OUR VISION IS: Nurture – to all by fostering a relaonship with God Outreach – to individuals through service Witness – to others by sharing Jesus The Messenger Main Street United Methodist Church V O L U M E 6 0 - N O . 1 2 D E C E M B E R 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 A LOOK BACK AT 2014 ~ REMEMBER AND REFLECT As we come to the end of the year it is always nice to look back on where we have been and what we have done. 2014 has been another banner year at Main Street as we participated in the many ministries of the church and also remembered our past with the kick off of our Centennial Celebration. Here are just a few significant events of the year... Our youth participated in the 30 Hour Famine and summer mission trip to Roanoke. Bishop Cho visited Main Street to kick off our Centennial Celebrations Our Day Care celebrated 26 years of caring for children, and the 1st annual Friends of Main Street golf tournament was held to raise funds for a new bus pictured below. Our Girl Scouts traveled to Washington D.C. to deliver hundreds of boxes of cookies to our veterans. Stop Hunger Now and Imagine No Malaria campaigns were great mission outreach projects PRAYER LIST RECENT PRAYER REQUESTS: Bow Hedgepeth, Addie Hobson & family, Leslie Seitz, Dolores Farrero, Kevin Sharp, Ken Taylor, Mary Foltz, Cassidy & Lily Blasé, Campbell Rice, Willis “Corky” Davis, Nita Parker, Betty Backus, Harry Watson, Miller family, Hector Aldana, Hannah Chase, The Wood family, Chrystal Ward, Conner Butler, Donnell Stewart, Paul Popik, Mary, Keller Grant, Kaitlyn Alayan, Harold Thorson, Nancy Wilby, Gary Parker, Caroline Grissette, Jim Wilson, Veronica Moore, Robin & Patrick Krakauer, Ferebee Bowman, Brooke Pruden, Laurin Kozak, Kim Praither, Chris Buck, Addie Hall ONGOING: Christine Finner, Pam, Lon Bickham, Sammy Cowan, Dale Kelly, Myrtle Dudley, Pam Nix, Mitchell Webb, Paul Reyman, Jr., The Casey Family, Janet Wunderlich, Anthony & Matthew Agnese, Marie Kennedy, Malissa Bradshaw, Allen French, a friend with serious health issues, Robert Walton, Hope Carr, Jean Cross, Linda Gallant, Barbara Blankenship, Nita Wyatt, Lieu Lewis, Betty Ellison CANCER: Melissa Bassey, Rebecca Maples, Lynette White, Lillian Vellejo, Anne Harris, Marion Heath, Frank DeJarnette, Sherri Cooper, Lois Maille, Kristi Hall, Jojie Salud, Diane Gwaltney, Ann Eiseman Smith, Lisa Lewis, Todd Walton, Alaina Crowder, Carrie Kitchen, Ana Harper, Janis Greene, Evelyn Terrell, Debbie Twitty, Vickie Price, Eino Hirv, Braxton Howell, Betty Sowell, Tommy McPhail, Sally Duke, Martha Mead, Kate Rhoads, Carrie Kitchen, Majors Calvin & Irene Clatterbach, Jackson Greene, Robin Blanchard, Paul Oliver, Brenda Atkins, Ralph Knapp SKILLED CARE: Eunice Hedgepeth, Edna Brown ASSISTED LIVING: Margaret Pruden, Colette Ballard, Alma Duke, Boo Ballard, Avis & Marilyn Shumaker, Antoinette Williams, Susan Rivenbark HOMEBOUND: Jean Sutphin Melanie French, Harriett Naylor, John Wimer, ALWAYS REMEMBER TO INCLUDE IN YOUR PRAYERS: Main Street United Methodist Church; Our sister churches on the James River District; Pastor Myrtle Frances Hatcher; Church Staff; Lay Leadership (Lay Leaders: Sarah Catlett, Bo Browne; Sunday School Teachers; Bible Studies); United Methodist Church Worldwide (VA Annual Conference, Bishop Young Jin Cho, Superintendent Rob Colwell, District & Conference Staff), Missionaries & Mission Sites, John Elmore (Chile Covenant Mission Project Director); Friends of Barnabas OUR NATION AND WORLD: Military Troops & Families: Chris Smith, Dr. Michael Johnston, Trey Parks, Nate Fisher, Michael Kashner, Anthony Hickler, Cedric Dedeaus, Hunter Pietrowski, Adam Salsbury, Adam Waddell, Kent Brooks, Christy Whitten, Brian Mouton, Mike Spangenburg, Anthony Grant, Sr. Sherree & Bryanna Grant; Children in Poverty; Police, Fire & Rescue Workers; CAPS (Coalition Against Poverty in Suffolk); Our Schools (Teachers & Administrators, Staff & Volunteers, Students & their families, College Students, Day Care Centers—especially Main Street Day Care & Preschool); Workplaces & Homes; The Marketplace; The Ferguson, MO Community Dear Main Street Family, I am still completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of love expressed at the Candlelight Service on December 14. Needless to say, Bo Browne caught me completely by surprise when he came forward near the end of the program. His kind words would have been more than enough, but then there were beautiful roses with 100 love knots tied on them by many of you. Truly breathtaking! Your continuous expressions of love and support over the past 26 years will always be cherished. Thank you for making this Centennial Candlelight Service one I will never forget. May God bless you this Christmas and Administrative Assistant Position Opening Main Street UMC-Suffolk, a mid-size highly active congregation, is seeking a person for a 35 hour, 5 day a week position. The applicant must be proficient in office management and computer programs, i.e. word, excel, publisher, outlook, powerpoint, ACS (church financial and membership records). The individual must also possess interpersonal skills; personally, electronically, and by telephone to interact with church members and the general public. Flexibility and organizational skills required. Competitive salary, adequate benefits and leave provided. Adherence to Christian principles and inclusivity required. Send resume with references to Pastor Myrtle F. Hatcher, Main St. UMC, 202 N. Main St., Suffolk, Va. 23434 or pastor@mainstumc.org. Application deadline is January 20, 2015 for employment to begin on February 2, 2015 or a date that will be negotiated. BOY SCOUT BARBEQUE Friday, January 23 11:00 am to 7:00 pm Tickets are available in the church office or from any Boy Scout for the annual BBQ fund raiser sponsored by Main Street’s Troop #1. Eat in or take out available $8.00 per plate. ...More Main Street Happenings Page 3 The Women of Main Street have been busy making and selling pies for missions and will to do so again next year. The Needlework Guild lovingly made beautiful cross-stitched tissue boxes for the Day Care and church staff. Pastor Myrtle and her sister, Angel (center picture), made over 1,700 cookies to say Merry Christmas to the congregation of Main Street. Thank you Pastor and Angel! CONFIRMATION CLASS 2014 These are the youth who completed the confirmation class and were welcomed into full membership at Main Street on December 7. Pictured here are (top, left to right): Austin Bradshaw, Alicia Ray, Frances Hogg, Robert Pettway, (bottom, left to right): James Kilborn, Rory King and Katie Hiner. Emily Argust also completed the class but was unable to be with us that day. She will be confirmed at a later date. Main Street Children Perform Congratulations to Madie Baker (left) for receiving a role as one of the small cooks in the Richmond Ballet production of The Nutcracker that was held in Norfolk's Chrysler Hall on December 12-14. Thanks to our Main Street children (right) who provided a great Christmas program, “Listen to the Silent Night,” during worship on December 21. January Calendar Thursday, January 1 New Year’s Day - office closed Friday, January 2 6:00 pm - Cub Scout Lock-in Saturday, January 3 until 9:00 am - Cub Scout Lock-in 9:00 am - Pinewood Derby Workshop 8:00 pm - AA Sunday, January 4 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Page 4 Sunday, January 11 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Monday, January 12 7:00 pm - Crisis Communication Tuesday, January 13 11:00 am - UMW Covered Dish 12:00 noon—CAPS Board Meeting 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 7:00 pm - Welcome & Witness Monday, January 5 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts Wednesday, January 14 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Tuesday, January 6 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 Thursday, January 15 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Den Meeting Wednesday, January 7 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Saturday, January 17 8:00 pm - AA Thursday, January 8 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Den Meeting 7:00 pm - Christian Women’s Book Club Saturday, January 10 5:00 - 7:00 pm - District UMYF Spaghetti Dinner and Talent Show 8:00 pm - AA Sunday, January 18 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Monday, January 19 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts Tuesday, January 20 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 WOMEN’S DAY OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH A PART OF THE MAIN STREET CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Wednesday, January 21 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Thursday, January 22 7:00 pm - Cub Scout Pack Meeting Friday, January 23 Boy Scout BBQ 4:00 pm - Rose’s Supper Saturday, January 24 11:00 am - Salvation Army Soup Kitchen Cub Scouts Serving 8:00 pm - AA Sunday, January 25 8:30 am - Worship 9:45 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship 4:30 pm - UMYF Monday, January 26 5:00 pm - Day Care Board 6:30 pm - Girl Scouts Tuesday, January 27 7:00 pm - Boy Scout Troop 1 Wednesday, January 28 10:00 am - Needlework Guild 7:00 pm - Chancel Choir 8:00 pm - AA Saturday, January 31 10:00 am - Women’s Day Centennial Event 8:00 pm - AA A Day of Spiritual Renewal for Women Women of all ages are welcome! FOR WOMEN Saturday, January 31, 2015 Keynote Speaker Join us for a day of song, prayer and praise! Be inspired by dynamic teaching, refreshed by Spirit-filled worship, and encouraged by fellowship with Godly women! Lea Carawan For more information contact: Martha Callis @ 757-537-0899. Registration forms in Atrium Page 5 Anniversaries 2 Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bothwick 3 Mr. & Mrs. P. C. Austin, Jr. 5 Mr. & Mrs. H. T. Medeiros 7 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hardee JANUARY 17 Mr. & Mrs. Greg E. Steineman (Beth Gardy) 19 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Williams 26 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Saunders Birthdays 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES TO THE JANUARY MEMBERS OF THE 90+ CLUB! Jean Cross Kermit Kelley Mr. John Ellison, Maria Forman, Mr. Blair Williams Ms. Sue Spring, Mr. Dwayne Davis, Mr. Billy Lassiter Mrs. Jean Cross, Mr. Randy West, Lily Bivins Clifton Beale, Mr. James Clark Mrs. Carelyn Sheppard Ms. Pat Huber Mr. Ned Friend Jacob Floyd, James Kilborn Mrs. Ann Dalton Brown, Mr. Tommy Hines, Dana Myers Mr. Jack Holland, Mrs. Jean Sutphin Henry Huber Mrs. Annette Brooks, Tom & Kate Flintoff, Mr. David Holshouser, Mrs. Anna Jones Ms. Arlene Minard, Mr. Daniel Fink, Mr. Phil Beck, Aidan Miller Austin Bradshaw Mrs. Mardane McLemore, Mrs. Lynne Porter Mr. Roy V. Brinkley, Mrs. Stephanie Kashner, Erin Bradshaw, Mary & Elizabeth Brown Mrs. Ashley Hogg Mrs. Christel Hoy, Frances Hogg Mr. Brooke Pruden, Mr. Steven Beck Mrs. Debbie Callis Mrs. Lydia Duke-Hevener, Mr. Mike Smith, Ms. Juanita Colley Mrs. Leila Tompert, Dr. Michael Johnston, Mr. John Hatcher Mrs. Carol Lynne Shotton, Sarah Fink, Mr. Sean Williams Mr. Carey Michael, Mr. Scott Michael, Bobby Agnese Mr. Kermit Kelley, Caroline Eure, Mr. Matt Zydron Mr. Gary Scott Mr. Jay Dixon CHURCH STAFF and CONTACT INFORMATION Church Office: 757-539-8751 Fax: 757-539-7566 Pastor’s Home: 757-539-2612 Main Street Day Care and Preschool Main Street Church Web Site: Church’s E-Mail address Pastor’s E-Mail address Pastor Director of Music / Organist UMYF Coordinator Director of Congregational Care Children’s Resource Coordinator Pastor’s Cell Phone: 757-621-5778 757-539-3431 THE MAIN STREET MESSENGER Main Street United Methodist Church 202 North Main Street Suffolk, VA 23434 THE MAIN STREET MESSENGER: Published monthly by Main Street United Methodist Church, 202 North Main Street, Suffolk, VA 23434. Entered as periodicals in the Post Office, Suffolk, VA 23434. Publication #589102 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED. www.mainstumc.org MainStreet@mainstumc.org pastor@mainstumc.org Rev. Myrtle Frances Hatcher Chris Ward Mark Popik Barbara McPhail Karen Waddell Day Care/Preschool Director Administrative Assistant Janis Greene Virginia McNeill Custodian Herman Terrell STEWARDSHIP REPORT JANUARY—DECEMBER 21, 2014 Average worship attendance: 218 Average Sunday School attendance: 80 2014 tithes & offerings: $520,200 2014 expenses: $518,660 ELIZABETH RIVER DISTRICT YOUTH COUNCIL SPAGHETTI DINNER AND VARIETY SHOW Saturday, January 10, 2015 at Main Street Church 5:00—7:00 pm . Tickets will be $10 and may be purchased from our youth after Christmas Join us for an evening of good food, great friends and terrific talent! Contact Mark Popik, Zach Balint or Haley Grizzle for details THE MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET AT MAIN STREET UMC JANUARY 2015 “We are Rollin’ – Rollin’ – Rollin’!” The end of the year brings us into a unique position of being able to look back at what has gone on and then to look forward in wonder at the future with its limitless possibilities. This past year yielded ministry for us at Main Street UMC in unbelievable ways. As I reflect on the accomplishments and the hurdles we cleared, I am convinced God has been with us in mighty ways. We said final goodbyes to several long-term members with a sense of completeness and grace. And then we have bravely looked forward to imagine what possibilities and challenges are ahead in 2015. In November, I purchased a 2015 appointment calendar and already I am half way through the year recording commitments. I am convinced that God is standing ready to join us as we pursue the many opportunities ahead to keep us rolling forward in ministry. One of the major ministries accomplished by our church in 2014 was the purchase of a full sized touring bus. Due to the careful and diligent work of a Transportation Task Force, a Golf Tournament was held in April and from the profit, the bus was secured. It has a capacity to seat over 40 persons in comfort and safety. This vehicle was driven from Canada to Virginia and has now found its home in Suffolk. The primary use of this vehicle is for transporting Day Care participants on field trips. At other times, it will transport scouts and other church groups. We have many days ahead when our church will be rolling and rolling with this bus being put to good use. The bus is an opportunity for us to move ministry beyond our walls and parking lot. It’s a chance to have the name of the church rolling throughout the community. We will have limitless opportunities in 2015 to spread the good news as our bus rolls through the community. We are so blessed to have this instrument of grace. We are praising God and giving thanks for the wheels as they turn to keep our faith witness rolling and rolling and rolling. You are invited to come roll with us! Pastor Myrtle HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM YOUR CHURCH STAFF !
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