Southern Nevada Chapter Las Vegas, Nevada Meeting Notice and Newsletter January 2015 January Luncheon Notice: We are pleased to announce this month’s luncheon speakers will be David James, PhD, PE, FNSPE and the STEM Outreach committee members, who will be presenting on “STEM Outreach Activities”. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at Lawry’s The Prime Rib, 4043 Howard Hughes Parkway. David James, PhD, PE, FNSPE is Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Nevada Professional Engineers' Foundation and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of Solar and Renewable Energy Programs at UNLV. Through grants from NASA and Atkins Foundation, the Foundation, its Outreach Committee, and UNLV have been developing K-6 outreach efforts to promote engineering that feature engineer-guided hands-on activities in the classroom to support elementary school instruction. The presentation will engage the audience in hands-on activities for the newest kits, summarize outreach efforts to date, and lay out plans for this new calendar year. The Nevada PE Foundation both inspires the next generation of socially and environmentally responsible leaders, and supports science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. The Foundation has developed four different self-supporting kits, contained in 5-gallon paint buckets that contain engineering design and testing activities for primary school students, including Hoop Glider, Pop Fly Catapult, Puff Mobile, and Rubber Band Car. The Nevada PE Foundation has obtained funding and is seeking more Outreach volunteers to bring this program to the Clark County School District and private elementary schools in Southern Nevada. So far 2,200 students have participated in the activities. The lunch will be held from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM and the cost is $25.00 for those who RSVP before 12:00 PM on Friday, January 16, 2015 and $27.00 for those who register thereafter. UNLV students can attend the luncheon for $20. If you would like to attend the January luncheon, please RSVP on the NSPE website January Luncheon Sponsor: 3130 S. Durango Drive, Suite 404, Las Vegas, NV 89117 Phone: (702) 248-8000 Fax: (702) 248-8070 In This Newsletter: Engineers Week Finale Banquet ..................................... Page 2 Future City Competition .................................................. Page 2 STEM Outreach .............................................................. Page 2 Available Graduate Certificates ....................................... Page 3 Calendar of Events: Date Activity / Location Time Tuesday 01/20/15 NSPE Luncheon at Lawry’s STEM Outreach Activities 11:30 AM Saturday 02/28/15 E-Week Finale Dinner at the Gold Coast 6:00 PM Thank You to everyone who sponsored a luncheon in 2014. The NSPE Southern Nevada Chapter and our Officers are grateful to all the local companies who continue to support NSPE efforts. If your company is interested in being a sponsor, please contact Kathryn Leonardo at Meeting Notice & Newsletter 2014 Holiday Charity Luncheon – Last month’s joint holiday charity luncheon was a success. Funds raised at the luncheon benefited the children at Childtime Las Vegas (Early Learning and Child Care). NSPE donated $500 to APWA in support of their charity program. Get Linked In – Nevada Society of Professional Engineers is a Group on Linked-In, a premiere social media outlet for professional and business contacts. This Group is a way NSPE local and State chapters can communicate with the local professional engineering community. To join our Group, search on “Groups” for “Nevada Society of Professional Engineers”. If you do not have an account, please check out Linked-In at to register. Milton F. Lunch Ethics Contest - All current NSPE members through their NSPE state societies, and NSPE chapters (including student chapters) are invited to participate in the 2015 NSPE Milton F. Lunch Ethics Contest which provides an opportunity to match their wits with experienced P.E.s and engineering students throughout the country! The winning entry will receive a certificate, recognition in PE Magazine, and an award of $1,000 ($500 to the NSPE state society or NSPE chapter and $500 divided among the authors). Contestants must develop discussion and conclusions about the ethics of the engineer in the case using the format of the NSPE Board of Ethical Review. Entries must be 750 words or less and must be received at NSPE Headquarters by Friday, April 17, 2015. For additional information, visit NSPE national’s website at ASCE-YMF's Spring PE Review – The ASCE Las Vegas Younger Member Forum (YMF) is pleased to provide a Civil P.E. Review Course for the NCEES P.E. Exam. YMF has provided this course for the past several years. For additional information including registration, see page 13 of this newsletter. Career Center and Job Board – If your company has local (Southern Nevada) employment opportunities, please contact Kathryn Leonardo at for inclusion in future announcements. NSPE National also posts employment opportunities on their website as well as other useful information such as resume writing services and salary information, which can be found at Page 2 Happenings & Follow Ups: Engineers Week Finale Banquet – The Nevada Society of Professional Engineers annual gala will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino. To register for the dinner, please visit the NvSPE website at Event times are as follows: Order of the Engineer Ceremondy at 5:00 PM. Hosted Cocktails at 6:00 PM. Dinner at 7:00 PM After-party to immediately follow. Information regarding Order of the Engineer can be found at the end of this newsletter or by visiting For additional information about E-Week activities, contact Kondala Mantri at (702) 551-0375 or Future City Competition - The 2015 National Engineers Week Future City Competition (FCC) is taking place January 24, 2015 at the Northwest Career and Technical Academy. The FCC team is currently recruiting business partners interested in sponsoring this event. NvSPE, a strong supporter of FCC, is excited to invite you to support the competition this year. Please see the letter on page 9 for information on how you or your company can get involved as a sponsor. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact this year’s Sponsorship Coordinator, Courtney Warren at STEM Bucket Assembly The STEM Outreach Committee of NSPE is holding a bucket assembly on Saturday, January 31, 2015 from 9 AM - 12 PM. Please come and join us, all ages welcome. We will also have training for the STEM Outreach activities. For additional information, see attached flyer on page 12 or contact Brook Demitropoulos at T E M 2014-2015 Chapter Officers: President...................................................Sarah Pelissier, PE Black & Veatch Meeting Notice & Newsletter Page 3 Happenings & Follow Ups: Graduate Renewable Energy Certificate (GREC) – GREC is a unique program that investigates the topic of renewable energy from several multidisciplinary and related perspectives, including science, policy, engineering, community, and business. Designed for professionals in the energy industry, including administrators, engineers, and others impacted by new policies and practices relating to renewable energy, the program provides working professionals with the opportunity to learn about energy technologies, energy markets and business, and energy policy. Graduates of this certificate program will be prepared to apply their knowledge in the energy-related workplace. Read what graduates of this certificate are saying about the GREC program in the article “Educated Professionals Key to Unlocking Nevada’s Renewable Energy Potential” in the Nevada Engineering Fall 2014 magazine. The multidisciplinary, 4-course (12-credit) Graduate Renewable Energy Certificate is delivered in a flexible, online format with course offerings in the spring, summer, and fall semesters. Courses are offered from several engineering disciplines, as well as the College of Science and the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Nevada, Reno. The application process is described on the admissions page of the GREC website at UNLV Graduate Solar and Renewable Certificate – The School of Environmental and Public Affairs offers a Graduate Certificate in Solar and Renewable (SRE) Energy. The SRE Certificate is designed for individuals already in possession of either a baccalaureate degree or a graduate degree. More specifically, the SRE Certificate provides a specialized qualification for career professionals in the energy industry, professionals from other fields and individuals with baccalaureate degrees seeking entry into the renewable energy field, or currently enrolled graduate students seeking an additional specialization. For additional information on how to obtain this SRE Certificate, see page 15 of this newsletter or visit Vice President.............................................Harshal Desai, PE Atkins Treasurer…….........................................Bob Colasuonno, PE Henderson Engineering, Inc. Secretary...................................................Janelle Boelter, PE Las Vegas Valley Water District Director, Membership/Website.................Sean Robinson, PE Kimley Horn Director, Programming………................Kathryn Leonardo, EI Parsons Brinckerhoff Past President.............................................Bob Thomsen, PE GES – Geotechnical & Environmental Services, Inc. 2014-2016 NV State Officers: State President .......................................... Jonathan Tull, PE S&B Christ Consulting President Elect .............................................. Craig Sisco, PE Southwest Gas Corporation Vice President-Auditing ............................. Bob Thomsen, PE GES – Geotechnical & Environmental Services, Inc. State Past President ...................... Brook Demitropoulos, PE CH2MHill National Delegate ......................................... Craig Sisco, PE Southwest Gas Corporation State Administrator................................................. Tom Miller Civil Squared Engineering NSPE Foundation: Chairman, Trustee ........................... David James, Ph.D., PE Trustee ...................................................... Bob Thomsen, PE Trustee ....................................................... Jonathan Tull, PE Trustee ..................................................... Sarah Pelissier, PE Trustee ..................................................... Claire Kohatsu, PE Trustee .......................................................... Craig Sisco, PE Trustee .................................................... Charlie Vaughn, PE State MATHCOUNTS Coordinator........... Claire Kohatsu, PE Executive Secretary ........................................ Tom Miller, PE Newsletter Attachments Engineers Week Finale Banquet …………………….…………………..…...Page 05 Order of the Engineer Application Form ……………………………………..Page 06 Future City Competition Sponsorship Request …….………….………....…Page 08 STEM Outreach ………………………......…………………….……………...Page 11 ASCE-YMF's Spring PE Review ……………………………….……………..Page 12 UNLV Graduate Solar and Renewable Certificate …………........……...….Page 14 k nv boo /nspe e c fa om s on book.c u n Joi .face w ww QR code generated on P BY 5 201 , 0 Y1 UA R RSV FEB R Saturday February Register online at $70 per person $35 per student Tables of 10 available Please make checks payable to NSPE (TIN 94-2978625) and mail to: Brown and Caldwell Attn: Kim Lowe, PE 8337 W. Sunset Road, Suite 290 Las Vegas, Nevada 89113 5:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 28 2015 Gold Coast Hotel and Casino Order of the Salad Hosted Mixed Green Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing Engineer Ceremony Cocktails Dinner AFTER-PARTY IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING HOSTED BY SHG Black tie optional Entrée Selection Chicken Breast Marsala Grilled Halibut Provencal New York Strip Steak Roasted Vegetable Crepes Dessert Black Forest Cake For more information contact Kondala Rao Mantri 702.551.0375 Cappuccino Cheesecake The Order of the Engineer Application Form The ceremony will be held prior to the E-Week banquet February 28, 2015, at the Gold Coast Casino in the 2nd floor banquet area, in a room next to the Registration Desk. Check-in & Registration start at 5:00pm. The ceremony will begin promptly at 5:30 p.m. If you wish to join us as a participant in the Order Ceremony please complete the following: Name: (Please Print or type) Employer/Engineering School: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Little finger of working hand ring size: If you don’t know your size, ring sizing kits will be available at the Ceremony registration desk You must meet one of the following criteria to be eligible for membership into the order. Please check which one is applicable: ■ Hold a current license in good standing as a Professional Engineer. License state: License Number and Expiration date: Canadian Engineer who has completed the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer. Date: Currently Engineering Intern or meets requirements of the Nevada State Board for admittance to Fundamentals of Engineering exam. Planned or completed FE exam date: ABET-accredited B.S. engineering program graduate. Institution and date: Student currently enrolled in an ABET-accredited engineering degree program within one year of graduation. Institution and anticipated graduation date: Please send the completed form along with a one-time fee of $20 to cover the cost of the ring, certificate and room. The form must be submitted by Friday February 21, 2015 in order to receive a pre-printed certificate at the ceremony. Applicants who register at the door may have to receive their printed certificates in the mail. Please make checks payable to Nevada PE Foundation. Please do any one of a), b) or c): a) electronically complete this form using Adobe Reader X or later, and email it to the address shown below, bringing your $20 check or cash to the ceremony, or b) print, complete, scan and email or fax the form, then bring your $20 check or cash to the ceremony, or c) print, complete and then US Postal mail the completed form, with $20 check (no cash) to: David E. James, P.E., PhD Chair, Order of the Engineer, Link 154 UNLV Civil and Environmental Engineering 4505 Maryland Parkway Box 45-4015 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154-4015 E-mail: Fax: 702-895-3936 Questions? Please telephone me at 702-895-5804 On-site registration begins at 5:00 p.m. and the ceremony begins promptly at 5:30 p.m. Saturday February 28, 2015. We look forward to your participation! About the Order of the Engineer Origin of the Ceremony In the early 1900’s, a group of local businessmen hired the Phoenix Bridge Company along with a famous bridge engineer from New York, to design and build what would be the longest spanning bridge in the world. The bridge was to span 2,800 feet over the St. Lawrence River in Québec, Canada and was originally planned to have a center span 1,600 feet long, 150 feet above the waterway. A desire to economize lead to an increase in the length of the center span to 1,800 feet, but the associated weight increase associated with the increased span length was under-estimated, and many structural members were under-sized. Even though the error was detected in design review, bridge construction proceeded. During construction, girder deflections in excess of allowable tolerances appeared, and the work was temporarily stopped while the engineering team reviewed the situation. Pressured by schedule and cost, the warning signs were discounted, and work was restarted. On August 29, 1907, the bridge collapsed, killing 75 workers. The bridge was completed in 1919 following a second fatal collapse in 1916. It is still in use today. In 1926, determined that such a tragedy would never occur again, Canadian engineers sought the help of renowned author Rudyard Kipling to develop a ceremony that instills into young engineers the awesome responsibility they have for the health and safety of the general public. During the ceremony, known in Canada as the “Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer,” the inductees accept an Obligation, a creed that sets forth an ethical code that is similar to the oath attributed to Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) pledged by medical graduates. They are also given an iron ring, originally made out of the debris of the fallen Québec Bridge. The ring is worn on the little finger of the working hand as a symbol of the engineer and a reminder of their responsibility to the public. The Ceremony in the United States – the Order of the Engineer Due to copyright and other conflicting factors, the Canadian Ritual could not be duplicated in the United States, so two U.S. engineers were invited to Canada in the 1960’s to participate in the Calling Ritual. They then formed the “Order of the Engineer” with the same basic premise as the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer. The Order of the Engineer was initiated in the United States to foster a spirit of pride, individual integrity and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and practice, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer. During the Ceremony, engineers are invited to accept the Obligation of the Engineer and to wear a stainless steel ring. The Order is not a membership organization; there are never any meetings to attend or dues to pay. Instead, the Order fosters a unity of purpose and the honoring of one’s lifelong pledge to uphold the public safety. Engineer’s Week is designated as the third week of February. We believe that there is no better way to celebrate the great profession of engineering than to participate in the ceremony on February 28, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at the Gold Coast Casino just prior to the E-week awards banquet. Kodi Jean Church, Vice President of the National Society of Professional Engineers, will be our honored guest. If you’d like to join us please complete the application form on the first page of this announcement and return as indicated. We look forward to seeing you there! The Québec Bridge – completed 1919 Still in use today 2013-2014 Sponsors EDUCATIONAL PARTNER Clark County School District* GOLD ASCE Southern Nevada* Black & Veatch* National Engineers’ Week of SNV* National Securities Technologies* Navarro-Interra, LLC* NV Energy* Southwest Gas* Appreciation Financial Brown and Caldwell* Summerlin Energy NV Society of Professional Engineers SILVER n/a BRONZE Carollo Engineers* US Green Building Council Terracon* NCEES CH2M Hill *Sustaining Sponsor – 3 year commitment Thank you for your continued support! Southern Nevada Region Future City® Competition September 24, 2014 Sponsorship Request (2014‐2015) Dear Future City Partner, The 2015 National Engineers Week Future City® Competition is taking place January 24, 2015 at the Northwest Career and Technical Academy. We are currently recruiting business partners interested in sponsoring this event and we’re excited to invite you to support the competition this year! The Future City Competition is a program designed for 6th, 7th and 8th graders to foster an interest in math, science, and engineering through hands‐on, real‐world applications. The students create and design a city of the future by engaging in the engineering design process ‐ identifying problems, brainstorming ideas, designing solutions, testing, retesting and building, and finally communicating their results. Through this process, the students build a scale model of their city, write an essay, give a presentation, work together as a team, and learn many other skills that are needed in any technical field the student may enter. Each year, one specific theme is highlighted for the essay portion of the competition ‐ this year’s essay topic is “Feeding Future Cities – design a way to grow enough of (1) vegetable and (1) protein within your future city limits to feed your citizens for at least one growing season.” As noted above, we invite you to help sponsor this year’s Southern Nevada Region Future City® Competition. Please review the levels of sponsorship and sponsor benefits on the following page – we’re hopeful you’ll become a sponsor at any level that is reasonable for you. All donations are tax deductible, and the 501c3 number is 23‐7381277. If you choose to sponsor the competition, please make your contribution payable to ASCE Southern Nevada Region Future City and mail it to our Treasurer, Crissy Riland, at 5160 Conough Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89149. On behalf of all our students, teachers, business partners, and the Regional Committee, we sincerely thank you for your support and look forward to working together into the future. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact this year’s Sponsorship Coordinator, Courtney Warren by phone (913‐458‐3488) or e‐mail ( Best regards, Courtney Warren Sponsorship Coordinator ® Southern Nevada Regional Future City Competition Enclosures: Sponsorship levels Logo & message instructions Sponsorship Levels and Benefits GOLD (STARTING AT $1000) Present a special award to a team the day of the competition Logo and full page space for a message to the students in the event program Recognition for your generous contribution on the display boards Opportunity to contribute items for the student grab bags SILVER (STARTING AT $500) Logo and ½ page space for a message to the students in the event program Recognition for your generous contribution on the display boards Opportunity to contribute items for the student grab bags BRONZE (STARTING AT $100) Logo included in the event program Recognition for your generous contribution on the display boards Opportunity to contribute items for the student grab bags SUSTAINING SPONSOR A Sustaining Sponsor has pledged to support the Future City® Competition for a minimum of three years. These sponsors allow much needed continuity to ensure the long‐term success of the Future City® Program and will receive special recognition in the event program and on the display boards. If you would prefer to sponsor a specific aspect of the Future City® program such as lunches, prize drawings, trophies, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact the committee. We would be happy to work with you to accommodate your company’s specific preferences. SAVE THE DATE! Who: Nevada Society of Professional Engineers STEM Outreach Committee What: When: STEM Bucket Assembly January 31, 2015 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Where: Southwest Gas Corporation 5241 Spring Mountain Road, Building C, Las Vegas NV 89150 Calling all volunteers! Please come and join us (all ages welcome) to help assemble STEM Outreach bucket kits for several different activities (grades K-6). We will also have training for the STEM Outreach activities and will discuss ideas for presentations. Light snacks will be served. For questions, please contact: Brook Demitropoulos at or 702-953-1295 PE EXAM REVIEW COURSE The ASCE Las Vegas Younger Member Forum (YMF) is pleased to provide a Civil P.E. Review Course for the NCEES P.E. Exam. YMF has provided this course for the past several years. The course includes detailed presentations by experienced Professional Engineers and notable Faculty Members from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. REGISTER AT LASVEGASYMF.ORG COST MEMBERS NONMEMBERS OPTION I $250 $350 FULL COURSE OPTION II $50 $50 PER CLASS LOCATION UNLV HOWARD R HUGHES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING; ROOM: TBE B-178 TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE The Spring PE Exam is April 17th, 2015 Date Subject Date Subject 02/07/15 Construction Engineering/ Management 03/14/15 Structures 02/14/15 Hydrology/Open Channels 03/21/15 Horizontal/Vertical Curves 02/21/15 Wastewater 03/28/15 Geotechnical 02/28/15 Hydraulics/Pressured Flow 04/04/15 Water Chemistry/Groundwater 03/07/15 Traffic Engineering 04/11/15 PRACTICE EXAM CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: JIMMY FLOYD—JIMMY.FLOYD@NOVAGEOTECH.COM—775-513-1296 JAFFER ALMOSAWY—JALMOSAWY@GCWALLACE.COM—702-806-9377 Date Time Subject Instructor 02/07/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. Construction Engineering 02/14/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. 02/21/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. 02/28/15 TBD Company Phone E-mail Jimmy Floyd, NOVA PE Geotechnical (775) 5131296 Hydrology/Open Channels Sajjad Ahmad, UNLV Ph.D., P.E. 895-5456 Wastewater Margaret Regan, P.E. 821-4360 263-7275 MWH Global Hydraulics/Pressured Harshal Desai, Atkins Flow P.E., CFM Kimley-Horn Devin Moore, and 862-3261 EIT Associates, Inc. Sigma Joe Farre, P.E. Engineering 247-4462 Solutions, Inc. 03/07/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. Traffic Engineering 03/14/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. Structures 03/21/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. Horizontal/Vertical Curves Kondala Rao Mantri, P.E. Atkins 03/28/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. Geotechnical Brad Olsen, P.E. Ninyo & Moore 433-0330 04/04/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. Water Chemistry/ Groundwater Jacimaria Batista, Ph.D., UNLV P.E. 04/11/15 1:00-4:00 p.m. 702-5510375 895-1585 PRACTICE EXAM Co-Curricular Involvement For more information visit grad-solar-renewable-energy University of Nevada, Las Vegas UNLV’s Desert Sol – 2nd place 2013 DOE Solar Decathlon Solar Competitions Facility Tours Professional Research society participation and Outreach Conferences Dr. David James, PE Director, Solar & Renewable Energy Programs 702-895-1067 and Guest Speakers UNLV Graduate College Office of Admissions 702-895-3320 Solar and Renewable Energy Graduate Certificate Program 2014 CES — CEA Desert Sol Gift Administration of the Program The graduate certificate program is jointly administered through the Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering and the UNLV Graduate College. Please contact: Curriculum Solar and Renewable Energy Graduate Certificate Program Students complete six courses comprising 18 credits of graduate work. All students take a three course (9 credit hours) Core, along with three additional courses selected from six available areas of emphasis. Information UNLV offers a Graduate Certificate in Solar and Renewable Energy (SRE). The SRE Certificate is designed for individuals already in possession of a baccalaureate or a graduate degree. The SRE Certificate provides a specialized qualification for career professionals in the energy industry, professionals from other fields, and individuals seeking entry into the renewable energy field, or currently enrolled graduate students seeking an additional specialization. This SRE Certificate: Provides an interdisciplinary approach to SRE grounded in the three critical pillars of technology and physical science, policy and governance, and the built environment. Develops within students the intellectual and problemsolving foundation for a successful professional career in the SRE field. Through consistent formal training, Improves the overall effectiveness of the solar and renewable energy sector in Nevada and the Western U.S. Financial Aid Opportunities RENEW Graduate Research Assistantships Core — 3 courses 1. ME 677 Introduction to Solar and Renewable Energy Utilization 2. ENV 702 Environmental Problem Solving or ENV 720 Natural Resource valuation 3. CEM 680 Sustainable Construction or ABS 642 Solar Energy Applications in Architecture Electives — 3 courses, each from a Graduate assistantships are offered students enrolled in the certificate program and also pursuing a UNLV graduate degree. Students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty in their major program as well as the Office of Urban Sustainability Initiatives to conduct research on and promote renewable energy topics. Assistantships are held for one year, at the close of which students may reapply for the following year. different area of study choosing one each from: Mechanical Engineering Electrical and Computing Engineering Geosciences and Environmental Science Built Environment Policymaking, Society and Governance Energy Policy, Economics and Law For additional information and Application instructions visit: certificate/grad-solar-renewable-energy
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