PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK PRINTING & STATIONERY DEPARTMENT HO: C-13, SECTOR 1, NOIDA - 201301 (UP) Tender No.PS/Envelopes/2014 DATE: 13.01.2015 M/s ------------------------------------------------------------Dear Sir, Reg: Notice inviting tenders for procurement of various types of Envelopes Bank intends to enter into rate (s) contract (s) with the vendors for supply of envelopes at our 25 stations all over India for a period of time. The purchase orders shall be placed by our different stationery centres from time to time as per their requirement, during the validity of arrangement. Accordingly, sealed tenders are invited in two parts - Technical Bid and Financial Bid from the Envelope Manufacturers as per specifications mentioned in enclosed Annexure-I. TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF VARIOUS TYPES OF ENVELOPES AS PER SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN ANNEXURE –I Quantum of Job Rs.30 Lacs per annum approximately. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Security Deposit Earnest money Deposit in the shape of Demand Draft/Pay Order for Rs.30,000/- in favour of ‘Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Printing & Stationery Department, NOIDA A/c________________ (Name of your firm)’ payable at NOIDA/Delhi. The successful tenderer shall have to furnish Security Deposit in the shape of FDR for one year and the Security Deposit shall be calculated as under:a) 10% on the first Rs.1, 00,000/- of the total amount of job. b) 7.5% on the next Rs.1, 00,000/- of the total amount of job. c) 5% on the next amount up to Rs.50.0 Lacs of the total amount of job. Time and last date of collecting tender proforma 02.02.2015 up to 2.00 p.m. from our office at the address given above through Registered Post /Courier / By hand addressed to Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Ptg. & Sty. Department, C13, Sector -1, Noida-201301 (U.P.), Superscribing on the envelope “TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OF VARIOUS TYPES OF ENVELOPES”. Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 1 of 11 Time & Last Date of Submission of both bids 02.02.2015 up to 3.00 p.m. through Regd. Post/ Courier/By Hand addressed to Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Ptg. & Sty. Deptt. C-13, Sector-1, Noida-201301 (U.P.), superscribing on the envelope “TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF VARIOUS TYPES OF ENVELOPES”. Time of opening of Technical Bid 02.02.2015 at 3.30 p.m. The representatives of the bidders who wish to be present during the opening of bids are welcome. Opening of Financial Bid Financial bids of only those bidders will be opened whose Technical bids are accepted by the Bank. The date & time of opening of financial bids shall be intimated after opening of the technical bids. Opening place The Tenders will be opened in our office, at 1st Floor, C-13, Sector -1, Noida-201301. (U.P.) on date and time mentioned above. The “Instructions to Bidder” and “General Terms & Conditions” (Annexure-I) are applicable for the tender. Conditions of the Technical and Financial Bids along with “Special Conditions of Tender” and “General Terms & Conditions” as stipulated at Annexure-I are applicable for the tender. The representatives of the bidders who wish to be present during course of opening of both bids are welcome as mentioned above. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, CHIEF MANAGER Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 2 of 11 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS & GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS TECHNICAL BID The bidder shall furnish the following documents:i). Proof of having complete infrastructure for fabrication & printing of envelopes under one roof. ii). Certificate of incorporation/partnership deed along with date of incorporation. Please provide the name of the Managing Director/ Managing Partner/ Proprietor/ key person along with their landline & mobile telephone numbers & e-mail ids. iii). Sales tax/VAT registration certificate & latest income tax clearance certificate (ITCC). (Please quote your PAN _______) iv). Copy of latest audited balance sheets duly certified by Chartered Accountant showing the Annual Turnover not less than Rs.50.00 lacs per annum. v). Documentary proof regarding ownership of machinery & equipments pertaining to Manufacturing of envelopes. vi). Quarter Sheet of Sample of paper as specified in Annexure-I duly stamped and signed by the manufacturer with complete nomenclature of paper be enclosed with the Technical Bid. vii). Earnest Money Deposit required: Rs 1, 00,000/- (Rupees One Lac only) by way of demand draft drawn on NOIDA/Delhi, favouring ‘Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Ptg. & Sty. Department, Noida (UP) A/c Name of your firm’. This will have to be a fresh deposit irrespective of any previous deposits made with the bank. Earnest Money Deposit should be compulsorily enclosed with TECHNICAL BID (Even in case of it being enclosed in financial bid, the tender will be rejected out rightly). viii). Name of Existing Banker(s). ix). All the previous/earlier year’s vendors are required to submit affidavit that all the orders received during contractual period (original as well as extended period) have been/were complied with to entire satisfaction of the Bank`s PSCs/SDCs concerned, and no order is/was kept pending. Technical bids shall be opened and examined first and if found necessary, verification of infrastructure/ facility available with the firm shall be made and financial bids of only technically eligible bidders shall be opened on the date and time to be intimated separately. FINANCIAL BID Please submit financial bid strictly on the enclosed Performa/format (Annexure-II) provided with this document, otherwise the bid will not be considered by the bank. Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 3 of 11 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. “Special conditions” shall supplement various instructions/terms & conditions. 2. The Bidder will submit duly superscribed on the envelope (i) Technical Bid and ii) Financial bid separately in two sealed envelopes. Further, both the above envelopes in turn will be put in another third envelope duly sealed, superscribing ‘TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF VARIOUS TYPE OF ENVELOPES’ on it. 3. Rates should be quoted on our prescribed format at Annexure-II enclosed. Please note that the format for Financial Bid should not be changed in any manner. Addition/deletion of the text therein by the vendor will automatically render the tender invalid and offer will be summarily rejected by the bank. There should not be any cutting in the bid. If any cutting is found without authentication, the bid shall be rejected out rightly and will not be accepted. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS & GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Rates should be quoted on the enclosed format (Annexure-II) only. The format for Financial Bid must not be changed in any manner. Addition/deletion/alteration of the text will automatically render the tender invalid and therefore, will be summarily rejected. 2. Rates per 1000 Envelopes of each type/item should be quoted F.O.R. godowns of Printing & Stationery Deptt, Noida/PSCs//SDCs at various destinations/stations in India including all taxes & government levies, if any. Any Govt. levies/taxes, if paid by the bank, shall be recovered from supplier’s bill. Suppliers should have awareness of the govt. levies, if any, at all the stations indicated in Annexure II and it will be their sole responsibility to include the same in the quoted rates. Bank shall not be responsible in any way if at a later stage supplier faces any difficulty in executing the orders placed by the different offices of the bank as mentioned above on this count. 3. Rates must be valid for a minimum period of 12 months from the date of acceptance by the bank and the same can be extended for a further period of three months if Bank so desires in its sole discretion. 4. Tenders, received at a place other than the address specified in the tender or received after the due date, will not be considered. It is sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that their tenders are delivered to the bank on or before the due date. 5. Bank reserves the exclusive right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. Bank also reserves the right to form a panel of manufacturers and distribute the work on L-1 rates among more than one suppliers in case of its requirements. Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 4 of 11 6. The tenderers may quote their rates for all or any types of envelopes as spelt out in Annexure-II. The Bank also reserves the right to accept wholly or partly any or all the tenders and distribute the work amongst more than one tenderer. 7. Tenderers are required to furnish Demand Draft as Earnest Money of Rs 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lac only) in favour of ‘Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Printing & Stationery Department, Noida, A/c (NAME OF YOUR FIRM)’. Technical bids without fresh Earnest Money Deposit in the shape of demand draft, will not be accepted by the bank; and as such, financial bids of such tenderers will not be opened. No cheque will be accepted. Earnest Money is refundable in case the rates are not found acceptable to the bank. 8. Incomplete tenders without fresh Earnest Money and not as per bank's specifications/terms & conditions in our prescribed format of Financial Bid (Annexure II) will automatically be summarily rejected. 9. In case the tenderer /supplier fails to honour our orders on approved rates during the validity period of the arrangement/agreement, the bank has the exclusive right to forfeit the security deposit and the name of the supplier will be removed from the list of approved suppliers without any further reference in the matter besides imposition of penalty, debarring from participation in future tenders, etc. 10. LST /CST/VAT/TIN number will have to be indicated on the bills. 11. Sub-tendering of the job will not be allowed. The Bank can approve more than one supplier for each station. 12. The tenderers are requested to call on our office for getting the sample/clarifications regarding specifications etc., if any, on any working day. 13. Tenders shall be submitted as per the specifications/proforma of the tender, otherwise tenders shall not be considered. Specimen/Samples of the specified material duly indicating the specification under firm's Stamp & Signature must also be enclosed with the technical bid. The same condition is also applicable at the time of each supply. 14. Traders/Distributors/Agents need not apply. Only manufacturers, fulfilling bank’s eligibility criteria, need to apply. 15. Manufacturers who fulfill all the terms and conditions may collect the tender documents from our office on any working day during office hours. The last date of submission of tenders is …01.2015 up to 2.00 p.m. 16. L-1 will be decided strictly on the basis of firm landed rates at ours Ptg. & Sty. Dept, NOIDA/PSCs / SDCs quoted by different bidders as per their Financial Bids (Annexure-II). 17. EMD submitted by the unsuccessful bidder will be returned to them without any interest whatsoever, after expiry of the final tender validity period but not later than 30 days after conclusion of the contract. EMD Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 5 of 11 of successful tenderer will be returned without any interest whatsoever, after receipt of performance security. 18. EMD of a tenderer will be forfeited, if the tenderer withdraws or amends its tender or impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the validity period of its tender. Further, if the successful tenderer fails to furnish the required performance security, within the specified period, its EMD will be forfeited. 19. Successful tenderers will have to submit security deposit in the shape of F.D.R. favouring ‘Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Printing & Stationery Department, Noida, A/c (NAME OF YOUR FIRM)’. for a minimum period of 12 months, to be extended for another three months or as may be required to match the contractual period, within 15 days from the date of acceptance of rates and will also have to enter into a contract with the bank, the terms & conditions thereof shall be communicated at that time. In case of delay without valid reasons in depositing the security, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be forfeited and the offer shall be treated as lapsed. 20. Orders for supply will be placed by our different offices from time to time as per bank's requirements. 21. Goods shall be accepted/received subject to inspection at our godowns. No variation in quality/specification of materials will be permitted. 22. Bank reserves the right of imposing penalty before accepting the goods (if useable) for defects (minor or major) and for delays, which shall be final and binding. 23. The usual terms and conditions of the bank, as may be in force from time to time, shall be applicable. 24. Complete supply will have to be made maximum within 20 days of order. In case of delay in supplies, the following delay clause shall be invoked:Delay in days against the specified Percentage of Penalty to be imposed on delivery period of 20 days amount of the bill for delay in delivery 1 day 2 days 5 days 10 days 15 days 20 days sans penalty 2.5% penalty 5% penalty 10% penalty 15% penalty 20% penalty 25. In case of default/non-delivery of goods in time as per schedule/specifications or any other reasons, the bank shall be entitled to claim damages and/or to debar/ blacklist the suppliers for any period of time and/or forfeit the security deposit, without any further reference in the matter. Further, in case of non-supply of goods the bank shall be Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 6 of 11 entitled to get the same from the open market and deduct the cost from the supplier's security deposit. 26. Rejected goods shall be removed within 24 hours from the Bank's premises by suppliers failing which these will be disposed off by the bank at supplier’s cost and risk. No claim for the same shall be entertained. Bank will not be responsible in any respect. 27. In case of any dispute, the decision of the AGM, Ptg. & Sty. Dept shall be final and binding. 28. The Bank generally makes the payment of bills within 15 days after the receipt of bills with challan etc. by e mode/RTGS/NEFT only.No cash payment will be made. 29. Complete supply will have to be made at our godowns at Ptg.& Sty. Noida/PSCs/SDCs or as specified by the bank, irrespective of the quantity ordered failing which the supplier will be delisted from the approved list and the security deposit will be forfeited without any further reference. 30. Following Certificate in the shape of rubber stamp is to be furnished under the official seal & signature of the firm on each challan, specimen and bill, in token of having used material as per bank's specifications :"Certified that the goods supplied/material used by us is strictly as per bank's specifications, terms & conditions and samples submitted by us along with technical bid." “Signature of authorized person with official seal." (Goods will not be accepted without this certificate.) CHIEF MANAGER Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 7 of 11 Annexure-I PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK PRINTING & STATIONERY DEPARTMENT HO: C-13, SECTOR-1, NOIDA, (U.P.) SPECIFICATIONS OF ENVELOPES Sr. No. 1 Description Envelopes Branch(small) 2 . 3. Branch (Large) Window Envelope Window Size (1.5” x 3.75”) Window Envelope (Two colour printing) Window Size (1.5” x 3.75”) Envelope special Envelope special Window envelope Window size 1.5” x 4” With good quality butter paper Envelope Voucher Bag 4. 5 6 7 8 9. 10. of the Size (in inches) 4.25” x 6.25” Flap Flap Size Substance of Paper 1.5” 58 GSM *Star Kraft 5” x 11” Pocket Shape Official 1.5” 58 GSM *Star Kraft 5” x 11” Official 1” 100 GSM *Star Kraft 4.5” x 9” Official 1” 100 GSM Maplitho (**JK / #Ballarpur) 5” x 11” 5” x 11” 3.75” x 6.75” Official Official Pocket Shape 1” 1” 1” 80 GSM *Star Kraft 100 GSM *Star Kraft 58 GSM *Star Kraft 7” x 11.75” 10.5 x 13.25” Official With out flap Pocket Shape Pocket Shape 1.75” 58 GSM *Star Kraft 58 GSM *Star Kraft 1.50” 80 (**JK 80 (**JK Customer (Small) (duly printed in 4 colour) Customer (Large) (duly printed in 4 colour) 3.75” x 6.50” 4.33” x 9.85” 13. Envelope cum-Pay-inslip (Two Colour printing) Envelope Laminated 14. Envelope Laminated 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. 4” x 9” Official 1.75” x 4 10” x 12” Official With 1” Glued flap 1.5” 12” x 16” Official 1.75” GSM Maplitho / #Ballarpur) GSM Maplitho / #Ballarpur) 95 GSM Maplitho (**JK / #Ballarpur) 105GSMYellow/White/ Blue cover paper #Ballarpur/***Andhra 105GSMYellow/White/ Blue cover paper #Ballarpur/***Andhra 80 GSM Maplitho (JK / #Ballarpur) Window Envelope 4.5” x 10” Official 1.75” (Four colour printing) Window size 1.75” x 4” Window Envelope 5.25” x 9.50” Pocket 1.5” 80 GSM Maplitho (Four colour printing) Shape (**JK / #Ballarpur) Window size 1.5” x 3.75” Four colour printing 8.50” x 11.75” Official 1.75” 100 GSM Maplitho Envelope (**JK / #Ballarpur) Note: The envelopes at Sr.no 10,11,15,16 & 17 shall be printed in four colour and the rest of the envelopes will have single colour printing,hence the rates should be quoted accordingly. 2. All Envelopes except Sr.No. 13,& 14 shall be packed in box containing 500 envelopes of which every 100 envelopes shall be duly wrapped with good quality of paper of size 1” width whereas envelopes at Sr. No. 13,& 14 will be packed as a packet of 100 envelopes duly cross tied with sutli. Five such packet are to crossed tied with sutli for making one bundle. 3. * Star paper Mills Ltd., ** JK Paper Mills, ***Andhra Paper Mills Ltd. and # M/s Bilt Graphic Paper products. Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 8 of 11 Page 1 The Chief Manager, Punjab national bank H.O. Ptg. & Sty. Deptt., Noida (U.P.) S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 FORMAT FOR FINANCIAL BID RATES FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF ENVELOPES Annexure II (F.O.R Destination / Station(Godown of Printing & Stationery Deptt. /PSCs /SDCs) including all taxes & govt. Levies( Rates in rupees per 1000 Envelopes) Station / Envelope Envelope Envelope Envelope Envelope Envelope Window 7” x 11.75” Voucher Bag Destinaqtion Branch(Small) Branch(Large) Window Window Special Special Envelope (8) (With out 4.24” x6.25” 5” x 11” 5” x 11” Two Colour 5” x 11” 80 5” x 11” 3.75” x 6.75” flap) (1) (2) (3) 4.5” x 9” GSM 100GSM (7) 10.5” x (4) (5) (6) 13.25” (9) NOIDA AGRA AHMEDABAD AMRITSAR BANGALORE BHOPAL CHANDIGARH CHENNAI GAYA GORAKHPUR GUWAHATI HARIDWAR JAIPUR JALANDHAR KANPUR KOLKATTA KOZHIKODE LUCKNOW LUDHIANA MEERUT MUMBAI MUZZAFARPUR NAGPUR PATNA ROHTAK The above rates are strictly F.O.R. Destination/Station& Godowns of Ptg. Sty. Deptt.,/PSCs/SDCs of your bank as per specifications of envelopes at annexure-I and including all taxes and Govt.Levies like Octroi,entry tax etc. if any .We confirm that the rates shall be valid for 12 months after your approval and the same can be further extended by 3 months by the bank in its sole discretion. Signature of the tenderer with name & Address of the firm and seal Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 9 of 11 Page 2 The Chief Manager, Punjab national bank H.O. Ptg. & Sty. Deptt., Noida (U.P.) S.No FORMAT FOR FINANCIAL BID RATES FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF ENVELOPES (F.O.R Destination / Station(Godown of Printing & Stationery Deptt. /PSCs /SDCs) including all taxes & govt. Levies (Rates in rupees per 1000 Envelopes) Window Four colour Envelope Window Envelope Envelope Envelope Envelope Station / Envelope ( envelope ( envelope Cloth lined Laminated envelope Destinaqtion Customer Customer Pay in slip Laminated (Small) (large) (Two Colour) 10” x 12” 12” x 16” Four Colour) Four Colour) 8.50” x 5.25” x 11” (14) 4.5” x 10” 5.25” x 9.5” 11.75” (18) 3.75” x6.50” 4” x9” 4.33” x 9.85” (13) (15) (16) (17) (10) (11) (12) 1 NOIDA 2 AGRA 3 AHMEDABAD 4 AMRITSAR 5 BANGALORE 6 BHOPAL 7 CHANDIGARH 8 CHENNAI 9 GAYA 10 GORAKHPUR 11 GUWAHATI 12 HARIDWAR Rates 13 JAIPUR needed only 14 JALANDHAR for Noida 15 KANPUR 16 KOLKATTA 17 KOZHIKODE 18 LUCKNOW 19 LUDHIANA 20 MEERUT 21 MUMBAI 22 MUZZAFARPUR 23 NAGPUR 24 PATNA 25 ROHTAK The above rates are strictly F.O.R. Destination/Station& Godowns of Ptg. Sty. Deptt.,/PSCs/SDCs of your bank as per specifications of envelopes at annexure-I and including all taxes and Govt.Levies like Octroi, entry tax etc. if any .We confirm that the rates shall be valid for 12 months after your approval and the same can be further extended by 3 months by the bank in its sole discretion. Signature of the tenderer with name & Address of the firm and seal Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 10 of 11 Page No.3 (Forming part of Financial Bid) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. We agree to abide by all Terms & Conditions of the Bank as per Tender Enquiry letter No.PS/Envelopes/2014 dated____________and any other instructions/terms & conditions which may be in force from time to time. Our tender is unconditional and we further undertake that we shall not resort to any conditions even during the tenure of the contract. We understand that the Technical Bid without samples will not be considered. Bank reserves the right to change the design of four colour envelopes from time to time and processing thereof shall be borne in by the supplier. Bank will not pay for the processing each time. The above items will be supplied strictly as per Bank's approved specification and "Terms & Conditions" All rates quoted by us are F.O.R. your various destinations/stations including all Statutory Govt. levies like CST, Excise Duty, Octroi, Entry Tax etc., if applicable. No variation in quality will be done by us. All terms and conditions have been read and are acceptable to us unconditionally. The above quoted rates are final/firm and will be strictly valid during the tenure of contract i.e. for at least 12 months from the date of final approval by the Bank and the same can be further extended by three months by the bank in its sole discretion. We certify that all information furnished by us is true and nothing has been concealed by us. In case, any information is found wholly or partly incorrect / false at any point of time, we understand that our firm will be black listed and our security deposit/Earnest Money will also be forfeited. We submit as above. DATE: SIGNATURE WITH RUBBER STAMP OF FIRM FULL NAME OF (PARTNER/PROPRIETOR/ DIRECTOR) ADDRESS LAND LINE ELEPHONE NOS & MOBILE No. E-MAIL ID Tender for Procurement of envelopes Page 11 of 11
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