a direction to respondent no.2 to take a final view in the matter and to pass a speaking order as regards candidature of the petitioners for the post of P.G.T in the concerned subject(s) expeditiously and in any case within a period of six weeks from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. Petition disposed of. Received Date 26-09-2014 Compliance Date 08-11-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks The petitioner is claiming relaxation of upper age on account of registration of her name with Employment Exchange. However, the claim is not tenable but she has having teaching experience and the same can be considered for giving relaxation in upper age. Accordingly, school concerned was called for to show the genuineness of experience but now the Council of Ministers in its meeting held on 25.11.14 has taken decision to conduct a departmental inquiry into the complaints/pending cases of recommendations relating to the appointment of PGTs and to give appointment to them if found eligible with the approval of Education Minister. The matter has been submitted for approval of Competent Authority to inform her accordingly. Page 18 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 31 CWP 18955/14 Satvir Singh HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Grant of 3rd ACP 32 CWP 1910/13 PEN-I Reg.Ante Dated Regularization w.e.f.08.05.03 instead of 27.01.99/01.02.99 21-01-2015 Ram Kanwar v/s State & Ors. Judgement Date Judgement Received Date 17-10-2014 In the light of the facts noticed herein above and without making any observations on merits, the instant petition is disposed of with a direction to respondent no.2 to consider the claim of the petitioner and decide the representation dated 14.7.2014 (Annexure P-2) served by the petitioner, strictly in accordance with law and by passing a speaking order, within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. Petition disposed of. 07-11-2014 07-07-2014 In case any other claim which the petitioner is entitled to, as per him, he can make a representation to the said effect to the Competent Authority who shall, on consideration thereof, pass a speaking order within a period of one month from the submission of the application. In case such a request is accepted, the consequential benefits be released to the petitioner, in accordance with law, within a further period of one month. Disposed of accordingly. 28-07-2014 Compliance Date 06-03-2015 Compliance By Remarks Directorate Directorate The benefit of ante-dated regularization has been granted and for revision of pension, matter has been submitted to pension branch by DEO Sonepat Page 19 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 33 Title CWP 20085/03 Labh Singh PEN-II Kadian v/s State 21-01-2015 Subject Reg.pension before the date of 11.5.98 Judgement Date 07-11-2013 Judgement The petition is allowed and it is held that the petitioners are entitled to pension Scheme of 2001 i.e.Haryana Aided Schools (Special Pension and Contributory Provident Fund) Rules, 2001 in view of their preexisting right for the benefits arising out of the said Rules on the basis of judgment of the Apex Court dated July 28, 1988 and this Court dated December 9,1999 which has resulted in the formulation of the Pension Rules,2001.The petitioners will be permitted to exercise option as per the Rules to be governed by the above said rules within the period of one month. They would also be required to deposit the full amount of employers share alongwith interest at the rate of 6% per annum on the actual amount drawn by them from the date of drawal of the said amount, with the Director within a period of two months after the same is calculated by the respondent State and respective management of the petitioners and communicated to the petitioners.It is further made clear that in case the petitioners make a request for adjustment of the amount out of the pension amount released to them, the same may be permitted as per relevant rules as provided under Rule 16(3)of the 2001 Rules.It is observed that as the petitioners are senior citizens, unnecessary harassment should be avoided to them and that they should be granted the relief within a period three months. It is observed that this judgment is not meant to be treated as a precedent and should be considered as a special relief to the petitioners as they have been denied fruits of prolonged contested litigation. Received Date 20-12-2013 Compliance Date 19-03-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks LPA has been filed and stay granted on 27.10.14. At present no action called for. Page 20 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By 34 CWP 20312/14 Dalbir Singh HR(ME) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Regularized service 11-12-2014 After hearing the learned counsel for the petitioner and noticing the grievance as expressed in the petition, I am of the considered view that this petition needs to be disposed of at this stage with a direction to the respondents to consider the claim of the petitioner as contained in the representation (Annexure P-3) by passing a speaking order within a period of two months from the date of receipt of certified copy of the order. Ordered accordingly. 30-12-2014 28-02-2015 Directorate 35 CWP 20847/14 Raj Kumar HR(G-I) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Ante-dated Promotion 09-10-2014 After hearing learned counsel for the petitioner, in my opinion, the present petition can be disposed of at this stage with a direction to respondent No. 1 to consider the claim of the petitioner regarding promotion from the date persons junior to him were promoted. Let the needful be done within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a copy of the order. It is further directed that to avoid creation of litigation, respondent No. 1 shall take steps to correct the error in making promotion to the post of Principal, where persons junior in the seniority, were promoted earlier. Ordered accordingly. 03-11-2014 02-03-2015 Directorate 21-01-2015 Remarks File put up to Higher Authority for given ante-dated promotion benefit Page 21 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 36 CWP 20954/14 Sanjay Kumar HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Consider for the post of PGT Hindi 09-10-2014 After hearing learned counsel for the petitioner, however, without opining on the merits of the controversy, respondent No. 2 is directed to take a final decision on the issue regarding eligibility of the petitioner with reference to the age relaxation within a period of six weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of the order, for which show cause notice had already been issued to the petitioner. It is further directed that final decision be taken in all cases involving same issue so as to avoid unnecessary litigation. The petition stands disposed of. 29-10-2014 09-12-2014 Directorate Notice issued. Representation to be decided shortly. 37 CWP 21202/14 Versha Rani HR(L) v/s State & Ors Reg.Consider for the PGT Hindi 13-10-2014 After hearing learned counsel for the petitioner, however, without opining on the merits of the controversy, respondent No. 2 is directed to take a final decision on the issue regarding eligibility of the petitioner with reference to the age relaxation within a period of six weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of the order, for which show cause notice had already been issued to the petitioner. It is further directed that final decision be taken in all cases involving same issue so as to avoid unnecessary litigation. The petition stands disposed of. 04-11-2014 16-12-2014 Directorate Notice issued. Representation to be decided shortly. 21-01-2015 Page 22 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 38 CWP 21267/14 Rajo Devi, HR(G-I) Retd.BEO v/s State & Ors. Reg.Medical Reimbursement of Rs.4,93,172/- 39 CWP 21493/14 Shashi Gupta HR(AS) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Revise the salary of part time lecturer and regularize the service 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 14-10-2014 Having heard the learned counsel for the petitioner and without expressing any opinion on the merits of the case, lest it should prejudice the rights of either of the parties, the Director Secondary Education, Haryana-respondent No.2 is directed to look into the matter, consider the grievance of the petitioner, raised vide her legal notice dated 13.8.2014 (Annexure P-6) and decide the same, at an early date by passing an appropriate order thereon, in accordance with law, but in any case within a period of three months three months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. With the observations made above, the present petition stands disposed of. ( 04-11-2014 03-02-2015 Directorate Opinion is being sought from Health Department. file put up to Higher Authorities on 03.12.14 17-10-2014 Having heard the learned counsel for the petitioner and without expressing any opinion on the merits of the case, lest it should prejudice the rights of either of the parties, Director, Secondary Education Department, Shiksh Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula respondent no.2 is directed to look into the matter, consider the grievance of the petitioner, raised vide his legal notice dated 31.7.2014 ( Annexure P-3) and decide the same, at an early date by passing an appropriate order thereon, keeping in view the order dated 27.11.2012 passed by this court in LPA No.939 of 2012 ( Managing Committee, Arya Senior Secondary School, Narwana Vs. Jai Gopal and others), but in any case within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. With the observations amde above, the present writ petition stands disposed of. 11-11-2014 10-02-2015 Directorate Para wise comments on Legal Notice has been called from DEO Jind alongwith documents of the petitioner vide letter no. 4/169-14 AS(2) dt. 03.12.14. Page 23 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 40 CWP 21810/12 Arya Pratinidhi HR(PS) Sabha, Haryana v/s State & Ors. Reg.Approve the list of office bearer of the Managing Committee of the Maharishi Daya Nand Public School 41 CWP 21883/11 Raghbir Kaur HR(G-I) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Promotion for the post of Principal 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 02-11-2012 Considering the limited prayer made before this Court, I am of the opinion that the instant writ petition needs to be disposed of at this stage without issuance of notice of motion to the other side. Consequently, the respondent No.3 is directed to consider the representation (appended to the writ petition as Annexure P-21) and decide the same by passing a speaking order after hearing the petitioner. The exercise be concluded as expeditiously as possible, preferably within a period of six weeks from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. Petition stands disposed of. 30-11-2012 10-01-2013 Directorate Case pending for final order of DSE 30-09-2014 Learned counsel for the State submitted that the claim made by the petitioner shall be considered by respondent No.1 afresh without being prejudiced by any decision taken earlier by the authority, in terms of the Rules applicable for promotion to the post of Principal within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a copy of the order. In view of the stand taken by learned counsel for the State, the present petition is disposed of with a direction to respondent No.1 to take a final decision on the claim made by the petitioner for promotion to the post of Principal within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a copy of the order without being prejudiced by any decision taken earlier. 03-11-2014 02-03-2015 Directorate Matter is under consideration Page 24 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 42 CWP 22353/14 Manpreet Kaur HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Consider for the post of PGT Mathematics 43 CWP 2249/14 HR(G-I) Reg.Ante dated Promotion as Principal 21-01-2015 Shalini Kapur, Working as Assistant Director v/s State & Ors. Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 03-11-2014 Having heard the learned counsel for the petitioner and without expressing any opinion on the merits of case, including the issue of limitation, if any, lest it should prejudice the rights of either of the parties, Director, Secondary Education, Panchkula-respondent No.2, is directed to look into the matter, consider the grievance of the petitioner raised vide her representation dated 21.6.2014 (Annexure P-8) and decide the same at an early date, by passing an appropriate order thereon, strictly in accordance with law, but in any case within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. With the abovesaid observations made, the present writ petition stands disposed of. 24-11-2014 23-02-2015 Directorate Notice issued. Representation to be decided shortly. 06-02-2014 In the light of the above submissions of the counsel for the petitioner and without going into the merits of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Director General, Secondary Education, Haryana respondent No.2 to consider and decide the reminder to the representation dated 29.04.2013 (Annexure P-3) within a period of three months' from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. Decision so taken be conveyed to the petitioner forthwith. 27-03-2014 26-06-2014 Directorate The matter is kept pending due to not fixation of seniority of Lecturers. But now the file put up to Higher Authority for given ante-dated promotion benefit Page 25 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 44 Title CWP 22528/14 Jarnail Singh HR(G-II) v/s State & Ors. 21-01-2015 Subject Reg.Grant the benefit of Stepping up of pay at par with his junior counter part of reserved category and release the arrears alongwith interest @ 12% p.a and revised the pensionary benefits. Judgement Date 04-11-2014 Judgement In the light of the facts noticed herein above, I deem it appropriate to dispose of the present writ petition with a direction to respondent no.1 to consider the claim of the petitioner strictly in accordance with law in the light of the relevant instructions dated 23.11.2009 (Annexure P-1) and against the backdrop of the judgement rendered by this Court in Madan Lal Jindal's case (supra) and to pass a speaking order on the legal notice dated 5.2.2014 (Annexure P-6), within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. Suffice it to observe that in the eventuality of the petitioner being found entitled for the relief sought, the consequential financial benefits would be released to the petitioner forthwith and without anyfurther delay. Petition disposed of. Received Date 17-11-2014 Compliance Date 16-03-2015 Compliance By Directorate Remarks Case sent to W.PSSE for compliance the order on 23.12.14 Page 26 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 45 CWP 23751/14 Krishana Devi HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Grant of 2nd ACP 46 CWP 23803/14 Rajbir Singh & HR(ME) Ors. v/s State & Ors. REg.Granting Reservation in promotions to the S.C/S.T 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By 20-11-2014 The only grievance of the petitioner is that her case for grant of 2nd ACP w.e.f. 1.11.2006 though has been forwarded by District Education Officer to Director, Secondary Education, Haryana, but no final decision has been taken till date. For claiming the aforesaid relief, a legal notice dated 22.7.2014 (Annexure P-4) was got served, but even that has not been responded to. After hearing learned counsel for the petitioner, however, without opining on the merits of the controversy, respondent No. 3 is directed to take a final decision on the claim made by the petitioner regarding grant of 2nd ACP within a period of four months from the date of receipt of a copy of the order. If any amount is found due to her, the same be paid within next one month. The petition stands disposed of. 05-12-2014 04-04-2015 Directorate 15-12-2014 Having heard the learned counsel for the petitioners and without expressing any opinion on the merits of case, including the issue of limitation, if any, lest it should prejudice the rights of either of the parties, the Director, Secondary Education, Haryana-respondent No.2, is directed to look into the matter, consider the grievance of the petitioners raised vide their legal notice dated 23.2.2014 (Annexure P-6) and decide the same at an early date, by passing an appropriate order thereon, strictly in accordance with law, but in any case within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. With the above said observations made, the present writ petition stands disposed of. 30-12-2014 29-03-2015 Directorate Remarks Page 27 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 47 CWP 24323/14 Neeraj HR(AS) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Regularize the services on the post of water carrier as per regularization policy dt. 18.06.14 48 CWP 25019/14 Lakhvinder HR(L) Singh v/s State & Ors. Reg.Allow to join as the PGT Punjabi w.e.f. 14.12.13 49 CWP 25022/14 Devinder Kaur HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Allow to join as PGT Punjabi w.e.f. 14.12.2013 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 04-12-2014 Having heard the learned counsel for the petitioner and without expressing any opinion on the merits of the case, including the issue of limitation, if any, Director, Secondary Education, Haryana, Sector 5, Panchkula-respondent no.2 is directed to look into the matter, consider the grievance of the petitioner, raised vide his legal notice dated 14.10.2014 (Annexure P-8) and decide the same at an early date, by passing an appropriate order thereon, in accordance with law, keeping in view the policy decision dated 18.6.2014 (Annexure P-7), but in any case within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. With the observations made above, the present writ petition stands disposed of. 23-12-2014 22-03-2015 Directorate 08-12-2014 After hearing learned counsel for the petitioner, however, without opining on the merits of the controversy, the present petition is disposed of at this stage with a direction to respondent No. 2 to take a final decision on the show cause notice issued to the petitioner, to which he has already filed reply, within a period of two months from the date of receipt of copy of the order. 23-12-2014 22-02-2015 Directorate Notice issued. Representation to be decided shortly. 08-12-2014 After hearing learned counsel for the petitioner, however, without opining on the merits of the controversy, the present petition is disposed of at this stage with a direction to respondent No. 2 to take a final decision on the show cause notice issued to the petitioner, to which she has already filed reply, within a period of two months from the date of receipt of copy of the order. 23-12-2014 22-02-2015 Directorate Notice issued. Representation to be decided shortly. Page 28 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By 50 CWP 25281/14 Neetu Singh HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Allow to Join as PGT Punjabi 10-12-2014 Writ petition is disposed of accordingly. It is, however, directed that respondent No.2 would proceed in the matter and take a final decision as regards the impugned show cause notice dated 21.06.2014 after taking into consideration the reply furnished by the petitioner expeditiously and in any case, within a period of two months from the date of receipt of a certified copy of this order. 15-01-2015 14-03-2015 Directorate 51 CWP 25951/14 Manoj Kumar HR(L) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Consider for the post of PGTEnglish 18-12-2014 After hearing learned counsel for the petitioner, however, without opining on the merits of the controversy, the present petition is disposed of at this stage with a direction to respondent no. 2 to take a final decision on the show cause notice issued to the petitioner, to which he has already filed reply, within a period of two months from the date of receipt of copy of the order. 13-01-2015 12-03-2015 Directorate 52 CWP 26295/13 Rajendra HR(G-II) Prakash Gupta v/s State & Ors. Reg.Ante-dated promotion for the post of Headmaster 20-01-2014 In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioner and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Principal Secretary, Department of Education, Haryana, Chandigarh-respondent No.1, to consider and decide the representation dated 29.3.2012, Annexure P-7, within a period of four months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioner is not to be accepted, then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioner forthwith. 11-02-2014 10-06-2014 Directorate 21-01-2015 Remarks Claim has been rejected. File pending with W.PSSE for final approval Page 29 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 53 CWP 27668/13 ASD High School HR(AS) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Permit the petitioner to charge higher fees and other funds like extra faculty, extra facility, extra curricular and computer education etc. from the student 54 CWP 27682/13 Surjit Singh HR(G-I) v/s State & Ors. Reg.Promotion to the post of Principal w.e.f 08.01.09, the date when his junior was promoted to the said post 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 14-08-2014 It appears that the amended provision substantially addresses the petitioner's grievance. We, thus dispose of this writ petition with libert y to the petitioner-institution to raise its claim with regard to disbursement of the grant-in-aid, if so entitled in terms of the amended Rule and such a claim shall be decided by the Competent Authority within a period of two months from the date of certified copy of this order is received. If the petitioner is still aggrieved, it shall be at liberty to approach an appropriate forum. Disposed of Dasti 22-09-2014 21-11-2014 Directorate No representation has been received from the concerned school for increase in fee & funds so far. 17-01-2014 In the light of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioner and without going into the merits of the case or commenting thereon, the present petition is disposed of with directions to the Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary, Department of School Education, Haryana-respondent No. 1 to consider and decide the legal notice dated 15.11.2013 (Annexure P-3) served by the petitioner within a period of five months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. The consequential benefits, if any, be released to the petitioner, in accordance with law, within a further period of one month. In case the claim of the petitioner is not to be accepted, then a well-reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioner forthwith. 04-03-2014 03-08-2014 Directorate The matter is kept pending due to not fixation of seniority of Lecturers. But now the file put up to Higher Authority for given ante-dated promotion benefit Page 30 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 55 CWP 4290/14 HR(G-II) 21-01-2015 Title Muni Ram & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Subject Reg.Grant Revised pay scale of 7500-12000 to the petitioners w.e.f. 01.01.96 instead of 01.08.2000 Judgement Date 07-03-2014 Judgement In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Education Department and the Director of Secondary Education, Haryana-respondents to consider and decide the legal notice dated 31.10.2013 (Annexure P-6) within a period of four months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is accepted, the consequential benefits, if any, be released to them, in accordance with law, within a further period of two months. In case the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted, then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. March Received Date 02-04-2014 Compliance Date 01-08-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks Decided in terms of R.K.Verma's case but SLP and Review Application filed before the Hon'ble Supreme Court in R.K.Verma's case has been dismissed. Now, the matter has been put up before the Higher Authority for taking decision. Page 31 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 56 CWP 4429/14 HR(G-II) 21-01-2015 Title Nafe Chand & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Subject Reg.Grant Revised pay scale of 7500-12000 to the petitioners w.e.f. 01.01.96 instead of 01.08.2000 Judgement Date 10-03-2014 Judgement In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Education Department-respondent No.1 to consider and decide the legal notice dated 25.11.2013 (Annexure P-8) within a period of three months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is accepted, the consequential benefits, if any, be released to them, in accordance with law, within a further period of one month. In case the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted, then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. Received Date 02-04-2014 Compliance Date 01-07-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks Decided in terms of R.K.Verma's case but SLP and Review Application filed before the Hon'ble Supreme Court in R.K.Verma's case has been dismissed. Now, the matter has been put up before the Higher Authority for taking decision. Page 32 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 57 CWP 4518/14 HR(L) Bimla Devi & anr. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Grant the benefit of Higher Responsibility upon their promotion from the post of Hindi teacher Group C to the post of Lecturer in Hindi Group B discharging duties 58 CWP 4571/14 HR(L) Anupama Bhishnoi v/s State & Ors. Reg.Transfer 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 11-03-2014 In the light of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioners, the present writ petition is disposed of without going into the merits of the case or commenting thereon, with directions to the Commissioner and Secretary to Government of Haryana, Education Department, Haryana-respondent No.1 to consider and decide the representation dated 04.02.2012 (Annexure P-6) and representation dated 08.08.2011 (Annexure P-7) within a period of three months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case, the claim of the petitioners is accepted, the consequential benefit be released to them, in accordance with law, within a further period of one month. In case, the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted, a well-reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. 26-03-2014 Directorate Draft of Speaking orders has been prepared and to be discussed with CAO/LO. 12-03-2014 In the light of the submissions made by the counsel for the petitioner and without going into the merits of the case or commenting thereon, the present petition is disposed of with directions to the Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, School Education Department-respondent No. 1 to consider and decide the representation dated 07.03.2014 (Annexure P-5) submitted by the petitioner within a period of three weeks' from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. Decision so taken be conveyed to the petitioner forthwith. 26-03-2014 Directorate Petitioner informed through application that she has not required further action Page 33 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 59 CWP 4894/11 HR(G-II) Shiv Kumar Vashisht v/s State & Ors. Reg.Promotion 60 CWP 5161/14 PEN-I Santosh Sharma v/s State & Ors. Reg.Release Retiral & other consequential benefits 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 04-04-2014 In view of this fact as has been asserted by the counsel for the petitioners, the claim of the petitioners qua their promotions to the post of Head Master as well as Principal be considered and decided by the respondents for the promotion from the date their juniors have been promoted and are continuing on the said post without any interim orders passed by this Court, within a period of three months from today. The decision so taken be conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. The writ petition stands disposed of. 17-04-2014 03-07-2014 Directorate Petitioners have been reverted to the post of Skt. teacher/Lecturers. Hon'ble High Court stayed reversion orders. N.D.O.H 23.02.15 20-03-2014 In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioner and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Education Department and the Director, Secondary Education, Haryana respondent Nos.1 and 2 to consider and finalise the representation dated 21.11.2013 (Annexure P-5) within a period of three months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioner is accepted, the consequential benefits, if any, be released to her, in accordance with law, within a further period of one month. In case the claim of the petitioner is not to be accepted, then a well reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to the petitioner forthwith. 02-04-2014 01-07-2014 Directorate Amount of Interest has been paid to the petitioner. Case has been sent to A.G for revision of pension. APR received on 10.10.14 from DEO Ambala Page 34 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 61 CWP 5698/14 HR(G-I) Surinder Pal & Anr. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Ante dated promotion w.e.f. 15.09.08 and grant the benefit of notional fixation and arrears 62 CWP 604/94 HR(AS) Mahadev & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Release Arrear of pay of account of revision of pay scales 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 26-03-2014 In view of the statement made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merit of the case or commenting thereon, the present writ petition is disposed of with directions to the Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, School Education Department-respondent No.1, that if any representation is moved by the petitioners within the time stipulated, the same shall be considered and decided by him by passing a speaking order within a period of four months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. Decision so taken be conveyed to the petitioners forthwith. 04-04-2014 03-08-2014 Directorate The matter is kept pending due to not fixation of seniority of Lecturers. But now the file put up to Higher Authority for given ante-dated promotion benefit 01-10-2014 Petitioners have been found entitled for the requisite amount of grant-in-aid for the posts held by them. Accordingly, respondent no.1 is directed to release the requisite amount of grant-in-aid for the posts held by the petitioners, within a period of three months from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order, failing which petitioners shall be entitled for receiving the amount of grant-in-aid for the posts held by them, alongwith interest @ 12% p.a. from the date the amount became due till its payment. Resultantly, with the abovesaid observations made and directions issued, instant writ petition stands allowed, however, with no order as to costs. 27-11-2014 26-02-2015 Directorate Advice of L.R and A.G Haryana has been received in this case that it is a fit case for filing LPA Page 35 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 63 CWP 6334/14 PEN-I Title Yashbir Gulati & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Subject Reg.Reconsolidate pension and family pension allowing 40% fitment weightage on existing pension/family pension Judgement Date 21-04-2014 Judgement “For issuance of notice of motion , relies upon order passed in Debi Singh Deswal and Others v. State of Haryana and others (Civil Writ Petition No. 15479 of 2012, decided on 17.02.2014). Mr. Bhardwaj has failed to dispute that case of the petitioner is covered by the judgment above said. In view of the above, this writ petition is disposed of in terms of the ratio of the judgment, referred to above. Received Date 13-05-2014 Compliance Date 12-07-2014 Compliance By Directorate Remarks This CWP decided in the terms of CWP No.15479/12 titled as Debi Singh Vs.State. Necessary Documents for filing SLP in Debi Singh's case has been submitted in the Legal Cell, Haryana 15479 of 2012 ORDERS At the time of the arguments, it was conceded by both the parties that the issues involved in the case is squarely covered by ratio of judgment passed by Division Bench of this Court in R.K. Aggarwal and others v. State of Haryana and others in Civil Writ Petition No.19641of 2009, decided on 21.12.2012. In this view of the matter, we dispose of all the writ petitions in terms of the order passed in R.K. Aggarwal's case supra. The order passed be implemented qua the petitioners, who retired before 01.01.2006 and also qua others who are similarly situated but have not filed petitions so as to avoid unnecessary litigation. 21-01-2015 Page 36 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 64 CWP 6809/14 PEN-I Title radha Krishan & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Subject Reg.Release the pension in revised pay scales by giving benefit of Grade pay as applicable in case Judgement Date 09-04-2014 Judgement After hearing counsel for the parties, we are satisfied that the case of the petitioner is covered in terms of the ratio of judgment rendered by this Court in R.K.Aggarwal and Others v. State of Haryana and Others (Civil Writ Petition No. 19641 of 2009, decided on 21.12.2012). The above said view was affirmed by another Division Bench in a judgment rendered in Debi Singh Deswal and Others v. State of Haryana and Others (Civil Writ Petition No. 15479 of 2012, decided on 17.2.2014). Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 23-05-2014 Directorate This CWP decided in the terms of CWP No.15479/12 titled as Debi Singh Vs.State. Necessary Documents for filing SLP in Debi Singh's case has been submitted in the Liegal Cell, Haryana 27-10-2014 Directorate Advice of L.R Hry is being sought for filing LPA. File put up on 19.12.14 This writ petition is also disposed of in terms of the ratio of judgments, referred to above. 65 CWP 6865/09 HR(G-II) 21-01-2015 Tejender Pal Singh v/s State & Ors. Reg.Appointment as H.M 30-09-2014 Accordingly, the present petition is allowed by holding the petitioner to be eligible and holding the requisite qualifications for the post of Head Master by following the dictum laid down by the L.P.A Bench in Joginder Singh's case (supra). Resultantly, the petitioner shall be given appointment to the post of Head Master with effect from the date any candidate junior to him in the merit list determined by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission may have been appointed. Upon such appointment having been effected, the petitioner is also held entitled to all other consequential benefits in the nature of seniority, continuity in service etc. but would not be granted the actual arrears of salary for such period. Petition allowed in the aforesaid terms. Page 37 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch 66 CWP 8193/95 HR(G-II) 21-01-2015 Title CHARANJEET SINGH ETC. v/s STATE & ORS. Subject TO REMOVE THE CONDITON OF 38 MONTHS FOR ARREARS IN THE ORDER OF SELECTION GRADE Judgement Date 09-10-2014 Judgement Learned counsel for the petitioners submitted that the action of the respondents was discriminatory, as some employees to whom, the department itself had given relief, entire arrears were granted, whereas, the petitioners, who had approached this Court earlier were given arrears only for a period of 38 months. Learned counsel for the State submitted that the principle of payment of arrears for a period of 38 months is well settled. The same is on the basis of the fact that the civil suit can be filed within a period of three years and two months, which is the period of statutory notice. After hearing learned counsel for the parties, I do not find any merit in the present petition. Merely because the department had granted relief to some employees, which may not be legally admissible to them, will not mean that the mployees who have approached this Court should be granted the same relief. The court can grant relief only, which is admissible in law. In the case in and, the petitioners earlier approached this Court by filing CWP No.955 of 1980, wherein direction was issued for consideration of their representation. While deciding the representation, the competent authority accepted the claim of the petitioners regarding pay scale, however, the arrears were restricted to 38 months from the date of filing of the petition. There is no illegality in the order passed by the authority. Dismissed. (RAJESH BINDAL) JUDGE 09.10.2014 sharmila Received Date 04-12-2014 Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks Directorate Page 38 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 67 CWP 8280/01 HR(PS) Kiran Pal v/s State Recognition upto Middle level 68 CWP 8284/01 HR(PS) Jai Pal Singh v/s State & Ors. Reg. Recognition 69 CWP 8676/99 HR(AS) Smt.Satwanti Arya v/s State & Ors Reg.Regular Pay Scale for the post of Skt.Teacher w.e.f the date petitioner acquired the qualification of B.Ed 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date Compliance Date Compliance By Remarks 07-05-2014 Keeping in view the inspection report given by the Expert Committee, a direction is given to the respondents to consider the case of the petitioner for permanent recognition after accepting an affidavit with regard to the fact that the school is not encroaching any land of the Panchayat. This exercise be completed within four weeks from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. Disposed of accordingly. 27-11-2014 25-12-2014 Directorate Inspection of the school will be got conducted from DEO Gurgaon. Action will taken accordingly. 07-05-2014 Keeping in view the inspection report given by the Expert Committee, a direction is given to the respondents to consider the case of the petitioner for permanent recognition after accepting an affidavit from the petitioner with regard to availability of open space and play ground. This exercise be completed within four weeks from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. Disposed of accordingly. 27-11-2014 25-12-2014 Directorate Inspection report has been sent to DEO GGN for re-inspection 31-10-2014 Consequently, the petitioner is declared entitled for the regular pay scale for the post of Sanskrit teacher with effect from 25.7.1973, when she acquired the qualification of M.A. Sanskrit and B.Ed. Respondents are directed to grant the consequential service benefits to the petitioner. Let the needful be done within a period of two months from today, failing which the petitioner shall be entitled for arrears of salary alongwith interest @ 9% p.a. from the date the amount became due, till the date of actual payment. Resultantly, with the abovesaid observations made and directions issued, the instant writ petition stands allowed, however, with no order as to costs. 27-11-2014 30-12-2014 Directorate The appointing authority of the petitioner is the management of the school and firstly necessary action is to be taken by the management. The concerned DEO has been directed to send the complete record of the petitioner. Page 39 of 40 Sr.No. CaseNo/Branch Title Subject 70 CWP 9859/14 HR(G-II) Balwant Singh & Ors. v/s State & Ors. Reg.Pay Scale of 7500-12000 instead of 6500-10500 as Headmaster w.e.f. 01.01.96 instead of 01.08.00 71 C.M CRM No.57359/09 in Crl.Appeal HR(L) Master Kulwant Singh v/s State & Ors. Conviction under Section 306 IPC and whether his services can be terminated on the basis of his conviction 21-01-2015 Judgement Date Judgement Received Date 21-05-2014 In the light of the submissions made by the counsel for the petitioners and without going into the merits of the case or commenting thereon, the present petition is disposed of with directions to the Commissioner and Director General, School Education, Haryana-respondent No. 2 to consider and decide the legal notice dated 08.01.2014 (Annexure P-5) served by the petitioners within a period of four months' from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order. In case the claim of the petitioners is accepted, the consequential benefits, if any, be released to them, in accordance with law, within a period of one month. In case the claim of the petitioners is not to be accepted, a well-reasoned and speaking order be passed and conveyed to them forthwith. 16-06-2014 10-04-2009 It is the conduct, which has led the conviction of an employee, which could be taken into consideration and not conviction simpliciter, which could be considered by the competent authority for termination of the service. It is, therefore, ordered that the conviction of the applicant-appellant for the purpose of termination of his services will remain stayed. However, it will not debar the competent authority to proceed in accordance with law against the appellant on the basis of conduct, which has led to his conviction, as per service rules. The misc.application stands partly allowed in the above terms. 08-03-2010 Compliance Date 15-10-2014 Compliance By Remarks Directorate Decided in terms of R.K.Verma's case but SLP and Review Application filed before the Hon'ble Supreme Court in R.K.Verma's case has been dismissed. Now, the matter has been put up before the Higher Authority for taking decision. Directorate Conviction of the applicant for the purpose of termination remained stayed. Inquiry Officer has been appointed to re-enquire the matter. Enquiry report is not received Page 40 of 40
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