January 2015 - Fairmount Elementary PTA

Fairmount Elementary PTA Newsletter
7th  Students Return
7th-30th  Choice Enrollment
(Round 1)
15th  5th Grade to AmeriTowne
Talent Show Try-Outs...January 28 & 29
Fairmount Hall of Fame (CARE awards)
Fairmount 5K Art Contest Winners!
Parenting Safe Children Seminar
King Soopers/Safeway Grocery Card Program (41% YTD)
 Accountability Meeting
16th  Fit Fun Club 8-8:40a.m.
19th  MLK Day—No School
 Kindergarten
27th  Parenting Safe
Children Seminar
 Fairmount’s Got Talent
2015 Try-Outs
Fairmount Elementary
15975 W. 50th Ave.
Golden, CO 80403
Main Office: 303.982.5422
Attendance Line:
Bus Terminal: 303.982.1998
Fairmount received the 2014 Governor’s
Distinguished Improvement Award.
award recognizes our students’ exceptional
growth that they demonstrated on last year’s
TCAP assessments. Congratulations to our
students, staff, and families!
Staff Change
We would like to congratulate our Assistant
Principal, Zak Martin, on his promotion to
Principal at Vanderhoof Elementary. Mr.
Martin’s move was effective January 1. We
would like to welcome our new Assistant
Principal, Ms. Chalee McDougal, who comes to
us from our Educational Research and Design
Student Based Budgeting
For next school year, Jeffco is using a new way
of school budgeting called Student Based
Budgeting or SBB. The goal of SBB is to give
schools more autonomy and flexibility to
better align resources for individual school
needs. For this model, we will be able to make
site-based decisions for staffing and spending.
This method differs from years past when our
district would allocate how many teachers per
grade level and make more decisions on how
we used our resources. In December, I began
our budget process for next year with the
support of our Achievement Director and
Finance Department. I presented preliminary
information to our Accountability Committee
in December, but final decisions cannot be
made until much later in the year when we
know how many students will be in each grade
level. At that time, we can consider if we need
to add a teacher or rearrange the number of
classes we have by grade level.
At this time, we are not anticipating many
changes to how our classes are arranged. I will
continue to keep you informed as the spring
goes on and we have better information
regarding classes per grade level and teacher
As always, if you have a question, comment, or
suggestion, please call the office, stop by, or
email me at smills@jeffco.k12.co.us.
purchased a card, it's not too late to earn money to help cover
your school fees for the 2015-16 school year. Contact Michelle
Schiffbauer at finance@fairmountpta.org to get yours now!
We hope everyone had a relaxing break from school and you
are ready to get back to it. We have so many exciting things to
look forward to this Spring: the Parenting Safe Children
Seminar, the Talent Show, another session of Spanish classes,
the Sock Hop, more Fit & Fun Club events, the Fairmount 5000
and more!
We do not have a PTA meeting in January. The next meeting
will be February 3, 2015 at 3:45p.m. in the Fairmount Library
(childcare provided). We will have the Fairmount Fire
Department presenting a home fire prevention message,
including the use of carbon monoxide detectors, smoke
detectors, fire extinguishers and general fire protection safety
practices. We will also have firefighters available in the gym
during this meeting to present a fire safety message to our
The PTA-sponsored Parenting Safe Seminar is just around the
corner. We will be raffling off two free registrations after the
first 20 registrations are received. The workshop will be held at
school on Tuesday, January 27, from 5:00-9:00p.m. Childcare
and pizza dinner will be provided. See flyer on page 8 for more
information on the workshop and how to reserve your spot
Volunteer Opportunities: We have several coordinator
positions open at this time. We are looking for someone to
shadow in the following areas now and take over as the lead
next year: Yearbook and Newsletter. In addition, we are
currently in need of an Enrichment Program Coordinator, a
Fall Festival/BBQ Co-Coordinator, Web Site Designer and
Grant Writer.
Please contact Carmen Bauer at
VP@FairmountPTA.org if you are interested or have questions
about any of these positions.
The PTA is excited to announce an upcoming mural project for
our cafeteria. Beginning in February, Fairmount students will
have an opportunity to work with local artist and Fairmount
parent Natasha McConnachie to create a mural for our
cafeteria. Be sure to watch your Friday folders for information
on how to participate in this exciting project!
To date, we have raised about $8,200 towards our goal of
$20,000 for the King Soopers and Safeway Grocery Card
program. That is 41% of our goal, which is awesome! Thanks
so much to all of you who have been refilling your cards--keep
up the great work. And for those of you who haven't yet
Happy New Year,
The PTA Board
Programs & Events to Watch For:
Parenting Safe Children Seminar—This is a must-attend
workshop for people with children of all ages! This workshop
empowers you to keep your children safe from sexual abuse.
The seminar will take place on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 from
5:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. at Fairmount. Childcare (and pizza)
provided free of charge for Fairmount parents. We
will be raffling 2 spaces if we receive 20 RSVP’s.
You must pay in advance to reserve your space.
Please RSVP to President@FairmountPTA.org.
(See flyer on page 8).
Published monthly by Fairmount PTA
Editor, Kristi Mladenovic
303.881.9503 (blondienite@yahoo.com)
Co-President, Kaye Becker
303.855.0167 (president@fairmountpta.org)
Co-President, Kristi Mladenovic
303.881.9503 (blondienite@yahoo.com)
Vice President, Carmen Bauer
Fit & Fun Club—On Friday, January 16 the Fit Fun Club will
be hosting another event which will include races,
relays and some kick boxing moves (kid appropriate
of course). It will be from 8:00-8:40a.m. in the gym.
Hope to see you there.
303.915.4299 (vp@fairmountpta.org)
2nd Vice President, Sally Mills
303.982.6562 (smills@jeffco.k12.co.us)
Vice President, Finance, Michelle Schiffbauer
303.940.0130 (finance@fairmountpta.org)
Talent Show—Try-outs will be held on January 28 and 29 and
the show is scheduled for Friday, February 20 at 6:00p.m.
Vice President, Fundraising, Jessica Nauslar
414.405.2027 (fundraising@fairmountpta.org)
Secretary, Maria King
Treasurer, Becky Asbury
More information about these events will come out in the
upcoming Friday folders.
Fairmount’s Got Talent 2015
Terri Kilgroe – For coordinating the annual 6th
grade visit to Mountain Vista Nursing Home. You
did a great job!
Friday, February 20 at 6:00p.m.
Liz Bravman—For coordinating the Learning
Garden and all that entails (writing grants, getting
Jeffco approval, organizing the Chipotle fundraiser
event and more). We are all so excited for what is
to come!
Limited try-out slots available – signup sheets
will be posted January 20. Spots are limited to
ensure participants who put significant thought and
effort into a performance get to show off their
talents. Spots are first to sign up. Once filled,
no more acts will be added !
Dress rehearsal:
Student Council would like to extend a big
Thank You to the Fairmount Community for your
participation in the holiday clothing drive. Serving
Kids received a large donation in clothing for Jeffco
students who do not have adequate, warm clothing
to wear. Your generosity is much appreciated!
January 28 & 29
February 19
Direct questions to Jeannie Wallen at
1st Annual Fairmount
Multicultural Night!
Save the date!
Tuesday April 14 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Bring your family to celebrate the diversity of our school community with a night of free music, dance
performances, and international food. All are welcome!
We are looking for performers & international food trucks. If your student or a family member would like
to share a cultural dance, song, poem, etc. or have a food truck connection, please contact: Jane
Hampleman, Fairmount ESL teacher at 303.982.9778 or jhamplem@jeffco.k12.co.us
The following students have demonstrated CARE behaviors and are being honored for the month of
January on our Hall of Fame. To read about their accomplishments, please visit our Hall of Fame wall
located in the hallway leading from the cafeteria to the playground. Congratulations to all of you and thank
you for demonstrating that at Fairmount we CARE! Keep up the great work.
Sydney Wilken
Laney Kelly
Landon Smith
Cameron Couper
Gracie Gillest
Preston Eggers
Jacob Maestas
Ashley Casey
Ryoji Yasuoka
Ashley Vandegrift
Nick Wooten-Williams
Madison deYoanna
Delaney Schiffbauer
Serena Classen
My-Quynh Ta
Kate Schneringer
Amanda Thomas
Madison deYoanna
Ethan Osburn
Isabella Glass
Taryn Petri
Sophie Justus
Kirby Walker
Veronica Vessa
Carter Novak
Maci Jones
Lilly VanAlsburg
Sam Bauer
Tru Bradley
Alayna Amhaus
Jordan West
Wesley Loehr
Taj Kumar
Rylee Hoffschneider
Adia Farling
Eliana Di Manna
Emily Khatiyavong
Landree McClure
Hannah Styles
Heloisa D’Incao
Amelie Bauer
Brendan McWilliams
Elliot Staub
Karl Pankratz
Madigan Petri
Congratulations to the winners of the 2015
Fairmount 5000 Art Contest! Thank you to all
that participated.
It was incredibly difficult to
choose the winners with so many great entries!
Congratulations to the following winners from each
Nate Bierbrauer – Kindergarten
Hadley Nausler – 1st Grade
Norah Hanson – 2nd Grade
Tate Sonnenfeld – 3rd Grade
Makenzie Sproles – 4th Grade
Josh Roweder – 5th Grade
Kenny Deng – 6th Grade
Thank you to 1ST BANK of
Arvada at Westwoods for
their continued support of
Levi Stweart – Honorable Mention for unique slogan to be
used for this year’s race – “We don’t just run, we fly.”
The grand prize winner, whose design will go on all tshirts and brochures is Tate Sonnenfeld! Great job, Tate!!
His design is fun and creative!
All of the designs will be displayed in the hallway closer to race
day. The winners will have ribbons on their artwork. See page
5 (next page) to view all of the winning artwork...
Fairmount 5000 Art Contest Winners:
Kindergarten—Nate Bierbrauer
Grand Prize Winner—Tate Sonnenfeld
1st Grade—Hadley Nausler
2nd Grade—Norah Hanson
5th Grade—Josh Roweder
4th Grade—Makenzie Sproles
Honorable Mention—Unique Slogan—Levi Stewart
6th Grade—Kenny Deng
13th Annual Student/Parent
This year's annual Student/Parent Breakfast was a raging success. More than 500 people were fed, 1000+ pancakes came hot
off the griddles, 300 bowls of fruit served, and 700 drinks poured…all in an hour and a half.
A huge thank you to all the families who donated!!
A sincere thank you to all of the volunteers this year that made this event successful. None of it would have been possible
without you. The volunteers were at the school by 6:30am and greeted everyone with huge smiles. Many also came to help setup Thursday evening. Thanks again and I hope I have included everyone who lent a hand to be able to welcome all those
Fairmount parents/guardians and families to a fabulous breakfast: Amy Petri, Dee Ann Lord, Kristi Wimbish, Tim
Wimbish, Dee Gregory, Bernadette Soehner, Terri Kilgroe, Val Van Alsburg, Nicole Vessa, Derek West, Robby
McClure, James Wallen, Karen Robbins, Neena Scharmer, Suzanne Hoffman, Kelly Burns, Hallie Rossi, Christie
Loughran, Tammy Pierce, Amy Stewart, Jessica Nausler, Beth Ozment, Dave Kneisl, and Tony McEahern. A special
thanks to Lori Pennington-Fee for providing a healthy and relaxing yoga class for the parents and students. Thanks to Sue
Bobroske and the front office staff who responded to many phone calls/emails and helped with tons of behind the scenes
details, and also to our Facility Manager – Razija Kozic and Building Engineer – Frank, who helped with set-up and clean-up;
and Leanne Alton and the cafeteria staff who so graciously allowed us to take over their kitchen! It was truly wonderful to
see all the teachers and staff there bright and early to visit with families and their students!
Thanks to Sally Mills, the PTA and Fairmount staff who continue to support this event year after year.
I would like to extend a very special thank you to Jeannie Wallen who has continued to coordinate this event for years. This
was the last Student/Parent Breakfast for Jeannie and it is being passed on to me, Stacy Atkins. I truly love this event and look
forward to continuing this enjoyable tradition for our Fairmount families!
Thank you so much to our local businesses for their generous donations. Longmont Dairy Farm – 303-776-8466 for the milk,
Royal Crest Dairy – (303) 777-3055 for the orange juice and the Golden Starbucks on Hwy 93 and Washington St. for the coffee.
Please support these businesses as they have supported our local community.
Stacy Atkins
Fairmount Accountability Committee
The Accountability Committee met on Thursday, December 18, in the LMC. After those in attendance had introduced
themselves, there was a brief discussion about the distribution of the agenda and minutes. It was agreed that having
the agenda and last meeting’s minutes e-mailed to the Committee members in advance was helpful, and fewer copies
would be needed at the meetings. These documents are also available for viewing on the school’s website.
For the Principal’s Report, Mrs. Mills talked about the school’s Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) or school goals. Once
again, the school goal is focused on math, especially in helping those students who need to catch up. Teachers also have
individual goals related to math, and in January the teachers will meet to share classroom data to see how they are
progressing. A secondary goal is to help primary students who are below the literary benchmark get the help they
need. For the fourth year in a row, Fairmount will receive the Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award.
As mentioned earlier, the county has moved to a Student Based Budgeting program, where individual schools now have
more control over their budget, particularly in allocating the number of classrooms per grade. Fairmount is in good
shape with its budget, and will keep the same number of teachers and paraprofessionals. Fees for full-day
kindergarten will still be collected so that Fairmount can continue the program as it is now. These fees pay for
supplies, the afternoon teacher, and the paraprofessional.
Mrs. Mills introduced the idea of having a fourth specials teacher for technology to increase what is provided for
students in testing and new technology. This would also reduce class sizes for specials, since most grades have four
classrooms. Melissa Swenson, the district technology education/librarian specialist, gave a presentation about how a
digital teacher/librarian could share the specials schedule and hold class in the computer lab. This digital teacher would
integrate technology in the classroom and ease the burden on classroom teachers, help with research and digital
navigation, and teach keyboarding and other skills required under the technology standards. The Committee members
asked questions and discussed this possibility, also asking about alternatives. Members were very concerned about
losing days for Art, Music, and PE, the special programs these teachers provide, and school time for being active. Also
mentioned was the amount of screen time students have, the ability of students to learn technology quickly, and the
increased rates in childhood obesity. Although the Committee did not approve the idea, it was felt that a survey or
forum to solicit more opinions might be needed.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 5:30p.m. in the LMC.
We will raffle off 2 spaces for this seminar if we receive a minimum
of 20 RSVP’s—but you must RSVP to be entered!
It has been another successful year for our Mountain Vista Community Project! Mrs. Hope led
the 6th graders in an amazing program for the residents. The generous families here at
Fairmount donated enough gifts for every resident at Mountain Vista to receive one. This is an
important program with a long tradition that could not happen if it were not for all the fabulous
volunteers who help with drawings, collecting and transporting the gifts, the teachers who
graciously allow us to conduct the drawings, our wonderful office staff for all the extra help, Mrs.
Hope for putting together the music program, Linda and Steve at Mountain Vista for supplying
the gift requests from the residents, the families who donate the gifts and the 6 th graders who
bring the holiday spirit to the residents at Mountain Vista. This is a project where, as they say,
it truly takes a village. Thank you all for everything you have done to support this amazing
Terri Kilgroe
6th Grade: After a wonderful program at Mt. Vista Nursing
Home on the last day of school, our sixth graders will begin
their study of the History of Rock and Roll. This is in
anticipation of the Sock Hop which is scheduled for April 24.
2nd Grade: We are beginning our study of Mr. E’s Musical
This is a highly engaging curriculum for
learning the notes of the treble clef. We’ll be playing the
glockenspiel to reinforce these notes.
5th Grade: As you may have heard, we have begun working
on our musical, “School Daze!” This will be presented on
Thursday, February 26. A more detailed note will be
coming home after the first of the year.
CHOIR: We are still on a break until the Spring. Watch for
an article in an upcoming issue this newsletter as well as in
the daily morning announcements.
4th Grade: Our class time is now busy learning about our
wonderful state. Our musical, “Colorado” will be presented
on Thursday, February 4 at 6:00p.m. Look for a note in
Friday folders.
New Student Teacher: We welcome Miss Rebecca Taylor
to the music classroom. She is from Colorado Christian
University and her main instrument is Clarinet. She will be
helping me direct the 4th and 5th grade musicals.
Once again, I encourage good communication of all music
Current information is always available on my
webpage as well as my voicemail, 303-982-5410.
quickest way to contact me is via email:
3rd Grade: It’s RECORDER TIME! All third graders
purchased a recorder when they paid their school fees. The
recorders will be distributed on the first day of music
following the New Year. They are very excited! If you did not
include a recorder in your school fees, then I am selling them
for $4.00 each in the music room.
(with prizes!), and musical entertainment. This takes
the place of a spring book fair. I will be contacting
those people who turned in Tickets for Time, but if you
would like to help out, please contact me.
I can’t believe that 2015 is already here! I hope that
your holidays were merry and bright, and that you
enjoyed your time with family and friends.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please
don’t hesitate to call me. My voice mail number is 303982-5413, or if it’s more convenient, my email is
As we start the second half of the school year, students
are already busy checking out books, working on
projects, researching their favorite subjects, and getting
ready for the upcoming assessments. Students in
grades 3-6 will begin Acuity testing in February,
followed by CMAS and PARCC during the last few
months of school. Our computer lab, as well as our
laptop carts, will be in constant use during this time.
Thanks for your continuing support.
Keep Reading!
June Ruppel
Our annual Barnes and Noble night will be held at the
Denver West location on February 24. Look for more
information to come home in Friday folders, but put it
on your calendars NOW! This is always a fun time,
with thousands of books to explore, a scavenger hunt
Happy New Year and Welcome to January’s Wellness Corner
This month features information about upcoming nutrition education classes, a turkey
chili recipe, in-season squash varieties, and a nutrient website resource.
Questions? Please contact Loretta Pokorny at 303-517-7829 or
Upcoming Events: Nutrition Education Classes
Loretta Pokorny will be hosting an hour long nutrition education class in February and another in March
for Fairmount students. The classes are also extended to parents and siblings, relatives and friends and
will take place after school at Fairmount Elementary. Pre-registration will be required. Be on the lookout
for further details coming soon in Friday Folders.
Recipe: Turkey Chili (adapted from Penzey’s Spices located in Old Town Arvada)
What’s better than a hot bowl full of chili on a cold winter’s day? Eating it with the corn muffin recipe
published in December’s newsletter! Chili is great for school lunches in a pre-warmed thermos.
FYI-Target sells the perfect size thermos for school lunches.
Percent Daily Value for ½ cup of black beans:
18% Fiber
1 lbs ground organic turkey (Costco)
4 tablespoons organic olive oil (Costco)
1 medium organic onion, chopped
1 organic red bell pepper, chopped
1 clove organic garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. fresh ground black pepper (Penzey’s)
1 tsp. ground cumin (Penzey’s)
1/4 tsp. ground chipotle pepper (Penzey’s)
1 tsp. crushed red peppers (Penzey’s)
2 tablespoons chili powder (Penzey’s)
1 can each kidney beans, pinto beans, and black beans
1-1/2 teaspoons of salt
2 cans of organic diced tomatoes mixed in a blender, or 5 frozen tomatoes thawed from your freezer from
your summer garden then rinsed in hot water then peeled and mixed in a blender
Brown turkey in 2 tbsp olive oil and set aside. Heat 2 tbsp. oil in stir in onions, garlic and red pepper
until lightly cooked but not burned. Add pepper, cumin, chipotle, and crushed red pepper, and chili
powder to taste, while continually stirring until spices begin to stick to bottom of stock pot and brown
(about 30 seconds). Add turkey, tomatoes, beans and salt. When chili begins to boil, reduce heat to low
and cover. Ideally chili should be simmered 1 hour to let all the flavors blend together. Stir about every
15 minutes, while checking to make sure heat is not too high, causing chili to stick to the bottom of the
Local In-Season Produce: Winter Squash
Winter squash is in abundance. Just to name a few, there’s blue hubbard pumpkin, gold nugget squash,
and delicata squash, OH MY! These varieties can be found at Berry Patch Farms (BPF) in Brighton this
month (berrypatchfarms.com). BPF has many recipes placed beside their produce in their store. Squash
makes a great side dish, can be cut up and put into soup, and the blue hubbards have the perfect seeds
for roasting.
Health-wise website to browse this month:
Wondering how to find out the nutrient content of the food you eat? Check out the website below. You
can plug in almost any food item and find out its nutrient contents.
Fairmount Learning Garden Committee Update
 We will be having a "Wear a Hat to School Day" Friday, January 23 - students are
encouraged to bring in $1 or more to help support the building of the Learning Garden. The
classroom that raises the most money will win a "Garden Tasting" party!
Be on the lookout for an "Engrave a Brick" fundraiser to start in February . Families will be
able to personalize a brick and become a permanent legacy in building the garden.
We now have a Facebook page: Look for us on FB as Fairmount Elementary Learning Garden
How can I help?
If you are interested in helping with the Learning Garden in any capacity, please contact:
Liz Bravman, lizinmexico@hotmail.com or 303-882-3193
WHY have we not seen ANY art coming home from our young artists?
I will be having another all school ART SHOW in May. I will be saving all the art from our classes until April.
At this time your artists will select their favorite project to put in the show. I will send a reminder that art will be
coming home and this way you can be looking for it. I know some of you want to make sure these masterpieces make
it home to your own family galleries!
I will send more information after Spring Break.
I will also need some helpers!
So if you are interested in helping in the cafeteria with refreshments, or helping me
hang the show, and label the art……I would LOVE an email from you!
We have so many more students this year, that I will only be able to pull this off
with your help!
After Winter break we will begin our Public art unit in 3rd Grade. I am in need of 6-12 large appliance boxes. We will
be building an urban ruin. The boxes need to be large enough to fit a student in the box (refrigerator, air hockey, dishwasher, flat screen tv, washer/dryer). So if you are in the middle of a remodel, or Santa delivers something in a large
cardboard box, please think of us in the 3rd grade art room!
Have a safe holiday!
Mrs. Day-ART mday@jeffco.k12.co.us
Great Schools Build Great Communities!
To support the Fairmount PTA's fundraising efforts, the real estate professionals at McClure & Associates
have generously offered to donate 10% of the commission received from the purchase or sale of all homes of
parents, relatives, and staff members of Fairmount Elementary School to the Fairmount PTA. So far this
school year, they have helped us raise $620 and counting! If you are considering buying or selling
your home, please contact Kim Dixon or Robby McClure and mention this promotion. Kim can be
contacted at (303) 669-2935 or kimdixon5280@gmail.com and Robby can be contacted at (720) 4345228 or robby@robbymcclure.com.
Reflections Program:
Congratulations to Valeria Marchitto and Avery Grieve
for the wonderful pieces they submitted to this year's
Reflections program. They did a great job!
Fit and Fun Club:
We had a great turnout for the Jingle Bell run in December. The kids
enjoyed some laps, jingle bell bracelets, hot cocoa and bagels. Thank
you to all who participated. Ben Bravman was our top runnercongrats to him!!
On Friday, January 16, the Fit and Fun club will be hosting another
event which will include races, relays and some
kick boxing moves (kid appropriate of course). It
will be from 8:00-8:40 am in the gym. Hope to see
you there.
If you have any questions or suggestions for the
Fit and Fun club please contact Daniella Grieve at 303-818-1088 or
January Menu
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Turkey & Cheese Deli
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Stuffed Crust Pizza w/
Bread Stick (V)
Crispy Chicken Nuggets
Galaxy Pizza (V)
BBQ Pork on
Whole Grain Bun
French Toast w/ Fruit
Compote (V); Sausage Patty
Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Steamed Veggies
Harvest Apple/Sweet Potato Bake
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Ham & Cheese Deli
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Turkey & Cheese Deli
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Hot Dog w/ Chili
Crispy Chicken Sandwich
on Whole Grain Bun
Galaxy Pizza (V)
Chicken Chorizo
or Cheese Quesadilla (V)
Stuffed Crust Pizza w/
Bread Stick (V)
Macho Nachos (V)
Cheese Ravioli
w/ Whole Grain Roll (V)
Chicken Fajitas w/ Rice
Orange Chicken
w/ Fried Rice
Pintos & Cheese
Frozen Yogurt
French Fries
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Steamed Veggies
No School!
Mini Pretzel
w/Cheese Stick & Seeds
Turkey & Cheese Deli
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Corn Dog
Galaxy Pizza (V)
Chili w/ Cornbread (V)
Waffle w/ Fruit
Compote (V); Sausage Patty
Chicken Tamale
Stuffed Crust Pizza w/
w/ Green Chili & Rice
Bread Stick (V)
Macaroni & Cheese (V)
Hot Ham & Cheese
on Whole Grain Bun
Entrée Salad w/
Frozen Yogurt
Pintos & Cheese
Honey Glazed Carrots
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Steamed Veggies
Harvest Apple/Sweet Potato Bake
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Turkey & Cheese Deli
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Ham & Cheese Deli
Entrée Salad w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll (V)
Hot Ham & Cheese
on Whole Grain Bun
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
w/ Tomato Soup (V)
Galaxy Pizza (V)
Crispy Fish & Chips
Stuffed Crust Pizza w/
Bread Stick (V)
Macho Nachos (V)
Crispy Chicken Nuggets
Pork Mojo Quesadilla
Cheesy Breadsticks
w/ Marinara (V)
Home-Style Roasted
Chicken w/
Whole Grain Dinner Roll
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Steamed Veggies
Pintos & Cheese
Frozen Yogurt
French Fries
Honey Glazed Carrots
Daily Side Choices
(V) Vegetarian Choice
Side Salad
Broccoli & Cauliflower
Fresh Fruit
Canned Fruit
Side Salad
Baby Carrots
Veggie Juice
Fresh Fruit
Canned Fruit
Side Salad
Broccoli & Cauliflower
Fresh Fruit
Canned Fruit
Side Salad
Baby Carrots
Veggie Juice
Fresh Fruit
Canned Fruit
Side Salad
Broccoli & Cauliflower
Fresh Fruit
Canned Fruit
January 2015
Choice Enrollment
(Round 1—Begins)
Jan 7—Jan 30
5th Grade to
Young AmeriTowne
Fit Fun Club
Accountability Mtg
(Jan 20-26)
Parenting Safe
Children Seminar
Fairmount’s Got
Talent 2015
Fairmount’s Got
Talent 2015
Choice Enrollment
(Round 1—Ends)