Open Arms Adoption Network’s Workshop Schedule Winter/Spring 2015 Offering supportive and enlightening workshops to those who are touched by adoption or considering adoption. TO REGISTER: Please call or e-mail Michele LeMasney at 609.694.2626 or You can also register online anytime at Workshops BONDING & ATTACHMENT IN NEWBORN ADOPTION January 14th, 2015 (6:30pm – 8:30pm) 2100 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA OPEN ADOPTION SEMINAR January 25th, 2015 (10:00am – 4:30pm) Huntingdon Valley Library (2nd Floor) 625 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA ADOPTING TRANSRACIALLY February 5th, 2015 (6:30pm – 8:30pm) 2100 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA LIVING AS A MULTI-CULTURAL FAMILY February 18th, 2015 (5:30pm – 7:30pm) 825 Third Avenue (2nd Floor) New York City, NY THE HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCK© March 19th, 2015 (6:30pm – 8:30pm) 2100 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA THE LANGUAGE OF ADOPTION April 8th, 2015 (6:30pm – 8:30pm) 2100 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA NEWBORN CARE 101 April 15th, 2015 (6:00pm – 8:30pm) 256 Columbia Turnpike; Suite 105 Florham Park, NJ (*This class is open to the first 10 families registered) THE LANGUAGE OF ADOPTION March 25th, 2015 (6:30pm – 8:30pm) 256 Columbia Turnpike; Suite 105 Florham Park, NJ Toll Free: 1.888.OPENARMS 24/7 Hotline (1.888.673.6276) Providing adoption services since 1855. Open Arms Adoption Network is a program of JFCS of Greater Philadelphia. JFCS partners with the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia. Open Arms Adoption Network’s Workshop Schedule Winter/Spring 2015 BONDING & ATTACHMENT IN NEWBORN ADOPTION Attachment and bonding are critical to the development of secure human beings. A strong and healthy attachment formed early in life can set the stage for all future relationships. Children adopted domestically typically arrive in their adoptive families as infants, sometimes only days old, yet a focus on building strong attachments is very important. In this training we will explore the meaning and importance of bonding and attachment as well as provide simple techniques that will support your bonding and attaching to your child and their bonding and attaching to you. Parents will also learn language to use with friends and family to assist in explaining your attachment-focused parenting. Facilitator: Stefani Moon, Open Arms OPEN ADOPTION SEMINAR Join us for a full day exploration of open adoption. Topics presented include preparing to adopt, the nuts and bolts of the adoption process, and the benefits of maintaining a life-long healthy open adoption. Interwoven throughout the day, birth and adoptive families will share their open adoption experience. Facilitators: Open Arms Staff ADOPTING TRANSRACIALLY This workshop will be an opportunity to explore and prepare for the experience of transracial adoption—its joys, challenges, and richness. Topics discussed will include: the unique parenting tasks in transracial adoption; building interracial family identity; supporting healthy racial identity development for children of color; issues of race and racism interracial families formed by adoption face; choosing diversity over convenience; creating cultural competence and building bridges to our children’s heritage of origin. FACILITATOR: Abby Ruder, Marriage & Family Therapist, has been specializing in parenting and adoption for 25 years. She works with all members of the adoption triad pre & post placement. Ms. Ruder is also a mother by adoption in an interracial family. LIVING AS A MULTI-CULTURAL FAMILY When we choose to become a multicultural family through adoption, we accept the responsibility of opening our hearts and our lives to new ways of being. Join us as we talk about what it means to be a “conspicuous family”, how to talk about race and culture with your children, learn ways to incorporate a wide array of multiculturalism into your family and discuss strategies for helping to educate others in your life about what it means to be a multi-cultural family. This workshop is designed for all families who have or are planning to adopt a child of another culture. Facilitator: Stefani Moon, Open Arms THE HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCK© People say that “Kids don’t come with instructions”...but now they do! Sharing his wisdom from 30 years in pediatric practice, Dr. Karp’s mission is give to ALL parents the simple tools to help them feel smarter, less stressed, more effective...and have lots more fun too! In our The Happiest Baby on the Block class, pre-adoptive parents will learn step-by-step how to help their future newborn sleep better and how to soothe even the fussiest baby in minutes… even seconds! This class is based on the highly effective techniques pioneered by Dr. Harvey Karp in his best-selling book, The Happiest Baby on the Block. Topics include the calming reflex, Dr. Karp’s “five S’s”, colic and ways of recognizing and responding to your baby’s moods. Facilitator: Susan Slear, RN, CCE, CHBE, IBCLC is an RN, a Certified Childbirth Educator (CCE), Certified Happiest Baby Educator (CHBE) and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). In addition to 16 years experience teaching Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Infant Care and Happiest Baby on the Block, she also gained valuable experience by raising 6 children. THE LANGUAGE OF ADOPTION Learning to speak a new language is a skill that takes time and practice. When forming our family through adoption, the words we use to talk about it matter. Please join us as we explore ways to improve our fluency in speaking about adoption with acquaintances, child care providers, friends, family, and most importantly, with our children. This workshop is designed for families at all stages in their adoption, pre or post placement. Topics covered will include the use of accurate and positive terms, communication with birth families and techniques on how to initiate developmentally appropriate discussions with children. Facilitator: Stefani Moon, Open Arms NEWBORN CARE 101 This 2 hour class is designed to help build your confidence as a new parent by learning safe and comfortable ways to care for, diaper, swaddle and bathe your baby. We will also learn about newborn appearance and characteristics, choosing a pediatrician, crib and car seat safety. Facilitator: Susan Slear, RN, CCE, CHBE, IBCLC is an RN, a Certified Childbirth Educator (CCE), Certified Happiest Baby Educator (CHBE) and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). In addition to 16 years experience teaching Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Infant Care and now, Happiest Baby on the Block, she also gained valuable experience by raising 6 children. Toll Free: 1.888.OPENARMS 24/7 Hotline (1.888.673.6276) Providing adoption services since 1855. Open Arms Adoption Network is a program of JFCS of Greater Philadelphia. JFCS partners with the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.
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