PRICING GUIDE 2015 Personal foreign exchange Non-resident services Still bringing you real banking value Moving Forward TM Non-Resident Centre fees 2014 Fee* Minimum Maximum Transaction fees International payments (teletransmissions) excluding travel There is an additional telecommunication fee of R100,00 per transaction for outward payments** 0.51% R140,00 R690,00 Safe Custody fees Annual fee R405,00 Lodgement fee – first four items R17,00 Lodgement fee – per additional item thereafter R4,00 Endorsements Endorsement of Title deeds – Straight forward transactions R60,00 Endorsement of Title deeds – Time-consuming transactions R445,00 per hour or part thereof Endorsement of non-resident share certificate for private company R115,00 per endorsement Cancellation of non-resident endorsements R115,00 per endorsement Share related transactions Safe Custody – Annual fee R405,00 – Lodgement fee – first four items R17,00 – Lodgement fee – per additional item thereafter R4,00 Dematerialisation of shares via Investor Services for sale R260,00 Urgent dematerialisation R1 000,00 Rematerialisation of shares by Investor Services R645,00 Urgent rematerialisation R1 160,00 Dividends paid through Standard Bank nominees 0.41% R85,00 Claiming dividends on your behalf – per company 0.41% R85,00 R545,00 R85,00 R545,00 Changes in share details for example, Changes of name, capital re-organisation and/or company take-overs where new share certificates needed or old surrendered R225,00 Buying and selling of shares Service fee (Excluding fees charged by Investor Services) 2 0.53% 3 4 Non-Resident Centre fees 2015 Investor Services Investor Services will recover a fee for the following services: Transaction fee plus Depository fee: Equities (STRATE) depending on type of transaction Per on market transaction Per off market transaction Per account transfer Per portfolio transfer Buying or selling order is not executed or cancelled Monthly fee to maintain scrip accounts at Investor services Exchange Control Applications** Fee Minimum Maximum Mail applications R385,00 per hour or part thereof R985,00 R7 600,00 Electronic applications R385,00 per hour or part thereof R1 290,00 R7 600,00 Renewals R985,00 Handling fee inheritance by non-resident/emigrant to cover cost of documents, wills, distribution lists R225,00 Handling fee for exemption from regulation 3 (i)(f) applications (Control of lending of funds to non-residence and affected persons) R385,00 per hour or part thereof R1 290,00 R7 600,00 * Fee calculated on rand value of the transaction. ** We reserve the right to charge more for complex Exchange Control Applications. For fees related to foreign exchange transactions, please refer to foreign exchange guide on Disclaimer Our products and services, and the terms under which they are offered, may change. We will inform you within a reasonable time of these changes. It is in your interest to read your contract carefully. If you have any questions or need more information please contact your branch. Standard Bank subscribes to the Code of Banking Practice, please ask your branch for details. Terms and conditions apply. This brochure is not a full list of our prices. For more information, please contact your foreign exchange outlet or Foreign Trade service centre. Prices are subject to change. 5 Standard Bank supports the Ombudsman for Banking Services Sharecall number 0860 800 900 Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP15) The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06). Moving Forward is a trademark of The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited. SBSA 193107/R – 11/14 PG007
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